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synced 2025-03-09 20:41:26 +01:00
- Allow up / down arrow keys to trigger a blank search. Due to the above bug, many users were doing this anyway.
378 lines
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378 lines
9.7 KiB
* Javascript file for AJAX select widget
* @author Nathan Gray <nathangray@sourceforge.net>
* @param widget_id the id of the ajax_select_widget
* @param onchange function to call if the value of the select widget is changed
* @param options the query object containing callback and settings
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage extensions
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @version $Id$
//xajaxDebug = 1;
var current_app = 'etemplate';
* Settings for the timeout to prevent flooding the server with requests
* Adjust ajax_select_timeout to change how long to wait before sending the request (in ms)
var ajax_select_timer_id = 0;
var ajax_select_timeout = 300;
function ajax_select_widget_setup(widget_id, onchange, options, currentapp) {
current_app = currentapp;
if(onchange) {
if(onchange == 1) {
onchange = function() {submitit(this.form, this.value);};
} else {
eval("onchange = function(e) { " + onchange + ";}");
var value = document.getElementById(widget_id + '[value]');
if(value) {
if(value.addEventListener) {
value.addEventListener('change', onchange, true);
} else {
var old = (value.onchange) ? value.onchange : function() {};
value.onchange = function(e) {
var widget = document.getElementById(widget_id + '[search]');
if(widget) {
widget.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
if(widget.addEventListener) {
widget.addEventListener('keydown', checkKey, true);
widget.addEventListener('keyup', timer_change, false);
widget.addEventListener('blur', hideBox, false);
} else {
widget.onkeyup = timer_change;
widget.onblur = hideBox;
widget.onkeydown = checkKey;
// Set results
var results = document.createElement('div');
results.id = widget_id + '[results]';
results.className = 'resultBox';
results.style.position = 'absolute';
// check if IE, if it is, fix the position
if (document.all) {
results.style.marginLeft = 0 - widget.offsetWidth - 2 * widget.offsetLeft - 1;
results.style.marginTop = widget.offsetHeight + 1;
results.style.zIndex = 50;
results.options = options;
results.innerHTML = "";
var value = document.getElementById(widget_id + '[value]');
if(value) {
value.style.display = 'none';
function checkKey(e, value) {
if(!e) {
var e = window.event;
* We check for Tab, Up and Down
if (e.keyCode != '9' // Tab
&& e.keyCode != '38' && e.keyCode != '63232' // Up
&& e.keyCode != '40' && e.keyCode != '63233' // Down
) return; // The user has not pressed anything we're interested in
if(e.target) {
var target = e.target;
} else if (e.srcElement) {
var target = e.srcElement;
if(target) {
if (target.nodeType == 3) { // defeat Safari bug
target = target.parentNode;
var id = target.id;
var base_id = id.substr(0, id.lastIndexOf('['));
var results = document.getElementById(base_id + '[results]');
// Consume event so search doesn't go
if(results.childNodes.length > 0) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
if(e.stopPropegation) e.stopPropegation();
} else {
return false;
// Up and down arrows
switch (e.keyCode) {
// Up
case 38:
case 63232:
if(results.current) {
results.current.className = results.current.className.replace(' resultBoxSelected','');
if(results.current && results.current.previousSibling && results.current.previousSibling.childNodes.length > 2) {
results.current = results.current.previousSibling;
} else {
var elements = results.childNodes;
results.current = elements[elements.length - 1];
results.current.className += ' resultBoxSelected';
// Down
case 40:
case 63233:
if(results.current) {
results.current.className = results.current.className.replace(' resultBoxSelected','');
if(results.current && results.current.nextSibling && results.current.nextSibling.childNodes.length > 2) {
results.current = results.current.nextSibling;
} else {
var elements = results.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elem = elements.item(i);
if (elem.value) {
results.current = elem;
break; // We have found the first selection
results.current.className += ' resultBoxSelected';
// Tab: Select current element
case 9:
var elem;
if(results.current && results.current.value) {
elem = results.current;
} else {
var elements = document.getElementById(base_id + '[results]').childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elem = elements.item(i);
if (elem.value) {
break; // We have found the first selection
if (!elem) return;
var event;
if(document.createEvent && document.dispatchEvent) {
// Most
event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent('click', true, true);
} else {
// IE
event = document.createEventObject();
elem.fireEvent('onclick', event);
* Set a timeout to prevent user from flooding the server with requests as
* they type. Waits to see if the user is still typing before sending the
* request. Adjust ajax_select_timeout to change how long to wait (in ms).
