
306 lines
9.7 KiB

* phpGroupWare - Setup *
* *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
// NOTE: Please use spaces to seperate the field names. It makes copy and pasting easier.
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_config (
config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
config_value varchar(100),
UNIQUE config_name (config_name)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_applications (
app_name varchar(25) NOT NULL,
app_title varchar(50),
app_enabled int,
app_order int,
app_tables varchar(255),
app_version varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0.0',
UNIQUE app_name (app_name)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_accounts (
account_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
account_lid varchar(25) NOT NULL,
account_pwd varchar(32) NOT NULL,
account_firstname varchar(50),
account_lastname varchar(50),
account_lastlogin int(11),
account_lastloginfrom varchar(255),
account_lastpwd_change int(11),
account_status enum('A','L'),
account_type char(1),
PRIMARY KEY (account_id),
UNIQUE account_lid (account_lid)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_preferences (
preference_owner int,
preference_value text
$sql = "CREATE TABLE preferences (
preference_owner int,
preference_value text
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_sessions (
session_id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
session_lid varchar(255),
session_ip varchar(255),
session_logintime int(11),
session_dla int(11),
session_action varchar(255),
UNIQUE sessionid (session_id)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_acl (
acl_appname varchar(50),
acl_location varchar(255),
acl_account int,
acl_account_type char(1),
acl_rights int
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_app_sessions (
sessionid varchar(255) NOT NULL,
loginid varchar(20),
location varchar(255),
app varchar(20),
content text
$sql = "create table phpgw_access_log (
sessionid varchar(255),
loginid varchar(30),
ip varchar(30),
li int,
lo varchar(255)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE profiles (
con int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
owner varchar(20),
title varchar(255),
phone_number varchar(255),
comments text,
picture_format varchar(255),
picture blob,
$sql = "CREATE TABLE addressbook (
ab_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
ab_owner varchar(25),
ab_access varchar(10),
ab_firstname varchar(255),
ab_lastname varchar(255),
ab_email varchar(255),
ab_hphone varchar(255),
ab_wphone varchar(255),
ab_fax varchar(255),
ab_pager varchar(255),
ab_mphone varchar(255),
ab_ophone varchar(255),
ab_street varchar(255),
ab_city varchar(255),
ab_state varchar(255),
ab_zip varchar(255),
ab_bday varchar(255),
ab_notes text,
ab_company varchar(255),
ab_company_id int(10) unsigned,
ab_title varchar(60),
ab_address2 varchar(60),
ab_url varchar(255),
$sql = "CREATE TABLE customers (
company_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
company_name varchar(255),
website varchar(80),
ftpsite varchar(80),
industry_type varchar(50),
status varchar(30),
software varchar(40),
lastjobnum int(10) unsigned,
lastjobfinished date,
busrelationship varchar(30),
notes text,
PRIMARY KEY (company_id)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE todo (
todo_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
todo_id_parent int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
todo_owner varchar(25),
todo_access varchar(10),
todo_des text,
todo_pri int(11),
todo_status int(11),
todo_datecreated int(11),
todo_startdate int(11),
todo_enddate int(11),
PRIMARY KEY (todo_id)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE calendar_entry (
cal_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
cal_owner int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cal_group varchar(255),
cal_datetime int(11),
cal_mdatetime int(11),
cal_edatetime int(11),
cal_priority int(11) DEFAULT '2' NOT NULL,
cal_type varchar(10),
cal_access varchar(10),
cal_name varchar(80) NOT NULL,
cal_description text,
PRIMARY KEY (cal_id)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE calendar_entry_repeats (
cal_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cal_type enum('daily','weekly','monthlyByDay','monthlyByDate','yearly') DEFAULT 'daily' NOT NULL,
cal_use_end int DEFAULT '0',
cal_end int(11),
cal_frequency int(11) DEFAULT '1',
cal_days char(7)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE calendar_entry_user (
cal_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cal_login int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cal_status char(1) DEFAULT 'A',
PRIMARY KEY (cal_id, cal_login)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE newsgroups (
con int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
messagecount int(11) NOT NULL,
lastmessage int(11) NOT NULL,
active char DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,
lastread int(11),
UNIQUE name (name)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE news_msg (
con int(11) NOT NULL,
msg int(11) NOT NULL,
uid varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
udate int(11) DEFAULT 0,
path varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
fromadd varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
toadd varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
ccadd varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
bccadd varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
reply_to varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
sender varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
return_path varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
subject varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
message_id varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
reference varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
in_reply_to varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
follow_up_to varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
nntp_posting_host varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
nntp_posting_date varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
x_complaints_to varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
x_trace varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
x_abuse_info varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
x_mailer varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
organization varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
content_type varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
content_description varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
content_transfer_encoding varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
mime_version varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
msgsize int(11) DEFAULT 0,
msglines int(11) DEFAULT 0,
body longtext NOT NULL,
primary key(con,msg)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE lang (
message_id varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
app_name varchar(100) DEFAULT 'common' NOT NULL,
lang varchar(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (message_id,app_name,lang)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE phpgw_categories (
cat_id int(9) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
cat_parent int(9) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cat_owner int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cat_appname varchar(50) NOT NULL,
cat_name varchar(150) NOT NULL,
cat_description varchar(255) NOT NULL,
cat_data text,
PRIMARY KEY (cat_id)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE languages (
lang_id varchar(2) NOT NULL,
lang_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
available char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'No',
PRIMARY KEY (lang_id)
$sql = "CREATE TABLE notes (
note_id int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
note_owner int(11),
note_date int(11),
note_content text,
PRIMARY KEY (note_id)
$sql = "create table phpgw_hooks (
hook_id int not null auto_increment,
hook_appname varchar(255),
hook_location varchar(255),
hook_filename varchar(255),
primary key hook_id (hook_id)
$phpgw_info["setup"]["currentver"]["phpgwapi"] = "0.9.10pre9";
$phpgw_info["setup"]["oldver"]["phpgwapi"] = $phpgw_info["setup"]["currentver"]["phpgwapi"];
// $phpgw_setup->update_version_table();