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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - Select WebComponent
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
import {css, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues, TemplateResult} from "lit";
import {html, literal, StaticValue} from "lit/static-html.js";
import {Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin} from "./Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin";
import {SelectOption} from "./FindSelectOptions";
import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace";
import {RowLimitedMixin} from "../Layout/RowLimitedMixin";
import {Et2WithSearchMixin} from "./SearchMixin";
import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js";
import {SlChangeEvent, SlOption, SlSelect} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace";
import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js";
// export Et2WidgetWithSelect which is used as type in other modules
export class Et2WidgetWithSelect extends RowLimitedMixin(Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin(LitElement))
// Gets an array of all <sl-option> elements
protected getAllOptions()
// @ts-ignore
return [...this.querySelectorAll<Et2Option>('sl-option')];
* Select widget
* At its most basic, you can select one option from a list provided. The list can be passed from the server in
* the sel_options array or options can be added as children in the template. Some extending classes provide specific
* options, such as Et2SelectPercent or Et2SelectCountry. All provided options will be mixed together and used.
* To allow selecting more than one option, use the attribute multiple="true". This will take & return an array
* as value instead of just a string.
* SearchMixin adds additional abilities to ALL select boxes
* @see Et2WithSearchMixin
* Override for extending widgets:
* # Custom display of selected value
* When selecting a single value (!multiple) you can override doLabelChange() to customise the displayed label
* @see Et2SelectCategory, which adds in the category icon
* # Custom option rows
* Options can have 'class' and 'icon' properties that will be used for the option
* The easiest way for further customisation to use CSS in an external file (like etemplate2.css) and ::part().
* @see Et2SelectCountry which displays flags via CSS instead of using SelectOption.icon
* # Custom tags
* When multiple is set, instead of a single value each selected value is shown in a tag. While it's possible to
* use CSS to some degree, we can also use a custom tag class that extends Et2Tag.
* 1. Create the extending class
* 2. Make sure it's loaded (add to etemplate2.ts)
* 3. In your extending Et2Select, override get tagTag() to return the custom tag name
// @ts-ignore SlSelect styles is a single CSSResult, not an array, so TS complains
export class Et2Select extends Et2WithSearchMixin(Et2WidgetWithSelect)
private _block_change_event : boolean = false;
static get styles()
return [
// Parent (SlSelect) returns a single cssResult, not an array
:host {
display: block;
flex: 1 0 auto;
--icon-width: 20px;
::slotted(img), img {
vertical-align: middle;
/* Get rid of padding before/after options */
sl-menu::part(base) {
padding: 0px;
/* No horizontal scrollbar, even if options are long */
.dropdown__panel {
overflow-x: clip;
/* Ellipsis when too small */
.select__tags {
max-width: 100%;
.select__label {
display: block;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
/* This is usually not used due to flex, but is the basis for ellipsis calculation */
width: 10ex;
/** multiple=true uses tags for each value **/
/* styling for icon inside tag (not option) */
.tag_image {
margin-right: var(--sl-spacing-x-small);
/* Maximum height + scrollbar on tags (+ other styling) */
.select__tags {
margin-left: 0px;
max-height: initial;
overflow-y: auto;
gap: 0.1rem 0.5rem;
.select--medium .select__tags {
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
:host([rows]) .select__control > .select__label > .select__tags {
max-height: calc(var(--rows, 5) * 29px);
:host([rows='1']) .select__tags {
overflow: hidden;
/* Keep overflow tag right-aligned. It's the only sl-tag. */
.select__tags sl-tag {
margin-left: auto;
select:hover {
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 60%);
/* Hide dropdown trigger when multiple & readonly */
:host([readonly][multiple])::part(expand-icon) {
display: none;
/* Style for tag count if rows=1 */
:host([readonly][multiple][rows])::part(tags) {
position: absolute;
right: 0px;
top: 1px;
box-shadow: rgb(0 0 0/50%) -1.5ex 0px 1ex -1ex, rgb(0 0 0 / 0%) 0px 0px 0px 0px;
:host([readonly][multiple][rows]) .select__tags sl-tag::part(base) {
background-color: var(--sl-input-background-color);
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
font-weight: bold;
min-width: 3em;
justify-content: center;
/* Show all rows on hover if rows=1 */
:host([readonly][multiple][rows]):hover .select__tags {
width: -webkit-fill-available;
width: -moz-fill-available;
width: fill-available;
::part(listbox) {
z-index: 1;
background: var(--sl-input-background-color);
padding: var(--sl-input-spacing-small);
padding-left: 2px;
box-shadow: var(--sl-shadow-large);
min-width: fit-content;
border-radius: var(--sl-border-radius-small);
border: 1px solid var(--sl-color-neutral-200);
max-height: 15em;
overflow-y: auto;
::part(display-label) {
margin: 0;
:host::part(display-label) {
max-height: 8em;
overflow-y: auto;
:host([readonly])::part(combobox) {
background: none;
opacity: 1;
border: none;
static get properties()
return {
* Toggle between single and multiple selection
multiple: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
* Click handler for individual tags instead of the select as a whole.
