
229 lines
6.5 KiB

Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
var eventNameList = [ 'click', 'keydown', 'mousedown', 'keypress', 'mouseover', 'mouseout' ];
// Inline event callbacks assigned via innerHTML/outerHTML, such as
// onclick/onmouseover, are ignored in AIR.
// Use DOM2 event listeners to substitue inline handlers instead.
function convertInlineHandlers( container )
// TODO: document.querySelectorAll is not supported in AIR.
var children = container.getElementsByTag( '*' ),
count = children.count(),
for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ )
child = children.getItem( i );
(function( node )
for ( var j = 0; j < eventNameList.length; j++ )
(function( eventName )
var inlineEventHandler = node.getAttribute( 'on' + eventName );
if ( node.hasAttribute( 'on' + eventName ) )
node.removeAttribute( 'on' + eventName );
node.on( eventName, function( evt )
var callFunc = /(return\s*)?CKEDITOR\.tools\.callFunction\(([^)]+)\)/.exec( inlineEventHandler ),
hasReturn = callFunc && callFunc[ 1 ],
callFuncArgs = callFunc && callFunc[ 2 ].split( ',' ),
preventDefault = /return false;/.test( inlineEventHandler );
if ( callFuncArgs )
var nums = callFuncArgs.length,
for ( var i = 0; i < nums; i++ )
// Trim spaces around param.
callFuncArgs[ i ] = argName = callFuncArgs[ i ] );
// String form param.
var strPattern = argName.match( /^(["'])([^"']*?)\1$/ );
if ( strPattern )
callFuncArgs[ i ] = strPattern[ 2 ];
// Integer form param.
if ( argName.match( /\d+/ ) )
callFuncArgs[ i ] = parseInt( argName, 10 );
// Speical variables.
switch( argName )
case 'this' :
callFuncArgs[ i ] = node.$;
case 'event' :
callFuncArgs[ i ] =$;
case 'null' :
callFuncArgs [ i ] = null;
var retval = window, callFuncArgs );
if ( hasReturn && retval === false )
preventDefault = 1;
if ( preventDefault );
})( eventNameList[ j ] );
})( child );
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'adobeair',
init : function( editor )
if ( !CKEDITOR.env.air )
// Body doesn't get default margin on AIR.
editor.addCss( 'body { padding: 8px }' );
editor.on( 'uiReady', function()
convertInlineHandlers( editor.container );
if ( editor.sharedSpaces )
for ( var space in editor.sharedSpaces )
convertInlineHandlers( editor.sharedSpaces[ space ] );
editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( evt ) { convertInlineHandlers( ); } );
editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
// Hyperlinks are enabled in editable documents in Adobe
// AIR. Prevent their click behavior.
editor.document.on( 'click', function( ev )
{ true );
CKEDITOR.ui.on( 'ready', function( evt )
var ui =;
// richcombo, panelbutton and menu
if ( ui._.panel )
var panel = ui._.panel._.panel,
( function()
// Adding dom event listeners off-line are not supported in AIR,
// waiting for panel iframe loaded.
if ( !panel.isLoaded )
setTimeout( arguments.callee, 30 );
holder = panel._.holder;
convertInlineHandlers( holder );
else if ( ui instanceof CKEDITOR.dialog )
convertInlineHandlers( ui._.element );
CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.write = CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.write,
function( original_write )
function appendElement( parent, tagName, fullTag, text )
var node = parent.append( tagName ),
attrs = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( fullTag ).children[ 0 ].attributes;
attrs && node.setAttributes( attrs );
text && node.append( parent.getDocument().createText( text ) );
return function( html, mode )
// document.write() or document.writeln() fail silently after
// the page load event in Adobe AIR.
// DOM manipulation could be used instead.
if ( this.getBody() )
// We're taking the below extra work only because innerHTML
// on <html> element doesn't work as expected.
var doc = this,
head = this.getHead();
// Create style nodes for inline css. ( <style> content doesn't applied when setting via innerHTML )
html = html.replace( /(<style[^>]*>)([\s\S]*?)<\/style>/gi,
function ( match, startTag, styleText )
appendElement( head, 'style', startTag, styleText );
return '';
html = html.replace( /<base\b[^>]*\/>/i,
function( match )
appendElement( head, 'base', match );
return '';
html = html.replace( /<title>([\s\S]*)<\/title>/i,
function( match, title )
doc.$.title = title;
return '';
// Move the rest of head stuff.
html = html.replace( /<head>([\s\S]*)<\/head>/i,
function( headHtml )
// Inject the <head> HTML inside a <div>.
// Do that before getDocumentHead because WebKit moves
// <link css> elements to the <head> at this point.
var div = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', doc );
div.setHtml( headHtml );
// Move the <div> nodes to <head>.
div.moveChildren( head );
return '';
html.replace( /(<body[^>]*>)([\s\S]*)(?=$|<\/body>)/i,
function( match, startTag, innerHTML )
doc.getBody().setHtml( innerHTML );
var attrs = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( startTag ).children[ 0 ].attributes;
attrs && doc.getBody().setAttributes( attrs );
original_write.apply( this, arguments );