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//$debugme = "on";
* phpGroupWare API - phpgwapi loader *
* This file written by Dan Kuykendall <seek3r@phpgroupware.org> *
* and Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* Has a few functions, but primary role is to load the phpgwapi *
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Dan Kuykendall *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
* This library is part of the phpGroupWare API *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org/api *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, *
* or any later version. *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, *
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
/* $Id$ */
* Direct functions, which are not part of the API class *
* because they are require to be availble at the lowest level. *
@function CreateObject
@abstract Load a class and include the class file if not done so already.
@discussion Author: mdean <br>
This function is used to create an instance of a class,
and if the class file has not been included it will do so. <br>
Syntax: CreateObject('app.class', 'constructor_params'); <br>
Example1: $phpgw->acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl');
@param $classname name of class
@param $constructor_param constructor parameter
function CreateObject($classname, $constructor_param = "")
global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $phpgw_domain;
$classpart = explode (".", $classname);
$appname = $classpart[0];
$classname = $classpart[1];
if (!$phpgw_info["flags"]["included_classes"][$classname]){
$phpgw_info["flags"]["included_classes"][$classname] = True;
if ($constructor_param == ""){
$obj = new $classname;
} else {
$obj = new $classname($constructor_param);
return $obj;
@function lang
@abstract function to deal with multilanguage support
function lang($key, $m1="", $m2="", $m3="", $m4="", $m5="", $m6="", $m7="", $m8="", $m9="", $m10="" )
global $phpgw;
// # TODO: check if $m1 is of type array.
// If so, use it instead of $m2-$mN (Stephan)
$vars = array( $m1, $m2, $m3, $m4, $m5, $m6, $m7, $m8, $m9, $m10 );
$value = $phpgw->translation->translate("$key", $vars );
return $value;
/* Just a temp wrapper. ###DELETE_ME#### (Seek3r) */
function check_code($code)
global $phpgw;
return $phpgw->common->check_code($code);
@function filesystem_separator()
@abstract sets the file system seperator depending on OS
@result file system separator
function filesystem_separator()
if (PHP_OS == 'Windows' || PHP_OS == 'OS/2') {
return '\\';
} else {
return '/';
function print_debug($text)
global $debugme;
if ($debugme == "on") { echo 'debug: '.$text.'<br>'; }
print_debug('core functions are done');
* Quick verification of sane environment *
/* Make sure the header.inc.php is current. */
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["header"] < $phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["current_header"]){
echo "<center><b>You need to port your settings to the new header.inc.php version.</b></center>";
/* Make sure the developer is following the rules. */
if (!isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"])) {
echo "<b>!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR \$phpgw_info[\"flags\"][\"currentapp\"] SET !!!";
echo "<br>!!! PLEASE CORRECT THIS SITUATION !!!</b>";
print_debug('sane environment');
* Multi-Domain support *
/* make them fix their header */
if (!isset($phpgw_domain)) {
echo "<center><b>The administration is required to upgrade the header.inc.php file before you can continue.</b></center>";
$default_domain = each($phpgw_domain);
$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"] = $default_domain[0];
unset ($default_domain); // we kill this for security reasons
/* This code will handle virtdomains so that is a user logins with user@domain.com, it will switch into virtualization mode. */
if (isset($domain)){
$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $domain;
} elseif (isset($login) && isset($logindomain)) {
if (!ereg ("\@", $login)){
$login = $login."@".$logindomain;
$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $logindomain;
unset ($logindomain);
} elseif (isset($login) && !isset($logindomain)) {
if (ereg ("\@", $login)) {
$login_array = explode("@", $login);
$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $login_array[1];
} else {
$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"];
$login = $login."@".$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"];
if (isset($phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]])){
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_host"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_name"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_user"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_pass"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_type"];
} else {
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_host"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_name"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_user"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_pass"];
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_type"];
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "login" && ! $phpgw_info["server"]["show_domain_selectbox"]) {
unset ($phpgw_domain); // we kill this for security reasons
unset ($domain); // we kill this to save memory
print_debug('domain: '.$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]);
* These lines load up the API, fill up the $phpgw_info array, etc *
/* Load main class */
$phpgw = CreateObject("phpgwapi.phpgw");
* Load up the main instance of the db class. *
$phpgw->db = CreateObject("phpgwapi.db");
$phpgw->db->Host = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"];
$phpgw->db->Type = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"];
$phpgw->db->Database = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"];
$phpgw->db->User = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"];
$phpgw->db->Password = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"];
if ($phpgw->debug) {
$phpgw->db->Debug = 1;
$phpgw->db->Halt_On_Error = 'no';
@$phpgw->db->query("select count(*) from phpgw_config");
if (! @$phpgw->db->next_record())
$setup_dir = ereg_replace($PHP_SELF,'index.php','setup/');
echo '<center><b>Fatal Error:</b> It appears that you have not created the database tables for '
.'phpGroupWare. Click <a href="' . $setup_dir . '">here</a> run for setup.</center>';
$phpgw->db->Halt_On_Error = 'yes';
/* Fill phpgw_info["server"] array */
$phpgw->db->query("select * from phpgw_config",__LINE__,__FILE__);
while ($phpgw->db->next_record()) {
$phpgw_info["server"][$phpgw->db->f("config_name")] = stripslashes($phpgw->db->f("config_value"));
* Required classes *
$phpgw->common = CreateObject("phpgwapi.common");
$phpgw->hooks = CreateObject("phpgwapi.hooks");
$phpgw->auth = createobject("phpgwapi.auth");
$phpgw->acl = CreateObject("phpgwapi.acl");
$phpgw->accounts = createobject("phpgwapi.accounts");
$phpgw->session = CreateObject("phpgwapi.sessions");
