2007-04-15 16:29:22 +00:00

425 lines
13 KiB

* $Id$
* Copyright 2002 Stephen Grier <>
* See the inclosed smartsieve-NOTICE file for conditions of use and distribution.
class Script {
var $name; /* filename of script. */
var $script; /* full ascii text of script from server. */
var $size; /* size of script in bytes. */
var $so; /* boolean: is it safe to overwrite script?
* only safe if we recognise encoding. */
var $mode; /* basic or advanced. Smartsieve can only read/write basic. */
var $rules; /* array of sieve rules. */
var $vacation; /* vacation settings. */
var $pcount; /* highest priority value in ruleset. */
var $errstr; /* error text. */
// class constructor
function Script ($scriptname) {
$this->name = $scriptname;
$this->script = '';
$this->size = 0;
$this->so = true;
$this->mode = '';
$this->rules = array();
$this->vacation = array();
$this->pcount = 0;
$this->errstr = '';
// get sieve script rules for this user
function retrieveRules ($connection) {
#global $_SESSION;
$continuebit = 1;
$sizebit = 2;
$anyofbit = 4;
$keepbit = 8;
$regexbit = 128;
if (!isset($this->name)){
$this->errstr = 'retrieveRules: no script name specified';
return false;
if (!is_object($connection)) {
$this->errstr = "retrieveRules: no sieve session open";
return false;
// if script doesn't yet exist, nothing to retrieve.
// safe to write to this script file.
#LK if (!AppSession::scriptExists($this->name)) {
#LK $this->so = true;
#LK return true;
#LK }
#print "<br><br><br><br>get Script ". $this->name ."<bR>";
if(PEAR::isError($script = $connection->getScript($this->name))) {
return $script;
#print "<br>AAA: Script is ". htmlentities($script) ."<br>";
$lines = array();
$lines = preg_split("/\n/",$script); //,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$rules = array();
$vacation = array();
$regexps = array('^ *##PSEUDO','^ *#rule','^ *#vacation','^ *#mode');
/* first line should be the script size. eg: {123}. */
#$line = array_shift($lines);
#if (!preg_match("/^\{(\d+)\}$/", $line, $bits)){
# print 'retrieveRules: unexpected value: ' . $line .'<br>';
# $this->errstr = 'retrieveRules: unexpected value: ' . $line;
# return false;
#LK $this->size = $bits[1];
/* next line should be the recognised encoded head. if not, the script
* is of an unrecognised format, and we should not overwrite it. */
$line = array_shift($lines);
if (!preg_match("/^# ?Mail(.*)rules for/", $line)){
$this->errstr = 'retrieveRules: encoding not recognised';
$this->so = false;
return false;
$this->so = true;
$line = array_shift($lines);
while (isset($line)){
foreach ($regexps as $regexp){
if (preg_match("/$regexp/i",$line)){
$line = rtrim($line);
if (preg_match("/^ *#rule&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)$/i",$line,$bits)){
$rule = array();
$rule['priority'] = $bits[1];
$rule['status'] = $bits[2];
$rule['from'] = stripslashes($bits[3]);
$rule['to'] = stripslashes($bits[4]);
$rule['subject'] = stripslashes($bits[5]);
$rule['action'] = $bits[6];
$rule['action_arg'] = $bits[7];
// <crnl>s will be encoded as \\n. undo this.
$rule['action_arg'] = preg_replace("/\\\\n/","\r\n",$rule['action_arg']);
$rule['action_arg'] = stripslashes($rule['action_arg']);
$rule['flg'] = $bits[8]; // bitwise flag
$rule['field'] = stripslashes($bits[9]);
$rule['field_val'] = stripslashes($bits[10]);
$rule['size'] = $bits[11];
$rule['continue'] = ($bits[8] & $continuebit);
$rule['gthan'] = ($bits[8] & $sizebit); // use 'greater than'
$rule['anyof'] = ($bits[8] & $anyofbit);
$rule['keep'] = ($bits[8] & $keepbit);
$rule['regexp'] = ($bits[8] & $regexbit);
$rule['unconditional'] = 0;
if (!$rule['from'] && !$rule['to'] && !$rule['subject'] &&
!$rule['field'] && !$rule['size'] && $rule['action']) {
$rule['unconditional'] = 1;
if ($rule['priority'] > $this->pcount) {
$this->pcount = $rule['priority'];
if (preg_match("/^ *#vacation&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)/i",$line,$bits)) {
$vacation['days'] = $bits[1];
$vaddresslist = $bits[2];
$vaddresslist = preg_replace("/\"|\s/","",$vaddresslist);
$vaddresses = array();
$vaddresses = preg_split("/,/",$vaddresslist);
$vacation['text'] = $bits[3];
// <crnl>s will be encoded as \\n. undo this.
