
126 lines
4.2 KiB

* Configuration of the Galaxia Workflow Engine for E-Groupware
// Common prefix used for all database table names, e.g. galaxia_
if (!defined('GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX')) {
define('GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX', 'egw_wf_');
// Directory containing the Galaxia library, e.g. lib/Galaxia
if (!defined('GALAXIA_LIBRARY')) {
define('GALAXIA_LIBRARY', dirname(__FILE__));
// filesystem Operations
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs = createobject('phpgwapi.vfs');
// check if basedir exists
$test=$GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->get_real_info(array('string' => '/', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE), 'relative' => False));
die(lang('Base directory does not exist, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration'));
// check if /workflow exists
$test = @$GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->get_real_info(array('string' => '/workflow', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE), 'relative' => False));
// if not, create it
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->override_acl = 1;
'string' => '/workflow',
'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE)
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->override_acl = 0;
// test one more time
$test = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->get_real_info(array('string' => '/workflow', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE), 'relative' => False));
die(lang('/workflow directory does not exist and could not be created, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration'));
// Directory where the Galaxia processes will be stored, e.g. lib/Galaxia/processes
if (!defined('GALAXIA_PROCESSES'))
// Note: this directory must be writeable by the webserver !
define('GALAXIA_PROCESSES', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->basedir.SEP.'workflow');
// Directory where a *copy* of the Galaxia activity templates will be stored, e.g. templates
// Define as '' if you don't want to copy templates elsewhere
if (!defined('GALAXIA_TEMPLATES')) {
// Note: this directory must be writeable by the webserver !
define('GALAXIA_TEMPLATES', '');
// Default header to be added to new activity templates
if (!defined('GALAXIA_TEMPLATE_HEADER')) {
// File where the ProcessManager logs for Galaxia will be saved, e.g. lib/Galaxia/log/pm.log
// Define as '' if you don't want to use logging
if (!defined('GALAXIA_LOGFILE')) {
// Note: this file must be writeable by the webserver !
//define('GALAXIA_LOGFILE', GALAXIA_LIBRARY . '/log/pm.log');
define('GALAXIA_LOGFILE', '');
// Directory containing the GraphViz 'dot' and 'neato' programs, in case
// your webserver can't find them via its PATH environment variable
if (!defined('GRAPHVIZ_BIN_DIR')) {
define('GRAPHVIZ_BIN_DIR', '');
//define('GRAPHVIZ_BIN_DIR', 'd:/wintools/ATT/GraphViz/bin');
// language function
function tra($msg, $m1='', $m2='', $m3='', $m4='')
return lang($msg, $m1, $m2, $m3, $m4);
// Specify how error messages should be shown
if (!function_exists('galaxia_show_error')) {
function galaxia_show_error($msg)
die("Error: $msg");
// Specify how to execute a non-interactive activity (for use in src/API/Instance.php)
if (!function_exists('galaxia_execute_activity')) {
function galaxia_execute_activity($activityId = 0, $iid = 0, $auto = 1)
// Now execute the code for the activity but we are in a method!
// so just use an fopen with http mode
/* $parsed = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
$URI = 'http'.((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) ? 's' : '').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$parsed["path"];
$parts = explode('/',$URI);
$parts[count($parts)-1] = "index.php?sessionid=".SID."&menuaction=workflow.run_activity&activityId=$activityId&amp;iid=$iid&amp;auto=$auto";
$URI = implode('/',$parts);
$fp = fopen($URI,"r");
$data = '';
if (!$fp) {
trigger_error(tra("Fatal error: cannot execute automatic activity $activityId"),E_USER_WARNING);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$run_activity = CreateObject('workflow.run_activity.go');
$data = $run_activity->go($activityId, $iid, $auto);