2021-06-05 20:39:39 +02:00

662 lines
21 KiB

* EGroupware clientside API: opening of windows, popups or application entries
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link
* @author Andreas Stöckel (as AT
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
import './egw_core.js';
* @augments Class
* @param {object} _egw
* @param {DOMwindow} _wnd
egw.extend('open', egw.MODULE_WND_LOCAL, function(_egw, _wnd)
"use strict";
* Magic handling for mailto: uris using mail application.
* We check for open compose windows and add the address in as specified in
* the URL. If there are no open compose windows, a new one is opened. If
* there are more than one open compose window, we prompt for which one to
* use.
* The user must have set the 'Open EMail addresses in external mail program' preference
* to No, otherwise the browser will handle it.
* @param {String} uri
function mailto(uri)
// Parse uri into a map
var match = [], index;
var mailto = uri.match(/^mailto:([^?]+)/) || [];
var hashes = uri.slice(uri.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
index = hashes[i].replace(/__AMPERSAND__/g, '&').split('=');
match[index[0]] = index[1];
if (mailto[1]) mailto[1] = mailto[1].replace(/__AMPERSAND__/g, '&');
var content = {
to: mailto[1] || [],
cc: match['cc'] || [],
bcc: match['bcc'] || []
// Encode html entities in the URI, otheerwise server XSS protection wont
// allow it to pass, because it may get mistaken for some forbiden tags,
// e.g., "Mathias <>" the first part of email "<mathias"
// including "<" would get mistaken for <math> tag, and server will cut it off.
uri = uri.replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
egw.openWithinWindow ("mail", "setCompose", content, {'preset[mailto]':uri}, /mail_compose.compose/);
for (var index in content)
if (content[index].length > 0)
var cLen = content[index].split(',');
egw.message(egw.lang('%1 email(s) added into %2', cLen.length, egw.lang(index)));
return {
* View an EGroupware entry: opens a popup of correct size or redirects window.location to requested url
* Examples:
* -,'infolog') or'infolog:123') opens popup to edit or view (if no edit rights) infolog entry 123
* -'infolog:123','timesheet','add') opens popup to add new timesheet linked to infolog entry 123
* -,'addressbook','view') opens addressbook view for entry 123 (showing linked infologs)
* -'','addressbook','view_list',{ search: 'Becker' }) opens list of addresses containing 'Becker'
* @param {string}|int|object id_data either just the id or if app=="" "app:id" or object with all data
* to be able to open files you need to give: (mine-)type, path or id, app2 and id2 (path=/apps/app2/id2/id"
* @param {string} app app-name or empty (app is part of id)
* @param {string} type default "edit", possible "view", "view_list", "edit" (falls back to "view") and "add"
* @param {object|string} extra extra url parameters to append as object or string
* @param {string} target target of window to open
* @param {string} target_app target application to open in that tab
* @param {boolean} _check_popup_blocker TRUE check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off, FALSE no check
* - This option only makes sense to be enabled when the open_link requested without user interaction
* @memberOf egw
* @return {object|void} returns object for given specific target like '_tab'
open: function(id_data, app, type, extra, target, target_app, _check_popup_blocker)
// Log for debugging purposes - special log tag 'navigation' always
// goes in user log, if user log is enabled
", app=%s, type=%s, extra=%o, target=%s, target_app=%s)",
var id;
if(typeof target === 'undefined')
target = '_blank';
if (!app)
if (typeof id_data != 'object')
var app_id = id_data.split(':',2);
app = app_id[0];
id = app_id[1];
app =;
id =;
if(typeof id_data.type != 'undefined')
type = id_data.type;
else if (app != 'file')
id = id_data;
id_data = { 'id': id, 'app': app, 'extra': extra };
var url;
var popup;
var params;
if (app == 'file')
url = this.mime_open(id_data);
if (typeof url == 'object')
if(typeof url.mime_popup != 'undefined')
popup = url.mime_popup;
delete url.mime_popup;
if(typeof url.mime_target != 'undefined')
target = url.mime_target;
delete url.mime_target;
if (typeof url.url == 'string')
url = url.url;
params = url;
url = '/index.php';
var app_registry = this.link_get_registry(app);
if (!app || !app_registry)
alert(' app "'+app+'" NOT defined in link registry!');
if (typeof type == 'undefined') type = 'edit';
if (type == 'edit' && typeof app_registry.edit == 'undefined') type = 'view';
if (typeof app_registry[type] == 'undefined')
alert(' type "'+type+'" is NOT defined in link registry for app "'+app+'"!');
url = '/index.php';
if(typeof app_registry[type] === 'object')
// Copy, not get a reference, or we'll change the registry
params = jQuery.extend({},app_registry[type]);
else if (typeof app_registry[type] === 'string' &&
(app_registry[type].substr(0, 11) === 'javascript:' || app_registry[type].substr(0, 4) === 'app.'))
