
3090 lines
108 KiB

* EGroupware - Calendar's storage-object
* @link
* @package calendar
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @author Christian Binder <>
* @author Joerg Lehrke <>
* @copyright (c) 2005-16 by
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
use EGroupware\Api;
use EGroupware\Api\Link;
use EGroupware\Api\Acl;
* some necessary defines used by the calendar
* Class to store all calendar data (storage object)
* Tables used by calendar_so:
* - egw_cal: general calendar data: cal_id, title, describtion, locations, range-start and -end dates
* - egw_cal_dates: start- and enddates (multiple entry per cal_id for recuring events!), recur_exception flag
* - egw_cal_user: participant info including status (multiple entries per cal_id AND startdate for recuring events)
* - egw_cal_repeats: recur-data: type, interval, days etc.
* - egw_cal_extra: custom fields (multiple entries per cal_id possible)
* The new UI, BO and SO classes have a strict definition, in which timezone they operate:
* UI only operates in user-time, so there have to be no conversation at all !!!
* BO's functions take and return user-time only (!), they convert internaly everything to servertime, because
* SO operates only on server-time
* DB-model uses egw_cal_user.cal_status='X' for participants who got deleted. They never get returned by
* read or search methods, but influence the ctag of the deleted users calendar!
* DB-model uses egw_cal_user.cal_status='E' for participants only participating in exceptions of recurring
* events, so whole recurring event get found for these participants too!
* All update methods now take care to update modification time of (evtl. existing) series master too,
* to force an etag, ctag and sync-token change! Methods not doing that are private to this class.
* range_start/_end in main-table contains start and end of whole event series (range_end is NULL for unlimited recuring events),
* saving the need to always join dates table, to query non-enumerating recuring events (like CalDAV or ActiveSync does).
* This effectivly stores MIN(cal_start) and MAX(cal_end) permanently as column in main-table and improves speed tremendiously
* (few milisecs instead of more then 2 minutes on huge installations)!
* It's set in calendar_so::save from start and end or recur_enddate, so nothing changes for higher level classes.
* egw_cal_user.cal_user_id contains since 14.3.001 only an md5-hash of a lowercased raw email address (not rfc822 address!).
* Real email address and other possible attendee information for iCal or CalDAV are stored in cal_user_attendee.
* This allows a short 32byte ascii cal_user_id and also storing attendee information for accounts and contacts.
* Outside of this class uid for email address is still "e$cn <$email>" or "e$email".
* We use calendar_so::split_user($uid, &$user_type, &$user_id, $md5_email=false) with last param true to generate
* egw_cal_user.cal_user_id for DB and calendar_so::combine_user($user_type, $user_id, $user_attendee) to generate
* uid used outside of this class. Both methods are unchanged when using with their default parameters.
* @ToDo drop egw_cal_repeats table in favor of a rrule colum in main table (saves always used left join and allows to store all sorts of rrules)
class calendar_so
* name of the main calendar table and prefix for all other calendar tables
var $cal_table = 'egw_cal';
var $extra_table,$repeats_table,$user_table,$dates_table,$all_tables;
* reference to global db-object
* @var Api\Db
var $db;
* instance of the async object
* @var Api\Asyncservice
var $async;
* SQL to sort by status U, T, A, R
* Time to keep alarms in async table to allow eg. alarm snozzing
const ALARM_KEEP_TIME = 86400;
* Cached timezone data
* @var array id => data
protected static $tz_cache = array();
* Constructor of the socal class
function __construct()
$this->async = $GLOBALS['egw']->asyncservice;
$this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db;
$this->all_tables = array($this->cal_table);
foreach(array('extra','repeats','user','dates') as $name)
$vname = $name.'_table';
$this->all_tables[] = $this->$vname = $this->cal_table.'_'.$name;
* Return sql to fetch all events in a given timerange, to be used instead of full table in further sql queries
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param array $_where =null
* @param boolean $deleted =false
* @return string
protected function cal_range_view($start, $end, array $_where=null, $deleted=false)
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['no_timerange_views'] || !$start) // using view without start-date is slower!
return $this->cal_table; // no need / use for a view
$where = array();
if (isset($deleted)) $where[] = "cal_deleted IS ".($deleted ? '' : 'NOT').' NULL';
if ($end) $where[] = "range_start<".(int)$end;
if ($start) $where[] = "(range_end IS NULL OR range_end>".(int)$start.")";
if ($_where) $where = array_merge($where, $_where);
$sql = "(SELECT * FROM $this->cal_table WHERE ".$this->db->expression($this->cal_table, $where).") $this->cal_table";
return $sql;
* Return sql to fetch all dates in a given timerange, to be used instead of full dates table in further sql queries
* Currently NOT used, as using two views joined together appears slower in my tests (probably because no index) then
* joining cal_range_view with real dates table (with index).
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param array $_where =null
* @param boolean $deleted =false
* @return string
protected function dates_range_view($start, $end, array $_where=null, $deleted=false)
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['no_timerange_views'] || !$start || !$end) // using view without start- AND end-date is slower!
return $this->dates_table; // no need / use for a view
$where = array();
if (isset($deleted)) $where['recur_exception'] = $deleted;
if ($end) $where[] = "cal_start<".(int)$end;
if ($start) $where[] = "cal_end>".(int)$start;
if ($_where) $where = array_merge($where, $_where);
// Api\Db::union uses Api\Db::select which check if join contains "WHERE"
// to support old join syntax like ", other_table WHERE ...",
// therefore we have to use eg. "WHERe" instead!
$sql = "(SELECT * FROM $this->dates_table WHERe ".$this->db->expression($this->dates_table, $where).") $this->dates_table";
return $sql;
* Return events in a given timespan containing given participants (similar to search but quicker)
* Not all search parameters are currently supported!!!
* @param int $start startdate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int $end enddate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int|array $users user-id or array of user-id's, !$users means all entries regardless of users
* @param int|array $cat_id =0 mixed category-id or array of cat-id's (incl. all sub-categories), default 0 = all
* @param string $filter ='default' string filter-name: all (not rejected), accepted, unknown, tentative, rejected or everything (incl. rejected, deleted)
* @param int|boolean $offset =False offset for a limited query or False (default)
* @param int $num_rows =0 number of rows to return if offset set, default 0 = use default in user prefs
* @param array $params =array()
* @param string|array $params['query'] string: pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* array: everything is directly used as $where
* @param string $params['order'] ='cal_start' column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma
* @param string $params['sql_filter'] sql to be and'ed into query (fully quoted)
* @param string|array $params['cols'] what to select, default "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date",
* if specified and not false an iterator for the rows is returned
* @param string $params['append'] SQL to append to the query before $order, eg. for a GROUP BY clause
* @param array $params['cfs'] custom fields to query, null = none, array() = all, or array with cfs names
* @param array $params['users'] raw parameter as passed to calendar_bo::search() no memberships resolved!
* @param boolean $params['master_only'] =false, true only take into account participants/status from master (for AS)
* @param boolean $params['enum_recuring'] =true enumerate recuring events
* @param int $remove_rejected_by_user =null add join to remove entry, if given user has rejected it
* @return array of events
function &events($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='all',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,array $params=array(),$remove_rejected_by_user=null)
error_log(__METHOD__.'('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.array2string($users).','.array2string($cat_id).",'$filter',".array2string($offset).",$num_rows,".array2string($params).') '.function_backtrace());
$start_time = microtime(true);
// not everything is supported by now
if (!$start || !$end || is_string($params['query']) ||
//in_array($filter,array('owner','deleted')) ||
throw new Api\Exception\AssertionFailed("Unsupported value for parameters!");
$where = is_array($params['query']) ? $params['query'] : array();
if ($cat_id) $where[] = $this->cat_filter($cat_id);
$egw_cal = $this->cal_range_view($start, $end, $where, $filter == 'everything' ? null : $filter != 'deleted');
$status_filter = $this->status_filter($filter, $params['enum_recuring']);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$this->cal_table}_repeats.*,$this->cal_table.*,\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_start ELSE cal_start END AS cal_start,\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_end ELSE cal_end END AS cal_end\n".
// using time-limited range view, instead of complete table, give a big performance plus
"FROM $egw_cal\n".
"JOIN egw_cal_user ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal.cal_id\n".
// need to left join dates, as egw_cal_user.recur_date is null for non-recuring event
"LEFT JOIN egw_cal_dates ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal_dates.cal_id AND egw_cal_dates.cal_start=egw_cal_user.cal_recur_date\n".
"LEFT JOIN egw_cal_repeats ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal_repeats.cal_id\n".
"WHERE ".($status_filter ? $this->db->expression($this->table, $status_filter, " AND \n") : '').
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_start ELSE cal_start END<".(int)$end." AND\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_end ELSE cal_end END>".(int)$start;
if ($users)
// fix $users to also prefix system users and groups (with 'u')
if (!is_array($users)) $users = $users ? (array)$users : array();
foreach($users as &$uid)
$user_type = $user_id = null;
self::split_user($uid, $user_type, $user_id, true);
$uid = $user_type.$user_id;
$sql .= " AND\n CONCAT(cal_user_type,cal_user_id) IN (".implode(',', array_map(array($this->db, 'quote'), $users)).")";
if ($remove_rejected_by_user && !in_array($filter, array('everything', 'deleted')))
$sql .= " AND\n (cal_user_type!='u' OR cal_user_id!=".(int)$remove_rejected_by_user." OR cal_status!='R')";
if (!empty($params['sql_filter']) && is_string($params['sql_filter']))
$sql .= " AND\n ".$params['sql_filter'];
if ($params['order']) // only order if requested
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z_ ,c]+$/i',$params['order'])) $params['order'] = 'cal_start'; // gard against SQL injection
$sql .= "\nORDER BY ".$params['order'];
if ($offset === false) // return all rows --> Api\Db::query wants offset=0, num_rows=-1
$offset = 0;
$num_rows = -1;
$events =& $this->get_events($this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__, $offset, $num_rows));
error_log(__METHOD__."(...) $sql --> ".number_format(microtime(true)-$start_time, 3));
return $events;
* reads one or more calendar entries
* All times (start, end and modified) are returned as timesstamps in servertime!
* @param int|array|string $ids id or array of id's of the entries to read, or string with a single uid
* @param int $recur_date =0 if set read the next recurrence at or after the timestamp, default 0 = read the initital one
* @param boolean $read_recurrence =false true: read the exception, not the series master (only for recur_date && $ids='<uid>'!)
