2004-08-31 18:04:04 +00:00

315 lines
19 KiB

%1 %2 in %3 calendar el %1 %2 óå %3
%1 matches found calendar el %1 üìïéá âñÝèçêáí
%1 records imported calendar el %1 åããñáöÝò åéóÞ÷èçêáí
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar el %1 åããñáöÝò äéáâÜóôçêáí (äåí åéóÞ÷èçêáí áêüìá, ìðïñåßôå íá ðÜôå ðßóù êáé íá îåôóåêÜñåôå Äïêéìáóôéêç ÅéóáãùãÞ)
(for weekly) calendar el (Ãéá åâäïìáäéáßï)
(i/v)cal calendar el (i/v)Cal
1 match found calendar el 1 üìïéï âñÝèçêå
a calendar el åíá
accept calendar el ÁðïäÝ÷ïìáé
accepted calendar el ÁðïäÝ÷ôçêå
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar el ÅíÝñãåéåò ðïõ ðñïêÜëåóáí ôçí åéäïðïßçóç: ÐñïóôÝèçêå, Áêõñþèçêå, ÁðïäÝ÷ôçêå, Áðïññßöèçêå, ...
add a single entry by passing the fields. calendar el ÐñïóèÝóôå ìéá ìïíÞ êáôá÷þñçóç ðåñíþíôáò ôá ðåäßá
add alarm calendar el ÐñïóèÝóôå Åéäïðïßçóç
add contact calendar el ÐñïóèÝóôå ÅðáöÞ
added calendar el ÐñïóôÝèçêå
address book calendar el Âéâëßï Äéåõèýíóåùí
alarm calendar el Åéäïðïßçóç
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar el Åéäïðïßçóç ãéá %1 óôéò %2 ôçí %3
alarm management calendar el Äéá÷åßñçóç ÅéäïðïéÞóåùí
alarm-management calendar el Äéá÷åßñçóç-ÅéäïðïéÞóåùí
alarms calendar el ÅéäïðïéÞóåéò
all day calendar el Ïëç ÇìÝñá
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar el Åéóáé óßãïõñïò ðùò èÝëåéò íá äéáãñÜøåéò áõôÞ ôç ÷þñá;
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar el Åéóáé óßãïõñïò ðùò èÝëåéò íá äéáãñÜøåéò áõôÞ ôçí áñãßá;
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete these alarms? calendar el Åéóáé óßãïõñïò\nðùò èÝëåéòn\íá äéáãñÜøåéò áõôÝò ôéò ðñïéäïðïéÞóåéò;
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar el Åéóáé óßãïõñïò\nðùò èÝëåéò\níá äáãñÜøåéò áõôÞ ôçí åéóáãùãÞ;
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar el Åéóáé óßãïõñïò\nðùò èÝëåéò íá\näéáãñÜøåéò áõôÞ ôçí åéóáãùãÞ;\n\nÁõôü èá äéáãñÜøåé\náõôÞ ôç êáôá÷þñçóç ãéá üëïõò ôïõò ÷ñÞóôåò.
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this single occurence ?n\n\this will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar el Åéóáé óßãïõñïò\nðùò èÝëåéò íá\näéáãñÜøåéò áõôü ôï óõìâÜí;\n\nÁõôü èá äéáãñÜøåé\náõôÞ ôç êáôá÷þñçóç ãéá üëïõò ôïõò ÷ñÞóôåò.
before the event calendar el ðñßí ôï ãåãïíüò
brief description calendar el ÐåñéãñáöÞ ÁíáöïñÜò
business calendar el ÄïõëåéÜ
calendar common el Çìåñïëüãéï
calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar el Çìåñïëüãéï - [iv]Cal ÅéóÞ÷èç
calendar - add calendar el Çìåñïëüãéï - Ðñüóèåóç
calendar - edit calendar el Çìåñïëüãéï - Åðåîåñãáóßá
calendar event calendar el Ãåãïíüò Çìåñïëïãßïõ
calendar holiday management admin el Äéá÷åßñçóç Áäåéþí Çìåñïëïãßïõ
calendar preferences calendar el Éäéüôçôåò Çìåñïëïãßïõ
calendar settings admin el Ñõèìßóåéò Çìåñïëïãßïõ
calendar-fieldname calendar el Çìåñïëüãéï - Ïíïìá ðåäßïõ
canceled calendar el Áêõñþèçêå
change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. calendar el Áëëáîå üëá ôá ãåãïíüôá ãéá $params['old_owner'] óå $params['new_owner'].
