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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Tree object
* @link http://community.egroupware.org/egroupware/api/js/dhtmlxtree/docsExplorer/dhtmlxtree/
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
* @author Ralf Becker
* @copyright Nathan Gray 2011
// using debugable and fixed source of dhtmltree instead: /api/js/dhtmlxtree/js/dhtmlXTree.js;
// /api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/ext/dhtmlxtree_start.js;
import {et2_register_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget";
import {et2_inputWidget} from "./et2_core_inputWidget";
import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance";
import {et2_no_init} from "./et2_core_common";
import {egw} from "../jsapi/egw_global";
import {egw_getAppObjectManager, egw_getObjectManager, egwActionObject} from "../egw_action/egw_action.js";
import {EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER} from "../egw_action/egw_action_constants.js";
import {dhtmlxtreeItemAOI} from "../egw_action/egw_dragdrop_dhtmlx_tree.js";
import {egwIsMobile} from "../egw_action/egw_action_common.js";
/* no module, but egw:uses is ignored, so adding it here commented out
import '../../../api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/dhtmlxtree.js';
import '../../../api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js';
import '../../../api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/ext/dhtmlxtree_start.js';
* Tree widget
* For syntax of nodes supplied via sel_options or autoloading refer to Etemplate\Widget\Tree class.
* @augments et2_inputWidget
export class et2_tree extends et2_inputWidget
static readonly _attributes : any = {
"multiple": {
"name": "multiple",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"description": "Allow selecting multiple options"
"select_options": {
"type": "any",
"name": "Select options",
"default": {},
"description": "Used to set the tree options."
"onclick": {
"description": "JS code which gets executed when clicks on text of a node"
"onselect": {
"name": "onSelect",
"type": "js",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "Javascript executed when user selects a node"
"oncheck": {
"name": "onCheck",
"type": "js",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "Javascript executed when user checks a node"
// onChange event is mapped depending on multiple to onCheck or onSelect
onopenstart: {
"name": "onOpenStart",
"type": "js",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "Javascript function executed when user opens a node: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren) returning true to allow opening!"
onopenend: {
"name": "onOpenEnd",
"type": "js",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "Javascript function executed when opening a node is finished: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren)"
"image_path": {
"name": "Image directory",
"type": "string",
"default": egw().webserverUrl + "/api/templates/default/images/dhtmlxtree/",
"description": "Directory for tree structure images, set on server-side to 'dhtmlx' subdir of templates image-directory"
"value": {
"type": "any",
"default": {}
"actions": {
"name": "Actions array",
"type": "any",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "List of egw actions that can be done on the tree. This includes context menu, drag and drop. TODO: Link to action documentation"
"autoloading": {
"name": "Autoloading",
"type": "string",
"default": "",
"description": "JSON URL or menuaction to be called for nodes marked with child=1, but not having children, GET parameter selected contains node-id"
"std_images": {
"name": "Standard images",
"type": "string",
"default": "",
"description": "comma-separated names of icons for a leaf, closed and opend folder (default: leaf.png,folderClosed.png,folderOpen.png), images with extension get loaded from image_path, just 'image' or 'appname/image' are allowed too"
"multimarking": {
"name": "multimarking",
"type": "any",
"default": false,
"description": "Allow marking multiple nodes, default is false which means disabled multiselection, true or 'strict' activates it and 'strict' makes it strick to only same level marking"
"name": "highlighting",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"description": "Add highlighting class on hovered over item, highlighting is disabled by default"
private input : any = null;
private div : JQuery;
private autoloading_url: any;
* Regexp used by _htmlencode
_lt_regexp : RegExp = /</g;
* Constructor
* @memberOf et2_tree
constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object)
// Call the inherited constructor
super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_tree._attributes, _child || {}));
this.input = null;
this.div = jQuery(document.createElement("div")).addClass("dhtmlxTree");
destroy() {
this.input = null;
* Get tree items from the sel_options data array
* @param {object} _attrs
transformAttributes(_attrs) {
// If select_options are already known, skip the rest
if(this.options && this.options.select_options && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(this.options.select_options))
let name_parts = this.id.replace(/]/g,'').split('[');
// Try to find the options inside the "sel-options" array
// Select options tend to be defined once, at the top level, so try that first
let content_options = this.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getRoot().getEntry(name_parts[name_parts.length-1]);
// Try again according to ID
if(!content_options) content_options = this.getArrayMgr("sel_options").getEntry(this.id);
if(_attrs["select_options"] && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(_attrs["select_options"]) && content_options)
_attrs["select_options"] = jQuery.extend({},_attrs["select_options"],content_options);
} else if (content_options) {
_attrs["select_options"] = content_options;
// Check whether the options entry was found, if not read it from the
// content array.
