Ralf Becker e76a77cce9 Make the PHP session restore an own session type in manageheader. So you can switch it on and off, without the need to edit the code. At the moment it's off by default, with a note that it can give a big performance boost (if it works on your distro).
Please note: If you already edited your phpgwapi/inc/ to switch it off, you will get an cvs conflict on updating, just do a "cvs update -C phpgwapi/inc/" to fix it. If you want to use the session restore or you already used it, you need to go to Setup >> Headeradmin and switch it on there.
2005-10-13 12:17:38 +00:00

939 lines
33 KiB

* eGroupWare - EditableTemplates - Business Objects *
* *
* Written by Ralf Becker <> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
include_once(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/etemplate/inc/');
* Business Object for eTemplates, extending the Storage Object
* Not so much so far, as the most logic is still in the UI-class
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @author
* @license GPL
class boetemplate extends soetemplate
var $extensions = array();
var $types = array(
'label' => 'Label', // Label $cell['label'] is (to be translated) textual content
'text' => 'Text', // Textfield 1 Line (size = [length][,maxlength])
'int' => 'Integer', // like text, but only numbers (size = [min][,max])
'float' => 'Floating Point', // --------------- " --------------------------
'textarea'=> 'Textarea', // Multiline Text Input (size = [rows][,cols])
'htmlarea' => 'Formatted Text (HTML)',
'checkbox'=> 'Checkbox',
'radio' => 'Radiobutton', // Radiobutton (size = value if checked)
'button'=> 'Submitbutton',
'hrule' => 'Horizontal Rule',
'template' => 'Template', // $cell['name'] contains template-name, $cell['size'] index into $content,$cname,$readonlys
'image' => 'Image', // label = url, name=link or method, help=alt or title
'date' => '', // Datefield, size='' timestamp or size=format like 'm/d/Y'
'select'=> 'Selectbox', // Selectbox ($sel_options[$name] or $content[options-$name] is array with options)
// if size > 1 then multiple selections, size lines showed
'html' => 'Html', // Raw html in $content[$cell['name']]
'file' => 'FileUpload', // show an input type='file', set the local name as ${name}_path
'vbox' => 'VBox', // a (vertical) box to contain widgets in rows, size = # of rows
'hbox' => 'HBox', // a (horizontal) box to contain widgets in cols, size = # of cols
'groupbox' => 'GroupBox', // a box with a label containing other elements to group them (html: fieldset)
'box' => 'Box', // just a container for widgets (html: div)
'grid' => 'Grid', // tabular widget containing rows with columns of widgets
'deck' => 'Deck' // a container of elements where only one is visible, size = # of elem.
var $garbage_collection_done;
* constructor of class
* Calls the constructor of soetemplate
* @param string/array $name name of etemplate or array with name and other keys
* @param string/array $load_via name or array with keys of other etemplate to load in order to get $name
function boetemplate($name='',$load_via='')
$tname = &$name;
if (is_array($name))
$tname = &$name['name'];
$tname = (strstr($tname,'.') === False && !empty($tname) ?
(is_array($load_via) ? $load_via['name'] : $load_via).'.':'').$tname;
if (empty($tname) || !$this->read($name,'','',0,'',$load_via))
$this->garbage_collection_done =& $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['garbage_collection_done'];
* checks if a grid row or column is disabled
* Expression: [!][@]val[=[@]check]
* Parts in square brackets are optional, a ! negates the expression, @val evaluates to $content['val']
* if no =check is given all set non-empty and non-zero strings are true (standard php behavior)
* @param string $disabled expression to check, eg. "!@var" for !$content['var']
* @param array $content the content-array in the context of the grid
* @return boolean true if the row/col is disabled or false if not
function check_disabled($disabled,$content)
if ($this->onclick_handler && !$this->no_onclick)
return false; // we have an onclick handler
//return False;
if ($not = $disabled[0] == '!')
$disabled = substr($disabled,1);
list($val,$check_val) = $vals = explode('=',$disabled);
if ($val[0] == '@')
$val = $this->get_array($content,substr($val,1));
if ($check_val[0] == '@')
$check_val = $this->get_array($content,substr($check_val,1));
$result = count($vals) == 1 ? $val != '' : $val == $check_val;
if ($not) $result = !$result;
//echo "<p>check_disabled: '".($not?'!':'')."$disabled' = '$val' ".(count($vals) == 1 ? '' : ($not?'!':'=')."= '$check_val'")." = ".($result?'True':'False')."</p>\n";
return $result;
* allows a few variables (eg. row-number) to be used in field-names
* This is mainly used for autorepeat, but other use is possible.
