
354 lines
11 KiB

Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
function protectFormStyles( formElement )
if ( !formElement || formElement.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || formElement.getName() != 'form' )
return [];
var hijackRecord = [],
hijackNames = [ 'style', 'className' ];
for ( var i = 0 ; i < hijackNames.length ; i++ )
var name = hijackNames[i];
var $node = formElement.$.elements.namedItem( name );
if ( $node )
var hijackNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $node );
hijackRecord.push( [ hijackNode, hijackNode.nextSibling ] );
return hijackRecord;
function restoreFormStyles( formElement, hijackRecord )
if ( !formElement || formElement.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || formElement.getName() != 'form' )
if ( hijackRecord.length > 0 )
for ( var i = hijackRecord.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
var node = hijackRecord[i][0];
var sibling = hijackRecord[i][1];
if ( sibling )
node.insertBefore( sibling );
node.appendTo( formElement );
function saveStyles( element, isInsideEditor )
var data = protectFormStyles( element );
var retval = {};
var $element = element.$;
if ( !isInsideEditor )
retval[ 'class' ] = $element.className || '';
$element.className = '';
retval.inline = $ || '';
if ( !isInsideEditor ) // Reset any external styles that might interfere. (#2474)
$ = 'position: static; overflow: visible';
restoreFormStyles( data );
return retval;
function restoreStyles( element, savedStyles )
var data = protectFormStyles( element );
var $element = element.$;
if ( 'class' in savedStyles )
$element.className = savedStyles[ 'class' ];
if ( 'inline' in savedStyles )
$ = savedStyles.inline;
restoreFormStyles( data );
function refreshCursor( editor )
// Refresh all editor instances on the page (#5724).
var all = CKEDITOR.instances;
for ( var i in all )
var one = all[ i ];
if ( one.mode == 'wysiwyg' && !one.readOnly )
var body = one.document.getBody();
// Refresh 'contentEditable' otherwise
// DOM lifting breaks design mode. (#5560)
body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', false );
body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', true );
if ( editor.focusManager.hasFocus )
* Adding an iframe shim to this element, OR removing the existing one if already applied.
* Note: This will only affect IE version below 7.
function createIframeShim( element )
if ( ! || CKEDITOR.env.version > 6 )
return null;
var shim = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<iframe frameborder="0" tabindex="-1"' +
' src="javascript:' +
'void((function(){' +
';' +
( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() ? 'document.domain=\'' + this.getDocument().$.domain + '\';' : '' ) +
'document.close();' +
'})())"' +
' style="display:block;position:absolute;z-index:-1;' +
'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);' +
'"></iframe>' );
return element.append( shim, true );
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'maximize',
init : function( editor )
var lang = editor.lang;
var mainDocument = CKEDITOR.document,
mainWindow = mainDocument.getWindow();
// Saved selection and scroll position for the editing area.
var savedSelection,
// Saved scroll position for the outer window.
var outerScroll;
var shim;
// Saved resize handler function.
function resizeHandler()
var viewPaneSize = mainWindow.getViewPaneSize();
shim && shim.setStyles( { width : viewPaneSize.width + 'px', height : viewPaneSize.height + 'px' } );
editor.resize( viewPaneSize.width, viewPaneSize.height, null, true );
// Retain state after mode switches.
editor.addCommand( 'maximize',
// Disabled on iOS (#8307).
modes : { wysiwyg : !CKEDITOR.env.iOS, source : !CKEDITOR.env.iOS },
readOnly : 1,
editorFocus : false,
exec : function()
var container = editor.container.getChild( 1 );
var contents = editor.getThemeSpace( 'contents' );
// Save current selection and scroll position in editing area.
if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
var selection = editor.getSelection();
savedSelection = selection && selection.getRanges();
savedScroll = mainWindow.getScrollPosition();
var $textarea = editor.textarea.$;
savedSelection = ! && [ $textarea.selectionStart, $textarea.selectionEnd ];
savedScroll = [ $textarea.scrollLeft, $textarea.scrollTop ];
if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) // Go fullscreen if the state is off.