// JavaScript, just pass it on
url = app_registry[type];
params = {};
if (type == 'view' || type == 'edit') // add id parameter for type view or edit
params[app_registry[type+'_id']] = id;
else if (type == 'add' && id) // add add_app and app_id parameters, if given for add
var app_id = id.split(':',2);
params[app_registry.add_app] = app_id[0];
params[app_registry.add_id] = app_id[1];
if (typeof extra == 'string')
url += '?'+extra;
else if (typeof extra == 'object')
jQuery.extend(params, extra);
popup = app_registry[type+'_popup'];
if (url.substr(0, 11) === 'javascript:')
// Add parameters into javascript
url = 'javascript:var params = '+ JSON.stringify(params) + '; '+ url.substr(11);
// app.<appname>.<method>: call app method direct with parameter object as first parameter
else if (url.substr(0, 4) === 'app.')
return this.callFunc(url, params);
url =, params);
if (target == '_tab') return {url: url};
if (type == 'view' && params && == 'tab') {
return this.openTab(params[app_registry['view_id']], app, type, params, {
id: params[app_registry['view_id']] + '-' + this.appName,
icon: params['icon'],
displayName: id_data['title'] + " (" + egw.lang(this.appName) + ")",
return this.open_link(url, target, popup, target_app, _check_popup_blocker);
* View an EGroupware entry: opens a framework tab for the given app entry
* @param {string}|int|object _id either just the id or if app=="" "app:id" or object with all data
* @param {string} _app app-name or empty (app is part of id)
* @param {string} _type default "edit", possible "view", "view_list", "edit" (falls back to "view") and "add"
* @param {object|string} _extra extra url parameters to append as object or string
* @param {object} _framework_app framework app attributes e.g. title or displayName
* @return {string} appname of new tab
openTab: function(_id, _app, _type, _extra, _framework_app)
if (_wnd.framework && _wnd.framework.tabLinkHandler)
var data =, _app, _type, _extra, "_tab", false);
// Use framework's link handler
return _wnd.framework.tabLinkHandler(data.url, _framework_app);
{, _app, _type, _extra);
* Open a link, which can be either a menuaction, a EGroupware relative url or a full url
* @param {string} _link menuaction, EGroupware relative url or a full url (incl. "mailto:" or "javascript:")
* @param {string} _target optional target / window name
* @param {string} _popup widthxheight, if a popup should be used
* @param {string} _target_app app-name for opener
* @param {boolean} _check_popup_blocker TRUE check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off, FALSE no check
* - This option only makes sense to be enabled when the open_link requested without user interaction
* @param {string} _mime_type if given, we check if any app has registered a mime-handler for that type and use it
open_link: function(_link, _target, _popup, _target_app, _check_popup_blocker, _mime_type)
// Log for debugging purposes - don't use navigation here to avoid
// flooding log with details already captured by
"egw.open_link(_link=%s, _target=%s, _popup=%s, _target_app=%s)",
//Check browser pop-up blocker
if (_check_popup_blocker)
if (this._check_popupBlocker(_link, _target, _popup, _target_app)) return;
var url = _link;
if (url.indexOf('javascript:') == 0)
if (url.indexOf('mailto:') == 0)
return mailto(url);
// link is not necessary an url, it can also be a menuaction!
if (url.indexOf('/') == -1 && url.split('.').length >= 3 &&
!(url.indexOf('mailto:') == 0 || url.indexOf('/index.php') == 0 || url.indexOf('://') != -1))
url = "/index.php?menuaction="+url;
// append the url to the webserver url, if not already contained or empty
if (url[0] == '/' && this.webserverUrl && this.webserverUrl != '/' && url.indexOf(this.webserverUrl+'/') != 0)
url = this.webserverUrl + url;
var mime_info = _mime_type ? this.get_mime_info(_mime_type) : undefined;
if (mime_info && (mime_info.mime_url || mime_info.mime_data))
var data = {};
for(var attr in mime_info)
case 'mime_popup':
_popup = mime_info.mime_popup;
case 'mime_target':
_target = mime_info.mime_target;
case 'mime_type':
data[mime_info.mime_type] = _mime_type;
case 'mime_data':
data[mime_info[attr]] = _link;
case 'mime_url':
data[mime_info[attr]] = url;
data[attr] = mime_info[attr];
url ='/index.php', data);
else if (mime_info)
if (mime_info.mime_popup) _popup = mime_info.mime_popup;
if (mime_info.mime_target) _target = mime_info.mime_target;
if (_popup && _popup.indexOf('x') > 0)
var w_h = _popup.split('x');
var popup_window = this.openPopup(url, w_h[0], w_h[1], _target && _target != _target_app ? _target : '_blank', _target_app, true);
// Remember which windows are open
egw().storeWindow(_target_app, popup_window);
return popup_window;
else if ((typeof _target == 'undefined' || _target == '_self' || typeof this.link_app_list()[_target] != "undefined"))
if(_target == '_self')
// '_self' isn't allowed, but we can handle it
_target = undefined;
// Use framework's link handler, if present
return this.link_handler(url,_target);
// No mime type registered, set target properly based on browsing environment
if (_target == '_browser')
_target = egwIsMobile()?'_self':'_blank';
_target = _target == '_phonecall' && _popup && _popup.indexOf('x') < 0 ? _popup:_target;
return, _target);
* Open a (centered) popup window with given size and url
* @param {string} _url
* @param {number} _width
* @param {number} _height
* @param {string} _windowName or "_blank"
* @param {string|boolean} _app app-name for framework to set correct opener or false for current app
* @param {boolean} _returnID true: return window, false: return undefined
* @param {string} _status "yes" or "no" to display status bar of popup
* @param {boolean} _skip_framework
* @returns {DOMWindow|undefined}
openPopup: function(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status, _skip_framework)
// Log for debugging purposes
egw.debug("navigation", "openPopup(%s, %s, %s, %o, %s, %s)",_url,_windowName,_width,_height,_status,_app);
if (_height == 'availHeight') _height = this.availHeight();
// if we have a framework and we use mobile template --> let framework deal with opening popups
if (!_skip_framework && _wnd.framework)
return _wnd.framework.openPopup(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status, _wnd);
if (typeof(_app) == 'undefined') _app = false;
if (typeof(_returnID) == 'undefined') _returnID = false;
var $wnd = jQuery(;
var positionLeft = ($wnd.outerWidth()/2)-(_width/2)+_wnd.screenX;
var positionTop = ($wnd.outerHeight()/2)-(_height/2)+_wnd.screenY;
// IE fails, if name contains eg. a dash (-)
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i)) _windowName = !_windowName ? '_blank' : _windowName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/,'');
var windowID =, _windowName || '_blank', "width=" + _width + ",height=" + _height +
",screenX=" + positionLeft + ",left=" + positionLeft + ",screenY=" + positionTop + ",top=" + positionTop +
// inject egw object
if (windowID) windowID.egw = _wnd.egw;
// returning something, replaces whole window in FF, if used in link as "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2()"
if (_returnID !== false) return windowID;
* Get available height of screen
availHeight: function()
return screen.availHeight < screen.height ?
(navigator.userAgent.match(/windows/ig)? screen.availHeight -100:screen.availHeight) // Seems chrome not counting taskbar in available height
: screen.height - 100;
* Use frameworks (framed template) link handler to open a url
* @param {string} _url
* @param {string} _target
link_handler: function(_url, _target)
// if url is supposed to open in admin, use admins loader to open it in it's own iframe
// (otherwise there's no tree and sidebox!)
if (_target === 'admin' && !_url.match(/menuaction=admin\.admin_ui\.index/))
_url = _url.replace(/menuaction=([^&]+)/, 'menuaction=admin.admin_ui.index&load=$1');
if (_wnd.framework)
_wnd.framework.linkHandler(_url, _target);
_wnd.location.href = _url;
* Close current window / popup
close: function()
if (_wnd.framework && typeof _wnd.framework.popup_close == "function")
* Check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off
* @param {string} _link menuaction, EGroupware relative url or a full url (incl. "mailto:" or "javascript:")
* @param {string} _target optional target / window name
* @param {string} _popup widthxheight, if a popup should be used
* @param {string} _target_app app-name for opener
* @return boolean returns false if pop-up blocker is off
* - returns true if pop-up blocker is on,
* - and re-call the open_link with provided parameters, after user interaction.
_check_popupBlocker: function(_link, _target, _popup, _target_app)
var popup ="","",'top='+(screen.height/2)+',left='+(screen.width/2)+',width=1,height=1,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,dependent=yes');
if (!popup||popup == 'undefined'||popup == null)
window.egw.open_link(_link, _target, _popup, _target_app);
},egw.lang("The browser popup blocker is on. Please click on OK button to see the pop-up.\n\nIf you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1",window.location.hostname) ,
"Popup Blocker Warning",{},et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK,et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE);
return true;
return false;
* This function helps to append content/ run commands into an already
* opened popup window. Popup winodws now are getting stored in framework
* object and can be retrived/closed from framework.
* @param {string} _app name of application to be requested its popups
* @param {string} _method application method implemented in app.js
* @param {object} _content content to be passed to method
* @param {string|object} _extra url or object of extra
* @param {regex} _regexp regular expression to get specific popup with matched url
* @param {boolean} _check_popup_blocker TRUE check if browser pop-up blocker is on/off, FALSE no check
openWithinWindow: function (_app, _method, _content, _extra, _regexp, _check_popup_blocker)
var popups = window.framework.popups_get(_app, _regexp);
var openUp = function (_app, _extra) {
var len = 0;
if (typeof _extra == "string")
len = _extra.length;
else if (typeof _extra == "object")
for (var i in _extra)
if (jQuery.isArray(_extra[i]))
var tmp = '';
for (var j in _extra[i])
tmp += i+'[]='+_extra[i][j]+'&';
len += tmp.length;
else if(_extra[i])
len += _extra[i].length;
// Accoring to microsoft, IE 10/11 can only accept a url with 2083 caharacters
// therefore we need to send request to compose window with POST method
// instead of GET. We create a temporary <Form> and will post emails.
// ** WebServers and other browsers also have url length limit:
// Firefox:~ 65k, Safari:80k, Chrome: 2MB, Apache: 4k, Nginx: 4k
if (len > 2083)
var popup ='','mail','add','','compose__','mail', _check_popup_blocker);
var $tmpForm = jQuery(document.createElement('form'));
var $tmpSubmitInput = jQuery(document.createElement('input')).attr({type:"submit"});
for (var i in _extra)
if (jQuery.isArray(_extra[i]))
$tmpForm.append(jQuery(document.createElement('input')).attr({name:i, type:"text", value: JSON.stringify(_extra[i])}));
$tmpForm.append(jQuery(document.createElement('input')).attr({name:i, type:"text", value: _extra[i]}));
// Set the temporary form's attributes
$tmpForm.attr({, action:"index.php?menuaction=mail.mail_compose.compose", method:"post"})
// Remove the form after submit
{'', _app, 'add', _extra, _app, _app, _check_popup_blocker);
for(var i = 0; i < popups.length; i++)
if(popups.length == 1)
try {
popups[0].app[_app][_method](popups[0], _content);
catch(e) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
openUp(_app, _extra);
else if (popups.length > 1)
var buttons = [
{text: this.lang("Add"), id: "add", "class": "ui-priority-primary", "default": true},
{text: this.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"}
var c = [];
for(var i = 0; i < popups.length; i++)
c.push({label:popups[i].document.title || this.lang(_app), index:i});
callback: function(_button_id, _value) {
if (_value && _value.grid)
switch (_button_id)
case "add":
popups[_value.grid.index].app[_app][_method](popups[_value.grid.index], _content);
case "cancel":
title: this.lang("Select an opened dialog"),
buttons: buttons,
template: this.webserverUrl+'/api/templates/default/promptOpenedDialog.xet?1',
resizable: false
}, et2_dialog._create_parent(this.app_name()));
openUp(_app, _extra);
// Add protocol handler as an option if mail handling is not forced so mail can handle mailto:
/* Not working consistantly yet
jQuery(function() {
try {
if(egw.user('apps').mail && (egw.preference('force_mailto','addressbook')||true) != '0')
var params = egw.link_get_registry('mail','add');
params['preset[mailto]'] = ''; // %s, but will encode it
navigator.registerProtocolHandler("mailto",'/index.php', params)+'%s', egw.lang('mail'));
} catch (e) {}