$vacation['text'] = preg_replace("/\\\\n/","\r\n",$vacation['text']);
$vacation['status'] = $bits[4];
$vacation['addresses'] = &$vaddresses;
if (preg_match("/^ *#mode&&(.*)/i",$line,$bits)){
if ($bits[1] == 'basic')
$this->mode = 'basic';
elseif ($bits[1] == 'advanced')
$this->mode = 'advanced';
$this->mode = 'unknown';
$line = array_shift($lines);
$this->script = $script;
$this->rules = $rules;
$this->vacation = $vacation;
return true;
// update and save sieve script
function updateScript ($connection)
#global $_SESSION,$default,$sieve;
global $default,$sieve;
$activerules = 0;
$regexused = 0;
$rejectused = 0;
$username = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'];
$version = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['felamimail']['version'];
//include "$default->lib_dir/version.php";
if (!is_object($connection))
$this->errstr = "updateScript: no sieve session open";
return false;
// don't overwrite a file if not created by SmartSieve,
// unless configured to do so.
#LK if (!$this->so && !$default->allow_write_unrecognised_scripts) {
#LK $this->errstr = 'updateScript: encoding not recognised: not safe to overwrite ' . $this->name;
#LK return false;
#LK }
// lets generate the main body of the script from our rules
$newscriptbody = "";
$continue = 1;
foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
$newruletext = "";
// don't print this rule if disabled.
if ($rule['status'] != 'ENABLED') {
} else {
$activerules = 1;
// conditions
$anyall = "allof";
if ($rule['anyof']) $anyall = "anyof";
if ($rule['regexp']) {
$regexused = 1;
$started = 0;
if (!$rule['unconditional']) {
if (!$continue) $newruletext .= "els";
$newruletext .= "if " . $anyall . " (";
if ($rule['from']) {
if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['from'])){
$newruletext .= 'not ';
$rule['from'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['from']);
$match = ':contains';
if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['from'])) $match = ':matches';
if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex';
$newruletext .= "address " . $match . " [\"From\"]";
$newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['from']) . "\"";
$started = 1;
if ($rule['to']) {
if ($started) $newruletext .= ", ";
if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['to'])){
$newruletext .= 'not ';
$rule['to'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['to']);
$match = ':contains';
if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['to'])) $match = ':matches';
if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex';
$newruletext .= "address " . $match . " [\"To\",\"TO\",\"Cc\",\"CC\"]";
$newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['to']) . "\"";
$started = 1;
if ($rule['subject']) {
if ($started) $newruletext .= ", ";
if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['subject'])){
$newruletext .= 'not ';
$rule['subject'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['subject']);
$match = ':contains';
if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['subject'])) $match = ':matches';
if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex';
$newruletext .= "header " . $match . " \"subject\"";
$newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['subject']) . "\"";
$started = 1;
if ($rule['field'] && $rule['field_val']) {
if ($started) $newruletext .= ", ";
if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['field_val'])){
$newruletext .= 'not ';
$rule['field_val'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['field_val']);
$match = ':contains';
if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['field_val'])) $match = ':matches';
if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex';
$newruletext .= "header " . $match . " \"" . addslashes($rule['field']) . "\"";
$newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['field_val']) . "\"";
$started = 1;
if ($rule['size']) {
$xthan = " :under ";
if ($rule['gthan']) $xthan = " :over ";
if ($started) $newruletext .= ", ";
$newruletext .= "size " . $xthan . $rule['size'] . "K";
$started = 1;
// actions
if (!$rule['unconditional']) $newruletext .= ") {\n\t";
if (preg_match("/folder/i",$rule['action'])) {
$newruletext .= "fileinto \"" . $rule['action_arg'] . "\";";
if (preg_match("/reject/i",$rule['action'])) {
$newruletext .= "reject text: \n" . $rule['action_arg'] . "\n.\n;";
$rejectused = 1;
if (preg_match("/address/i",$rule['action'])) {
$newruletext .= "redirect \"" . $rule['action_arg'] . "\";";
if (preg_match("/discard/i",$rule['action'])) {
$newruletext .= "discard;";
if ($rule['keep']) $newruletext .= "\n\tkeep;";
if (!$rule['unconditional']) $newruletext .= "\n}";
$continue = 0;
if ($rule['continue']) $continue = 1;
if ($rule['unconditional']) $continue = 1;
$newscriptbody .= $newruletext . "\n\n";
} // end 'if ! ENABLED'
// vacation rule
if ($this->vacation) {
$vacation = $this->vacation;
if (!$vacation['days']) $vacation['days'] = $default->vacation_days;
if (!$vacation['text']) $vacation['text'] = $default->vacation_text;
if (!$vacation['status']) $vacation['status'] = 'on';
// filter out invalid addresses.