// Add event handler for resizing.
mainWindow.on( 'resize', resizeHandler );
// Save the scroll bar position.
outerScroll = mainWindow.getScrollPosition();
// Save and reset the styles for the entire node tree.
var currentNode = editor.container;
while ( ( currentNode = currentNode.getParent() ) )
currentNode.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( currentNode ) );
currentNode.setStyle( 'z-index', editor.config.baseFloatZIndex - 1 );
contents.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( contents, true ) );
container.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( container, true ) );
// Hide scroll bars.
var styles =
overflow : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? '' : 'hidden', // #6896
width : 0,
height : 0
mainDocument.getDocumentElement().setStyles( styles );
!CKEDITOR.env.gecko && mainDocument.getDocumentElement().setStyle( 'position', 'fixed' );
!( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) && mainDocument.getBody().setStyles( styles );
// Scroll to the top left (IE needs some time for it - #4923). ?
setTimeout( function() { mainWindow.$.scrollTo( 0, 0 ); }, 0 ) :
mainWindow.$.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
// Resize and move to top left.
// Special treatment for FF Quirks (#7284)
container.setStyle( 'position', CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' );
container.$.offsetLeft; // SAFARI BUG: See #2066.
'z-index' : editor.config.baseFloatZIndex - 1,
left : '0px',
top : '0px'
} );
shim = createIframeShim( container ); // IE6 select element penetration when maximized. (#4459)
// Add cke_maximized class before resize handle since that will change things sizes (#5580)
container.addClass( 'cke_maximized' );
// Still not top left? Fix it. (Bug #174)
var offset = container.getDocumentPosition();
left : ( -1 * offset.x ) + 'px',
top : ( -1 * offset.y ) + 'px'
} );
// Fixing positioning editor chrome in Firefox break design mode. (#5149)
CKEDITOR.env.gecko && refreshCursor( editor );
else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) // Restore from fullscreen if the state is on.
// Remove event handler for resizing.
mainWindow.removeListener( 'resize', resizeHandler );
// Restore CSS styles for the entire node tree.
var editorElements = [ contents, container ];
for ( var i = 0 ; i < editorElements.length ; i++ )
restoreStyles( editorElements[i], editorElements[i].getCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' ) );
editorElements[i].removeCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' );
currentNode = editor.container;
while ( ( currentNode = currentNode.getParent() ) )
restoreStyles( currentNode, currentNode.getCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' ) );
currentNode.removeCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' );
// Restore the window scroll position. ?
setTimeout( function() { mainWindow.$.scrollTo( outerScroll.x, outerScroll.y ); }, 0 ) :
mainWindow.$.scrollTo( outerScroll.x, outerScroll.y );
// Remove cke_maximized class.
container.removeClass( 'cke_maximized' );
// Webkit requires a re-layout on editor chrome. (#6695)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
container.setStyle( 'display', 'inline' );
setTimeout( function(){ container.setStyle( 'display', 'block' ); }, 0 );
if ( shim )
shim = null;
// Emit a resize event, because this time the size is modified in
// restoreStyles. 'resize' );
// Toggle button label.
var button = this.uiItems[ 0 ];
// Only try to change the button if it exists (#6166)
if( button )
var label = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
? lang.maximize : lang.minimize;
var buttonNode = editor.element.getDocument().getById( );
buttonNode.getChild( 1 ).setHtml( label );
buttonNode.setAttribute( 'title', label );
buttonNode.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:void("' + label + '");' );
// Restore selection and scroll position in editing area.
if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
if ( savedSelection )
// Fixing positioning editor chrome in Firefox break design mode. (#5149)
CKEDITOR.env.gecko && refreshCursor( editor );
var element = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
element && element.scrollIntoView( true );
mainWindow.$.scrollTo( savedScroll.x, savedScroll.y );
if ( savedSelection )
$textarea.selectionStart = savedSelection[0];
$textarea.selectionEnd = savedSelection[1];
$textarea.scrollLeft = savedScroll[0];
$textarea.scrollTop = savedScroll[1];
savedSelection = savedScroll = null;
savedState = this.state;
canUndo : false
} );
editor.ui.addButton( 'Maximize',
label : lang.maximize,
command : 'maximize'
} );
// Restore the command state after mode change, unless it has been changed to disabled (#6467)
editor.on( 'mode', function()
var command = editor.getCommand( 'maximize' );
command.setState( command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED : savedState );
}, null, null, 100 );
} );