/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Select account widget * * Selecting accounts needs special UI, and displaying needs special consideration * to avoid sending the entire user list to the client. * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright Nathan Gray 2012 * @version $Id$ */ "use strict"; /*egw:uses et2_widget_link; */ /** * Account selection widget * Changes according to the user's account_selection preference * - 'none' => Server-side: the read-only widget is used * - 'groupmembers' => Non admins can only select groupmembers (Server side - normal selectbox) * - 'selectbox' => Selectbox with all accounts and groups (Server side - normal selectbox) * - 'primary_group' => Selectbox with primary group and search * - 'popup' => No selectbox, just search. No popup, the search replaces the selectbox * * Only primary_group and popup need anything different from a normal selectbox */ var et2_selectAccount = et2_selectbox.extend({ attributes: { 'account_type': { 'name': 'Account type', 'default': 'accounts', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Limit type of accounts. One of {accounts,groups,both,owngroups}.' } }, legacyOptions: ['empty_label','account_type'], account_types: ['accounts','groups','both','owngroups'], init: function(_parent, _attrs) { // Type in rows or somewhere else? if(jQuery.inArray(_attrs['empty_label'], this.account_types) > 0 && ( jQuery.inArray(_attrs['account_type'], this.account_types) < 0 || _attrs['account_type'] == this.attributes.account_type.default) ) { _attrs['account_type'] = _attrs['empty_label'] _attrs['empty_label'] = ''; } if(jQuery.inArray(_attrs['account_type'], this.account_types) < 0) { this.egw().debug("warn", "Invalid account_type: %s Valid options:",_attrs['account_type'], this.account_types); } this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Holder for search jQuery nodes this.search = null; // Reference to object with dialog this.dialog = null; }, destroy: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Single selection - override to add search button */ createInputWidget: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var type = this.egw().preference('account_selection', 'common'); // Add search button if(type == 'primary_group') { var button = jQuery(document.createElement("span")) .addClass("et2_clickable") .click(this, this._open_search) .append('') this.getSurroundings().insertDOMNode(button[0]); } else if (type == 'popup') { // Allow search 'inside' this widget this.supportedWidgetClasses = [et2_link_entry]; this._create_search(); // Use empty label as blur if(this.options.empty_label) this.search_widget.set_blur(this.options.empty_label); // Rework to go around / through the selectbox if(this.input) { this.getValue = function() {return this.value;}; this.set_value = function(_value) { this.value = _value; this.search_widget.set_value(_value); } this.search_widget.search.change(this, function(event) { var value = event.data.search_widget.getValue(); event.data.value = typeof value == 'object' && value ? value.id : value; event.data.input.trigger("change"); }); } var div = jQuery(document.createElement("div")).append(this.search_widget.getDOMNode()); this.setDOMNode(div[0]); } }, /** * Multiple selection - override to add search button */ createMultiSelect: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var type = this.egw().preference('account_selection', 'common'); if(type == 'primary_group') { // Add search button var button = jQuery(document.createElement("li")) .addClass("et2_clickable") .click(this, this._open_multi_search) .append('') .append(""+this.egw().lang('search')+""); var type = this.egw().preference('account_selection', 'common'); // Put it first so check/uncheck don't move around this.multiOptions.prev().show().find('ul') .prepend(button); } else if (type == 'popup') { // Allow search 'inside' this widget this.supportedWidgetClasses = [et2_link_entry]; /** * Popup takes the dialog and embeds it in place of the selectbox */ var dialog = this._open_multi_search(); dialog.dialog("close"); var div = jQuery(document.createElement("div")).append(this.dialog); this.setDOMNode(div[0]); var select_col = jQuery('#selection_col',dialog).children(); var selected = jQuery('#selected', select_col); // Re-do to get it to work around/through the select box this.set_value = function(_value) { selected.empty(); if(typeof _value == 'string') { _value = _value.split(','); } if(typeof _value == 'object') { for(var key in _value) { this._add_selected(selected, _value[key]); } } }; var widget = this; this.getValue = function() { // Update widget with selected var ids = []; var data = {}; jQuery('#selected li',select_col).each(function() { // Remove sel_ prefix and add to list ids.push(this.id.substr(4)); // Make sure option is there if(jQuery('input[id$="_opt_'+this.id.substr(4)+'"]',widget.multiOptions).length == 0) { widget._appendMultiOption(this.id.substr(4),jQuery('label',this).text()); } }); this.set_multi_value(ids); return ids; }; } }, /** * Create & display a way to search & select a single account / group * Single selection is just link widget */ _open_search: function(e) { var widget = e.data; var search = widget._create_search(); // Selecting a single user closes the dialog, this only used if user cleared var ok_click = function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); widget.set_value([]); // Fire change event if(widget.input) widget.input.trigger("change"); // Free it up, it will be re-created, if ever needed again jQuery(this).dialog("destroy"); }; widget._create_dialog(search, ok_click); }, /** * Create & display a way to search & select multiple accounts / groups */ _open_multi_search: function(e) { var widget = e && e.data ? e.data : this; var table = widget.search = jQuery('
