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synced 2025-02-09 23:11:57 +01:00
323 lines
14 KiB
323 lines
14 KiB
* phpGroupWare - Info Log *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org *
* Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info['flags'] = array(
'currentapp' => 'infolog',
'noheader' => True,
'nofooter' => True,
'nonavbar' => True,
'enable_categories_class' => True
if ((!isset($info_id) || !$info_id) && !$action) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&".
$phpgw->infolog = createobject('infolog.infolog');
if ($submit) {
if (strlen($des) >= 8000) {
$error[] = lang('Description can not exceed 8000 characters in length');
if (!$subject && !$des) {
$error[] = lang('You must enter a subject or a description');
// check wether to write dates or not
if ($selfortoday) {
$startdate = time(); // startdate is today (checkbox is clicked)
} else {
if ($smonth || $sday || $syear) {
if ($sday && !$smonth) $smonth = date('m',time());
if ($sday && !$syear) $syear = date('Y',time());
if (! checkdate($smonth,$sday,$syear)) {
$error[] = lang('You have entered an invalid starting date');
} else {
$startdate = mktime(12,0,0,$smonth, $sday, $syear);
} else {
$startdate = 0;
// Check ending date
if ($dur_days > 0) {
$enddate = mktime(12,0,0,date('m',$startdate), date('d',$startdate)+$dur_days, date('Y',$startdate));
} else
if ($emonth || $eday || $eyear) {
if ($eday && !$emonth) $emonth = date('m',time());
if ($eday && !$eyear) $eyear = date('Y',time());
if (!checkdate($emonth,$eday,$eyear)) {
$error[] = lang('You have entered an invalid ending date');
} else {
$enddate = mktime(12,0,0,$emonth,$eday,$eyear);
} else {
$enddate = 0;
if ($enddate < $startdate && $enddate && $startdate) {
$error[] = lang('Ending date can not be before start date');
if ($access) {
$access = 'private';
} else {
$access = 'public';
if (! is_array($error)) {
'type' => $type,
'from' => $from,
'addr' => $addr,
'addr_id' => $addr_id,
'proj_id' => $proj_id,
'subject' => $subject,
'des' => $des,
'pri' => $pri,
'status' => $status,
'confirm' => $confirm,
'access' => $access,
'cat' => $info_cat,
'startdate' => $startdate,
'enddate' => $enddate,
'info_id' => $info_id,
'id_parent' => $id_parent,
'responsible' => $responsible
if (!$addrsearch && !$projectsearch) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php', "cd=15&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&".
$phpgw->infolog->read( $info_id );
if ($info_id && $action == 'sp') { // new SubProject
if (!$phpgw->infolog->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter"));
$parent = $phpgw->infolog->data;
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_id'] = $info_id = 0;
$phpgw->infolog->owner = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_id_parent'] = $parent['info_id'];
if ($parent['info_type'] == 'task' && $parent['info_status'] == 'offer') {
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_type'] = 'confirm';
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_responsible'] = $parent['info_owner']; // confirmation to parent
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_status'] = 'ongoing';
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_confirm'] = 'not';
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_subject'] = lang('Re:').' '.$parent['info_subject'];
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_des'] = '';
} else {
if ($info_id && !$phpgw->infolog->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter"));
$common_hidden_vars =
'<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="' . $sort . '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="order" value="' . $order. '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="query" value="' . $query . '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="start" value="' . $start . '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="filter" value="' . $filter . '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="info_id" value="' . $info_id. '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="id_parent" value="' . ($id_parent = $phpgw->infolog->data['info_id_parent']). '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $action. '">';
echo parse_navbar();
$phpgw->db->query("select * FROM infolog where info_id='$info_id'");
$pri_selected[$phpgw->infolog->data['info_pri']] = ' selected';
$status_selected[$phpgw->infolog->data['info_status']] = ' selected';
$phpgw->template = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
$phpgw->template->set_file(array('info_edit' => 'form.tpl'));
// ====================================================================
// create two seperate blocks, addblock will be cut off from template
// editblock contains the buttons and forms for edit
// ====================================================================
$phpgw->template->set_block('info_edit', 'add', 'addhandle');
$phpgw->template->set_block('info_edit', 'edit', 'edithandle');
$phpgw->template->set_block('info_edit', 'subpro', 'subprohandle');
if (is_array($error)) {
switch ($action) {
case 'sp':
$info_action = 'Info Log - New Subproject'; break;
case 'new':
$info_action = 'Info Log - New'; break;
$info_action = 'Info Log - Edit'; break;
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_info_action',lang($info_action).($addrsearch?' - '.lang('Search for:')." '$addrsearch'":''));
