/* DynAPI Distribution DynLayer NS4 Specific Functions The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. requires: dynapi.api.DynLayerBase */ p = DynLayer.prototype; p._ns4IPad = ''; // used with blackboard p._remove = function() { if (this.elm) { var p = this.parent; if (p && this._alias) p[this._alias]=null; if (!p.doc.recycled) p.doc.recycled=[]; p.doc.recycled[p.doc.recycled.length]=this.elm; this.elm.visibility="hide"; this.elm = null; if (this.releaseMouseEvents) this.releaseMouseEvents(); if (this.releaseKeyEvents) this.releaseKeyEvents(); } /*this.frame = null; this.bgImage = null; this.bgColor = null; this.html = null; this.z = null; this.w = null; this.h = null; this.elm = null; this.doc = null; this.css = null;*/ }; p._create = function() { if (this.parent && !this.elm) { DynElement._flagPreCreate(this); var parentElement = this.parent.isClass('DynLayer')? this.parent.elm : this.parent.frame; var elm = new Layer(this.w||0, parentElement); if(this._className) elm.className=this._className; // does this work in ns4? if(!this._noStyle) { if (this.w) elm.clip.width = this.w+this._fixBw; if (this.h) elm.clip.height = this.h+this._fixBh; if (this.x && this.y) elm.moveTo(this.x,this.y); else if (this.x) elm.left = this.x; else if (this.y) elm.top = this.y; if (this.bgColor!=null) elm.document.bgColor = this.bgColor; if (this.clip) { var c = elm.clip, cl = this.clip; c.top=cl[0], c.right=cl[1], c.bottom=cl[2], c.left=cl[3]; } if (this.z) elm.zIndex = this.z; if (this.visible) elm.visibility = 'inherit'; } if (this.children.length || (this.html!=null && this.html!='')) { elm.document.write(this.getInnerHTML()); elm.document.close(); } DynLayer._assignElement(this,elm); DynElement._flagCreate(this); } }; DynLayer._getLayerById = function(id,pElm){ var i,lyrs,elm; pElm = (pElm)? pElm:document; lyrs = pElm.layers; for (i=0;i, images, links, etc } dlyr.elm._dynobj = dlyr.doc._dynobj = dlyr; dlyr._dyndoc = dlyr.parent._dyndoc; // COMMENTED OUT TO PERMIT CSS PRIORITY // by Raphael Pereira if (0 && dlyr.html!=null && dlyr.html!='' && (dlyr.w==null || dlyr.h==null)) { var cw = (dlyr.w==null)? dlyr.getContentWidth() : null; var ch = (dlyr.h==null)? dlyr.getContentHeight() : null; //var cw = (dlyr.w==null)? dlyr.getElmWidth() : null; //var ch = (dlyr.h==null)? dlyr.getElmHeight() : null; dlyr.setSize(cw,ch); } if (dlyr.bgImage!=null) dlyr.setBgImage(dlyr.bgImage); var i,ch=dlyr.children; for (i=0;i'+this.getInnerHTML()+''; else { if (this.clip) clip=' clip="'+this.clip[3]+','+this.clip[0]+','+this.clip[1]+','+this.clip[2]+'"'; else clip=' clip="0,0,'+((this.w>=0)? this.w+fixBw:0)+','+((this.h>=0)? this.h+fixBh:0)+'"'; return [ '\n<'+tag+' ',this._cssClass,' id="'+this.id+'"', ' left=',(this.x!=null? this.x : 0), ' top=',(this.y!=null? this.y : 0), ((this.visible)? ' visibility="inherit"':' visibility="hide"'), ((this.w!=null)? ' width='+(this.w+fixBw):''), ((this.h!=null)? ' height='+(this.h+fixBw):''), ((this.z)? ' zindex='+this.z:''), ((this.bgColor!=null)? ' bgcolor="'+this.bgColor+'"':''), ((this.bgImage!=null)? ' background="'+this.bgImage+'"':''), clip,'>',this.getInnerHTML(),'' ].join(''); } }; p.getInnerHTML = function() { var i,s = '',ch=this.children; if (this.html!=null) { if (this.w==null) s += ''+this.html+''; else s+=this.html; } if (this._blkBoardElm) s=''+this._ns4IPad+s+''; if(ch.length<50) for (i=0;ithis._maxW) w=this._maxW; if (this._maxH && h>this._maxH) h=this._maxH; } var cw = (w!=null && w!=this.w); var ch = (h!=null && h!=this.h); if (cw) this.w = w<0? 0 : w; if (ch) this.h = h<0? 0 : h; if (cw||ch) { if (this._hasAnchor) this.updateAnchor(); // update this anchor if (this._hasChildAnchors) this._updateAnchors(); // update child anchors if (this.css) { if (cw) this.css.clip.width = (this.w || 0)+this._fixBw; if (ch) this.css.clip.height = (this.h || 0)+this._fixBh; // adjust parent size after being sized if((cw||ch) && this.parent._aSz) this.parent._adjustSize(); if (this.updateLayout) this.updateLayout(); } } if(this._hasResizeEvents) this.invokeEvent('resize'); return (cw||ch); }; p.setHTML=function(html) { var ch = (html!=null && html!=this.html); if (ch) { this.html = html; if (this.css) { var i, doc = this.doc; var html=(!this._blkBoardElm)? this.html:this._ns4IPad+this.html; // don't ask why! See HTMLContainer doc.open(); doc.write(html); doc.close(); for (i=0;i