* @return array|boolean array with cal_id => event array pairs or false if entry not found
function read($ids, $recur_date=0, $read_recurrence=false)
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($ids).",$recur_date) ".function_backtrace());
$cols = self::get_columns('calendar', $this->cal_table);
$cols[0] = $this->db->to_varchar($this->cal_table.'.cal_id');
$cols = "$this->repeats_table.recur_type,$this->repeats_table.recur_interval,$this->repeats_table.recur_data,".implode(',',$cols);
$join = "LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id";
$where = array();
if (is_scalar($ids) && !is_numeric($ids)) // a single uid
// We want only the parents to match
$where['cal_uid'] = $ids;
if ($read_recurrence)
$where['cal_recurrence'] = $recur_date;
$where['cal_reference'] = 0;
elseif(is_array($ids) && isset($ids[count($ids)-1]) || is_scalar($ids)) // one or more cal_id's
$where['cal_id'] = $ids;
else // array with column => value pairs
$where = $ids;
unset($ids); // otherwise users get not read!
if (isset($where['cal_id'])) // prevent non-unique column-name cal_id
$where[] = $this->db->expression($this->cal_table, $this->cal_table.'.',array(
'cal_id' => $where['cal_id'],
if ((int) $recur_date && !$read_recurrence)
$where[] = 'cal_start >= '.(int)$recur_date;
$group_by = 'GROUP BY '.$cols;
$cols .= ',MIN(cal_start) AS cal_start,MIN(cal_end) AS cal_end';
$join = "JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id $join";
$cols .= ',range_start AS cal_start,(SELECT MIN(cal_end) FROM egw_cal_dates WHERE egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_dates.cal_id) AS cal_end';
$cols .= ',range_end-1 AS recur_enddate';
// sort deleted to the end, to prefer non-deleted events over deleted ones when querying by uid
$group_by .= ' ORDER BY cal_deleted IS NOT NULL,' . $this->db->to_varchar($this->cal_table.'.cal_id') . ' DESC';
$events =& $this->get_events($this->db->select($this->cal_table, $cols, $where, __LINE__, __FILE__, false, $group_by, 'calendar', 0, $join), $recur_date);
// if we wanted to read the real recurrence, but we have eg. only a virtual one, we need to try again without $read_recurrence
if ((!$events || ($e = current($events)) && $e['deleted']) && $recur_date && $read_recurrence)
return $this->read($ids, $recur_date);
return $events ? $events : false;
* Get full event information from an iterator of a select on egw_cal
* @param array|Iterator $rs
* @param int $recur_date =0
* @return array
protected function &get_events($rs, $recur_date=0)
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length']))
$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'];
$minimum_uid_length = 8;
$events = array();
foreach($rs as $row)
if (!$row['recur_type'])
$row['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_NONE;
$row['recur_exception'] = $row['alarm'] = array();
$events[$row['cal_id']] = Api\Db::strip_array_keys($row,'cal_');
if (!$events) return $events;
$ids = array_keys($events);
if (count($ids) == 1) $ids = $ids[0];
foreach ($events as &$event)
if (!isset($event['uid']) || strlen($event['uid']) < $minimum_uid_length)
// event (without uid), not strong enough uid => create new uid
$event['uid'] = Api\CalDAV::generate_uid('calendar',$event['id']);
$this->db->update($this->cal_table, array('cal_uid' => $event['uid']),
array('cal_id' => $event['id']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
if (!(int)$recur_date && $event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
foreach($this->db->select($this->dates_table, 'cal_id,cal_start', array(
'cal_id' => $ids,
'recur_exception' => true,
), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, 'ORDER BY cal_id,cal_start', 'calendar') as $row)
$events[$row['cal_id']]['recur_exception'][] = $row['cal_start'];
break; // as above select read all exceptions (and I dont think too short uid problem still exists)
// make sure we fetch only real exceptions (deleted occurrences of a series should not show up)
if (($recur_date && $event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE))
//_debug_array(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' recur_date:'.$recur_date.' check cal_start:'.$event['start']);
foreach($this->db->select($this->dates_table, 'cal_id,cal_start', array(
'cal_id' => $event['id'],
'cal_start' => $event['start'],
'recur_exception' => true,
), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, '', 'calendar') as $row)
$isException[$row['cal_id']] = true;
if ($isException[$event['id']])
if (!$this->db->select($this->cal_table, 'COUNT(*)', array(
'cal_uid' => $event['uid'],
'cal_recurrence' => $event['start'],
'cal_deleted' => NULL
), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, '', 'calendar')->fetchColumn())
$e = $this->read($event['id'],$event['start']+1);
$event = $e[$event['id']];
//real exception -> should we return it? probably not, so we live with the result of the next occurrence of the series
// check if we have a real recurance, if not set $recur_date=0
if (is_array($ids) || $events[(int)$ids]['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
$recur_date = 0;
else // adjust the given recurance to the real time, it can be a date without time(!)
if ($recur_date)
// also remember recur_date, maybe we need it later, duno now
$recur_date = array(0,$events[$ids]['recur_date'] = $events[$ids]['start']);
// participants, if a recur_date give, we read that recurance, plus the one users from the default entry with recur_date=0
// sorting by cal_recur_date ASC makes sure recurence status always overwrites series status
'cal_id' => $ids,
'cal_recur_date' => $recur_date,
"cal_status NOT IN ('X','E')",
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'ORDER BY cal_user_type DESC,cal_recur_date ASC,'.self::STATUS_SORT,'calendar') as $row) // DESC puts users before resources and contacts
// combine all participant data in uid and status values
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
$status = self::combine_status($row['cal_status'],$row['cal_quantity'],$row['cal_role']);
$events[$row['cal_id']]['participants'][$uid] = $status;
$events[$row['cal_id']]['participant_types'][$row['cal_user_type']][is_numeric($uid) ? $uid : substr($uid, 1)] = $status;
// make extra attendee information available eg. for iCal export (attendee used eg. in response to organizer for an account)
$events[$row['cal_id']]['attendee'][$uid] = $row['cal_user_attendee'];
// custom fields
foreach($this->db->select($this->extra_table,'*',array('cal_id'=>$ids),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$events[$row['cal_id']]['#'.$row['cal_extra_name']] = $row['cal_extra_value'];
// alarms
if (is_array($ids))
foreach($this->read_alarms((array)$ids) as $cal_id => $alarms)
$events[$cal_id]['alarm'] = $alarms;
$events[$ids]['alarm'] = $this->read_alarms($ids);
//echo "<p>socal::read(".print_r($ids,true).")=<pre>".print_r($events,true)."</pre>\n";
return $events;
* Maximum time a ctag get cached, as ActiveSync ping requests can run for a long time
* Get maximum modification time of events for given participants and optional owned by them
* This includes ALL recurences of an event series
* @param int|string|array $users one or mulitple calendar users
* @param booelan $owner_too =false if true return also events owned by given users
* @param boolean $master_only =false only check recurance master (egw_cal_user.recur_date=0)
* @return int maximum modification timestamp
function get_ctag($users, $owner_too=false,$master_only=false)
static $ctags = array(); // some per-request caching
static $last_request = null;
if (!isset($last_request) || time()-$last_request > self::MAX_CTAG_CACHE_TIME)
$ctags = array();
$last_request = time();
$signature = serialize(func_get_args());
if (isset($ctags[$signature])) return $ctags[$signature];
$types = array();
foreach((array)$users as $uid)
$type = $id = null;
self::split_user($uid, $type, $id, true);
$types[$type][] = $id;
foreach($types as $type => $ids)
$where = array(
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $ids,
if (count($types) > 1)
$types[$type] = $this->db->expression($this->user_table, $where);
if (count($types) > 1)
$where[] = '('.explode(' OR ', $types).')';
if ($master_only)
$where['cal_recur_date'] = 0;
if ($owner_too)
// owner can only by users, no groups or resources
foreach($users as $key => $user)
if (!($user > 0)) unset($users[$key]);
$where = $this->db->expression($this->user_table, '(', $where, ' OR ').
$this->db->expression($this->cal_table, array(
'cal_owner' => $users,
return $ctags[$signature] = $this->db->select($this->user_table,'MAX(cal_modified)',
$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar',0,'JOIN egw_cal ON egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id')->fetchColumn();
* Query calendar main table and return iterator of query
* Use as: foreach(get_cal_data() as $data) { $data = Api\Db::strip_array_keys($data, 'cal_'); // do something with $data
* @param array $query filter, keys have to use 'cal_' prefix
* @param string|array $cols ='cal_id,cal_reference,cal_etag,cal_modified,cal_user_modified' cols to query
* @return Iterator as Api\Db::select
function get_cal_data(array $query, $cols='cal_id,cal_reference,cal_etag,cal_modified,cal_user_modified')
if (!is_array($cols)) $cols = explode(',', $cols);
// special handling of cal_user_modified "pseudo" column
if (($key = array_search('cal_user_modified', $cols)) !== false)
$cols[$key] = $this->db->unix_timestamp('(SELECT MAX(cal_user_modified) FROM '.
$this->user_table.' WHERE '.$this->cal_table.'.cal_id='.$this->user_table.'.cal_id)').
' AS cal_user_modified';
return $this->db->select($this->cal_table, $cols, $query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
* generate SQL to filter after a given category (incl. subcategories)
* @param array|int $cat_id cat-id or array of cat-ids, or !$cat_id for none
* @return string SQL to include in the query
function cat_filter($cat_id)
$sql = '';
if ($cat_id)
$cats = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->return_all_children($cat_id);
array_walk($cats, function(&$val, $key)
unset($key); // not used, but required by function signature
$val = (int) $val;
if (is_array($cat_id) && count($cat_id)==1) $cat_id = $cat_id[0];
$sql = '(cal_category'.(count($cats) > 1 ? " IN ('".implode("','",$cats)."')" : '='.$this->db->quote((int)$cat_id));
foreach($cats as $cat)
$sql .= ' OR '.$this->db->concat("','",'cal_category',"','").' LIKE '.$this->db->quote('%,'.$cat.',%');
$sql .= ') ';
return $sql;
* Return filters to filter by given status
* @param string $filter "default", "all", ...
* @param boolean $enum_recuring are recuring events enumerated or not
* @param array $where =array() array to add filters too
* @return array
protected function status_filter($filter, $enum_recuring=true, array $where=array())
if($filter != 'deleted' && $filter != 'everything')
$where[] = 'cal_deleted IS NULL';
case 'everything': // no filter at all
case 'showonlypublic':
$where['cal_public'] = 1;
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X','E')";
case 'deleted':
$where[] = 'cal_deleted IS NOT NULL';
case 'unknown':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='U'";
case 'not-unknown':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('U','X','E')";
case 'accepted':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='A'";
case 'tentative':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='T'";
case 'rejected':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='R'";
case 'delegated':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='D'";
case 'all':
case 'owner':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('X','E')";
if ($enum_recuring) // regular UI
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X','E')";
else // CalDAV / eSync / iCal need to include 'E' = exceptions
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X')";
return $where;
* Searches / lists calendar entries, including repeating ones
* @param int $start startdate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int $end enddate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int|array $users user-id or array of user-id's, !$users means all entries regardless of users
* @param int|array $cat_id =0 mixed category-id or array of cat-id's (incl. all sub-categories), default 0 = all
* @param string $filter ='all' string filter-name: all (not rejected), accepted, unknown, tentative, rejected or everything (incl. rejected, deleted)
* @param int|boolean $offset =False offset for a limited query or False (default)
* @param int $num_rows =0 number of rows to return if offset set, default 0 = use default in user prefs
* @param array $params =array()
* @param string|array $params['query'] string: pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* array: everything is directly used as $where
* @param string $params['order'] ='cal_start' column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma
* @param string|array $params['sql_filter'] sql to be and'ed into query (fully quoted), or usual filter array
* @param string|array $params['cols'] what to select, default "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date",
* if specified and not false an iterator for the rows is returned
* @param string $params['append'] SQL to append to the query before $order, eg. for a GROUP BY clause
* @param array $params['cfs'] custom fields to query, null = none, array() = all, or array with cfs names
* @param array $params['users'] raw parameter as passed to calendar_bo::search() no memberships resolved!