* You need to be aware of the rules PHP uses to expand vars in strings, a name
* of "Row$row[length]" will expand to 'Row' as $row is scalar, you need to use
* "Row${row}[length]" instead. Only one indirection is allowd in a string by php !!!
* Out of that reason we have now the variable $row_cont, which is $cont[$row] too.
* Attention !!!
* Using only number as index in field-names causes a lot trouble, as depending
* on the variable type (which php determines itself) you used filling and later
* accessing the array it can by the index or the key of an array element.
* To make it short and clear, use "Row$row" or "$col$row" not "$row" or "$row$col" !!!
* @param sring $name the name to expand
* @param int $c is the column index starting with 0 (if you have row-headers, data-cells start at 1)
* @param int $row is the row number starting with 0 (if you have col-headers, data-cells start at 1)
* @param int $c_ is the value of the previous template-inclusion,
* eg. the column-headers in the eTemplate-editor are templates itself,
* to show the column-name in the header you can not use $col as it will
* be constant as it is always the same col in the header-template,
* what you want is the value of the previous template-inclusion.
* @param int $row_ is the value of the previous template-inclusion,
* @param array $cont content of the template, you might use it to generate button-names with id values in it:
* "del[$cont[id]]" expands to "del[123]" if $cont = array('id' => 123)
* @return string the expanded name
function expand_name($name,$c,$row,$c_='',$row_='',$cont='')
$is_index_in_content = $name[0] == '@';
if (strstr($name,'$') !== False)
if (!$cont)
$cont = array();
$col = $this->num2chrs($c-1); // $c-1 to get: 0:'@', 1:'A', ...
$col_ = $this->num2chrs($c_-1);
$row_cont = $cont[$row];
$col_row_cont = $cont[$col.$row];
eval('$name = "'.$name.'";');
if ($is_index_in_content)
$name = $this->get_array($cont,substr($name,1));
return $name;
* Checks if we have an row- or column autorepeat and sets the indexes for $content, etc.
* Autorepeat is important to allow a variable numer of rows or cols, eg. for a list.
* The eTemplate has only one (have to be the last) row or column, which gets
* automaticaly repeated as long as content is availible. To check this the content
* has to be in an sub-array of content. The index / subscript into content is
* determined by the content of size for templates or name for regular fields.
* An autorepeat is defined by an index which contains variables to expand.
* (vor variable expansion in names see expand_names). Usually I use the keys
* $row: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... for only rows, $col: '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', ... for only cols or
* $col$row: '@0','A0',... '@1','A1','B1',... '@2','A2','B2',... for both rows and cells.
* In general everything expand_names can generate is ok - see there.
* As you usually have col- and row-headers, data-cells start with '1' or 'A' !!!
* @param array $cell with data of cell: name, type, size, ...
* @param int $c,$r col/row index starting from 0
* @param string &$idx returns the index in $content and $readonlys (NOT $sel_options !!!)
* @param string &$idx_cname returns the basename for the form-name: is $idx if only one value
* (no ',') is given in size (name (not template-fields) are always only one value)
* @param boolean $check_col to check for col- or row-autorepeat
* @return boolean true if cell is autorepeat (has index with vars / '$') or false otherwise
function autorepeat_idx($cell,$c,$r,&$idx,&$idx_cname,$check_col=False)
$org_idx = $idx = $cell[ $cell['type'] == 'template' ? 'size' : 'name' ];
$idx = $this->expand_name($idx,$c,$r);
if (!($komma = strpos($idx,',')))
$idx_cname = $idx;
$idx_cname = substr($idx,1+$komma);
$idx = substr($idx,0,$komma);
$Ok = False;
$pat = $org_idx;
while (!$Ok && ($pat = strstr($pat,'$')))
$pat = substr($pat,$pat[1] == '{' ? 2 : 1);
if ($check_col)
$Ok = $pat[0] == 'c' && !(substr($pat,0,4) == 'cont' ||
substr($pat,0,2) == 'c_' || substr($pat,0,4) == 'col_');
$Ok = $pat[0] == 'r' && !(substr($pat,0,2) == 'r_' ||
substr($pat,0,4) == 'row_' && substr($pat,0,8) != 'row_cont');
if ($this->name && $this->name == $this->debug)
echo "$this->name ".($check_col ? 'col' : 'row')."-check: c=$c, r=$r, idx='$org_idx'='$idx' idx_cname='$idx_cname' ==> ".($Ok?'True':'False')."<p>\n";
return $Ok;
* creates a new appsession-id via microtime()
function appsession_id()
list($msec,$sec) = explode(' ',microtime());
$time = 100 * $sec + (int)(100 * $msec); // gives precision of 1/100 sec
$id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] .':'. $time;
//echo "<p>microtime()=".microtime().", sec=$sec, msec=$msec, id=$id</p>\n";
return $id;
* saves content,readonlys,template-keys, ... via the appsession function
* As a user may open several windows with the same content/template wie generate a location-id from microtime
* which is used as location for appsession to descriminate between the different windows. This location-id
* is then saved as a hidden-var in the form. The above mentions session-id has nothing to do / is different
* from the session-id which is constant for all windows opened in one session.
