
717 lines
31 KiB

1 match found calendar en 1 match found
1 message has been deleted email en 1 message has been deleted
a calendar en a
accept calendar en Accept
accepted calendar en Accepted
access common en Access
access not permitted common en Access not permitted
access type common en Access type
account active admin en Account active
account has been created common en Account has been created
account has been deleted common en Account has been deleted
account has been updated common en Account has been updated
account permissions admin en Account permissions
account preferences common en Account Preferences
acl common en ACL
action admin en Action
active common en Active
add a note for notes en Add a note for
add a note for x notes en Add a note for %1
add a single phrase transy en Add a single phrase
add bookkeeping en Add
add category common en Add Category
add common en Add
add_expense bookkeeping en Add expense
add global category admin en Add global category
add_income bookkeeping en Add income
add new account admin en Add new account
add new application admin en Add new application
add new phrase transy en Add new phrase
add new ticket tts en Add new ticket
add note notes en Add note
add x category for common en Add %1 category for
address book common en Address Book
addressbook common en Addressbook
addressbook preferences common en Addressbook preferences
address book - view addressbook en Address book - view
address line 2 addressbook en Address Line 2
address line 3 addressbook en Address Line 3
address type addressbook en Address Type
addsub todo en AddSub
add sub todo en Add sub
add ticket tts en Add ticket
add to addressbook email en Add to addressbook
addvcard common en Add VCard
admin bookkeeping en Admin
admin common en Admin
administration common en Administration
all common en All
all day calendar en All Day
allow anonymous access to this app admin en Allow anonymous access to this app
all records and account information will be lost! admin en All records and account information will be lost!
amount bookkeeping en Amount
anonymous user admin en Anonymous user
any transy en Any
application name admin en Application name
applications admin en Applications
application title admin en Application title
application transy en Application
april common en April
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar en Are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar en Are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nThis will delete\nthis entry for all users.
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this account ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this application ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common en Are you sure you want to delete this entry ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry todo en Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this group ?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar en Are you sure you want to delete this holiday ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this news site ?
are you sure you want to delete this note ? notes en Are you sure you want to delete this note ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin en Are you sure you want to kill this session ?
arial notes en Arial
assign to tts en Assign to
august common en August
author nntp en Author
autosave default category common en Autosave Default Category
available groups nntp en Available Groups
bad login or password login en Bad login or password
base url admin en Base URL
bbs phone addressbook en BBS Phone
birthday addressbook en Birthday
bookkeeping admins common en Bookkeeping admins
bookkeeping common en Bookkeeping
book marks common en Book marks
bookmarks common en Bookmarks
brief description calendar en Brief Description
business city common en Business City
business common en Business
business address type addressbook en Business Address Type
business country common en Business Country
business email common en Business EMail
business email type common en Business EMail Type
business fax common en Business Fax
business phone common en Business Phone
business state common en Business State
business street common en Business Street
business zip code common en Business Postal Code
calendar - add calendar en Calendar - Add
calendar common en calendar
calendar - edit calendar en Calendar - Edit
calendar preferences common en Calendar preferences
cancel common en Cancel
cannot display the requested article from the requested newsgroup nntp en Cannot display the requested article from the requested newsgroup
car phone addressbook en Car Phone
categories common en Categories
categories for common en categories for
category common en Category
category description admin en Category description
category name admin en Category name
category x has been added ! common en Category %1 has been added !
category x has been updated ! common en Category %1 has been updated !
