
374 lines
11 KiB

* EGroupware API - Storage history logging
* @link
* @author Joseph Engo <>
* @copyright 2001 by Joseph Engo <>
* @author Ralf Becker <> new DB-methods and search
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage storage
* @access public
* @version $Id$
namespace EGroupware\Api\Storage;
use EGroupware\Api;
* Record history logging service
* This class need to be instanciated for EACH app, which wishes to use it!
class History
* Reference to the global db object
* @var Api\Db
var $db;
const TABLE = 'egw_history_log';
* PGP begin / end flags so we can handle them specially
const BEGIN_PGP = '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----';
const END_PGP = '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----';
* this class is instanciated for / working on
* @var string
var $appname;
var $user;
var $types = array(
'C' => 'Created',
'D' => 'Deleted',
'E' => 'Edited'
* Constructor
* @param string $appname app name this instance operates on
* @return historylog
function __construct($appname='',$user=null)
$this->appname = $appname ? $appname : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
$this->user = !is_null($user) ? $user : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db))
$this->db = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db;
$this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db;
* Delete the history-log of one or multiple records of $this->appname
* @param int|array $record_id one or more id's of $this->appname, or null to delete ALL records of $this->appname
* @return int number of deleted records/rows (0 is not necessaryly an error, it can just mean there's no record!)
function delete($record_id)
$where = array('history_appname' => $this->appname);
if (is_array($record_id) || is_numeric($record_id))
$where['history_record_id'] = $record_id;
return $this->db->affected_rows();
* Delete history log of a certain field
* @param string $record_id ID of the record
* @param string $status Field name / ID
function delete_field($record_id, $status)
$where = array(
'history_appname' => $this->appname,
'history_status' => $status
if (is_array($record_id) || is_numeric($record_id))
$where['history_record_id'] = $record_id;
return $this->db->affected_rows();
* Add a history record, if $new_value != $old_value
* @param string $status 2 letter code: eg. $this->types: C=Created, D=Deleted, E=Edited
* @param int $record_id it of the record in $this->appname (set by the constructor)
* @param string $new_value new value
* @param string $old_value old value
function add($status,$record_id,$new_value,$old_value)
if ($new_value != $old_value)
$share_with = '';
foreach(isset($GLOBALS['egw']->sharing) ? $GLOBALS['egw']->sharing : [] as $token => $share_obj)
$share_with .= $share_obj->get_share_with();
'history_record_id' => $record_id,
'history_appname' => $this->appname,
'history_owner' => $this->user,
'history_status' => $status,
'history_new_value' => $new_value,
'history_old_value' => $old_value,
'history_timestamp' => time(),
'sessionid' => $GLOBALS['egw']->session->sessionid_access_log,
'share_email' => $share_with,
* Static function to add a history record
public static function static_add($appname, $id, $user, $field_code, $new_value, $old_value = '')
if ($new_value != $old_value)
$share_with = '';
foreach(isset($GLOBALS['egw']->sharing) ? $GLOBALS['egw']->sharing : [] as $token => $share_obj)
$share_with .= $share_obj->get_share_with();
'history_record_id' => $id,
'history_appname' => $appname,
'history_owner' => (int)$user,
'history_status' => $field_code,
'history_new_value' => $new_value,
'history_old_value' => $old_value,
'history_timestamp' => time(),
'sessionid' => $GLOBALS['egw']->session->sessionid_access_log,
'share_email' => $share_with,
* Search history-log
* @param array|int $filter array with filters, or int record_id
* @param string $order ='history_id' sorting after history_id is identical to history_timestamp
* @param string $sort ='DESC'
* @param int $limit =null only return this many entries
* @return array of arrays with keys id, record_id, appname, owner (account_id), status, new_value, old_value,
* timestamp (Y-m-d H:i:s in servertime), user_ts (timestamp in user-time)
function search($filter,$order='history_id',$sort='DESC',$limit=null)
if (!is_array($filter)) $filter = is_numeric($filter) ? array('history_record_id' => $filter) : array();
if (!$order || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i',$order) || !preg_match('/^(asc|desc)?$/i',$sort))
$orderby = 'ORDER BY history_id DESC';
$orderby = "ORDER BY $order $sort";
foreach($filter as $col => $value)
if (!is_numeric($col) && substr($col,0,8) != 'history_')
$filter['history_'.$col] = $value;
if (!isset($filter['history_appname'])) $filter['history_appname'] = $this->appname;
// do not try to read all history entries of an app
if (!$filter['history_record_id']) return array();
$rows = array();
foreach($this->db->select(self::TABLE, '*', $filter, __LINE__, __FILE__,
