
384 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/php -q
* eGroupWare - Setup - db-schema-processor - unit tests *
* *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* Written by Ralf Becker <> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
// For security reasons we exit by default if called via the webserver
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))
die ('Access denied !!!');
// the used domain has to be given as first parameter if called on the commandline or as domain= on the url
if (!isset($_GET['domain']))
$_GET['domain'] = $_SERVER['argc'] > 1 ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : 'default';
$path_to_egroupware = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../..'); // need to be adapted if this script is moved somewhere else
$phpgw_info = array(
'flags' => array(
'disable_Template_class' => True,
'login' => True,
'currentapp' => 'login',
'noheader' => True,
include ($path_to_egroupware.'/');
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['asyncservice'] = 'off';
// now we should have a valid db-connection
$adodb = &$GLOBALS['phpgw']->ADOdb;
$db = &$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) echo "<pre>\n";
echo "Serverinfo: Domain $_GET[domain]: $db->Type($db->Database)\n";
// creating a schema_proc instance
$schema_proc = CreateObject('phpgwapi.schema_proc',$db->Type);
$schema_proc->debug = isset($_GET['debug']) ? $_GET['debug'] : ($_SERVER['argc'] > 2 ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : 0);
if ($schema_proc->debug > 1) $adodb->debug = true;
// define a test-table to create
$test_tables = array(
'schema_proc_test' => array(
'fd' => array(
'test_auto' => array('type' => 'auto'),
'test_int4' => array('type' => 'int','precision' => '4'),
'test_varchar' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision' => '128'),
'test_char' => array('type' => 'char','precision' => '10'),
'test_timestamp' => array('type' => 'timestamp','default'=>'current_timestamp'),
'test_text' => array('type' => 'text'),
'test_blob' => array('type' => 'blob'),
'pk' => array('test_auto'),
'fk' => array(),
'ix' => array(array('test_char','test_varchar'),'test_varchar',array('test_text','options'=>array('mysql'=>'FULLTEXT','sapdb'=>false,'maxdb'=>false,'pgsql'=>false,'mssql'=>false))),
'uc' => array('test_char')
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['login']['table_defs'] = &$test_tables; // to be able to use db::insert and db::update
// droping test-tables, if they are there from a previous failed run
foreach($adodb->MetaTables() as $table)
$table = strtolower($table);
if (strstr($table,'schema_proc'))
$aSql = $schema_proc->dict->DropTableSQL($table);
$schema_proc->ExecuteSqlArray($aSql,1,"DropTableSQL('%1') = %2",$table,$aSql);
echo "Creating table(s):\n";
foreach($test_tables as $name => $definition)
echo "$name:\n";
$columns = $adodb->MetaColumns($name);
if (!$columns || count($columns) <= 0)
die("\n\n!!! Table '$name' has NOT been created !!!\n\n");
// check if all columns are there
foreach($definition['fd'] as $column => $data)
if (!isset($columns[$column]) && !isset($columns[strtoupper($column)]))
die ("\n\n!!! Column '$column' is missing !!!\n\n");
// check if all indexes are there
$indexes = $adodb->MetaIndexes($name,true);
if ($indexes !== False)
foreach(array('ix','uc') as $kind)
foreach($definition[$kind] as $key => $idx)
if (count($definition['pk'])) check_index($definition['pk'],True,$indexes);
echo $indexes !== False ? "==> SUCCESS\n" : "==> unchecked\n";
echo "Inserting some content:\n";
$adodb->Execute("INSERT INTO schema_proc_test (test_int4,test_varchar,test_char) VALUES (1,'Hallo Ralf','0123456789')");
//$adodb->Execute("INSERT INTO schema_proc_test (test_int4,test_varchar,test_char) VALUES (2,'Hallo wer noch?','9876543210')");
'test_int4' => 2,
'test_varchar' => 'Hallo wer noch?',
'test_char' => '9876543210',
'test_text' => 'This is a test-value for the text-column, insert-value',
'test_blob' => 'This is a test-value for the blob-column, insert-value',