cc email en CC
cell phone addressbook en cell phone
center weather en Center
change common en Change
change main screen message admin en Change main screen message
change your password preferences en Change your Password
change your profile preferences en Change your profile
change your settings preferences en Change your Settings
charset common en iso-8859-1
chat common en Chat
choose a font notes en Choose a font
choose a category common en Choose a category
choose the category common en Choose the category
choose the font size notes en Choose the font size
city addressbook en City
city admin en City
city weather en City
clear common en Clear
clear form common en Clear Form
clipboard_contents filemanager en Clipboard Contents
common transy en Common
company common en Company
company name addressbook en Company Name
completed todo en completed
compose email en Compose
contact common en Contact
copy_as filemanager en Copy as
copy common en Copy
country addressbook en Country
country weather en Country
courier new notes en Courier New
create common en Create
created by common en Created By
create group admin en Create Group
create lang.sql file transy en Create lang.sql file
create new language set transy en Create new language set
currency common en Currency
current_file filemanager en Current File
current users common en Current users
custom common en Custom
custom email settings email en custom email settings
custom fields addressbook en Custom Fields
daily calendar en Daily
daily matrix view calendar en Daily Matrix View
date bookkeeping en Date
date common en Date
date due common en Date Due
date format preferences en Date format
days datedue todo en days datedue
days repeated calendar en days repeated
december common en December
default application preferences en Default application
default calendar filter calendar en Default calendar filter
default calendar view calendar en Default calendar view
default sorting order email en Default sorting order
delete bookkeeping en Delete
delete common en Delete
department addressbook en Department
description common en Description
detail tts en Detail
disabled admin en Disabled
display admin en Display
display mini calendars when printing calendar en Display mini calendars when printing
display missing phrases in lang set transy en Display missing phrases in lang set
display note for notes en Display note for
display status of events calendar en Display Status of Events
do_delete filemanager en Delete
do_delete x filemanager en Delete %1
domestic common en Domestic
done common en Done
download filemanager en Download
duration calendar en Duration
edit application admin en Edit application
edit bookkeeping en Edit
edit common en Edit
edit category common en Edit Category
edit categories common en Edit Categories
edit custom fields preferences en edit custom fields
edit_expense bookkeeping en Edit expense
edit group admin en Edit Group
edit_income bookkeeping en Edit income
edit note for notes en Edit note for
edit user account admin en Edit user account
edit x category for common en Edit %1 category for
email account name email en Email Account Name
email address email en E-Mail address
e-mail common en E-Mail
email common en E-Mail
email password email en E-Mail password
e-mail preferences common en E-Mail preferences
email signature email en E-Mail signature
email type common en E-Mail Type
enabled admin en Enabled
enabled - hidden from navbar admin en Enabled - Hidden from navbar
enabled weather en Enabled
end date/time calendar en End Date/Time
end date common en End Date
end time common en end time
ends calendar en ends
enter your new password preferences en Enter your new password
entries bookkeeping en Entries
entry has been deleted sucessfully common en Entry has been deleted sucessfully
entry updated sucessfully common en Entry updated sucessfully
error common en Error
error creating x x directory common en Error creating %1%2 directory
error deleting x x directory common en Error deleting %1%2 directory
error renaming x x directory common en Error renaming %1%2 directory
err_saving_file filemanager en Error saving file to disk
exit common en Exit
extra common en Extra
expense bookkeeping en Expense
expenses bookkeeping en Expenses
export contacts addressbook en Export Contacts
failed to find your station weather en Failed to find your station
fax addressbook en Fax
february common en February
fields common en Fields
fields to show in address list addressbook en Fields to show in address list
file manager common en File manager
files common en Files
file_upload filemanager en File Upload
filter common en Filter
firstname bookkeeping en Firstname
first name common en First name
first page common en first page
folder email en Folder
forecast admin en Forecast
forecasts weather en Forecasts
forecast weather en Forecast
forecast zone admin en Forecast Zone
forum common en Forum
forward email en Forward
(for weekly) calendar en (for Weekly)
fr calendar en F
free/busy calendar en Free/Busy
frequency calendar en Frequency
fri calendar en Fri
friday common en Friday
from email en From
ftp common en FTP
full description calendar en Full Description
full name addressbook en Full Name
fzone admin en FZone
fzone weather en FZone
generate new lang.sql file transy en Generate new lang.sql file
generate printer-friendly version calendar en Generate printer-friendly version
geo addressbook en GEO
georgia notes en Georgia
global categories admin en Global Categories
global common en Global
global public and group public calendar en Global Public and group public
global public common en Global Public
global public only calendar en Global Public Only
global weather en Global
go! calendar en Go!
