mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 16:41:23 +01:00
- addressbook view got lost, if something changed in the hooked in infolog - if hooked in by addressbook, InfoLog css file got not loaded - for sub-entries the date completed from the parent got (wrongly) set in the sub - action view (shows sub-entries or entries link to an entry of an other app) is now reset, if the user clicks on infolog in the navbar (called index.php)
1100 lines
43 KiB
1100 lines
43 KiB
* eGroupWare - InfoLog *
* http://www.egroupware.org *
* Written and copyright by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
* This class is the UI-layer (user interface) of InfoLog
* @package infolog
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright (c) by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
class uiinfolog
var $public_functions = array
'index' => True,
'edit' => True,
'delete' => True,
'close' => True,
'admin' => True,
'hook_view' => True,
'writeLangFile' => True
var $prefs;
* @var boinfolog-object $bo
var $bo;
* @var bolink-object $link reference to instance of the link-class of bo
var $link;
* @var string $duration_format allowed units and hours per day, can be overwritten by the projectmanager configuration, default all units, 8h
var $duration_format = ','; // comma is necessary!
var $icons = array(
'type' => array(
'task' => 'task.gif', 'task_alt' => 'Task',
'phone' => 'phone.gif', 'phone_alt' => 'Phonecall',
'note' => 'note.gif', 'note_alt' => 'Note',
'confirm' => 'confirm.gif', 'confirm_alt' => 'Confirmation',
'reject' => 'reject.gif', 'reject_alt' => 'Reject',
'email' => 'email.gif', 'email_alt' => 'Email' ),
'action' => array(
'new' => 'new.gif', 'new_alt' => 'Add Sub',
'view' => 'view.gif', 'view_alt' => 'View Subs',
'parent' => 'parent.gif', 'parent_alt' => 'View other Subs',
'edit' => 'edit.gif', 'edit_alt' => 'Edit',
'addfile' => 'addfile.gif', 'addfile_alt' => 'Add a file',
'delete' => 'delete.gif', 'delete_alt' => 'Delete',
'close' => 'done.gif', 'close_alt' => 'Close' ),
'status' => array(
'billed' => 'billed.gif', 'billed_alt' => 'billed',
'done' => 'done.gif', 'done_alt' => 'done',
'will-call' => 'will-call.gif', 'will-call_alt' => 'will-call',
'call' => 'call.gif', 'call_alt' => 'call',
'ongoing' => 'ongoing.gif', 'ongoing_alt' => 'ongoing',
'offer' => 'offer.gif', 'offer_alt' => 'offer' )
var $filters = array(
'none' => 'no Filter',
'done' => 'done',
'my' => 'responsible',
'my-open-today' => 'responsible open',
'my-open-overdue' => 'responsible overdue',
'my-upcoming' => 'responsible upcoming',
'own' => 'own',
'own-open-today' => 'own open',
'own-open-overdue' => 'own overdue',
'own-upcoming' => 'own upcoming',
'open-today' => 'open',
'open-overdue' => 'overdue',
'upcoming' => 'upcoming'
var $messages = array(
'edit' => 'InfoLog - Edit',
'add' => 'InfoLog - New',
'add_sub' => 'InfoLog - New Subproject',
'sp' => '- Subprojects from',
're' => 'Re:'
function uiinfolog()
$this->bo =& new boinfolog();
$this->link = &$this->bo->link;
$this->tmpl =& CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate');
$this->html =& $this->tmpl->html;
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->prefs =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog'];
// read the duration format from project-manager
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['projectmanager'])
$pm_config =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','projectmanager');
$this->duration_format = str_replace(',','',$pm_config->config_data['duration_units']).','.$pm_config->config_data['hours_per_workday'];
$GLOBALS['uiinfolog'] =& $this; // make ourself availible for ExecMethod of get_rows function
function get_info($info,&$readonlys,$action='',$action_id='',$show_links=false)
if (!is_array($info))
$info = $this->bo->read($info);
$id = $info['info_id'];
$done = $info['info_status'] == 'done' || $info['info_status'] == 'billed';
$info['sub_class'] = $this->bo->enums['priority'][$info['info_priority']] . ($done ? '_done' : '');
if (!$done && $info['info_enddate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now)
$info['end_class'] = 'overdue';
if (!isset($info['info_anz_subs'])) $info['info_anz_subs'] = $this->bo->anzSubs($id);
$this->bo->link_id2from($info,$action,$action_id); // unset from for $action:$action_id
$info['info_percent'] = (int) $info['info_percent'].'%';
$readonlys["edit[$id]"] = !$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_EDIT);
