/* DynAPI Distribution Debugger The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. */ // Note: Debugger does not have to be a DynObject - very important for blueprinted layers function Debugger() { this._mode='normal'; this.win = null; this._watch={}; this._evalBuffer=''; this._buffer = dynapi._debugBuffer; dynapi._debugBuffer = ''; // close the debug window on unload this.closeOnUnLoad = false; dynapi.onUnload(function() { if (dynapi.debug.closeOnUnLoad) dynapi.debug.close(); }); this.open(); } var p = Debugger.prototype; //dynapi.setPrototype('Debugger','DynObject'); p.close = function() { if (this.isLoaded()) { this.win.close(); this.win = null; } }; // error - output a browser generated error to the debug window p.error = function(msg, url, lno) { if (url && url.indexOf(dynapi.documentPath)==0) { url = url.substring(dynapi.documentPath.length); } this.print('Error:'+ (lno? ' Line '+lno : '') +' ['+url+']\n '+msg); }; // evaluates an expression in the scope of the main dynapi window p.evaluate = function(str) { dynapi.frame.eval(str); this.setEvalHistory(str); }; // get evaluation history p.getEvalHistory=function(n){ if(!this.isLoaded()) return; var t,f=this.win.document.debugform; if(n>=1) { var lim=this.win.evalHistory.length-1; this.win.evalIndex++; if (this.win.evalIndex>lim) this.win.evalIndex=(lim<0)?0:lim; t=this.win.evalHistory[this.win.evalIndex]; if(t)f.eval.value=t; }else if(n<=0){ this.win.evalIndex--; if(this.win.evalIndex<0) this.win.evalIndex=0; t=this.win.evalHistory[this.win.evalIndex]; if(t)f.eval.value=t; } }; // lists all known properties of an object p.inspect = function(obj,showFunctions) { this.print('Inspecting:'); var v; if (typeof(obj)=='string') obj=eval(obj); if (typeof(obj)=='object') { for (var i in obj) { if (obj[i]==null) v = 'null' else if (typeof(obj[i])=='undefined') v = 'null'; else if (typeof(obj[i])=='function') { if (showFunctions==false) continue; else v = '[Function]'; } else if (typeof(obj[i])=='object' && typeof(obj[i].length)!='undefined') v = 'Array';// ['+obj[i]+']'; else if (typeof(obj[i])=='object') v = '[Object]'; else v = obj[i]; this.print(' '+i+' = '+v); } } else this.print(' undefined'); }; p.isLoaded = function() { return (this.win!=null && this.win.document && typeof(this.win.document.debugform)=="object"); }; // opens the debugger window p.open = function() { var p = dynapi.library.path; if (!this.isLoaded() && p) { // Modified by Raphael Pereira //var url = dynapi.documentPath+p+'ext/debug.html#'; var url = p+'ext/debug.html#'; var w = (dynapi.ua.def||dynapi.ua.dom)? 350:355 //dynapi.ua.mac? (dynapi.ua.ie?330:300) : 350; var h = (dynapi.ua.def||dynapi.ua.dom)? 432:485 //dynapi.ua.mac? (dynapi.ua.ie?405:365) : (dynapi.ua.def||dynapi.ua.dom)? 420:476; this.win = window.open(url,'debugwin','width='+w+',height='+h+',scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no'); //,resizable=no this.win.opener=window; this.win.evalHistory=[]; this.win.evalIndex=0; this.print(); /* dynapi.frame.onerror = function(msg, url, lno) { dynapi.debug.error(msg, url, lno); }; */ } }; // output text to the debug window p.print = function(s) { if (s==null) s = ''; else s = s + '\n'; if (this.isLoaded()) { this.switchMode('normal'); if (this._buffer != '') { // dump buffer s = this._buffer + s; this._buffer = ''; } this.win.document.debugform.print.value += s; this._normalModeData = this.win.document.debugform.print.value; // Does mozilla has something like this? if (dynapi.ua.ie) { var po = this.win.document.debugform.print; po.scrollTop = po.scrollHeight; var range = po.createTextRange(); range.collapse(false); range.select(); } } else this._buffer += s; }; // reloads selected javascripts, packages or html pages p.reload=function(t){ if (!this.isLoaded) return; t=t+''; if(t.substr(0,3).toLowerCase()=='go:') { t=t.substr(3).replace(/\\/g,'/'); dynapi.frame.location.href=t; return; } var i,f=t.split(';'); for(i=0;i1) this._watch[name]=value; else if(dynapi.frame.eval(name)) this._watch[name]='_watch object_'; else this._watch[name]='_watch object_'; }; p._disableWatch = function(){ this._oldWatchSrc=''; if(this._timerWatch) { window.clearTimeout(this._timerWatch); this._timerWatch=0; } }; p._enableWatch = function(){ if(this._mode!='watch') return; var src,row,v; src='Name\t \t \t Value\n---------------------------------------\n'; for(i in this._watch){ if(this._watch[i]=='_watch object_') v=dynapi.frame.eval(i); else v=this._watch[i]; if(v==null) v='null'; if(typeof(v)=='string') v=v.replace(/\n/g,' '); src+=(i+' ').substr(0,22)+'\t '+v+'\n'; } if(src!=this._oldWatchSrc){ this.win.document.debugform.print.value=this._oldWatchSrc=src; } if(this._timerWatch) window.clearTimeout(this._timerWatch); this._timerWatch=window.setTimeout(this+'._enableWatch()',200); }; dynapi.debug = new Debugger(); var t='------------------------------\n' +'Click "?" for help\n' +'------------------------------\n'; dynapi.debug.print(t);