grant addressbook access common en Grant Addressbook Access
grant calendar access common en Grant Calendar Access
grant todo access common en Grant Todo Access
group access common en Group Access
group common en Group
group_files filemanager en group files
group has been added common en Group has been added
group has been deleted common en Group has been deleted
group has been updated common en Group has been updated
group name admin en Group Name
group public common en Group Public
group public only calendar en Group Public Only
groups common en Groups
groupsfile_perm_error filemanager en To correct this error you will need to properly set the permissions to the files/groups directory.<BR> On *nix systems please type: chmod 770
headline preferences common en Headline preferences
headlines common en Headlines
headline sites admin en Headline Sites
help common en Help
helvetica notes en Helvetica
hide php information admin en hide php information
high common en High
home city addressbook en Home City
home common en Home
home address type addressbook en Home Address Type
home country addressbook en Home Country
home directory admin en Home directory
home email addressbook en Home EMail
home email type addressbook en Home EMail Type
home phone addressbook en Home Phone
home state addressbook en Home State
home street addressbook en Home Street
home zip code addressbook en Home ZIP Code
human resources common en Human Resources
icons and text preferences en Icons and text
icons only preferences en icons only
id admin en ID
idle admin en idle
id weather en ID
if applicable email en If Applicable
ignore conflict calendar en Ignore Conflict
image email en Image
imap server type email en IMAP Server Type
import contacts addressbook en Import Contacts
import file addressbook en Import File
import from outlook addressbook en Import from Outlook
import lang set transy en Import lang set
income bookkeeping en Income
installed applications admin en Installed applications
interface/template selection preferences en Interface/Template Selection
international common en International
inventory common en Inventory
ip admin en IP
i participate calendar en I Participate
isdn phone addressbook en ISDN Phone
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common en It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
january common en January
july common en July
june common en June
kill admin en Kill
label addressbook en Label
language preferences en Language
large notes en Large
last login admin en last login
last login from admin en last login from
lastname bookkeeping en Lastname
last name common en Last name
last page common en last page
last time read admin en Last Time Read
last updated todo en Last Updated
last x logins admin en Last %1 logins
line 2 addressbook en Line 2
links weather en Links
listings displayed admin en Listings Displayed
list of current users admin en list of current users
logging bookkeeping en Logging
login common en Login
loginid admin en LoginID
loginid bookkeeping en LoginID
login screen admin en Login screen
login shell admin en Login shell
login time admin en Login Time
logout common en Logout
low common en Low
mail folder(uw-maildir) email en Mail Folder(uw-maildir)
mail server email en Mail Server
mail server type email en Mail Server type
main screen common en Main screen
main screen message admin en Main screen message
manager admin en Manager
manual common en Manual
march common en March
max matchs per page preferences en Max matches per page
may common en May
medium common en Medium
message common en Message
message phone addressbook en Message Phone
messages email en Messages
message x nntp en Message %1
metar admin en Metar
metar weather en Metar
middle name addressbook en Middle Name
minutes between reloads admin en Minutes between Reloads
minutes calendar en minutes
mobile addressbook en Mobile
mobile phone common en Mobile phone
mo calendar en M
modem phone common en Modem Phone
mon calendar en Mon
monday common en Monday
monitor common en Monitor
monitor newsgroups preferences en Monitor Newsgroups
month calendar en Month
monthly (by date) calendar en Monthly (by date)
monthly (by day) calendar en Monthly (by day)
monthly calendar en Monthly
move selected messages into email en Move Selected Messages into
name common en Name
network news admin en Network News
new entry added sucessfully common en New entry added sucessfully
new entry calendar en New Entry
new_file filemanager en New File
new group name admin en New group name
new message email en New message
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin en New password [ Leave blank for no change ]
new phrase has been added transy en New phrase has been added
news file admin en News File
newsgroups common en Newsgroups
news headlines common en News headlines
news reader common en News Reader
news type admin en News Type
new ticket tts en New Ticket
next common en Next
next page common en next page
nntp common en NNTP
no common en No
<b>No conversion type &lt;none&gt; could be located.</b> Please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook en <b>No conversion type &lt;none&gt; could be located.</b> Please choose a conversion type from the list
no_file_name filemanager en No filename was specified
no matches found. calendar en No matches found.