function timer_change(e, value) {
if ( ajax_select_timer_id != 0) {
ajax_select_timer_id = setTimeout(
function() {
change(e, value);
function change(e, value) {
if(!e) {
var e = window.event;
if(e.target) {
var target = e.target;
} else if (e.srcElement) {
var target = e.srcElement;
if(target) {
if (target.nodeType == 3) { // defeat Safari bug
target = target.parentNode;
var id = target.id;
var value = target.value;
} else if (e) {
var id = e;
if(value) {
var value = value;
} else {
var value = e.value;
var set_id = id.substr(0, id.lastIndexOf('['));
var base_id = id.substr(0, id.lastIndexOf('['));
if(document.getElementById(base_id + '[results]')) {
set_id = base_id + '[results]';
// Tab doesn't trigger the search
if(e.keyCode == 9 ) {
} else {
set_id = base_id + '[search]';
var query = document.getElementById(set_id).options;
if(document.getElementById(base_id + '[filter]')) {
query.filter = document.getElementById(base_id + '[filter]').value;
// Hide selectboxes for IE
if(document.all) {
var selects = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
for(var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) {
selects[i].style.visibility = 'hidden';
xajax_doXMLHTTP(current_app + ".ajax_select_widget.ajax_search.etemplate", id, value, set_id, query);
/* Remove options from a results box
* @param id - The id of the select
function remove_ajax_results(id) {
if(document.getElementById(id)) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element.tagName == 'DIV') {
element.innerHTML = '';
/* Add an option to a result box
* @param id - The id of the result box
* @param key - The key of the option
* @param value - The value of the option
* @param row - The html for the row to display
function add_ajax_result(id, key, value, row) {
var resultbox = document.getElementById(id);
if(resultbox) {
if (resultbox.tagName == 'DIV') {
var base_id = resultbox.id.substr(0, resultbox.id.lastIndexOf('['));
var search_id = base_id + '[search]';
var value_id = base_id + '[value]';
resultbox.style.display = 'block';
var result = document.createElement('div');
result.className = (resultbox.childNodes.length % 2) ? 'row_on' : 'row_off';
if(key) {
result.value = new Object();
result.value.key = key;
result.value.value = value;
result.value.search_id = search_id;
result.value.value_id = value_id;
result.innerHTML = row;
// when they click, add that item to the value hidden textbox
if(result.addEventListener) {
result.addEventListener('click', select_result, true);
} else {
result.onclick = select_result;
} else {
result.innerHTML += row + "<br />";
function select_result(e) {
// when they click, add that item to the value textbox & call onchange()
if(!e) {
var e = window.event;
if(e.target) {
var target = e.target;
} else if (e.srcElement) {
var target = e.srcElement;
while(!target.value && target != document) {
target = target.parentNode;
var value = document.getElementById(target.value.value_id);
var search = document.getElementById(target.value.search_id);
if(value) {
value.value = target.value.key;
if(search) {
var string = target.value.value;
string = string.replace(/&/g, '&');
string = string.replace(/</g, '<');
string = string.replace(/>/g, '>');
search.value = string;
var event;
if(document.createEvent) {
// Most
event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent('change', true, true);
return value.dispatchEvent(event);
} else {
// IE
event = document.createEventObject();
return value.fireEvent('onchange', event);
function hideBox(e) {
if(!e) {
var e = window.event;
if(e.target) {
var target = e.target;
} else if (e.srcElement) {
var target = e.srcElement;
if(target) {
if (target.nodeType == 3) { // defeat Safari bug
target = target.parentNode;
var set_id = target.id.substr(0, target.id.lastIndexOf('[')) + '[results]';
setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + set_id + "').style.display = 'none'", 200);
var selects = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
// Un-hide select boxes for IE
if(document.all) {
for(var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) {
selects[i].style.visibility = 'visible';