2024-01-18 22:18:28 +02:00

462 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env php
* Install / update EGroupware - Command line interface
* Usage:
* - install-cli.php [-v|--verbose] [--use-prerelease] [<composer-args>] [(master|bugfix|release|<branch>|<tag>)]
* you can use composer install arguments like: --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev
* - install-cli.php [-c|--continue-on-error] --git(-apps) <arguments>
* runs git with given arguments (in main- and) all app-dirs, e.g. tag -a 17.1.20190214 -m 'tagging release'
* EGroupware main directory should be either git cloned:
* git clone [-b <branch>] [<target>]
* or created via composer create-project
* composer create-project --prefer-source --keep-vcs egroupware/egroupware[:(dev-master|17.1.x-dev|<tag>)] <target>
* Both will create a git clone, which can be further updated by calling this tool without argument.
* We currently use 3 "channels":
* - release: taged maintenance releases only eg. 17.1.20190214
* - bugfix: release-branch incl. latest bugfixes eg. 17.1 or 17.1.x-dev for composer
* - master: latest development for next release
* To change the channel, call install-cli.php <channel-to-update-to>.
* This tool requires the following binaries installed at the usually places or in your path:
* - php & git: apt/yum/zypper install php-cli git
* - composer: see for installation instructions
* The following binaries are needed to minify JavaScript and CSS
* - npm: apt/yum/zypper install npm
* - grunt: npm install -g grunt-cli
* @link
* @package api
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright (c) 2019 by Ralf Becker <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
chdir(__DIR__); // to enable relative pathes to work
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') // security precaution: forbit calling setup-cli as web-page
die('<h1>install-cli.php must NOT be called as web-page --> exiting !!!</h1>');
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
// parse arguments
$verbose = $use_prerelease = $run_git = $continue_on_error = false;
$composer_args = [];
$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
$cmd = array_shift($argv);
foreach($argv as $n => $arg)
if ($arg[0] === '-')
case '-v':
case '--verbose':
$verbose = true;
case '--use-prerelease':
$use_prerelease = true;
case '-h':
case '--help':
case '--git':
case '--git-apps':
$run_git = $arg;
break 2; // no further argument processing, as they are for git
case '-c':
case '--continue-on-error':
$continue_on_error = true;
default: // pass unknown arguments to composer install
$composer_args[] = $arg;
if (!$run_git && count($argv) > 1) usage("Too many arguments!");
function usage($err=null)
global $cmd;
if ($err)
echo "$err\n\n";
die("Usage:\t$cmd [-v|--verbose] [--use-prerelease] [<composer-args>] (master|bugfix|release|<branch>|<tag>)\n".
"\t\nyou can use composer install arguments like: --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev\n".
"\t$cmd [-c|--continue-on-error] --git(-apps) <arguments>\n".
"\truns git with given arguments (in main- and) all app-dirs, e.g. tag -a 17.1.20190214 -m 'tagging release'\n\n");
$bins = array(
'php' => PHP_BINARY,
'git' => ['/usr/local/bin/git', '/usr/bin/git'],
'composer' => ['/usr/local/bin/composer', '/usr/bin/composer', '/usr/bin/composer.phar'],
// npm and grunt are no hard requirement and should be the last in the list!
