/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Itempicker object * derived from et2_link_entry widget @copyright 2011 Nathan Gray * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Christian Binder * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright 2012 Christian Binder * @copyright 2011 Nathan Gray * @version $Id: et2_widget_itempicker.js 38623 2012-03-26 23:27:53Z jaytraxx $ */ "use strict"; /*egw:uses jquery.jquery; et2_core_inputWidget; et2_core_valueWidget; et2_extension_itempicker_actions; egw_action.egw_action_common; */ /** * Class which implements the "itempicker" XET-Tag * * @augments et2_inputWidget */ var et2_itempicker = et2_inputWidget.extend( { attributes: { "action": { "name": "Action callback", "type": "string", "default": false, "description": "Callback for action. Must be a function(context, data)" }, "action_label": { "name": "Action label", "type": "string", "default": "Action", "description": "Label for action button" }, "application": { "name": "Application", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Limit to the listed application or applications (comma separated)" }, "blur": { "name": "Placeholder", "type": "string", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "This text get displayed if an input-field is empty and does not have the input-focus (blur). It can be used to show a default value or a kind of help-text." }, "value": { "name": "value", "type": "any", "default": "", "description": "Optional itempicker value(s) - can be used for e.g. environmental information" }, "query": { "name": "Query callback", "type": "any", "default": false, "description": "Callback before query to server. Must return true, or false to abort query." }, }, legacyOptions: ["application"], search_timeout: 200, //ms after change to send query minimum_characters: 2, // Don't send query unless there's at least this many chars last_search: "", // Remember last search value action: null, // Action function for button current_app: "", // Remember currently chosen application /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_itempicker */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.div = null; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.right_container = null; this.app_select = null; this.search = null; this.button_action = null; this.itemlist = null; if(this.options.action !== null && typeof this.options.action == "string") { this.action = new egwFnct(this, "javaScript:" + this.options.action); } else { console.log("itempicker widget: no action provided for button"); } this.createInputWidget(); }, clearSearchResults: function() { this.search.val(""); this.itemlist.html(""); this.search.focus(); this.clear.hide(); }, createInputWidget: function() { var _self = this; this.div = $j(document.createElement("div")); this.left = $j(document.createElement("div")); this.right = $j(document.createElement("div")); this.right_container = $j(document.createElement("div")); this.app_select = $j(document.createElement("ul")); this.search = $j(document.createElement("input")); this.clear = $j(document.createElement("span")); this.itemlist = $j(document.createElement("div")); // Container elements this.div.addClass("et2_itempicker"); this.left.addClass("et2_itempicker_left"); this.right.addClass("et2_itempicker_right"); this.right_container.addClass("et2_itempicker_right_container"); // Application select this.app_select.addClass("et2_itempicker_app_select"); var item_count = 0; for(var key in this.options.select_options) { var img_icon = this.egw().image(key + "/navbar"); if(img_icon === null) { continue; } var img = $j(document.createElement("img")); img.attr("src", img_icon); var item = $j(document.createElement("li")) item.attr("id", key) .click(function() { _self.selectApplication($j(this)); }) .append(img); if(item_count == 0) { this.selectApplication(item); // select first item by default } this.app_select.append(item); item_count++; } // Search input field this.search.addClass("et2_itempicker_search"); this.search.keyup(function() { var request = {}; request.term = $j(this).val(); _self.query(request); }); this.set_blur(this.options.blur, this.search); // Clear button for search this.clear .addClass("et2_itempicker_clear ui-icon ui-icon-close") .click(function(e){ _self.clearSearchResults(); }) .hide(); // Action button this.button_action = et2_createWidget("button"); $j(this.button_action.getDOMNode()).addClass("et2_itempicker_button_action"); this.button_action.set_label(this.egw().lang(this.options.action_label)); this.button_action.click = function() { _self.doAction(); }; // Itemlist this.itemlist.attr("id", "itempicker_itemlist"); this.itemlist.addClass("et2_itempicker_itemlist"); // Put everything together this.left.append(this.app_select); this.right_container.append(this.search); this.right_container.append(this.clear); this.right_container.append(this.button_action.getDOMNode()); this.right_container.append(this.itemlist); this.right.append(this.right_container); this.div.append(this.right); // right before left to have a natural this.div.append(this.left); // z-index for left div over right div this.setDOMNode(this.div[0]); }, doAction: function() { if(this.action !