if (_attrs["select_options"] == null)
// Again, try last name part at top level
let content_options = this.getArrayMgr('content').getRoot().getEntry(name_parts[name_parts.length-1]);
// If that didn't work, check according to ID
_attrs["select_options"] = content_options ? content_options : this.getArrayMgr('content')
.getEntry("options-" + this.id);
// Default to an empty object
if (_attrs["select_options"] == null)
_attrs["select_options"] = {};
// overwrite default onclick to do nothing, as we install onclick via dhtmlxtree
click(_node) {}
widget.input = new dhtmlXTreeObject({
parent: widget.div[0],
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
image_path: widget.options.image_path,
checkbox: widget.options.multiple
// to allow "," in value, eg. folder-names, IF value is specified as array
widget.input.dlmtr = ':}-*(';
if (widget.options.std_images)
widget.setImages.apply(widget, widget.options.std_images.split(','));
// calling setImages to get our png or svg default images
// Add in the callback so we can keep the two in sync
widget.input.AJAX_callback = function(dxmlObject) {
widget._dhtmlxtree_json_callback(JSON.parse(dxmlObject.xmlDoc.responseText), widget.input.lastLoadedXMLId);
// Call this in case we added some options that were already selected, but missing
if (widget.options.autoloading)
let url = widget.options.autoloading;
//Set escaping mode to utf8, as url in
//autoloading needs to be utf8 encoded.
//For instance item id with umlaut.
if (url.charAt(0) != '/' && url.substr(0,4) != 'http')
url = '/json.php?menuaction='+url;
this.autoloading_url = url;
if (widget.options.multimarking)
widget.input.enableMultiselection(!!widget.options.multimarking, widget.options.multimarking === 'strict');
// Enable/Disable highlighting
// if templates supplies open/close right/down arrows, show no more lines and use them instead of plus/minus
let open = egw.image('dhtmlxtree/open');
let close = egw.image('dhtmlxtree/close');
if (open && close)
open = this._rel_url(open);
widget.input.setImageArrays('plus', open, open, open, open, open);
close = this._rel_url(close);
widget.input.setImageArrays('minus', close, close, close, close, close);
this._install_handler('onBeforeCheck', function() {
return !this.options.readonly;
* Install event handlers on tree
* @param _name
* @param _handler
private _install_handler(_name, _handler)
if (typeof _handler == 'function')
if(this.input == null) this.createTree(this);
// automatic convert onChange event to oncheck or onSelect depending on multiple is used or not
if (_name == 'onchange') _name = this.options.multiple ? 'oncheck' : 'onselect';
let handler = _handler;
let widget = this;
this.input.attachEvent(_name, function(_id){
let args = jQuery.makeArray(arguments);
// splice in widget as 2. parameter, 1. is new node-id, now 3. is old node id
args.splice(1, 0, widget);
// try to close mobile sidemenu after clicking on node
if (egwIsMobile() && typeof args[2] == 'string') framework.toggleMenu('on');
return handler.apply(this, args);
set_onchange(_handler) { this._install_handler('onchange', _handler); }
set_onclick(_handler) { this._install_handler('onclick', _handler); }
set_onselect(_handler) { this._install_handler('onselect', _handler); }
set_onopenstart(_handler) { this._install_handler('onOpenStart', _handler); }
set_onopenend(_handler) { this._install_handler('onOpenEnd', _handler); }
let custom_images = false;
this.options.select_options = options;
if(this.input == null)
// Structure data for category tree
if(this.getType() == 'tree-cat')
let data = {id:0,item:[]};
let stack = {};
for(let key=0; key < options.length; key++)
// See if item has an icon
if(options[key].data && typeof options[key].data.icon !== 'undefined' && options[key].data.icon)
let img = this.egw().image(options[key].data.icon, options[key].appname);
custom_images = true;
options[key].im0 = options[key].im1 = options[key].im2 = img;
// Item color - not working
if(options[key].data && typeof options[key].data.color !== 'undefined' && options[key].data.color)
options[key].style = options[key].style || "" + "background-color:'"+options[key].data.color+"';";
// Tooltip
if(options[key].description && !options[key].tooltip)
options[key].tooltip = options[key].description;
let parent_id = parseInt(options[key]['parent']);
if(isNaN(parent_id)) parent_id = 0;
if(!stack[parent_id]) stack[parent_id] = [];
let path = this.input.iconURL;
for(let k = 0; k < this.input.imageArray.length; k++)
this.input.imageArray[k] = path + this.input.imageArray[k];
let f = function(data, _f)
if (stack[data.id])
for (let j=0; j<data.item.length; j++)
f(data.item[j], _f);
f(data, f);
options = data;
// if no options given, but autoloading url, use that to load initial nodes
if (typeof options.id == 'undefined' && this.input.XMLsource)
* html encoding of text of node
* We only do a minimal html encoding by replacing opening bracket < with &lt;
* as tree seems not to need more and we dont want to waste time.