check_content($adodb->GetAll("SELECT * FROM schema_proc_test"),array(
'test_auto' => 1, 'test_int4' => 1, 'test_varchar' => 'Hallo Ralf','test_char' => '0123456789',
'test_auto' => 2, 'test_int4' => 2, 'test_varchar' => 'Hallo wer noch?','test_char' => '9876543210',
'test_text' => 'This is a test-value for the text-column, insert-value',
'test_blob' => 'This is a test-value for the blob-column, insert-value',
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
echo "Updating the text- and blob-columns\n";
// updating blob's and other columns
'test_int4' => 99,
'test_char' => 'abcdefghij',
'test_text' => 'This is a test-value for the text-column',
'test_blob' => 'This is a test-value for the blob-column',
// updating only the blob's
'test_text' => 'This is a test-value for the text-column, 2.row',
'test_blob' => 'This is a test-value for the blob-column, 2.row',
// db::update uses UpdateBlob only for MaxDB at the moment, it works for MySql too, but fails for postgres with text / CLOB's
// $adodb->UpdateBlob('schema_proc_test','test_text','This is a test-value for the text-column, 2.row','test_auto=2','CLOB');
// $adodb->UpdateBlob('schema_proc_test','test_blob','This is a test-value for the blob-column, 2.row','test_auto=2','BLOB');
check_content($adodb->GetAll("SELECT * FROM schema_proc_test"),array(
'test_auto' => 1, 'test_int4' => 99, 'test_varchar' => 'Hallo Ralf','test_char' => 'abcdefghij',
'test_text' => 'This is a test-value for the text-column',
'test_blob'=>'This is a test-value for the blob-column',
'test_auto' => 2, 'test_int4' => 2, 'test_varchar' => 'Hallo wer noch?','test_char' => '9876543210',
'test_text' => 'This is a test-value for the text-column, 2.row',
'test_blob'=>'This is a test-value for the blob-column, 2.row',
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
echo "Droping column test_blob:\n";
$new_table_def = $test_tables['schema_proc_test'];
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
echo "Altering column test_char to varchar(32):\n";
$schema_proc->AlterColumn('schema_proc_test','test_char',array('type' => 'varchar','precision' => 32));
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
echo "Adding column test_bool bool:\n";
$schema_proc->AddColumn('schema_proc_test','test_bool',array('type' => 'bool'));
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
echo "Renaming column test_timestamp to test_time:\n";
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
echo "Renaming table schema_proc_test to schema_proc_renamed:\n";
$tables = $adodb->MetaTables();
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
echo "Renaming column (with index) test_varchar to test_varchar_renamed:\n";
$columns = $adodb->MetaColumns('schema_proc_renamed');
$indexes = $adodb->MetaIndexes('schema_proc_renamed');
if ($indexes !== False)
echo $indexes !== False ? "==> SUCCESS\n" : "==> unchecked\n";
echo "Droping index from renamed column (test_char,test_varchar_renamed):\n";
$indexes = $adodb->MetaIndexes('schema_proc_renamed');
if ($indexes !== False) check_index(array('test_char','test_varchar_renamed'),False,$indexes,False);
echo $indexes !== False ? "==> SUCCESS\n" : "==> unchecked\n";
echo "Inserting some more content\n";
$db->query("INSERT INTO schema_proc_renamed (test_int4,test_varchar_renamed,test_char) VALUES (10,'Hallo Hallo Hallo ...','12345678901234567890123456789012')");
check_content($adodb->GetAll("SELECT * FROM schema_proc_renamed"),array(
array('test_auto' => 1, 'test_int4' => 99, 'test_varchar_renamed' => 'Hallo Ralf','test_char' => 'abcdefghij'),
array('test_auto' => 2, 'test_int4' => 2, 'test_varchar_renamed' => 'Hallo wer noch?','test_char' => '9876543210'),
array('test_auto' => 3, 'test_int4' => 10, 'test_varchar_renamed' => 'Hallo Hallo Hallo ...','test_char' => '12345678901234567890123456789012'),
echo "==> SUCCESS\n";
//echo "Reading back the content:\n";
//$all = $adodb->GetAll("SELECT * FROM schema_proc_renamed");
echo "\nDroping the test-tables again\n";
foreach($adodb->MetaTables() as $table)
