Ralf Becker a5ad691757 deprecated egw.includeJS() in favor of es6 import statement
with egw composition happening in main window the used import statement happens in that context and NOT in the window (eg. popup or iframe) this module is instantiated for!
2021-07-09 17:27:22 +02:00

1330 lines
52 KiB

* EGroupware clientside API TypeScript interface
* Manually compiled from various JavaScript files in api/js/jsapi.
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage api
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @author Hadi Natheg <>
* @author Nathan Gray <>
* @author Andreas Stöckel
//import {EgwApp} from "./egw_app";
* Global egw object (for now created by the diverse JavaScript files) with a TypeScript interface
declare var egw : Iegw;
* Interface for global egw with window global or local methods or as function returning an object allowing also application local methods
declare interface Iegw extends IegwWndLocal { (_app? : string|Window, _wnd? : Window) : IegwAppLocal }
* Return type for call
declare interface Iapplication
title : string; // application title untranslated, better use egw.lang(
name : string; // app-name
enabled : number;
status : number;
id : number;
order : number;
version : string;
index? : string;
icon? : string;
icon_app? : string;
* Data stored by egw_data
declare interface IegwData
timestamp?: number;
data: {[key:string]: any};
* Interface for all window global methods (existing only in top window)
declare interface IegwGlobal
* Base URL of EGroupware install "/egroupware" or full URL incl. schema and domain
webserverUrl : string;
* Reference to top window of EGroupware (no need to check for security exceptions!)
top : Window;
* implemented in egw_config.js
* Query clientside config
* @param {string} _name name of config variable
* @param {string} _app default "phpgwapi"
* @return mixed
config(_name: string, _app?: string) : any;
* Set clientside configuration for all apps
* @param {object} _configs
* @param {boolean} _need_clone _configs need to be cloned, as it is from different window context
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_configs(_configs: object, _need_clone?: boolean) : void;
* implemeneted in egw_data.js
* Registers the intrest in a certain uid for a callback function. If
* the data for that uid changes or gets loaded, the given callback
* function is called. If the data for the given uid is available at the
* time of registering the callback, the callback is called immediately.
* @param _uid is the uid for which the callback should be registered.
* @param _callback is the callback which should get called.
* @param _context is the optional context in which the callback will be
* executed
* @param _execId is the exec id which will be used in case the data is
* not available
* @param _widgetId is the widget id which will be used in case the uid
* has to be fetched.
dataRegisterUID(_uid : string, _callback : Function, _context, _execId : string, _widgetId : string) : void;
* Unregisters the intrest of updates for a certain data uid.
* @param _uid is the data uid for which the callbacks should be
* unregistered.
* @param _callback specifies the specific callback that should be
* unregistered. If it evaluates to false, all callbacks (or those
* matching the optionally given context) are removed.
* @param _context specifies the callback context that should be
* unregistered. If it evaluates to false, all callbacks (or those
* matching the optionally given callback function) are removed.
dataUnregisterUID(_uid : string, _callback : Function, _context) : void;
* Returns whether data is available for the given uid.
* @param _uid is the uid for which should be checked whether it has some
* data.
dataHasUID(_uid : string) : boolean;
* Returns data of a given uid.
* @param _uid is the uid for which should be checked whether it has some
* data.
dataGetUIDdata(_uid : string) : IegwData;
* Returns all uids that have the given prefix
* @param {string} _prefix
* @return {array} of uids
* TODO: Improve this
dataKnownUIDs(_prefix : string) : string[];
* Stores data for the uid and calls all callback functions registered
* for that uid.
* @param _uid is the uid for which the data should be saved.
* @param _data is the data which should be saved.
dataStoreUID(_uid : string, _data : object) : void;
* Deletes the data for a certain uid from the local storage and
* unregisters all callback functions associated to it.
* This does NOT update nextmatch!
* Application code should use: egw(window).refresh(msg, app, id, "delete");
* @param _uid is the uid which should be deleted.
dataDeleteUID(_uid : string) : void;
* Force a refreash of the given uid from the server if known, and
* calls all associated callbacks.
* If the UID does not have any registered callbacks, it cannot be refreshed because the required
* execID and context are missing.
* @param {string} _uid is the uid which should be refreshed.
* @return {boolean} True if the uid is known and can be refreshed, false if unknown and will not be refreshed
dataRefreshUID(_uid : string) : boolean;
* Search for exact UID string or regular expression and return widgets using it
* @param {string|RegExp} _uid is the uid which should be refreshed.
* @return {object} UID: array of (nextmatch-)wigetIds
dataSearchUIDs(_uid : string|RegExp) : /*et2_nextmatch*/any[];
* Search for exact UID string or regular expression and call registered (nextmatch-)widgets refresh function with given _type
* This method is preferable over dataRefreshUID for app code, as it takes care of things like counters too.
* It does not do anything for _type="add"!
* @param {string|RegExp} _uid is the uid which should be refreshed.
* @param {string} _type "delete", "edit", "update", not useful for "add"!
