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synced 2025-03-19 18:47:36 +01:00
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EGroupware development enviroment as Docker container
The container and docker-compose.yml file in this directory are the easiest way to get a full development enviroment for EGroupware.
It defines and uses the following volumes:
- sources: document root of the webserver, by default $PWD/sources subdirectory, can also be your existing document root
- data: EGroupware stores its files here, by default $PWD/data subdirectory, can also be your existing /var/lib/egroupware
- db: volume for MariaDB (should be NOT a directory under macOS and Windows for performance reasons!)
- sessions: volume for sessions, internal no need to change
- sources-push: swoolpush subdirectory of sources
- collabora-config: /etc/loolwsd for Collabora container, by default $PWD/data/default/loolwsd
It runs the following containers:
- egroupware: php-fpm
- egroupware-nginx: Nginx
- egroupware-db: MariaDB
- egroupware-push: PHP Swoole based push server
- egroupware-watchtower: to automatic keeps the containers up to date
- phpmyadmin: phpMyAdmin to administrate your MariaDB
- collabora: Collabora Online Office
mkdir dev && cd dev
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EGroupware/egroupware/master/doc/docker/development/docker-compose.yml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EGroupware/egroupware/master/doc/docker/development/nginx.conf
mkdir -p sources data/default/files/sqlfs data/default/backup data/default/loolwsd sessions
# on a Linux host NOT using Docker desktop data and sessions directories MUST be owned by www-data:www-data (33:33, if not Debian/Ubuntu!)
chown -R www-data:www-data data sessions
chmod 777 data/default/loolwsd
# edit docker-compose.yml to fit your needs eg.
# ports to use for Nginx / the webserver, by default 80 and 443
# xdebug port, default 9001 (NOT 9000!)
# IDE host, default XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST=docker.for.mac.localhost
docker-compose up -d egroupware
docker logs -f egroupware
# wait until it says "fpm is running" then press ^C and start the other containers
docker-compose up -d
- It will install EGroupware master and phpMyAdmin in egroupware / phpmyadmin subdirectory of sources volume, if not already there
- Credentials for a new install can be found in data:egroupware-docker-install.log
- Use the following to tail the webserver error.log
docker logs -f egroupware-nginx 2>&1 | sed "s/PHP message/\\$(echo -e '\n\r')PHP message/g"
Docker Desktop for Mac notes
- directories of volumes must be exported to Docker, by default only your home-directory is!
- permissions of sources and data directory must be readable (sources writable) by your user, as Docker daemon runs as that user!
- db volume must NOT be a directory, as the networked access from Docker VM to the Mac is to slow!
Docker Desktop for Windows with WSL2 notes
- the directory must be in your Linux home directory
or short~/
(you must NOT use/mnt/c/Users/<username>
!) - until we figure out docker-compose syntax for bind-mounts, you need to replace all mounts using bind-mounts, with explicit mounts, eg:
#- data:/var/lib/egroupware
- $PWD/data:/var/lib/egroupware
- internal volumes (with just names mentioned in volumes section) are fine
Docker Desktop for Windows notes
- you can NOT use $PWD to reference the docker-compose directory, use the full path with forward slashes!
- directories of volumes must be exported to Docker!
- db volume must NOT be a directory, as the networked access from Docker VM to Windows is to slow!
Docker on Linux
- to run docker(-compose) commands with your regular user either
- prefix them with
or - add yourself to the
group:sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
and then runnewgrp docker
everytime you open a terminal
- prefix them with
- permissions of sources directory need to be changed after install:
chown -R $USER sources
- permissions of data and sessions directory must be readable and writable by www-data user (#33):
chown -R 33:33 data sessions
- do not use
, as push, Collabora and Rocket.Chat will not be able to communicate- localhost in each container is NOT the host system, but the container itself!
- give you development system a name and add it to the hosts
as: devbox.egroupware.org
- add it as
extra_host: - "devbox.egroupware.org:"
to each service which has a commented out extra_host
- Ubuntu 22.04 docker adds firewall rules disabling access to docker0 / from within the containers. Stopping eg. FPM to access IDE/PHPStorm debug port or a MariaDB running on the host bound to To fix that, you have to create an explicit firewall rule to allow containers to acces
sudo ufw allow from to port 9001,3306