* @param array $data the data to save
* @param string $id the id to use or '' to generate a new id
* @return string location-id
function save_appsession($data,$id='')
if (!$id)
$id = $this->appsession_id();
if (substr($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_type'],0,4) == 'php4' && !$this->garbage_collection_done)
return $this->php4_session_garbage_collection();
return $id;
* gets content,readonlys,template-keys, ... back from the appsession function
* @param string $id the location-id
* @return array with session-data
function get_appsession($id)
$data = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession($id,'etemplate');
//echo "boetemplate::get_appsession('$id')"; _debug_array($data);
if (substr($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_type'],0,4) == 'php4')
return $data;
* a little bit of garbage collection for php4 sessions (their size is limited by memory_limit)
* With constant eTemplate use it can grow quite big and lead to unusable sessions (php terminates
* before any output with "Allowed memory size of ... exhausted").
* We delete now sessions once used after 10min and sessions never or multiple used after 60min.
* @param string $id_used id of session just read by get_appsession to increment the usage counter
function php4_session_garbage_collection($id_used='')
if (!defined('EGW_SESSION_VAR')) return; // for 1.0.0 compatibility
// now we are on php4 sessions and do a bit of garbage collection
$app_sessions =& $_SESSION[EGW_SESSION_VAR]['app_sessions']['etemplate'];
$session_used =& $app_sessions['session_used'];
if ($id_used)
//echo "session_used[$id_used]='".$session_used[$id_used]."'<br/>\n";
++$session_used[$id_used]; // count the number of times a session got used
$this->garbage_collection_done = true;
if (count($app_sessions) < 20) return $data; // we dont need to care
list($msec,$sec) = explode(' ',microtime());
$now = 100 * $sec + (int)(100 * $msec); // gives precision of 1/100 sec
foreach(array_keys($app_sessions) as $id)
list($app,$time) = explode(':',$id);
if (!$time) continue; // other data, no session
//echo ++$n.') '.$id.': '.(($now-$time)/100.0)."secs old, used=".$session_used[$id].", size=".strlen($app_sessions[$id])."<br>\n";
if ($session_used[$id] == 1 && $time < $now - 10*6000 || // session used and older then 10min
$time < $now - 60*6000) // session not used and older then 1h
//echo "<p>boetemplate::php4_session_garbage_collection('$id_used'): unsetting session '$id' (now=$now)</p>\n";
* gets an attribute in a named cell
* @static
* @param string $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @return mixed the attribute or False if named cell not found
function &get_cell_attribute($name,$attr)
return $this->set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,NULL);
* set an attribute in a named cell if val is not NULL else return the attribute
* @static
* @param sting $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @param mixed $val if not NULL sets attribute else returns it
* @return mixed number of changed cells or False, if none changed
function &set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val)
//echo "<p>set_cell_attribute(tpl->name=$this->name, name='$name', attr='$attr',val='$val')</p>\n";
$extra = array(false,$name,$attr,$val);
$result =& $this->widget_tree_walk('set_cell_attribute_helper',$extra);
if (is_null($val))
return $result;
return $extra[0];
* disables all cells with name == $name
* @param sting $name cell-name
* @param boolean $disabled=true disable or enable a cell, default true=disable
* @return mixed number of changed cells or False, if none changed
function disable_cells($name,$disabled=True)
return $this->set_cell_attribute($name,'disabled',$disabled);
* set one or more attibutes for row $n
* @deprecated as it uses this->data
* @param int $n numerical row-number starting with 1 (!)
