mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 03:21:46 +01:00
-- EgwPopupActionImplementation now only binds one Handler iff FindActionTarget is implemented and actionObjectInterface has attribute tree set. This is only the case for EgwDragDropShoelaceTree
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1137 lines
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import {SlTreeItem} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace";
import {egw} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
import {find_select_options, SelectOption} from "../Et2Select/FindSelectOptions";
import {Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin} from "../Et2Select/Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin";
import {css, html, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues, TemplateResult} from "lit";
import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js";
import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace";
import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js";
import {state} from "lit/decorators/state.js";
import {egw_getActionManager, egw_getAppObjectManager} from "../../egw_action/egw_action";
import {et2_action_object_impl} from "../et2_core_DOMWidget";
import {EgwActionObject} from "../../egw_action/EgwActionObject";
import {EgwAction} from "../../egw_action/EgwAction";
import {EgwDragDropShoelaceTree} from "../../egw_action/EgwDragDropShoelaceTree";
import {FindActionTarget} from "../FindActionTarget";
export type TreeItemData = SelectOption & {
focused?: boolean;
// Has children, but they may not be provided in item
child: Boolean | 1,
data?: Object,//{sieve:true,...} or {acl:true} or other
id: string,
im0: String,
im1: String,
im2: String,
// Child items
item: TreeItemData[],
checked?: Boolean,
nocheckbox: number | Boolean,
open: 0 | 1,
parent: String,
text: String,
tooltip: String,
userdata: any[]
//here we can store the number of unread messages, if there are any
badge?: string;
* checks if the event has an Element in its composedPath that satisfies the Tag, className or both
* @param _ev
* @param tag
* @param className
* @returns true iff tag and classname are satisfied on the same Element somewhere in the composedPath and false otherwise
export const composedPathContains = (_ev: any, tag?: string, className?: string) => {
// Tag and classname is given
// check if one element has given tag with given class
if(tag && className)
return _ev.composedPath().some((el) => {
return el?.classList?.contains(className) && el?.tagName?.toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase()
// only classname is given
// check if one element has given class
if(className && !tag)
return _ev.composedPath().some((el) => {
return el?.classList?.contains(className)
// only tag is given
// check if one element has given tag
if(tag && !className)
return _ev.composedPath().some((el) => {
return el?.tagName?.toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase()
return false
* @event {{id: String, item:SlTreeItem}} sl-expand emmited when tree item expands
* //TODO add for other events
* @since 23.1.x
export class Et2Tree extends Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin(LitElement) implements FindActionTarget
//does not work because it would need to be run on the shadow root
//@query("sl-tree-item[selected]") selected: SlTreeItem;
* get the first selected node using attributes on the shadow root elements
private get selected(){
return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("sl-tree-item[selected]")
@property({type: Boolean})
multiple: Boolean = false;
@property({type: String})
leafIcon: String;
@property({type: String})
collapsedIcon: String;
@property({type: String})
openIcon: String;
@property({type: Function})
onclick;// description: "JS code which gets executed when clicks on text of a node"
//onselect and oncheck only appear in multiselectTree
// @property()
// onselect // description: "Javascript executed when user selects a node"
// @property()
// oncheck // description: "Javascript executed when user checks a node"
@property({type: Boolean})
highlighting: Boolean = false // description: "Add highlighting class on hovered over item, highlighting is disabled by default"
@property({type: String})
autoloading: string = "" //description: "JSON URL or menuaction to be called for nodes marked with child=1, but not having children, getSelectedNode() contains node-id"
@property({type: Function})
onopenstart //description: "Javascript function executed when user opens a node: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren) returning true to allow opening!"
@property({type: Function})
onopenend //description: "Javascript function executed when opening a node is finished: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren)"
@property({type: String})
imagePath: String = egw().webserverUrl + "/api/templates/default/images/dhtmlxtree/" //TODO we will need a different path here! maybe just rename the path?