$phpgw->preferences = CreateObject("phpgwapi.preferences");
$phpgw->applications = CreateObject("phpgwapi.applications");
$phpgw->translation = CreateObject("phpgwapi.translation");
print_debug('main class loaded');
* This is a global constant that should be used *
* instead of / or \ in file paths *
/* Legacy vars that can be delete after 0.9.11 is release (Seek3r) */
$sep = SEP;
$phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"] = SEP;
* Stuff to use if logging in or logging out *
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "login" || $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "logout") {
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "login") {
if ($login != ""){
$login_array = explode("@",$login);
$login_id = $phpgw->accounts->name2id($login_array[0]);
* Everything from this point on will ONLY happen if *
* the currentapp is not login or logout *
} else {
if (! $phpgw->session->verify()) {
Header("Location: " . $phpgw->redirect($phpgw->session->link('/login.php','cd=10')));
/* A few hacker resistant constants that will be used throught the program */
define('PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR', $phpgw->common->get_image_path('phpgwapi'));
define('PHPGW_IMAGES_FILEDIR', $phpgw->common->get_image_dir('phpgwapi'));
define('PHPGW_APP_ROOT', $phpgw->common->get_app_dir());
define('PHPGW_APP_INC', $phpgw->common->get_inc_dir());
define('PHPGW_APP_TPL', $phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir());
define('PHPGW_IMAGES', $phpgw->common->get_image_path());
define('PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR', $phpgw->common->get_image_dir());
/********* Load up additional phpgw_info["server"] values *********/
$phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"] = PHPGW_TEMPLATE_DIR;
$phpgw_info["server"]["images_dir"] = PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR;
$phpgw_info["server"]["images_filedir"] = PHPGW_IMAGES_FILEDIR;
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_root"] = PHPGW_APP_ROOT;
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"] = PHPGW_APP_INC;
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_tpl"] = PHPGW_APP_TPL;
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_images"] = PHPGW_IMAGES;
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_images_dir"] = PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR;
/********* This sets the user variables *********/
$phpgw_info["user"]["private_dir"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"]
. "/users/".$phpgw_info["user"]["userid"];
/* This will make sure that a user has the basic default prefs. If not it will add them */
/********* Optional classes, which can be disabled for performance increases *********/
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_categories_class"]) {
$phpgw->categories = CreateObject("phpgwapi.categories");
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_network_class"]) {
$phpgw->network = CreateObject("phpgwapi.network");
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_send_class"]) {
$phpgw->send = CreateObject("phpgwapi.send");
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_nextmatchs_class"]) {
$phpgw->nextmatchs = CreateObject("phpgwapi.nextmatchs");
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_utilities_class"]) {
$phpgw->utilities = CreateObject("phpgwapi.utilities");
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_vfs_class"]) {
$phpgw->vfs = CreateObject("phpgwapi.vfs");
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_browser_class"]) {
$phpgw->browser = CreateObject("phpgwapi.browser");
* These lines load up the templates class *
$phpgw->template = CreateObject("phpgwapi.Template",$phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir($phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp']));
* These lines load up the themes *
if (! $phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['theme'])
if ($phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] == 'user_choice')
$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['theme'] = 'default';
$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['theme'] = $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'];
include(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . "/phpgwapi/themes/" .
$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["theme"] . ".theme");
if ($phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"] == "") {
/* Looks like there was a problem finding that theme. Try the default */
echo "Warning: error locating selected theme";
include (PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . "/phpgwapi/themes/default.theme");
if ($phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"] == "") {
/* Hope we don't get to this point. Better then the user seeing a */
/* complety back screen and not know whats going on */
echo "<body bgcolor=FFFFFF>Fatal error: no themes found";
* If they are using frames, we need to set some variables *
if (($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["useframes"] && $phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "allowed")
|| ($phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "always")) {
$phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"] = "phpgw_body";
* Verify that the users session is still active otherwise kick them out *
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "home" &&
$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "preferences" &&
$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "about") {
if (! $phpgw_info["user"]["apps"][$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"]]) {
echo "<p><center><b>".lang("Access not permitted")."</b></center>";
* Load the header unless the developer turns it off *
if (! $phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"]) {
* Load the app include files if the exists *
/* Then the include file */
if (! preg_match ("/phpgwapi/i", PHPGW_APP_INC) && file_exists(PHPGW_APP_INC."/functions.inc.php")){
include(PHPGW_APP_INC . "/functions.inc.php");
if (!$phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"] && ! $phpgw_info["flags"]["noappheader"] &&
file_exists(PHPGW_APP_INC . "/header.inc.php")) {
include(PHPGW_APP_INC . "/header.inc.php");
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
* This function will return a properly formatted account_id. *
* This needs to be placed here, or some classes will have a problem *
* on instantiation. *
function get_account_id($account_id = '',$default_id = '')
global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
if (gettype($account_id) == 'integer')
return $account_id;
elseif ($account_id == '')
if ($default_id == '')
return $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
elseif (gettype($default_id) == 'string')
return $phpgw->accounts->name2id($default_id);
return intval($default_id);
elseif (gettype($account_id) == 'string')
if($phpgw->accounts->exists(intval($account_id)) == True)
return intval($account_id);
return $phpgw->accounts->name2id($account_id);