$readonlys["close[$id]"] = $done || ($readonlys["edit_status[$id]"] = !($this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_EDIT) ||
in_array($this->user, (array)$info['info_responsible'])));
$readonlys["edit_status[$id]"] = $readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"] =
!$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_EDIT) && !in_array($this->user, (array)$info['info_responsible']);
$readonlys["delete[$id]"] = !$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_DELETE);
$readonlys["sp[$id]"] = !$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_ADD);
$readonlys["view[$id]"] = $info['info_anz_subs'] < 1;
$readonlys['view[0]'] = True; // no parent
$readonlys["timesheet[$id]"] = !$this->prefs['show_times'] || !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']);
if (!$show_links) $show_links = $this->prefs['show_links'];
if (($show_links != 'none' && $show_links != 'no_describtion' ||
$this->prefs['show_times'] && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet'])) &&
($links = $this->link->get_links('infolog',$info['info_id'])))
$timesheets = array();
foreach ($links as $link)
if ($show_links != 'none' && $show_links != 'no_describtion' &&
$link['link_id'] != $info['info_link_id'] &&
($link['app'] != $action || $link['id'] != $action_id) &&
($show_links == 'all' || ($show_links == 'links') === ($link['app'] != $this->link->vfs_appname)))
$info['filelinks'][] = $link;
if (!$info['pm_id'] && $link['app'] == 'projectmanager')
$info['pm_id'] = $link['id'];
if ($link['app'] == 'timesheet') $timesheets[] = $link['id'];
if ($this->prefs['show_times'] && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']) && $timesheets)
$sum = ExecMethod('timesheet.botimesheet.sum',$timesheets);
$info['info_sum_timesheets'] = $sum['duration'];
$info['info_type_label'] = $this->bo->enums['type'][$info['info_type']];
$info['info_status_label'] = $this->bo->status[$info['info_type']][$info['info_status']];
if (!$this->prefs['show_percent'])
if ($info['info_status'] == 'ongoing' && $info['info_type'] != 'phone')
$info['info_status'] = $info['info_status_label'] = $info['info_percent'];
$readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"] = true;
elseif($readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"]) // show percent, but button is switched off
$info['info_percent2'] = $info['info_percent'];
if ($this->prefs['show_id'])
$info['info_number'] = $info['info_id'];
return $info;
function save_sessiondata($values)
$for = @$values['session_for'] ? $values['session_for'] : @$this->called_by;
//echo "<p>$for: uiinfolog::save_sessiondata(".print_r($values,True).") called_by='$this->called_by', for='$for'<br />".function_backtrace()."</p>\n";
'search' => $values['search'],
'start' => $values['start'],
'num_rows' => $values['num_rows'],
'filter' => $values['filter'],
'filter2' => $values['filter2'],
'cat_id' => $values['cat_id'],
'order' => $values['order'],
'sort' => $values['sort'],
'action' => $values['action'],
'action_id' => $values['action_id'],
'col_filter' => $values['col_filter'],
'session_for' => $for
function read_sessiondata()
$values = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession(@$this->called_by.'session_data','infolog');
if (!@$values['session_for'] && $this->called_by)
$values['session_for'] = $this->called_by;
//echo "<p>called_by='$this->called_by': uiinfolog::read_sessiondata() = ".print_r($values,True)."</p>\n";
return $values;
function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
//echo "<p>uiinfolog.get_rows(start=$query[start],search='$query[search]',filter='$query[filter]',cat_id=$query[cat_id],action='$query[action]/$query[action_id]',col_filter=".print_r($query['col_filter'],True).")</p>\n";
if (!isset($query['start'])) $query['start'] = 0;
$ids = $this->bo->search($query);
if (!is_array($ids))
$ids = array( );
$readonlys = $rows = array();
foreach($ids as $id => $info)
$info = $this->get_info($info,$readonlys,$query['action'],$query['action_id'],$query['filter2']);
if (!$query['filter2'] && $this->prefs['show_links'] == 'no_describtion' ||
$query['filter2'] == 'no_describtion')
$rows[] = $info;
if ($query['no_actions']) $rows['no_actions'] = true;
$rows['no_details'] = $query['filter2'] == 'no_describtion';
$rows['no_times'] = !$this->prefs['show_times'];
$rows['no_timesheet'] = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']);
$rows['duration_format'] = ','.$this->duration_format.',,1';
//echo "<p>readonlys = "; _debug_array($readonlys);
//echo "rows=<pre>".print_r($rows,True)."</pre>\n";