// description: "Directory for tree structure images, set on server-side to 'dhtmlx' subdir of templates image-directory"
value = []
protected autoloading_url: any;
// private selectOptions: TreeItemData[] = [];
protected _selectOptions: TreeItemData[]
protected _currentOption: TreeItemData
protected _previousOption: TreeItemData
protected _currentSlTreeItem: SlTreeItem;
selectedNodes: SlTreeItem[]
private _actionManager: EgwAction;
widget_object: EgwActionObject;
private get _tree() { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector('sl-tree') ?? null};
this._selectOptions = [];
this._optionTemplate = this._optionTemplate.bind(this);
this.selectedNodes = [];
private _initCurrent()
this._currentSlTreeItem = this.selected;
this._currentOption = this._currentSlTreeItem?this.getNode(this._currentSlTreeItem?.id):null
if (this.autoloading)
// @ts-ignore from static get properties
let url = this.autoloading;
if (url.charAt(0) != '/' && url.substr(0, 4) != 'http')
url = '/json.php?menuaction=' + url;
this.autoloading = url;
// Check if top level should be autoloaded
if(this.autoloading && !this._selectOptions?.length)
this.handleLazyLoading({item: this._selectOptions}).then((results) =>
this._selectOptions = results?.item ?? [];
this.updateComplete.then((value) => {
if (value)
if (this._selectOptions?.length) this._initCurrent()
// Actions can't be initialized without being connected to InstanceManager
protected updated(_changedProperties: PropertyValues)
//Sl-Trees handle their own onClick events
// check if not expand icon (> or v) was clicked, we have an onclick handler and a string value
if (!(_ev.composedPath()[0].tagName === 'svg' &&
(_ev.composedPath()[0].classList.contains('bi-chevron-right') ||
) &&
typeof this.onclick === "function" && typeof _ev.target.value === "string")
this.onclick(_ev.target.value, this, _ev.target.value)
static get styles()
return [
// @ts-ignore
:host {
--sl-spacing-large: 1rem;
::part(expand-button) {
rotate: none;
padding: 0 0.2em 0 5em;
margin-left: -5em;
/* Stop icon from shrinking if there's not enough space */
/* increase font size by 2px this was previously done in pixelegg css but document css can not reach shadow root*/
sl-tree-item sl-icon {
flex: 0 0 1em;
font-size: calc(100% + 2px);
::part(label) {
overflow: hidden;
::part(label):hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.tree-item__label {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
sl-tree-item.drop-hover {
background-color: var(--primary-background-color);
sl-tree-item.drop-hover sl-tree-item {
background-color: var(--sl-color-neutral-0);
sl-badge::part(base) {
background-color: var(--sl-color-neutral-500);
font-size: 0.75em;
font-weight: 700;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0.5em;
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 768px) {
:host {
--sl-font-size-medium: 1.2rem;
sl-tree-item {
padding: 0.1em;
private _actions: object
get actions()
return this._actions
* Set Actions on the widget
* Each action is defined as an object:
* move: {
* type: "drop",
* acceptedTypes: "mail",
* icon: "move",
* caption: "Move to"
* onExecute: javascript:mail_move"
* }
* This will turn the widget into a drop target for "mail" drag types. When "mail" drag types are dropped,
* the global function mail_move(egwAction action, egwActionObject sender) will be called. The ID of the
* dragged "mail" will be in sender.id, some information about the sender will be in sender.context. The
* etemplate2 widget involved can typically be found in action.parent.data.widget, so your handler
* can operate in the widget context easily. The location varies depending on your action though. It
* might be action.parent.parent.data.widget
* To customise how the actions are handled for a particular widget, override _link_actions(). It handles
* the more widget-specific parts.
