Ralf Becker 0f64b4c740 * CalDAV/Calendar: fix for first recurence being an exception cause it to be deleted by mac calendar
due to wrong start of series not taking execption into account
also fix missing timezone in EXDATE did not match recurrence
2020-01-10 11:13:18 +01:00

1738 lines
62 KiB

* EGroupware: CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV access: Calendar handler
* @link
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package calendar
* @subpackage caldav
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright (c) 2007-16 by Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
use EGroupware\Api;
use EGroupware\Api\Acl;
* CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV access: Calendar handler
* Permanent error_log() calls should use $this->caldav->log($str) instead, to be send to PHP error_log()
* and our request-log (prefixed with "### " after request and response, like exceptions).
* @ToDo: new properties on calendars and it's ressources specially from sharing:
* - for the invite property: 5.2.2 in
* -
class calendar_groupdav extends Api\CalDAV\Handler
* bo class of the application
* @var calendar_boupdate
var $bo;
* vCalendar Instance for parsing
* @var Horde_Icalendar
var $vCalendar;
var $filter_prop2cal = array(
'SUMMARY' => 'cal_title',
'UID' => 'cal_uid',
'DTSTART' => 'cal_start',
'DTEND' => 'cal_end',
//'RRULE' => 'recur_type',
//'RDATE' => 'cal_start',
* Does client understand exceptions to be included in VCALENDAR component of series master sharing its UID
* That also means no EXDATE for these exceptions!
* Setting it to false, should give the old behavior used in 1.6 (hopefully) no client needs that.
* @var boolean
var $client_shared_uid_exceptions = true;
* Enable or disable Schedule-Tag handling:
* - return Schedule-Tag header in PUT response
* - update only status and alarms of calendar owner, if If-Schedule-Tag-Match header in PUT
* Disabling Schedule-Tag for iCal, as current implementation seems to create too much trouble :-(
* - iCal on OS X always uses If-Schedule-Tag-Match, even if other stuff in event is changed (eg. title)
* - iCal on iOS allways uses both If-Schedule-Tag-Match and If-Match (ETag)
* - Lighting 1.0 is NOT using it
* @var boolean
var $use_schedule_tag = true;
* Are we using id, uid or caldav_name for the path/url
* Get's set in constructor to 'caldav_name' and self::$path_extension = ''!
static $path_attr = 'id';
* Constructor
* @param string $app 'calendar', 'addressbook' or 'infolog'
* @param Api\CalDAV $caldav calling class
function __construct($app, Api\CalDAV $caldav)
parent::__construct($app, $caldav);
$this->bo = new calendar_boupdate();
$this->vCalendar = new Horde_Icalendar;
// since 1.9.003 we allow clients to specify the URL when creating a new event, as specified by CalDAV
if (version_compare($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['calendar']['version'], '1.9.003', '>='))
self::$path_attr = 'caldav_name';
self::$path_extension = '';
* Get grants of current user and app
* Overwritten to return rights modified for certain user-agents (eg. Outlook CalDAV Synchroniser) in the consturctor.
* @return array user-id => Api\Acl::ADD|Api\Acl::READ|Api\Acl::EDIT|Api\Acl::DELETE pairs
public function get_grants()
return $this->bo->grants;
* Create the path for an event
* @param array|int $event
* @return string
function get_path($event)
if (is_numeric($event) && self::$path_attr == 'id')
$name = $event;
if (!is_array($event)) $event = $this->bo->read($event);
$name = $event[self::$path_attr];
$name .= self::$path_extension;
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($event).") path_attr='".self::$path_attr."', path_extension='".self::$path_extension."' returning ".array2string($name));
return $name;
const PAST_LIMIT = 100;
const FUTURE_LIMIT = 365;
* Handle propfind in the calendar folder
* @param string $path
* @param array &$options
* @param array &$files
* @param int $user account_id
* @param string $id =''
* @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
function propfind($path,&$options,&$files,$user,$id='')
if ($this->debug)
if ($options['root']['name'] == 'free-busy-query')
return $this->free_busy_report($path, $options, $user);
if (isset($_GET['download']))
$this->caldav->propfind_options['props'] = array(array(
'xmlns' => Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,
'name' => 'calendar-data',
// ToDo: add parameter to only return id & etag
$filter = array(
'users' => $user,
'enum_recuring' => false,
'daywise' => false,
'date_format' => 'server',
'no_total' => true, // we need no total number of rows (saves extra query)
'cfs' => array(), // return custom-fields, as we use them to store X- attributes
'start' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['calendar-past-limit'],
'end' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['calendar-future-limit'],
) as $name => $value)
if (!is_numeric($value))
$value = $name == 'start' ? self::PAST_LIMIT : self::FUTURE_LIMIT;
$filter[$name] = $this->bo->now + 24*3600*($name == 'start' ? -1 : 1)*abs($value);
if ($this->client_shared_uid_exceptions) // do NOT return (non-virtual) exceptions
$filter['query'] = array('cal_reference' => 0);
if ($path == '/calendar/')
$filter['filter'] = 'owner';
// scheduling inbox, shows only not yet accepted or rejected events
elseif (substr($path,-7) == '/inbox/')
$filter['filter'] = 'unknown';
$filter['start'] = $this->bo->now; // only return future invitations
// ToDo: not sure what scheduling outbox is supposed to show, leave it empty for now
elseif (substr($path,-8) == '/outbox/')
return true;
$filter['filter'] = 'default'; // not rejected
// process REPORT filters or multiget href's
$nresults = null;
if (($id || $options['root']['name'] != 'propfind') && !$this->_report_filters($options, $filter, $id, $nresults))
// return empty collection, as iCal under iOS 5 had problems with returning "404 Not found" status
// when trying to request not supported components, eg. VTODO on a calendar collection
return true;
if ($id) $path = dirname($path).'/'; // caldav_name get's added anyway in the callback
if ($this->debug > 1)
error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,,$user,$id) filter=".array2string($filter));
// rfc 6578 sync-collection report: filter for sync-token is already set in _report_filters
if ($options['root']['name'] == 'sync-collection')
// callback to query sync-token, after propfind_callbacks / iterator is run and
// stored max. modification-time in $this->sync_collection_token
$files['sync-token'] = array($this, 'get_sync_collection_token');
$files['sync-token-params'] = array($path, $user);
$this->sync_collection_token = null;
$filter['order'] = 'cal_modified ASC'; // return oldest modifications first
$filter['sync-collection'] = true;
// no end-date / limit into the future, as unchanged entries would never be transferted later on
if (isset($nresults))
unset($filter['no_total']); // we need the total!
