Nathan Gray 3656ce8515 - Leave any account names that can't be parsed to IDs for use in errors
- Return warning about any names that can't be parsed
2012-01-25 18:13:57 +00:00

514 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id$
* class importexport_helper_functions (only static methods)
* use importexport_helper_functions::method
class importexport_helper_functions {
* Plugins are scanned and cached for all instances using this source path for given time (in seconds)
const CACHE_EXPIRATION = 3600;
* Files known to cause problems, and will be skipped in a plugin scan
* If you put appname => true, the whole app will be skipped.
protected static $blacklist_files = array(
'news_admin' => array(
* Class used to provide extra conversion functions
* Passed in as a param to conversion()
protected static $cclass = null;
* nothing to construct here, only static functions!
* Converts a custom time string to to unix timestamp
* The format of the time string is given by the argument $_format
* which takes the same parameters as the php date() function.
* @abstract supportet formatstrings: d,m,y,Y,H,h,i,s,O,a,A
* If timestring is empty, php strtotime is used.
* @param string $_string time string to convert
* @param string $_format format of time string e.g.: d.m.Y H:i
* @param int $_is_dst is day light saving time? 0 = no, 1 = yes, -1 = system default
public static function custom_strtotime( $_string, $_format='', $_is_dst = -1) {
if ( empty( $_format ) ) return strtotime( $_string );
$fparams = explode( ',', chunk_split( $_format, 1, ',' ) );
$spos = 0;
foreach ( $fparams as $fparam ) {
switch ( $fparam ) {
case 'd': (int)$day = substr( $_string, $spos, 2 ); $spos += 2; break;
case 'm': (int)$mon = substr( $_string, $spos, 2 ); $spos += 2; break;
case 'y': (int)$year = substr( $_string, $spos, 2 ); $spos += 2; break;
case 'Y': (int)$year = substr( $_string, $spos, 4 ); $spos += 4; break;
case 'H': (int)$hour = substr( $_string, $spos, 2 ); $spos += 2; break;
case 'h': (int)$hour = substr( $_string, $spos, 2 ); $spos += 2; break;
case 'i': (int)$min = substr( $_string, $spos, 2 ); $spos += 2; break;
case 's': (int)$sec = substr( $_string, $spos, 2 ); $spos += 2; break;
case 'O': (int)$offset = $year = substr( $_string, $spos, 5 ); $spos += 5; break;
case 'a': (int)$hour = $fparam == 'am' ? $hour : $hour + 12; break;
case 'A': (int)$hour = $fparam == 'AM' ? $hour : $hour + 12; break;
default: $spos++; // seperator
print_debug("hour:$hour; min:$min; sec:$sec; mon:$mon; day:$day; year:$year;\n");
$timestamp = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year, $_is_dst);
// offset given?
if ( isset( $offset ) && strlen( $offset == 5 ) ) {
$operator = $offset{0};
$ohour = 60 * 60 * (int)substr( $offset, 1, 2 );
$omin = 60 * (int)substr( $offset, 3, 2 );
if ( $operator == '+' ) $timestamp += $ohour + $omin;
else $timestamp -= $ohour + $omin;
return $timestamp;
* converts accound_lid to account_id
* @param mixed $_account_lid comma seperated list or array with lids
* @return mixed comma seperated list or array with ids
public static function account_name2id( &$_account_lids ) {
$account_lids = is_array( $_account_lids ) ? $_account_lids : explode( ',', $_account_lids );
$skip = false;
foreach ( $account_lids as $key => $account_lid ) {
if($skip) {
$skip = false;
$account_lid = trim($account_lid);
// Handle any IDs that slip in
if(is_numeric($account_lid) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($account_lid)) {
$account_ids[] = (int)$account_lid;
// Handle users listed as Lastname, Firstname instead of login ID
// Do this first, in case their first name matches a username
if ( $account_lids[$key+1][0] == ' ' && $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id( trim($account_lids[$key+1]).' ' .$account_lid, 'account_fullname')) {
$account_ids[] = $account_id;
$skip = true; // Skip the next one, it's the first name
continue ;
if ( $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id( $account_lid )) {