* @return {array} (nextmatch-)wigets refreshed
dataRefreshUIDs(_uid : string|RegExp, _type : "delete"|"edit"|"update") : /*et2_nextmatch*/any[];
* implemented in egw_debug.js
* Return current log-level
debug_level() : number;
* The debug function can be used to send a debug message to the
* java script console. The first parameter specifies the debug
* level, all other parameters are passed to the corresponding
* console function.
* @param {String} _level "navigation", "log", "info", "warn", "error"
* @param args arguments to egw.debug
debug(_level : "navigation"|"log"|"info"|"warn"|"error", ...args : any[]) : void;
* Display log to user because he clicked on icon showed by raise_error
* @returns {undefined}
show_log() : void;
* implemented in egw_images.js
* Set imagemap, called from /api/images.php
* @param {array|object} _images
* @param {boolean} _need_clone _images need to be cloned, as it is from different window context
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_images(_images: object, _need_clone? : boolean);
* Get image URL for a given image-name and application
* @param {string} _name image-name without extension
* @param {string} _app application name, default current app of window
* @return string with URL of image
image(_name : string, _app? : string) : string;
* Get image url for a given mime-type and option file
* @param {string} _mime
* @param {string} _path vfs path to generate thumbnails for images
* @param {number} _size defaults to 128 (only supported size currently)
* @param {number} _mtime current modification time of file to allow infinit caching as url changes
* @returns url of image
mime_icon(_mime : string, _path? : string, _size? : number, _mtime? : number) : string;
* Create DOM img or svn element depending on url
* @param {string} _url source url
* @param {string} _alt alt attribute for img tag
* @returns DOM node
image_element(_url : string, _alt? : string) : HTMLImageElement;
* implemented in egw_lang.js
* Set translation for a given application
* @param {string} _app
* @param {object} _messages message => translation pairs
* @param {boolean} _need_clone _messages need to be cloned, as it is from different window context
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_lang_arr(_app : string, _messages : object, _need_clone? : true) : void;
* Translate a given phrase replacing optional placeholders
* @param {string} _msg message to translate
* @param _args optional parameters (%{number} replacements)
* @return {string}
lang(_msg : string, ..._args : string[] | number[]) : string;
* Load default langfiles for an application: common, _appname, custom
* @param {Window} _window
* @param {string} _appname name of application to load translations for
* @param {function} _callback
* @param {object} _context
langRequireApp(_window : Window, _appname : string, _callback? : Function, _context? : object) : void;
* Includes the language files for the given applications -- if those
* do not already exist, include them.
* @param {Window} _window is the window which needs the language -- this is
* needed as the "ready" event has to be postponed in that window until
* all lang files are included.
* @param {array} _apps is an array containing the applications for which the
* data is needed as objects of the following form:
* {
* }
* @param {function} _callback called after loading, if not given ready event will be postponed instead
* @param {object} _context for callback
langRequire(_window : Window, _apps : {app: string, lang: string}[], _callback? : Function, _context? : object) : void;
* Check if $app is in the registry and has an entry for $name
* @param {string} _app app-name
* @param {string} _name name / key in the registry, eg. 'view'
* @return {string|object|boolean} false if $app is not registered, otherwise string with the value for $name
link_get_registry(_app : string, _name? : string) : string|object|boolean;
* Get mime-type information from app-registry
* We prefer a full match over a wildcard like 'text/*' (written as regualr expr. "/^text\\//"
* @param {string} _type
* @return {object} with values for keys 'menuaction', 'mime_id' (path) or 'mime_url' and options 'mime_popup' and other values to pass one
get_mime_info(_type : string) : {menuaction : string, mime_id? : string, mime_url? : string, mime_popup? : string}|null;
* Get handler (link-data) for given path and mime-type
* @param {string|object} _path vfs path, egw_link::set_data() id or
* object with attr path, optinal download_url or id, app2 and id2 (path=/apps/app2/id2/id)
* @param {string} _type mime-type, if not given in _path object
* @return {string|object} string with EGw relative link, array with get-parameters for '/index.php' or null (directory and not filemanager access)
mime_open(_path : string|object, _type : string) : string|object;
* Get list of link-aware apps the user has rights to use
* @param {string} _must_support capability the apps need to support, eg. 'add', default ''=list all apps
* @return {object} with app => title pairs
link_app_list(_must_support? : string) : object;
* Set link registry
* @param {object} _registry whole registry or entries for just one app
* @param {string} _app
* @param {boolean} _need_clone _images need to be cloned, as it is from different window context
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_link_registry(_registry : object, _app? : string, _need_clone? : boolean) : void;
* Generate a url with get parameters
* Please note, the values of the query get url encoded!