* Only used if multiple=true so we have tags
onTagClick: {
type: Function,
/** Placeholder text to show as a hint when the select is empty. */
@property() placeholder = '';
/** Allows more than one option to be selected. */
@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) multiple = false;
/** Disables the select control. */
@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) disabled = false;
/** Adds a clear button when the select is not empty. */
@property({type: Boolean}) clearable = false;
/** The select's label. If you need to display HTML, use the `label` slot instead. */
@property() label = '';
* The preferred placement of the select's menu. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the listbox
* inside of the viewport.
@property({reflect: true}) placement : 'top' | 'bottom' = 'bottom';
/** The select's help text. If you need to display HTML, use the `help-text` slot instead. */
@property({attribute: 'help-text'}) helpText = '';
/** The select's required attribute. */
@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) required = false;
private __value : string | string[] = "";
this.hoist = true;
this._tagTemplate = this._tagTemplate.bind(this);
* List of properties that get translated
* @returns object
static get translate()
return {
emptyLabel: true
this.updateComplete.then(() =>
this.addEventListener("sl-change", this._triggerChange);
// Fixes missing empty label
// Fixes incorrect opening position
this.removeEventListener("sl-change", this._triggerChange);
if(super._triggerChange(e) && !this._block_change_event)
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {bubbles: true}));
this.updateComplete.then(() => this._block_change_event = false);
* Handle the case where there is no value set, or the value provided is not an option.
* If this happens, we choose the first option or empty label.
* Careful when this is called. We change the value here, so an infinite loop is possible if the widget has
* onchange.
protected fix_bad_value()
// Stop if there are no options
if(!Array.isArray(this.select_options) || this.select_options.length == 0)
// Nothing to do here
// emptyLabel is fine
if(this.value === "" && this.emptyLabel)
let valueArray = this.getValueAsArray();
// Check for value using missing options (deleted or otherwise not allowed)
let filtered = this.filterOutMissingOptions(valueArray);
if(filtered.length != valueArray.length)
this.value = filtered;
// Multiple is allowed to be empty, and if we don't have an emptyLabel or options nothing to do
if(this.multiple || (!this.emptyLabel && this.select_options.length === 0))
// See if parent (search / free entry) is OK with it
// If somebody gave '' as a select_option, let it be
if(this.value === '' && this.select_options.filter((option) => this.value === option.value).length == 1)
// If no value is set, choose the first option
// Only do this on once during initial setup, or it can be impossible to clear the value
// value not in options --> use emptyLabel, if exists, or first option otherwise
if(this.select_options.filter((option) => valueArray.find(val => val == option.value) ||
Array.isArray(option.value) && option.value.filter(o => valueArray.find(val => val == o.value))).length === 0)
let oldValue = this.value;
this.value = this.emptyLabel ? "" : "" + this.select_options[0]?.value;
this._block_change_event = (oldValue != this.value);
// ""+ to cast value of 0 to "0", to not replace with ""
this.requestUpdate("value", oldValue);
get value()
// Handle a bunch of non-values, if it's multiple we want an array
if(this.multiple && (this.__value == "null" || this.__value == null || typeof this.__value == "undefined" ||
!this.emptyLabel && this.__value == "" && !this.select_options.find(o => o.value == "")))
return [];
if(!this.multiple && !this.emptyLabel && this.__value == "" && !this.select_options.find(o => o.value == ""))
return null;
return this.multiple ?
this.__value ?? [] :
this.__value ?? "";
// @ts-ignore
set value(val : string | string[] | number | number[])
if(typeof val === "undefined" || val == null)
val = "";
if(typeof val === 'string' && val.indexOf(',') !== -1 && this.multiple)
val = val.split(',');
if(typeof val === 'number')
val = val.toString();
const oldValue = this.value;
// Make sure value has no duplicates, and values are strings
this.__value = <string[]>[...new Set(val.map(v => (typeof v === 'number' ? v.toString() : v || '')))];
this.__value = val;
if(this.multiple && typeof this.__value == "string")
this.__value = this.__value != "" ? [this.__value] : [];
this.select.value = this.__value;
this.requestUpdate("value", oldValue);
* Check a value for missing options and remove them.