$account_ids[] = $account_id;
if ( $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id( $account_lid, 'account_fullname' )) {
$account_ids[] = $account_id;
// Handle groups listed as Group, <name>
if ( $account_lid[0] == ' ' && $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id( trim($account_lid))) {
$account_ids[] = $account_id;
$_account_lids = (is_array($_account_lids) ? $account_lids : implode(',',$account_lids));
return is_array( $_account_lids ) ? $account_ids : implode( ',', (array)$account_ids );
} // end of member function account_lid2id
* converts account_ids to account_lids
* @param mixed $_account_ids comma seperated list or array with ids
* @return mixed comma seperated list or array with lids
public static function account_id2name( $_account_id ) {
$account_ids = is_array( $_account_id ) ? $_account_id : explode( ',', $_account_id );
foreach ( $account_ids as $account_id ) {
if ( $account_lid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name( $account_id )) {
$account_lids[] = $account_lid;
return is_array( $_account_id ) ? $account_lids : implode( ',', (array)$account_lids );
} // end of member function account_id2lid
* converts cat_id to a cat_name
* @param mixed _cat_ids comma seperated list or array
* @return mixed comma seperated list or array with cat_names
public static function cat_id2name( $_cat_ids ) {
$cat_ids = is_array( $_cat_ids ) ? $_cat_ids : explode( ',', $_cat_ids );
foreach ( $cat_ids as $cat_id ) {
$cat_names[] = categories::id2name( (int)$cat_id );
return is_array( $_cat_ids ) ? $cat_names : implode(',',(array)$cat_names);
} // end of member function category_id2name
* converts cat_name to a cat_id.
* If a cat isn't found, it will be created.
* @param mixed $_cat_names comma seperated list or array.
* @param int $parent Optional parent ID to use for new categories
* @return mixed comma seperated list or array with cat_ids
public static function cat_name2id( $_cat_names, $parent = 0 ) {
$cats = new categories(); // uses current user and app (egw_info[flags][currentapp])
$cat_names = is_array( $_cat_names ) ? $_cat_names : explode( ',', $_cat_names );
foreach ( $cat_names as $cat_name ) {
$cat_name = trim($cat_name);
if ( $cat_name == '' ) continue;
if ( ( $cat_id = $cats->name2id( $cat_name ) ) == 0 ) {
$cat_id = $cats->add( array(
'name' => $cat_name,
'parent' => $parent,
'access' => 'public',
'descr' => $cat_name. ' ('. lang('Automatically created by importexport'). ')'
$cat_ids[] = $cat_id;
return is_array( $_cat_names ) ? $cat_ids : implode( ',', (array)$cat_ids );
} // end of member function category_name2id
* conversion
* Conversions enable you to change / adapt the content of each _record field for your needs.
* General syntax is: pattern1 |> replacement1 || ... || patternN |> replacementN
* If the pattern-part of a pair is ommited it will match everything ('^.*$'), which
* is only usefull for the last pair, as they are worked from left to right.
* Example: 1|>private||public
* This will translate a '1' in the _record field to 'privat' and everything else to 'public'.
* In addintion to the fields assign by the pattern of the reg.exp.
* you can use all other _record fields, with the syntax |[FIELDINDEX].
* Example:
* Your record is:
* array( 0 => Company, 1 => NFamily, 2 => NGiven
* Your conversion string for field 0 (Company):
* .+|>|[0]: |[1], |[2]|||[1], |[2]
* This constructs something like
* Company: FamilyName, GivenName or FamilyName, GivenName if 'Company' is empty.
* Moreover the following helper functions can be used:
* cat(Cat1,...,CatN) returns a (','-separated) list with the cat_id's. If a
* category isn't found, it will be automaticaly added.
* account(name) returns an account ID, if found in the system
* list(sep, data, index) lets you explode a field on sep, then select just one part (index)
* Patterns as well as the replacement can be regular expressions (the replacement is done
* via str_replace).