'npm' => ['/usr/local/bin/npm', '/usr/bin/npm'],
'grunt' => [__DIR__.'/node_modules/.bin/grunt', '/usr/local/bin/grunt', '/usr/bin/grunt'],
// check if the necessary binaries are installed
foreach($bins as $name => $binaries)
foreach((array)$binaries as $bin)
if (file_exists($bin) && is_executable($bin))
$bins[$name] = $$name = $bin;
continue 2;
$output = $ret = null;
if (($bin = exec('which '.$name, $output, $ret)) && !$ret &&
(file_exists($bin)) && is_executable($bin))
$bins[$name] = $$name = $bin;
// check if we can just run it, because it's in the path
elseif (exec($name.' -v', $output, $ret) && !$ret)
$bins[$name] = $$name = $num;
$bins[$name] = $$name = false;
error_log("Could not find $name command!");
if (!in_array($name, ['npm','grunt']))
error_log("npm and grunt are required to minify JavaScript and CSS files to improve performance.");
if ($verbose) echo "Using following binaries: ".json_encode ($bins, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)."\n";
if (!extension_loaded('curl')) die("Required PHP extension 'curl' missing! You need to install php-curl package.\n\n");
// check if we are on a git clone
$output = array();
if (!file_exists(__DIR__.'/.git') || !is_dir(__DIR__.'/.git'))
error_log("Could not identify git branch (you need to use git clone or composer create-project --prefer-source --keep-vcs egroupware/egroupware)!");
// should we only run a git command
if ($run_git)
exit (run_git($argv, $run_git === '--git'));
if (!exec($git.' branch --no-color', $output, $ret) || $ret)
foreach($output as $line)
foreach($output as $line)
if ($line[0] == '*')
$branch = substr($line, 2);
// are we on a tag
if (preg_match('/^\(HEAD .* ([0-9.]+)\)$/', $branch, $matches))
$branch = $matches[1];
$channel = 'development';
if (preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+(\.\d{8})?/', $branch, $machtes))
$channel = isset($matches[1]) ? 'release' : 'bugfix';
if ($verbose) echo "Currently using branch: $branch --> $channel channel\n";
if ($argv)
$target = array_shift($argv);
if ($target === 'release')
$target = get_latest_release($use_prerelease);
elseif ($target === 'bugfix')
$target = (string)(float)get_latest_release($use_prerelease);
$target = $branch;
// find the latest release
if ($channel == 'release')
$target = get_latest_release($use_prerelease);
// a branch update requires a composer install with --prefer-source
if (count(explode('.', $target)) < 2)
$composer_args[] = '--prefer-source';
echo "Updating to: $target\n";
// Update EGroupware itself and further apps installed via git
$failed = array();
$succeeded = 0;
foreach(scandir(__DIR__) as $dir)
if ($dir !== '..' && file_exists(__DIR__.'/'.$dir.'/.git'))
// these apps / dirs are managed by composer, no need to run manual updates
//!in_array($dir, ['vendor', 'activesync', 'collabora', 'projectmanager', 'tracker']))
$cmd = "cd $dir ; $git stash -q ; ";
// switch message about detached head off for release-channel/tags
if (preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d{8}/', $target))
$cmd .= "$git config advice.detachedHead false ; ";
if ($branch != $target)
$cmd .= "$git fetch && $git checkout $target && ";
// no need to pull for release-channel/tags
if (!preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d{8}/', $target))
$cmd .= "$git pull --rebase && ";
$cmd .= "(test -z \"$($git stash list)\" || $git stash pop)";
if ($dir !== '.' && !$verbose)
echo $dir.': ';
run_cmd($cmd, $dir === '.' ? 'egroupware' : $dir);
// update composer managed dependencies
$cmd = $composer.' install '.implode(' ', $composer_args);
if (run_cmd($cmd, 'composer') === 0 && in_array('--prefer-source', $composer_args))
// check composer has not replaced .git checkouts of apps
$composer_json = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/composer.json'), true);
foreach($composer_json['require'] as $package => $version)
if (str_starts_with($package, 'egroupware/') && !in_array($package, ['egroupware/mail']) &&
file_exists(substr($package, 11)) && !file_exists(substr($package, 11).'/.git'))
$failed[] = $cmd.' changed/installed package "'.$package.'" NOT as source / git clone!';
// update npm dependencies, run grunt to minify css and rollup to build javascript
if ($npm)
run_cmd($npm.' install --legacy-peer-deps', 'npm install');
if ($grunt) run_cmd($grunt, 'grunt');
if (!file_exists($chunks=__DIR__.'/chunks') || !is_dir($chunks))
if (file_exists($chunks) && !is_dir($chunks))
if (!mkdir($chunks, 0755) && !is_dir($chunks))
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cloud NOT create directory "%s"!', $chunks));
run_cmd($npm .' run build', 'rollup (npm run build)');
// if docs site directory exists, keep it updated
if ($npm && file_exists(__DIR__.'/doc/dist/site'))
run_cmd($npm .' run docs', 'build docs (npm run docs)');
echo "\n$succeeded tasks successful run".
