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File: xajaxPluginManager.inc.php
Contains the xajax plugin manager.
Title: xajax plugin manager
Please see <copyright.inc.php> for a detailed description, copyright
and license information.
@package xajax
@version $Id: xajaxPluginManager.inc.php 362 2007-05-29 15:32:24Z calltoconstruct $
@copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson
@copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson
@license http://www.xajaxproject.org/bsd_license.txt BSD License
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/xajaxPlugin.inc.php');
Class: xajaxPluginManager
class xajaxPluginManager
Array: aRequestPlugins
var $aRequestPlugins;
Array: aResponsePlugins
var $aResponsePlugins;
Array: aConfigurable
var $aConfigurable;
Array: aRegistrars
var $aRegistrars;
Array: aProcessors
var $aProcessors;
Array: aClientScriptGenerators
var $aClientScriptGenerators;
Function: xajaxPluginManager
Construct and initialize the one and only xajax plugin manager.
function xajaxPluginManager()
$this->aRequestPlugins = array();
$this->aResponsePlugins = array();
$this->aConfigurable = array();
$this->aRegistrars = array();
$this->aProcessors = array();
$this->aClientScriptGenerators = array();
Function: getInstance
Implementation of the singleton pattern: returns the one and only instance of the
xajax plugin manager.
object : a reference to the one and only instance of the
plugin manager.
function &getInstance()
static $obj;
if (!$obj) {
$obj = new xajaxPluginManager();
return $obj;
Function: loadPlugins
Loads plugins from the folders specified.
$aFolders - (array): Array of folders to check for plugins
function loadPlugins($aFolders)
foreach ($aFolders as $sFolder) {
if (is_dir($sFolder))
if ($handle = opendir($sFolder)) {
while (!(false === ($sName = readdir($handle)))) {
$nLength = strlen($sName);
if (8 < $nLength) {
$sFileName = substr($sName, 0, $nLength - 8);
$sExtension = substr($sName, $nLength - 8, 8);
if ('.inc.php' == $sExtension) {
require_once $sFolder . '/' . $sFileName . $sExtension;
Function: _insertIntoArray
Inserts an entry into an array given the specified priority number.
If a plugin already exists with the given priority, the priority is
automatically incremented until a free spot is found. The plugin
is then inserted into the empty spot in the array.
$aPlugins - (array): Plugins array
$objPlugin - (object): A reference to an instance of a plugin.
$nPriority - (number): The desired priority, used to order
the plugins.
function _insertIntoArray(&$aPlugins, &$objPlugin, $nPriority)
while (isset($aPlugins[$nPriority]))
$aPlugins[$nPriority] =& $objPlugin;
Function: registerPlugin
Registers a plugin.
objPlugin - (object): A reference to an instance of a plugin.
Below is a table for priorities and their description:
0 thru 999: Plugins that are part of or extensions to the xajax core
1000 thru 8999: User created plugins, typically, these plugins don't care about order
9000 thru 9999: Plugins that generally need to be last or near the end of the plugin list
function registerPlugin(&$objPlugin, $nPriority=1000)
if (is_a($objPlugin, 'xajaxRequestPlugin'))
$this->_insertIntoArray($this->aRequestPlugins, $objPlugin, $nPriority);
if (method_exists($objPlugin, 'register'))
$this->_insertIntoArray($this->aRegistrars, $objPlugin, $nPriority);
if (method_exists($objPlugin, 'canProcessRequest'))
if (method_exists($objPlugin, 'processRequest'))
$this->_insertIntoArray($this->aProcessors, $objPlugin, $nPriority);
else if (is_a($objPlugin, 'xajaxResponsePlugin'))
$this->aResponsePlugins[] =& $objPlugin;
$objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance();
. get_class($objPlugin)
. $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXPM:IPLGERR:02')
if (method_exists($objPlugin, 'configure'))
$this->_insertIntoArray($this->aConfigurable, $objPlugin, $nPriority);
if (method_exists($objPlugin, 'generateClientScript'))
$this->_insertIntoArray($this->aClientScriptGenerators, $objPlugin, $nPriority);
Function: canProcessRequest
Calls each of the request plugins and determines if the
current request can be processed by one of them. If no processor identifies
the current request, then the request must be for the initial page load.
See <xajax->canProcessRequest> for more information.
function canProcessRequest()
$bHandled = false;
$aKeys = array_keys($this->aProcessors);
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
$mResult = $this->aProcessors[$sKey]->canProcessRequest();
if (true === $mResult)
$bHandled = true;
else if (is_string($mResult))
return $mResult;
return $bHandled;
Function: processRequest
Calls each of the request plugins to request that they process the
current request. If the plugin processes the request, it will
return true.
function processRequest()
$bHandled = false;
$aKeys = array_keys($this->aProcessors);
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
$mResult = $this->aProcessors[$sKey]->processRequest();
if (true === $mResult)
$bHandled = true;
else if (is_string($mResult))
return $mResult;
return $bHandled;
Function: configure
Call each of the request plugins passing along the configuration
setting specified.
sName - (string): The name of the configuration setting to set.
mValue - (mixed): The value to be set.
function configure($sName, $mValue)
$aKeys = array_keys($this->aConfigurable);
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey)
$this->aConfigurable[$sKey]->configure($sName, $mValue);
Function: register
Call each of the request plugins and give them the opportunity to
handle the registration of the specified function, event or callable object.
$aArgs - (array) :
function register($aArgs)
$aKeys = array_keys($this->aRegistrars);
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey)
$objPlugin =& $this->aRegistrars[$sKey];
$mResult =& $objPlugin->register($aArgs);
if (is_a($mResult, 'xajaxRequest'))
return $mResult;
if (is_array($mResult))
return $mResult;
if (is_bool($mResult))
if (true === $mResult)
return true;
$objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance();
. print_r($aArgs, true)
Function: generateClientScript
Call each of the request and response plugins giving them the
opportunity to output some javascript to the page being generated. This
is called only when the page is being loaded initially. This is not
called when processing a request.
function generateClientScript()
$aKeys = array_keys($this->aClientScriptGenerators);
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey)
Function: getPlugin
Locate the specified response plugin by name and return
a reference to it if one exists.
$sName - (string): Name of the plugin.
mixed : Returns plugin or false if not found.
function &getPlugin($sName)
$aKeys = array_keys($this->aResponsePlugins);
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey)
if (is_a($this->aResponsePlugins[$sKey], $sName))
return $this->aResponsePlugins[$sKey];
$bFailure = false;
return $bFailure;