change status calendar el ÁëëáãÞ ÊáôÜóôáóçò
charset of file calendar el Êùäéêïóåëßäá áñ÷åßïõ
click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar el ÊÜíå êëßê %1åäþ%2 ãéá åðéóôñïöÞ óôï çìåñïëüãéï
configuration calendar el Äéáìüñöùóç
countries calendar el ×þñåò
country calendar el ×þñá
created by calendar el ÄçìéïõñãÞèçêå áðü
csv-fieldname calendar el CSV-Ïíïìá ðåäßïõ
csv-filename calendar el CSV-Ïíïìá áñ÷åßïõ
custom fields calendar el ÐñïóáñìïóìÝíá Ðåäßá
custom fields and sorting common el ÐñïóáñìïóìÝíá ðáéäßá êáé ôáîéíüìçóç
daily calendar el ÇìåñÞóéï
daily matrix view calendar el ÇìåñÞóéá Åìöáíçóç Êáëïõðéïý
days calendar el çìÝñåò
days repeated calendar el åðáíáëáìâáíüìåíåò çìÝñåò
dayview calendar el ÇìåñÞóéá ÅìöÜíçóç
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar el ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï ìÞêïò ñáíôåâïý
default calendar filter calendar el ÐñïêáèïñéóìÝíï ößëôñï çìåñïëïãßïõ
default calendar view calendar el ÐñïêáèïñéóìÝíç åìöÜíçóç çìåñïëïãßïõ
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar el ÐñïêáèïñéóìÝíï ìÞêïò ôùí ðéü ðñüóöáôá äçìéïõñãçìÝíùí ãåãïíüôùí. Ôï ìÞêïò åßíáé óå ëåðôÜ, ð.÷. 60 ãéá 1 þñá
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar el Ïñßæåé ôï ìÝãåèïò óå ëåðôÜ ôùí ãñáììþí óôçí çìåñÞóéá åìöÜíçóç
delete a single entry by passing the id. calendar el ÄéáãñÜøôå ìéá ìïíÞ êáôá÷þñçóç ðåñíþíôáò ôï id
delete an entire users calendar. calendar el ÄéáãñáöÞ ïëüêëçñïõ ôïõ çìåñïëïãßïõ ôïõ ÷ñÞóôç
delete selected contacts calendar el ÄéáãñáöÞ åðåëåãìÝíùí åðáöþí
delete series calendar el ÄéáãñáöÞ ÓåéñÜò
delete single calendar el ÄéáãñáöÞ ÌïíÞ
deleted calendar el ÄéáãñÜöçêå
description calendar el ÐåñéãñáöÞ
disable calendar el Áðåíåñãïðïßçóç
disabled calendar el áðåíåñãïðïéÞèçêå
display interval in day view calendar el ÅìöÜíçóç êåíþí óôçí ÇìåñÞóéá ÅìöÜíçóç
display mini calendars when printing calendar el ÅìöÜíçóç ìßíé çìåñïëïãßùí üôáí åêôõðþíùíôáé
display status of events calendar el ÅìöÜíçóç ÊáôÜóôáóçò ôùí Ãåãïíüôùí
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar el Åìöáíßæåé ôçí ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíç åìöÜíçóç ôïõ çìåñïëïãßïõ óôçí áñ÷éêÞ óåëßäá(ç óåëßäá ðïõ ðáßñíåôå üôáí ìðáßíåôå óôï eGroupWare Þ êÜíåôå click óôçí áñ÷éêÞ óåëßäá
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar el
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar el
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin el ÈÝëåôå íá öïñôùèïýí ôá áñ÷åßá áäåéþí ôïõ çìåñïëïãßïõ äõíáìéêÜ?
