* @version $Id$ */ require_once('./phpgwapi/inc/xajax/xajax_core/xajax.inc.php'); /** * callback if the session-check fails, redirects via xajax to login.php * * @param array &$anon_account anon account_info with keys 'login', 'passwd' and optional 'passwd_type' * @return boolean/string true if we allow anon access and anon_account is set, a sessionid or false otherwise */ function xajax_redirect(&$anon_account) { // now the header is included, we can set the charset $GLOBALS['xajax']->configure('characterEncoding',translation::charset()); define('XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING',translation::charset()); $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->redirect($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/login.php?cd=10'); $response->printOutput(); common::egw_exit(); } /** * Exception handler for xajax, return the message (and trace, if enabled) as alert() to the user * * Does NOT return! * * @param Exception $e */ function ajax_exception_handler(Exception $e) { // logging all exceptions to the error_log if (function_exists('_egw_log_exception')) { _egw_log_exception($e,$message); } $response = new xajaxResponse(); $message .= ($message ? "\n\n" : '').$e->getMessage(); // only show trace (incl. function arguments) if explicitly enabled, eg. on a development system if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['exception_show_trace']) { $message .= "\n\n".$e->getTraceAsString(); } $response->addAlert($message); $response->printOutput(); if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw'])) { common::egw_exit(); } exit; } // set our own exception handler, to not get the html from eGW's default one set_exception_handler('ajax_exception_handler'); /** * Callback called from xajax * * Includs the header and set's up the eGW enviroment. * * @return xajaxResponse object */ function doXMLHTTP() { $numargs = func_num_args(); if($numargs < 1) return false; $argList = func_get_args(); $arg0 = array_shift($argList); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach($argList as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { foreach($argList as $key1 => $value1) { $argList[$key][$key1] = stripslashes($value1); } } else { $argList[$key] = stripslashes($value); } } } //error_log("xajax_doXMLHTTP('$arg0',...)"); if (strpos($arg0,'::') !== false && strpos($arg0,'.') === false) // static method name app_something::method { @list($className,$functionName,$handler) = explode('::',$arg0); list($appName) = explode('_',$className); } else { @list($appName, $className, $functionName, $handler) = explode('.',$arg0); } //error_log("xajax.php: appName=$appName, className=$className, functionName=$functionName, handler=$handler"); $GLOBALS['egw_info'] = array( 'flags' => array( 'currentapp' => $appName, 'noheader' => True, 'disable_Template_class' => True, 'autocreate_session_callback' => 'xajax_redirect', 'no_exception_handler' => true, // we already installed our own 'no_dla_update' => $appName == 'notifications', // otherwise session never time out ) ); include('./header.inc.php'); // now the header is included, we can set the charset $GLOBALS['xajax']->configure('characterEncoding',translation::charset()); define('XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING',translation::charset()); switch($handler) { case '/etemplate/process_exec': $_GET['menuaction'] = $appName.'.'.$className.'.'.$functionName; $appName = $className = 'etemplate'; $functionName = 'process_exec'; $arg0 = 'etemplate.etemplate.process_exec'; $argList = array( $argList[0]['etemplate_exec_id'], $argList[0]['submit_button'], $argList[0], 'xajaxResponse', ); //error_log("xajax_doXMLHTTP() /etemplate/process_exec handler: arg0='$arg0', menuaction='$_GET[menuaction]'"); break; case 'etemplate': // eg. ajax code in an eTemplate widget $arg0 = ($appName = 'etemplate').'.'.$className.'.'.$functionName; break; } if(substr($className,0,4) != 'ajax' && substr($className,-4) != 'ajax' && $arg0 != 'etemplate.etemplate.process_exec' && substr($functionName,0,4) != 'ajax' || !preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.|::)[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/',$arg0)) { // stopped for security reasons error_log($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. ' stopped for security reason. '.$arg0.' is not valid. class- or function-name must start with ajax!!!'); // send message also to the user throw new Exception($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. ' stopped for security reason. '.$arg0.' is not valid. class- or function-name must start with ajax!!!'); exit; } $ajaxClass =& CreateObject($appName.'.'.$className); $argList = translation::convert($argList, 'utf-8'); return call_user_func_array(array(&$ajaxClass, $functionName), (array)$argList ); } $xajax = new xajax(); //$xajax->configure('requestURI',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION,'doXMLHTTP'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION,'doXMLHTTP',array('mode' => "'synchronous'",'alias' => 'doXMLHTTPsync')); $xajax->processRequest();