* @param boolean $params['master_only'] =false, true only take into account participants/status from master (for AS)
* @param boolean $params['enum_recuring'] =true enumerate recuring events
* @param boolean $params['use_so_events'] =false, true return result of new $this->events()
* @param int $remove_rejected_by_user =null add join to remove entry, if given user has rejected it
* @return Iterator|array of events
function &search($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='all',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,array $params=array(),$remove_rejected_by_user=null)
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.array2string($users).','.array2string($cat_id).",'$filter',".array2string($offset).",$num_rows,".array2string($params).') '.function_backtrace());
/* not using new events method currently, as it not yet fully working and
using time-range views in old code gives simmilar improvments
// uncomment to use new events method for supported parameters
//if (!isset($params['use_so_events'])) $params['use_so_events'] = $params['use_so_events'] || $start && $end && !in_array($filter, array('owner', 'deleted')) && $params['enum_recuring']!==false;
// use new events method only if explicit requested
if ($params['use_so_events'])
return call_user_func_array(array($this,'events'), func_get_args());
if (isset($params['cols']))
$cols = $params['cols'];
$all_cols = self::get_columns('calendar', $this->cal_table);
$all_cols[0] = $this->db->to_varchar($this->cal_table.'.cal_id');
$cols = "$this->repeats_table.recur_type,$this->repeats_table.recur_interval,$this->repeats_table.recur_data,range_end - 1 AS recur_enddate,".implode(',',$all_cols).",cal_start,cal_end,$this->user_table.cal_recur_date";
$where = array();
$join = '';
if (is_array($params['query']))
$where = $params['query'];
elseif ($params['query'])
$columns = array('cal_title','cal_description','cal_location');
$wildcard = '%'; $op = null;
$so_sql = new Api\Storage('calendar', $this->cal_table, $this->extra_table, '', 'cal_extra_name', 'cal_extra_value', 'cal_id', $this->db);
$where = $so_sql->search2criteria($params['query'], $wildcard, $op, null, $columns);
// Searching - restrict private to own or private grant
if (!isset($params['private_grants']))
$params['private_grants'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_ids_for_location($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], Acl::PRIVAT, 'calendar');
$params['private_grants'][] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; // db query does NOT return current user
$private_filter = '(cal_public=1 OR cal_public=0 AND '.$this->db->expression($this->cal_table, array('cal_owner' => $params['private_grants'])) . ')';
$where[] = $private_filter;
$params['query']['cal_id'] = $params['sql_filter']['cal_id'];
$where[] = $this->db->column_data_implode(", ", [$this->cal_table.'.cal_id' => $params['sql_filter']['cal_id']], True, False);
if (!empty($params['sql_filter']))
$where[] = $params['sql_filter'];
$where = array_merge($where, $params['sql_filter']);
if(array_filter($where, fn($key) => str_contains($key, '#'), ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY))
$custom_fields = Api\Storage\Customfields::get('calendar');
foreach($where as $col => $data)
if($col[0] == '#' && $data)
$filtermethod = " $this->cal_table.cal_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT cal_id FROM $this->extra_table WHERE ";
if($custom_fields[substr($col, 1)]['type'] == 'select' && $custom_fields[substr($col, 1)]['rows'] > 1)
// Multi-select - any entry with the filter value selected matches
$filtermethod .= $this->db->expression($this->extra_table, array(
'cal_extra_name' => substr($col, 1),
$this->db->concat("','", 'cal_extra_value', "','") . ' ' . $this->db->capabilities[Api\Db::CAPABILITY_CASE_INSENSITIV_LIKE] . ' ' . $this->db->quote('%,' . $data . ',%'),
)) . ')';
$filtermethod .= $this->db->expression($this->extra_table, array(
'cal_extra_name' => substr($col, 1),
'cal_extra_value' => $data,
)) . ')';
$where[] = $filtermethod;
$useUnionQuery = $this->db->capabilities['distinct_on_text'] && $this->db->capabilities['union'];
$users_by_type = array();
foreach((array)$users as $user)
$users_by_type['u'][] = (int)$user;
$user_type = $user_id = null;
self::split_user($user, $user_type, $user_id, true);
$users_by_type[$user_type][] = $user_id;
$to_or = $user_or = array();
$owner_or = null;
$table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table);
foreach($users_by_type as $type => $ids)
// when we are able to use Union Querys, we do not OR our query, we save the needed parts for later construction of the union
if ($useUnionQuery)
$user_or[] = $this->db->expression($table_def,$this->user_table.'.',array(
'cal_user_type' => $type,
),' AND '.$this->user_table.'.',array(
'cal_user_id' => $ids,
if ($type == 'u' && $filter == 'owner')
$cal_table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->cal_table);
// only users can be owners, no need to add groups
$user_ids = array();
foreach($ids as $user_id)
if ($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($user_id) === 'u') $user_ids[] = $user_id;
$owner_or = $this->db->expression($cal_table_def,array('cal_owner' => $user_ids));
$to_or[] = $this->db->expression($table_def,$this->user_table.'.',array(
'cal_user_type' => $type,
),' AND '.$this->user_table.'.',array(
'cal_user_id' => $ids,
if ($type == 'u' && $filter == 'owner')
$cal_table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->cal_table);
$to_or[] = $this->db->expression($cal_table_def,array('cal_owner' => $ids));
// this is only used, when we cannot use UNIONS
if (!$useUnionQuery) $where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')';
$where = $this->status_filter($filter, $params['enum_recuring'], $where);
if ($cat_id)
$where[] = $this->cat_filter($cat_id);
if ($start)
if ($params['enum_recuring'])
$where[] = (int)$start.' < cal_end';
$where[] = '('.((int)$start).' < range_end OR range_end IS NULL)';
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z_ ,c]+$/i',$params['order'])) $params['order'] = 'cal_start'; // gard against SQL injection
// if not enum recuring events, we have to use minimum start- AND end-dates, otherwise we get more then one event per cal_id!
if (!$params['enum_recuring'])
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_recur_date=0";
$cols = str_replace(array('cal_start','cal_end'),array('range_start AS cal_start','(SELECT MIN(cal_end) FROM egw_cal_dates WHERE egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_dates.cal_id) AS cal_end'),$cols);
// in case cal_start is used in a query, eg. calendar_ical::find_event
// in contrary to the docu on, 3rd parameter can not be an array:
foreach($where as &$val)
if (!is_array($val))
$val = str_replace(array('cal_start','cal_end'), array('range_start','(SELECT MIN(cal_end) FROM egw_cal_dates WHERE egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_dates.cal_id)'), $val);
$params['order'] = str_replace('cal_start', 'range_start', $params['order']);
if ($end) $where[] = (int)$end.' > range_start';
elseif ($end) $where[] = (int)$end.' > cal_start';
if ($remove_rejected_by_user && $filter != 'everything')
$rejected_by_user_join = "LEFT JOIN $this->user_table rejected_by_user".
" ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=rejected_by_user.cal_id".
" AND rejected_by_user.cal_user_type='u'".
" AND rejected_by_user.cal_user_id=".$this->db->quote($remove_rejected_by_user).
" AND ".(!$params['enum_recuring'] ? 'rejected_by_user.cal_recur_date=0' :
'(recur_type IS NULL AND rejected_by_user.cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_start=rejected_by_user.cal_recur_date)');
$or_required = array(
'rejected_by_user.cal_status IS NULL',
"rejected_by_user.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X')",
if ($filter == 'owner') $or_required[] = 'cal_owner='.(int)$remove_rejected_by_user;
$where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$or_required).')';
// using a time-range and deleted attribute limited view instead of full table
$cal_table = $this->cal_range_view($start, $end, null, $filter == 'everything' ? null : $filter != 'deleted');
$cal_table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar', $this->cal_table);
$u_join = "JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id ".
"LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id ".
// dates table join only needed to enum recuring events, we use a time-range limited view here too
if ($params['enum_recuring'])
$join .= "JOIN ".$this->dates_table. // using dates_table direct seems quicker then an other view
//$this->dates_range_view($start, $end, null, $filter == 'everything' ? null : $filter == 'deleted').
" ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id ".$u_join;
$join .= $u_join;
// Check for some special sorting, used by planner views
if($params['order'] == 'participants , cal_non_blocking DESC')
$order = ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_display'] == 'lastname' ? 'n_family' : 'n_fileas');
$cols .= ",egw_addressbook.{$order}";
$join .= "LEFT JOIN egw_addressbook ON ".
($this->db->Type == 'pgsql'? "egw_addressbook.account_id::varchar = ":"egw_addressbook.account_id = ").
$params['order'] = "$order, cal_non_blocking DESC";
else if ($params['order'] == 'categories , cal_non_blocking DESC')
$params['order'] = 'cat_name, cal_non_blocking DESC';
$cols .= ',egw_categories.cat_name';
$join .= "LEFT JOIN egw_categories ON egw_categories.cat_id = {$this->cal_table}.cal_category";
//$starttime = microtime(true);
if ($useUnionQuery)
// allow apps to supply participants and/or icons
if (!isset($params['cols'])) $cols .= ',NULL AS participants,NULL AS icons';
// changed the original OR in the query into a union, to speed up the query execution under MySQL 5
// with time-range views benefit is now at best slim for huge tables or none at all!