$phpgw->template->set_var($phpgw->infolog->setStyleSheet( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prfrom', lang('From'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('fromval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_from']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_praddr', lang('Phone/Email'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('addrval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_addr']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_search', lang('Search'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prproject', lang('Project'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_proj_prompt', lang('Pattern for Search in Projects'));
if (($proj_id = $phpgw->infolog->data['info_proj_id']) || $projectsearch) {
$projects = createobject('projects.projects');
if ($projectsearch) {
$projs = $projects->read_projects( 0,0,$projectsearch );
if (count($projs)) {
$project = '<select name="proj_id">';
while (list( $key,$proj ) = each( $projs )) {
$project .= '<option value="'.$proj['id'].'">'.$phpgw->strip_html($proj['title'])."\n";
$project .= '<option value="0">'.lang('none')."\n";
$project .= '</select>';
} else {
$project = lang( 'No entrys found for %1, try again ...',"'$projectsearch'" );
} else { // read name/company from addressbook entry info_addr_id
list( $proj ) = $projects->read_single_project( $proj_id );
if (count($proj)) {
$project = $proj['title'].'<input type="hidden" name="proj_id" value="' . $proj_id . '">';
$customer_id = $proj['customer'];
if (!$project)
$project = '<span class=note>'.lang('not set, use Button to search for').'</span>';
$phpgw->template->set_var('project', $project);
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_praddrbook', lang('Addressbook'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_addr_prompt', lang('Pattern for Search in Addressbook'));
if (($addr_id = $phpgw->infolog->data['info_addr_id']) || $addrsearch) {
$contacts = createobject('phpgwapi.contacts');
if ($addrsearch) {
$addrs = $contacts->read( 0,0,'',$addrsearch,'','DESC','org_name,n_family,n_given' );
if (count($addrs)) {
$addrbook = '<select name="addr_id">';
while (list( $key,$addr ) = each( $addrs )) {
$addrbook .= '<option value="'.$addr['id'].'">'.$phpgw->infolog->addr2name( $addr )."\n";
$addrbook .= '<option value="0">'.lang('none')."\n";
$addrbook .= '</select>';
} else {
$addrbook = lang( 'No entrys found for %1, try again ...',"'$addrsearch'" );
} else { // read name/company from addressbook entry info_addr_id
list( $addr ) = $contacts->read_single_entry( $addr_id );
if (count($addr)) {
$addrbook = $phpgw->infolog->addr2name( $addr ).'<input type="hidden" name="addr_id" value="' . $addr_id . '">';
if (!$addrbook)
$addrbook = '<span class=note>'.lang('not set, use Button to search for').'</span>';
$phpgw->template->set_var('addrbook', $addrbook);
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prsubject', lang('Subject'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('subjectval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_subject']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prdesc', lang('Description'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('descval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_des']));
// get month/day/year fields for startdate and enddate
if ($phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate'] == 0) {
$sday = $smonth = $syear = 0;
} else {
$sday = date('d',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate']);
$smonth = date('m',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate']);
$syear = date('Y',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate']);
if ($phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate'] == 0) {
$eday = $emonth = $eyear = 0;
} else {
$eday = date('d',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate']);
$emonth = date('m',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate']);
$eyear = date('Y',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate']);
// get an instance of select box class
$sm = CreateObject('phpgwapi.sbox');
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_start_date',lang('Start Date'));
$sm->getMonthText('smonth', $smonth),$sm->getDays('sday', $sday)));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_end_date',lang('End Date'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('end_select_date',$phpgw->common->dateformatorder($sm->getYears('eyear', $eyear,$eyear<date('Y')?$eyear:date('Y')-2),
$sm->getMonthText('emonth', $emonth),$sm->getDays('eday', $eday)));
$phpgw->template->set_var('selfortoday','<input type="checkbox" name="selfortoday" value="True"> ');
$phpgw->template->set_var('access_list', '<input type="checkbox" name="access" value="True"' . ($phpgw->infolog->data['info_access'] == 'private'?' checked':'') . '>');
$phpgw->template->set_var('edit_button','<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . lang('Save') . '">');
if (!$action && $phpgw->infolog->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('delete_button','<input type="submit" name="delete" value="' . lang('Delete') . '">');
// I would like to have it calculate the amount of days and drop it in days from now.
echo parse_navbar_end();