/* Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.skins.add( 'kama', (function() { var preload = [], uiColorStylesheetId = 'cke_ui_color'; if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 7 ) { // For IE6, we need to preload some images, otherwhise they will be // downloaded several times (CSS background bug). preload.push( 'icons.png', 'images/sprites_ie6.png', 'images/dialog_sides.gif' ); } return { preload : preload, editor : { css : [ 'editor.css' ] }, dialog : { css : [ 'dialog.css' ] }, templates : { css : [ 'templates.css' ] }, margins : [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], init : function( editor ) { if ( editor.config.width && !isNaN( editor.config.width ) ) editor.config.width -= 12; var uiColorMenus = []; var uiColorRegex = /\$color/g; var uiColorMenuCss = "/* UI Color Support */\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem .cke_icon_wrapper\ {\ background-color: $color !important;\ border-color: $color !important;\ }\ \ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_icon_wrapper\ {\ background-color: $color !important;\ border-color: $color !important;\ }\ \ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_label,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_label,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_label\ {\ background-color: $color !important;\ }\ \ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_label,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_label,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_label\ {\ background-color: transparent !important;\ }\ \ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_icon_wrapper\ {\ background-color: $color !important;\ border-color: $color !important;\ }\ \ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper\ {\ background-color: $color !important;\ border-color: $color !important;\ }\ \ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuseparator\ {\ background-color: $color !important;\ }\ \ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus,\ .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active\ {\ background-color: $color !important;\ }"; // We have to split CSS declarations for webkit. if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) { uiColorMenuCss = uiColorMenuCss.split( '}' ).slice( 0, -1 ); for ( var i = 0 ; i < uiColorMenuCss.length ; i++ ) uiColorMenuCss[ i ] = uiColorMenuCss[ i ].split( '{' ); } function getStylesheet( document ) { var node = document.getById( uiColorStylesheetId ); if ( !node ) { node = document.getHead().append( 'style' ); node.setAttribute( "id", uiColorStylesheetId ); node.setAttribute( "type", "text/css" ); } return node; } function updateStylesheets( styleNodes, styleContent, replace ) { var r, i, content; for ( var id = 0 ; id < styleNodes.length ; id++ ) { if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < styleContent.length ; i++ ) { content = styleContent[ i ][ 1 ]; for ( r = 0 ; r < replace.length ; r++ ) content = content.replace( replace[ r ][ 0 ], replace[ r ][ 1 ] ); styleNodes[ id ].$.sheet.addRule( styleContent[ i ][ 0 ], content ); } } else { content = styleContent; for ( r = 0 ; r < replace.length ; r++ ) content = content.replace( replace[ r ][ 0 ], replace[ r ][ 1 ] ); if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) styleNodes[ id ].$.styleSheet.cssText += content; else styleNodes[ id ].$.innerHTML += content; } } } var uiColorRegexp = /\$color/g; CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor, { uiColor: null, getUiColor : function() { return this.uiColor; }, setUiColor : function( color ) { var cssContent, uiStyle = getStylesheet( CKEDITOR.document ), cssId = '.cke_editor_' + CKEDITOR.tools.escapeCssSelector( editor.name ); var cssSelectors = [ cssId + " .cke_wrapper", cssId + "_dialog .cke_dialog_contents", cssId + "_dialog a.cke_dialog_tab", cssId + "_dialog .cke_dialog_footer" ].join( ',' ); var cssProperties = "background-color: $color !important;"; if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) cssContent = [ [ cssSelectors, cssProperties ] ]; else cssContent = cssSelectors + '{' + cssProperties + '}'; return ( this.setUiColor = function( color ) { var replace = [ [ uiColorRegexp, color ] ]; editor.uiColor = color; // Update general style. updateStylesheets( [ uiStyle ], cssContent, replace ); // Update menu styles. updateStylesheets( uiColorMenus, uiColorMenuCss, replace ); })( color ); } }); editor.on( 'menuShow', function( event ) { var panel = event.data[ 0 ]; var iframe = panel.element.getElementsByTag( 'iframe' ).getItem( 0 ).getFrameDocument(); // Add stylesheet if missing. if ( !iframe.getById( 'cke_ui_color' ) ) { var node = getStylesheet( iframe ); uiColorMenus.push( node ); var color = editor.getUiColor(); // Set uiColor for new menu. if ( color ) updateStylesheets( [ node ], uiColorMenuCss, [ [ uiColorRegexp, color ] ] ); } }); // Apply UI color if specified in config. if ( editor.config.uiColor ) editor.setUiColor( editor.config.uiColor ); } }; })() ); (function() { CKEDITOR.dialog ? dialogSetup() : CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogPluginReady', dialogSetup ); function dialogSetup() { CKEDITOR.dialog.on( 'resize', function( evt ) { var data = evt.data, width = data.width, height = data.height, dialog = data.dialog, contents = dialog.parts.contents; if ( data.skin != 'kama' ) return; contents.setStyles( { width : width + 'px', height : height + 'px' }); // Fix the size of the elements which have flexible lengths. setTimeout( function() { var innerDialog = dialog.parts.dialog.getChild( [ 0, 0, 0 ] ), body = innerDialog.getChild( 0 ); // tc var el = innerDialog.getChild( 2 ); el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth ) + 'px' ); // bc el = innerDialog.getChild( 7 ); el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth - 28 ) + 'px' ); // ml el = innerDialog.getChild( 4 ); el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' ); // mr el = innerDialog.getChild( 5 ); el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' ); }, 100 ); }); } })(); /** * The base user interface color to be used by the editor. Not all skins are * compatible with this setting. * @name CKEDITOR.config.uiColor * @type String * @default '' (empty) * @example * // Using a color code. * config.uiColor = '#AADC6E'; * @example * // Using an HTML color name. * config.uiColor = 'Gold'; */