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<h1>Module urllib</h1>
Provides methods for making HTTP requests.
<br />
The module is to be replaced by a richer <code>net</code> module, also containing sockets.<br />
<div class="contentItem"><h2>public members:<a class="bttop" href="#top"></a></h2><div>
<h3>NoHTTPRequestObject()</h3><div class="indent">
Exception thrown if no request object could be instanciated.<br />
<h3>RequestOpenFailed()</h3><div class="indent">
Exception thrown if an HTTP request could not be opened.<br />
<h3>SendFailed()</h3><div class="indent">
Exception thrown if a request could not be sent to the server.<br />
<br />
<h3>sendRequest(type,url,user,pass,data,headers,callback)</h3><div class="indent">
Sends a request to a server.<br />
To explain the way the optional arguments work I will give examples:<br />
simple:<br />
sendRequest("get", "url")<br />
sendRequest("post", "url", "data")<br />
<br />
with headers:<br />
sendRequest("get", "url", [["headername","value"]])<br />
sendRequest("post", "url", "data", [["headername","value"]])<br />
<br />
with user information:<br />
sendRequest("get", "url", "user", "pass")<br />
sendRequest("post", "url", "user", "pass", "data")<br />
<br />
with headers and user information:<br />
sendRequest("get", "url", "user", "pass", [["headername","value"]])<br />
sendRequest("post", "url", "user", "pass", "data", [["headername","value"]])<br />
<br />
To make the request asynchronous just add a callback function as the last argument to the calls above.<br />
<br />
<b>type</b> Type of connection (GET, POST, ...).<br />
<b>url</b> The URL to retrieve.<br />
<b>user</b> =null The username for auth.<br />
<b>pass</b> =null The password. (must be set if user is set!)<br />
<b>data</b> ="" The data to send with the request.<br />
<b>headers</b> =[] Array of headers. Each element in the array should be another array containing [headername,value].<br />
<b>callback</b> =null Callback for asynchronous connections. The callback is called after completion and is passed the request object as 1st Parameter.<br />
<b>returns</b> HTTP request object.<br />
<h3>getURL(url,user,pass,headers,callback)</h3><div class="indent">
Shorthand for a GET request.<br />
It calls sendRequest with "GET" as first argument.<br />
See the sendRequest method for more information.<br />
<br />
<b>url</b> The URL to retrieve.<br />
<b>user</b> =null The username for auth.<br />
<b>pass</b> =null The password. (must be set if user is set!)<br />
<b>headers</b> =[] Array of headers. Each element in the array should be another array containing [headername,value].<br />
<b>callback</b> =null Callback for asynchronous connections. The callback is called after completion and is passed the request object as 1st Parameter.<br />
<b>returns</b> HTTP request object.<br />
<br />
<h3>postURL(url,user,pass,data,headers, callback)</h3><div class="indent">
Shorthand for a POST request.<br />
It calls sendRequest with "POST" as first argument.<br />
See the sendRequest method for more information.<br />
<br />
<b>url</b> The URL to retrieve.<br />
<b>user</b> =null The username for auth.<br />
<b>pass</b> =null The password. (must be set if user is set!)<br />
<b>data</b> ="" The data to send with the request.<br />
<b>headers</b> =[] Array of headers. Each element in the array should be another array containing [headername,value].<br />
<b>callback</b> =null Callback for asynchronous connections. The callback is called after completion and is passed the request object as 1st Parameter.<br />
<b>returns</b> HTTP request object.<br />
<br />
<div class="contentItem"><h2>requirements<a class="bttop" href="#top"></a></h2><div>
The urllib requires the HTTPRequest object as fond in Mozilla and IE.<br />
In SVG it will use ASV's getURL/postURL methods, but is limited to asynchronous connections.<br />