* @param string $height percent or pixel or '' for no height
* @param string $class name of css class (without the leading '.') or '' for no class
* @param string $valign alignment (top,middle,bottom) or '' for none
* @param boolean $disabled True or expression or False to disable or enable the row (Only the number 0 means dont change the attribute !!!)
function set_row_attributes($n,$height=0,$class=0,$valign=0,$disabled=0)
list($old_height,$old_disabled) = explode(',',$this->data[0]["h$n"]);
$disabled = $disabled !== 0 ? $disabled : $old_disabled;
$this->data[0]["h$n"] = ($height !== 0 ? $height : $old_height).
($disabled ? ','.$disabled : '');
list($old_class,$old_valign) = explode(',',$this->data[0]["c$n"]);
$valign = $valign !== 0 ? $valign : $old_valign;
$this->data[0]["c$n"] = ($class !== 0 ? $class : $old_class).
($valign ? ','.$valign : '');
* disables row $n
* @deprecated as it uses this->data
* @param int $n numerical row-number starting with 1 (!)
* @param boolean $enable=false can be used to re-enable a row if set to True
function disable_row($n,$enable=False)
* set one or more attibutes for column $c
* @deprecated as it uses this->data
* @param int/string $c numerical column-number starting with 0 (!), or the char-code starting with 'A'
* @param string $width percent or pixel or '' for no height
* @param mixed $disabled=0 True or expression or False to disable or enable the column (Only the number 0 means dont change the attribute !!!)
function set_column_attributes($c,$width=0,$disabled=0)
if (is_numeric($c))
$c = $this->num2chrs($c);
list($old_width,$old_disabled) = explode(',',$this->data[0][$c]);
$disabled = $disabled !== 0 ? $disabled : $old_disabled;
$this->data[0][$c] = ($width !== 0 ? $width : $old_width).
($disabled ? ','.$disabled : '');
* disables column $c
* @deprecated as it uses this->data
* @param int/string $c numerical column-number starting with 0 (!), or the char-code starting with 'A'
* @param boolean $enable can be used to re-enable a column if set to True
function disable_column($c,$enable=False)
* trys to load the Extension / Widget-class from the app or etemplate
* @param string $name name of the extension, the classname should be class.${name}
* the $name might be "$name.$app" to give a app-name (default is the current app,or template-name)
* @return string/boolean human readable name or false if not found/loadable
function loadExtension($type)
list($class,$app) = explode('.',$type);
$class .= '_widget';
if (!$app) $app = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['current_app'];
if (!file_exists(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
list($app) = explode('_',$type);
if (!file_exists(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
list($app) = explode('.',$this->name);
if (!file_exists(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
$app = 'etemplate';
if (!file_exists(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
//echo "<p>boetemplate::loadExtension($type) extension not found</p>\n";
return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type] = False;
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type] =& CreateObject($app.'.'.$class,$ui='html');
//echo "<p>boetemplate::loadExtension($type) extension found in App. $app</p>\n";
return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->human_name;
* checks if extension is loaded (load it if it isnt) and optional checks if it has a given method
* @param string $name name of the extension, the classname should be class.${name}
* the $name might be "$name.$app" to give a app-name (default is the current app,or template-name)
* @param string $function 'pre_process', 'post_process' or 'render'
* @return boolean true if the extension (incl. method) exists, else false
function haveExtension($type,$function='')
return ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type] || $this->loadExtension($type,$ui)) &&
($function == '' || $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->public_functions[$function]);
* executes the pre_process-function of the extension $cell[type]
* @param string $type type of the extension
* @param string $name form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data)
* @param mixed &$value value of the extensions content(-array)
* @param array &$cell table-cell on which the extension operates
* @param array &$readonlys value of the extensions readonly-setting(-array)
* @return mixed the return-value of the extensions preprocess function
function extensionPreProcess($type,$name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys)
if (!$this->haveExtension($type))
return False;
return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->pre_process($name,$value,$cell,$readonlys,
* executes the post_process-function of the extension $cell[type]
* @param string $type name of the extension