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] == 'infolog')
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Infolog').($query['filter'] == 'none' ? '' :
' - '.lang($this->filters[$query['filter']]));
return $query['total'];
* Shows the infolog list
* @param array/string $values=null etemplate content or 'reset_action_view' if called by index.php to reset an action-view
* @param string $action='' if set only entries liked to that $action:$action_id are shown
* @param string $action_id='' if set only entries liked to that $action:$action_id are shown
* @param mixed $called_as=0 this is how we got called, for a hook eg. the call-params of that page containing the hook
* @param boolean $extra_app_header=false
* @param boolean $return_html=false
* @param string $own_referer='' this is our own referer
function index($values = null,$action='',$action_id='',$called_as=0,$extra_app_header=False,$return_html=False,$own_referer='')
if (is_array($values))
$called_as = $values['called_as'];
$own_referer = $values['own_referer'];
elseif ($own_referer === '')
$own_referer = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->get_referer();
if (strstr($own_referer,'menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.edit'))
$own_referer = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('own_session','infolog');
if (!$action)
$action = $values['action'] ? $values['action'] : get_var('action',array('POST','GET'));
$action_id = $values['action_id'] ? $values['action_id'] : get_var('action_id',array('POST','GET'));
if ($values === 'reset_action_view') // only read action from session, if not called by index.php
$session = $this->read_sessiondata();
$session['action'] = $action = '';
$session['action_id'] = $action_id = 0;
elseif (!$action)
$session = $this->read_sessiondata();
$action = $session['action'];
$action_id = $session['action_id'];
//echo "<p>uiinfolog::index(action='$action/$action_id',called_as='$called_as/$values[referer]',own_referer='$own_referer') values=\n"; _debug_array($values);
if (!is_array($values))
$values = array('nm' => $this->read_sessiondata());
if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] != 'default' || !isset($values['nm']['filter']) && !$this->called_by)
$values['nm']['filter'] = $_GET['filter'] && $_GET['filter'] != 'default' ? $_GET['filter'] :
if (!isset($values['nm']['order']) || !$values['nm']['order'])
$values['nm']['order'] = 'info_datemodified';
$values['nm']['sort'] = 'DESC';
$values['msg'] = $_GET['msg'];
$values['action'] = $action;
$values['action_id'] = $action_id;
if ($values['nm']['add'])
$values['add'] = $values['nm']['add'];
if ($values['add'] || $values['cancel'] || isset($values['nm']['rows']) || isset($values['main']))
if ($values['add'])
list($type) = each($values['add']);
return $this->edit(0,$action,$action_id,$type,$called_as);
elseif ($values['cancel'] && $own_referer)
$session = $this->read_sessiondata();
list($do,$do_id) = isset($values['main']) ? each($values['main']) : @each($values['nm']['rows']);
list($do_id) = @each($do_id);
//echo "<p>infolog::index: do='$do/$do_id', referer="; _debug_array($called_as);
case 'edit':
case 'edit_status':
return $this->edit($do_id,$action,$action_id,'',$called_as);
case 'delete':
if (!($values['msg'] = $this->delete($do_id,$called_as,$called_as ? '' : 'index'))) return;
case 'close':
return $this->close($do_id,$called_as,$do == 'close_subs');
case 'sp':
return $this->edit(0,'sp',$do_id,'',$called_as);
case 'view':
$value = array();
$action = 'sp';
$action_id = $do_id;
$value = array();
$action = '';
$action_id = 0;
switch ($action)
case 'sp':
if (!$this->bo->read($action_id))
$action = '';
$action_id = 0;
$values['main'][1] = $this->get_info($action_id,$readonlys['main']);
$values['main']['no_times'] = !$this->prefs['show_times'];
$readonlys['cancel'] = $action != 'sp';
$values['nm']['options-filter'] = $this->filters;
$values['nm']['get_rows'] = 'infolog.uiinfolog.get_rows';
$values['nm']['options-filter2'] = (in_array($this->prefs['show_links'],array('all','no_describtion')) ? array() : array(
'' => 'default',
)) + array(
'no_describtion' => 'no details',
'all' => 'details',
if(!isset($values['nm']['filter2'])) $values['nm']['filter2'] = $this->prefs['show_links'];
$values['nm']['header_right'] = 'infolog.index.header_right';
if ($extra_app_header)
$values['nm']['header_left'] = 'infolog.index.header_left';
$values['nm']['bottom_too'] = True;
$values['nm']['never_hide'] = isset($this->prefs['never_hide']) ?
