2002-04-02 21:13:11 +00:00

428 lines
15 KiB

access common fi Käyttöoikeus
access not permitted common fi Ei pääsyä
acl common fi ACL
active common fi Aktiivinen
add common fi Lisää
add category common fi Lisää luokka
add x category for common fi Lisää %1 luokka
add sub common fi Lisää ala
admin common fi Admin
administration common fi Ylläpto
afghanistan common fi AFGANISTAN
albania common fi ALBANIA
algeria common fi ALGERIA
all common fi Kaikki
american samoa common fi AMERIKAN SAMOA
andorra common fi ANDORRA
angola common fi ANGOLA
anguilla common fi ANGUILLA
antarctica common fi ETELÄNAPAMANNER
antigua and barbuda common fi ANTIGUA JA BARBUDA
april common fi Huhtikuu
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common fi Haluatko poistaa kohteen?
argentina common fi ARGENTIINA
armenia common fi ARMENIA
aruba common fi ARUBA
august common fi Elokuu
australia common fi AUSTRALIA
austria common fi ITÄVALTA
author common fi Luonut
autosave default category common fi Tallenna oletusluokka automaattisesti
azerbaijan common fi AZERBAIJAN
back common fi Takaisin
bad login or password login fi Tunnus tai salasana ei kelpaa
bahamas common fi BAHAMA
bahrain common fi BAHRAIN
bangladesh common fi BANGLADESH
barbados common fi BARBADOS
belarus common fi VALKOVENÄJÄ
belgium common fi BELGIA
belize common fi BELIZE
benin common fi BENIN
bermuda common fi BERMUDA
bhutan common fi BHUTAN
bolivia common fi BOLIVIA
bosnia and herzegovina common fi BOSNIA JA HERZEGOVINA
botswana common fi BOTSWANA
bouvet island common fi BOUVET SAARET
brazil common fi BRASILIA
british indian ocean territory common fi BRITTILÄINEN INTIAN VALTAMEREN ALUA
brunei darussalam common fi BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
bulgaria common fi BULGARIA
burkina faso common fi BURKINA FASO
burundi common fi BURUNDI
cambodia common fi KAMPUTSEA
cameroon common fi CAMERUN
canada common fi KANADA
cancel common fi Peruuta
cape verde common fi CAPE VERDE
categories common fi Luokat
categories for common fi luokat kohteelle
category common fi Luokka
category x has been added ! common fi Luokka %1 lisätty !
category x has been updated ! common fi Luokka %1 päivitetty !
cayman islands common fi CAYMAN SAARET
central african republic common fi KESKI-AFRIKAN TASAVALTA
chad common fi CHAD
change common fi Muuta
charset common fi iso-8859-1
chile common fi CHILE
china common fi KIINA
choose the category common fi Valitse luokka
choose the parent category common fi Valitse yläluokka
christmas island common fi JOULUSAARET
clear common fi Tyhjennä
clear form common fi Tyhjennä lomake
cocos (keeling) islands common fi KOOKOSSAARET (KEELING)
colombia common fi KOLUMBIA
comoros common fi COMOROS
congo common fi KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common fi KONGON KANSANTASAVALTA
cook islands common fi COOK-SAARET
copy common fi Kopioi
costa rica common fi COSTA RICA
cote d ivoire common fi NORSUNLUURANNIKKO
create common fi Luo
created by common fi Luonut
croatia common fi KROATIA
cuba common fi KUUBA
currency common fi Valuutta
current common fi Nykyinen
current users common fi Nykyiset käyttäjät
cyprus common fi KYPROS
czech republic common fi TSEKIN TASAVALTA
date common fi Päivä
date due common fi Takaraja
december common fi Joulukuu
default category common fi Oletusluokka
delete common fi Poista
denmark common fi TANSKA
description common fi Kuvaus
detail common fi Tieto
details common fi Tiedot
disabled common fi Ei käytössä
djibouti common fi DJIBOUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common fi Poistetaanko myös kaikki alaluokat?