no matchs found admin en No matchs found
no repsonse calendar en No Response
none common en None
non-standard email en Non-Standard
normal common en Normal
no subject common en No Subject
no response calendar en No Response
not applicable weather en Not Applicable
note has been added for x ! notes en Note has been added for %1 !
notes common en Notes
notes categories common en Notes categories
notes list notes en Notes list
notes preferences common en Notes preferences
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences en Note: This feature does *not* change your email password. This will need to be done manually.
no tickets found tts en No tickets found.
november common en November
observations weather en Observations
october common en October
ok common en OK
only yours common en only yours
on *nix systems please type: x common en On *nix systems please type: %1
or: days from startdate: todo en or: days from startdate:
original transy en Original
or: select for today: todo en or: select for today:
other common en Other
other number addressbook en Other Number
other phone common en Other phone
owner common en Owner
pager addressbook en Pager
parcel addressbook en Parcel
parent category common en Parent Category
parent project todo en Parent Project
participant calendar en Participant
participants calendar en Participants
participates calendar en Participates
password common en Password
password has been updated common en Password has been updated
percent of users that logged out admin en Percent of users that logged out
permissions admin en Permissions
permissions this group has admin en Permissions this group has
permissions to the files/users directory common en permissions to the files/users directory
personal common en Personal
personalized notes for notes en Personalized notes for
phone numbers addressbook en Phone Numbers
phpgroupware login login en phpGroupWare login
php information admin en PHP Information
phrase in english transy en Phrase in English
phrase in new language transy en Phrase in new language
please enter a name for that category ! admin en Please enter a name for that category !
please select a message first email en Please select a message first
please, select a new theme preferences en Please, select a new theme
please set your preferences for this app common en Please set your preferences for this application
please x by hand common en Please %1 by hand
postal addressbook en Postal
powered by phpgroupware version x common en Powered by <a href=>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
pref common en pref
prefer common en Prefer
preferences common en Preferences
prefix addressbook en Prefix
previous email en Previous
previous page common en Previous page
print common en Print
printer friendly calendar en Printer Friendly
priority common en Priority
private and global public calendar en Private and Global Public
private and group public calendar en Private and Group Public
private common en Private
private_files filemanager en Private files
private only calendar en Private Only
proceed bookkeeping en Proceed.