$ok_vaddrs = array();
foreach($vacation['addresses'] as $addr){
if ($addr != '' && preg_match("/\@/",$addr))
$vacation['addresses'] = $ok_vaddrs;
if (!$vacation['addresses'][0]){
$defaultaddr = $sieve->user . '@' . $sieve->maildomain;
if ($vacation['status'] == 'on') {
$newscriptbody .= "vacation :days " . $vacation['days'] . " :addresses [";
$first = 1;
foreach ($vacation['addresses'] as $vaddress) {
if (!$first) $newscriptbody .= ", ";
$newscriptbody .= "\"" . $vaddress . "\"";
$first = 0;
$newscriptbody .= "] text:\n" . $vacation['text'] . "\n.\n;\n\n";
// update with any changes.
$this->vacation = $vacation;
// generate the script head
$newscripthead = "";
$newscripthead .= "#Mail filter rules for " . $username . "\n";
$newscripthead .= '#Generated by ' . $username . ' using FeLaMiMail ' . $version . ' ' . date($default->script_date_format);
$newscripthead .= "\n";
if ($activerules) {
$newscripthead .= "require [\"fileinto\"";
if ($regexused) $newscripthead .= ",\"regex\"";
if ($rejectused) $newscripthead .= ",\"reject\"";
if ($this->vacation && $this->vacation['status'] == 'on') {
$newscripthead .= ",\"vacation\"";
$newscripthead .= "];\n\n";
} else {
// no active rules, but might still have an active vacation rule
if ($this->vacation && $this->vacation['status'] == 'on')
$newscripthead .= "require [\"vacation\"];\n\n";
// generate the encoded script foot
$newscriptfoot = "";
$pcount = 1;
$newscriptfoot .= "##PSEUDO script start\n";
foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
// only add rule to foot if status != deleted. this is how we delete a rule.
if ($rule['status'] != 'DELETED') {
$rule['action_arg'] = addslashes($rule['action_arg']);
// we need to handle \r\n here.
$rule['action_arg'] = preg_replace("/\r\n/","\\n",$rule['action_arg']);
/* reset priority value. note: we only do this
* for compatibility with Websieve. */
$rule['priority'] = $pcount;
$newscriptfoot .= "#rule&&" . $rule['priority'] . "&&" . $rule['status'] . "&&" .
$rule['from'] . "&&" . $rule['to'] . "&&" . $rule['subject'] . "&&" . $rule['action'] . "&&" .
$rule['action_arg'] . "&&" . $rule['flg'] . "&&" . $rule['field'] . "&&" . $rule['field_val'] . "&&" . $rule['size'] . "\n";
$pcount = $pcount+2;
if ($this->vacation) {
$vacation = $this->vacation;
$newscriptfoot .= "#vacation&&" . $vacation['days'] . "&&";
$first = 1;
foreach ($vacation['addresses'] as $address) {
if (!$first) $newscriptfoot .= ", ";
$newscriptfoot .= "\"" . $address . "\"";
$first = 0;
$vacation['text'] = preg_replace("/\r\n/","\\n",$vacation['text']);
$newscriptfoot .= "&&" . $vacation['text'] . "&&" . $vacation['status'] . "\n";
$newscriptfoot .= "#mode&&basic\n";
$newscript = $newscripthead . $newscriptbody . $newscriptfoot;
$this->script = $newscript;
#print "<pre>$newscript</pre>"; exit;
$scriptfile = $this->name;
#print "<hr><pre>".htmlentities($newscript)."</pre><hr>";
if (!$connection->installScript($this->name, $newscript, true)) {
$this->errstr = 'updateScript: putscript failed: ' . $connection->errstr;
return false;
return true;