$select = array(
'table' => $cal_table,
'join' => $join,
'cols' => $cols,
'where' => $where,
'app' => 'calendar',
'append'=> $params['append'],
'table_def' => $cal_table_def,
$selects = array();
// we check if there are parts to use for the construction of our UNION query,
// as replace the OR by construction of a suitable UNION for performance reasons
if ($owner_or || $user_or)
foreach($user_or as $user_sql)
$selects[] = $select;
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = $user_sql;
if ($params['enum_recuring'])
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = "recur_type IS NULL AND $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=0";
$selects[] = $select;
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = $user_sql;
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = "$this->user_table.cal_recur_date=cal_start";
// if the query is to be filtered by owner we need to add more selects for the union
if ($owner_or)
$selects[] = $select;
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = $owner_or;
if ($params['enum_recuring'])
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = "recur_type IS NULL AND $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=0";
$selects[] = $select;
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = $owner_or;
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = "$this->user_table.cal_recur_date=cal_start";
// if the query is to be filtered by neither by user nor owner (should not happen?) we need 2 selects for the union
$selects[] = $select;
if ($params['enum_recuring'])
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = "recur_type IS NULL AND $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=0";
$selects[] = $select;
$selects[count($selects)-1]['where'][] = "$this->user_table.cal_recur_date=cal_start";
if (is_numeric($offset) && !$params['no_total']) // get the total too
$save_selects = $selects;
// we only select cal_table.cal_id (and not cal_table.*) to be able to use DISTINCT (eg. MsSQL does not allow it for text-columns)
foreach(array_keys($selects) as $key)
$selects[$key]['cols'] = "$this->repeats_table.recur_type,range_end AS recur_enddate,$this->repeats_table.recur_interval,$this->repeats_table.recur_data,".$this->db->to_varchar($this->cal_table.'.cal_id').",cal_start,cal_end,$this->user_table.cal_recur_date";
if (!$params['enum_recuring'])
$selects[$key]['cols'] = str_replace(array('cal_start','cal_end'),
array('range_start AS cal_start','range_end AS cal_end'), $selects[$key]['cols']);
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration']) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$params['query'],$params['users']);
$this->total = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__)->NumRows();
// restore original cols / selects
$selects = $save_selects; unset($save_selects);
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration']) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$params['query'],$params['users']);
$rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$params['order'],$offset,$num_rows);
else // MsSQL oder MySQL 3.23
$where[] = "(recur_type IS NULL AND $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=0 OR $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=cal_start)";
$selects = array(array(
'table' => $cal_table,
'join' => $join,
'cols' => $cols,
'where' => $where,
'app' => 'calendar',
'append'=> $params['append'],
'table_def' => $cal_table_def,
if (is_numeric($offset) && !$params['no_total']) // get the total too
$save_selects = $selects;
// we only select cal_table.cal_id (and not cal_table.*) to be able to use DISTINCT (eg. MsSQL does not allow it for text-columns)
$selects[0]['cols'] = "$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start";
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration'] && $this->db->capabilities['union'])
$this->total = $this->db->union($selects, __LINE__, __FILE__)->NumRows();
$selects = $save_selects;
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration'] && $this->db->capabilities['union'])
$rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$params['order'],$offset,$num_rows);
//error_log(__METHOD__."() useUnionQuery=$useUnionQuery --> query took ".(microtime(true)-$starttime).'s '.$rs->sql);
if (isset($params['cols']))
return $rs; // if colums are specified we return the recordset / iterator
// Todo: return $this->get_events($rs);
$events = $ids = $recur_dates = $recur_ids = array();
foreach($rs as $row)
$id = $row['cal_id'];
if (is_numeric($id)) $ids[] = $id;
if ($row['cal_recur_date'])
$id .= '-'.$row['cal_recur_date'];
$recur_dates[] = $row['cal_recur_date'];
if ($row['participants'])
$row['participants'] = explode(',',$row['participants']);
$row['participants'] = array_combine($row['participants'],
$row['participants'] = array();
$row['recur_exception'] = $row['alarm'] = array();
// compile a list of recurrences per cal_id
if (!in_array($id,(array)$recur_ids[$row['cal_id']])) $recur_ids[$row['cal_id']][] = $id;
$events[$id] = Api\Db::strip_array_keys($row,'cal_');
if (count($ids))
$ids = array_unique($ids);
// now ready all users with the given cal_id AND (cal_recur_date=0 or the fitting recur-date)
// This will always read the first entry of each recuring event too, we eliminate it later
$recur_dates[] = 0;
$utcal_id_view = " (SELECT * FROM ".$this->user_table." WHERE cal_id IN (".implode(',',$ids).")".
($filter != 'everything' ? " AND cal_status NOT IN ('X','E')" : '').") utcalid ";
//$utrecurdate_view = " (select * from ".$this->user_table." where cal_recur_date in (".implode(',',array_unique($recur_dates)).")) utrecurdates ";
//'cal_id' => array_unique($ids),
'cal_recur_date' => $recur_dates,
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'ORDER BY cal_id,cal_user_type DESC,'.self::STATUS_SORT,'calendar',-1,$join='',
$this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table)) as $row) // DESC puts users before resources and contacts
$id = $row['cal_id'];
if ($row['cal_recur_date']) $id .= '-'.$row['cal_recur_date'];
// combine all participant data in uid and status values
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
$status = self::combine_status($row['cal_status'],$row['cal_quantity'],$row['cal_role']);
// set accept/reject/tentative of series for all recurrences
if (!$row['cal_recur_date'])
foreach((array)$recur_ids[$row['cal_id']] as $i)
if (isset($events[$i]) && !isset($events[$i]['participants'][$uid]))
$events[$i]['participants'][$uid] = $status;
// set data, if recurrence is requested
if (isset($events[$id])) $events[$id]['participants'][$uid] = $status;
// query recurrance exceptions, if needed: enum_recuring && !daywise is used in calendar_groupdav::get_series($uid,...)
if (!$params['enum_recuring'] || !$params['daywise'])
foreach($this->db->select($this->dates_table, 'cal_id,cal_start', array(
'cal_id' => $ids,
'recur_exception' => true,
), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, 'ORDER BY cal_id,cal_start', 'calendar') as $row)
// for enum_recurring events are not indexed by cal_id, but $cal_id.'-'.$cal_start
// find master, which is first recurrence
if (!isset($events[$id=$row['cal_id']]))
foreach($events as $id => $event)
if ($event['id'] == $row['cal_id']) break;
$events[$id]['recur_exception'][] = $row['cal_start'];
//custom fields are not shown in the regular views, so we only query them, if explicitly required
if (!is_null($params['cfs']))
$where = array('cal_id' => $ids);
if ($params['cfs']) $where['cal_extra_name'] = $params['cfs'];
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
foreach((array)$recur_ids[$row['cal_id']] as $id)
if (isset($events[$id]))
$events[$id]['#'.$row['cal_extra_name']] = $row['cal_extra_value'];
// alarms
foreach($this->read_alarms($ids) as $cal_id => $alarms)
foreach($alarms as $id => $alarm)
$event_start = $alarm['time'] + $alarm['offset'];
if (isset($events[$cal_id])) // none recuring event
$events[$cal_id]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm;
elseif (isset($events[$cal_id.'-'.$event_start])) // recuring event
$events[$cal_id.'-'.$event_start]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm;
//echo "<p>socal::search\n"; _debug_array($events);
//error_log(__METHOD__."(,filter=".array2string($params['query']).",offset=$offset, num_rows=$num_rows) returning ".count($events)." entries".($offset!==false?" total=$this->total":'').' '.function_backtrace());
return $events;
* Data returned by calendar_search_union hook
private static $integration_data;
* Ask other apps if they want to participate in calendar search / display
* @param &$selects parts of union query
* @param $start see search()
* @param $end
* @param $users as used in calendar_so ($users_raw plus all members and memberships added by calendar_bo)
* @param $cat_id
* @param $filter
* @param $query
* @param $users_raw as passed to calendar_bo::search (no members and memberships added)
private static function get_union_selects(array &$selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$query,$users_raw)
if (in_array(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']),array('groupdav.php','freebusy.php','/activesync/index.php')) ||
return; // disable integration for GroupDAV, SyncML, ...
self::$integration_data = Api\Hooks::process(array(
'location' => 'calendar_search_union',
'cols' => $selects[0]['cols'], // cols to return
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end,
'users' => $users,
'users_raw' => $users_raw,
'cat_id'=> $cat_id,
'filter'=> $filter,
'query' => $query,
foreach(self::$integration_data as $app => $data)
foreach(isset($data[1]) ? $data : [$data] as $key => $data)
// Skip if user turned the app off
if(!in_array($data['selects'][0]['app'], (array)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['integration_toggle']))
// create a flat array, if app implementes multiple hooks using given app-name
self::$integration_data[$data['selects'][0]['app']] = $data;
if (is_array($data['selects']))
//echo $app; _debug_array($data);
$selects = array_merge($selects,$data['selects']);
* Get data from last 'calendar_search_union' hook call
* @param boole $try_load=false true: load if not yet loaded
* @return ?array
public static function get_integration_data($try_load=false)
if (!isset(self::$integration_data) && $try_load)
$selects = [];
self::get_union_selects($selects, 0, 0, [$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']], 0, [], '', [$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']]);
return self::$integration_data;
* Return union cols constructed from application cols and required cols
* Every col not supplied in $app_cols get returned as NULL.
* @param array $app_cols required name => own name pairs
* @param string|array $required array or comma separated column names or table.*
* @param string $required_app ='calendar'
* @return string cols for union query to match ones supplied in $required
public static function union_cols(array $app_cols,$required,$required_app='calendar')
// remove evtl. used DISTINCT, we currently dont need it
if (($distinct = substr($required,0,9) == 'DISTINCT '))
$required = substr($required,9);
$return_cols = array();
foreach(is_array($required) ? $required : explode(',',$required) as $cols)
$matches = null;
if (substr($cols,-2) == '.*')
$cols = self::get_columns($required_app,substr($cols,0,-2));
// remove CAST added for PostgreSQL from eg. "CAST(egw_cal.cal_id AS varchar)"
elseif (preg_match('/CAST\(([a-z0-9_.]+) AS [a-z0-9_]+\)/i', $cols, $matches))
$cols = $matches[1];
elseif (strpos($cols,' AS ') !== false)
list(,$cols) = explode(' AS ',$cols);
foreach((array)$cols as $col)
if (substr($col,0,7) == 'egw_cal') // remove table name
$col = preg_replace('/^egw_cal[a-z_]*\./','',$col);
if (isset($app_cols[$col]))
$return_cols[] = $app_cols[$col] . " AS $col";
$return_cols[] = 'NULL';
//error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($app_cols).", ".array2string($required).", '$required_app') returning ".array2string(implode(',',$return_cols)));
return implode(',',$return_cols);
* Get columns of given table, taking into account historically different column order of egw_cal table
* @param string $app
* @param string $table
* @return array of column names
static private function get_columns($app,$table)
if ($table != 'egw_cal')
$table_def = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->get_table_definitions($app,$table);
$cols = array_keys($table_def['fd']);
// special handling for egw_cal, as old databases have a different column order!!!