* @param {string} _url a url relative to the egroupware install root, it can contain a query too or
* full url containing a schema and "://"
* @param {object|string} _extravars query string arguements as string or array (prefered)
* if string is used ambersands in vars have to be already urlencoded as '%26', function ensures they get NOT double encoded
* @return {string} generated url
link(_url : string, _extravars? : string|object) : string;
* Query a title of _app/_id
* @param {string} _app
* @param {string|number} _id
* @param {function} _callback optinal callback, required if for responses from the server
* @param {object} _context context for the callback
* @param {boolean} _force_reload true load again from server, even if already cached
* @return {string|null} string with title if it exist in local cache or null if not
link_title(_app : string, _id : string|number, _callback? : Function, _context? : object, _force_reload? : boolean) : string|null;
* Callback to add all current title requests
* @param {object} _params of parameters, only first parameter is used
// internal: link_title_before_send(_params : string[]) : void;
* Callback for server response
* @param {object} _response _app => _id => title
// internal: link_title_callback(_response : object)
* Create quick add selectbox
* @param {HTMLElement|string} _parent parent or selector of it to create selectbox in
link_quick_add(_parent : HTMLElement|string) : void;
* implemented in egw_preferences.js
* Setting prefs for an app or 'common'
* @param {object} _data object with name: value pairs to set
* @param {string} _app application name, 'common' or undefined to prefes of all apps at once
* @param {boolean} _need_clone _data need to be cloned, as it is from different window context
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_preferences(_data : object, _app? : string, _need_clone? : boolean) : void;
* Query an EGroupware user preference
* If a prefernce is not already loaded (only done for "common" by default), it is synchroniosly queryed from the server!
* @param {string} _name name of the preference, eg. 'dateformat', or '*' to get all the application's preferences
* @param {string} _app default 'common'
* @param {function|undefined} _callback optional callback, if preference needs loading first
* if false given and preference is not loaded, undefined is return and no (synchronious) request is send to server
* @param {object} _context context for callback
* @return string|object|bool preference value or false, if callback given and preference not yet loaded
* of object with all prefs for _name="*"
preference(_name : string, _app? : string, _callback? : Function, _context? : object) : string|object|boolean;
* Set a preference and sends it to the server
* Server will silently ignore setting preferences, if user has no right to do so!
* Preferences are only send to server, if they are changed!
* @param {string} _app application name or "common"
* @param {string} _name name of the pref
* @param _val value of the pref, null, undefined or "" to unset it
* @param {function} _callback Function passed along to the queue, called after preference is set server-side,
* IF the preference is changed / has a value different from the current one
set_preference(_app : string, _name : string, _val : any, _callback? : Function) : void;
* Call context / open app specific preferences function
* @param {string} name type 'acl', 'prefs', or 'cats'
* @param {(array|object)} apps array with apps allowing to call that type, or object/hash with app and boolean or hash with url-params
show_preferences(name : "acl"|"prefs"|"cats", apps : object|string[]) : void;
* Setting prefs for an app or 'common'
* @param {object} _data
* @param {string} _app application name or undefined to set grants of all apps at once
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_grants(_data : object, _app? : string) : void;
* Query an EGroupware user preference
* We currently load grants from all apps in egw.js, so no need for a callback or promise.
* @param {string} _app app-name
* @ param {function|false|undefined} _callback optional callback, if preference needs loading first
* if false given and preference is not loaded, undefined is return and no (synchronious) request is send to server
* @ param {object} _context context for callback
* @return grant object, false if not (yet) loaded and no callback or undefined
grants(_app : string) /*, _callback, _context)*/ : any;
* implemented in egw_store.js
* Retrieve a value from session storage
* @param {string} application Name of application, or common
* @param {string} key
* @returns {string|null}
getSessionItem(application : string, key : string) : string;
* Set a value in session storage
* @param {string} application Name of application, or common
* @param {string} key
* @param {string | array} value
setSessionItem(application : string, key : string, value : string[] | string) : void;
* Remove a value from session storage
* @param {string} application
* @param {string} key
removeSessionItem(application : string, key : string) : void;
* Set an item to localStorage
* @param {string} application an application name or a prefix
* @param {string} item
* @param {string} value
* @returns {undefined} returns undefined
setLocalStorageItem(application : string, item : string, value : string);
* Get an item from localStorage
* @param {string} application an application name or prefix
* @param {string} item an item name stored in localStorage
* @return {string|null} reutrns requested item value otherwise null
getLocalStorageItem(application : string, item : string) : string|null;
* Remove an item from localStorage
* @param {string} application application name or prefix
* @param {string} item an item name to remove
removeLocalStorageItem(application : string, item : string) : void;
* implemented in egw_user.js
* Set data of current user
* @param {object} _data
* @param {boolean} _need_clone _data need to be cloned, as it is from different window context
* and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed
set_user(_data : object, _need_clone? : boolean) : void;
* Get data about current user
* @param {string} _field
* - 'account_id','account_lid','person_id','account_status',
* - 'account_firstname','account_lastname','account_email','account_fullname','account_phone'
* - 'apps': object with app => data pairs the user has run-rights for
* @return {string|array|null}
user(_field : string) : any;
* Return data of apps the user has rights to run
* Can be used the check of run rights like: if ('addressbook')) { do something if user has addressbook rights }
* @param {string} _app
* @param {string} _name attribute to return, default return whole app-data-object
* @return Iapplication|string|undefined undefined if not found
app(_app : string, _name : string) : string|undefined;
app(_app : string) : Iapplication|undefined;
* Get a list of accounts the user has access to
* The list is filtered by type, one of 'accounts','groups','both', 'owngroups'
* @param {string} type
* @returns {array}
accounts(type : "accounts"|"groups"|"both"|"owngroups") : object[];
* Get account-infos for given numerical _account_ids
* @param {int|array} _account_ids
* @param {string} _field default 'account_email'
* @param {boolean} _resolve_groups true: return attribute for all members, false: return attribute of group
* @param {function} _callback
* @param {object} _context
accountData(_account_ids : number|number[], _field : string, _resolve_groups : boolean,
_callback : Function, _context : object) : void;
* Set account data. This one can be called from the server to pre-fill the cache.
