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classes are now uppercase and in their own files. lowercase classes are deprecated. Interfaces are now actual interfaces that should be implemented instead of creating and returning an ai Object every time
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* EGroupware clientside API object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel (as AT stylite.de)
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @version $Id$
import './egw_core.js';
egw.extend('preferences', egw.MODULE_GLOBAL, function()
"use strict";
* Object holding the prefences as 2-dim. associative array, use
* egw.preference(name[,app]) to access it.
* @access: private, use egw.preferences() or egw.set_perferences()
var prefs = {
var grants = {};
* App-names in egw_preference table are limited to 16 chars, so we can not store anything longer
* Also modify tab-names used in CRM-view ("addressbook-*") to "infolog".
* @param _app
* @returns {string}
function sanitizeApp(_app)
if (typeof _app === 'undefined') _app = 'common';
if (_app.length > 16)
_app = _app.substring(0, 16);
if (_app.match(/^addressbook-/))
_app = 'infolog';
return _app;
// Return the actual extension
return {
* Setting prefs for an app or 'common'
* @param {object} _data object with name: value pairs to set
* @param {string} _app application name, 'common' or undefined to prefes of all apps at once
* @param {boolean} _need_clone _data need to be cloned, as it is from different window context
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_preferences: function(_data, _app, _need_clone)
if (typeof _app == 'undefined')
prefs = _need_clone ? jQuery.extend(true, {}, _data) : _data;
prefs[sanitizeApp(_app)] = jQuery.extend(true, {}, _data); // we always clone here, as call can come from this.preferences!
* Query an EGroupware user preference
* If a preference is not already loaded (only done for "common" by default),
* it is synchronously queried from the server, if no _callback parameter is given!
* @param {string} _name name of the preference, eg. 'dateformat', or '*' to get all the application's preferences
* @param {string} _app default 'common'
* @param {function|boolean|undefined} _callback optional callback, if preference needs loading first
* - default/undefined: preference is synchronously queried, if not loaded, and returned
* - function: if loaded, preference is returned, if not false and callback is called once it's loaded
* - true: a promise for the preference is returned
* - false: if preference is not loaded, undefined is return and no (synchronous) request is send to server
* @param {object} _context context for callback
* @return Promise|object|string|bool (Promise for) preference value or false, if callback given and preference not yet loaded
preference: function(_name, _app, _callback, _context)
_app = sanitizeApp(_app);
if (typeof prefs[_app] === 'undefined')
if (_callback === false) return undefined;
const request = this.json('EGroupware\\Api\\Framework::ajax_get_preference', [_app], _callback, _context);
const promise = request.sendRequest(typeof _callback !== 'undefined', 'GET');
if (typeof prefs[_app] === 'undefined') prefs[_app] = {};
if (_callback === true) return promise.then(() => this.preference(_name, _app));
if (typeof _callback === 'function') return false;
let ret;
if (_name === "*")
ret = typeof prefs[_app] === 'object' ? jQuery.extend({}, prefs[_app]) : prefs[_app];
ret = typeof prefs[_app][_name] === 'object' && prefs[_app][_name] !== null ?
jQuery.extend({}, prefs[_app][_name]) : prefs[_app][_name];
if (_callback === true)
return Promise.resolve(ret);
return ret;
* Set a preference and sends it to the server
* Server will silently ignore setting preferences, if user has no right to do so!
* Preferences are only send to server, if they are changed!
* @param {string} _app application name or "common"
* @param {string} _name name of the pref
* @param {string} _val value of the pref, null, undefined or "" to unset it
* @param {function} _callback Function passed along to the queue, called after preference is set server-side,
* IF the preference is changed / has a value different from the current one
set_preference: function(_app, _name, _val, _callback)
_app = sanitizeApp(_app);
// if there is no change, no need to submit it to server
if (typeof prefs[_app] != 'undefined')
var current = prefs[_app][_name];
var setting = _val;
// to compare objects we serialize them
if (typeof current == 'object') current = JSON.stringify(current);
if (typeof setting == 'object') setting = JSON.stringify(setting);
if (setting === current) return;
this.jsonq('EGroupware\\Api\\Framework::ajax_set_preference',[_app, _name, _val], _callback);
// update own preference cache, if _app prefs are loaded (don't update otherwise, as it would block loading of other _app prefs!)