$cols =& Api\Cache::getSession(__CLASS__,$table);
if (is_null($cols))
$meta = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->metadata($table,true);
$cols = array_keys($meta['meta']);
return $cols;
* Checks for conflicts
/* folowing SQL checks for conflicts completly on DB level
SELECT cal_user_type, cal_user_id, SUM( cal_quantity )
FROM egw_cal, egw_cal_dates, egw_cal_user
LEFT JOIN egw_cal_repeats ON egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_repeats.cal_id
WHERE egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_dates.cal_id
AND egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_user.cal_id
recur_type IS NULL
AND cal_recur_date =0
OR cal_recur_date = cal_start
cal_user_type = 'u' # user of the checked event
AND cal_user_id
IN ( 7, 5 )
AND 1118822400 < cal_end # start- and end-time of the checked event
AND cal_start <1118833200
AND egw_cal.cal_id !=26 # id of the checked event
AND cal_non_blocking !=1
AND cal_status != 'R'
GROUP BY cal_user_type, cal_user_id
ORDER BY cal_user_type, cal_usre_id
* Saves or creates an event
* We always set cal_modified and cal_modifier and for new events cal_uid.
* All other column are only written if they are set in the $event parameter!
* @param array $event
* @param boolean &$set_recurrences on return: true if the recurrences need to be written, false otherwise
* @param int &$set_recurrences_start=0 on return: time from which on the recurrences should be rebuilt, default 0=all
* @param int $change_since =0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed, default 0=all
* @param int &$etag etag=null etag to check or null, on return new etag
* @return boolean|int false on error, 0 if etag does not match, cal_id otherwise
function save(&$event,&$set_recurrences,&$set_recurrences_start=0,$change_since=0,&$etag=null)
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length']))
$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'];
if (empty($minimum_uid_length) || $minimum_uid_length<=1) $minimum_uid_length = 8; // we just do not accept no uid, or uid way to short!
$minimum_uid_length = 8;
$old_min = $old_duration = 0;
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($event).",$set_recurrences,$change_since,$etag) ".function_backtrace());
$cal_id = (int) $event['id'];
$set_recurrences = $set_recurrences || !$cal_id && $event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE;
if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE &&
$event['recur_interval'] = 1;
// add colum prefix 'cal_' if there's not already a 'recur_' prefix
foreach(array_keys($event) as $col)
if ($col[0] != '#' && substr($col,0,6) != 'recur_' && substr($col,0,6) != 'range_' && $col != 'alarm' && $col != 'tz_id' && $col != 'caldav_name')
$event['cal_'.$col] = $event[$col];
// set range_start/_end, but only if we have cal_start/_end, as otherwise we destroy present values!
if (isset($event['cal_start'])) $event['range_start'] = $event['cal_start'];
if (isset($event['cal_end']))
$event['range_end'] = $event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE ? $event['cal_end'] :
($event['recur_enddate'] ? $event['recur_enddate'] : null);
// ensure that we find mathing entries later on
if (!is_array($event['cal_category']))
$categories = array_unique(explode(',',$event['cal_category']));
$categories = array_unique($event['cal_category']);
sort($categories, SORT_NUMERIC);
$event['cal_category'] = implode(',',$categories);
// make sure recurring events never reference to an other recurrent event
if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) $event['cal_reference'] = 0;
if ($cal_id)
// query old recurrance information, before updating main table, where recur_endate is now stored
if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
$old_repeats = $this->db->select($this->repeats_table, "$this->repeats_table.*,range_end AS recur_enddate",
"$this->repeats_table.cal_id=".(int)$cal_id, __LINE__, __FILE__,
false, '', 'calendar', 0, "JOIN $this->cal_table ON $this->repeats_table.cal_id=$this->cal_table.cal_id")->fetch();
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
// read only timezone id, to check if it is changed
if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
$old_tz_id = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,'tz_id',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar')->fetchColumn();
if (!is_null($etag)) $where['cal_etag'] = $etag;
$event[] = 'cal_etag=COALESCE(cal_etag,0)+1'; // always update the etag, even if none given to check
if (!is_null($etag) && $this->db->affected_rows() < 1)
return 0; // wrong etag, someone else updated the entry
if (!is_null($etag)) ++$etag;
// new event
if (!$event['cal_owner']) $event['cal_owner'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
if (!$event['cal_id'] && !isset($event['cal_uid'])) $event['cal_uid'] = ''; // uid is NOT NULL!
$event['cal_etag'] = $etag = 0;
if (!($cal_id = $this->db->get_last_insert_id($this->cal_table,'cal_id')))
return false;
$update = array();
// event without uid or not strong enough uid
if (!isset($event['cal_uid']) || strlen($event['cal_uid']) < $minimum_uid_length)
$update['cal_uid'] = $event['cal_uid'] = Api\CalDAV::generate_uid('calendar',$cal_id);
// set caldav_name, if not given by caller
if (empty($event['caldav_name']) && version_compare($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['calendar']['version'], '1.9.003', '>='))
$update['caldav_name'] = $event['caldav_name'] = $cal_id.'.ics';
if ($update)
$this->db->update($this->cal_table, $update, array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
if ($event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
'cal_id' => $cal_id),
// delete all user-records, with recur-date != 0
'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_recur_date != 0'),
'cal_id' => $cal_id),
// add exception marker to master, so participants added to exceptions *only* get found
if ($event['cal_reference'])
$master_participants = array();
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table, 'cal_user_type,cal_user_id,cal_user_attendee', array(
'cal_id' => $event['cal_reference'],
'cal_recur_date' => 0,
"cal_status != 'X'", // deleted need to be replaced with exception marker too
), __LINE__, __FILE__, 'calendar') as $row)
$master_participants[] = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
foreach(array_diff(array_keys((array)$event['cal_participants']), $master_participants) as $uid)
$user_type = $user_id = null;
self::split_user($uid, $user_type, $user_id, true);
$this->db->insert($this->user_table, array(
'cal_status' => 'E',
'cal_user_attendee' => $user_type == 'e' ? substr($uid, 1) : null,
), array(
'cal_id' => $event['cal_reference'],
'cal_recur_date' => 0,
'cal_user_type' => $user_type,
'cal_user_id' => $user_id,
), __LINE__, __FILE__, 'calendar');
else // write information about recuring event, if recur_type is present in the array
// fetch information about the currently saved (old) event
$old_min = (int) $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_start)',array('cal_id'=>$cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchColumn();
$old_duration = (int) $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_end)',array('cal_id'=>$cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchColumn() - $old_min;
$old_exceptions = array();
foreach($this->db->select($this->dates_table, 'cal_start', array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'recur_exception' => true
), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, 'ORDER BY cal_start', 'calendar') as $row)
$old_exceptions[] = $row['cal_start'];
$event['recur_exception'] = is_array($event['recur_exception']) ? $event['recur_exception'] : array();
if (!empty($event['recur_exception']))
$where = array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => 0,
$old_participants = array();
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_user_type,cal_user_id,cal_user_attendee,cal_status,cal_quantity,cal_role', $where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
$status = self::combine_status($row['cal_status'], $row['cal_quantity'], $row['cal_role']);
$old_participants[$uid] = $status;
// re-check: did so much recurrence data change that we have to rebuild it from scratch?
if (!$set_recurrences)
$set_recurrences = (isset($event['cal_start']) && (int)$old_min != (int) $event['cal_start']) ||
$event['recur_type'] != $old_repeats['recur_type'] || $event['recur_data'] != $old_repeats['recur_data'] ||
(int)$event['recur_interval'] != (int)$old_repeats['recur_interval'] || $event['tz_id'] != $old_tz_id;
if ($set_recurrences)
// too much recurrence data has changed, we have to do a rebuild from scratch
// delete all, but the lowest dates record
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_start > '.(int)$old_min,
// delete all user-records, with recur-date != 0
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date != 0',
// we adjust some possibly changed recurrences manually
// deleted exceptions: re-insert recurrences into the user and dates table
if (count($deleted_exceptions = array_diff($old_exceptions,$event['recur_exception'])))
if (isset($event['cal_participants']))
$participants = $event['cal_participants'];
// use old default
$participants = $old_participants;
foreach($deleted_exceptions as $id => $deleted_exception)
// rebuild participants for the re-inserted recurrence
$this->recurrence($cal_id, $deleted_exception, $deleted_exception + $old_duration, $participants);
// check if recurrence enddate was adjusted
if (is_object($event['recur_enddate']))
$event['recur_enddate'] = Api\DateTime::user2server($event['recur_enddate'], 'ts');
if (is_object($old_repeats['recur_enddate']))
$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] = Api\DateTime::user2server($old_repeats['recur_enddate'], 'ts');
// recurrences need to be truncated
if((int)$event['recur_enddate'] > 0 &&
((int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] == 0 || (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] > (int)$event['recur_enddate'])
$this->db->delete($this->user_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_recur_date >= '.($event['recur_enddate'] + 1*DAY_s)),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
$this->db->delete($this->dates_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_start >= '.($event['recur_enddate'] + 1*DAY_s)),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// recurrences need to be expanded
if(((int)$event['recur_enddate'] == 0 && (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] > 0)
|| ((int)$event['recur_enddate'] > 0 && (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] > 0 && (int)$old_repeats['recur_enddate'] < (int)$event['recur_enddate'])
$set_recurrences = true;
$set_recurrences_start = ($old_repeats['recur_enddate'] + 1*DAY_s);
//error_log(__METHOD__."() event[recur_enddate]=$event[recur_enddate], old_repeats[recur_enddate]=$old_repeats[recur_enddate] --> set_recurrences=".array2string($set_recurrences).", set_recurrences_start=$set_recurrences_start");
// truncate recurrences by given exceptions
if (count($event['recur_exception']))
// added and existing exceptions: delete the execeptions from the user table, it could be the first time
$this->db->delete($this->user_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_recur_date' => $event['recur_exception']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// update recur_exception flag based on current exceptions
$this->db->update($this->dates_table, 'recur_exception='.$this->db->expression($this->dates_table,array(
'cal_start' => $event['recur_exception'],
)), array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
), __LINE__, __FILE__, 'calendar');
// write the repeats table
unset($event[0]); // unset the 'etag=etag+1', as it's not in the repeats table
$this->db->insert($this->repeats_table,$event,array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// update start- and endtime if present in the event-array, evtl. we need to move all recurrences
if (isset($event['cal_start']) && isset($event['cal_end']))
$this->move($cal_id,$event['cal_start'],$event['cal_end'],!$cal_id ? false : $change_since, $old_min, $old_min + $old_duration);
// update participants if present in the event-array
if (isset($event['cal_participants']))
$this->participants($cal_id,$event['cal_participants'],!$cal_id ? false : $change_since);
// Custom fields
Api\Storage\Customfields::handle_files('calendar', $cal_id, $event);
foreach($event as $name => $value)
if ($name[0] == '#')
if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists('id',$value))
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."$name => ".array2string($value).function_backtrace());
$value = $value['id'];
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."$name => ".array2string($value));
if ($value)
'cal_extra_value' => is_array($value) ? implode(',',$value) : $value,
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_extra_name' => substr($name,1),
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_extra_name' => substr($name,1),
// updating or saving the alarms; new alarms have a temporary numeric id!
if (is_array($event['alarm']))
foreach ($event['alarm'] as $id => $alarm)
if ($alarm['id'] && strpos($alarm['id'], 'cal:'.$cal_id.':') !== 0)
unset($alarm['id']); // unset the temporary id to add the alarm
$alarm['offset'] = $event['cal_start'] - $alarm['time'];
elseif (!isset($alarm['time']))
$alarm['time'] = $event['cal_start'] - $alarm['offset'];
if ($alarm['time'] < time() && !self::shift_alarm($event, $alarm))
continue; // pgoerzen: don't add alarm in the past
$this->save_alarm($cal_id, $alarm, false); // false: not update modified, we do it anyway
if (is_null($etag))
$etag = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_etag',array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchColumn();
// if event is an exception: update modified of master, to force etag, ctag and sync-token change
if ($event['cal_reference'])
return $cal_id;
* Shift alarm on recurring events to next future recurrence
* @param array $_event event with optional 'cal_' prefix in keys
* @param array &$alarm
* @param int $timestamp For recurring events, this is the date we
* are dealing with, default is now.