* @param {string} _text text to encode
* @return {string}
private _htmlencode(_text : string) : string
if (_text && _text.indexOf('<') >= 0)
_text = _text.replace(this._lt_regexp, '&lt;');
return _text;
* html encoding of text of node incl. all children
* @param {object} _item with required attributes text, id and optional tooltip and item
* @return {object} encoded node
private _htmlencode_node(_item : {text : string, item : any}) : object
_item.text = this._htmlencode(_item.text);
if (_item.item && jQuery.isArray(_item.item))
for(let i=0; i < _item.item.length; ++i)
return _item;
this.value = this._oldValue = (typeof new_value === 'string' && this.options.multiple ? new_value.split(',') : new_value);
if(this.input == null) return;
if (this.options.multiple)
// Clear all checked
let checked = this.input.getAllChecked().split(this.input.dlmtr);
for(let i = 0; i < checked.length; i++)
this.input.setCheck(checked[i], false);
// Check selected
for(let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++)
this.input.setCheck(this.value[i], true);
// autoloading openning needs to be absolutely based on user interaction
// or open flag in folder structure, therefore, We should
// not force it to open the node
if (!this.options.autoloading) this.input.openItem(this.value[i]);
this.input.selectItem(this.value, false); // false = do not trigger onSelect
* Links actions to tree nodes
* @param {object} actions [ {ID: attributes..}+] as for set_actions
// Get the top level element for the tree
// Only look 1 level deep for application object manager
let objectManager = egw_getObjectManager(this.egw().app_name(),true,1);
let treeObj = objectManager.getObjectById(this.id);
if (treeObj == null) {
// Add a new container to the object manager which will hold the tree
// objects
treeObj = objectManager.addObject(
new egwActionObject(this.id, objectManager, null, this._actionManager, EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER),
// Delete all old objects
// Go over the tree parts & add links
let action_links = this._get_action_links(actions);
if (typeof this.options.select_options != 'undefined')
// Iterate over the options (leaves) and add action to each one
let apply_actions = function(treeObj, option)
// Add a new action object to the object manager
// @ts-ignore
let obj = treeObj.addObject((typeof option.id == 'number' ? String(option.id) : option.id), new dhtmlxtreeItemAOI(this.input, option.id));
if(option.item && option.item.length > 0)
for(let i = 0; i < option.item.length; i++)
apply_actions.call(this, treeObj, option.item[i]);
apply_actions.call(this, treeObj, this.options.select_options);
* getValue, retrieves the Id of the selected Item
* @return string or object or null
if(this.input == null) return null;
if (this.options.multiple)
let allChecked = this.input.getAllChecked().split(this.input.dlmtr);
let allUnchecked = this.input.getAllUnchecked().split(this.input.dlmtr);
if (this.options.autoloading)
let res = {};
for (let i=0;i<allChecked.length;i++)
res[allChecked[i]]= {value:true};
for (let i=0;i<allUnchecked.length;i++)
res[allUnchecked[i]]= {value:false};
return res;
return allChecked;
return this.input.getSelectedItemId();
* getSelectedLabel, retrieves the Label of the selected Item
* @return string or null
if(this.input == null) return null;
if (this.options.multiple)
var out = [];
var checked = this.input.getAllChecked().split(this.input.dlmtr);
for(var i = 0; i < checked.length; i++)
return out;
return null; // not supported yet
return this.input.getSelectedItemText();
* renameItem, renames an item by id
* @param {string} _id ID of the node
* @param {string} _newItemId ID of the node
* @param {string} _label label to set
renameItem(_id, _newItemId, _label)
if(this.input == null) return null;
// Update action
// since the action ID has to = this.id, getObjectById() won't work
var treeObj = (<egwActionObject><unknown>egw_getAppObjectManager()).getObjectById(this.id);
for(var i=0; i < treeObj.children.length; i++)
if(treeObj.children[i].id == _id)
treeObj.children[i].id = _newItemId;
if (treeObj.children[i].iface) treeObj.children[i].iface.id = _newItemId;
if (typeof _label != 'undefined') this.setLabel(_newItemId, _label);
* deleteItem, deletes an item by id
* @param _id ID of the node
* @param _selectParent select the parent node true/false
* @return void
deleteItem(_id, _selectParent)
if(this.input == null) return null;
this.input.deleteItem(_id, _selectParent);
// Update action
// since the action ID has to = this.id, getObjectById() won't work
let treeObj = (<egwActionObject><unknown>egw_getAppObjectManager()).getObjectById(this.id);
for(let i=0; i < treeObj.children.length; i++)
if(treeObj.children[i].id == _id)
* Updates a leaf of the tree by requesting new information from the server using the
* autoloading attribute.