* @param {object} _data account_id => value pairs
* @param {String} _field
set_account_cache(_data : object, _field : string) : void;
* Set specified account-data of selected user in an other widget
* Used eg. in template as: onchange="egw.set_account_data(widget, 'target', 'account_email')"
* @param {et2_widget} _src_widget widget to select the user
* @param {string} _target_name name of widget to set the data
* @param {string} _field name of data to set eg. "account_email" or "{account_fullname} <{account_email}>"
set_account_data(_src_widget : /*et2_widget*/object, _target_name : string, _field : string) : void;
* Invalidate client-side account cache
* For _type == "add" we invalidate the whole cache currently.
* @param {number} _id nummeric account_id, !_id will invalidate whole cache
* @param {string} _type "add", "delete", "update" or "edit"
invalidate_account(_id? : number, _type? : "add"|"delete"|"update"|"edit") : void;
* implemented in egw_utils.js
* Get url for ajax request
* @param _menuaction
* @return full url incl. webserver_url
ajaxUrl(_menuaction : string) : string;
* Get window of element
* @param _elem
elemWindow(_elem : HTMLElement) : Window;
* Get unique identifier
* @return {string} hex encoded, per call incremented counter
uid() : string;
* Decode encoded vfs special chars
* @param {string} _path path to decode
* @return {string}
decodePath(_path : string) : string;
* Encode vfs special chars excluding /
* @param {string} _path path to decode
* @return {string}
encodePath(_path : string) : string;
* Encode vfs special chars removing /
* '%' => '%25',
* '#' => '%23',
* '?' => '%3F',
* '/' => '', // better remove it completly
* @param {string} _comp path to decode
* @return {string}
encodePathComponent(_comp : string) : string;
* Escape HTML special chars, just like PHP
* @param {string} s String to encode
* @return {string}
htmlspecialchars(s : string) : string;
* If an element has display: none (or a parent like that), it has no size.
* Use this to get its dimensions anyway.
* @param element HTML element
* @param boolOuter Pass true to get outerWidth() / outerHeight() instead of width() / height()
* @return Object [w: width, h: height]
* @author Ryan Wheale
* @see
getHiddenDimensions(element : HTMLElement | JQuery, boolOuter? : boolean) : {h: number, w: number, top: number, left: number};
* Store a window's name in so we can have a list of open windows
* @param {string} appname
* @param {Window} popup
storeWindow(appname: boolean, popup : Window) : void;
* Get a list of the names of open popups
* Using the name, you can get a reference to the popup using:
*'', name);
* Popups that were not given a name when they were opened are not tracked.
* @param {string} appname Application that owns/opened the popup
* @param {string} regex Optionally filter names by the given regular expression
* @returns {string[]} List of window names
getOpenWindows(appname : string, regex? : string) : string[];
* Notify egw of closing a named window, which removes it from the list
* @param {String} appname
* @param {Window|String} closed Window that was closed, or its name
windowClosed(appname : string, closed : Window|string) : void;
declare class JsonRequest
* Sends the assembled request to the server
* @param {boolean|"keepalive"} _async true: asynchronious request, false: synchronious request,
* "keepalive": async. request with keepalive===true / sendBeacon, to be used in beforeunload event
* @param {string} method ='POST' allow to eg. use a (cachable) 'GET' request instead of POST
* @param {function} error option error callback(_xmlhttp, _err) used instead our default this.error
* @return {jqXHR} jQuery jqXHR request object
sendRequest(async? : boolean|"keepalive", method? : "POST"|"GET", error? : Function) : Promise<any>
* Open websocket to push server (and keeps it open)
* @param {string} url this.websocket(s)://host:port
* @param {array} tokens tokens to subscribe too: sesssion-, user- and instance-token (in that order!)
* @param {number} account_id to connect for
* @param {function} error option error callback(_msg) used instead our default this.error
* @param {int} reconnect timeout in ms (internal)
openWebSocket(url : string, tokens : string[], account_id : number, error : Function, reconnect : number);
* Interface for window local methods (plus the global ones)
declare interface IegwWndLocal extends IegwGlobal
window : Window;
* implemented in egw_css.js
* The css function can be used to introduce a rule for the given css
* selector. So you're capable of adding new custom css selector while
* runtime and also update them.
* @param _selector is the css select which can be used to apply the
* stlyes to the html elements.
* @param _rule is the rule which should be connected to the selector.
* if empty or omitted, the given selector gets removed.
css(_selector : string, _rule? : string);
* implemented in egw_json.js
/** The constructor of the egw_json_request class.