$files['files'] = $this->propfind_callback($path, $filter, array(0, (int)$nresults));
// hack to support limit with sync-collection report: events are returned in modified ASC order (oldest first)
// if limit is smaller then full result, return modified-1 as sync-token, so client requests next chunk incl. modified
// (which might contain further entries with identical modification time)
if ($options['root']['name'] == 'sync-collection' && $this->bo->total > $nresults)
$files['sync-token-params'][] = true; // tel get_sync_collection_token that we have more entries
// return iterator, calling ourself to return result in chunks
$files['files'] = new Api\CalDAV\PropfindIterator($this,$path,$filter,$files['files']);
if (isset($_GET['download']))
return true;
* Download whole calendar as big ics file
* @param iterator|array $files
function output_vcalendar($files)
// todo ETag logic with CTag to not download unchanged calendar again
Api\Header\Content::type('calendar.ics', 'text/calendar');
$n = 0;
foreach($files as $file)
if (!$n++) continue; // first entry is collection itself
$icalendar = $file['props']['calendar-data']['val'];
if (($start = strpos($icalendar, 'BEGIN:VEVENT')) !== false &&
($end = strrpos($icalendar, 'END:VCALENDAR')) !== false)
if ($n === 2)
if (($x_calendarserver_access = strpos($icalendar, 'X-CALENDARSERVER-ACCESS:')) !== false)
echo substr($icalendar, 0, $x_calendarserver_access);
// skip timezones, as we would need to collect them from all events
// ans most clients understand timezone by reference anyway
elseif (($tz = strpos($icalendar, 'BEGIN:VTIMEZONE')) !== false)
echo substr($icalendar, 0, $tz);
echo substr($icalendar, 0, $start);
echo substr($icalendar, $start, $end-$start);
if ($icalendar && $end)
* Callback for profind interator
* @param string $path
* @param array $filter
* @param array|boolean $start =false false=return all or array(start,num)
* @return array with "files" array with values for keys path and props
function &propfind_callback($path,array $filter,$start=false)
if ($this->debug) $starttime = microtime(true);
$calendar_data = $this->caldav->prop_requested('calendar-data', Api\CalDAV::CALDAV, true);
if (!is_array($calendar_data)) $calendar_data = false; // not in allprop or autoindex
$files = array();
if (is_array($start))
$filter['offset'] = $start[0];
$filter['num_rows'] = $start[1];
$requested_multiget_ids = (array)$filter['query'][self::$path_attr];
$sync_collection = $filter['sync-collection'];
$events =& $this->bo->search($filter);
if ($events)
foreach($events as $event)
// remove event from requested multiget ids, to be able to report not found urls
if ($requested_multiget_ids && ($k = array_search($event[self::$path_attr], $requested_multiget_ids)) !== false)
// sync-collection report: deleted entries need to be reported without properties, same for rejected or deleted invitations
if ($sync_collection && ($event['deleted'] && !$event['cal_reference'] || in_array($event['participants'][$filter['users']][0], array('R','X'))))
$files[] = array('path' => $path.urldecode($this->get_path($event)));
$schedule_tag = null;
$etag = $this->get_etag($event, $schedule_tag);
//header('X-EGROUPWARE-EVENT-'.$event['id'].': '.$event['title'].': '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$event['start']).' - '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$event['end']));
$props = array(
'getcontenttype' => $this->agent != 'kde' ? 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8; component=VEVENT' : 'text/calendar',
'getetag' => '"'.$etag.'"',
'getlastmodified' => $event['modified'],
// user and timestamp of creation or last modification of event, used in calendarserver only for shared calendars
'created-by' => Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALENDARSERVER, 'created-by',
$this->_created_updated_by_prop($event['creator'], $event['created'])),
'updated-by' => Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALENDARSERVER, 'updated-by',
$this->_created_updated_by_prop($event['modifier'], $event['modified'])),
if ($this->use_schedule_tag)
$props['schedule-tag'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV, 'schedule-tag', '"'.$schedule_tag.'"');
//error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ . "Calendar Data : $calendar_data");
if ($calendar_data)
$content = $this->iCal($event, $filter['users'],
strpos($path, '/inbox/') !== false ? 'REQUEST' : null,
!isset($calendar_data['children']['expand']) ? false :
($calendar_data['children']['expand']['attrs'] ? $calendar_data['children']['expand']['attrs'] : true));
$props['getcontentlength'] = bytes($content);
$props['calendar-data'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-data',$content);
/* Calendarserver reports new events with schedule-changes: action: create, which iCal request
* adding it, unfortunately does not lead to showing the new event in the users inbox
if (strpos($path, '/inbox/') !== false && $this->caldav->prop_requested('schedule-changes'))
$props['schedule-changes'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALENDARSERVER,'schedule-changes',array(
$files[] = $this->add_resource($path, $event, $props);
// report not found multiget urls
if ($requested_multiget_ids)
foreach($requested_multiget_ids as $id)
$files[] = array('path' => $path.$id.self::$path_extension);
// sync-collection report --> return modified of last contact as sync-token
if ($sync_collection)
$this->sync_collection_token = $event['modified'];
if ($this->debug)
error_log(__METHOD__."($path) took ".(microtime(true) - $starttime).