* We'll warn about it in the helpText, and if they save the change will be made.
* This is to avoid the server-side validation error, which the user can't do much about.
* @param {string[]} value
* @returns {string[]}
filterOutMissingOptions(value : string[]) : string[]
if(!this.readonly && value && value.length > 0 && !this.allowFreeEntries && this.select_options.length > 0)
function filterBySelectOptions(arrayToFilter, options : SelectOption[])
const filteredArray = arrayToFilter.filter(item =>
// Check if item is found in options
return !options.some(option =>
if(typeof option.value === 'string')
// Regular option
return option.value === item;
else if(Array.isArray(option.value))
// Recursively check if item is found in nested array (option groups)
return filterBySelectOptions([item], option.value).length > 0;
return false;
return filteredArray;
// Empty is allowed, if there's an emptyLabel
if(value.toString() == "" && this.emptyLabel)
return value;
const missing = filterBySelectOptions(value, this.select_options);
if(missing.length > 0)
console.warn("Invalid option '" + missing.join(", ") + "' removed from " + this.id, this);
value = value.filter(item => missing.indexOf(item) == -1);
return value;
* Additional customisations from the XET node
* @param {Element} _node
loadFromXML(_node : Element)
// Wait for update to be complete before we check for bad value so extending selects can have a chance
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.fix_bad_value());
/** @param {import('@lion/core').PropertyValues } changedProperties */
willUpdate(changedProperties : PropertyValues)
this.value = this.__value;
if(changedProperties.has("select_options") || changedProperties.has("value") || changedProperties.has("emptyLabel"))
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.fix_bad_value());
if(changedProperties.has("select_options") && changedProperties.has("value"))
* Override this method from SlSelect to stick our own tags in there
if(typeof super.syncItemsFromValue === "function")
// Only applies to multiple
if(typeof this.displayTags !== "object" || !this.multiple)
let overflow = null;
if(this.maxOptionsVisible > 0 && this.displayTags.length > this.maxOptionsVisible)
overflow = this.displayTags.pop();
const checkedItems = Object.values(this._menuItems).filter(item => this.value.includes(item.value));
this.displayTags = checkedItems.map(item => this._createTagNode(item));
if(checkedItems.length !== this.value.length && this.multiple)
// There's a value that does not have a menu item, probably invalid.
// Add it as a marked tag so it can be corrected or removed.
const filteredValues = this.value.filter(str => !checkedItems.some(obj => obj.value === str));
for(let i = 0; i < filteredValues.length; i++)
const badTag = this._createTagNode({
value: filteredValues[i],
getTextLabel: () => filteredValues[i],
classList: {value: ""}
badTag.variant = "danger";
badTag.contactPlus = false;
// Put it in front so it shows
// Re-slice & add overflow tag
this.displayTags = this.displayTags.slice(0, this.maxOptionsVisible);
else if(this.multiple && this.rows == 1 && this.readonly && this.value.length > 1)
// Maybe more tags than we can show, show the count
<sl-tag class="multiple_tag" size=${this.size}>${this.value.length}</sl-tag> `);
* Tag used for rendering tags when multiple=true
* Used for creating, finding & filtering options.
* @see createTagNode()
* @returns {string}
public get tagTag() : StaticValue
return literal`et2-tag`;
if(typeof super.blur == "function")
/* Parent should be fine now?
private handleTagRemove(event : CustomEvent, option)
option.selected = false;
let index = this.value.indexOf(option.value);
if(index > -1)
this.value.splice(index, 1);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('sl-input'));
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('sl-change'));
* Apply the user preference to close the dropdown if an option is clicked, even if multiple=true.