* @param array _record reference with record to do the conversion with
* @param array _conversion array with conversion description
* @param object &$cclass calling class to process the '@ evals'
* @return bool
public static function conversion( &$_record, $_conversion, &$_cclass = null ) {
if (empty( $_conversion ) ) return $_record;
self::$cclass =& $_cclass;
$PSep = '||'; // Pattern-Separator, separats the pattern-replacement-pairs in conversion
$ASep = '|>'; // Assignment-Separator, separats pattern and replacesment
$CPre = '|['; $CPos = ']'; // |[_record-idx] is expanded to the corespondig value
$TPre = '|T{'; $TPos = '}'; // |{_record-idx} is trimmed
$CntlPre = '|TC{'; // Filter all cntl-chars \x01-\x1f and trim
$CntlnCLPre = '|TCnCL{'; // Like |C{ but allowes CR and LF
$INE = '|INE{'; // Only insert if stuff in ^^ is not empty
foreach ( $_conversion as $idx => $conversion_string ) {
if ( empty( $conversion_string ) ) continue;
// fetch patterns ($rvalues)
$pat_reps = explode( $PSep, stripslashes( $conversion_string ) );
foreach( $pat_reps as $k => $pat_rep ) {
list( $pattern, $replace ) = explode( $ASep, $pat_rep, 2 );
if( $replace == '' ) {
$replace = $pattern; $pattern = '^.*$';
$rvalues[$pattern] = $replace; // replace two with only one, added by the form
// conversion list may be longer than $_record aka (no_csv)
$val = array_key_exists( $idx, $_record ) ? $_record[$idx] : '';
$c_functions = array('cat', 'account', 'strtotime', 'list');
if($_cclass) {
// Add in additional methods
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(get_class($_cclass));
$methods = $reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC);
foreach($methods as $method) {
$c_functions[] = $method->name;
$c_functions = implode('|', $c_functions);
foreach ( $rvalues as $pattern => $replace ) {
if( preg_match('/'. (string)$pattern.'/', $val) ) {
$val = preg_replace( '/'.(string)$pattern.'/', $replace, (string)$val );
$reg = '/\|\[([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\]/';
while( preg_match( $reg, $val, $vars ) ) {
// expand all _record fields
$val = str_replace(
$CPre . $vars[1] . $CPos,
$_record[array_search($vars[1], array_keys($_record))],
$val = preg_replace_callback( "/($c_functions)\(([^)]*)\)/i", array( self, 'c2_dispatcher') , $val );
// clean each field
$val = preg_replace_callback("/(\|T\{|\|TC\{|\|TCnCL\{|\|INE\{)(.*)\}/", array( self, 'strclean'), $val );
$_record[$idx] = $val;
return $_record;
} // end of member function conversion
* callback for preg_replace_callback from self::conversion.
* This function gets called when 2nd level conversions are made,
* like the cat() and account() statements in the conversions.
* @param array $_matches
private static function c2_dispatcher( $_matches ) {
$action = &$_matches[1]; // cat or account ...
$data = &$_matches[2]; // datas for action
switch ( $action ) {
case 'strtotime' :
list( $string, $format ) = explode( ',', $data );
return self::custom_strtotime( trim( $string ), trim( $format ) );
case 'list':
list( $split, $data, $index) = explode(',',$data);
$exploded = explode($split, $data);
// 1 based indexing for user ease
return $exploded[$index - 1];
default :
if(self::$cclass && method_exists(self::$cclass, $action)) {
$class = get_class(self::$cclass);
return call_user_func("$class::$action", $data);
$method = (string)$action. ( is_int( $data ) ? '_id2name' : '_name2id' );
if(self::$cclass && method_exists(self::$cclass, $method)) {
$class = get_class(self::$cclass);
return call_user_func("$class::$action", $data);
} else {
return self::$method( $data );
private static function strclean( $_matches ) {
switch( $_matches[1] ) {
case '|T{' : return trim( $_matches[2] );
case '|TC{' : return trim( preg_replace( '/[\x01-\x1F]+/', '', $_matches[2] ) );
case '|TCnCL{' : return trim( preg_replace( '/[\x01-\x09\x11\x12\x14-\x1F]+/', '', $_matches[2] ) );
case '|INE{' : return preg_match( '/\^.+\^/', $_matches[2] ) ? $_matches[2] : '';
throw new Exception('Error in conversion string! "'. substr( $_matches[1], 0, -1 ). '" is not valid!');
* returns a list of importexport plugins
* @param string $_tpye {import | export | all}
* @param string $_appname {<appname> | all}
* @return array(<appname> => array( <type> => array(<plugin> => <title>)))
public static function get_plugins( $_appname = 'all', $_type = 'all' ) {
$plugins = egw_cache::getTree(
array(array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']), array('import', 'export')),
$appnames = $_appname == 'all' ? array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']) : (array)$_appname;
$types = $_type == 'all' ? array('import','export') : (array)$_type;
// Testing: comment out egw_cache call, use this
//$plugins = self::_get_plugins($appnames, $types);
foreach($plugins as $appname => $_types) {
if(!in_array($appname, $appnames)) unset($plugins[$appname]);
foreach($plugins as $appname => $types) {
$plugins[$appname] = array_intersect_key($plugins[$appname], $types);
return $plugins;
public static function _get_plugins(Array $appnames, Array $types) {
$plugins = array();
foreach ($appnames as $appname) {
if(array_key_exists($appname, self::$blacklist_files) && self::$blacklist_files[$appname] === true) continue;
$appdir = EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. "/$appname/inc";
if(!is_dir($appdir)) continue;
$d = dir($appdir);
// step through each file in appdir
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
// Blacklisted?