' to return '.count($files['files']).' items');
return $files;
* Return Calendarserver:(created|updated)-by sub-properties for a given user and time
* <created-by xmlns=''>
* <first-name>Ralf</first-name>
* <last-name>Becker</last-name>
* <dtstamp>20121002T092006Z</dtstamp>
* <href xmlns='DAV:'></href>
* </created-by>
* @param int $user
* @param int $time
* @return array with subprops
private function _created_updated_by_prop($user, $time)
$props = array();
'first-name' => 'account_firstname',
'last-name' => 'account_lastname',
'href' => 'account_email',
) as $prop => $name)
if ($user && ($val = $this->accounts->id2name($user, $name)))
if ($prop == 'href')
$ns = '';
$val = 'mailto:'.$val;
$props[$prop] = $ns ? Api\CalDAV::mkprop($ns, $prop, $val) : Api\CalDAV::mkprop($prop, $val);
if ($time)
$props['dtstamp'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALENDARSERVER, 'dtstamp', gmdate('Ymd\\This\\Z', $time));
//error_log(__METHOD__."($user, $time) returning ".array2string($props));
return $props ? $props : '';
* Process the filters from the CalDAV REPORT request
* @param array $options
* @param array &$cal_filters
* @param string $id
* @param int &$nresult on return limit for number or results or unchanged/null
* @return boolean true if filter could be processed
function _report_filters($options, &$cal_filters, $id, &$nresults)
if ($options['filters'])
// unset default start & end
$cal_start = $cal_filters['start']; unset($cal_filters['start']);
$cal_end = $cal_filters['end']; unset($cal_filters['end']);
$num_filters = count($cal_filters);
foreach($options['filters'] as $filter)
case 'comp-filter':
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) comp-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}'");
case 'VTODO':
return false; // return nothing for now, todo: check if we can pass it on to the infolog handler
// todos are handled by the infolog handler
//$infolog_handler = new groupdav_infolog();
//return $infolog_handler->propfind($options['path'],$options,$options['files'],$user,$method);
case 'VEVENT':
break; // that's our default anyway
case 'prop-filter':
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) prop-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}'");
$prop_filter = $filter['attrs']['name'];
case 'text-match':
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) text-match: $prop_filter='{$filter['data']}'");
if (!isset($this->filter_prop2cal[strtoupper($prop_filter)]))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],".array2string($options).",...) unknown property '$prop_filter' --> ignored");
$cal_filters['query'][$this->filter_prop2cal[strtoupper($prop_filter)]] = $filter['data'];
case 'param-filter':
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) param-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}' not (yet) implemented!");
case 'time-range':
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__."($options[path],...) time-range={$filter['attrs']['start']}-{$filter['attrs']['end']}");
if (!empty($filter['attrs']['start']))
$cal_filters['start'] = $this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($filter['attrs']['start']);
if (!empty($filter['attrs']['end']))
$cal_filters['end'] = $this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($filter['attrs']['end']);
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],".array2string($options).",...) unknown filter --> ignored");
if (count($cal_filters) == $num_filters) // no filters set --> restore default start and end time
$cal_filters['start'] = $cal_start;
$cal_filters['end'] = $cal_end;
// parse limit from $options['other']
/* Example limit
foreach((array)$options['other'] as $option)
case 'nresults':
$nresults = (int)$option['data'];
//error_log(__METHOD__."(...) options[other]=".array2string($options['other'])." --> nresults=$nresults");
case 'limit':
case 'href':
break; // from addressbook-multiget, handled below
// rfc 6578 sync-report
case 'sync-token':
if (!empty($option['data']))
$parts = explode('/', $option['data']);
$sync_token = array_pop($parts);
$cal_filters['query'][] = 'cal_modified>'.(int)$sync_token;
$cal_filters['filter'] = 'everything'; // to return deleted entries too
// no standard time-range!
case 'sync-level':
if ($option['data'] != '1')
$this->caldav->log(__METHOD__."(...) only sync-level {$option['data']} requested, but only 1 supported! options[other]=".array2string($options['other']));
$this->caldav->log(__METHOD__."(...) unknown xml tag '{$option['name']}': options[other]=".array2string($options['other']));
// multiget or propfind on a given id
//error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ . "multiget of propfind:");
if ($options['root']['name'] == 'calendar-multiget' || $id)
// no standard time-range!
$ids = array();
if ($id)
$cal_filters['query'][self::$path_attr] = self::$path_extension ?
basename($id,self::$path_extension) : $id;
else // fetch all given url's
foreach($options['other'] as $option)
if ($option['name'] == 'href')
$parts = explode('/',$option['data']);
if (($id = urldecode(array_pop($parts))))
$cal_filters['query'][self::$path_attr][] = self::$path_extension ?
basename($id,self::$path_extension) : $id;
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ ."($options[path],...,$id) calendar-multiget: ids=".implode(',',$ids).', cal_filters='.array2string($cal_filters));
return true;
* Handle get request for an event
* @param array &$options
* @param int $id
* @param int $user =null account_id
* @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
function get(&$options,$id,$user=null)
if (!is_array($event = $this->_common_get_put_delete('GET',$options,$id)))
return $event;
$options['data'] = $this->iCal($event, $user, strpos($options['path'], '/inbox/') !== false ? 'REQUEST' : null);
$options['mimetype'] = 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8';
header('Content-Encoding: identity');
$schedule_tag = null;
header('ETag: "'.$this->get_etag($event, $schedule_tag).'"');
if ($this->use_schedule_tag)
header('Schedule-Tag: "'.$schedule_tag.'"');
return true;
* Generate an iCal for the given event
* Taking into account virtual an real exceptions for recuring events
* @param array $event
* @param int $user =null account_id of calendar to display
* @param string $method =null eg. 'PUBLISH' for inbox, nothing anywhere else
* @param boolean|array $expand =false true or array with values for 'start', 'end' to expand recurrences
* @return string
private function iCal(array $event,$user=null, $method=null, $expand=false)
static $handler = null;
if (is_null($handler)) $handler = $this->_get_handler();
if (!$user) $user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
// only return alarms in own calendar, not other users calendars
if ($user != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($event).", $user) clearing alarms");
$event['alarm'] = array();
$events = array($event);
// for recuring events we have to add the exceptions
if ($this->client_shared_uid_exceptions && $event['recur_type'] && !empty($event['uid']))
if (is_array($expand))
if (isset($expand['start'])) $expand['start'] = $this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($expand['start']);