$table = strtolower($table);
if (strstr($table,'schema_proc'))
$aSql = $schema_proc->dict->DropTableSQL($table);
$schema_proc->ExecuteSqlArray($aSql,1,"DropTableSQL('%1') = %2",$table,$aSql);
echo "\n********************\n";
echo "*** FULL SUCCESS ***\n";
echo "********************\n";
echo "\nbye ...\n";
* Checks if table $table exists or not, die's with an error-message if the check went wrong
* @param string $table table-name
* @param array $tables array of table-names from call to MetaTables()
* @param boolean $existence=true should we check for existence or none-existence, default existence
function check_table($table,$tables,$existence=True)
$exist = in_array($table,$tables) || in_array(strtoupper($table),$tables);
if ($exist != $existence)
die ("\n\n!!! Table '$table' is ".($existence ? 'missing' : 'still there')." !!!\n\n");
* Checks if $column exists or not, die's with an error-message if the check went wrong
* @param string $column column-name
* @param array $columns array of adodb field objects from MetaColumns($table)
* @param boolean $existence=true should we check for existence or none-existence, default existence
function check_column($column,$columns,$existence=True)
$exist = isset($columns[$column]) || isset($columns[strtoupper($column)]);
if ($exist != $existence)
die ("\n\n!!! Column '$column' is ".($existence ? 'missing' : 'still there')." !!!\n\n");
* Checks the type of a column
* @param string $column column-name
* @param string $type column-type as the DB uses it, no eGW type !!!
* @param int $precision precision
* @param array $columns array of adodb field objects from MetaColumns($table)
function check_column_type($column,$type,$precision,$columns)
static $alternate_types = array(
'varchar' => array('C'),
'int' => array('I'),
$data = isset($columns[$column]) ? $columns[$column] : $columns[strtoupper($column)];
if (!is_object($data))
die ("\n\n!!! Column '$column' does NOT exist !!!\n\n");
$data->type = strtolower($data->type);
if ($data->type != $type && !in_array($data->type,$alternate_types[$type]))
die ("\n\n!!! Column '$column' is NOT of type '$type', but '$data->type' !!!\n\n");
if ($precision && $data->max_length != $precision)
die ("\n\n!!! Precision of column '$column' is NOT $precision, but $data->precision !!!\n\n");
* Checks if $idx exists or not, die's with an error-message if the check went wrong
* @param array $columns array of strings with column-names of that index
* @param boolean $unique unique index or not
* @param array $indexes array of index-describtions from call to MetaIndexes($table)
* @param boolean $existence=true should we check for existence or none-existence, default existence
function check_index($columns,$unique,$indexes,$existence=True)
if (!is_array($columns)) $columns = array($columns);
$existence = $existence && $columns['options'][$GLOBALS['db']->Type] !== False;
$exist = False;
foreach($indexes as $idx_data)
if (implode(':',$columns) == strtolower(implode(':',$idx_data['columns'])))
$exist = true;
if ($exist != $existence)
die ("\n\n!!! Index (".implode(', ',$columns).") is ".($existence ? 'missing' : 'still there')." !!!\n\n");
if ($existence && $unique != !!$idx_data['unique'])
die ("\n\n!!! Index (".implode(', ',$columns).") is ".($unique ? 'NOT ' : '')."unique !!!\n\n");
* Checks the content written to the table
* @param array $is content read from the database via GetAll()
* @param array $should content against which we test
* @param boolean $return_false=false return false if the check fails or die with an error-msg, default die
function check_content($is,$should,$return_false=false)
foreach($should as $key => $val)
if (!isset($is[$key]) && isset($is[strtoupper($key)])) $key = strtoupper($key);
if (is_array($val) && !check_content($is[$key],$val,True) || !is_array($val) && $is[$key] != $val)
echo "key='$key', is="; print_r($is[$key]); echo ", should="; print_r($val); echo "\n";
if ($return_false) return False;
die("\n\n!!! Content read back from table is not as expected !!!\n\n");
return True;