if(is_array(self::$blacklist_files[$appname]) && in_array($entry, self::$blacklist_files[$appname])) continue;
if (!preg_match('/^class\.([^.]+)\.inc\.php$/', $entry, $matches)) continue;
$classname = $matches[1];
$file = $appdir. '/'. $entry;
foreach ($types as $type) {
if( !is_file($file) || strpos($entry, $type) === false) continue;
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($classname);
if($reflectionClass->IsInstantiable() &&
$reflectionClass->implementsInterface('importexport_iface_'.$type.'_plugin')) {
try {
$plugin_object = new $classname;
catch (Exception $exception) {
$plugins[$appname][$type][$classname] = $plugin_object->get_name();
unset ($plugin_object);
$config = config::read('importexport');
if($config['update'] == 'auto') {
return $plugins;
* returns list of apps which have plugins of given type.
* @param string $_type
* @return array $num => $appname
public static function get_apps($_type, $ignore_acl = false) {
$apps = array_keys(self::get_plugins('all',$_type));
if($ignore_acl) return $apps;
foreach($apps as $key => $app) {
if(!self::has_definitions($app, $_type)) unset($apps[$key]);
return $apps;
public static function load_defaults($appname) {
// Check for new definitions to import from $appname/setup/*.xml
$appdir = EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. "/$appname/setup";
if(!is_dir($appdir)) continue;
$d = dir($appdir);
// step through each file in app's setup
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
$file = $appdir. '/'. $entry;
list( $filename, $extension) = explode('.',$entry);
if ( $extension != 'xml' ) continue;
try {
// import will skip invalid files
importexport_definitions_bo::import( $file );
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log(__CLASS__.__FUNCTION__. " import $appname definitions: " . $e->getMessage());
public static function guess_filetype( $_file ) {
* returns if the given app has importexport definitions for the current user
* @param string $_appname {<appname> | all}
* @param string $_type {import | export | all}
* @return boolean
public static function has_definitions( $_appname = 'all', $_type = 'all' ) {
$definitions = egw_cache::getSession(
array(array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']), array('import', 'export')),
$appnames = $_appname == 'all' ? array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']) : (array)$_appname;
$types = $_type == 'all' ? array('import','export') : (array)$_type;
// Testing: Comment out cache call above, use this
//$definitions = self::_has_definitions($appnames, $types);
foreach($definitions as $appname => $_types) {
if(!in_array($appname, $appnames)) unset($definitions[$appname]);
foreach($definitions as $appname => $_types) {
$definitions[$appname] = array_intersect_key($definitions[$appname], array_flip($types));
return count($definitions[$appname]) > 0;
// egw_cache needs this public
public static function _has_definitions(Array $appnames, Array $types) {
$def = new importexport_definitions_bo(array('application'=>$appnames, 'type' => $types));
$list = array();
foreach((array)$def->get_definitions() as $id) {
// Need to instanciate it to check, but if the user doesn't have permission, it throws an exception
try {
$definition = new importexport_definition($id);
if($def->is_permitted($definition->get_record_array())) {
$list[$definition->application][$definition->type][] = $id;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// That one doesn't work, keep going
$definition = null;
return $list;
} // end of importexport_helper_functions