if (isset($expand['end'])) $expand['end'] = $this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($expand['end']);
// pass in original event as master, as it has correct start-date even if first recurrence is an exception
$events =& self::get_series($event['uid'], $this->bo, $expand, $user, $event);
// as alarm is now only on next recurrence, set alarm from original event on master
if ($event['alarm']) $events[0]['alarm'] = $event['alarm'];
elseif(!$this->client_shared_uid_exceptions && $event['reference'])
$events[0]['uid'] .= '-'.$event['id']; // force a different uid
return $handler->exportVCal($events, '2.0', $method);
* Get array with events of a series identified by its UID (master and all exceptions)
* Maybe that should be part of calendar_bo
* @param string $uid UID
* @param calendar_bo $bo =null calendar_bo object to reuse for search call
* @param boolean|array $expand =false true or array with values for 'start', 'end' to expand recurrences
* @param int $user =null account_id of calendar to display, to remove master, if current user does not participate in
* @param array $master =null use provided event as master to fix wrong start-date if first recurrence is an exception
* @return array
private static function &get_series($uid,calendar_bo $bo=null, $expand=false, $user=null, $master=null)
if (is_null($bo)) $bo = new calendar_bopdate();
$params = array(
'query' => array('cal_uid' => $uid),
'filter' => 'owner', // return all possible entries
'daywise' => false,
'date_format' => 'server',
'cfs' => array(), // read cfs as we use them to store X- attributes
if (is_array($expand)) $params += $expand;
if (!($events =& $bo->search($params)))
return array();
// find master, which is not always first event, eg. when first event is an exception
$exceptions = array();
foreach($events as $k => &$recurrence)
if ($recurrence['recur_type'])
if (!isset($master)) $master = $recurrence;
$exceptions =& $master['recur_exception'];
// if recurring event starts in future behind horizont, nothing will be returned by bo::search()
if (!isset($master)) $master = $bo->read($uid);
foreach($events as $k => &$recurrence)
//error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."($uid)[$k]:" . array2string($recurrence));
if ($master && $recurrence['reference'] && $recurrence['reference'] != $master['id'])
continue; // same uid, but references a different event or is own master
if (!$master || $recurrence['id'] != $master['id']) // real exception
// user is NOT participating in this exception
if ($user && !self::isParticipant($recurrence, $user))
// if he is NOT in master, delete this exception
if (!$master || !self::isParticipant($master, $user))
// otherwise mark him in this exception as rejected
$recurrence['participants'][$user] = 'R';
//error_log('real exception: '.array2string($recurrence));
// remove from masters recur_exception, as exception is include
// at least Lightning "understands" EXDATE as exception from what's included
// in the whole resource / VCALENDAR component
// not removing it causes Lightning to remove the exception itself
if (($e = array_search($recurrence['recurrence'],$exceptions)) !== false)
continue; // nothing to change
// add alarms from master to recurrences, as clients otherwise have no alarms on virtual exceptions
if ($master && $master['alarm'])
$recurrence['alarm'] = $master['alarm'];
// now we need to check if this recurrence is an exception
if (!$expand && $master && $master['participants'] == $recurrence['participants'])
//error_log('NO exception: '.array2string($recurrence));
unset($events[$k]); // no exception --> remove it
// this is a virtual exception now (no extra event/cal_id in DB)
//error_log('virtual exception: '.array2string($recurrence));
$recurrence['recurrence'] = $recurrence['start'];
if ($master) $recurrence['reference'] = $master['id'];
$recurrence['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_NONE; // is set, as this is a copy of the master
// not for included exceptions (Lightning): $master['recur_exception'][] = $recurrence['start'];
// only add master if we are not expanding and current user participates in master (and not just some exceptions)
// also need to add master, if we have no (other) $events eg. birthday noone every accepted/rejected
if (!$expand && $master && (!$user || self::isParticipant($master, $user) || !$events))
$events = array_merge(array($master), $events);
return $events;
* Check if $user is a participant of given $event incl. group-invitations
* @param array $event
* @param int|string $user
* @return boolean
public static function isParticipant(array $event, $user)
return isset($event['participants'][$user]) ||
// for users and group-invitations we need to check memberships of $user too
$user > 0 && array_intersect(array_keys($event['participants']),
(array)$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($user, true));
* Handle put request for an event
* @param array &$options
* @param int $id
* @param int $user =null account_id of owner, default null
* @param string $prefix =null user prefix from path (eg. /ralf from /ralf/addressbook)
* @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
function put(&$options,$id,$user=null,$prefix=null)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($id, $user)".print_r($options,true));
if (!$prefix) $user = null; // /infolog/ does not imply setting the current user (for new entries it's done anyway)
// work around missing handling / racecondition in Lightning, if event already exists on server,
// but Lightning has not yet synced with the server: Lightning just retries the PUT, not GETing the event
// --> for now we ignore the If-None-Match: "*" as the lesser of two evils ;)
if (self::get_agent() === 'lightning' && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) &&
in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'], array('*', '"*"')))
$workaround_lightning_if_none_match = true;
// fix for iCal4OL using WinHTTP only supporting a certain header length
$return_no_access = true; // as handled by importVCal anyway and allows it to set the status for participants
$oldEvent = $this->_common_get_put_delete('PUT',$options,$id,$return_no_access,
isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_SCHEDULE_TAG_MATCH'])); // dont fail with 412 Precondition Failed in that case
if (!is_null($oldEvent) && !is_array($oldEvent))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.': '.print_r($oldEvent,true).function_backtrace());
return $oldEvent;
if (is_null($oldEvent) && ($user >= 0 && !$this->bo->check_perms(Acl::ADD, 0, $user) ||
// if we require an extra invite grant, we fail if that does not exist (bind privilege is not given in that case)
$this->bo->require_acl_invite && $user && $user != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] &&
// we have no add permission on this user's calendar
// ToDo: create event in current users calendar and invite only $user
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,,$user) we have not enough rights on this calendar");
return '403 Forbidden';
$handler = $this->_get_handler();
$vCalendar = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['content']);
$charset = null;
if (!empty($options['content_type']))
