ralf 434ee70b44 new web-component et2-groupbox based on et2-details
also modernized et2-details code a bit using decorators
2024-08-14 15:25:02 +02:00

529 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env php
* eTemplate2 XML schema
* 1. we read the legacy etemplate2.dtd converted by PHPStorm (Tools > XML Actions > Convert Schema) to Relax NG with an XML parser
* 2. remove the obsolete widgets
* 3. add new widgets from components.json file generated by our documentation build (and enhanced with attributes inherited from Shoelace )
* 4. apply overwrites below
* 5. output it again as new eTemplate2 Relax NG schema
* 6. convert it again via PHPStorm (Tools > XML Actions > Convert Schema) to etemplate2.0.dtd referenced in our xet files
* (until we figure out how to use RELAX NG direct)
* Open problems:
* - components.json has no information about element hierarchy: not all elements are allowed be contained by an arbitrary element
* - Relax NG can define attribute types, need to check how with match our internal types to the xet attributes
* @link RELAX NG (REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation)
* @link RELAX NG Tutorial
* @link old widget-browser dtd generation
* @link JetBrains DTD, XML-Schema or RelaxNG support
if (!file_exists($file=__DIR__."/etemplate2/_data/components.json"))
die("Missing '$file file!");
if (!($components=json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true)))
die("Could not load '$file'!");
if (!file_exists(($file = __DIR__."/etemplate2/etemplate2.rng")))
die("Missing file '$file', you need to generate it from 'etemplate2.dtd' e.g. with PHPStorm!");
$grammar = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($file));
$widgets_choice = getByName($grammar, 'Widgets')->choice;
* Manually overwriting problems / errors in what we automatically generate
* Use class-name (e.g. Et2Button) so all descends inherit the fix, use-tag to fix only specific widget.
* @todo fix in TS sources
$overwrites = [
// RE to remove no longer used legacy widgets not matching "et2-<legacy-name>"
'.remove' => '/^(button|dropdown_button|int|float|menu|select|taglist|tree|passwd|date|time|ajax_select|vfs-(select|path))/',
'*' => [ // all widgets, DOM attributes are NOT reported
'.attrs' => [
'id' => 'string', // commented out with some reasoning in Et2Widget
'width' => 'string',
'height' => 'string',
'slot' => 'string', // would be nice, if we could list parent slots ...
'style' => 'string',
'span' => "'all' | '2' | '3' | '4'", // eT2 grid span
'Et2InputWidget' => [
'.attrs' => [
'tabindex' => 'int', // not reported, probably because DOM attributeq
'et2-textbox' => [
'.children' => ['.quantity' => 'optional', 'et2-image'],
'et2-date' => [
'.attrs' => [
'yearRange' => 'string',
'dataFormat' => 'string',
'et2-hbox' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-vbox' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-box' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'Et2Box' => [ // inherited by et2-(v|h)box too
'.attrs' => [
'overflow' => 'string', // DOM attributes
'et2-tabbox' => [
'.children' => ['tabs','tabpanels'], // add legacy children tabs and tabpanels
'.attrs' => [
'cfDisabled' => 'boolean', // implemented on server-side
'cfTypeFilter' => 'string',
'cfPrivateTab' => 'boolean',
'cfPrepend' => 'string',
'cfExclude' => 'string',
'et2-tab' => null, // remove/skip, as we currently use legacy tabs and tabpanels
'et2-tab-panel' => null,
'et2-details' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-groupbox' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-split' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-url-email' => [
'.attrs' => [
'emailDisplay' => 'string', // can't see that anywhere in the code, but in addressbook.index.xet
'et2-nextmatch-header-custom' => [
'.attrs' => [
'emptyLabel' => 'string',
'Et2Button' => [
'.attrs' => [
'image' => 'string',
'noSubmit' => 'boolean',
'hideOnReadonly' => 'boolean',
'Et2ButtonIcon' => 'Et2Button', // no inheritance from Et2Button, but Et2ButtonMixin, which is not recognised
'Et2ButtonScroll' => 'Et2Button',
'Et2Select' => [
'.attrs' => [
'rows' => 'int',
'tabindex' => 'int',
'allowFreeEntries' => 'boolean',
'et2-select' => [
'.children' => ['.quantity' => 'zeroOrMore', 'option'],
'et2-email' => [
'.attrs' => [
'onTagClick' => 'function',
'multiple' => 'boolean',
* Fixes on the existing legacy DTD
// make overlay the only allowed start element
$grammar->start->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', 'overlay');
// fix legacy widgets: attribute-name => (array of) widgets