dominica common fi DOMINICA
dominican republic common fi DOMINIKAANINEN TASAVALTA
done common fi Valmis
e-mail common fi E-Mail
east timor common fi ITÄ-TIMOR
ecuador common fi ECUADOR
edit common fi Muokkaa
edit categories common fi Muokkaa luokkia
edit category common fi Muokkaa luokkaa
edit x category for common fi Muokkaa %1 luokkaa
egypt common fi EGYPTI
el salvador common fi EL SALVADOR
email common fi E-Mail
enabled common fi Käytössä
end date common fi Loppumispäivä
end time common fi Loppumisaika
entry has been deleted sucessfully common fi Kohde poistettu
entry updated sucessfully common fi Kohde päivitetty
equatorial guinea common fi EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common fi ERITREA
error common fi Virhe
error creating x x directory common fi Virhe luotaessa hakemistoa %1%2
error deleting x x directory common fi Virhe poistettaessa hakemistoa %1%2
error renaming x x directory common fi Virhe vaihdettasessa hakemisto %1%2 nimeä
estonia common fi VIRO
ethiopia common fi ETIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common fi FALKLAND-SAARET
faroe islands common fi FÄRSAARET
february common fi Helmikuu
fields common fi Kentät
fiji common fi FIJI
files common fi Tiedostot
filter common fi Rajaus
finland common fi SUOMI
first name common fi Etunimi
firstname common fi Etunimi
force selectbox common fi Pakota-valintalista
france common fi RANSKA
french guiana common fi RANSKAN GUINEA
french polynesia common fi RANSKAN POLYNESIA
french southern territories common fi RANSKAN ETELÄISET SIIRTOMAAT
friday common fi Perjantai
ftp common fi FTP
gabon common fi GABON
gambia common fi GAMBIA
georgia common fi GEORGIA
germany common fi SAKSA
ghana common fi GHANA
gibraltar common fi GIBRALTAR
global common fi Yleinen
global public common fi Yleinen Julkinen
grant access common fi Anna pääsy
greece common fi KREIKKA
greenland common fi GRÖNLANTI
grenada common fi GRENADA
group common fi Ryhmä
group access common fi Ryhmän pääsy
group public common fi Ryhmä Julkinen
groups common fi Ryhmät
guadeloupe common fi GUADELOUPE
guam common fi GUAM
guatemala common fi GUATEMALA
guinea common fi GUINEA
guinea-bissau common fi GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana common fi GUYANA
haiti common fi HAITI
heard island and mcdonald islands common fi HEARD-SAARET JA MCDONALD-SAARET
help common fi Ohje
high common fi Korkea
highest common fi Korkein
holy see (vatican city state) common fi VATIKAANI
home common fi Koti
honduras common fi HONDURAS
hong kong common fi HONG KONG
hungary common fi UNKARI
iceland common fi ISLANTI
india common fi INTIA
indonesia common fi INDONESIA
iran, islamic republic of common fi IRANIN ISLAMILAINEN TASAVALTA
iraq common fi IRAQ
ireland common fi IRLANTI
israel common fi ISRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common fi It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common fi It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
italy common fi ITALIA
jamaica common fi JAMAICA
january common fi Tammikuu
japan common fi JAPANI
jordan common fi JORDANIA
july common fi Heinäkuu
june common fi Kesäkuu
kazakstan common fi KAZAKSTAN
kenya common fi KENIA
kiribati common fi KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common fi KOREAN DEMOKRAATTINEN KANSANTASAVALTA
korea, republic of common fi KOREAN TASAVALTA
kuwait common fi KUWAIT
kyrgyzstan common fi KYRGYZSTAN
language common fi Kieli
lao peoples democratic republic common fi LAON DEMOKRAATTINEN KANSANTASAVALTA
last name common fi Sukunimi
lastname common fi Sukunimi
latvia common fi LATVIA
lebanon common fi LIBANON
lesotho common fi LESOTHO
liberia common fi LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common fi LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
liechtenstein common fi LIECHTENSTEIN
list common fi Lista
lithuania common fi LIETTUA
login common fi Kirjaudu
logout common fi Poistu
low common fi Matala