$content_type = explode(';', $options['content_type']);
if (count($content_type) > 1)
foreach ($content_type as $attribute)
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $attribute);
switch (strtolower(trim($key)))
case 'charset':
$charset = strtoupper(trim($value));
if (is_array($oldEvent))
$eventId = $oldEvent['id'];
//client specified a CalDAV Scheduling schedule-tag AND an etag If-Match precondition
if ($this->use_schedule_tag && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_SCHEDULE_TAG_MATCH']) &&
if ($oldEvent['owner'] == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
$this->caldav->log("Both If-Match and If-Schedule-Tag-Match header given: If-Schedule-Tag-Match ignored for event owner!");
$this->caldav->log("Both If-Match and If-Schedule-Tag-Match header given: If-Schedule-Tag-Match takes precedence for participants!");
// check CalDAV Scheduling schedule-tag precondition
if ($this->use_schedule_tag && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_SCHEDULE_TAG_MATCH']))
$schedule_tag_match = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_SCHEDULE_TAG_MATCH'];
if ($schedule_tag_match[0] == '"') $schedule_tag_match = substr($schedule_tag_match, 1, -1);
$schedule_tag = null;
$this->get_etag($oldEvent, $schedule_tag);
if ($schedule_tag_match !== $schedule_tag)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,,$user) schedule_tag missmatch: given '$schedule_tag_match' != '$schedule_tag'");
// honor Prefer: return=representation for 412 too (no need for client to explicitly reload)
$this->check_return_representation($options, $id, $user);
return '412 Precondition Failed';
// if no edit-rights (aka no organizer), update only attendee stuff: status and alarms
if (!$this->check_access(Acl::EDIT, $oldEvent) ||
// Work around problems with Outlook CalDAV Synchroniser (
// - always sends all participants back with status NEEDS-ACTION --> resets status of all participant, if user has edit rights
// --> allow full updates only for organizer
self::get_agent() == 'caldavsynchronizer' && $oldEvent['owner'] != $user ||
// we ignored Lightings If-None-Match: "*" --> do not overwrite event, just change status
$user_and_memberships = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($user, true);
$user_and_memberships[] = $user;
if (!array_intersect(array_keys($oldEvent['participants']), $user_and_memberships) &&
// above can be true, if current user is not in master but just a recurrence
(!$oldEvent['recur_type'] || !($series = self::get_series($oldEvent['uid'], $this->bo))))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,,$user) user $user is NOT an attendee!");
return '403 Forbidden';
// update only participant status and alarms of current user
if (($events = $handler->icaltoegw($vCalendar)))
$modified = 0;
foreach($events as $n => $event)
// for recurrances of event series, we need to read correct recurrence (or if series master is no first event)
if ($event['recurrence'] || $n && !$event['recurrence'] || isset($series))
// first try reading (virtual and real) exceptions
if (!isset($series))
$series = self::get_series($event['uid'], $this->bo);
//foreach($series as $s => $sEvent) error_log("series[$s]: ".array2string($sEvent));
foreach($series as $oldEvent)
if ($oldEvent['recurrence'] == $event['recurrence']) break;
// if no exception found, check if it might be just a recurrence (no exception)
if ($event['recurrence'] && $oldEvent['recurrence'] != $event['recurrence'])
if (!($oldEvent = $this->bo->read($eventId, $event['recurrence'], true)) ||
// virtual exceptions have recurrence=0 and recur_date=recurrence (series master or real exceptions have recurence=0)
!($oldEvent['recur_date'] == $event['recurrence'] || !$event['recurrence'] && !$oldEvent['recurrence']))
// if recurrence not found --> log it and continue with other recurrence
$this->caldav->log(__METHOD__."(,,$user) could NOT find recurrence=$event[recurrence]=".Api\DateTime::to($event['recurrence']).' of event series! event='.array2string($event));
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(, $id, $user, '$prefix') eventId=$eventId ($oldEvent[id]), user=$user, old-status='{$oldEvent['participants'][$user]}', new-status='{$event['participants'][$user]}', recurrence=$event[recurrence]=".Api\DateTime::to($event['recurrence']).", event=".array2string($event));
if (isset($event['participants']) && isset($event['participants'][$user]) &&
$event['participants'][$user] !== $oldEvent['participants'][$user])
if (!$this->bo->set_status($oldEvent['id'], $user, $event['participants'][$user],
// real (not virtual) exceptions use recurrence 0 in egw_cal_user.cal_recurrence!
$recurrence = $eventId == $oldEvent['id'] ? $event['recurrence'] : 0))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,,$user) failed to set_status($oldEvent[id], $user, '{$event['participants'][$user]}', $recurrence=".Api\DateTime::to($recurrence).')');
return '403 Forbidden';
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."() set_status($oldEvent[id], $user, {$event['participants'][$user]} , $recurrence=".Api\DateTime::to($recurrence).')');
// import alarms, if given and changed
if ((array)$event['alarm'] !== (array)$oldEvent['alarm'])
$event['id'] = $oldEvent['id'];
$modified += $handler->sync_alarms($event, (array)$oldEvent['alarm'], $user);
if (!$modified) // NO modififictions, or none we understood --> log it and return Ok: "204 No Content"
$this->caldav->log(__METHOD__."(,,$user) NO changes for current user events=".array2string($events).', old-event='.array2string($oldEvent));
$this->put_response_headers($eventId, $options['path'], '204 No Content', self::$path_attr == 'caldav_name');
return '204 No Content';
if ($this->debug && !isset($events)) error_log(__METHOD__."(,,$user) only schedule-tag given for event without participants (only calendar owner) --> handle as regular PUT");
if ($return_no_access)
$retval = true;
$retval = '204 No Content';
// lightning will pop up the alarm, as long as the Sequence (etag) does NOT change
// --> update the etag alone, if user has no edit rights
if ($this->agent == 'lightning' && !$this->check_access(Acl::EDIT, $oldEvent) &&
// just update etag in database
'cal_id' => $eventId,
// schedule tag with deleted event should not create a new entry, therefore returning 404 Not Found
elseif (!isset($oldEvent) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_SCHEDULE_TAG_MATCH']))
return '404 Not Found';
// new entry
$eventId = -1;
$retval = '201 Created';
if (!($cal_id = $handler->importVCal($vCalendar, $eventId,
self::etag2value($this->http_if_match), false, 0, $this->caldav->current_user_principal, $user, $charset, $id)))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,$id) eventId=$eventId: importVCal('$options[content]') returned ".array2string($cal_id));
if ($eventId && $cal_id === false)
// ignore import failures
$cal_id = $eventId;
$retval = true;
elseif ($cal_id === 0) // etag failure
// honor Prefer: return=representation for 412 too (no need for client to explicitly reload)
$this->check_return_representation($options, $id, $user);
return '412 Precondition Failed';
return '403 Forbidden';
// send evtl. necessary respose headers: Location, etag, ...