* @param {object} actions {ID: {attributes..}+} map of egw action information
* @see api/src/Etemplate/Widget/Nextmatch.php egw_actions() method
@property({type: Object})
set actions(actions: object)
this._actions = actions
if (this.id == "" || typeof this.id == "undefined")
window.egw().debug("warn", "Widget should have an ID if you want actions", this);
// No id because we're not done yet, try again later
public loadFromXML()
let new_options = [];
new_options = <TreeItemData[]><unknown>find_select_options(this)[1];
this._selectOptions = new_options;
* Initialize the action manager and add some actions to it
* @private
private _initActions()
// Only look 1 level deep
// @ts-ignore exists from Et2Widget
var gam = egw_getActionManager(this.egw().appName, true, 1);
if(typeof this._actionManager != "object")
// @ts-ignore exists from Et2Widget
if(this.getInstanceManager() && gam.getActionById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId, 1) !== null)
// @ts-ignore exists from Et2Widget
gam = gam.getActionById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId, 1);
if(gam.getActionById(this.id, 1) != null)
this._actionManager = gam.getActionById(this.id, 1);
this._actionManager = gam.addAction("actionManager", this.id);
// @ts-ignore egw() exists on this
this._actionManager.updateActions(this.actions, this.egw().appName);
// @ts-ignore
// Put a reference to the widget into the action stuff, so we can
// easily get back to widget context from the action handler
this._actionManager.data = {widget: this};
/** Sets focus on the control. */
focus(options? : FocusOptions)
/** Removes focus from the control. */
* @deprecated assign to onopenstart
* @param _handler
public set_onopenstart(_handler: any)
this.onopenstart = _handler
* @deprecated assign to onopenend
* @param _handler
public set_onopenend(_handler: any)
this.onopenend = _handler
* @deprecated assign to onclick
* @param _handler
public set_onclick(_handler: Function)
this.installHandler('onclick', _handler);
* @deprecated assign to onselect
* @param _handler
public set_onselect(_handler: any)
this.onselect = _handler;
public set_badge(_id: string, _value: string)
this.getNode(_id).badge = _value;
* @return currently selected Item or First Item, if no selection was made yet
public getSelectedItem(): TreeItemData
return this._currentOption || (this._selectOptions ? this._selectOptions[0] : null);
* getSelectedNode, retrieves the full node of the selected Item
* @return {SlTreeItem} full SlTreeItem
getSelectedNode(): SlTreeItem
return this._currentSlTreeItem
getDomNode(_id: string): SlTreeItem | null
return this.shadowRoot.querySelector('sl-tree-item[id="' + _id.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"');
* return the Item with given _id, was called getDomNode(_id) in dhtmlxTree
* @param _id
public getNode(_id: string): TreeItemData
if(_id == undefined){debugger;}
// TODO: Look into this._search(), find out why it doesn't always succeed
return this._search(_id, this._selectOptions) ?? this.optionSearch(_id, this._selectOptions, 'id', 'item')
* set the text of item with given id to new label
* @param _id
* @param _label
* @param _tooltip
setLabel(_id, _label, _tooltip?)
let tooltip = _tooltip || (this.getNode(_id) && this.getNode(_id).tooltip ? this.getNode(_id).tooltip : "");
let i = this.getNode(_id)
i.tooltip = tooltip
i.text = _label
* getLabel, gets the Label of of an item by id
* @param _id ID of the node
* @return _label
return this.getNode(_id)?.text;
* getSelectedLabel, retrieves the Label of the selected Item
* @return string or null
return this.getSelectedItem()?.text
* deleteItem, deletes an item by id
* @param _id ID of the node
* @param _selectParent select the parent node true/false TODO unused atm
* @return void
deleteItem(_id, _selectParent)
this._deleteItem(_id, this._selectOptions)
// Update action
// since the action ID has to = this.id, getObjectById() won't work
let treeObj = (<EgwActionObject><unknown>egw_getAppObjectManager(false)).getObjectById(this.id);
for (let i = 0; i < treeObj.children.length; i++)
if (treeObj.children[i].id == _id)
treeObj.children.splice(i, 1);
* Updates a leaf of the tree by requesting new information from the server using the
* autoloading attribute.