$this->prefs['never_hide'] : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'] > 15;
$values['action'] = $persist['action'] = $values['nm']['action'] = $action;
$values['action_id'] = $persist['action_id'] = $values['nm']['action_id'] = $action_id;
$persist['called_as'] = $called_as;
$persist['own_referer'] = $own_referer;
$all_stati = array();
foreach($this->bo->status as $typ => $stati)
if ($typ != 'defaults') $all_stati += $stati;
if (!$called_as)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog');
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => 'ManualInfologIndex');
$values['css'] = '<style type="text/css">@import url('.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/infolog/templates/default/app.css);'."</style>";
return $this->tmpl->exec('infolog.uiinfolog.index',$values,array(
'info_type' => $this->bo->enums['type'],
'info_status' => $all_stati
),$readonlys,$persist,$return_html ? -1 : 0);
function close($values=0,$referer='')
$info_id = (int) (is_array($values) ? $values['info_id'] : ($values ? $values : $_GET['info_id']));
$referer = is_array($values) ? $values['referer'] : $referer;
if ($info_id)
$values = array(
'info_id' => $info_id,
'info_status' => 'done',
'info_percent'=> 100,
'info_datecompleted' => $this->bo->now_su,
$query = array('action'=>'sp','action_id'=>$info_id);
foreach((array)$this->bo->search($query) as $info)
if ($info['info_id_parent'] == $info_id) // search also returns linked entries!
$this->close($info['info_id'],$referer); // we call ourselfs recursive to process subs from subs too
return $referer ? $this->tmpl->location($referer) : $this->index();
function delete($values=0,$referer='',$called_by='')
$info_id = (int) (is_array($values) ? $values['info_id'] : ($values ? $values : $_GET['info_id']));
$referer = is_array($values) ? $values['referer'] : $referer;
if (!is_array($values) && $info_id > 0 && !$this->bo->anzSubs($info_id)) // entries without subs get confirmed by javascript
$values = array('delete' => true);
//echo "<p>uiinfolog::delete(".print_r($values,true).",'$referer','$called_by') info_id=$info_id</p>\n";
if (is_array($values) || $info_id <= 0)
if (($values['delete'] || $values['delete_subs']) && $info_id > 0 && $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_DELETE))
$deleted = $this->bo->delete($info_id,$values['delete_subs'],$values['info_id_parent']);
if ($called_by) // direct call from the same request
return $deleted ? lang('InfoLog entry deleted') : '';
if ($values['called_by'] == 'edit') // we run in the edit popup => give control back to edit
'info_id' => $info_id,
'button' => array('deleted' => true), // not delete!
'referer' => $referer,
'msg' => $deleted ? lang('Infolog entry deleted') : '',
return $referer ? $this->tmpl->location($referer) : $this->index();
$readonlys = $values = array();
$values['main'][1] = $this->get_info($info_id,$readonlys['main']);
$values['nm'] = array(
'action' => 'sp',
'action_id' => $info_id,
'options-filter' => $this->filters,
'get_rows' => 'infolog.uiinfolog.get_rows',
'no_filter2' => True,
'never_hide' => isset($this->prefs['never_hide']) ?
$this->prefs['never_hide'] :
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'] > 15,
$values['main']['no_actions'] = $values['nm']['no_actions'] = True;
$persist['info_id'] = $info_id;
$persist['referer'] = $referer;
$persist['info_id_parent'] = $values['main'][1]['info_id_parent'];
$persist['called_by'] = $called_by;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.lang('Delete');
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => 'ManualInfologDelete');
$this->tmpl->exec('infolog.uiinfolog.delete',$values,'',$readonlys,$persist,$called_by == 'edit' ? 2 : 0);
* Edit/Create an InfoLog Entry
* @param array $content=null Content from the eTemplate Exec call or info_id on inital call
* @param string $action='' Name of an app of 'sp' for a infolog-sub
* @param int $action_id=0 Id of app-entry to which a link is created
* @param string $type='' Type of log-entry: note,todo,task
* @param string $referer='' array with param/get-vars of the refering page
function edit($content = null,$action = '',$action_id=0,$type='',$referer='')
$tabs = 'description|links|delegation|project|customfields';
if (is_array($content))
//echo "uiinfolog::edit: content="; _debug_array($content);
$info_id = $content['info_id'];
$action = $content['action'];
$action_id = $content['action_id'];
$referer = $content['referer'];
$no_popup = $content['no_popup'];
$caller = $content['caller'];
if (isset($content['link_to']['primary']))
$content['info_link_id'] = $content['link_to']['primary'];
list($button) = @each($content['button']);
if ($button)
//echo "<p>uiinfolog::edit(info_id=$info_id) '$button' button pressed, content="; _debug_array($content);
if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && $info_id)
if (!($edit_acl = $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT)))
$old = $this->bo->read($info_id);
$status_only = in_array($this->user, $old['info_responsible']);
if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && (!$info_id || $edit_acl || $status_only))
if (is_array($content['link_to']['to_id']) && count($content['link_to']['to_id']))
if (strstr($content['info_link_id'],':') !== False)
$info_link_id = $content['info_link_id'];
$content['info_link_id'] = 0; // as field has to be int
$active_tab = $content[$tabs];
if (!($info_id = $this->bo->write($content)))
$content['msg'] = $info_id !== 0 || !$content['info_id'] ? lang('Error: saving the entry') :
lang('Error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing!').'<br />'.