$this->put_response_headers($cal_id, $options['path'], $retval, self::$path_attr == 'caldav_name');
return $retval;
* Handle post request for a schedule entry
* @param array &$options
* @param int $id
* @param int $user =null account_id of owner, default null
* @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
function post(&$options,$id,$user=null)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($id, $user)".print_r($options,true));
$vCalendar = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['content']);
$charset = null;
if (!empty($options['content_type']))
$content_type = explode(';', $options['content_type']);
if (count($content_type) > 1)
foreach ($content_type as $attribute)
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $attribute);
switch (strtolower(trim($key)))
case 'charset':
$charset = strtoupper(trim($value));
if (substr($options['path'],-8) == '/outbox/')
if (preg_match('/^METHOD:REQUEST(\r\n|\r|\n)(.*)^BEGIN:VFREEBUSY/ism', $vCalendar))
if ($user != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
error_log(__METHOD__."() freebusy request only allowed to own outbox!");
return '403 Forbidden';
// do freebusy request
return $this->outbox_freebusy_request($vCalendar, $charset, $user, $options);
// POST to deliver an invitation, containing http headers:
// Originator: mailto:<organizer-email>
// Recipient: mailto:<attendee-email>
// --> currently we simply ignore these posts, as EGroupware does it's own notifications based on user preferences
return '204 No Content';
if (preg_match('/^METHOD:(PUBLISH|REQUEST)(\r\n|\r|\n)(.*)^BEGIN:VEVENT/ism', $options['content']))
$handler = $this->_get_handler();
if (($foundEvents = $handler->search($vCalendar, null, false, $charset)))
$id = array_shift($foundEvents);
list($eventId) = explode(':', $id);
if (!($cal_id = $handler->importVCal($vCalendar, $eventId, null,
false, 0, $this->caldav->current_user_principal, $user, $charset)))
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."() importVCal($eventId) returned false");
header('ETag: "'.$this->get_etag($eventId).'"');
return true;
* Handle outbox freebusy request
* @param string $ical
* @param string $charset of ical
* @param int $user account_id of owner
* @param array &$options
* @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
protected function outbox_freebusy_request($ical, $charset, $user, array &$options)
unset($options); // not used, but required by function signature
$vcal = new Horde_Icalendar();
if (!$vcal->parsevCalendar($ical, 'VCALENDAR', $charset))
return '400 Bad request';
$version = $vcal->getAttribute('VERSION');
//echo $ical."\n";
$handler = $this->_get_handler();
$handler->calendarOwner = $handler->user = 0; // to NOT default owner/organizer to something
if (!($component = $vcal->getComponent(0)) ||
!($event = $handler->vevent2egw($component, $version, $handler->supportedFields, $this->caldav->current_user_principal, 'Horde_Icalendar_Vfreebusy')))
return '400 Bad request';
if ($event['owner'] != $user)
$this->caldav->log(__METHOD__."('$ical',,$user) ORGANIZER is NOT principal!");
return '403 Forbidden';
$organizer = $component->getAttribute('ORGANIZER');
$attendees = (array)$component->getAttribute('ATTENDEE');
// X-CALENDARSERVER-MASK-UID specifies to exclude given event from busy-time
$mask_uid = $component->getAttributeDefault('X-CALENDARSERVER-MASK-UID', null);
header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
$xml = new XMLWriter;
$xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$xml->startElementNs('C', 'schedule-response', Api\CalDAV::CALDAV);
foreach(array_keys($event['participants']) as $uid)
$xml->startElementNs('C', 'response', null);
$xml->startElementNs('C', 'recipient', null);
$xml->writeElementNs('D', 'href', 'DAV:', $attendee=array_shift($attendees));
$xml->endElement(); // recipient
$xml->writeElementNs('C', 'request-status', null, '2.0;Success');
$xml->writeElementNs('C', 'calendar-data', null,
$handler->freebusy($uid, $event['end'], true, 'utf-8', $event['start'], 'REPLY', array(
'UID' => $event['uid'],
'ORGANIZER' => $organizer,
'ATTENDEE' => $attendee,
)+(empty($mask_uid) || !is_string($mask_uid) ? array() : array(
$xml->endElement(); // response
$xml->endElement(); // schedule-response
echo $xml->outputMemory();
return true;
* Handle free-busy-query report
* @param string $path
* @param array $options
* @param int $user account_id
* @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
function free_busy_report($path,$options,$user)
unset($path); // unused, but required by function signature
if (!$this->bo->check_perms(calendar_bo::ACL_FREEBUSY, 0, $user))
return '403 Forbidden';
foreach($options['other'] as $filter)
if ($filter['name'] == 'time-range')
$start = $this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($filter['attrs']['start']);
$end = $this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($filter['attrs']['end']);
$handler = $this->_get_handler();
header('Content-Type: text/calendar');
echo $handler->freebusy($user, $end, true, 'utf-8', $start, 'REPLY', array());
exit(); // otherwise we get a 207 multistatus, not 200 Ok
* Return priviledges for current user, default is read and read-current-user-privilege-set
* Reimplemented to add read-free-busy and schedule-deliver privilege
* @param string $path path of collection
* @param int $user =null owner of the collection, default current user
* @return array with privileges
public function current_user_privileges($path, $user=null)
$privileges = parent::current_user_privileges($path, $user);
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', $user) parent gave ".array2string($privileges));
if ($this->bo->check_perms(calendar_bo::ACL_FREEBUSY, 0, $user))
$privileges['read-free-busy'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV, 'read-free-busy', '');
if (substr($path, -8) == '/outbox/' && $this->bo->check_acl_invite($user))
$privileges['schedule-send'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV, 'schedule-send', '');
if (substr($path, -7) == '/inbox/' && $this->bo->check_acl_invite($user))
$privileges['schedule-deliver'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV, 'schedule-deliver', '');
// remove bind privilege on other users or groups calendars, if calendar Api\Config require_acl_invite is set
// and current user has no invite grant
if ($user && $user != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] && isset($privileges['bind']) &&
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', $user) returning ".array2string($privileges));
return $privileges;
* Fix event series with exceptions, called by calendar_ical::importVCal():
* a) only series master = first event got cal_id from URL
* b) exceptions need to be checked if they are already in DB or new
* c) recurrence-id of (real not virtual) exceptions need to be re-added to master
* @param array &$events
static function fix_series(array &$events)
$bo = new calendar_boupdate();
// get array with orginal recurrences indexed by recurrence-id