* @return boolean true if alarm could be shifted, false if not
public static function shift_alarm(array $_event, array &$alarm, $timestamp=null)
if ($_event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE)
return false;
$start = $timestamp ? $timestamp : (int)time() + $alarm['offset'];
$event = Api\Db::strip_array_keys($_event, 'cal_');
$rrule = calendar_rrule::event2rrule($event, false);
foreach ($rrule as $time)
if ($start < ($ts = Api\DateTime::to($time,'server')))
$alarm['time'] = $ts - $alarm['offset'];
return true;
return false;
* moves an event to an other start- and end-time taken into account the evtl. recurrences of the event(!)
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $start new starttime
* @param int $end new endtime
* @param int|boolean $change_since =0 false=new entry, > 0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed, default 0=all
* @param int $old_start =0 old starttime or (default) 0, to query it from the db
* @param int $old_end =0 old starttime or (default) 0
* @todo Recalculate recurrences, if timezone changes
* @return int|boolean number of moved recurrences or false on error
function move($cal_id,$start,$end,$change_since=0,$old_start=0,$old_end=0)
//echo "<p>socal::move($cal_id,$start,$end,$change_since,$old_start,$old_end)</p>\n";
if (!(int) $cal_id) return false;
if (!$old_start)
if ($change_since !== false) $row = $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_start) AS cal_start,MIN(cal_end) AS cal_end',
// if no recurrence found, create one with the new dates
if ($change_since === false || !$row || !$row['cal_start'] || !$row['cal_end'])
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_start' => $start,
'cal_end' => $end,
return 1;
$move_start = (int) ($start-$row['cal_start']);
$move_end = (int) ($end-$row['cal_end']);
$move_start = (int) ($start-$old_start);
$move_end = (int) ($end-$old_end);
$where = 'cal_id='.(int)$cal_id;
if ($move_start)
// move the recur-date of the participants
$this->db->query("UPDATE $this->user_table SET cal_recur_date=cal_recur_date+$move_start WHERE $where AND cal_recur_date ".
((int)$change_since ? '>= '.(int)$change_since : '!= 0'),__LINE__,__FILE__);
if ($move_start || $move_end)
// move the event and it's recurrences
$this->db->query("UPDATE $this->dates_table SET cal_start=cal_start+$move_start,cal_end=cal_end+$move_end WHERE $where".
((int) $change_since ? ' AND cal_start >= '.(int) $change_since : ''),__LINE__,__FILE__);
return $this->db->affected_rows();
* Format attendee as email
* @param string|array $attendee attendee information: email, json or array with attr cn and url
* @return type
static function attendee2email($attendee)
if (is_string($attendee) && $attendee[0] == '{' && substr($attendee, -1) == '}')
$user_attendee = json_decode($user_attendee, true);
if (is_array($attendee))
$email = !empty($attendee['email']) ? $user_attendee['email'] :
(strtolower(substr($attendee['url'], 0, 7)) == 'mailto:' ? substr($user_attendee['url'], 7) : $attendee['url']);
$attendee = !empty($attendee['cn']) ? $attendee['cn'].' <'.$email.'>' : $email;
return $attendee;
* combines user_type and user_id into a single string or integer (for users)
* @param string $user_type 1-char type: 'u' = user, ...
* @param string|int $user_id id
* @param string|array $attendee attendee information: email, json or array with attr cn and url
* @return string|int combined id
static function combine_user($user_type, $user_id, $attendee=null)
if (!$user_type || $user_type == 'u')
return (int) $user_id;
if ($user_type == 'e' && $attendee)
$user_id = self::attendee2email($attendee);
return $user_type.$user_id;
* splits the combined user_type and user_id into a single values
* This is the only method building (normalized) md5 hashes for user_type="e",
* if called with $md5_email=true parameter!
* @param string|int $uid
* @param string &$user_type 1-char type: 'u' = user, ...
* @param string|int &$user_id id
* @param boolean $md5_email =false md5 hash user_id for email / user_type=="e"
static function split_user($uid, &$user_type, &$user_id, $md5_email=false)
if (is_numeric($uid))
$user_type = 'u';
$user_id = (int) $uid;
// create md5 hash from lowercased and trimed raw email ("", not "Ralf Becker <>")
elseif ($md5_email && $uid[0] == 'e')
$user_type = $uid[0];
$email = substr($uid, 1);
$matches = null;
if (preg_match('/<([^<>]+)>$/', $email, $matches)) $email = $matches[1];
$user_id = md5(trim(strtolower($email)));
$user_type = $uid[0];
$user_id = substr($uid,1);
* Combine status, quantity and role into one value
* @param string $status status letter: U, T, A, R
* @param int $quantity =1
* @param string $role ='REQ-PARTICIPANT'
* @return string
static function combine_status($status,$quantity=1,$role='REQ-PARTICIPANT')
if ((int)$quantity > 1) $status .= (int)$quantity;
if ($role != 'REQ-PARTICIPANT') $status .= $role;
return $status;
* splits the combined status, quantity and role
* @param string &$status I: combined value, O: status letter: U, T, A, R
* @param int &$quantity=null only O: quantity
* @param string &$role=null only O: role
* @return string status U, T, A or R, same as $status parameter on return
static function split_status(&$status,&$quantity=null,&$role=null)
$quantity = 1;
$matches = null;
if (is_string($status) && strlen($status) > 1 && preg_match('/^.([0-9]*)(.*)$/',$status,$matches))
if ((int)$matches[1] > 0) $quantity = (int)$matches[1];
if ($matches[2]) $role = $matches[2];
$status = $status[0];
elseif ($status === true)
$status = 'U';
return $status;
* updates the participants of an event, taken into account the evtl. recurrences of the event(!)
* this method just adds new participants or removes not longer set participants
* this method does never overwrite existing entries (except the 0-recurrence and for delete)
* @param int $cal_id
* @param array $participants uid => status pairs
* @param int|boolean $change_since =0, false=new event,
* 0=all, > 0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed
* @param boolean $add_only =false
* false = add AND delete participants if needed (full list of participants required in $participants)
* true = only add participants if needed, no participant will be deleted (participants to check/add required in $participants)
* @return int|boolean number of updated recurrences or false on error
function participants($cal_id,$participants,$change_since=0,$add_only=false)
$recurrences = array();
// remove group-invitations, they are NOT stored in the db
foreach($participants as $uid => $status)
if ($status[0] == 'G')
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
if ((int) $change_since)
$where[] = '(cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date >= '.(int)$change_since.')';
if ($change_since !== false)
// find all existing recurrences
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_recur_date',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$recurrences[] = $row['cal_recur_date'];
// update existing entries
$existing_entries = $this->db->select($this->user_table,'*',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'ORDER BY cal_recur_date DESC','calendar');
// create a full list of participants which already exist in the db
// with status, quantity and role of the earliest recurence
$old_participants = array();
foreach($existing_entries as $row)
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
if ($row['cal_recur_date'] || !isset($old_participants[$uid]))
$old_participants[$uid] = self::combine_status($row['cal_status'],$row['cal_quantity'],$row['cal_role']);
// tag participants which should be deleted
if($add_only === false)
$deleted = array();
foreach($existing_entries as $row)
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
// delete not longer set participants
if (!isset($participants[$uid]))
$deleted[$row['cal_user_type']][] = $row['cal_user_id'];
// only keep added OR status (incl. quantity!) changed participants for further steps
// we do not touch unchanged (!) existing ones
foreach($participants as $uid => $status)
if ($old_participants[$uid] === $status)
// delete participants tagged for delete
if ($add_only === false && count($deleted))
$to_or = array();
$table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table);
foreach($deleted as $type => $ids)
$to_or[] = $this->db->expression($table_def,array(
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $ids,
$where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')';
$where[] = "cal_status!='E'"; // do NOT delete exception marker
if (count($participants)) // participants which need to be added
if (!count($recurrences)) $recurrences[] = 0; // insert the default recurrence
$delete_deleted = array();
// update participants
foreach($participants as $uid => $status)
$type = $id = $quantity = $role = null;
self::split_user($uid, $type, $id, true);
$set = array(
'cal_status' => $status,
'cal_quantity' => $quantity,
'cal_role' => $role,
'cal_user_attendee' => $type == 'e' ? substr($uid, 1) : null,
foreach($recurrences as $recur_date)
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => $recur_date,
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $id,
// for new or changed group-invitations, remove previously deleted members, so they show up again
if ($uid < 0)
$delete_deleted = array_merge($delete_deleted, $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($uid, true));
if ($delete_deleted)
$this->db->delete($this->user_table, $where=array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => $recurrences,
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => array_unique($delete_deleted),
'cal_status' => 'X',
//error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id, ".array2string($participants).", since=$change_since, add_only=$add_only) db->delete('$this->user_table', ".array2string($where).") affected ".$this->db->affected_rows().' rows');
return true;
* set the status of one participant for a given recurrence or for all recurrences since now (includes recur_date=0)
* @param int $cal_id
* @param char $user_type 'u' regular user, 'r' resource, 'c' contact
* @param int|string $user_id
* @param int|char $status numeric status (defines) or 1-char code: 'R', 'U', 'T' or 'A'
* @param int $recur_date =0 date to change, or 0 = all since now
* @param string $role =null role to set if !is_null($role)
* @param string $attendee =null extra attendee information to set for all types (incl. accounts!)