lang('Copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them.','<a href="'.
'menuaction' => 'infolog.uiinfolog.edit',
'info_id' => $content['info_id'],
'no_popup' => $no_popup,
'referer' => $referer,
$button = ''; // not exiting edit
$info_id = $content['info_id'];
$content['msg'] = lang('InfoLog entry saved');
$content['js'] = "opener.location.href='".($link=$GLOBALS['egw']->link($referer,array('msg' => $content['msg'])))."';";
$content[$tabs] = $active_tab;
if ((int) $content['pm_id'] != (int) $content['old_pm_id'])
//echo "<p>pm_id changed: $content[old_pm_id] -> $content[pm_id]</p>\n";
// update links accordingly, if selected project changed
if ($content['pm_id'])
//echo "<p>this->link->link('infolog',{$content['link_to']['to_id']},'projectmanager',{$content['pm_id']});</p>";
// making the project the selected link, if no other link selected
if (!$info_link_id || $info_link_id == 'projectmanager:'.$content['old_pm_id'])
$info_link_id = 'projectmanager:'.$content['pm_id'];
if ($content['old_pm_id'])
//echo "<p>this->link->unlink2(0,infolog,{$content['link_to']['to_id']},0,'projectmanager',{$content['old_pm_id']});</p>\n";
$content['old_pm_id'] = $content['pm_id'];
// writing links for a new entry
if ($info_id && is_array($content['link_to']['to_id']) && count($content['link_to']['to_id']))
$content['link_to']['to_id'] = $info_id;
if (strstr($info_link_id,':') !== false) // updating info_link_id if necessary
list($app,$id) = explode(':',$info_link_id);
$link = $this->link->get_link('infolog',$info_id,$app,$id);
if ((int) $content['info_link_id'] != (int) $link['link_id'])
$content['info_link_id'] = $link['link_id'];
$to_write = array(
'info_id' => $content['info_id'],
'info_link_id' => $content['info_link_id'],
'info_from' => $content['info_from'],
'info_owner' => $content['info_owner'],
// we need eg. the new modification date, for further updates
$content = array_merge($content,$to_write);
elseif ($button == 'delete' && $info_id > 0)
if (!$referer && $action) $referer = array(
'menuaction' => 'infolog.uiinfolog.index',
'action' => $action,
'action_id' => $action_id
if (!($content['msg'] = $this->delete($info_id,$referer,'edit'))) return; // checks ACL first
$content['js'] = "opener.location.href='".$GLOBALS['egw']->link($referer,array('msg' => $content['msg']))."';";
// called again after delete confirmation dialog
elseif ($button == 'deleted' && $content['msg'])
$content['js'] = "opener.location.href='".$GLOBALS['egw']->link($referer,array('msg' => $content['msg']))."';";
if ($button == 'save' || $button == 'cancel' || $button == 'delete' || $button == 'deleted')
if ($no_popup)
$GLOBALS['egw']->redirect_link($referer,array('msg' => $content['msg']));
$content['js'] .= 'window.close();';
echo '<html><body onload="'.$content['js'].'"></body></html>';
if ($content['js']) $content['js'] = '<script>'.$content['js'].'</script>';
// on a type-change, set the status to the default status of that type, if the actual status is not supported by the new type
if (!in_array($content['info_status'],$this->bo->status[$content['info_type']]))
$content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
if ($content['info_status'] != 'done') $content['info_datecompleted'] = '';
//echo "<p>uiinfolog::edit: info_id=$info_id, action='$action', action_id='$action_id', type='$type', referer='$referer'</p>\n";
$action = $action ? $action : get_var('action', array('POST','GET'));
$action_id = $action_id ? $action_id : get_var('action_id',array('POST','GET'));
$info_id = $content ? $content : get_var('info_id', array('POST','GET'));
$type = $type ? $type : get_var('type', array('POST','GET'));
$ref=$referer = $referer !== '' ? $referer : ($_GET['referer'] ? $_GET['referer'] :
$referer = preg_replace('/([&?]{1})msg=[^&]+&?/','\\1',$referer); // remove previou/old msg from referer
$no_popup = $_GET['no_popup'];
//echo "<p>uiinfolog::edit: info_id=$info_id, action='$action', action_id='$action_id', type='$type', referer='$referer'</p>\n";
$content = $this->bo->read( $info_id || $action != 'sp' ? $info_id : $action_id );
if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['cat_id']))
$content['info_cat'] = (int) $_REQUEST['cat_id'];