lowest common fi Matalin
luxembourg common fi LUXEMBURG
macau common fi MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common fi MAKEDONIA, ENTINEN JUGOSLAVIAN TASAVALTA
madagascar common fi MADAGASCAR
main category common fi Pääluokka
main screen common fi Päänäyttö
malawi common fi MALAWI
malaysia common fi MALESIA
maldives common fi MALEDIIVIT
mali common fi MALI
malta common fi MALTA
manual common fi Käsin
march common fi Maaliskuu
marshall islands common fi MARSHALL-SAARET
martinique common fi MARTINIQUE
mauritania common fi MAURITANIA
mauritius common fi MAURITIUS
may common fi Toukokuu
mayotte common fi MAYOTTE
medium common fi Normaali
message common fi Viesti
mexico common fi MEKSIKO
micronesia, federated states of common fi MICRONESIAN LIITTOVALTIO
moldova, republic of common fi MOLDOVAN TASAVALTA
monaco common fi MONACO
monday common fi Maanantai
mongolia common fi MONGOLIA
montserrat common fi MONTSERRAT
morocco common fi MAROCCO
mozambique common fi MOZAMBIQUE
myanmar common fi MYANMAR
name common fi Nimi
namibia common fi NAMIBIA
nauru common fi NAURU
nepal common fi NEPAL
netherlands common fi ALANKOMAAT (HOLLANTI)
netherlands antilles common fi ALANKOMAIDEN ANTILLIT
new caledonia common fi UUSI KALEDONIA
new entry added sucessfully common fi Uusi kohde lisätty
new main category common fi Uusi pääluokka
new zealand common fi UUSI SEELANTI
next common fi Seuraava
nicaragua common fi NICARAGUA
niger common fi NIGER
nigeria common fi NIGERIA
niue common fi NIUE
no common fi Ei
no subject common fi Ei aihetta
none common fi Ei mitään
norfolk island common fi NORFOLK ISLAND
normal common fi Normaali
northern mariana islands common fi POHJOISET MARIAANIEN SAARET
norway common fi NORJA
note common fi Viesti
notes common fi Viestit
notify window common fi Huomautusikkuna
november common fi Marraskuu
october common fi Lokakuu
ok common fi OK
oman common fi OMAN
only yours common fi vain sinun
open notify window common fi Avaa huomautusikkuna
original common fi Alkuperäinen
other common fi Muu
overview common fi Yleiset
owner common fi Omistaja
pakistan common fi PAKISTAN
palau common fi PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common fi PALESTIINALAISET ALUEET, MIEHITETYT
panama common fi PANAMA
papua new guinea common fi PAPUA UUSI GUINEA
paraguay common fi PARAGUAY
parent category common fi Yläluokka
password common fi Salasana
password has been updated common fi Salasana päivitetty
personal common fi Henkilökohtainen
peru common fi PERU
philippines common fi FILIPPIINIT
pitcairn common fi PITCAIRN
please enter a name common fi Anna nimi !
please run setup to become current common fi Aja setup-sovellus päivittääksesi
please set your preferences for this application common fi Tarkista tämän sovelluksen asetukset
poland common fi PUOLA
portugal common fi PORTUGALI
powered by phpgroupware version x common fi Tämä on <a href="">phpGroupWare</a> versio %1
preferences common fi Asetukset
print common fi Tulosta
priority common fi Tärkeys
private common fi Yksityinen
public common fi julkinen
puerto rico common fi PUERTO RICO
qatar common fi QATAR
read common fi Lue
rename common fi Nimeä uudelleen
reunion common fi REUNION
romania common fi ROMANIA
russian federation common fi VENÄJÄN FEDERAATIO
rwanda common fi RWANDA
saint helena common fi SAINT HELENA
saint kitts and nevis common fi SAINT KITTS JA NEVIS
saint lucia common fi SAINT LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon common fi SAINT PIERRE JA MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines common fi SAINT VINCENT JA GRENADIINIT
samoa common fi SAMOA
san marino common fi SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common fi SAO TOME JA PRINCIPE
saturday common fi Lauantai
saudi arabia common fi SAUDI ARABIA
save common fi Tallenna
search common fi Etsi
section common fi Osio
select category common fi Valitse luokka
senegal common fi SENEGAL