project description todo en Project Description
public common en public
public key addressbook en Public Key
read common en Read
recent weather en Recent
record access addressbook en Record Access
record owner addressbook en Record owner
re-edit event calendar en Re-Edit Event
re-enter password admin en Re-enter password
re-enter your password preferences en Re-Enter your password
refresh calendar en Refresh
region admin en Region
regions admin en Regions
regions weather en Regions
region weather en Region
reject calendar en Reject
rejected calendar en Rejected
remove all users from this group admin en Remove all users from this group
rename common en Rename
rename_to filemanager en Rename to
repeat day calendar en Repeat day
repeat end date calendar en Repeat End date
repeating event information calendar en Repeating Event Information
repeat type calendar en Repeat type
repetition calendar en Repetition
reply all email en Reply All
reply email en Reply
replyto email en ReplyTo
reports bookkeeping en Reports
sa calendar en Sa
sat calendar en Sat
saturday common en Saturday
save common en Save
scheduling conflict calendar en Scheduling Conflict
search common en Search
search results calendar en Search Results
section email en Section
select application transy en Select application
select category common en Select Category
select different theme preferences en Select different Theme
select headline news sites common en Select Headline News sites
select language to generate for transy en Select language to generate for
select parent category common en Select parent category
select permissions this group will have admin en Select permissions this group will have
select users for inclusion admin en Select users for inclusion
select which application for this phrase transy en select which application for this phrase
select which language for this phrase transy en select which language for this phrase
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin en Select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right)
send deleted messages to the trash email en Send deleted messages to the trash
send email en Send
send updates via email common en Send updates via EMail
send/Receive updates via email calendar en Send/Receive updates via EMail
september common en September
session has been killed common en Session has been killed
show all common en show all
show all groups nntp en Show All Groups
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook en Show birthday reminders on main screen
show current users on navigation bar preferences en Show current users on navigation bar
show day view on main screen calendar en Show day view on main screen
show groups containing nntp en Show Groups Containing
show high priority events on main screen calendar en Show high priority events on main screen
showing x common en showing %1
showing # x of x weather en showing # %1 of %2
showing x - x of x common en showing %1 - %2 of %3
show navigation bar as preferences en Show navigation bar as
show new messages on main screen email en Show new messages on main screen
show sender's email address with name email en Show sender's email address with name
show text on navigation icons preferences en Show text on navigation icons
site admin en Site
size email en Size
small notes en Small
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin en Sorry, that group name has already been taking.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin en Sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1
sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar en Sorry, the owner has just deleted this event
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common en Sorry, there was a problem processing your request.
sorry, your login has expired login en Sorry, your login has expired
source language transy en Source Language
specify_file_name filemanager en You must specify a name for the file you wish to create
start date/time calendar en Start Date/Time
start date common en Start Date
start time common en Start Time
state addressbook en State
state weather en State
station admin en Station
stations admin en Stations
stations weather en Stations
station weather en Station
statistics bookkeeping en Statistics
status common en Status
street addressbook en Street
subject common en Subject
submit changes admin en Submit Changes
submit common en Submit
subproject description todo en Sub-project description
sub todo en sub
su calendar en Su
successfully imported x records into your addressbook. addressbook en Successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook.
suffix addressbook en Suffix
sun calendar en Sun
sunday common en Sunday
switch current folder to email en Switch Current Folder To
switch to bookkeeping en Switch to
table admin en Table
tables weather en Tables
target language transy en Target Language
tentative calendar en Tentative
text only preferences en Text only
that category name has been used already ! admin en That category name has been used already !
that loginid has already been taken admin en That loginid has already been taken
that phrase already exists common en That phrase already exists
that site has already been entered admin en That site has already been entered
th calendar en T
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar en The following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul>
the login and password can not be the same admin en The login and password can not be the same
there was an error trying to connect to your mail server.<br>please, check your username and password, or contact your admin. email en There was an error trying to connect to your mail server.<br>Please, check your username and password, or contact your admin.
there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar en There was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>Please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password.
the two passwords are not the same common en The two passwords are not the same
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences en Theme (colors/fonts) Selection
they must be removed before you can continue admin en They must be removed before you can continue
this folder is empty email en This folder is empty
this month calendar en This month
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook en This person's first name was not in the address book.
this server is located in the x timezone preferences en This server is located in the %1 timezone
this week calendar en This week
this year calendar en This year
threads nntp en Threads
thu calendar en Thu
thursday common en Thursday
tickets open x tts en Tickets open %1
tickets total x tts en Tickets total %1
time common en Time
time created notes en Time created
time format preferences en Time format
times new roman notes en Times New Roman
time zone common en Timezone
time zone offset common en Time zone offset
title common en Title
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common en To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
today calendar en Today
today is x's birthday! common en Today is %1's birthday!