download calendar el Öüñôùìá
duration calendar el ÄéÜñêåéá
edit series calendar el Åðåîåñãáóßá ÓåéñÜò
edit single calendar el Åðåîåñãáóßá ÌïíÞ
email notification calendar el Åéäïðïßçóç Email
email notification for %1 calendar el Åéäïðïßçóç Email ãéá %1
empty for all calendar el Üäåéï ãéá üëïõò
enable calendar el Åíåñãïðïßçóç
enabled calendar el åíåñãïðïéÞèçêå
end date/time calendar el ÔÝëïò Çìåñïìçíßáò/×ñüíïõ
enddate calendar el Ôåëïò çìåñïìçíßáò
ends calendar el ôåëéþíåé
enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) calendar el ÂÜëôå Ïíïìá Áñ÷åßïõ ãéá Åîïäï: (.vcs ðñïóáñôÞèçêå)
event details follow calendar el Áêïëïõèïýí ËåðôïìÝñéåò Ãåãïíüôùí
exceptions calendar el ÅîáéñÝóåéò
export calendar el ÅîáãùãÞ
export a list of entries in ical format. calendar el ÅîáãùãÞ ëßóôáò áðï êáôá÷ùñßóåéò óå iCal ìïñöÞ.
extended calendar el ÅêôåôáìÝíïò
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar el ÅêôåôáìÝíåò åíçìåñþóåéò ðÜíôá ðåñéëáìâÜíïõí ôéò ïëïêëçñïìÝíåò ëåðôïìÝñéåò-ãåãïíüôùí. iCal's ìðïñïýí íá åéóá÷èïýí áðï óõãêåêñéìÝíåò Üëëåò åöáñìïãÝò-çìåñïëïãßùí
external participants calendar el ÅîùôåñéêÝò óõìåôï÷Ýò
failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! calendar el ÁðÝôõ÷å ç áðïóôïëÞ ìçíýìáôïò óôï '%1' #%2 èÝìá='%3', áðïóôïëÝáò='%4' !!!
fieldseparator calendar el Äéá÷ùñéóôÞò ðåäßùí
firstname of person to notify calendar el Ïíïìá ôïõ áôüìïõ íá åéäïðïéçèåß
format of event updates calendar el ÌïñöÞ áðï åíçìåñùìÝíá ãåãïíüôá
fr calendar el Ðá
free/busy calendar el ÅëÝõèåñï/Áðáó÷ïëçìÝíï
frequency calendar el Óõ÷íüôçôá
fri calendar el Ðáñ
full description calendar el ÐëÞñçò ÐåñéãñáöÞ
fullname of person to notify calendar el ÐëÞñåò üíïìá ôïõ áôüìïõ íá åéäïðïéçèåß
generate printer-friendly version calendar el ÐáñÜãåôå öéëéêïý-åêôõðùôÞ Ýêäïóç
global public and group public calendar el Ãåíéêïý Êïéíïý êáé ïìáäéêïý êïéíïý
global public only calendar el Ãåíéêïý Êïéíïý Ìüíï
go! calendar el Îåêßíá!
grant calendar access common el Ìåôáâßâáóç ÄéêáéùìÜôùí Çìåñïëïãßïõ
group planner calendar el ÏìÜäá Ðñïãñáììáôéóìïý
group public only calendar el ÏìÜäá Êïéíïý Ìüíï
here is your requested alarm. calendar el Ùñßóôå ç æçôïýìåíç åéäïðïßçóç
high priority calendar el øçëÞ ðñïôåñáéüôçôá
holiday calendar el Áäåéá
holiday management calendar el Äéá÷åéñçóôÞò Áäåéáò
holiday-management calendar el Áäåéá-Äéá÷åéñçóôÞò
holidays calendar el Áäåéåò
hours calendar el Ùñåò
i participate calendar el ÓõìåôÝ÷ù
ical / rfc2445 calendar el iCal / rfc2445
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar el Áí ôóåêáñéóìÝíåò áñãåßåò ðÝöôïõí Óáââáôïêýñéáêï, ëïãáñéÜæïíôáé óôç ÄåõôÝñá ðïõ áêïëïõèåß
ignore conflict calendar el Áãíüçóç Óõìðôþóåùí
import calendar el ÅéóáãùãÞ
import csv-file common el ÅéóáãùãÞ CSV-Áñ÷åßïõ
interval calendar el ÄéÜóôçìá
intervals in day view calendar el ÄéáóÞìáôá óå åìöÜíçóç çìÝñáò
intervals per day in planner view calendar el ÄéáóôÞìáôá áíá çìÝñá óå åìöÜíçóç ðñïãñÜììáôïò
invalid entry id. calendar el ËÜèïò id êáôá÷þñçóçò
last calendar el ôåëåõôÜéï
lastname of person to notify calendar el Åðßèåôï ôïõ áôüìïõ ãéá åéäïðïßçóç
length shown<br>(emtpy for full length) calendar el Åìöáíéæüìåíï ìÞêïò<br>(Üäåéï ãéá ðëÞñåò ìÞêïò)
length<br>(<= 255) calendar el ÌÞêïò<br>(<= 255)
load [iv]cal calendar el Öüñôùóç [iv]Cal
location calendar el Ôïðïèåóßá
location to autoload from admin el Ôïðïèåóßá ãéá áõôüìáôï öüñôùìá áðü
matrixview calendar el ÅìöÜíçóç Êáëïõðéïý
minutes calendar el ËåðôÜ
mo calendar el Äå
modified calendar el ÔñïðïðïéÞèçêå
modify list of external participants calendar el Ëßóôá ÔñïðïðïéÞóåùí áðï ÅîùôåñéêÝò Óõìåôï÷Ýò
mon calendar el Äåõ
month calendar el ÌÞíáò
monthly calendar el Ìçíéáßïò
monthly (by date) calendar el Ìçíéáßïò (áíá çìåñïìçíßá)
monthly (by day) calendar el Ìçíéáßïò (áíá çìÝñá)
monthview calendar el Ìçíéáßá ÅìöÜíçóç
new entry calendar el Íåá Êáôá÷þñçóç
new name must not exist and not be empty!!! calendar el Ôï íÝï üíïìá äåí ðñÝðåé íá õðÜñ÷åé êáé äåí ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé Üäåéï!!!