* @param {string} _id ID of the node
* @param {Object} [data] If provided, the item is refreshed directly with
* the provided data instead of asking the server
* @return void
if(this.input == null) return null;
/* Can't use this, it doesn't allow a callback
let self = this;
if(typeof data != 'undefined' && data != null)
function() { self._dhtmlxtree_json_callback(data, _id);}
this.input.loadJSON(this.egw().link(this.autoloading_url, {id: _id}),
function(dxmlObject) {self._dhtmlxtree_json_callback(JSON.parse(dxmlObject.xmlDoc.responseText), _id);}
* focus the item, and scrolls it into view
* @param _id ID of the node
* @return void
if(this.input == null) return null;
* hasChildren
* @param _id ID of the node
* @return the number of childelements
if(this.input == null) return null;
return this.input.hasChildren(_id);
* Callback for after using dhtmlxtree's AJAX loading
* The tree has visually already been updated at this point, we just need
* to update the internal data.
* @param {object} new_data Fresh data for the tree
* @param {string} update_option_id optional If provided, only update that node (and children) with the
* provided data instead of the whole thing. Allows for partial updates.
* @return void
private _dhtmlxtree_json_callback(new_data, update_option_id)
// not sure if it makes sense to try update_option_id, so far I only seen it to be -1
let parent_id = typeof update_option_id != 'undefined' && update_option_id != -1 ? update_option_id : new_data.id;
// find root of loaded data to merge it there
let option = this._find_in_item(parent_id, this.options.select_options);
// if we found it, merge it
if (option)
jQuery.extend(option,new_data || {});
else // else store it in root
this.options.select_options = new_data;
// Update actions by just re-setting them
this.set_actions(this.options.actions || {});
* Recursive search item object for given id
* @param {string} _id
* @param {object} _item
* @returns
private _find_in_item(_id, _item)
if (_item && _item.id == _id)
return _item;
if (_item && typeof _item.item != 'undefined')
for(let i=0; i < _item.item.length; ++i)
let found = this._find_in_item(_id, _item.item[i]);
if (found) return found;
return null;
* Get node data by id
* @param {string} _id id of node
* @return {object} object with attributes id, im0-2, text, tooltip, ... as set via select_options or autoload url
return this._find_in_item(_id, this.options.select_options);
* Sets label of an item by id
* @param _id ID of the node
* @param _label label to set
* @param _tooltip new tooltip, default is previous set tooltip
* @return void
setLabel(_id, _label, _tooltip?)
if(this.input == null) return null;
let tooltip = _tooltip || (this.getNode(_id) && this.getNode(_id).tooltip ?