case 'date': default: $set_startdate = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('d',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('Y',$this->bo->user_time_now)); break;
case 'datetime': $set_startdate = $this->bo->user_time_now; break;
case 'empty': $set_startdate = 0; break;
if (intval($content['info_link_id']) > 0 && !$this->link->get_link($content['info_link_id']))
$content['info_link_id'] = 0; // link has been deleted
if (!$info_id && $action_id && $action == 'sp') // new SubProject
if (!$this->bo->check_access($action_id,EGW_ACL_ADD))
return $referer ? $this->tmpl->location($referer) : $this->index(0,$action,$action_id);
$parent = $this->bo->so->data;
$content['info_id'] = $info_id = 0;
$content['info_owner'] = $this->user;
$content['info_id_parent'] = $parent['info_id'];
if ($parent['info_type']=='task' && $parent['info_status']=='offer')
$content['info_type'] = 'confirm'; // confirmation to parent
$content['info_responsible'] = $parent['info_owner'];
$content['info_type'] = $parent['info_type'];
$content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
$content['info_percent'] = $content['info_status'] == 'done' ? '100%' : '0%';
$content['info_datecompleted'] =$content['info_status'] == 'done' ? $this->bo->user_time_now : 0;
$content['info_confirm'] = 'not';
$content['info_subject']=lang($this->messages['re']).' '.$parent['info_subject'];
$content['info_des'] = '';
$content['info_lastmodified'] = '';
if ($content['info_startdate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now) // parent-startdate is in the past => today
$content['info_startdate'] = $set_startdate;
if ($content['info_enddate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now) // parent-enddate is in the past => empty
$content['info_enddate'] = '';
if ($info_id && !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT) && !in_array($this->user, (array)$content['info_responsible']))
if ($no_popup)
echo '<p class="redItalic" align="center">'.lang('Permission denied')."</p>\n";
$js = "alert('".lang('Permission denied')."'); window.close();";
echo '<html><body onload="'.$js.'"></body></html>';
$content['links'] = $content['link_to'] = array(
'to_id' => $info_id,
'to_app' => 'infolog',
switch ($action)
case 'sp':
$links = $this->link->get_links('infolog',$parent['info_id'],'!'.$this->link->vfs_appname);
foreach($links as $link)
$link_id = $this->link->link('infolog',$content['link_to']['to_id'],$link['app'],$link['id'],$link['remark']);
if ($parent['info_link_id'] == $link['link_id'])
$content['info_link_id'] = $link_id;
case 'projectmanager':
$pm_links = array($action_id);
case 'addressbook':
case 'projects':
case 'calendar':
default: // to allow other apps to participate
$content['info_link_id'] = $this->link->link('infolog',$content['link_to']['to_id'],$action,$action_id);
$content['blur_title'] = $this->link->title($action,$action_id);
case '':
if ($info_id)
if (!isset($pm_links))
$pm_links = $this->link->get_links('infolog',$info_id,'projectmanager');
break; // normal edit
case 'new': // new entry
$content['info_startdate'] = (int) $_GET['startdate'] ? (int) $_GET['startdate'] : $set_startdate;
$content['info_priority'] = 1; // normal
$content['info_owner'] = $this->user;
if ($type != '')
$content['info_type'] = $type;
$content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
$content['info_percent'] = $content['info_status'] == 'done' ? '100%' : '0%';
if (!isset($this->bo->enums['type'][$content['info_type']]))
$content['info_type'] = 'note';
// for implizit edit of responsible user make all fields readonly, but status and percent
if ($info_id && !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT) && in_array($this->user, (array)$content['info_responsible']))
$content['status_only'] = !in_array('link_to',$this->bo->responsible_edit);
foreach(array_diff(array_merge(array_keys($content),array('pm_id')),$this->bo->responsible_edit) as $name)
$readonlys[$name] = true;
// need to set all customfields extra, as they are not set if empty
foreach($this->bo->customfields as $name => $value)
$readonlys['#'.$name] = true;
// we allways need to set a non-empty/-zero primary, to make the radiobutton appear