* @param {string} _id ID of the node
* @param {Object} [data] If provided, the item is refreshed directly with
* the provided data instead of asking the server
* @return Promise
refreshItem(_id, data)
/* TODO currently always ask the sever
if (typeof data != "undefined" && data != null)
//data seems never to be used
this.refreshItem(_id, null)
} else*/
let item = this.getNode(_id);
// if the item does not exist in the tree yet no need to refresh
if(item == null) return
return this.handleLazyLoading(item).then((result) => {
item.item = [...result.item]
* Does nothing
* @param _id
* @param _style
setStyle(_id, _style)
const temp = this.getDomNode(_id).defaultSlot;
if (!temp) return 0;
temp.setAttribute("style", _style);
* getTreeNodeOpenItems
* @param {string} _nodeID the nodeID where to start from (initial node) 0 means for all items
* @param {string} mode the mode to run in: "forced" fakes the initial node openState to be open
* @return {object} structured array of node ids: array(message-ids)
getTreeNodeOpenItems(_nodeID: string | 0, mode?: string)
let subItems =
(_nodeID == 0) ?
this._selectOptions.map(option => this.getDomNode(option.id)) ://NodeID == 0 means that we want all tree Items
this.getDomNode(_nodeID).getChildrenItems();// otherwise get the subItems of the given Node
let oS: boolean;
let PoS: 0 | 1 | -1;
let rv: string[];
let returnValue = (_nodeID == 0) ? [] : [_nodeID]; // do not keep 0 in the return value...
let modetorun = "none";
if (mode)
modetorun = mode;
PoS = (_nodeID == 0) ? 1 : (this.getDomNode(_nodeID).expanded ? 1 : 0)
if (modetorun == "forced") PoS = 1;
if (PoS == 1)
for (const item of subItems)
//oS = this.input.getOpenState(z[i]);
oS = item.expanded // iff current item is expanded go deeper
//if (oS == -1) {returnValue.push(z[i]);}
//if (oS == 0) {returnValue.push(z[i]);}
if (!oS)
//if (oS == 1)
rv = this.getTreeNodeOpenItems(item.id);
for (const recId of rv)
return returnValue;
* @param _id
* @param _newItemId
* @param _label
* @return Promise
public renameItem(_id, _newItemId, _label)
this.getNode(_id).id = _newItemId
// Update action
// since the action ID has to = this.id, getObjectById() won't work
let treeObj: EgwActionObject = egw_getAppObjectManager(false).getObjectById(this.id);
for (const actionObject of treeObj.children)
if (actionObject.id == _id)
actionObject.id = _newItemId;
if (actionObject.iface)
actionObject.iface.id = _newItemId
if (typeof _label != 'undefined') this.setLabel(_newItemId, _label);
return this.updatedComplete();
public focusItem(_id)
let item = this.getNode(_id)
item.focused = true
* Open an item, which might trigger lazy-loading
* @param string _id
* @return Promise
public openItem(_id : string)
let item = this.getNode(_id);
item.open = 1;
return this.updateComplete;
* hasChildren
* @param _id ID of the node
* @return the number of childelements
return this.getNode(_id).item?.length;
* reSelectItem, reselects an item by id
* @param _id ID of the node
this._previousOption = this._currentOption
this._currentOption = this.getNode(_id);
const node: SlTreeItem = this.getDomNode(_id)
if (node)
this._currentSlTreeItem = node;
node.selected = true
* Set or unset checkbox of given node and all it's children based on given value
* @param _id
* @param _value "toggle" means the current nodes value, as the toggle already happened by default
* @return boolean false if _id was not found
setSubChecked(_id : string, _value : boolean|"toggle")
const node = this.getDomNode(_id);
if (!node) return false;
if (_value !== 'toggle')
node.selected = _value;
Array.from(node.querySelectorAll('sl-tree-item')).forEach((item : SlTreeItem) => {
item.selected = node.selected;
// set selectedNodes and value
this.selectedNodes = [];
this.value = [];
Array.from(this._tree.querySelectorAll('sl-tree-item')).forEach((item : SlTreeItem) => {
if (item.selected)
return true;
getUserData(_nodeId, _name)
return this.getNode(_nodeId)?.userdata?.find(elem => elem.name === _name)?.content
* Overridable, add style
* @returns {TemplateResult<1>}
return html``;
//this.selectOptions = find_select_options(this)[1];
_optionTemplate(selectOption: TreeItemData): TemplateResult<1>