($failed ? ', '.count($failed).' failed: '.implode(', ', $failed) : '')."\n\n";
* Run a command and collect number of succieded or failed command
* @param string $cmd comamnd to run
* @param string $name task name to report on failure
* @return int exit code of command
function run_cmd($cmd, $name)
global $verbose, $failed, $succeeded;
if ($verbose) echo "$cmd\n";
$ret = null;
system($cmd, $ret);
if ($ret == 0)
$failed[] = $name;
return $ret;
* Run git command with given arguments all app-dirs and (optional) install-dir
* cd and git command is echoed to stderr
* @param array $argv
* @param boolean $main_too =true true: run in main-dir too, false: only app-dirs
* @return int exit-code of last git command, breaks on first non-zero exit-code
function run_git(array $argv, $main_too=true)
global $git, $continue_on_error;
$git_cmd = $git.' '.implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $argv));
$ret = 0;
foreach(scandir(__DIR__) as $dir)
if (!($dir === '..' || $dir === '.' && !$main_too ||
$cmd = ($dir !== '.' ? "cd $dir; " : '').$git_cmd;
error_log("\n>>> ".$cmd."\n");
system($cmd, $ret);
// break if command is not successful, unless --continue-on-error
if ($ret && !$continue_on_error) return $ret;
return $ret;
* Get the latest release
* @param boolean $prerelease =false include releases taged as prerelease
* @param boolean $return_name =true true: just return name, false: full release object
* @return array|string|null null if no release found
function get_latest_release($prerelease=false, $return_name=true)
foreach(github_api('/repos/egroupware/egroupware/releases', [], 'GET') as $release)
if ($prerelease || $release['prerelease'] === false)
return $return_name ? $release['tag_name'] : $release;
return null;
* Sending a Github API request
* @param string $_url url of just path where to send request to ( is added automatic)
* @param string|array $data payload, array get automatic added as get-parameter or json_encoded for POST
* @param string $method ='POST'
* @param string $upload =null path of file to upload, payload for request with $method='FILE'
* @param string $content_type =null
* @throws Exception
* @return array with response
function github_api($_url, $data, $method='POST', $upload=null, $content_type=null)
global /*$config,*/ $verbose;
$url = $_url[0] == '/' ? ''.$_url : $_url;
$c = curl_init();
//curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $config['github_user'].':'.$config['github_token']);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, basename(__FILE__));
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 240);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
case 'POST':
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
if (is_array($data)) $data = json_encode($data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
case 'GET':
if(count($data)) $url .= '?' . http_build_query($data);
case 'FILE':
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-type: $content_type"));
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, file_get_contents($upload));
if(count($data)) $url .= '?' . http_build_query($data);
throw new Exception(__FUNCTION__.": Unknown/unimplemented method=$method!");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
if (is_string($data)) $short_data = strlen($data) > 100 ? substr($data, 0, 100).' ...' : $data;
if ($verbose) echo "Sending $method request to $url ".(isset($short_data)&&$method!='GET'?$short_data:'')."\n";
if (($response = curl_exec($c)) === false)
// run failed request again to display response including headers
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false);
throw new Exception("$method request to $url failed ".(isset($short_data)&&$method!='GET'?$short_data:''));
if ($verbose) echo (strlen($response) > 200 ? substr($response, 0, 200).' ...' : $response)."\n";
return json_decode($response, true);