* @param _menuaction the menuaction function which should be called and
* which handles the actual request. If the menuaction is a full featured
* url, this one will be used instead.
* @param _parameters which should be passed to the menuaction function.
* @param {boolean|"keepalive"} _async true: asynchronious request, false: synchronious request,
* "keepalive": async. request with keepalive===true / sendBeacon, to be used in beforeunload event
* @param _callback specifies the callback function which should be
* called, once the request has been sucessfully executed.
* @param _context is the context which will be used for the callback function
* @param _sender is a parameter being passed to the _callback function
json(_menuaction : string, _parameters? : any[], _callback? : Function, _context? : object, _async? : boolean|"keepalive", _sender?) : JsonRequest;
* Do an AJAX call and get a javascript promise, which will be resolved with the returned data.
* egw.request() returns immediately with a Promise. The promise will be resolved with just the returned data,
* any other "piggybacked" responses will be handled by registered handlers. The data will also be passed to
* any registered data handlers ( before it is passed to your handler.
* To use:
* @example
* egw.request(
* "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Select::ajax_get_options",
* ["select-cat"]
* )
* .then(function(data) {
* // Deal with the returned data here. data may be undefined if no data was returned.
* console.log("Here's the categories:",data);
* });
* The return is a Promise, so multiple .then() can be chained in the usual ways:
* @example
* egw.request(...)
* .then(function(data) {
* if(debug) console.log("Requested data", data);
* }
* .then(function(data) {
* // Change the data for the rest of the chain
* if(typeof data === "undefined") return [];
* }
* .then(function(data) {
* // data is never undefined now, if it was before it's an empty array now
* for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
* {
* ...
* }
* }
* You can also fire off multiple requests, and wait for them to all be answered:
* @example
* let first = egw.request(...);
* let second = egw.request(...);
* Promise.all([first, second])
* .then(function(values) {
* console.log("First:", values[0], "Second:", values[1]);
* }
* @param {string} _menuaction
* @param {any[]} _parameters
* @return Promise
request(_menuaction: string, param2: any[]): Promise<any>;
* Call a function specified by it's name (possibly dot separated, eg. "app.myapp.myfunc")
* @param {string|Function} _func dot-separated function name or function
* @param {mixed} ...args variable number of arguments
* @returns {mixed|Promise}
callFunc(_func : string|Function, ...args : any) : Promise<any>|any
* Call a function specified by it's name (possibly dot separated, eg. "app.myapp.myfunc")
* @param {string|Function} _func dot-separated function name or function
* @param {array} args arguments
* @param {object} _context
* @returns {mixed|Promise}
applyFunc(_func : string|Function, args : Array<any>, _context? : Object) : Promise<any>|any
* Registers a new handler plugin.
* @param _callback is the callback function which should be called
* whenever a response is comming from the server.
* @param _context is the context in which the callback function should
* be called. If null is given, the plugin is executed in the context
* of the request object context.
* @param _type is an optional parameter defaulting to 'global'.
* it describes the response type which this plugin should be
* handling.
* @param {boolean} [_global=false] Register the handler globally or
* locally. Global handlers must stay around, so should be used
* for global modules.
registerJSONPlugin(_callback : Function, _context, _type?, _global?);
* Removes a previously registered plugin.
* @param _callback is the callback function which should be called
* whenever a response is comming from the server.
* @param _context is the context in which the callback function should
* be called.
* @param _type is an optional parameter defaulting to 'global'.
* it describes the response type which this plugin should be
* handling.
* @param {boolean} [_global=false] Remove a global or local handler.
unregisterJSONPlugin(_callback : Function, _context, _type? : string, _global? : boolean);
* implemented in egw_files.js
* Load and execute javascript file(s) in order
* @memberOf egw
* @param {string|array} _jsFiles (array of) urls to include
* @param {function} _callback called after JS files are loaded and executed
* @param {object} _context
* @param {string} _prefix prefix for _jsFiles
* @deprecated use es6 import statement: Promise.all([].concat(_jsFiles).map((src)=>import(_prefix+src))).then(...)
includeJS(_jsFiles : string|string[], _callback? : Function, _context? : object, _prefix? : string);
* Check if file is already included and optional mark it as included if not yet included
* Check does NOT differenciate between file.min.js and file.js.
* Only .js get's recored in files for further checking, if _add_if_not set.
* @param {string} _file
* @param {boolean} _add_if_not if true mark file as included
* @return boolean true if file already included, false if not
included(_file : string, _add_if_not? : boolean) : boolean;
* Include a CSS file
* @param {string|array} _cssFiles full url of file to include
includeCSS(_cssFiles : string|string[]) : void;
* implemented in egw_jsonq.js
* Send a queued JSON call to the server
* @param {string} _menuaction the menuaction function which should be called and
* which handles the actual request. If the menuaction is a full featured
* url, this one will be used instead.
* @param {array} _parameters which should be passed to the menuaction function.
* @param {function} _callback callback function which should be called upon a "data" response is received
* @param {object} _sender is the reference object the callback function should get
* @param {function} _callbeforesend optional callback function which can modify the parameters, eg. to do some own queuing
* @return string uid of the queued request
jsonq(_menuaction : string, _parameters? : any[], _callback? : Function, _sender? : object, _callbeforesend? : Function) : string;
* implemented in egw_message.js
* Display an error or regular message
* Alle messages but type "success" are displayed 'til next message or user clicks on it.