if (typeof prefs[_app] != 'undefined')
if (_val === undefined || _val === "" || _val === null)
delete prefs[_app][_name];
prefs[_app][_name] = _val;
* Endpoint for push to request reload of preference, if loaded and affected
* @param _app app-name of prefs to reload
* @param _account_id _account_id 0: allways reload (default or forced prefs), <0: reload if member of group
reload_preferences: function(_app, _account_id)
if (typeof _account_id !== 'number') _account_id = parseInt(_account_id);
if (typeof prefs[_app] === 'undefined' || // prefs not loaded
_account_id < 0 && this.user('memberships').indexOf(_account_id) < 0) // no member of this group
var request = this.json('EGroupware\\Api\\Framework::ajax_get_preference', [_app]);
* Call context / open app specific preferences function
* @param {string} name type 'acl', 'prefs', or 'cats'
* @param {(array|object)} apps array with apps allowing to call that type, or object/hash with app and boolean or hash with url-params
show_preferences: function (name, apps)
var current_app = this.app_name();
var query = {menuaction:'',current_app: current_app};
// give warning, if app does not support given type, but all apps link to common prefs, if they dont support prefs themselfs
if (jQuery.isArray(apps) && jQuery.inArray(current_app, apps) == -1 && (name != 'prefs' && name != 'acl') ||
!jQuery.isArray(apps) && (typeof apps[current_app] == 'undefined' || !apps[current_app]))
egw_message(egw.lang('Not supported by current application!'), 'warning');
var url = '/index.php';
case 'prefs':
query.menuaction ='preferences.preferences_settings.index';
if (jQuery.inArray(current_app, apps) != -1) query.appname=current_app;
egw.open_link(egw.link(url, query), '_blank', '1200x600');
case 'acl':
if (jQuery.inArray(current_app, apps) != -1) query.acl_app=current_app;
egw.open_link(egw.link(url, query), '_blank', '1200x600');
case 'cats':
if (typeof apps[current_app] == 'object')
for(var key in apps[current_app])
query[key] = encodeURIComponent(apps[current_app][key]);
query.ajax = true;
egw.link_handler(egw.link(url, query), current_app);
* Setting prefs for an app or 'common'
* @param {object} _data
* @param {string} _app application name or undefined to set grants of all apps at once
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_grants: function(_data, _app)
if (_app)
grants[_app] = jQuery.extend(true, {}, _data);
grants = jQuery.extend(true, {}, _data);
* Query an EGroupware user preference
* We currently load grants from all apps in egw.js, so no need for a callback or promise.
* @param {string} _app app-name
* @param {function|false|undefined} _callback optional callback, if preference needs loading first
* if false given and preference is not loaded, undefined is return and no (synchronious) request is send to server
* @param {object} _context context for callback
* @return {object|undefined|false} grant object, false if not (yet) loaded and no callback or undefined
grants: function( _app) //, _callback, _context)
/* we currently load grants from all apps in egw.js, so no need for a callback or promise
if (typeof grants[_app] == 'undefined')
if (_callback === false) return undefined;
var request = this.json('EGroupware\\Api\\Framework::ajax_get_preference', [_app], _callback, _context);
request.sendRequest(typeof _callback == 'function', 'GET'); // use synchronous (cachable) GET request
if (typeof grants[_app] == 'undefined') grants[_app] = {};
if (typeof _callback == 'function') return false;
return typeof grants[_app] === 'object' ? jQuery.extend({}, grants[_app]) : grants[_app];
* Get mime types supported by file editor AND not excluded by user
* @param {string} _mime current mime type
* @returns {object|null} returns object of filemanager editor hook
file_editor_prefered_mimes: function(_mime)
const fe = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this.link_get_registry('filemanager-editor'));
let ex_mimes = this.preference('collab_excluded_mimes', 'filemanager');
const dblclick_action = this.preference('document_doubleclick_action', 'filemanager');
if (dblclick_action === 'download' && typeof _mime === 'string')
ex_mimes = !ex_mimes ? _mime : ex_mimes+','+_mime;
if (fe && fe.mime && ex_mimes && typeof ex_mimes === 'string')
ex_mimes = ex_mimes.split(',');
for (let mime in fe.mime)
for (let i in ex_mimes)
if (ex_mimes[i] === mime) delete(fe.mime[mime]);
return fe && fe.mime ? fe : null;
}); |