$org_recurrences = $exceptions = array();
foreach(self::get_series($events[0]['uid'],$bo) as $k => $event)
if (!$k) $master = $event;
if ($event['recurrence'])
$org_recurrences[$event['recurrence']] = $event;
// assign cal_id's to already existing recurrences and evtl. re-add recur_exception to master
foreach($events as $k => &$recurrence)
if (!$recurrence['recurrence'])
// master
$recurrence['id'] = $master['id'];
$master =& $events[$k];
// from now on we deal with exceptions
$org_recurrence = $org_recurrences[$recurrence['recurrence']];
if (isset($org_recurrence)) // already existing recurrence
//error_log(__METHOD__.'() setting id #'.$org_recurrence['id']).' for '.$recurrence['recurrence'].' = '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$recurrence['recurrence']);
$recurrence['id'] = $org_recurrence['id'];
// re-add (non-virtual) exceptions to master's recur_exception
if ($recurrence['id'] != $master['id'])
//error_log(__METHOD__.'() re-adding recur_exception '.$recurrence['recurrence'].' = '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$recurrence['recurrence']));
$exceptions[] = $recurrence['recurrence'];
// remove recurrence to be able to detect deleted exceptions
$master['recur_exception'] = array_merge($exceptions, $master['recur_exception']);
// delete not longer existing recurrences
foreach($org_recurrences as $org_recurrence)
if ($org_recurrence['id'] != $master['id']) // non-virtual recurrence
//error_log(__METHOD__.'() deleting #'.$org_recurrence['id']);
$bo->delete($org_recurrence['id']); // might fail because of permissions
else // virtual recurrence
//error_log(__METHOD__.'() delete virtual exception '.$org_recurrence['recurrence'].' = '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$org_recurrence['recurrence']));
$bo->update_status($master, $org_recurrence, $org_recurrence['recurrence']);
//foreach($events as $n => $event) error_log(__METHOD__." $n after: ".array2string($event));
* Handle delete request for an event
* If current user has no right to delete the event, but is an attendee, we reject the event for him.
* @todo remove (non-virtual) exceptions, if series master gets deleted
* @param array &$options
* @param int $id
* @param int $user account_id of collection owner
* @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
function delete(&$options,$id,$user)
if (strpos($options['path'], '/inbox/') !== false)
return true; // simply ignore DELETE in inbox for now
$return_no_access = true; // to allow to check if current use is a participant and reject the event for him
if (!is_array($event = $this->_common_get_put_delete('DELETE',$options,$id,$return_no_access)) || !$return_no_access ||
// Work around problems with Outlook CalDAV Synchroniser (
// - sends a DELETE to reject a meeting request --> deletes event for all participants, if user has delete rights on the calendar
// --> only set status for everyone else but the organizer
self::get_agent() == 'caldavsynchronizer' && is_array($event) && $event['owner'] != $user)
if (is_array($event) && (!$return_no_access || $event['owner'] != $user))
// check if user is a participant or one of the groups he is a member of --> reject the meeting request
$ret = '403 Forbidden';
$memberships = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($this->bo->user, true);
foreach(array_keys($event['participants']) as $uid)
if ($this->bo->user == $uid || in_array($uid, $memberships))
$this->bo->set_status($event,$this->bo->user, 'R');
$ret = true;
$ret = $event;
$ret = $this->bo->delete($event['id']);
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,$id) return_no_access=$return_no_access, event[participants]=".array2string(is_array($event)?$event['participants']:null).", user={$this->bo->user} --> return ".array2string($ret));
return $ret;
* Read an entry
* We have to make sure to not return or even consider in read deleted events, as the might have
* the same UID and/or caldav_name as not deleted events and would block access to valid entries
* @param string|id $id
* @return array|boolean array with entry, false if no read rights, null if $id does not exist
function read($id)
if (strpos($column=self::$path_attr,'_') === false) $column = 'cal_'.$column;
$event = $this->bo->read(array($column => $id, 'cal_deleted IS NULL', 'cal_reference=0'), null, true, 'server');
if ($event) $event = array_shift($event); // read with array as 1. param, returns an array of events!
if (!($retval = $this->bo->check_perms(calendar_bo::ACL_FREEBUSY,$event, 0, 'server')) &&
// above can be true, if current user is not in master but just a recurrence
(!$event['recur_type'] || !($events = self::get_series($event['uid'], $this->bo))))
if ($this->debug > 0) error_log(__METHOD__."($id) no READ or FREEBUSY rights returning ".array2string($retval));
return $retval;
if (!$this->bo->check_perms(Acl::READ, $event, 0, 'server'))
$this->bo->clear_private_infos($event, array($this->bo->user, $event['owner']));
// handle deleted events, as not existing
if ($event['deleted']) $event = null;
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($id) returning ".array2string($event));
return $event;
* Update etag, ctag and sync-token to reflect changed attachments
* @param array|string|int $entry array with entry data from read, or id
public function update_tags($entry)
if (!is_array($entry)) $entry = $this->read($entry);
$this->bo->update($entry, true);
* Query ctag for calendar
* @return string
public function getctag($path,$user)
$ctag = $this->bo->get_ctag($user,$path == '/calendar/' ? 'owner' : 'default'); // default = not rejected
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__. "($path)[$user] = $ctag");
return $ctag;
* Get the etag for an entry
* @param array|int $entry array with event or cal_id
* @param string $schedule_tag =null on return schedule-tag
* @return string|boolean string with etag or false
function get_etag($entry, &$schedule_tag=null)
$etag = $this->bo->get_etag($entry, $schedule_tag, $this->client_shared_uid_exceptions);
//error_log(__METHOD__ . "($entry[id] ($entry[etag]): $entry[title] --> etag=$etag");
return $etag;
* Send response-headers for a PUT (or POST with add-member query parameter)
* Reimplemented to send
* @param int|array $entry id or array of new created entry
* @param string $path
* @param int|string $retval
* @param boolean $path_attr_is_name =true true: path_attr is ca(l|rd)dav_name, false: id (GroupDAV needs Location header)
function put_response_headers($entry, $path, $retval, $path_attr_is_name=true)
$schedule_tag = null;
$etag = $this->get_etag($entry, $schedule_tag);
if ($this->use_schedule_tag)
header('Schedule-Tag: "'.$schedule_tag.'"');
parent::put_response_headers($entry, $path, $retval, $path_attr_is_name, $etag);
* Check if user has the neccessary rights on an event
* @param int $acl Acl::READ, Acl::EDIT or Acl::DELETE
* @param array|int $event event-array or id
* @return boolean null if entry does not exist, false if no access, true if access permitted
function check_access($acl,$event)
if ($acl == Acl::READ)