* @return int number of changed recurrences
function set_status($cal_id,$user_type,$user_id,$status,$recur_date=0,$role=null,$attendee=null)
static $status_code_short = array(
if (!(int)$cal_id || !(int)$user_id && $user_type != 'e')
return false;
if (is_numeric($status)) $status = $status_code_short[$status];
$uid = self::combine_user($user_type, $user_id);
$user_id_md5 = null;
self::split_user($uid, $user_type, $user_id_md5, true);
$where = array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_user_type' => $user_type,
'cal_user_id' => $user_id_md5,
if ((int) $recur_date)
$where['cal_recur_date'] = $recur_date;
$where[] = '(cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date >= '.time().')';
if ($status == 'G') // remove group invitations, as we dont store them in the db
$ret = $this->db->affected_rows();
$set = array('cal_status' => $status);
if ($user_type == 'e' || $attendee) $set['cal_user_attendee'] = $attendee ? $attendee : $user_id;
if (!is_null($role) && $role != 'REQ-PARTICIPANT') $set['cal_role'] = $role;
// for new or changed group-invitations, remove previously deleted members, so they show up again
if (($ret = $this->db->affected_rows()) && $user_type == 'u' && $user_id < 0)
$where['cal_user_id'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($user_id, true);
$where['cal_status'] = 'X';
$this->db->delete($this->user_table, $where, __LINE__, __FILE__, 'calendar');
//error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id,$user_type,$user_id,$status,$recur_date) = $ret, db->delete('$this->user_table', ".array2string($where).") affected ".$this->db->affected_rows().' rows');
// update modified and modifier in main table
if ($ret)
$this->updateModified($cal_id, true); // true = update series master too
//error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id,$user_type,$user_id,$status,$recur_date) = $ret");
return $ret;
* creates or update a recurrence in the dates and users table
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param array $participants uid => status pairs
* @param boolean $exception =null true or false to set recure_exception flag, null leave it unchanged (new are by default no exception)
function recurrence($cal_id,$start,$end,$participants,$exception=null)
//error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id, $start, $end, ".array2string($participants).", ".array2string($exception));
$update = array('cal_end' => $end);
if (isset($exception)) $update['recur_exception'] = $exception;
$this->db->insert($this->dates_table, $update, array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_start' => $start,
if (!is_array($participants))
error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id, $start, $end, ".array2string($participants).") participants is NO array! ".function_backtrace());
if ($exception !== true)
foreach($participants as $uid => $status)
if ($status == 'G') continue; // dont save group-invitations
$type = '';
$id = null;
self::split_user($uid, $type, $id, true);
$quantity = $role = null;
'cal_status' => $status,
'cal_quantity' => $quantity,
'cal_role' => $role,
'cal_user_attendee' => $type == 'e' ? substr($uid, 1) : null,
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => $start,
'cal_user_type' => $type,
'cal_user_id' => $id,
* Get all unfinished recuring events (or all users) after a given time
* @param int $time
* @return array with cal_id => max(cal_start) pairs
function unfinished_recuring($time)
$ids = array();
foreach($rs=$this->db->select($this->repeats_table, "$this->repeats_table.cal_id,MAX(cal_start) AS cal_start",
'(range_end IS NULL OR range_end > '.(int)$time.')',
__LINE__, __FILE__, false, "GROUP BY $this->repeats_table.cal_id,range_end", 'calendar', 0,
" JOIN $this->cal_table ON $this->repeats_table.cal_id=$this->cal_table.cal_id".
" JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->repeats_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id") as $row)
$ids[$row['cal_id']] = $row['cal_start'];
//error_log(__METHOD__."($time) query='$rs->sql' --> ids=".array2string($ids));
return $ids;
* deletes an event incl. all recurrences, participants and alarms
* @param int $cal_id
function delete($cal_id)
//echo "<p>socal::delete($cal_id)</p>\n";
// update timestamp of series master, updates own timestamp too, which does not hurt ;-)
$this->updateModified($cal_id, true);
foreach($this->all_tables as $table)
* Delete all events that were before the given date.
* Recurring events that finished before the date will be deleted.
* Recurring events that span the date will be ignored. Non-recurring
* events before the date will be deleted.
* @param int $date
function purge($date)
// with new range_end we simple delete all with range_end < $date (range_end NULL is never returned)
foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table, 'cal_id', 'range_end < '.(int)$date, __LINE__, __FILE__, false, '', 'calendar') as $row)
//echo __METHOD__." About to delete".$row['cal_id']."\r\n";
foreach($this->all_tables as $table)
$this->db->delete($table, array('cal_id'=>$row['cal_id']), __LINE__, __FILE__, 'calendar');
// handle links
Link::unlink('', 'calendar', $row['cal_id']);
* Caches all alarms read from async table to not re-read them in same request
* @var array cal_id => array(async_id => data)
static $alarm_cache;
* read the alarms of one or more calendar-event(s) specified by $cal_id
* alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too
* @param int|array $cal_id
* @param boolean $update_cache =null true: re-read given $cal_id, false: delete given $cal_id
* @return array of (cal_id => array of) alarms with alarm-id as key
function read_alarms($cal_id, $update_cache=null)
if (!isset(self::$alarm_cache) && is_array($cal_id))
self::$alarm_cache = array();
if (($jobs = $this->async->read('cal:%')))
foreach($jobs as $id => $job)
$alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled
$alarm['id'] = $id;
$alarm['time'] = $job['next'];
self::$alarm_cache[$alarm['cal_id']][$id] = $alarm;
unset($update_cache); // just done
$alarms = array();
if (isset(self::$alarm_cache))
if (isset($update_cache))
foreach((array)$cal_id as $id)
if ($update_cache === false)
elseif($update_cache === true)
self::$alarm_cache[$cal_id] = $this->read_alarms_nocache($cal_id);
if (!is_array($cal_id))
$alarms = (array)self::$alarm_cache[$cal_id];
foreach($cal_id as $id)
$alarms[$id] = (array)self::$alarm_cache[$id];
//error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($cal_id).", ".array2string($update_cache).") returning from cache ".array2string($alarms));
return $alarms;
return $this->read_alarms_nocache($cal_id);
private function read_alarms_nocache($cal_id)
if (($jobs = $this->async->read('cal:'.(int)$cal_id.':%')))
foreach($jobs as $id => $job)
$alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled
$alarm['id'] = $id;
$alarm['time'] = $job['next'];
$alarms[$id] = $alarm;
//error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($cal_id).") returning ".array2string($alarms));
return $alarms ? $alarms : array();
* read a single alarm specified by it's $id
* @param string $id alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too
* @return array with data of the alarm
function read_alarm($id)
if (!($jobs = $this->async->read($id)))
return False;
$alarm_id = key($jobs);
$job = current($jobs);
$alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled
$alarm['id'] = $alarm_id;
$alarm['time'] = $job['next'];
//echo "<p>read_alarm('$id')="; print_r($alarm); echo "</p>\n";
return $alarm;
* saves a new or updated alarm
* @param int $cal_id Id of the calendar-entry
* @param array $alarm array with fields: text, owner, enabled, ..
* @param boolean $update_modified =true call update modified, default true
* @return string id of the alarm
function save_alarm($cal_id, $alarm, $update_modified=true)
//error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id, ".array2string($alarm).', '.array2string($update_modified).') '.function_backtrace());
if (!($id = $alarm['id']))
$alarms = $this->read_alarms($cal_id); // find a free alarm#
$n = count($alarms);
$id = 'cal:'.(int)$cal_id.':'.$n;
while (@isset($alarms[$id]));
$alarm['cal_id'] = $cal_id; // we need the back-reference
// do not deleted async-job, as we need it for alarm snozzing
$alarm['keep'] = self::ALARM_KEEP_TIME;
// past alarms need NOT to be triggered, but kept around for a while to allow alarm snozzing
if ($alarm['time'] < time())
$alarm['time'] = $alarm['keep_time'] = time()+self::ALARM_KEEP_TIME;
// add an alarm uid, if none is given
if (empty($alarm['uid']) && class_exists('Horde_Support_Uuid')) $alarm['uid'] = (string)new Horde_Support_Uuid;
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Save Alarm for CalID:'.$cal_id.'->'.array2string($alarm).'-->'.$id.'#'.function_backtrace());
// allways store job with the alarm owner as job-owner to get eg. the correct from address
if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'], $id, 'calendar.calendar_boupdate.send_alarm', $alarm, $alarm['owner'], false, true))
return False;
// update the modification information of the related event
if ($update_modified) $this->updateModified($cal_id, true);
// update cache, if used
if (isset(self::$alarm_cache)) $this->read_alarms($cal_id, true);
return $id;
* Delete all alarms of a calendar-entry
* Does not update timestamps of series master, therefore private!
* @param int $cal_id Id of the calendar-entry
* @return int number of alarms deleted
private function delete_alarms($cal_id)
//error_log(__METHOD__."($cal_id) ".function_backtrace());
if (($alarms = $this->read_alarms($cal_id)))
foreach(array_keys($alarms) as $id)
// update cache, if used
if (isset(self::$alarm_cache)) $this->read_alarms($cal_id, false);
return count($alarms);
* delete one alarms identified by its id
* @param string $id alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too
* @return int number of alarms deleted
function delete_alarm($id)
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$id') ".function_backtrace());
// update the modification information of the related event
list(,$cal_id) = explode(':',$id);
if ($cal_id)
$this->updateModified($cal_id, true);
$ret = $this->async->cancel_timer($id);
// update cache, if used
if (isset(self::$alarm_cache)) $this->read_alarms($cal_id, true);
return $ret;
* Delete account hook
* @param array|int $old_user integer old user or array with keys 'account_id' and 'new_owner' as the deleteaccount hook uses it
* @param int $new_user =null
function deleteaccount($old_user, $new_user=null)
if (is_array($old_user))
$new_user = $old_user['new_owner'];
$old_user = $old_user['account_id'];
if (!(int)$new_user)
$user_type = '';
$user_id = null;
if ($user_type == 'u') // only accounts can be owners of events
foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_id',array('cal_owner' => $old_user),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
'cal_user_type' => $user_type,
'cal_user_id' => $user_id,
// delete calendar entries without participants (can happen if the deleted user is the only participants, but not the owner)
foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,"DISTINCT $this->cal_table.cal_id",'cal_user_id IS NULL',__LINE__,__FILE__,
False,'','calendar',0,"LEFT JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id") as $row)
$this->db->update($this->cal_table,array('cal_owner' => $new_user),array('cal_owner' => $old_user),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar');
// delete participation of old user, if new user is already a participant
$ids = array();
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_id',array( // MySQL does NOT allow to run this as delete!
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $old_user,
"cal_id IN (SELECT cal_id FROM $this->user_table other WHERE other.cal_id=cal_id AND other.cal_user_id=".$this->db->quote($new_user)." AND cal_user_type='u')",
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$ids[] = $row['cal_id'];
if ($ids) $this->db->delete($this->user_table,array(
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $old_user,
'cal_id' => $ids,
// now change participant in the rest to contain new user instead of old user
'cal_user_id' => $new_user,
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $old_user,
* get stati of all recurrences of an event for a specific participant
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $uid =null participant uid; if == null return only the recur dates
* @param int $start =0 if != 0: startdate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int $end =0 if != 0: enddate of the search/list (servertime)
* @return array recur_date => status pairs (index 0 => main status)
function get_recurrences($cal_id, $uid=null, $start=0, $end=0)
$participant_status = array();
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
if ($start != 0 && $end == 0) $where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start . ')';
if ($start == 0 && $end != 0) $where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . ')';
if ($start != 0 && $end != 0)
$where[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR (cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start .
' AND cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . '))';
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_recur_date',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
// inititalize the array
$participant_status[$row['cal_recur_date']] = null;
if (is_null($uid)) return $participant_status;
$user_type = $user_id = null;
self::split_user($uid, $user_type, $user_id, true);
$where2 = array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_user_type' => $user_type ? $user_type : 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $user_id,
if ($start != 0 && $end == 0) $where2[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start . ')';
if ($start == 0 && $end != 0) $where2[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . ')';
if ($start != 0 && $end != 0)
$where2[] = '(cal_recur_date = 0 OR (cal_recur_date >= ' . (int)$start .
' AND cal_recur_date <= ' . (int)$end . '))';
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_recur_date,cal_status,cal_quantity,cal_role',$where2,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$status = self::combine_status($row['cal_status'],$row['cal_quantity'],$row['cal_role']);
$participant_status[$row['cal_recur_date']] = $status;
return $participant_status;
* get all participants of an event
* @param int $cal_id
* @param int $recur_date =0 gives participants of this recurrence, default 0=all
* @return array participants
/* seems NOT to be used anywhere, NOT ported to new md5-email schema!
function get_participants($cal_id, $recur_date=0)
$participants = array();
$where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id);
if ($recur_date)
$where['cal_recur_date'] = $recur_date;
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_user_type,cal_user_id', $where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id']);
$id = $row['cal_user_type'] . $row['cal_user_id'];
$participants[$id]['type'] = $row['cal_user_type'];
$participants[$id]['id'] = $row['cal_user_id'];
$participants[$id]['uid'] = $uid;
return $participants;
* get all releated events
* @param int $uid UID of the series
* @return array of event exception ids for all events which share $uid
function get_related($uid)
$where = array(
'cal_uid' => $uid,
$related = array();
foreach ($this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_id,cal_reference',$where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
if ($row['cal_reference'] != 0)
// not the series master
$related[] = $row['cal_id'];
return $related;
* Gets the exception days of a given recurring event caused by
* irregular participant stati or timezone transitions
* @param array $event Recurring Event.
* @param string tz_id=null timezone for exports (null for event's timezone)
* @param int $start =0 if != 0: startdate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param int $end =0 if != 0: enddate of the search/list (servertime)
* @param string $filter ='all' string filter-name: all (not rejected),
* accepted, unknown, tentative, rejected, delegated
* rrule return array of remote exceptions in servertime
* tz_rrule/tz_only, return (only by) timezone transition affected entries
* map return array of dates with no pseudo exception
* key remote occurrence date
* tz_map return array of all dates with no tz pseudo exception
* @return array Array of exception days (false for non-recurring events).
function get_recurrence_exceptions($event, $tz_id=null, $start=0, $end=0, $filter='all')
if (!is_array($event)) return false;
$cal_id = (int) $event['id'];
//error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__.
// "($cal_id, $tz_id, $filter): " . $event['tzid']);
if (!$cal_id || $event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE) return false;
$days = array();
$expand_all = (!$this->isWholeDay($event) && $tz_id && $tz_id != $event['tzid']);
if ($filter == 'tz_only' && !$expand_all) return $days;
$remote = in_array($filter, array('tz_rrule', 'rrule'));
$egw_rrule = calendar_rrule::event2rrule($event, false);
$egw_rrule->current = clone $egw_rrule->time;
if ($expand_all)
$remote_rrule = calendar_rrule::event2rrule($event, false, $tz_id);
$remote_rrule->current = clone $remote_rrule->time;
while ($egw_rrule->valid())
while ($egw_rrule->exceptions &&
if (in_array($filter, array('map','tz_map','rrule','tz_rrule')))
// real exception
$locts = (int)Api\DateTime::to($egw_rrule->current(),'server');
if ($expand_all)
$remts = (int)Api\DateTime::to($remote_rrule->current(),'server');
if ($remote)
$days[$locts]= $remts;
$days[$remts]= $locts;
$days[$locts]= $locts;
if ($expand_all)
if (!$egw_rrule->valid()) return $days;
$day = $egw_rrule->current();
$locts = (int)Api\DateTime::to($day,'server');
$tz_exception = ($filter == 'tz_rrule');
//error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__.
// '()[EVENT Server]: ' . $day->format('Ymd\THis') . " ($locts)");
if ($expand_all)
$remote_day = $remote_rrule->current();
$remts = (int)Api\DateTime::to($remote_day,'server');
// error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__.
// '()[EVENT Device]: ' . $remote_day->format('Ymd\THis') . " ($remts)");
if (!($end && $end < $locts) && $start <= $locts)
// we are within the relevant time period
if ($expand_all && $day->format('U') != $remote_day->format('U'))
$tz_exception = true;
if ($filter != 'map' && $filter != 'tz_map')
// timezone pseudo exception
//error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__.
// '() tz exception: ' . $day->format('Ymd\THis'));
if ($remote)
$days[$locts]= $remts;
$days[$remts]= $locts;
if ($filter != 'tz_map' && (!$tz_exception || $filter == 'tz_only') &&
$this->status_pseudo_exception($event['id'], $locts, $filter))
// status pseudo exception
//error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__.
// '() status exception: ' . $day->format('Ymd\THis'));
if ($expand_all)
if ($filter == 'tz_only')
if ($filter != 'map')
if ($remote)
$days[$locts]= $remts;
$days[$remts]= $locts;
elseif ($filter != 'map')
$days[$locts]= $locts;
elseif (($filter == 'map' || $filter == 'tz_map') &&
// no pseudo exception date
if ($expand_all)
$days[$remts]= $locts;
$days[$locts]= $locts;
if ($expand_all)
return $days;
* Checks for status only pseudo exceptions
* @param int $cal_id event id
* @param int $recur_date occurrence to check
* @param string $filter status filter criteria for user
* @return boolean true, if stati don't match with defaults
function status_pseudo_exception($cal_id, $recur_date, $filter)
static $recurrence_zero=null;
static $cached_id=null;
static $user=null;
if (!isset($cached_id) || $cached_id != $cal_id)
// get default stati
$recurrence_zero = array();
$user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$where = array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => 0,
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_user_type,cal_user_id,cal_user_attendee,cal_status',$where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
switch ($row['cal_user_type'])
case 'u': // account
case 'c': // contact
case 'e': // email address
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
$recurrence_zero[$uid] = $row['cal_status'];
$cached_id = $cal_id;
//error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__.
// "($cal_id, $recur_date, $filter)[DEFAULTS]: " .
// array2string($recurrence_zero));
$participants = array();
$where = array(
'cal_id' => $cal_id,
'cal_recur_date' => $recur_date,
foreach ($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_user_type,cal_user_id,cal_user_attendee,cal_status',$where,
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
switch ($row['cal_user_type'])
case 'u': // account
case 'c': // contact
case 'e': // email address
$uid = self::combine_user($row['cal_user_type'], $row['cal_user_id'], $row['cal_user_attendee']);
$participants[$uid] = $row['cal_status'];
if (empty($participants)) return false; // occurrence does not exist at all yet
foreach ($recurrence_zero as $uid => $status)
if ($uid == $user)
// handle filter for current user
switch ($filter)
case 'unknown':
if ($status != 'U')
continue 2; // +1 for switch
case 'accepted':
if ($status != 'A')
continue 2; // +1 for switch
case 'tentative':
if ($status != 'T')
continue 2; // +1 for switch
case 'rejected':
if ($status != 'R')
continue 2; // +1 for switch
case 'delegated':
if ($status != 'D')
continue 2; // +1 for switch
case 'default':
if ($status == 'R')
continue 2; // +1 for switch
// All entries
if (!isset($participants[$uid])
|| $participants[$uid] != $status)
return true;
return (!empty($participants));
* Check if the event is the whole day
* @param array $event event (all timestamps in servertime)
* @return boolean true if whole day event within its timezone, false othwerwise
function isWholeDay($event)
if (!isset($event['start']) || !isset($event['end'])) return false;
if (empty($event['tzid']))
$timezone = Api\DateTime::$server_timezone;
if (!isset(self::$tz_cache[$event['tzid']]))
self::$tz_cache[$event['tzid']] = calendar_timezones::DateTimeZone($event['tzid']);
$timezone = self::$tz_cache[$event['tzid']];
$start_time = new Api\DateTime($event['start'],Api\DateTime::$server_timezone);
$end_time = new Api\DateTime($event['end'],Api\DateTime::$server_timezone);
//error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__.
// '(): ' . $start . '-' . $end);
$start = Api\DateTime::to($start_time,'array');
$end = Api\DateTime::to($end_time,'array');
return !$start['hour'] && !$start['minute'] && $end['hour'] == 23 && $end['minute'] == 59;
* Moves a datetime to the beginning of the day within timezone
* @param Api\DateTime $time the datetime entry
* @param string tz_id timezone
* @return DateTime
function &startOfDay(Api\DateTime $time, $tz_id=null)
if (empty($tz_id))
$timezone = Api\DateTime::$server_timezone;
if (!isset(self::$tz_cache[$tz_id]))
self::$tz_cache[$tz_id] = calendar_timezones::DateTimeZone($tz_id);
$timezone = self::$tz_cache[$tz_id];
return new Api\DateTime($time->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $timezone);
* Updates the modification timestamp to force an etag, ctag and sync-token change
* @param int $id event id
* @param int|boolean $update_master =false id of series master or true, to update series master too
* @param int $time =null new timestamp, default current (server-)time
* @param int $modifier =null uid of the modifier, default current user
function updateModified($id, $update_master=false, $time=null, $modifier=null)
if (is_null($time) || !$time) $time = time();
if (is_null($modifier)) $modifier = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
array('cal_modified' => $time, 'cal_modifier' => $modifier),
array('cal_id' => $id), __LINE__,__FILE__, 'calendar');
// if event is an exception: update modified of master, to force etag, ctag and sync-token change
if ($update_master)
if ($update_master !== true || ($update_master = $this->db->select($this->cal_table, 'cal_reference', array('cal_id' => $id), __LINE__, __FILE__)->fetchColumn()))
$this->updateModified($update_master, false, $time, $modifier);