$content['link_to']['primary'] = $content['info_link_id'] ? $content['info_link_id'] : '#';
if (!($readonlys['button[delete]'] = !$info_id || !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_DELETE)))
$content['info_anz_subs'] = $this->bo->anzSubs($info_id); // to determine js confirmation of delete or not
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang($this->messages[$info_id ? 'edit' : ($action == 'sp' ? 'add_sub' : 'add')]);
if ($this->bo->has_customfields($content['info_type']))
$content['customfields'] = $this->bo->customfields;
$content['customfields']['###typ###'] = $content['info_type'];
$readonlys[$tabs] = array('customfields' => true);
if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['projectmanager']))
$readonlys[$tabs]['project'] = true; // disable the project tab
$content['duration_format'] = $this->duration_format;
$old_pm_id = is_array($pm_links) ? array_shift($pm_links) : $content['old_pm_id'];
if (!isset($content['pm_id']) && $old_pm_id) $content['pm_id'] = $old_pm_id;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.
($content['status_only'] ? lang('Edit Status') : lang('Edit'));
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => ($info_id ? 'ManualInfologEdit' : 'ManualInfologAdd'));
//echo "<p>uiinfolog.edit(info_id='$info_id',action='$action',action_id='$action_id') readonlys="; print_r($readonlys); echo ", content = "; _debug_array($content);
'info_type' => $this->bo->enums['type'],
'info_priority' => $this->bo->enums['priority'],
'info_confirm' => $this->bo->enums['confirm'],
'info_status' => $this->bo->status[$content['info_type']]
),$readonlys,array( // preserved values
'info_id' => $info_id,
'info_id_parent'=> $content['info_id_parent'],
'info_link_id' => $content['info_link_id'],
'info_owner' => $content['info_owner'],
'info_datemodified' => $content['info_datemodified'],
'info_modifier' => $content['info_modifier'],
'action' => $action,
'action_id' => $action_id,
'referer' => $referer,
'no_popup' => $no_popup,
'link_to' => array('to_id' => $content['link_to']['to_id']), // in case tab gets not viewed
'blur_title' => $content['blur_title'],
'old_pm_id' => $old_pm_id,
// preserv project fields, in case project tab is disabled, but user has rights to edit the entry
'pl_id' => $content['pl_id'],
'info_price' => $content['info_price'],
'info_used_time' => $content['info_used_time'],
'info_planned_time' => $content['info_planned_time'],
),$no_popup ? 0 : 2);
function menuaction($action = 'get_list',$app='infolog')
return array( 'menuaction' => "$app.ui$app.$action" );
function icon($cat,$id,$status='')
if (!$status || !($icon = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_'.$status]))
$icon = $this->icons[$cat][$id];
if ($icon && !is_readable($GLOBALS['egw']->common->get_image_dir() . '/' . $icon))
$icon = False;
if (!$status || !($alt = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_'.$status.'_alt']))
if (!($alt = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_alt']))
$alt = $id;
return $icon ? $this->html->image('infolog',$icon,lang($alt),'border=0') : lang($alt);
function admin( )
$fields = array(
'info_cat' => 'Category',
'info_from' => 'Contact',
'info_addr' => 'Phone/Email',
'info_subject' => 'Subject',
'info_des' => 'Description',
'link_to' => 'Links',
'info_priority' => 'Priority',
'info_location' => 'Location',
'info_planned_time' => 'Planned time',
'info_used_time' => 'Used time',
if($_POST['save'] || $_POST['apply'])
$this->link_pathes = $this->bo->send_file_ips = array();
$valid = get_var('valid',Array('POST'));
$trans = get_var('trans',Array('POST'));
$ip = get_var('ip',Array('POST'));
while(list($key,$val) = each($valid))
if($val = stripslashes($val))
$this->link_pathes[$val] = stripslashes($trans[$key]);
$this->bo->send_file_ips[$val] = stripslashes($ip[$key]);
$this->bo->responsible_edit = array('info_status','info_percent','info_datecompleted');
if ($_POST['responsible_edit'])
$extra = array_intersect($_POST['responsible_edit'],array_keys($fields));
$this->bo->responsible_edit = array_merge($this->bo->responsible_edit,$extra);
$this->bo->implicit_rights = $_POST['implicit_rights'] == 'edit' ? 'edit' : 'read';
$this->bo->config->config_data = array(
'link_pathes' => $this->link_pathes,