todo categories common en Todo categories
todo list - add sub-project todo en Todo list - add sub-project
todo list - add todo en Todo list - add
todo list common en Todo List
todo list - edit todo en Todo list - edit
todo preferences common en Todo preferences
todo common en Todo
to email en To
tomorrow is x's birthday. common en Tomorrow is %1's birthday.
total common en Total
total records admin en Total records
translation management common en Translation Management
translation transy en Translation
trouble ticket system common en Trouble Ticket System
tu calendar en T
tue calendar en Tue
tuesday common en Tuesday
undisclosed recipients email en Undisclosed Recipients
undisclosed sender email en Undisclosed Sender
updated common en Updated
update nntp en Update
upload filemanager en Upload
urgency todo en Urgency
url addressbook en URL
use cookies login en use cookies
use custom settings email en Use custom settings
use end date calendar en Use End date
user accounts admin en User accounts
user groups admin en User groups
username login en Username
user common en User
users common en users
usersfile_perm_error filemanager en To correct this error you will need to properly set the permissions to the files/users directory.<BR> On *nix systems please type: chmod 707
vcard common en VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook en VCards require a first name entry.
verdana notes en Verdana
very large notes en Very Large
very small notes en Very Small
video phone addressbook en Video Phone
view access log admin en View Access Log
view all tickets tts en View all tickets
view bookkeeping en View
view common en View
view/edit/delete all phrases transy en View/edit/delete all phrases
view_expense bookkeeping en View expense
view_income bookkeeping en View income
view matrix of actual month todo en View Matrix of actual Month
view only open tickets tts en View only open tickets
view sessions admin en View sessions
view this entry calendar en View this entry
voice phone addressbook en Voice Phone
weather center admin en Weather Center
weather center preferences en Weather Center
weather preferences en Weather
weather weather en Weather
we calendar en W
wed calendar en Wed
wednesday common en Wednesday
week calendar en Week
weekday starts on calendar en Weekday starts on
weekly calendar en Weekly
when creating new events default set to private calendar en When creating new events default set to private
which groups common en Which groups
work day ends on calendar en Work day ends on
work day starts on calendar en Work day starts on
work phone addressbook en Work Phone
x matches found calendar en %1 matches found
x messages have been deleted email en %1 messages have been deleted
year calendar en Year
yearly calendar en Yearly
yes common en Yes
you are required to change your password during your first login common en You are required to change your password during your first login
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common en You have 1 high priority event on your calendar today.
you have 1 new message! common en You have 1 new message!
you have been successfully logged out login en You have been successfully logged out
you have entered an invailed date todo en you have entered an invailed date
you have messages! common en You have messages!
you have no new messages common en You have no new messages
you have not entered a valid date calendar en You have not entered a valid date
you have not entered a title calendar en You have not entered a title
you have not entered a valid time of day calendar en You have not entered a valid time of day
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common en You have %1 high priority events on your calendar today.
you have x new messages! common en You have %1 new messages!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin en You must add at least 1 permission or group to this account
you must enter a base url admin en You must enter a base url
you must enter a display admin en You must enter a display
you must enter an application name and title. admin en You must enter an application name and title.
you must enter a news url admin en You must enter a news url
you must enter a password common en You must enter a password
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar en You must enter one or more search keywords
you must enter the number of listings display admin en You must enter the number of listings display
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin en You must enter the number of minutes between reload
you must select a file type admin en You must select a file type
your current theme is: x preferences en </b>
your message has been sent common en Your message has been sent
your search returned 1 match common en your search returned 1 match
your search returned x matchs common en your search returned %1 matches
your session could not be verified. login en Your session could not be verified.
your settings have been updated common en Your settings have been Updated
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar en Your suggested time of <B> %1 - %2 </B> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries:
zip code addressbook en ZIP Code
zone admin en Zone
zone weather en Zone