* @param {string} _msg message to show or empty to remove previous message
* @param {string} _type 'help', 'info', 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default)
* @param {string} _discardID unique string id (appname:id) in order to register
* the message as discardable. If no appname given, the id will be prefixed with
* current app. The discardID will be stored in local storage.
* @returns {object} returns an object containing data and methods related to the message
message(_msg: string, _type?: "help" | "info" | "error" | "warning" | "success", _discardID?: string): {node: JQuery, message: string, index: number, close: Function};
* Are we running in a popup
* @returns {boolean} true: popup, false: main window
is_popup() : boolean;
* Active app independent if we are using a framed template-set or not
* @returns {string}
app_name() : string;
* Update app-header and website-title
* @param {string} _header
* @param {string} _app Application name, if not for the current app
app_header(_header : string, _app? : string)
* Loading prompt is for building a loading animation and show it to user
* while a request is under progress.
* @param {string} _id a unique id to be able to distinguish loading-prompts
* @param {boolean} _stat true to show the loading and false to remove it
* @param {string} _msg a message to show while loading
* @param {string|jQuery _node} _node DOM selector id or jquery DOM object, default is body
* @param {string} _mode defines the animation mode, default mode is spinner
* animation modes:
* - spinner: a sphere with a spinning bar inside (default)
* - horizental: a horizental bar
* @returns {jquery dom object|null} returns jQuery DOM object or null in case of hiding
loading_prompt(_id : string, _stat : boolean, _msg? : string, _node? : string|JQuery|HTMLElement, _mode? : "spinner"|"horizontal") : JQuery|null;
* Refresh given application _targetapp display of entry _app _id, incl. outputting _msg
* Default implementation here only reloads window with it's current url with an added msg=_msg attached
* @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted'
* @param {string} _app application name
* @param {(string|number)} _id id of entry to refresh or null
* @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered,
* so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
* - update-in-place: update row, but do NOT move it, or refresh if uid does not exist
* - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload.
* - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
* - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
* @param {string} _targetapp which app's window should be refreshed, default current
* @param {(string|RegExp)} _replace regular expression to replace in url
* @param {string} _with
* @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default)
* @param {object|null} _links app => array of ids of linked entries
* or null, if not triggered on server-side, which adds that info
refresh(_msg : string, _app : string, _id? : string|number, _type? : "update"|"edit"|"delete"|"add"|null,
_targetapp? : string, _replace? : string|RegExp, _with? : string, _msg_type? : "error"|"warning"|"success", _links? : object) : void;
* Handle a push notification about entry changes from the websocket
* @param pushData
* @param {string} application name
* @param {(string|number)} id of entry to refresh or null
* @param {string} pushData.type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
* - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered,
* so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
* - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload.
* - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
* - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
* @param {object|null} pushData.acl Extra data for determining relevance. eg: owner or responsible to decide if update is necessary
* @param {number} pushData.account_id User that caused the notification
// internal: push(pushData : {app:string, id:string|number}, type?:"update"|"edit"|"delete"|"add", acl? : any, account_id: number}) : void;
* implemented in egw_notifications.js
* @param {string} _title a string to be shown as notification message
* @param {object} _options an object of Notification possible options:
* options = {
* dir: // direction of notification to be shown rtl, ltr or auto
* lang: // a valid BCP 47 language tag
* body: // DOM body
* icon: // parse icon URL, default icon is app icon
* tag: // a string value used for tagging an instance of notification, default is app name
* onclick: // Callback function dispatches on click on notification message
* onshow: // Callback function dispatches when notification is shown
* onclose: // Callback function dispateches on notification close
* onerror: // Callback function dispatches on error, default is a egw.debug log
* requireInteraction: // boolean value indicating that a notification should remain active until the user clicks or dismisses it
* }
* @return {boolean} false if Notification is not supported by browser
notification(_title : string, _options : {dir?: "ltr"|"rtl"|"auto", lang?: string, body?: string, icon?: string,
tag?: string, onclick: Function, onshow?: Function, onclose?: Function, onerror?: Function, requireInteraction?: boolean}) : false|void;
* Check Notification availability by browser
* @returns {Boolean} true if notification is supported and permitted otherwise false
checkNotification() : boolean;
* Check if there's any runnig notifications and will close them all
killAliveNotifications() : void;
* implemented in egw_open.js
* View an EGroupware entry: opens a popup of correct size or redirects window.location to requested url
* Examples:
* -,'infolog') or'infolog:123') opens popup to edit or view (if no edit rights) infolog entry 123
* -'infolog:123','timesheet','add') opens popup to add new timesheet linked to infolog entry 123
* -,'addressbook','view') opens addressbook view for entry 123 (showing linked infologs)
* -'','addressbook','view_list',{ search: 'Becker' }) opens list of addresses containing 'Becker'
* @param {string|number|object} id_data either just the id or if app=="" "app:id" or object with all data