isset($limit) ? 0 : false, $orderby, 'phpgwapi', $limit) as $row)
$row['user_ts'] = $this->db->from_timestamp($row['history_timestamp']) + 3600 * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'];
$rows[] = Api\Db::strip_array_keys($row,'history_');
return $rows;
* Get a slice of history records
* Similar to search(), except this one can take a start and a number of records
* @see Base::get_rows()
public static function get_rows(&$query, &$rows)
$filter = array();
$rows = array();
$filter['history_appname'] = $query['appname'];
$filter['history_record_id'] = $query['record_id'];
if(is_array($query['colfilter'])) {
foreach($query['colfilter'] as $column => $value) {
$filter[$column] = $value;
// filter out private (or no longer defined) custom fields
if ($filter['history_appname'])
$to_or[] = "history_status NOT LIKE '#%'";
// explicitly allow "##" used to store iCal/vCard X-attributes
if (in_array($filter['history_appname'], array('calendar','infolog','addressbook')))
$to_or[] = "history_status LIKE '##%'";
if (($cfs = Customfields::get($filter['history_appname'])))
$to_or[] = 'history_status IN ('.implode(',', array_map(function($str)
return $GLOBALS['egw']->db->quote('#'.$str);
}, array_keys($cfs))).')';
$filter[] = '('.implode(' OR ', $to_or).')';
$_query = array(array(
'table' => self::TABLE,
'cols' => array(
'where' => $filter,
// Add in files, if possible
if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['filemanager'] &&
($sqlfs_sw = new Api\Vfs\Sqlfs\StreamWrapper()) &&
($file = $sqlfs_sw->url_stat("/apps/{$query['appname']}/{$query['record_id']}",STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK)))
$_query[] = array(
'table' => Api\Vfs\Sqlfs\StreamWrapper::TABLE,
'cols' =>array('fs_id', 'fs_dir', "'filemanager'",'COALESCE(fs_modifier,fs_creator)',"'~file~'",'fs_name','fs_modified', 'fs_mime', '"" AS share_email'),
'where' => array('fs_dir' => $file['ino'])
$new_file_id = array();
__LINE__, __FILE__,
' ORDER BY ' . ($query['order'] ? $query['order'] : 'history_timestamp') . ' ' . ($query['sort'] ? $query['sort'] : 'DESC'),
) as $row)
$row['user_ts'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->from_timestamp($row['history_timestamp']) + 3600 * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'];
// Explode multi-part values
foreach(array('history_new_value','history_old_value') as $field)
if(strpos($row[$field],Tracking::ONE2N_SEPERATOR) !== false)
$row[$field] = explode(Tracking::ONE2N_SEPERATOR,$row[$field]);
if ($row['history_old_value'] !== Tracking::DIFF_MARKER && (
static::needs_diff($row['history_status'], $row['history_old_value']) ||
static::needs_diff($row['history_status'], $row['history_old_value'])
// Larger text stored with full old / new value - calculate diff and just send that
$diff = new \Horde_Text_Diff('auto', array(explode("\n",$row['history_old_value']), explode("\n",$row['history_new_value'])));
$renderer = new \Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer_Unified();
$row['history_new_value'] = $renderer->render($diff);
$row['history_old_value'] = Tracking::DIFF_MARKER;
// Get information needed for proper display
if($row['history_appname'] == 'filemanager')
$new_version = $new_file_id[$row['history_new_value']];
$new_file_id[$row['history_new_value']] = count($rows);
$path = Api\Vfs\Sqlfs\StreamWrapper::id2path($row['history_id']);
// Apparently we don't have to do anything with it, just ask...
// without this, previous versions are not handled properly
$row['history_new_value'] = array(
'path' => $path,
'name' => Api\Vfs::basename($path),
'mime' => $row['history_old_value']
$row['history_old_value'] = '';
if($new_version !== null)
$rows[$new_version]['old_value'] = $row['history_new_value'];
$rows[] = Api\Db::strip_array_keys($row,'history_');
$total = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->union($_query,__LINE__,__FILE__)->NumRows();
// allow to hook into get_rows of other apps
'hook_location' => 'etemplate2_history_get_rows',
'get_rows' => __METHOD__,
'value' => &$query,
'rows' => &$rows,
'total' => &$total,
), array(), true); // true = no permission check
return $total;
* Check to see if we would rather store a unified diff of the changes rather
* than full old and new values. We don't care for small text values, but
* any long or multi-line values will be diff-ed.
* We do not store a diff of encrypted values, since that winds up as nonsense.
* @param string $name Field name, used to do some decision making
* @param string $value Value, either old or new
* @return boolean
public static function needs_diff($name, $value)
// No diff on encrypted content
if(strpos($value, static::BEGIN_PGP) == 0 && strpos($value, static::END_PGP) !== FALSE)
return false;
return $name == 'note' || // Addressbook
strpos($name, 'description') !== false || // Calendar, Records, Timesheet, ProjectManager, Resources
$name == 'De' || // Tracker, InfoLog
($value && (strlen($value) > 200 || strstr($value, "\n") !== FALSE));