// we need at least calendar_bo::ACL_FREEBUSY to get some information
$acl = calendar_bo::ACL_FREEBUSY;
return $this->bo->check_perms($acl,$event,0,'server');
* Add extra properties for calendar collections
* @param array $props regular props by the Api\CalDAV handler
* @param string $displayname
* @param string $base_uri =null base url of handler
* @param int $user =null account_id of owner of current collection
* @param string $path =null path of the collection
* @return array
public function extra_properties(array $props, $displayname, $base_uri=null, $user=null, $path=null)
unset($base_uri); // unused, but required by function signature
if (!isset($props['calendar-description']))
// default calendar description: can be overwritten via PROPPATCH, in which case it's already set
$props['calendar-description'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-description',$displayname);
$supported_components = array(
Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'comp',array('name' => 'VEVENT')),
// outbox supports VFREEBUSY too, it is required from OS X iCal to autocomplete locations
if (substr($path,-8) == '/outbox/')
$supported_components[] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'comp',array('name' => 'VFREEBUSY'));
$props['supported-calendar-component-set'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,
// supported reports
$props['supported-report-set'] = array(
'calendar-query' => Api\CalDAV::mkprop('supported-report',array(
'calendar-multiget' => Api\CalDAV::mkprop('supported-report',array(
'free-busy-query' => Api\CalDAV::mkprop('supported-report',array(
// rfc 6578 sync-collection report for everything but outbox
// only if "delete-prevention" is switched on (deleted entries get marked deleted but not actualy deleted
if (strpos($path, '/outbox/') === false && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['calendar_delete_history'])
$props['supported-report-set']['sync-collection'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop('supported-report',array(
$props['supported-calendar-data'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'supported-calendar-data',array(
Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-data', array('content-type' => 'text/calendar', 'version'=> '2.0')),
Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-data', array('content-type' => 'text/x-calendar', 'version'=> '1.0'))));
// get timezone of calendar
if ($this->caldav->prop_requested('calendar-timezone'))
$props['calendar-timezone'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-timezone',
return $props;
* Get the handler and set the supported fields
* @return calendar_ical
private function _get_handler()
$handler = new calendar_ical();
$handler->supportedFields['attachments'] = true; // enabling attachments
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log("ical Handler called: " . $this->agent);
return $handler;
* Return calendars/addressbooks shared from other users with the current one
* return array account_id => account_lid pairs
function get_shared()
$shared = array();
$pref = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['calendar-home-set'];
$calendar_home_set = $pref ? explode(',', $pref) : array();
// replace symbolic id's with real nummeric id's
'G' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_primary_group'],
) as $sym => $id)
if (($key = array_search($sym, $calendar_home_set)) !== false)
$calendar_home_set[$key] = $id;
foreach(ExecMethod('calendar.calendar_bo.list_cals') as $entry)
$id = $entry['grantor'];
if ($id && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] != $id && // no current user
(in_array('A',$calendar_home_set) || in_array((string)$id,$calendar_home_set)) &&
is_numeric($id) && ($owner = $this->accounts->id2name($id)))
$shared[$id] = 'calendar-'.$owner;
// shared locations and resources
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['resources'])
foreach(array('locations','resources') as $res)
if (($pref = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['calendar-home-set-'.$res]))
foreach(explode(',', $pref) as $res_id)
$is_location = $res == 'locations';
$shared['r'.$res_id] = str_replace('s/', '-', Api\CalDAV\Principals::resource2name($res_id, $is_location));
return $shared;
* Return appliction specific settings
* @param array $hook_data
* @return array of array with settings
static function get_settings($hook_data)
$calendars = array(
'A' => lang('All'),
'G' => lang('Primary Group'),
if (!isset($hook_data['setup']) && in_array($hook_data['type'], array('user', 'group')))
$user = $hook_data['account_id'];
foreach (calendar_bo::list_calendars($user) as $entry)
$calendars[$entry['grantor']] = $entry['name'];
if ($user > 0) unset($calendars[$user]); // skip current user
$settings = array();
$settings['calendar-home-set'] = array(
'type' => 'multiselect',
'label' => 'Calendars to sync in addition to personal calendar',
'name' => 'calendar-home-set',
'help' => lang('Only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from Apple). If you have to enter a URL, it will most likly not be suppored!').'<br/>'.lang('They will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute).','CalDAV "calendar-home-set"'),
'values' => $calendars,
'xmlrpc' => True,
'admin' => False,
$settings['calendar-past-limit'] = array(
'type' => 'integer',
'label' => lang('How many days to sync in the past (default %1)', self::PAST_LIMIT),
'name' => 'calendar-past-limit',
'help' => 'Clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. A too high limit may cause problems with some clients.',
'xmlrpc' => True,
'admin' => False,
$settings['calendar-future-limit'] = array(
'type' => 'integer',
'label' => lang('How many days to sync in the future (default %1)', self::FUTURE_LIMIT),
'name' => 'calendar-future-limit',
'help' => 'Clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. A too high limit may cause problems with some clients.',
'xmlrpc' => True,
'admin' => False,
// allow to subscribe to resources
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['resources'] && ($all_resources = Api\CalDAV\Principals::get_resources()))
$resources = $locations = array();
foreach($all_resources as $resource)
if (Api\CalDAV\Principals::resource_is_location($resource))
$locations[$resource['res_id']] = $resource['name'];
$resources[$resource['res_id']] = $resource['name'];
'locations' => $locations,
'resources' => $resources,
) as $name => $options)
if ($options)
$settings['calendar-home-set-'.$name] = array(
'type' => 'multiselect',
'label' => lang('%1 to sync', lang($name == 'locations' ? 'Location calendars' : 'Resource calendars')),
'no_lang'=> true,
'name' => 'calendar-home-set-'.$name,
'help' => lang('Only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from Apple). If you have to enter a URL, it will most likly not be suppored!').'<br/>'.lang('They will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute).','CalDAV "calendar-home-set"'),
'values' => $options,
'xmlrpc' => True,
'admin' => False,
return $settings;