* to be able to open files you need to give: (mine-)type, path or id, app2 and id2 (path=/apps/app2/id2/id"
* @param {string} app app-name or empty (app is part of id)
* @param {string} type default "edit", possible "view", "view_list", "edit" (falls back to "view") and "add"
* @param {object|string} extra extra url parameters to append as object or string
* @param {string} target target of window to open
* @param {string} target_app target application to open in that tab
* @param {boolean} _check_popup_blocker TRUE check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off, FALSE no check
* - This option only makes sense to be enabled when the open_link requested without user interaction
open(id_data : string|number|object, app? : string, type? : "edit"|"view"|"view_list"|"add"|"list",
extra? : string|object, target? : string, target_app? : string, _check_popup_blocker? : boolean) : string;
* Open a link, which can be either a menuaction, a EGroupware relative url or a full url
* @param {string} _link menuaction, EGroupware relative url or a full url (incl. "mailto:" or "javascript:")
* @param {string} _target optional target / window name
* @param {string} _popup widthxheight, if a popup should be used
* @param {string} _target_app app-name for opener
* @param {boolean} _check_popup_blocker TRUE check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off, FALSE no check
* - This option only makes sense to be enabled when the open_link requested without user interaction
* @param {string} _mime_type if given, we check if any app has registered a mime-handler for that type and use it
open_link(_link : string, _target? : string, _popup? : string, _target_app? : string,
_check_popup_blocker? : boolean, _mime_type? : string) : Window|void;
* Open a (centered) popup window with given size and url
* @param {string} _url
* @param {number} _width
* @param {number} _height
* @param {string} _windowName or "_blank"
* @param {string|boolean} _app app-name for framework to set correct opener or false for current app
* @param {boolean} _returnID true: return window, false: return undefined
* @param {string} _status "yes" or "no" to display status bar of popup
* @param {boolean} _skip_framework
* @returns {Window|void}
openPopup(_url : string, _width : number, _height : number|"availHeight", _windowName? : string, _app? : string|boolean,
_returnID? : boolean, _status? : "yes"|"no", _skip_framework? : boolean) : Window|void;
* View an EGroupware entry: opens a framework tab for the given app entry
* @param {string}|int|object _id either just the id or if app=="" "app:id" or object with all data
* @param {string} _app app-name or empty (app is part of id)
* @param {string} _type default "edit", possible "view", "view_list", "edit" (falls back to "view") and "add"
* @param {object|string} _extra extra url parameters to append as object or string
* @param {object} _framework_app framework app attributes e.g. title or displayName
* @return {string} appname of tab
openTab(_id, _app, _type, _extra, _framework_app) : string|void;
* Get available height of screen
availHeight() : number;
* Use frameworks (framed template) link handler to open a url
* @param {string} _url
* @param {string} _target
link_handler(_url : string, _target : string) : void;
* Close current window / popup
close() : void;
* Check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off
* @param {string} _link menuaction, EGroupware relative url or a full url (incl. "mailto:" or "javascript:")
* @param {string} _target optional target / window name
* @param {string} _popup widthxheight, if a popup should be used
* @param {string} _target_app app-name for opener
* @return boolean returns false if pop-up blocker is off
* - returns true if pop-up blocker is on,
* - and re-call the open_link with provided parameters, after user interaction.
_check_popupBlocker(_link : string, _target? : string, _popup? : string, _target_app? : string) : boolean;
* This function helps to append content/ run commands into an already
* opened popup window. Popup windows now are getting stored in framework
* object and can be retrived/closed from framework.
* @param {string} _app name of application to be requested its popups
* @param {string} _method application method implemented in app.js
* @param {object} _content content to be passed to method
* @param {string|object} _extra url or object of extra
* @param {regexp} _regexp regular expression to get specific popup with matched url
* @param {boolean} _check_popup_blocker TRUE check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off, FALSE no check
openWithinWindow(_app : string, _method : string, _content : object, _extra? : string|object, _regexp? : RegExp, _check_popup_blocker? : boolean) : void;
* implemented in egw_ready.js
* The readyWaitFor function can be used to register an event, that has
* to be marked as "done" before the ready function will call its
* registered callbacks. The function returns an id that has to be
* passed to the "readDone" function once
readyWaitFor() : string;
* The readyDone function can be used to mark a event token as
* previously requested by "readyWaitFor" as done.
* @param _token is the token which has now been processed.
readyDone(_token : string) : void;
* The ready function can be used to register a function that will be
* called, when the window is completely loaded. All ready handlers will
* be called exactly once. If the ready handler has already been called,
* the given function will be called defered using setTimeout.
* @param _callback is the function which will be called when the page
* is ready. No parameters will be passed.
* @param _context is the context in which the callback function should
* get called.
* @param _beforeDOMContentLoaded specifies, whether the callback should
* get called, before the DOMContentLoaded event has been fired.
ready(_callback : Function, _context : object, _beforeDOMContentLoaded? : boolean) : void;
* The readyProgress function can be used to register a function that
* will be called whenever a ready event is done or registered.
* @param _callback is the function which will be called when the
* progress changes.