* @param string $name form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data)
* @param mixed &$value returns the value of the extensions content(-array)
* @param mixed $value_in unprocessed value, eg. as posted by the browser
* @return boolean True if a value should be returned (default for no postprocess fkt.), else False
function extensionPostProcess($type,$name,&$value,$value_in)
if (!$this->haveExtension($type,'post_process'))
return True;
return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->post_process($name,$value,
* executes the render-function of the extension $cell[type]
* @param string $type name of the extension
* @param string $name form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data)
* @param mixed &$value value of the extensions content(-array)
* @param array &$cell table-cell on which the extension operates
* @param array &$readonlys value of the extensions readonly-setting(-array)
* @return mixed return-value of the render function
function extensionRender($type,$name,&$value,&$cell,$readonly)
if (!$this->haveExtension($type,'render'))
return False;
return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->render($cell,$name,$value,$readonly,
* checks if $idx is set in array $arr
* for one level of subindes identical to isset($arr[$idx])
* @static
* @param array $arr array to check
* @param string $idx may contain multiple subindex (eg.'x[y][z]')
* @return boolean true if set, else false
function isset_array($arr,$idx)
$idxs = explode('[',str_replace(']','',$idx));
$last_idx = array_pop($idxs);
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
if (!is_array($pos))
return False;
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
return isset($pos[$last_idx]);
* sets $arr[$idx] = $val
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too: $arr['a']['b']['c'] = $val;
* @static
* @param array &$arr the array to search
* @param string $idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
* @param mixed $val value to set
function set_array(&$arr,$idx,$val)
if (!is_array($arr))
die('set_array() $arr is no array<br>'.function_backtrace());
$idxs = explode('[',str_replace(']','',$idx));
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
$pos = $val;
* return a reference to $arr[$idx]
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too: it returns &$arr[a][b][c]
* $sub = get_array($arr,'a[b]'); $sub = 'c'; is equivalent to $arr['a']['b'] = 'c';
* @static
* @param array $arr the array to search, referenz as a referenz gets returned
* @param string $idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
* @param boolean $reference_into default False, if True none-existing sub-arrays/-indices get created to be returned as referenz, else False is returned
* @return mixed reference to $arr[$idx] or false if $idx is not set and not $reference_into
function &get_array(&$arr,$idx,$reference_into=False)
if (!is_array($arr))
die('set_array() $arr is no array<br>'.function_backtrace());
$idxs = explode('[',str_replace(']','',$idx));
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
if (!is_array($pos) && !$referenz_info)
return False;
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
return $pos;
* unsets $arr[$idx]
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too
* unset_array($arr,'a[b]'); is equivalent to unset($arr['a']['b']);
* @static
* @param array $arr the array to search, referenz as a referenz gets returned
* @param string $idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
function unset_array(&$arr,$idx)
if (!is_array($arr))
die('set_array() $arr is no array<br>'.function_backtrace());
$idxs = explode('[',str_replace(']','',$idx));
$last_idx = array_pop($idxs);
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
* merges $old and $new, content of $new has precedence over $old
* THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS PHP4's functions:
* - array_merge, as it calls itself recursive for values which are arrays.
* - array_merge_recursive accumulates values with the same index and $new does NOT overwrite $old
* @static
* @param array $old
* @param array $new
* @return array the merged array
function complete_array_merge($old,$new)
if (is_array($new))
if (!is_array($old)) $old = (array) $old;
foreach($new as $k => $v)
if (!is_array($v) || !isset($old[$k]))
$old[$k] = $v;
$old[$k] = $this->complete_array_merge($old[$k],$v);
return $old;
* returns a reference to a widget in the widget's children tree spezified by a path
* The path get's generated by the widget_tree_walk() methode and consists of the keys of the children arrays.
* For the 3. Column in the 2. row of a grid which is the only widget in the children-tree it is eg.: "/0/2C"
* @param string $path path in the widget tree
* @param int $ancestor=0 0: widget itself, 1: parent, 2: grand-parent, ...