'); table.css("width", "100%").css("height", "100%"); var search_col = jQuery('#search_col',table); var select_col = jQuery('#selection_col',table); // Search / Selection search_col.append(widget._create_search()); // Currently selected select_col.append(widget._create_selected()); var ok_click = function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); // Update widget with selected var ids = []; var data = {}; jQuery('#selected li',select_col).each(function() { // Remove sel_ prefix and add to list ids.push(this.id.substr(4)); // Make sure option is there if(jQuery('input[id$="_opt_'+this.id.substr(4)+'"]',widget.multiOptions).length == 0) { widget._appendMultiOption(this.id.substr(4),jQuery('label',this).text()); } }); widget.set_value(ids); // Free it up, it will be re-created, if ever needed again jQuery(this).dialog("destroy"); // Fire change event if(widget.input) widget.input.trigger("change"); }; var container = jQuery(document.createElement("div")).append(table); return widget._create_dialog(container, ok_click); }, /** * Create / display popup with search / selection widgets */ _create_dialog: function(widgets, update_function) { this.dialog = widgets; widgets.dialog({ title: this.options.label ? this.options.label : this.egw().lang('Select'), modal: true, // Static size for easier layout width: "500", height: "350", buttons: [{ text: this.egw().lang("ok"), click: update_function },{ text: this.egw().lang("cancel"), click: function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); jQuery(this).dialog("destroy"); }} ] }); return widgets; }, /** * Search is a link-entry widget, with some special display for multi-select */ _create_search: function() { var self = this; var search = this.search = jQuery(document.createElement("div")); var search_widget = this.search_widget = et2_createWidget('link-entry', { 'only_app': 'home-accounts', 'query': function(request, response) { // Clear previous search results for multi-select if(!request.options) { search.find('#search_results').empty(); } // Restrict to specified account type if(!request['options'] || !request['options']['filter']) { request['options'] = {filter:{group:self.options.account_type}}; } return true; }, 'select': function(e, selected) { // Make sure option is there if(typeof self.options.select_options[selected.item.value] == 'undefined') { self.options.select_options[selected.item.value] = selected.item; self._appendOptionElement(selected.item.value, selected.item.label); } self.set_value(selected.item.value); if(self.dialog) { self.dialog.dialog("close"); self.dialog.dialog("destroy"); } // Fire change event if(self.input) self.input.trigger("change"); return true; } }, this); // add it where we want it search.append(search_widget.getDOMNode()); if(!this.options.multiple) return search; // Multiple is more complicated. It uses a custom display for results to // allow choosing multiples from a match var results = jQuery(document.createElement("ul")) .attr("id", "search_results") .css("height", "230px") .addClass("ui-multiselect-checkboxes ui-helper-reset"); jQuery(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("et2_selectbox") .css("height", "100%") .append(results) .appendTo(search); // Override link-entry auto-complete for custom display // Don't show normal drop-down search_widget.search.data("autocomplete")._suggest = function(items) { jQuery.each(items, function (index, item) { self._add_search_result(results, item); }); } return search; }, /** * Add the selected result to the list of search results */ _add_search_result: function(list, item) { var node = null; var self = this; // (containter of) Currently selected users / groups var selected = jQuery('#selected', this.dialog); // Group if(item.value && item.value < 0) { node = jQuery(document.createElement('ul')); // Add button to show users if(this.options.account_type != 'groups') { jQuery('') .css("float", "left") .appendTo(node) .toggle(function() { jQuery(this).removeClass("ui-icon-circlesmall-plus") .addClass("ui-icon-circlesmall-minus"); var group = jQuery(this).parent() .addClass("expanded"); if(group.children("li").length == 0) { // Fetch group members self.search_widget.query({term:"",options: {filter:{group: item.value}}}, function(items) { jQuery(items).each(function(index,item) { self._add_search_result(node, item); }); }); } else { group.children("li") // Only show children that are not selected .each(function(index, item) { var j = jQuery(item); if(jQuery('#sel_'+j.attr("id").substr(5),selected).length == 0) { j.show(); } }); } },function() { jQuery(this).addClass("ui-icon-circlesmall-plus") .removeClass("ui-icon-circlesmall-minus"); var group = jQuery(this).parent().children("li").hide(); }); } } // User else if (item.value) { node = jQuery(document.createElement('li')); } node.attr("id", "list_"+item.value); jQuery('') .css("float", "right") .appendTo(node) .click(function() { var button = jQuery(this); self._add_selected(selected, button.parent().attr("id").substr(5)); // Hide user, but only hide button for group if(button.parent().is('li')) { button.parent().hide(); } else { button.hide(); } }); // If already in list, hide it if(jQuery('#sel_'+item.value,selected).length != 0) { node.hide(); } var label = jQuery(document.createElement('label')) .addClass("loading") .appendTo(node); this.egw().link_title('home-accounts', item.value, function(name) { label.text(name).removeClass("loading") }, label); node.appendTo(list) }, _create_selected: function() { var node = jQuery(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("et2_selectbox"); var header = jQuery(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix") .appendTo(node); var selected = jQuery(document.createElement("ul")) .addClass("ui-multiselect-checkboxes ui-helper-reset") .attr("id", "selected") .css("height", "230px") .appendTo(node); jQuery(document.createElement("span")) .text(this.egw().lang("Selection")) .addClass("ui-multiselect-header") .appendTo(header); var controls = jQuery(document.createElement("ul")) .addClass('ui-helper-reset') .appendTo(header); jQuery(document.createElement("li")) .addClass("et2_clickable") .click(selected, function(e) {jQuery("li",e.data).remove();}) .append('') .append(""+this.egw().lang('Remove all')+"") .appendTo(controls); // Add in currently selected if(this.getValue()) { var value = this.getValue(); for(var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { this._add_selected(selected, value[i]); } } return node; }, /** * Add an option to the list of selected accounts * value is the account / group ID */ _add_selected: function(list, value) { var option = jQuery(document.createElement('li')) .attr("id",'sel_'+value) .appendTo(list); jQuery('') .css("float", "right") .appendTo(option) .click(function() { var id = jQuery(this).parent().attr("id").substr(4); jQuery(this).parent().remove(); // Add 'add' button back, if in results list list.parents("tr").find("#list_"+id).show() // Show button(s) for group .children('span').show(); }); var label = jQuery(document.createElement('label')) .addClass("loading") .appendTo(option); this.egw().link_title('home-accounts', value, function(name) {this.text(name).removeClass("loading")}, label); } }); et2_register_widget(et2_selectAccount, ["select-account"]); /** * et2_selectAccount_ro is the readonly implementation of select account * It extends et2_link to avoid needing the whole user list on the client. * Instead, it just asks for the names of the ones needed, as needed. */ var et2_selectAccount_ro = et2_link_string.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM], { attributes: { "empty_label": { "name": "Empty label", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Textual label for first row, eg: 'All' or 'None'. ID will be ''" }, }, legacyOptions: ["empty_label"], init: function(_parent, options) { /** Resolve some circular dependency problems here selectAccount extends link, link is in a file that needs select, select has menulist wrapper, which needs to know about selectAccount before it allows it */ if(_parent.supportedWidgetClasses.indexOf(et2_selectAccount_ro) < 0) { _parent.supportedWidgetClasses.push(et2_selectAccount_ro); } this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Legacy options could have row count or empty label in first slot if(typeof this.options.empty_label == "string") { if(isNaN(this.options.empty_label)) { this.options.empty_label = this.egw().lang(this.options.empty_label); } } this.options.application = 'home-accounts'; // Don't make it look like a link though this.list.removeClass("et2_link_string").addClass("et2_selectbox"); }, transformAttributes: function(_attrs) { et2_selectbox.prototype.transformAttributes.apply(this, arguments); }, set_value: function(_value) { // Explode csv if(typeof _value == 'string' && _value.indexOf(',') > 0) { _value = _value.split(','); } // Don't bother to lookup if it's not an array, or a number if(typeof _value == 'object' || !isNaN(_value)) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Don't make it look like a link though jQuery('li',this.list).removeClass("et2_link et2_link_string"); return; } // Don't make it look like a link jQuery('li',this.list).removeClass("et2_link et2_link_string"); if(this.options.select_options && this.options.select_options[_value] || this.options.empty_label) { if(!_value) { // Empty label from selectbox this.list.append("
  • "+this.options.empty_label+"
  • "); } else if (this.options.select_options[_value]) { this.list.append("
  • "+this.options.select_options[_value]+"
  • "); } else if (typeof _value == 'object') { // An array with 0 / empty in it? for(var i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) { if(!_value[i] || !parseInt(_value[i])) { this.list.append("
  • "+this.options.empty_label+"
  • "); return; } else if (this.options.select_options[_value]) { this.list.append("
  • "+this.options.select_options[_value]+"
  • "); } } } } } }); et2_register_widget(et2_selectAccount_ro, ["select-account_ro"]);