no matches found calendar el Äåí âñÝèçêáí üìïéá
no response calendar el Äåí Áíôáðïêñßíåôáé
notification messages for added events calendar el ÌÞíõìá Åéäïðïßçóçò ãéá ãåãïíüôá ðïõ ðñïóôÝèçêáí
notification messages for canceled events calendar el ÌÞíõìá Åéäïðïßçóçò ãéá ãåãïíüôá çìåñïëïãßïõ
notification messages for modified events calendar el ÌÞíõìá Åéäïðïßçóçò ãéá ãåãïíüôá ðïõ ôñïðïðïéÞèçêáí
notification messages for your alarms calendar el ÌÞíõìá Åéäïðïßçóçò ãéá ôéò åéäïðïéÞóåéò óáò
notification messages for your responses calendar el ÌÞíõìá Åéäïðïßçóçò ãéá ôéò áðáíôÞóåéò óáò
number of intervals per day in planner view calendar el Áñéèìüò áðï ÄéáêïðÝò áíá ÇìÝñá ôçí ÅìöÜíçóç Ðñïãñáììáôéóìïý
number of months calendar el Áñéèìüò ìçíþí
number of records to read (%1) calendar el Áñéèìüò åããñáöþí ãéá íá äéáâáóôïýí (%1)
observance rule calendar el Êáíüíáò ÅðéôÞñçóçò
occurence calendar el ÓõìâÜí
old startdate calendar el ÐáëéÜ Áñ÷éêÞÇìåñïìçíßá
olddate calendar el ÐáëéáÇìåñïìçíßá
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar el Óôéò %1 %2 %3 ç áßôçóç ãéá óõíÜíôçóç ãéá %4
on all changes calendar el óå üëåò ôéò áëëáãÝò
on all modification, but responses calendar el óå üëåò ôéò áëëáãÝò, áëëá áðïêñßíåôáé
on any time change too calendar el óå êÜèå áëëáãÞ þñáò åðßóçò
on invitation / cancelation only calendar el óå ðñüóêëçóç / áêõñþóåéò ìüíï
on participant responses too calendar el
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar el óå áëëáãÞ þñáò ãéá ðÜíù áðï 4 þñåò åðßóçò
open todo's: calendar el Áíïéãìá Íá Ãéíïõí ôá ÈÝìáôá:
order calendar el ÓåéñÜ
overlap holiday calendar el
participant calendar el ÓõìåôÝ÷ùí
participants calendar el Óõìåôï÷Ýò
participates calendar el ÓõìåôÝ÷ù
people holiday calendar el Üäåéåò áôüìùí
permission denied calendar el Ç Áäåéá áðïññßðôåôáé
planner calendar el Ðñüãñáììá
planner by category calendar el Ðñüãñáììá áíá êáôçãïñßá
planner by user calendar el Ðñüãñáììá áíá ÷ñÞóôç
please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar calendar el Ðáñáêáëþ åðéâåâáéþóôå, áðïäå÷ôÞôå, áðïññéøôå Þ åîåôÜóôå áëëáãÝò óôçí ó÷åôéêÞ êáôá÷þñçóç óôï çìåñïëüãéï óáò
preselected group for entering the planner calendar el ÐñïåðéëåãìÝíç ïìÜäá ãéá åéóáãïãÞ óôï ðñüãñáììá
print calendars in black & white calendar el Åêôýðùóç çìåñïëïãßùí óå Üóðñï êáé ìáýñï
print the mini calendars calendar el Åêôýðùóç ôùí ìßíé çìåñïëïãßùí
printer friendly calendar el Öéëéêü ÅêôõðùôÞ
privat calendar el Éäéáßôåñï
private and global public calendar el Éäéáßôåñá êáé Ãåíéêþí Public
private and group public calendar el Éäéáßôåñá êáé ÏìÜäá Public
private only calendar el Éäéáßôåñï Ìüíï
re-edit event calendar el Îáíá-ÅðåîåñãáóìÝíï Ãåãïíüò
read a list of entries. calendar el ÄéÜâáóìá ìéáò ëßóôáò áðï êáôá÷ùñÞóåéò
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. calendar el ÄéÜâáóå ìéá ìïíÞ êáôá÷þñçóç ðåñíþíôáò ôï id êáé ôçí ëéóôá ðåäßùí
read this list of methods. calendar el ÄéÜâáóå ôçí ëßóôá ôùí ìåèüäùí
receive email updates calendar el ËÞøç åíçìåñùìÝíùí email
receive extra information in event mails calendar el
receive summary of appointments calendar el
recurring event calendar el
refresh calendar el
reinstate calendar el
rejected calendar el
repeat day calendar el
repeat end date calendar el
repeat type calendar el
repeating event information calendar el
repetition calendar el
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar el
reset calendar el
rule calendar el
sa calendar el Óá
sat calendar el Óáâ
scheduling conflict calendar el
search results calendar el
selected contacts (%1) calendar el
send updates via email common el
send/receive updates via email calendar el
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar el
set new events to private calendar el
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar el
should new events created as private by default ? calendar el
should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? calendar el