* @param _context is the context in which the callback function which
* should get called.
readyProgress(_callback : Function, _context : object) : void;
* Returns whether the ready events have already been called.
isReady() : boolean;
* implemented in egw_tooltip.js
* Binds a tooltip to the given DOM-Node with the given html.
* It is important to remove all tooltips from all elements which are
* no longer needed, in order to prevent memory leaks.
* @param _elem is the element to which the tooltip should get bound. It
* has to be a jQuery node.
* @param _str is the html or text code which should be shown as tooltip.
* @param _isHtml true: add a html (no automatic quoting!), false (default): add as text
tooltipBind(_elem : HTMLElement, _str : string, _isHtml? : boolean);
* Unbinds the tooltip from the given DOM-Node.
* @param _elem is the element from which the tooltip should get
* removed. _elem has to be a jQuery node.
tooltipUnbind(_elem : HTMLElement);
* Interface for application local methods (returned by global egw function)
declare interface IegwAppLocal extends IegwWndLocal
* implemented in egw_data.js
* The dataFetch function provides an abstraction layer for the
* corresponding "EGroupware\Api\Etemplate\Widget\Nextmatch::ajax_get_rows" function.
* The server returns the following structure:
* {
* order: [uid, ...],
* data:
* {
* uid0: data,
* ...
* uidN: data
* },
* total: <TOTAL COUNT>,
* readonlys: <READONLYS>
* }
* If a uid got deleted on the server above data is null.
* If a uid is omitted from data, is has not changed since lastModification.
* If order/data is null, this means that nothing has changed for the
* given range.
* The dataFetch function stores new data for the uid's inside the
* local data storage, the grid views are then capable of querying the
* data for those uids from the local storage using the
* "dataRegisterUID" function.
* @param _execId is the execution context of the etemplate instance
* you're querying the data for.
* @param _queriedRange is an object of the following form:
* {
* start: <START INDEX>,
* num_rows: <COUNT OF ENTRIES>
* }
* The range always corresponds to the given filter settings.
* @param _filters contains the filter settings. The filter settings are
* those which are crucial for the mapping between index and uid.
* @param _widgetId id with full namespace of widget
* @param _callback is the function that should get called, once the data
* is available. The data passed to the callback function has the
* following form:
* {
* order: [uid, ...],
* total: <TOTAL COUNT>,
* readonlys: <READONLYS>
* }
* Please note that the "uids" comming from the server and the ones
* being parsed to the callback function differ. While the uids
* which are returned from the server are only unique inside the
* application, the uids which are used on the client are "globally"
* unique.
* @param _context is the context in which the callback function will get
* called.
* @param _knownUids? is an array of uids already known to the client.
* This parameter may be null in order to indicate that the client
* currently has no data for the given filter settings.
dataFetch(_execId: string, _queriedRange: { start?: number, num_rows?: number, refresh?: string[] },
_filters: object, _widgetId: string, _callback: Function, _context: object,
_knownUids?: string[]);
* Turn on long-term client side cache of a particular request
* (cache the nextmatch query results) for fast, immediate response
* with old data.
* The request is still sent to the server, and the cache is updated
* with fresh data, and any needed callbacks are called again with
* the fresh data.
* @param {string} prefix UID / Application prefix should match the
* individual record prefix
* @param {function} callback_function A function that will analize the provided fetch
* parameters and return a reproducable cache key, or false to not cache
* the request.
* @param {function} notice_function A function that will be called whenever
* cached data is used. It is passed one parameter, a boolean that indicates
* if the server is or will be queried to refresh the cache. Do not fetch additional data
* inside this callback, and return quickly.
* @param {object} context Context for callback function.
dataCacheRegister(prefix : string, callback_function : Function, notice_function : Function, context : object);
* Unregister a previously registered cache callback
* @param {string} prefix UID / Application prefix should match the
* individual record prefix
* @param {function} [callback] Callback function to un-register. If
* omitted, all functions for the prefix will be removed.
dataCacheUnregister(prefix : string, callback : Function);
* Some other global function and objects
* Please note the egw_* ones are deprecated in favor of the above API
declare function egw_getFramework() : any;
declare var chrome : any;
declare var InstallTrigger : any;
declare var app : {classes: any, [propName: string]: EgwApp};
declare var egw_globalObjectManager : any;
declare var egw_LAB : any;
declare function egwIsMobile() : string|null;
declare var mailvelope : any;
declare function egw_refresh(_msg : string, app : string, id? : string|number, _type?, targetapp?, replace?, _with?, msgtype?);
declare function egw_open();
declare function egw_getWindowLeft() : number;
declare function egw_getWindowTop() : number;
declare function egw_getWindowInnerWidth() : number;
declare function egw_getWindowInnerHeight() : number;
declare function egw_getWindowOuterWidth() : number;
declare function egw_getWindowOuterHeight() : number;
* @param {string} _mime current mime type
* @returns {object|null} returns object of filemanager editor hook
declare function egw_get_file_editor_prefered_mimes(_mime : string) : {mime:string,edit:any,edit_popup?:any}|null;
// Youtube API golbal vars
declare var YT : any;
declare function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady();