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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - Portlet base
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
* @copyright 2022 Nathan Gray
import {Et2Widget} from "../Et2Widget/Et2Widget";
import {SlCard} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace";
import interact from "@interactjs/interactjs";
import type {InteractEvent} from "@interactjs/core/InteractEvent";
import {egw} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
import {classMap, css, html, TemplateResult} from "@lion/core";
import {HasSlotController} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/internal/slot";
import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace";
import {Et2Dialog} from "../Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog";
import {et2_IResizeable} from "../et2_core_interfaces";
import {HomeApp} from "../../../../home/js/app";
import {etemplate2} from "../etemplate2";
import {SelectOption} from "../Et2Select/FindSelectOptions";
* Participate in Home
export class Et2Portlet extends Et2Widget(SlCard)
static get properties()
return {
* Give a title
* Goes in the header at the top with the icons
title: {type: String},
* Custom etemplate used to customize / set up the portlet
editTemplate: {type: String},
* Set the portlet color
color: {type: String},
* Array of customization settings, similar in structure to preference settings
settings: {type: Object},
actions: {type: Object},
static get styles()
return [
...(super.styles || []),
:host {
--header-spacing: var(--sl-spacing-medium);
.portlet__header {
flex: 0 0 auto;
display: flex;
font-style: inherit;
font-variant: inherit;
font-weight: inherit;
font-stretch: inherit;
font-family: inherit;
font-size: var(--sl-font-size-medium);
line-height: var(--sl-line-height-dense);
padding: 0px;
padding-left: var(--header-spacing);
padding-right: calc(2em + var(--header-spacing));
margin: 0px;
position: relative;
.portlet__title {
flex: 1 1 auto;
font-size: var(--sl-font-size-medium);
user-select: none;
.portlet__header et2-button-icon {
display: none;
.portlet__header:hover et2-button-icon {
display: initial;
.portlet__header #settings {
position: absolute;
right: 0px;
.card {
width: 100%;
height: 100%
.card_header {
margin-right: calc(var(--sl-spacing-medium) + 1em);
.card__body {
/* display block to prevent overflow from our size */
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
flex: 1 1 auto;
padding: 0px;
::slotted(div) {
protected readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'footer', 'header', 'image');
* These are the "normal" actions that every portlet is expected to have.
* The widget provides default actions for all of these, but they can
* be added to or overridden if needed by setting the action attribute.
protected static default_actions : any = {
edit_settings: {
icon: "edit",
caption: "Configure",
"default": true,
hideOnDisabled: true,
group: "portlet"
remove_portlet: {
icon: "delete",
caption: "Remove",
group: "portlet"
protected static DEFAULT_WIDTH = 2;
protected static DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 2;
this.editTemplate = egw.webserverUrl + "/home/templates/default/edit.xet"
this.actions = {};
this._onMoveResize = this._onMoveResize.bind(this);
this._onMoveResizeEnd = this._onMoveResizeEnd.bind(this);
Promise.all([/* any others here...*/ this.updateComplete])
.then(() => this._setupMoveResize());
* Load further details from content
* Normal load & attribute assign will cast our settings object to a string
* @param _template_node
// Pull out width - super will handle it wrong then remove it
let width
if(typeof attrs.width != "undefined")
width = attrs.width;
delete attrs.width;
// If width was provided, put it back
if(typeof width != "undefined")
attrs.width = width;
let data = this.getArrayMgr("content").data.find(e => e.id && e.id == this.id) || {};
this.settings = typeof attrs.settings == "string" ? data.value || data.settings || {} : attrs.settings;
// Set size & position, if available
// NB: initial load can't find them by entry in array mgr, we check the data directly
if(attrs.row || attrs.height || data.row || data.height)
this.style.gridRow = (attrs.row || data.row || "auto") + " / span " + (attrs.height || data.height || this.constructor.DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
if(attrs.col || attrs.width || data.col || data.width)
this.style.gridColumn = (attrs.col || data.col || "auto") + " / span " + (attrs.width || data.width || this.constructor.DEFAULT_WIDTH);
* Overriden from parent to add in default actions
// Set targets for actions
let defaults : any = {};
for(let action_name in Et2Portlet.default_actions)
defaults[action_name] = Et2Portlet.default_actions[action_name];
// Translate caption here, as translations aren't available earlier
defaults[action_name].caption = this.egw().lang(Et2Portlet.default_actions[action_name].caption);
if(typeof this[action_name] == "function")
defaults[action_name].onExecute = this[action_name].bind(this);
// Add in defaults, but let provided actions override them
this.actions = jQuery.extend(true, {}, defaults, actions);
* Set up moving & resizing
// Quick calculation of min size - dialog is made up of header, content & buttons
let minHeight = 0;
for(let e of this.children)
minHeight += e.getBoundingClientRect().height + parseFloat(getComputedStyle(e).marginTop) + parseFloat(getComputedStyle(e).marginBottom)
// Get parent's dimensions
let style = getComputedStyle(this.parentElement);
let parentDimensions = {
width: parseInt(style.gridAutoColumns) + parseInt(style.gap) || HomeApp.GRID,
height: parseInt(style.gridAutoRows) + parseInt(style.gap) || HomeApp.GRID
let gridTarget = interact.snappers.grid({
x: parentDimensions.width,
y: parentDimensions.height
edges: {bottom: true, right: true},
listeners: {
move: this._onMoveResize,
end: this._onMoveResizeEnd
modifiers: [
// Snap to grid
targets: [gridTarget],
offset: "startCoords",
limits: {top: 0, left: 0}
// keep the edges inside the parent
outer: 'parent'
allowFrom: ".portlet__header",
autoScroll: true,
listeners: {
move: this._onMoveResize,
end: this._onMoveResizeEnd
modifiers: [
// Restrict interferes with grid making it act strangely
// restriction: 'parent'
// Snap to grid
targets: [gridTarget],
offset: "startCoords",
limits: {top: 0, left: 0}
* Handle moving and resizing
* @param event
_onMoveResize(event : InteractEvent)
let target = event.target
let x = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-x')) || 0) + (event.deltaRect ? 0 : event.dx);
let y = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-y')) || 0) + (event.deltaRect ? 0 : event.dy);
// update the element's style
// Size
target.style.width = event.rect.width + 'px'
target.style.height = event.rect.height + 'px'
// Position
target.style.transform = 'translate(' + x + 'px,' + y + 'px)';
target.setAttribute('data-x', x);
target.setAttribute('data-y', y);
* Move or resize has completed. Now into parent grid and update settings.
* @param {InteractEvent} event
_onMoveResizeEnd(event : InteractEvent)
// Get parent's dimensions
let style = getComputedStyle(this.parentElement);
let parentDimensions = {
x: parseInt(style.gridAutoColumns) || 1,
y: parseInt(style.gridAutoRows) || 1
let target = event.target
let dx = Math.round((parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-x')) || 0) / parentDimensions.x);
let dy = Math.round((parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-y')) || 0) / parentDimensions.y);
let dwidth = Math.round((event.deltaRect?.width || 1) / parentDimensions.x);
let dheight = Math.round((event.deltaRect?.height || 1) / parentDimensions.y);
let [o_x, o_width] = this.style.gridColumn.split(" / span");
let [o_y, o_height] = this.style.gridRow.split(" / span");
// Clear temp stuff from moving
target.style.transform = "";
target.style.width = "";
target.style.height = "";
if(o_x == "auto")
o_x = "" + (1 + Math.round((this.getBoundingClientRect().left - this.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect().left) / parentDimensions.x));
let col = Math.max(1, (dx + (parseInt(o_x) || 0)));
let row = Math.max(1, (dy + (parseInt(o_y) || 0)));
let width = (dwidth + parseInt(o_width)) || 1;
let height = (dheight + parseInt(o_height)) || 1;
// Set grid position
target.style.gridArea = row + " / " +
col + "/ span " +
height + " / span " +
// Update position settings
this.update_settings({row: row, col: col, width: width, height: height});
// If there's a full etemplate living inside, make it resize
return '';
return html`
<h2 class="portlet__title">${this.title}</h2>`;
bodyTemplate() : TemplateResult
return html``;
footerTemplate() : TemplateResult
return html``;
* Get a list of user-configurable properties
* @returns {[{name : string, type : string, select_options? : [SelectOption]}]}
get portletProperties() : { name : string, type : string, label : string, select_options? : SelectOption[] }[]
return [
{name: 'color', label: "Color", type: 'et2-colorpicker'}
* Create & show a dialog for customizing this portlet
* Properties for customization are sent in the 'settings' attribute
let content = this.portletProperties;
// Add values, but skip any duplicate properties
Object.keys(this.settings || {}).forEach(k =>
if(typeof k == "string" && isNaN(parseInt(k)) || content.filter(v => v.name == this.settings[k].name).length == 0)
content[k] = this.settings[k];
let dialog = new Et2Dialog(this.egw());
callback: this._process_edit.bind(this),
template: this.editTemplate,
value: {
content: content
buttons: [
"button_id": Et2Dialog.OK_BUTTON,
label: this.egw().lang('ok'),
id: 'dialog[ok]',
image: 'check',
"default": true
label: this.egw().lang('delete'),
id: 'delete',
image: 'delete',
align: "right"
"button_id": Et2Dialog.CANCEL_BUTTON,
label: this.egw().lang('cancel'),
id: 'cancel',
image: 'cancel'
// Set separately to avoid translation
dialog.title = this.egw().lang("Edit") + " " + (this.title || '');
_process_edit(button_id, value)
if(button_id != Et2Dialog.OK_BUTTON)
if(button_id == "delete")
this.update_settings('~remove~').then(() =>
// Keep settings, but remove any properties, no need to pass those on
let settings = {};
Object.keys(this.settings || {}).forEach(k =>
if(typeof k == "string" && isNaN(parseInt(k)) || typeof this.settings[k].name == "undefined" && typeof this.settings[k].type == "undefined")
settings[k] = this.settings[k];
// Pass updated settings, unless we're removing
this.update_settings({...settings, ...value});
// Extend, not replace, because settings has types while value has just value
if(typeof value == 'object')
this.settings = {...settings, ...value};
public update_settings(settings)
// Skip any updates during loading
if(this.getInstanceManager() && !this.getInstanceManager().isReady)
return Promise.resolve();
// We can set some things immediately, server will overwrite if it doesn't like them
this.portletProperties.forEach(p =>
if(typeof settings[p.name] != "undefined")
this[p.name] = settings[p.name];
// Save settings - server might reply with new content if the portlet needs an update,
// but ideally it doesn't
return this.egw().request("home.home_ui.ajax_set_properties", [this.id, [], settings, this.settings ? this.settings.group : false])
.then((data) =>
// This section not for us
if(!data || typeof data.attributes == 'undefined')
return false;
// Flagged as needing to edit settings? Open dialog
if(typeof data.edit_settings != 'undefined' && data.edit_settings)
// Only resize once, and only if needed
if(data.attributes.width || data.attributes.height)
// Tell children
if(typeof widget.resize === 'function')
}, null, et2_IResizeable);
// Something went wrong, but do not stop
this.egw().debug('warn', e, this);
return html`
${this.color ? ".card {--border-color: " + this.color + "}" : ""}
card: true,
'card--has-footer': this.hasSlotController.test('footer'),
'card--has-image': this.hasSlotController.test('image'),
'card--has-header': true,
'et2-portlet': true
<slot name="image" part="image" class="card__image">${this.imageTemplate()}</slot>
<header class="portlet__header">
<slot name="header" part="header" class="card__header">${this.headerTemplate()}</slot>
<et2-button-icon id="settings" name="gear" label="Settings" noSubmit=true
@click="${() => this.edit_settings()}"></et2-button-icon>
<slot part="body" class="card__body">${this.bodyTemplate()}</slot>
<slot name="footer" part="footer" class="card__footer">${this.footerTemplate()}</slot>
customElements.define("et2-portlet", Et2Portlet);
} |