// Check to see if node is marked as open with no children. If autoloadable, load the children
const expandState = (this.calculateExpandState(selectOption));
//mail sends multiple image options depending on folder state
let img: String;
if (selectOption.open) //if item is a folder and it is opened use im1
img = selectOption.im1;
} else if (selectOption.child || selectOption.item?.length > 0)// item is a folder and closed use im2
img = selectOption.im2;
} else// item is a leaf use im0
img = selectOption.im0;
//fallback to try and set icon if everything else failed
if (!img) img = selectOption.icon ?? selectOption.im0 ?? selectOption.im1 ?? selectOption.im2;
if (img?.endsWith(".png"))
//sl-icon images need to be svgs if there is a png try to find the corresponding svg
img = img.replace(".png", ".svg");
// lazy iff "child" is set and "item" is empty or item does not exist in the first place
const lazy = (selectOption.item?.length === 0 && selectOption.child) || (selectOption.child && !selectOption.item)
if(expandState && this.autoloading && lazy)
this.updateComplete.then(() =>
this.getDomNode(selectOption.id)?.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("sl-lazy-load"));
const value = selectOption.value ?? selectOption.id;
return html`
exportparts="checkbox, label, item:item-item"
title=${selectOption.tooltip || nothing}
class=${selectOption.class || nothing}
?selected=${typeof this.value == "string" && this.value == value || Array.isArray(this.value) && this.value.includes(value)}
?focused=${selectOption.focused || nothing}
@sl-lazy-load=${(event) => {
// No need for this to bubble up, we'll handle it (otherwise the parent leaf will load too)
this.handleLazyLoading(selectOption).then((result) => {
// TODO: We already have the right option in context. Look into this.getNode(), find out why it's there. It doesn't do a deep search.
const parentNode = selectOption ?? this.getNode(selectOption.id) ?? this.optionSearch(selectOption.id, this._selectOptions, 'id', 'item');
parentNode.item = [...result.item]
@sl-expand=${event => {
if (event.target.id === selectOption.id)
selectOption.open = 1;
@sl-collapse=${event => {
if (event.target.id === selectOption.id)
selectOption.open = 0;
<sl-icon src="${img ?? nothing}"></sl-icon>
<span class="tree-item__label">
${selectOption.label ?? selectOption.text}
${(selectOption.badge) ?
<sl-badge pill variant="neutral">${selectOption.badge}</sl-badge>
` : nothing}
${selectOption.children ? repeat(selectOption.children, this._optionTemplate) : (selectOption.item ? repeat(selectOption.item, this._optionTemplate) : nothing)}
public render(): unknown
return html`
.selection=${/* implement unlinked multiple: this.multiple ? "multiple" :*/ "single"}
(event: any) => {
this._previousOption = this._currentOption ?? (this.value.length ? this.getNode(this.value[0]) : null);
this._currentOption = this.getNode(event.detail.selection[0].id) ?? this.optionSearch(event.detail.selection[0].id, this._selectOptions, 'id', 'item');
const ids = event.detail.selection.map(i => i.id);
// implemented unlinked multiple
if (this.multiple)
const idx = this.value.indexOf(ids[0]);
if (idx < 0)
this.value.splice(idx, 1);
// sync tree-items selected attribute with this.value
this.selectedNodes = [];
Array.from(this._tree.querySelectorAll('sl-tree-item')).forEach((item : SlTreeItem) =>
item.setAttribute("selected", "");
this.value = this.multiple ? ids ?? [] : ids[0] ?? "";
event.detail.previous = this._previousOption?.id;
this._currentSlTreeItem = event.detail.selection[0];
/* implemented unlinked-multiple
this.selectedNodes = event.detail.selection
if(typeof this.onclick == "function")
// wait for the update, so app founds DOM in the expected state
this._tree.updateComplete.then(() => {
this.onclick(event.detail.selection[0].id, this, event.detail.previous)
(event) => {
event.detail.id = event.target.id
event.detail.item = event.target
if (this.onopenstart)
this.onopenstart(event.detail.id, this, 1)
(event) => {
event.detail.id = event.target.id
event.detail.item = event.target
if (this.onopenend)
this.onopenend(event.detail.id, this, -1)
<sl-icon name="chevron-right" slot="expand-icon"></sl-icon>
<sl-icon name="chevron-down" slot="collapse-icon"></sl-icon>