this.getNode(_id).tooltip : "");
this.input.setItemText(_id, this._htmlencode(_label), tooltip);
* Sets a style for an item by id
* @param {string} _id ID of node
* @param {string} _style style to set
* @return void
setStyle(_id, _style)
if(this.input == null) return null;
this.input.setItemStyle(_id, _style);
* getLabel, gets the Label of of an item by id
* @param _id ID of the node
* @return _label
if(this.input == null) return null;
return this.input.getItemText(_id);
* getSelectedNode, retrieves the full node of the selected Item
* @return string or null
if(this.input == null) return null;
// no support for multiple selections
// as there is no get Method to return the full selected node, we use this
return this.options.multiple ? null : this.input._selected[0];
* getTreeNodeOpenItems
* @param {string} _nodeID the nodeID where to start from (initial node)
* @param {string} mode the mode to run in: "forced" fakes the initial node openState to be open
* @return {object} structured array of node ids: array(message-ids)
getTreeNodeOpenItems(_nodeID : string, mode? : string)
if(this.input == null) return null;
let z = this.input.getSubItems(_nodeID).split(this.input.dlmtr);
let oS;
let PoS;
let rv;
let returnValue = [_nodeID];
let modetorun = "none";
if (mode) { modetorun = mode; }
PoS = this.input.getOpenState(_nodeID);
if (modetorun == "forced") PoS = 1;
if (PoS == 1) {
for(let i=0;i<z.length;i++) {
oS = this.input.getOpenState(z[i]);
//alert(z[i]+' OpenState:'+oS);
if (oS == -1) { returnValue.push(z[i]); }
if (oS == 0) { returnValue.push(z[i]); }
if (oS == 1) {
//alert("got here")
rv = this.getTreeNodeOpenItems(z[i]);
//returnValue.concat(rv); // not working as expected; the following does
for(let j=0;j<rv.length;j++) {returnValue.push(rv[j]);}
return returnValue;
* Fetch user-data stored in specified node under given name
* User-data need to be stored in json as follows:
* {"id": "node-id", "im0": ..., "userdata": [{"name": "user-name", "content": "user-value"},...]}
* In above example getUserData("node-id", "user-name") will return "user-value"
* @param _nodeId
* @param _name
* @returns
getUserData(_nodeId, _name)
if(this.input == null) return null;
return this.input.getUserData(_nodeId, _name);
* Stores / updates user-data in specified node and name
* @param _nodeId
* @param _name
* @param _value
* @returns
setUserData(_nodeId, _name, _value)
if(this.input == null) return null;
return this.input.setUserData(_nodeId, _name, _value);
* Query nodes open state and optinal change it
* @param _id node-id
* @param _open specify to change true: open, false: close, everything else toggle
* @returns true if open, false if closed
openItem(_id, _open?)
if (this.input == null) return null;
let is_open = this.input.getOpenState(_id) == 1;
if (typeof _open != 'undefined' && is_open !== _open)
return is_open;
* reSelectItem, reselects an item by id
* @param _id ID of the node
if (this.input == null) return null;
* Set images for a specific node or all new nodes (default)
* If images contain an extension eg. "leaf" they are asumed to be in image path (/phpgwapi/templates/default/images/dhtmlxtree/).
* Otherwise they get searched via egw.image() in current app, phpgwapi or can be specified as "app/image".
* @param {string} _leaf leaf image, default "leaf"
* @param {string} _closed closed folder image, default "folderClosed"
* @param {string} _open opened folder image, default "folderOpen"
* @param {string} _id if not given, standard images for new nodes are set
setImages(_leaf? : string, _closed? : string, _open? : string, _id? : string)
let images = [_leaf || 'dhtmlxtree/leaf', _closed || 'dhtmlxtree/folderClosed', _open || 'dhtmlxtree/folderOpen'];
let image_extensions = /\.(gif|png|jpe?g|svg)/i;
for(let i=0; i < 3; ++i)
let image = images[i];
if (!image.match(image_extensions))
images[i] = this._rel_url(this.egw().image(image) || image);
if (typeof _id == 'undefined')
this.input.setStdImages.apply(this.input, images);
this.input.setItemImage2.apply(this.input, images);
* Set state of node incl. it's children
* @param {string} _id id of node
* @param {boolean|string} _state or "toggle" to toggle state
setSubChecked(_id, _state)
if (_state === "toggle") _state = !this.input.isItemChecked(_id);
this.input.setSubChecked(_id, _state);
* Get URL relative to image_path option
* Both URL start with EGroupware webserverUrl and image_path gets allways appended to images by tree.
* @param {string} _url
* @return {string} relativ url
private _rel_url(_url)
let path_parts = this.options.image_path.split(this.egw().webserverUrl);
path_parts = path_parts[1].split('/');
let url_parts = _url.split(this.egw().webserverUrl);
url_parts = url_parts[1].split('/');
for(let i=0; i < path_parts.length; ++i)
if (path_parts[i] != url_parts[i])
while(++i < path_parts.length) url_parts.unshift('..');
return url_parts.join('/');
et2_register_widget(et2_tree, ["tree","tree-cat"]);