september common fi Syyskuu
session has been killed common fi Istunto keskeytetty
seychelles common fi SEYCHELLES
show all common fi näytä kaikki
showing x common fi näytän %1
showing x - x of x common fi näytän %1 - %2 / %3
sierra leone common fi SIERRA LEONE
singapore common fi SINGAPORE
slovakia common fi SLOVAKIA
slovenia common fi SLOVENIA
solomon islands common fi SOLOMON SAARET
somalia common fi SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired login fi Valitan, käyttäjätunnuksesi on vanhentunut
south africa common fi ETELÄ-AFRIKKA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common fi ETELÄ-GEORGIA JA ETELÄISET SANDWICH-SAARET
spain common fi ESPANJA
sri lanka common fi SRI LANKA
start date common fi Alkupäivä
start time common fi Alkuaika
status common fi Tila
subject common fi Aihe
submit common fi Lähetä
sudan common fi SUDAN
sunday common fi Sunnuntai
suriname common fi SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen common fi SVALBARD JA JAN MAYEN
swaziland common fi SWAZIMAA
sweden common fi RUOTSI
switzerland common fi SVEITSI
syrian arab republic common fi SYYRIAN ARABITASAVALTA
taiwan, province of china common fi TAIWAN, KIINAN PROVINSSI
tajikistan common fi TAJIKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of common fi TANSANIA, YHDISTYNYT TASAVALTA
thailand common fi THAIMAA
the api is current common fi API on ajan tasalla
the api requires an upgrade common fi API vaatii päivityksen
the following applications require upgrades common fi Nämä sovellukset vaativat päivityksen
this application is current common fi Sovellus on ajan tasalla
this application requires an upgrade common fi Sovellus vaatii päivityksen
this name has been used already common fi Nimi on jo käytössä !
thursday common fi Torstai
time common fi Aika
time zone common fi Aikavyöhyke
time zone offset common fi Aikaero
title common fi Otsikko
togo common fi TOGO
tokelau common fi TOKELAU
tonga common fi TONGA
total common fi Yhteensä
trinidad and tobago common fi TRINIDAD JA TOBAGO
tuesday common fi Tiistai
tunisia common fi TUNISIA
turkey common fi TURKKI
turkmenistan common fi TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands common fi TURKS JA CAICOS -SAARET
tuvalu common fi TUVALU
uganda common fi UGANDA
ukraine common fi UKRAINA
united arab emirates common fi YHDISTYNEET ARABIEMIRAATIT
united kingdom common fi YHDISTYNEET KUNINGASKUNNAT
united states common fi YHDYSVALLAT
united states minor outlying islands common fi YHDYSVALTOJEN SAARIOSAVALTIOT
unknown common fi Tuntematon
update common fi Päivitä
url common fi URL
uruguay common fi URUGUAY
user common fi Käyttäjä
username common fi Käyttäjätunnus
users common fi käyttäjät
users choice common fi Käyttäjä valitsee
uzbekistan common fi UZBEKISTAN
vanuatu common fi VANUATU
venezuela common fi VENEZUELA
viet nam common fi VIETNAM
view common fi Näytä
virgin islands, british common fi NEITSYTSAARET, U.K.
virgin islands, u.s. common fi NEITSYTSAARET, U.S.
wallis and futuna common fi WALLIS JA FUTUNA
wednesday common fi Keskiviikko
western sahara common fi LÄNSI-SAHARA
which groups common fi Mitkä ryhmät
written by: common fi Kirjoittanut:
yemen common fi JEMEN
yes common fi Kyllä
you are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for common fi phpGroupWare:n versio on uudempi kuin tietokannan rakenne.
you have been successfully logged out login fi Istuntosi on päättynyt
you have selected an invalid date common fi Päivä ei kelpaa !
you have selected an invalid main category common fi Pääluokka ei kelpaa !
your search returned 1 match common fi haku palautti yhden kohteen
your search returned x matchs common fi haku palautti %1 kohdetta
your session could not be verified. login fi Istuntoasi ei voitu varmentaa.
your settings have been updated common fi Asetukset päivitetty
yugoslavia common fi JUGOSLAVIA
zambia common fi ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common fi ZIMBABWE