'send_file_ips' => $this->bo->send_file_ips,
'implicit_rights' => $this->bo->implicit_rights,
'responsible_edit' => implode(',',$extra),
if($_POST['cancel'] || $_POST['save'])
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.lang('Configuration');
$GLOBALS['egw']->template->set_file(array('info_admin_t' => 'admin.tpl'));
$GLOBALS['egw']->template->set_block('info_admin_t', 'admin_line');
$GLOBALS['egw']->template->set_block('info_admin_t', 'info_admin');
'lang_responsible_rights' => lang('Rights for the responsible'),
'lang_implicit_rights' => lang('Which implicit ACL rights should the responsible get?'),
'implicit_rights' => $this->html->select('implicit_rights',$this->bo->implicit_rights,array(
'read' => 'read rights (default)',
'edit' => 'edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!)',
'lang_responsible_edit' => lang('Which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />Status, percent and date completed are always allowed.'),
'responsible_edit' => $this->html->checkbox_multiselect('responsible_edit',$this->bo->responsible_edit,$fields,false,'',11),
'text' => lang('<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients'),
'action_url' => $this->html->link('/index.php',$this->menuaction('admin')),
'save_button' => $this->html->submit_button('save','Save'),
'apply_button' => $this->html->submit_button('apply','Apply'),
'cancel_button' => $this->html->submit_button('cancel','Cancel'),
'lang_valid' => lang('valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\\\Server\\Share or e:\\'),
'lang_trans' => lang('path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/Share'),
'lang_ip' => lang('reg. expr. for local IP\'s<br>eg. ^192\\.168\\.1\\.')
if (!is_array($this->bo->send_file_ips))
$this->bo->send_file_ips = $this->link_pathes = array();
$i = 0; @reset($this->link_pathes);
do {
list($valid,$trans) = @each($this->link_pathes);
'tr_color' => $i & 1 ? 'row_off' : 'row_on',
'num' => $i+1,
'val_valid' => $this->html->input("valid[$i]",$valid),
'val_trans' => $this->html->input("trans[$i]",$trans),
'val_ip' => $this->html->input("ip[$i]",$this->bo->send_file_ips[$valid])
} while ($valid);
if (!$this->tmpl->xslt)
echo parse_navbar();
* writes langfile with all templates and messages registered here
* called via [write Langfile] in the etemplate-editor or as http://domain/egroupware/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.writeLangFile
function writeLangFile()
$extra = $this->messages + $this->filters;
$enums = $this->bo->enums + $this->bo->status;
foreach($enums as $key => $msg_arr)
$extra += $msg_arr;
return $this->tmpl->writeLangFile('infolog','en',$extra);
* shows infolog in other applications
* @param $args['location'] location des hooks: {addressbook|projects|calendar}_view|infolog
* @param $args['view'] menuaction to view, if location == 'infolog'
* @param $args['app'] app-name, if location == 'infolog'
* @param $args['view_id'] name of the id-var for location == 'infolog'
* @param $args[$args['view_id']] id of the entry
* this function can be called for any app, which should include infolog: \
* $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process(array( \
* * 'location' => 'infolog', \
* * 'app' => <your app>, \
* * 'view_id' => <id name>, \
* * <id name> => <id value>, \
* * 'view' => <menuaction to view an entry in your app> \
* ));
function hook_view($args)
switch ($args['location'])
case 'addressbook_view':
$app = 'addressbook';
$view_id = 'ab_id';
$view_id2 = 'contact_id';
$view = 'addressbook.uicontacts.view';
case 'projects_view':
$app = 'projects';
$view_id = 'project_id';
$view = 'projects.uiprojects.view';
$app = $args['app'];
$view_id = $args['view_id'];
$view = $args['view'];
if (!is_array($args) || $args['debug'])
echo "<p>uiinfolog::hook_view("; print_r($args); echo "): app='$app', $view_id='$args[$view_id]', view='$view'</p>\n";
if (!isset($app) || !isset($args[$view_id]))
return False;
$this->called_by = $app; // for read/save_sessiondata, to have different sessions for the hooks
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['etemplate']['hooked'] = True;
'menuaction' => $view,
isset($view_id2) ? $view_id2 : $view_id => $args[$view_id]