${repeat(this._selectOptions, this._optionTemplate)}
handleLazyLoading(_item: TreeItemData)
let requestLink = egw().link(egw().ajaxUrl(egw().decodePath(this.autoloading)),
id: _item.id
let result: Promise<TreeItemData> = egw().request(requestLink, [])
return result
.then((results) => {
_item = results;
return results;
if(this.actions && !this._actionManager)
// ActionManager creation was missed
this.actions = this._actions;
// Get the top level element for the tree
let objectManager = egw_getAppObjectManager(true);
this.widget_object = objectManager.getObjectById(this.id);
if (this.widget_object == null)
// Add a new container to the object manager which will hold the widget
// objects
this.widget_object = objectManager.insertObject(false, new EgwActionObject(
this.id, objectManager, (new et2_action_object_impl(this, this)).getAOI(),
this._actionManager || objectManager.manager.getActionById(this.id) || objectManager.manager
} else
// @ts-ignore
this.widget_object.setAOI((new et2_action_object_impl(this, this)).getAOI());
// Delete all old objects
// Go over the widget & add links - this is where we decide which actions are
// 'allowed' for this widget at this time
var action_links = this._get_action_links(actions);
//Drop target enabeling
if (typeof this._selectOptions != 'undefined')
let self: Et2Tree = this
// Iterate over the options (leaves) and add action to each one
let apply_actions = function (treeObj: EgwActionObject, option: TreeItemData) {
// Add a new action object to the object manager
let id = option.value ?? (typeof option.id == 'number' ? String(option.id) : option.id);
// @ts-ignore
let obj : EgwActionObject = treeObj.addObject(id, new EgwDragDropShoelaceTree(self, id));
const children = option.children ?? option.item ?? [];
for(let i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
apply_actions.call(this, treeObj, children[i]);
for (const selectOption of this._selectOptions)
apply_actions.call(this, this.widget_object, selectOption)
* Get all action-links / id's of 1.-level actions from a given action object
* This can be overwritten to not allow all actions, by not returning them here.
* @param actions
* @returns {Array}
var action_links = [];
for (var i in actions)
var action = actions[i];
action_links.push(typeof action.id != 'undefined' ? action.id : i);
return action_links;
* @param _id to search for
* @param data{TreeItemData[]} structure to search in
* @return {TreeItemData} node with the given _id or null
* @private
private _search(_id: string|number, data: TreeItemData[]): TreeItemData
let res: TreeItemData = null
if (_id == undefined)
return null
if (typeof _id === "number")
_id = _id + "";
for (const value of data)
if (value.id === _id)
res = value
return res
else if(_id?.startsWith(value.id) && typeof value.item !== "undefined")
res = this._search(_id, value.item)
return res
* checks whether item should be drawn open or closed
* also sets selectOption.open if necessary
* @param selectOption
* @returns true iff item is in expanded state
private calculateExpandState = (selectOption: TreeItemData) => {
if (selectOption.open)
return true
// TODO: Move this mail-specific stuff into mail
if(selectOption.id && (selectOption.id.endsWith("INBOX") || selectOption.id == window.egw.preference("ActiveProfileID", "mail")))
selectOption.open = 1
return true
return false;
private _deleteItem(_id, list)
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
const value = list[i];
if (value.id === _id)
list.splice(i, 1)
} else if (_id.startsWith(value.id))
this._deleteItem(_id, value.item)
* returns the closest SlItem to the click position, and the corresponding EgwActionObject
* @param _event the click event
* @returns { target:SlTreeItem, action:EgwActionObject }
findActionTarget(_event): { target: SlTreeItem, action: EgwActionObject }
let e = _event.composedPath ? _event : _event.originalEvent;
let target = e.composedPath().find(element => {
return element.tagName == "SL-TREE-ITEM"
let action: EgwActionObject = this.widget_object.children.find(elem => {
return elem.id == target.id
return {target: target, action: action}
customElements.define("et2-tree", Et2Tree); |