* The default (from SlSelect) leaves the dropdown open for multiple=true
* @param {MouseEvent} event
* @private
private handleOptionClick(event : MouseEvent)
private et2HandleBlur(event : Event)
if(typeof super.et2HandleBlur === "function")
protected handleValueChange(e : SlChangeEvent)
const old_value = this.__value;
this.__value = Array.isArray(this.select.value) ?
this.select.value.map(e => e.replaceAll("___", " ")) :
this.select.value.replaceAll("___", " ");
this.requestUpdate("value", old_value);
* Always close the dropdown if an option is clicked, even if multiple=true. This differs from SlSelect,
* which leaves the dropdown open for multiple=true
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event
* @private
private handleKeyDown(event : KeyboardEvent)
if(event.key === 'Enter' || (event.key === ' ' && this.typeToSelectString === ''))
this.dropdown.hide().then(() =>
if(typeof this.handleMenuHide == "function")
// Make sure search gets hidden
/** Shows the listbox. */
async show()
return this.select.show();
/** Hides the listbox. */
async hide()
get open()
return this.select?.open ?? false;
protected _renderOptions()
{return Promise.resolve();}
protected get select() : SlSelect
return this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("sl-select");
* Custom, dynamic styling
* Put as much as you can in static styles for performance reasons
* Override this for custom dynamic styles
* @returns {TemplateResult}
* @protected
protected _styleTemplate() : TemplateResult
return null;
* Used for the "no value" option for single select
* Placeholder is used for multi-select with no value
* @returns {TemplateResult}
_emptyLabelTemplate() : TemplateResult
if(!this.emptyLabel || this.multiple)
return html``;
return html`
part="emptyLabel option"
.selected=${this.getValueAsArray().some(v => v == "")}
* Iterate over all the options
* @returns {TemplateResult}
* @protected
protected _optionsTemplate() : TemplateResult
return html`${repeat(this.select_options
// Filter out empty values if we have empty label to avoid duplicates
.filter(o => this.emptyLabel ? o.value !== '' : o), this._groupTemplate.bind(this))
* Used to render each option into the select
* Override for custom select options. Note that spaces are not allowed in option values,
* and sl-select _requires_ options to be <sl-option>
* @param {SelectOption} option
* @returns {TemplateResult}
protected _optionTemplate(option : SelectOption) : TemplateResult
// Exclude non-matches when searching
if(typeof option.isMatch == "boolean" && !option.isMatch)
return html``;
// Tag used must match this.optionTag, but you can't use the variable directly.
// Pass option along so SearchMixin can grab it if needed
const value = (<string>option.value).replaceAll(" ", "___");
return html`
title="${!option.title || this.noLang ? option.title : this.egw().lang(option.title)}"
class="${option.class}" .option=${option}
.selected=${this.getValueAsArray().some(v => v == value)}
${this.noLang ? option.label : this.egw().lang(option.label)}
* Get the icon for the select option
* @param option
* @protected
protected _iconTemplate(option)
return html``;
return html`
<et2-image slot="prefix" part="icon" style="width: var(--icon-width)"
* Custom tag
* Override this to customise display when multiple=true.
* There is no restriction on the tag used, unlike _optionTemplate()
* @param {Et2Option} option
* @param {number} index
* @returns {TemplateResult}
* @protected
protected _tagTemplate(option : SlOption, index : number) : TemplateResult
const readonly = (this.readonly || option && typeof (option.disabled) != "undefined" && option.disabled);
const isEditable = this.editModeEnabled && !readonly;
const image = this._iconTemplate(option);
const tagName = this.tagTag;
return html`
class=${"search_tag " + option.classList.value}
size=${this.size || "medium"}
.value=${option.value.replaceAll("___", " ")}
@click=${typeof this.onTagClick == "function" ? (e) => this.onTagClick(e, e.target) : nothing}
${image ?? nothing}
* Additional customisation template
* Override if needed. Added after select options.
* @protected
protected _extraTemplate() : TemplateResult | typeof nothing
return typeof super._extraTemplate == "function" ? super._extraTemplate() : nothing;
public render()
const value = Array.isArray(this.value) ?
this.value.map(v => { return v.replaceAll(" ", "___"); }) :
(typeof this.value == "string" ? this.value.replaceAll(" ", "___") : "");
let icon : TemplateResult | typeof nothing = nothing;
const icon_option = this.select_options.find(o => (o.value == value || Array.isArray(value) && value.includes(o.value)) && o.icon);
icon = this._iconTemplate(icon_option);
return html`
exportparts="prefix, tags, display-input, expand-icon, combobox, listbox, option"
placeholder=${this.placeholder || (this.multiple && this.emptyLabel ? this.emptyLabel : "")}
?disabled=${this.disabled || this.readonly}
if(typeof customElements.get("et2-select") === "undefined")
customElements.define("et2-select", Et2Select);
declare global
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap
"et2-select" : Et2Select;
} |