$missing_legacy_attributes = [
'app' => 'customfields-types',
'callback' => 'vfs-upload',
'class' => ['nextmatch','nextmatch-header', 'nextmatch-customfields', 'nextmatch-sortheader', 'customfields-types'],
'disabled' => 'nextmatch',
'exclude' => 'customfields',
'id' => [
'.optional' => false,
'nextmatch-header', 'nextmatch-sortheader', 'nextmatch-customfields', 'nextmatch', 'customfields-types',
'header_left' => 'nextmatch',
'header_right' => 'nextmatch',
'header_row' => 'nextmatch',
'label' => [
'.optional' => false,
'nextmatch-header', 'nextmatch-sortheader',
'maxWidth' => 'column',
'minWidth' => 'column',
'onchange' => 'customfields-types',
'onselect' => 'nextmatch',
'value' => 'option',
'readonly' => 'customfields-types',
'sortmode' => [
'.values' => ['ASC', 'DESC'],
'.default' => 'ASC',
'span' => ['nextmatch', 'nextmatch-header', 'nextmatch-customfields', 'nextmatch-sortheader', 'customfields-types'],
'statustext' => ['tab', 'customfields-types', 'option'],
'template' => ['.optional' => false, 'nextmatch'],
'tab' => 'customfields',
foreach($missing_legacy_attributes as $attribute => $widgets)
foreach((array)$widgets as $key => $widget)
if (!is_int($key)) continue; // .(values|default)
// widget not found add it plus it's attribute-list
if (!getByName($grammar, $widget))
$widgets_choice->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', $widget);
($define = $grammar->addChild('define'))->addAttribute('name', $widget);
($element = $define->addChild('element'))->addAttribute('name', $widget);
$element->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$widget);
$element->addChild('empty'); // no children allowed
$grammar->addChild('define')->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$widget);
// add (optional) attribute
if (!is_array($widgets) || (!isset($widgets['.optional']) || $widgets['.optional'] === true))
$attr = getByName($grammar, 'attlist.'.$widget)->addChild('optional')
$attr = getByName($grammar, 'attlist.'.$widget)->addChild('attribute');
$attr->addAttribute('name', $attribute);
// add values and/or default
if (is_array($widgets) && isset($widgets['.values']))
$choice = $attr->addChild('choice');
foreach($widgets['.values'] as $value)
$choice->addChild('value', $value);
if (is_array($widgets) && isset($widgets['.default']))
$attr->addAttribute('a:defaultValue', $widgets['.default'], '');
// build a hashed version of all classes, members and attributes to e.g. find ancestors
$classes = [];
foreach($components as $component)
foreach (['members', 'attributes', 'properties'] as $collection)
foreach ($component[$collection] ?? [] as $key => $element)
if (!empty($element['name']))
$component[$collection][$element['name']] = $element;
$classes[$component['name']] = $component;
// iterate of custom-elements to define in the schema
foreach($components as $component)
if (empty($component['tagName']) ||
preg_match('/_(ro|mobile)$/', $component['tagName']) ||
array_key_exists($component['tagName'], $overwrites) && !isset($overwrites[$component['tagName']]))
// add the element
$define = $grammar->addChild('define');
$define->addAttribute('name', $component['tagName']);
$element = $define->addChild('element');
$element->addAttribute('name', $component['tagName']);
$attrs = $element->addChild('ref');
$attrs->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$component['tagName']);
// add to widgets
$widgets_choice->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', $component['tagName']);
// add the element-attributes
$attrs = $grammar->addChild('define');
$attrs->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$component['tagName']);
$attrs->addAttribute('combine', 'interleave');
attributes($component, $attrs);
// add or disallow children depending on overwrites (not available from the TS sources)
// ToDo: this ignores the use in slots!
if (empty($overwrites[$component['tagName']]['.children']))
// don't allow children
$children = (array)$overwrites[$component['tagName']]['.children'];
$list = $element->addChild($children['.quantity'] ?? 'oneOrMore'); // zeroOrMore for e.g. empty boxes?
// add allowed children
foreach($children as $child)
$list->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', $child);
// remove corresponding legacy widget
removeWidget(str_replace('et2-', '', $component['tagName']));
$remove = [];
foreach($widgets_choice->children() as $widget)
if (preg_match($overwrites['.remove'], $name=(string)$widget->attributes()['name']))
$remove[] = $name; // removing direct disturbs the foreach!