* @return array referenz to the widget spezified or null, if it's not found
function &get_widget_by_path($path,$ancestor=0)
//echo "<p>boetemplate::get_widget_by_path('$path',$ancestor)</p>\n";
$path_parts = explode('/',$path);
while($ancestor-- > 0)
if (array_pop($path_parts) === '') return null;
$path = implode('/',$path_parts);
if ($path == '/' || $path === '') return $this->children;
return $this->widget_tree_walk('get_widget_by_path_helper',$path);
* generated a file-name from an eTemplates, name, template(-set) and lang
* @param string/array $name name of template or array('name'=>$name,'template'=>$template,'lang'=>$lang)
* @param string $template template-set
* @param string $lang language to use
* @return string
function cache_name($name='',$template='default',$lang='default')
if (empty($name))
$name = $this->name;
$template = $this->template;
$lang = $this->lang;
elseif (is_array($name))
$template = $name['template'];
$lang = $name['lang'];
$name = $name['name'];
if (empty($template))
$template = 'default';
$cname = $template . '/' . $name . (!empty($lang) && $lang != 'default' ? '.' . $lang : '');
//echo "cache_name('$name','$template','$lang') = '$cname'";
return $cname;
* stores the etemplate in the cache in phpgw_info
function store_in_cache()
//echo "<p>store_in_cache('$this->name','$this->template','$this->lang','$this->version')</p>\n";
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['cache'][$this->cache_name()] = $this->as_array(1);
* deletes the etemplate in the cache in phpgw_info
function delete_in_cache()
//echo "<p>delete_in_cache('$this->name','$this->template','$this->lang','$this->version')</p>\n";
* returns true if a given eTemplate is in the cache
* @param string/array $name name of template or array('name'=>$name,'template'=>$template,'lang'=>$lang)
* @param string $template template-set
* @param string $lang language to use
* @param int $group to use the template for
* @param string $version of the template
* @return boolean
function in_cache($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='')
$cname = $this->cache_name($name,$template,$lang);
if (is_array($name))
$version = $name['version'];
$name = $name['name'];
if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['cache'][$cname]) ||
!empty($version) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['cache'][$cname]['version'] != $version)
//echo " NOT found in cache</p>\n";
return False;
//echo " found in cache</p>\n";
return $cname;
* reads the content of an eTemplate from the cache into the current object
* same as read but only via the cache
* @param string/array $name name of template or array('name'=>$name,'template'=>$template,'lang'=>$lang)
* @param string $template template-set
* @param string $lang language to use
* @param int $group to use the template for
* @param string $version of the template
* @return boolean true if the eTemplate was found in the cache
function read_from_cache($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='')
//if (is_array($name)) $version = $name['version']; echo "<p>read_from_cache(,,,version='$version'): ";
if ($cname = $this->in_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group))
return True;
return False;
* reads an eTemplate from the cache or database / filesystem (and updates the cache)
* reimplementation of soetemplate::read to use and/or update the cache
* @param string $name name of the eTemplate or array with the values for all keys
* @param string $template template-set, '' loads the prefered template of the user, 'default' loads the default one '' in the db
* @param string $lang language, '' loads the pref. lang of the user, 'default' loads the default one '' in the db
* @param int $group id of the (primary) group of the user or 0 for none, not used at the moment !!!
* @param string $version version of the eTemplate
* @param mixed $load_via name/array of keys of etemplate to load in order to get $name (only as second try!)
* @return boolean True if a fitting template is found, else False
function read($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='',$load_via='')
if (is_array($name)) {
$pname = &$name['name'];
$pname = &$name;
if (empty($pname))
return False;
$parent = is_array($load_via) ? $load_via['name'] : $load_via;
if (strstr($pname,'.') === False && !empty($parent))
$pname = $parent . '.' . $pname;
if (!$this->read_from_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version))
if (!soetemplate::read($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version))
if ($load_via && (is_string($load_via) ||
!isset($load_via['tpls_in_file']) || $load_via['tpls_in_file'] > 1))
return $this->read_from_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version);
return False;
return True;
* saves eTemplate-object to db and update the cache
* reimplementation of soetemplate::save to update the cache
* @param string $name name of the eTemplate or array with the values for all keys
* @param string $template template-set or '' for the default one
* @param string $lang language or '' for the default one
* @param int $group id of the (primary) group of the user or 0 for none, not used at the moment !!!
* @param string $version version of the eTemplate
* @return the number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
function save($name='',$template='.',$lang='.',$group=0,$version='.')
if ($result = soetemplate::save($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version))
return $result;
* Deletes the eTemplate from the db, object itself is unchanged
* reimplementation of soetemplate::delete to update the cache
* @return int number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
function delete()
return soetemplate::delete();
if (!function_exists('set_cell_attribute_helper'))
function &set_cell_attribute_helper(&$widget,&$extra)
// extra = array(0=>n,1=>name,2=>attr,3=>value)
if ($widget['name'] == $extra[1])
if (is_null($extra[3]))
$extra['__RETURN_NOW__'] = true; // wouldnt work otherwise, if attr is not yet set == null
return $widget[$extra[2]];
$widget[$extra[2]] = $extra[3];
function &get_widget_by_path_helper(&$widget,$extra,$path)
//echo "<p>path_searched='$extra', widget-path($widget[type]:$widget[name])='$path'</p>\n";
if ($path == $extra) return $widget;