== null) { var data = {}; data.app = this.current_app; data.value = this.options.value; data.checked = this.getSelectedItems(); return this.action.exec(this, data); } return false; }, getSelectedItems: function() { var items = []; $j(this.itemlist).children("ul").children("li.selected").each(function(index) { items[index] = $j(this).attr("id"); }); return items; }, /** * Ask server for entries matching selected app/type and filtered by search string */ query: function(request) { if(request.term.length < 3) { return true; } // Remember last search this.last_search = request.term; // Allow hook / tie in if(this.options.query && typeof this.options.query == 'function') { if(!this.options.query(request, response)) return false; } //if(request.term in this.cache) { // return response(this.cache[request.term]); //} this.itemlist.addClass("loading"); this.clear.css("display", "inline-block"); egw._json("etemplate_widget_itempicker::ajax_item_search::etemplate", [this.current_app, '', request.term, request.options], this.queryResults, this,true,this ).sendRequest(); }, /** * Server found some results for query */ queryResults: function(data) { this.itemlist.removeClass("loading"); this.updateItemList(data); }, selectApplication: function(app) { this.clearSearchResults(); $j(".et2_itempicker_app_select li").removeClass("selected"); app.addClass("selected"); this.current_app = app.attr("id"); return true; }, set_blur: function(_value, input) { if(typeof input == 'undefined') input = this.search; if(_value) { input.attr("placeholder", _value); // HTML5 if(!input[0].placeholder) { // Not HTML5 if(input.val() == "") input.val(_value); input.focus(input,function(e) { var placeholder = _value; if(e.data.val() == placeholder) e.data.val(""); }).blur(input, function(e) { var placeholder = _value; if(e.data.val() == "") e.data.val(placeholder); }); if(input.val() == "") input.val(_value); } } else { this.search.removeAttr("placeholder"); } }, transformAttributes: function(_attrs) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); _attrs["select_options"] = {}; if(_attrs["application"]) { var apps = et2_csvSplit(_attrs["application"], null, ","); for(var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { _attrs["select_options"][apps[i]] = this.egw().lang(apps[i]); } } else { _attrs["select_options"] = this.egw().link_app_list('query'); } // Check whether the options entry was found, if not read it from the // content array. if (_attrs["select_options"] == null) { _attrs["select_options"] = this.getArrayMgr('content') .getEntry("options-" + this.id) } // Default to an empty object if (_attrs["select_options"] == null) { _attrs["select_options"] = {}; } }, updateItemList: function(data) { var list = $j(document.createElement("ul")); var item_count = 0; var _self = this; for(var id in data) { var item = $j(document.createElement("li")); if(item_count%2 == 0) { item.addClass("row_on"); } else { item.addClass("row_off"); } item.attr("id", id) .html(data[id]) .click(function(e) { if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { // add to selection $j(this).addClass("selected"); } else if(e.shiftKey) { // select range var start = $j(this).siblings(".selected").first(); if(start == 0) { // no start item - cannot select range - select single item $j(this).addClass("selected"); return true; } var end = $j(this); // swap start and end if start appears after end in dom hierarchy if(start.index() > end.index()) { var startOld = start; start = end; end = startOld; } // select start to end start.addClass("selected"); start.nextUntil(end).addClass("selected"); end.addClass("selected"); } else { // select single item $j(this).siblings(".selected").removeClass("selected"); $j(this).addClass("selected"); } }); list.append(item); item_count++; } this.itemlist.html(list); } }); et2_register_widget(et2_itempicker, ["itempicker"]);