foreach($remove as $name)
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
if (php_sapi_name() !== "cli")
header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
// add <value>1</value> to legacy widget boolean attributes
echo preg_replace('#<choice>
(\s+)</choice>#', "<choice>\n\$1<value>false</value>\n\$1<value>true</value>\n\$1<value>1</value>\n\$3</choice>",
// update the header
preg_replace('#<!--.*-->#s', '<!--
EGroupware: eTemplate 2.0 DTD
AUTHOR: Hadi Nategh <hn[AT]>, Ralf Becker <rb[AT]>
COPYRIGHT: 2016-2024 by EGroupware GmbH
LICENSE: GPL - GNU General Public License Version 2+
Version: 1.2
An example how to use this DTD from your XML document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE overlay PUBLIC "-//EGroupware GmbH//eTemplate 2//EN" "">
-->', $dom->saveXML()));
* Remove (legacy-)widget with given name from schema
* @param string $name
* @return void
function removeWidget(string $name)
global $grammar, $widgets_choice;
if (removeByName($widgets_choice, $name))
removeByName($grammar, $name);
removeByName($grammar, 'attlist.'.$name);
function removeByName(SimpleXMLElement $parent, string $name) : bool
foreach($parent->children() as $child)
if ((string)$child->attributes()['name'] === $name)
return true;
return false;
function removeNode(SimpleXMLElement $node)
function getByName(SimpleXMLElement $parent, string $name) : ?SimpleXMLElement
foreach($parent as $element)
if ((string)$element->attributes()['name'] === $name)
return $element;
return null;
* Overwrite attributes in given element / class
* @param array& $element
* @param string|null $name overwrites to use e.g. "*", default use $element['name']
* @return void
function overwriteAttributes(array& $element, string $name=null)
global $overwrites;
if (!isset($name)) $name = $element['tagName'];
// forward just to another widget, class or mixin
if (isset($overwrites[$name]) && is_string($overwrites[$name]))
$name = $overwrites[$name];
if (empty($overwrites[$name]['.attrs']))
return; // nothing to do
foreach($overwrites[$name]['.attrs'] as $attr => $type)
if (isset($type))
// only add it, if not already there
if (!array_filter($element['attributes']??[], static function($attribute) use ($attr)
return isset($attribute) && $attribute['name'] === $attr;
$element['attributes'][] = ['name' => $attr, 'type' => ['text' => $type]];
// remove attribute set to NULL in overwrites
elseif (isset($element['attributes']))
$element['attributes'] = array_filter($element['attributes'], static function($attribute) use($attr)
return isset($attribute) && $attribute['name'] !== $attr;
* Generate attribute list for an element
* @param array $component class defining the element
* @param SimpleXMLElement|null $attrs attribute list element: <define name="attlist.<element>" combine="interleave"/>
* @return string[]|void
function attributes(array $component, ?SimpleXMLElement $attrs=null)
overwriteAttributes($component, '*');
// also apply overwrites of own class, direct parent and mixins
foreach(getAncestors($component) as $parent)
if ($parent && !empty($parent['name']) && preg_match('/^Et2/', $parent['name'])) // can also be Lit or Sl*
overwriteAttributes($component, $parent['name']);
$attributes = array_filter($component['attributes'] ?? [], static function ($attr)
return ($attr['name'] ?? null) && $attr['name'][0] !== '_'; // ignore attributes with empty name or name starting with underscore
usort($attributes, static function ($a, $b) {
return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
if (!isset($attrs))
return array_map(static function($attr) use ($component)
return $attr['name'].'('.($attr['type']['text']??'any').
(isset($attr['fieldName']) && isset($component['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default']) ?
':'.$component['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default'] : '').')';
}, $attributes);
foreach($attributes as $attr)
// todo: are all attributes optional, probably
$optional = $attrs->addChild('optional');
$attribute = $optional->addChild('attribute');
$attribute->addAttribute('name', $attr['name']);
if (isset($attr['fieldName']) && isset($component['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default']))
$default = $component['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default'];
if (in_array($default[0], ['"', "'"]) && $default[0] === substr($default, -1))
$default = substr($default, 1, -1);
if ($default !== 'undefined') // do NOT add undefined, it's the default anyway
$attribute->addAttribute('a:defaultValue', $default, '');
switch ($attr['type']['text'] ?? 'any')
case 'boolean':
$choice = $attribute->addChild('choice');
$choice->addChild('value', 'false');
$choice->addChild('value', 'true');
$choice->addChild('value', '1'); // often used in our templates
// not understood by DTD :(
//$choice->addChild('text'); // as we allow "@<attr>" or "$cont[name]"
case 'any':
// todo: other types are understood by RELAX NG, but not by DTD
default: // distinct values: 'a' | 'b' | 'c'
if (isset($attr['type']['text']) && $attr['type']['text'][0] === "'" && substr($attr['type']['text'], -1) === "'")
$choice = $attribute->addChild('choice');
foreach(preg_split("/'\s*\|\s*'/", substr($attr['type']['text'], 1, -1)) as $part)
$choice->addChild('value', $part);
* Get ancestors: superclass(es) and mixins of the current class/element
* @param array|null $class
* @return array[] of array with name attribute
function getAncestors(?array $class=null)
if (!isset($class) || empty($class['name']) || !preg_match('/^Et2/', $class['name']))
return [];
if (!isset($class['kind']))
global $classes;
$class = $classes[$class['name']] ?? null;
return $class ? array_filter([$class, ...getAncestors($class['superclass']??null), ...$class['mixins']??[]]) : [];