should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? calendar el
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar el
show day view on main screen calendar el
show default view on main screen calendar el
show high priority events on main screen calendar el
show invitations you rejected calendar el
show list of upcoming events calendar el
single event calendar el
sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar el
sorry, this event does not exist calendar el
sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined calendar el
sort by calendar el
specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. calendar el
start date/time calendar el
start- and enddates calendar el
startdate calendar el
startrecord calendar el
su calendar el Êõ
submit to repository calendar el
sun calendar el Êõñ
tentative calendar el
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar el
text calendar el
th calendar el Ðå
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul> calendar el
the user %1 is not participating in this event! calendar el
there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar el
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar el
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar el
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar el
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar el
this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. calendar el
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar el
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar el
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar el
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar el
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar el
this month calendar el Áõôü ôï ìÞíá
this week calendar el ÁõôÞ ôçí ÅâäïìÜäá
this year calendar el Áõôü ôï ÷ñüíï
thu calendar el ÐÝì
title calendar el Ôßôëïò
title of the event calendar el
title-row calendar el
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar el
to-firstname calendar el
to-fullname calendar el
to-lastname calendar el
today calendar el ÓÞìåñá
translation calendar el
tu calendar el Ôñ
tue calendar el Ôñß
update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar el
updated calendar el
use end date calendar el
view this entry calendar el
we calendar el Ôå
wed calendar el Ôåô
week calendar el ÅâäïìÜäá
weekday starts on calendar el Îåêßíçìá ôçò åâäïìÜäáò
weekly calendar el
weekview calendar el
when creating new events default set to private calendar el
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar el
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar el
work day ends on calendar el
work day starts on calendar el
workdayends calendar el
yearly calendar el
yearview calendar el
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar el
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar el
you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! calendar el
you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! calendar el
you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! calendar el
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar el
you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. common el
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common el
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar el
you have not entered a title calendar el
you have not entered a valid date calendar el
you have not entered a valid time of day calendar el
you have not entered participants calendar el
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar el
you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) calendar el
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar el
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar el
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar el
your suggested time of <b> %1 - %2 </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar el