Ralf Becker 389486793d - config is now cached on instance level
- arrays in $GLOBALS[egw_info][server] are now automatically serialized and unserialized
- new static method to check if user is export-limit excepted
--> saves to query it on each request (for non-phpgwapi, which was already cached in the session)
2011-08-26 13:50:20 +00:00

1693 lines
63 KiB

* eGroupWare eTemplate Extension - Nextmatch Widget
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @copyright 2002-11 by
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage extensions
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
* eTemplate Extension: Widget that show only a certain number of data-rows and allows to modifiy the rows shown (scroll).
* This widget replaces the old nextmatch-class. It is independent of the UI,
* as it only uses etemplate-widgets and has therefor no render-function
* $content[$id] = array( // I = value set by the app, 0 = value on return / output
* 'get_rows' => // I method/callback to request the data for the rows eg. ''
* 'filter_label' => // I label for filter (optional)
* 'filter_help' => // I help-msg for filter (optional)
* 'no_filter' => True// I disable the 1. filter
* 'no_filter2' => True// I disable the 2. filter (params are the same as for filter)
* 'no_cat' => True// I disable the cat-selectbox
* 'cat_app' => // I application the cat's should be from, default app in get_rows
* 'cat_is_select' => // I true||'no_lang' use selectbox instead of category selection, default null
* 'template' => // I template to use for the rows, if not set via options
* 'header_left' => // I template to show left of the range-value, left-aligned (optional)
* 'header_right' => // I template to show right of the range-value, right-aligned (optional)
* 'bottom_too' => True// I show the nextmatch-line (arrows, filters, search, ...) again after the rows
* 'never_hide' => True// I never hide the nextmatch-line if less then maxmatch entries
* 'lettersearch' => True// I show a lettersearch
* 'searchletter' => // I0 active letter of the lettersearch or false for [all]
* 'start' => // IO position in list
* 'num_rows' => // IO number of rows to show, defaults to maxmatches from the general prefs
* 'cat_id' => // IO category, if not 'no_cat' => True
* 'search' => // IO search pattern
* 'order' => // IO name of the column to sort after (optional for the sortheaders)
* 'sort' => // IO direction of the sort: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
* 'col_filter' => // IO array of column-name value pairs (optional for the filterheaders)
* 'filter' => // IO filter, if not 'no_filter' => True
* 'filter_no_lang' => True// I set no_lang for filter (=dont translate the options)
* 'filter_onchange'=> 'this.form.submit();' // I onChange action for filter, default: this.form.submit();
* 'filter2' => // IO filter2, if not 'no_filter2' => True
* 'filter2_no_lang'=> True// I set no_lang for filter2 (=dont translate the options)
* 'filter2_onchange'=> 'this.form.submit();' // I onChange action for filter2, default: this.form.submit();
* 'rows' => // O content set by callback
* 'total' => // O the total number of entries
* 'sel_options' => // O additional or changed sel_options set by the callback and merged into $tmpl->sel_options
* 'no_columnselection' => // I turns off the columnselection completly, turned on by default
* 'columnselection-pref' => // I name of the preference (plus 'nextmatch-' prefix), default = template-name
* 'default_cols' => // I columns to use if there's no user or default pref (! as first char uses all but the named columns), default all columns
* 'options-selectcols' => // I array with name/label pairs for the column-selection, this gets autodetected by default. A name => false suppresses a column completly.
* 'return' => // IO allows to return something from the get_rows function if $query is a var-param!
* 'csv_fields' => // I false=disable csv export, true or unset=enable it with auto-detected fieldnames or preferred importexport definition,
* array with name=>label or name=>array('label'=>label,'type'=>type) pairs (type is a eT widget-type)
* or name of import/export definition
* 'row_id' => // I key into row content to set it's value as tr id, eg. 'id'
* 'actions' => // I array with actions, see nextmatch_widget::egw_actions
* 'action_links' => // I array with enabled actions or ones which should be checked if they are enabled
* optional, default id of all first level actions plus the ones with enabled='javaScript:...'
* 'action_var' => 'action' // I name of var to return choosen action, default 'action'
* 'action' => // O string selected action
* 'selected' => // O array with selected id's
* 'checkboxes' => // O array with checkbox id as key and boolean checked value
* 'select_all' => // O boolean value of select_all checkbox, reference to above value for key 'select_all'
* );
class nextmatch_widget
* Prefix for custom field names
const CF_PREFIX = '#';
* exported methods of this class
* @var array
public $public_functions = array(
'pre_process' => True,
'post_process' => True,
* availible extensions and there names for the editor
* @var array
public $human_name = array(
'nextmatch' => 'Nextmatch',
'nextmatch-sortheader' => 'Nextmatch Sortheader',
'nextmatch-filterheader' => 'Nextmatch Filterheader',
'nextmatch-accountfilter' => 'Nextmatch Accountfilter',
'nextmatch-customfilter' => 'Nextmatch Custom Filterheader',
'nextmatch-header' => 'Nextmatch Header',
'nextmatch-customfields' => 'Nextmatch Custom Fields Header',
* Turn on debug messages (mostly in post_process)
* @var boolean
public $debug = false;
* Vars used to comunicated for the custom field header
* @var unknown_type
private $selectcols;
public $cf_header;
private $cfs;
* Constructor of the extension
* @param string $ui '' for html
public function __construct($ui)
* returns last part of a form-name
* @param string $name
* @return string
static private function last_part($name)
list($last) = self::get_parts($name,-1,1);
return $last;
* returns last part of a form-name
* @param string $name
* @param int $offset positive or negative offset (negative is count from the end)
* @param int $length=null positiv means return $length elements, negative return til negative offset in $length, default = null means all
* @return array
static private function get_parts($name,$offset,$length=null)
$parts = explode('[',str_replace(']','',$name));
// php5.1 seems to have a bug: array_slice($parts,$offeset) != array_slice($parts,$offeset,null)
return is_null($length) ? array_slice($parts,$offset) : array_slice($parts,$offset,$length);
* Return global storages shared within the parts of a nextmatch widget (including all nextmatch-* subwidgets)
* @param string $name
* @param string $type
* @return mixed reference to storage: use =& to assign!
static private function &get_nm_global($name,$type)
static $nm_globals = array();
// extract the original nextmatch name from $name, taken into account the type of nextmatch-* subwidgets
$nm_global = implode('/',self::get_parts($name,1,$type == 'nextmatch' ? null : -2));
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."($name,$type) = $nm_global</p>\n";
return $nm_globals[$nm_global];
* pre-processing of the extension
* This function is called before the extension gets rendered
* @param string $name form-name of the control
* @param mixed &$value value / existing content, can be modified
* @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets
* @param array &$readonlys names of widgets as key, to be made readonly
* @param mixed &$extension_data data the extension can store persisten between pre- and post-process
* @param etemplate &$tmpl reference to the template we belong too
* @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise
public function pre_process($name,&$value,array &$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,etemplate &$tmpl)
$nm_global =& self::get_nm_global($name,$cell['type']);
//echo "<p>nextmatch_widget.pre_process(name='$name',type='$cell[type]'): value = "; _debug_array($value);
//echo "<p>nextmatch_widget.pre_process(name='$name',type='$cell[type]'): nm_global = "; _debug_array($nm_global);
$extension_data = array(
'type' => $cell['type']
switch ($cell['type'])
case 'nextmatch-header':
$cell['type'] = 'label';
return true; // false = no extra label
case 'nextmatch-sortheader': // Option: default sort: ASC(default) or DESC
$extension_data['default_sort'] = $cell['size']&&preg_match('/^(ASC|DESC)/i',$cell['size'],$matches) ? strtoupper($matches[1]) : 'ASC';
$cell['type'] = $cell['readonly'] ? 'label' : 'button';
$cell['onchange'] = True;
if (!$cell['help'])
$cell['help'] = 'click to order after that criteria';
if (self::last_part($name) == $nm_global['order'] && !$cell['readonly']) // we're the active column
$sorting = $cell;
$cell = etemplate::empty_cell('hbox','',array(
'span' => $cell['span'],
'size' => '2,,0,0',
1 => $sorting,
2 => etemplate::empty_cell('image',$nm_global['sort'] != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up'),
$class = 'activ_sortcolumn';
$class = 'inactiv_sortcolumn';
$parts = explode(',',$cell['span']);
$parts[1] .= ($parts[1] ? ' ' : '').$class;
$cell['span'] = implode(',',$parts);
return True;
case 'nextmatch-accountfilter': // Option: as for selectbox: [extra-label(default ALL)[,#lines(default 1)]]
$cell['size'] = 'select-account,'.$cell['size'];
// fall through
case 'nextmatch-customfilter': // Option: widget-name, options as for selectbox
list($type,$cell['size']) = explode(',',$cell['size'],2);
// fall through
case 'nextmatch-filterheader': // Option: as for selectbox: [extra-label(default ALL)[,#lines(default 1)]]
if (!$type) $type = 'select';
$cell['type'] = $type;
if (!$cell['size'] && $type != 'link-entry') // link-entry without option shows application selection!
$cell['size'] = 'All';
if (!$cell['help'])
$cell['help'] = 'select which values to show';
$cell['onchange'] = $cell['noprint'] = True;
$parts = explode(',',$cell['span']);
$parts[1] .= ($parts[1] ? ' ' : '').'filterheader';
$cell['span'] = implode(',',$parts);
$extension_data['old_value'] = $value = $nm_global['col_filter'][self::last_part($name)];
return True;
case 'nextmatch-customfields':
$extra_label = $this->pre_process_cf_header($cell,$tmpl, $value, $nm_global);
$extension_data['old_value'] = $value;
return $extra_label;
// does NOT work with php5.2.6+
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.2.6','>='))
$value['bottom_too'] = false;
// presetting the selectboxes with their default values, to NOT loop, because post-process thinks they changed
if (!isset($value['cat_id'])) $value['cat_id'] = '';
if (!isset($value['search'])) $value['search'] = '';
foreach(array('filter','filter2') as $f)
if (!isset($value[$f]))
list($value[$f]) = isset($tmpl->sel_options[$f]) ? @each($tmpl->sel_options[$f]) : @each($value['options-'.$f]);
if (!is_string($value[$f])) $value[$f] = (string) $value[$f];
// save values in persistent extension_data to be able use it in post_process
$extension_data += $value;
$value['no_csv_export'] = $value['csv_fields'] === false ||
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['export_limit'] && !is_numeric($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['export_limit']) &&
if (!$value['filter_onchange']) $value['filter_onchange'] = 'this.form.submit();';
if (!$value['filter2_onchange']) $value['filter2_onchange'] = 'this.form.submit();';
if (!isset($value['cat_app'])) list($value['cat_app']) = explode('.',$value['get_rows']); // if no cat_app set, use the app from the get_rows func
if (!($max = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'])) $max = 15;
$row_options = array();
foreach(array(5,12,25,50,100,200,500,999) as $n)
if ($n-5 <= $max && $max <= $n+5) $n = $max;
$row_options[$n] = $n;
if (!isset($row_options[$max]) || !isset($row_options[$value['num_rows']]))
$row_options[$max] = $max;
$row_options[$value['num_rows']] = $value['num_rows'];
$value['options-num_rows'] =& $row_options;
if (!isset($value['num_rows'])) $extension_data['num_rows'] = $value['num_rows'] = $max;
if ($value['num_rows'] != $max)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'] = $max = (int)$value['num_rows'];
if (!$value['no_columnselection'])
// presetting the options for selectcols empty, so the get_rows function can set it
$value['options-selectcols'] = is_array($value['options-selectcols']) ? $value['options-selectcols'] : array();
$rows = array();
if (!is_array($readonlys)) $readonlys = array();
if (($total = $extension_data['total'] = $value['total'] = self::call_get_rows($value,$rows,$readonlys['rows'])) === false)
//error_log(__METHOD__."() etemplate::set_validation_error('$name') '$value[get_rows]' is no valid method!!!");
etemplate::set_validation_error($name,__METHOD__."($cell[name]): '$value[get_rows]' is no valid method !!!");
// allow the get_rows function to override / set sel_options
if (isset($rows['sel_options']) && is_array($rows['sel_options']))
$tmpl->sel_options = array_merge($tmpl->sel_options,$rows['sel_options']);
$value['rows'] =& $rows;
list($template,$options) = explode(',',$cell['size']);
if (!$value['template'] && $template) // template name can be supplied either in $value['template'] or the options-field
$value['template'] = $template;
if (!is_object($value['template']))
$value['template'] = new etemplate($value['template'],$tmpl->as_array());
if (is_array($value['rows'][0])) // pad 0 based arrays with rows-1 false values
for($i = 1; $i < $value['template']->rows; $i++)
$extension_data['template'] = $value['template']->name; // used for the column-selection, and might be set in get_rows()
$extension_data['columnselection_pref'] = $value['columnselection_pref'];
if ($total < 1 && $value['template']->rows > 1)
$value['template']->data[0]['h'.$value['template']->rows] .= ',1'; // disable the last data row
if (!$value['never_hide'] && $total <= $max && $options && $value['search'] == '' &&
($value['no_cat'] || !$value['cat_id']) &&
($value['no_filter'] || !$value['filter'] || $value['filter'] == 'none') &&
($value['no_filter2'] || !$value['filter2'] || $value['filter2'] == 'none'))
{ // disable whole nextmatch line if no scrolling necessary
if ($value['header_left'] || $value['header_right'])
$nextmatch = new etemplate('etemplate.nextmatch_widget.header_only');
$cell['size'] = $cell['name'];
$cell['obj'] = &$nextmatch;
$cell['name'] = $nextmatch->name;
$cell['size'] = $cell['name'].'[rows]';
$cell['obj'] = &$value['template'];
$cell['name'] = $value['template']->name;
$cell['span'] .= (strpos($cell['span'],',') === false ? ',' : '').' egwGridView_grid';
$nextmatch = new etemplate('etemplate.nextmatch_widget');
// keep the editor away from the generated tmpls
$nextmatch->no_onclick = true;
// category is a selectbox, not a category select widget
if ($value['cat_is_select'] && ($cat_widget =& $nextmatch->get_widget_by_name('cat_id')))
$cat_widget['type'] = 'select';
if ($value['cat_is_select'] == 'no_lang') $cat_widget['no_lang'] = true;
if ($value['lettersearch'])
$lettersearch =& $nextmatch->get_widget_by_name('lettersearch'); // hbox for the letters
if (($alphabet = lang('alphabet')) == 'alphabet*') $alphabet = 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z';
$alphabet = explode(',',$alphabet);
$alphabet['all'] = lang('all');
foreach($alphabet as $key => $letter)
// make each letter internally behave like a button
$form_name = $name.'[searchletter]['.($key === 'all' ? $key : $letter).']';
if (!$key) $letterbox =& $lettersearch[1]; // to re-use the first child
$letterbox = etemplate::empty_cell('label',$letter,array(
'label' => $letter,
'span' => ',lettersearch'.($letter == (string) $value['searchletter'] ||
$key === 'all' && !$value['searchletter'] ? '_active' : ''),
'no_lang' => 2,
'align' => $key == 'all' ? 'right' : '',
'onclick' => 'return submitit('.etemplate::$name_form.",'$form_name');",
// if not the first (re-used) child, add it to the parent
if ($key) etemplate::add_child($lettersearch,$letterbox);
if(isset($value['no_search'])) $value['no_start_search'] = $value['no_search'];
foreach(array('no_cat'=>'cat_id','no_filter'=>'filter','no_filter2'=>'filter2', 'no_search' => 'search', 'no_start_search' => 'start_search' ) as $val_name => $cell_name)
if (isset($value[$val_name])) $nextmatch->disable_cells($cell_name,$value[$val_name]);
foreach(array('header_left','header_right') as $name)
if (!$value[$name]) $nextmatch->disable_cells('@'.$name);
foreach(array('filter','filter2') as $cell_name)
if (isset($value[$cell_name.'_no_lang'])) $nextmatch->set_cell_attribute($cell_name,'no_lang',$value[$cell_name.'_no_lang']);
$start = $value['start'];
$end = $start+$max > $total ? $total : $start+$max;
$value['range'] = $total ? (1+$start) . ' - ' . $end : '0';
$nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('first','readonly',$start <= 0);
$nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('left', 'readonly',$start <= 0);
$nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('right','readonly',$start+$max >= $total);
$nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('last', 'readonly',$start+$max >= $total);
$cell['size'] = $cell['name'];
$cell['obj'] = &$nextmatch;
$cell['name'] = $nextmatch->name;
// preset everything for the column selection
if (!$value['no_columnselection'])
$name = is_object($value['template']) ? $value['template']->name : $value['template'];
list($app) = explode('.',$name);
if (isset($value['columnselection_pref'])) $name = $value['columnselection_pref'];
$this->selectcols = $value['selectcols'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app]['nextmatch-'.$name];
// fetching column-names & -labels from the template
if ($this->cols_from_tpl($value['template'],$value['options-selectcols'],$name2col,$value['rows'],$value['selectcols']))
// getting the selected colums from the prefs (or if not set a given default or all)
if (!$value['selectcols'])
$value['selectcols'] = array_keys($value['options-selectcols']);
if (isset($value['default_cols']))
if ($value['default_cols'][0] == '!')
$value['selectcols'] = array_diff($value['selectcols'],explode(',',substr($value['default_cols'],1)));
$value['selectcols'] = $value['default_cols'];
$this->selectcols = $value['selectcols'];
if (!is_array($value['selectcols'])) $value['selectcols'] = explode(',',$value['selectcols']);
foreach(array_unique(array_keys($value['options-selectcols']+$name2col)) as $name)
// set 'no_'.$col for each column-name to true, if the column is not selected
// (and the value is not set be the get_rows function / programmer!)
if (!isset($value['rows']['no_'.$name])) $value['rows']['no_'.$name] = !in_array($name,$value['selectcols']);
// setting '@no_'.$name as disabled attr for each column, that has only a single nextmatch-header
if (is_object($value['template']))
$col = $name2col[$name];
list(,$disabled) = $value['template']->set_column_attributes($col);
//echo "<p>$col: $name: $disabled</p>\n";
if (!isset($disabled)) $value['template']->set_column_attributes($col,0,'@no_'.$name);
if (is_object($nextmatch))
$size =& $nextmatch->get_cell_attribute('selectcols','size');
if ($size > count($value['options-selectcols'])) $size = '0'.count($value['options-selectcols']);
if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])
// should reset on each submit
// Check for preferred import/export definition
$name = is_object($extension_data['template']) ? $extension_data['template']->name : $extension_data['template'];
list($app) = explode('.',$name);
$definition = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app]['nextmatch-export-definition'];
if(!$value['no_csv_export'] && ($definition || !is_array($value['csv_fields'])))
if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['importexport'] && ($definition || $value['csv_fields']) && is_object($nextmatch))
$nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('export', 'onclick',
"egw_openWindowCentered2('". egw::link('/index.php', array(
'menuaction' => 'importexport.importexport_export_ui.export_dialog',
'appname' => $app,
'definition' => $definition ? $definition : $value['csv_fields']
)) .
"', '_blank', 850, 440, 'yes'); return false;"
if (!$value['filter_onchange']) $value['filter_onchange'] = 'this.form.submit();';
$cell['type'] = 'template';
$cell['label'] = $cell['help'] = '';
foreach(array('sort','order','col_filter') as $n) // save them for the sortheader
$nm_global[$n] = $value[$n];
$value['bottom'] = $value; // copy the values for the bottom-bar
// pass actions and row_id to etemplate::show_grid()
$value['rows']['_actions'] =& $value['actions'];
$value['rows']['_action_links'] =& $value['action_links'];
$value['rows']['_row_id'] =& $value['row_id'];
// values are NOT yet used on client side, but give warnings if array are not converted to strings
$extension_data['action_var'] = !empty($value['action_var']) ? $value['action_var'] : 'action';
$value[$extension_data['action_var']] = $value['checkboxes'] = $value['selected'] = '';
$selected = $checkboxes = array();
foreach((array)$values['selected'] as $id)
$selected[] = strpos($id,',') === false ? $id : '"'.str_replace('"','""',$id).'"';
$value['selected'] = implode(',',$selected);
foreach((array)$value['checkboxes'] as $name => $checked)
$checkboxes[] = $name.':'.(int)$checked;
$value['checkboxes'] = implode(',',$checkboxes);
return False; // NO extra Label
* Default maximum lenght for context submenus, longer menus are put as a "More" submenu
* Return egw_actions
* The following attributes are understood for actions on eTemplate/PHP side:
* - string 'id' id of the action (set as key not attribute!)
* - string 'caption' name/label or action, get's automatic translated
* - boolean 'no_lang' do NOT translate caption, default false
* - string 'icon' icon, eg. 'edit' or 'infolog/task', if no app given app of template or API is used
* - string 'iconUrl' full url of icon, better use 'icon'
* - boolean|string 'allowOnMultiple' should action be shown if multiple lines are marked, or string 'only', default true!
* - boolean|string 'enabled' is action available, or string with javascript function to call, default true!
* - string 'disableClass' class name to use with enabled='javaScript:nm_not_disableClass'
* (add that css class in get_rows(), if row lacks rights for an action)
* - boolena 'hideOnDisabled' hide disabled actions, default false
* - string 'type' type of action, default 'popup' for contenxt menus, 'drag' or 'drop'
* - boolean 'default' is that action the default action, default false
* - array 'children' array with actions of submenu
* - int 'group' to group items, default all actions are in one group
* - string 'onExecute' javascript to run, default 'javaScript:nm_action',
* which runs action specified in nm_action attribute:
* - string 'nm_action'
* + 'alert' debug action, shows alert with action caption, id and id's of selected rows
* + 'submit' default action, sets nm[action], nm[selected] and nm[select_all]
* + 'location' redirects / set location.href to 'url' attribute
* + 'popup' opens popup with url given in 'url' attribute
* - string 'url' url for location or popup
* - string 'target' target for location or popup
* - string 'width' for popup
* - string 'height' for popup
* - string 'confirm' confirmation message
* - string 'confirm_multiple' confirmation message for multiple selected, defaults to 'confirm'
* That's what we should return looks JSON encoded like
* [
* {
* "id": "folder_open",
* "iconUrl": "imgs/folder.png",
* "caption": "Open folder",
* "onExecute": "javaScript:nm_action",
* "allowOnMultiple": false,
* "type": "popup",
* "default": true
* },
* ]
* @param array $actions id indexed array of actions / array with valus for keys: 'iconUrl', 'caption', 'onExecute', ...
* @param string $template_name='' name of the template, used as default for app name of images
* @param string $prefix='' prefix for ids
* @param array &$action_links=array() on return all first-level actions plus the ones with enabled='javaScript:...'
* @param int $max_length=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH automatic pagination, not for first menu level!
* @param array $default_attrs=null default attributes
* @return array
public static function egw_actions(array $actions=null, $template_name='', $prefix='', array &$action_links=array(),
$max_length=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH, array $default_attrs=null)
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."(\$actions, '$template_name', '$prefix', \$action_links, $max_length) \$actions="; _debug_array($actions);
// default icons for some common actions
static $default_icons = array(
'view' => 'view',
'edit' => 'edit',
'open' => 'edit', // does edit if possible, otherwise view
'add' => 'new',
'new' => 'new',
'delete' => 'delete',
'cat' => 'attach', // add as category icon to api
'document' => 'etemplate/merge',
'print'=> 'print',
'copy' => 'copy',
'move' => 'move',
'cut' => 'cut',
'paste'=> 'editpaste',
$first_level = !$action_links; // add all first level actions
//echo "actions="; _debug_array($actions);
$egw_actions = array();
$n = 1;
foreach((array)$actions as $id => $action)
// in case it's only selectbox id => label pairs
if (!is_array($action)) $action = array('caption' => $action);
if ($default_attrs) $action += $default_attrs;
if (!$first_level && $n == $max_length && count($actions) > $max_length)
$id = 'more_'.count($actions); // we need a new unique id
$action = array(
'caption' => 'More',
'prefix' => $prefix,
// display rest of actions incl. current one as children
'children' => array_slice($actions, $max_length-1, count($actions)-$max_length+1, true),
//echo "*** Inserting id=$prefix$id"; _debug_array($action);
// we break at end of foreach loop, as rest of actions is already dealt with
// by putting them as children
$action['id'] = $prefix.$id;
// set certain enable functions
'enableClass' => 'javaScript:nm_enableClass',
'disableClass' => 'javaScript:nm_not_disableClass',
'enableId' => 'javaScript:nm_enableId',
) as $attr => $check)
if (isset($action[$attr]) && !isset($action['enabled']))
$action['enabled'] = $check;
// add all first level popup actions plus ones with enabled = 'javaScript:...' to action_links
if ((!isset($action['type']) || in_array($action['type'],array('popup','drag'))) && // popup is the default
($first_level || substr($action['enabled'],0,11) == 'javaScript:'))
$action_links[] = $action['id'];
// set default icon, if no other is specified
if (!isset($action['icon']) && isset($default_icons[$id]))
$action['icon'] = $default_icons[$id];
// use common eTemplate image semantics
if (!isset($action['iconUrl']) && !empty($action['icon']))
list($app,$img) = explode('/',$action['icon'],2);
if (!$app || !$img || !is_dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/'.$app) || strpos($img,'/')!==false)
$img = $action['icon'];
list($app) = explode('.', $template_name);
$action['iconUrl'] = common::find_image($app, $img);
unset($action['icon']); // no need to submit it
// translate labels
if (!$action['no_lang'])
$action['caption'] = lang($action['caption']);
if ($action['hint']) $action['hint'] = lang($action['hint']);
foreach(array('confirm','confirm_multiple') as $confirm)
if (isset($action[$confirm]))
$action[$confirm] = lang($action[$confirm]).(substr($action[$confirm],-1) != '?' ? '?' : '');
// add sub-menues
if ($action['children'])
static $inherit_attrs = array('url','popup','nm_action','onExecute','type','egw_open','allowOnMultiple','confirm','confirm_multiple');
$action['children'] = self::egw_actions($action['children'], $template_name, $action['prefix'], $action_links, $max_length,
array_intersect_key($action, array_flip($inherit_attrs)));
$action = array_diff_key($action, array_flip($inherit_attrs));
// link or popup action
if ($action['url'])
$action['url'] = egw::link('/index.php',str_replace('$action',$id,$action['url']));
if ($action['popup'])
list($action['data']['width'],$action['data']['height']) = explode('x',$action['popup']);
$action['data']['nm_action'] = 'popup';
$action['data']['nm_action'] = 'location';
if ($action['egw_open'])
$action['data']['nm_action'] = 'egw_open';
// give all delete actions a delete shortcut
if ($id === 'delete' && !isset($action['shortcut']))
$action['shortcut'] = egw_keymanager::shortcut(egw_keymanager::DELETE);
static $egw_action_supported = array( // attributes supported by egw_action
// add all not egw_action supported attributes to data
$action['data'] = array_merge(array_diff_key($action, array_flip($egw_action_supported)),(array)$action['data']);
if (!$action['data']) unset($action['data']);
// only add egw_action attributes
$egw_actions[] = array_intersect_key($action, array_flip($egw_action_supported));
if (!$first_level && $n++ == $max_length) break;
//echo "egw_actions="; _debug_array($egw_actions);
return $egw_actions;
* Action with submenu for categories
* Automatic switch to hierarchical display, if more then $max_cats_flat=14 cats found.
* @param string $app
* @param int $group=0 see self::egw_actions
* @param string $caption='Change category'
* @param string $prefix='cat_' prefix category id to get action id
* @param boolean $globals=true application global categories too
* @param int $parent_id=0 only returns cats of a certain parent
* @param int $max_cats_flat=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH use hierarchical display if more cats
* @return array like self::egw_actions
public static function category_action($app, $group=0, $caption='Change category',
$prefix='cat_', $globals=true, $parent_id=0, $max_cats_flat=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH)
$cat = new categories(null,$app);
$cats = $cat->return_sorted_array($start=0, $limit=false, $query='', $sort='ASC', $order='cat_name', $globals, $parent_id, $unserialize_data=true);
// if more then max_length cats, switch automatically to hierarchical display
if (count($cats) > $max_cats_flat)
$cat_actions = self::category_hierarchy($cats, $prefix, $parent_id);
else // flat, indented categories
$cat_actions = array();
foreach((array)$cats as $cat)
$name = str_repeat('&nbsp;',2*$cat['level']) . stripslashes($cat['name']);
if (categories::is_global($cat)) $name .= ' &#9830;';
$cat_actions[$cat['id']] = array(
'caption' => $name,
'no_lang' => true,
// add category icon
if ($cat['data']['icon'] && file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/images/'.basename($cat['data']['icon'])))
$cat_actions[$cat['id']]['iconUrl'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/images/'.$cat['data']['icon'];
return array(
'caption' => $caption,
'children' => $cat_actions,
'enabled' => (boolean)$cat_actions,
'group' => $group,
'prefix' => $prefix,
* Return one level of the category hierarchy
* @param array $cats=null all cats if already read
* @param string $prefix='cat_' prefix category id to get action id
* @param int $parent_id=0 only returns cats of a certain parent
* @return array
private static function category_hierarchy(array $cats, $prefix, $parent_id=0)
$cat_actions = array();
foreach($cats as $key => $cat)
// current hierarchy level
if ($cat['parent'] == $parent_id)
$name = stripslashes($cat['name']);
if (categories::is_global($cat)) $name .= ' &#9830;';
$cat_actions[$cat['id']] = array(
'caption' => $name,
'no_lang' => true,
'prefix' => $prefix,
// add category icon
if ($cat['data']['icon'] && file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/images/'.basename($cat['data']['icon'])))
$cat_actions[$cat['id']]['iconUrl'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/images/'.$cat['data']['icon'];
// direct children
$cat_actions['sub_'.$cat['parent']] = $cat_actions[$cat['parent']];
// have to add category itself to children, to be able to select it!
$cat_actions[$cat['parent']]['group'] = -1; // own group on top
$cat_actions['sub_'.$cat['parent']]['children'] = array(
$cat['parent'] => $cat_actions[$cat['parent']],
)+self::category_hierarchy($cats, $prefix, $cat['parent']);
return $cat_actions;
* Return HTML to initialise actions, if called without arguments only CSS and JS get loaded
* Gets called from etemplate::show_grid() and addressbook_ui::view (without arguments).
* @param array $actions=null
* @param array $action_links=null
* @param string $template_name='' name of the template, used as default for app name of images - e.g. infolog.index.rows
* @param string $prefix='egw_' JS action objects generated for this widget are prefixed with given prefix
public static function init_egw_actions(array $actions=null, $action_links=null, $template_name='', $prefix='egw_')
// Load some JS files needed for the egw_action framework
egw_framework::validate_file('.', 'nextmatch_action', 'etemplate');
if (!is_array($action_links)) $action_links = array();
$app = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
$enc_actions = self::egw_actions($actions, $template_name, '', $action_links);
return '
<script type="text/javascript">
$j(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize the action manager and add some actions to it
var actionManager = egw_getActionManager("'.$app.'");
var objectManager = egw_getObjectManager("'.$app.'");
// Create anonymous object and action container for this etemplate
var actionCntr = actionManager.addAction("actionManager", "'.$template_name.'");
var objectCntr = objectManager.addObject(new egwActionObjectManager("'.$template_name.'", actionCntr));
objectCntr.flags = objectCntr.flags | EGW_AO_FLAG_DEFAULT_FOCUS;
var actionLinks = ["'.implode('","', $action_links).'"];
// Create a new action object for each table row
var divObj = document.getElementById("'.$template_name.'");
$j("table.egwGridView_grid>tbody>tr", divObj).each(function(index, elem)
// Create a new action object
if ( {
var obj = objectCntr.addObject(, new nextmatchRowAOI(elem, '.
* Calling our callback
* Signature of get_rows callback is either:
* a) int get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
* b) int get_rows(&$query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
* If get_rows is called static (and php >= 5.2.3), it is always b) independent on how it's defined!
* @param array &$value
* @param array &$rows=null
* @param array &$readonlys=null
* @param object $obj=null (internal)
* @param string|array $method=null (internal)
* @return int|boolean total items found of false on error ($value['get_rows'] not callable)
private static function call_get_rows(array &$value,array &$rows=null,array &$readonlys=null,$obj=null,$method=null)
if (is_null($method)) $method = $value['get_rows'];
if (is_null($obj))
// allow static callbacks
if(strpos($method,'::') !== false)
list($class,$method) = explode('::',$method);
// workaround for php < 5.2.3: do NOT call it static, but allow application code to specify static callbacks
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.2.3','>='))
$method = array($class,$method);
list($app,$class,$method) = explode('.',$value['get_rows']);
if ($class)
if (!$app && !is_object($GLOBALS[$class]))
$GLOBALS[$class] = new $class();
if (is_object($GLOBALS[$class])) // use existing instance (put there by a previous CreateObject)
$obj = $GLOBALS[$class];
$obj = CreateObject($app.'.'.$class);
if(is_callable($method)) // php5.2.3+ static call (value is always a var param!)
$total = call_user_func_array($method,array(&$value,&$rows,&$readonlys));
elseif(is_object($obj) && method_exists($obj,$method))
if (!is_array($readonlys)) $readonlys = array();
$total = $obj->$method($value,$rows,$readonlys);
$total = false; // method not callable
if ($method && $total && $value['start'] >= $total)
$value['start'] = 0;
$total = self::call_get_rows($value,$rows,$readonlys,$obj,$method);
// otherwise we get stoped by max_excutiontime
if ($total > 200) @set_time_limit(0);
//error_log($value['get_rows'].'() returning '.array2string($total).', method = '.array2string($method).', value = '.array2string($value));
return $total;
* Preprocess for the custom fields header
* @param array &$cell
private function pre_process_cf_header(array &$cell,etemplate $tmpl, &$value, $nm_global)
//echo __CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__."() selectcols=$this->selectcols\n";
if (is_null($this->cfs))
list($app) = explode('.',$tmpl->name);
$this->cfs = config::get_customfields($app);
// Needed for custom fields linking to other apps
$cell_name = $cell['name'];
$cell['type'] = 'vbox';
$cell['name'] = '';
$cell['size'] = '0,,0,0';
if ($this->selectcols)
foreach(is_array($this->selectcols) ? $this->selectcols : explode(',',$this->selectcols) as $col)
if ($col[0] == self::CF_PREFIX) $allowed[] = $col;
foreach($this->cfs as $name => $field)
if (!$allowed || in_array(self::CF_PREFIX.$name,$allowed))
if($field['type'] == 'select')
$header =& etemplate::empty_cell('nextmatch-filterheader',self::CF_PREFIX.$name,array(
'sel_options' => $field['values'],
'size' => $field['label'],
'no_lang' => True,
'readonly' => $cell['readonly'],
$header =& etemplate::empty_cell('link-entry', $cell_name . '['.self::CF_PREFIX.$name .']', array(
'label' => $field['label'],
'size' => $field['type'],
'readonly' => $cell['readonly'],
'onchange' => 1
$header =& etemplate::empty_cell('label', '');
$value[self::CF_PREFIX.$name] = $field['type'] . ':' . $nm_global['col_filter'][self::CF_PREFIX.$name];
$header =& etemplate::empty_cell('nextmatch-sortheader',self::CF_PREFIX.$name,array(
'label' => $field['label'],
'readonly' => $cell['readonly'],
// do we have more then 5 cf's to display --> limit header height to 5 lines plus vertical scrollbar
$num = !$allowed ? count($this->cfs) : count($allowed);
if ($num > 5)
$vbox = $cell;
$cell = etemplate::empty_cell('box','',array(
'size' => '0,,0,0',
'span' => ',cf_header_height_limit',
return false; // no extra label
* Extract the column names and labels from the template
* @param etemplate &$tmpl
* @param array &$cols here we add the column-name/-label
* @param array &$name2col
* @param array $content nextmatch content, to be able to resolve labels with @name
* @param array $selectcols selected colums
* @return int columns found, count($cols)
private function cols_from_tpl(etemplate $tmpl,&$cols,&$name2col,&$content,$selectcols)
// fetching column-names & -labels from the template
$cols['__content__'] =& $content;
$col2names = is_array($cols['col2names']) ? $cols['col2names'] : array(); unset($cols['col2names']);
foreach($cols as $name => $label)
if (!$label) unset($cols[$name]);
$cols2 = $cols;
$cols = array();
foreach($cols2 as $name => $label)
$col = $name;
// and replace the column letter then with the name concatinated by an underscore
if (is_array($col2names[$name]))
$name = implode('_',$col2names[$name]);
$name2col[$name] = $col;
$cols[$name] = $label;
// we are behind the column of a custom fields header --> add the individual fields
if ($name == $this->cf_header && (!$selectcols ||
$cols[$name] .= ':';
list($app) = explode('.',$tmpl->name);
if (($this->cfs = config::get_customfields($app)))
foreach($this->cfs as $name => $field)
$cols[self::CF_PREFIX.$name] = '- '.$field['label'];
unset($cols[$name]); // no cf's defined -> no header
return count($cols);
* Extract the column names and labels from the template (callback for etemplate::widget_tree_walk())
* @param array &$widget
* @param array &$cols here we add the column-name/-label
* @param string $path
function cols_from_tpl_walker(&$widget,&$cols,$path)
list($type,$subtype) = explode('-',$widget['type']);
if ($subtype == 'customfields')
if (!$widget['name']) $widget['name'] = 'customfields';
if (!$widget['label']) $widget['label'] = 'Custom fields';
$this->cf_header = $widget['name'];
if ($type != 'nextmatch' || !$subtype || !$widget['name'] || $widget['disabled'])
$options = explode(',',$widget['size']);
if (!($label = $widget['label']) || in_array($subtype,array('header','sortheader')) && $options[1])
if (in_array($subtype,array('customfilter','sortheader'))) $subtype = array_shift($options);
$label = $options[0];
// some widgets have label as second option (column name with _ as first), not a perfect detection ...
if (strpos($label,'_') !== false && !empty($options[1])) $label = $options[1];
list(,,$col,$sub) = explode('/',$path);
$row = (int)$col;
$col = substr($col,$row > 9 ? 2 : 1);
if (($label[0] == '@' || strchr($lable,'$') !== false) && is_array($cols['__content__']))
$label = etemplate::expand_name($label,$col,$row,'','',$cols['__content__']);
if (!isset($cols[$widget['name']]) && $label)
$label = substr($label,-3) == '...' ? lang(substr($label,0,-3)) : lang($label);
if (empty($label) || strpos($cols[$col],$label) === false)
$cols[$col] .= ($cols[$col] ? ', ' : '').$label;
$cols['col2names'][$col][] = $widget['name'];
//echo "<p>$path: $widget[name] $label</p>\n";
* postprocessing method, called after the submission of the form
* It has to copy the allowed/valid data from $value_in to $value, otherwise the widget
* will return no data (if it has a preprocessing method). The framework insures that
* the post-processing of all contained widget has been done before.
* Only used by select-dow so far
* @param string $name form-name of the widget
* @param mixed &$value the extension returns here it's input, if there's any
* @param mixed &$extension_data persistent storage between calls or pre- and post-process
* @param boolean &$loop can be set to true to request a re-submision of the form/dialog
* @param etemplate &$tmpl the eTemplate the widget belongs too
* @param mixed &value_in the posted values (already striped of magic-quotes)
* @return boolean true if $value has valid content, on false no content will be returned!
public function post_process($name,&$value,&$extension_data,&$loop,etemplate &$tmpl,$value_in)
$nm_global =& self::get_nm_global($name,$extension_data['type']);
if ($this->debug) { echo "<p>nextmatch_widget.post_process(type='$extension_data[type]', name='$name',value_in=".print_r($value_in,true).",order='$nm_global[order]'): value = "; _debug_array($value); }
case 'nextmatch':
case 'nextmatch-sortheader':
if ($value_in)
$nm_global['order'] = self::last_part($name);
$nm_global['default_sort'] = $extension_data['default_sort'];
return False; // dont report value back, as it's in the wrong location (rows)
case 'nextmatch-customfields':
$this->post_process_cf_header($value, $extension_data, $tmpl, $value_in, $nm_global);
return False; // dont report value back, as it's in the wrong location (rows)
case 'link-entry': // allways return app:id, if an entry got selected, otherwise null
if (is_array($value_in) && !empty($value_in['id']))
$value_in = (isset($value_in['app']) ? $value_in['app'] : $extension_data['app']).':'.$value_in['id'];
$value_in = null;
// fall through
case 'select-account': // used by nextmatch-accountfilter
case 'nextmatch-filterheader':
if ((string)$value_in != (string)$extension_data['old_value'])
if ($this->debug) echo "<p>setting nm_global[filter][".self::last_part($name)."]='$value_in' (was '$extension_data[old_value]')</p>\n";
$nm_global['filter'][self::last_part($name)] = $value_in;
return False; // dont report value back, as it's in the wrong location (rows)
case 'nextmatch-header':
return False; // nothing to report
$old_value = $extension_data;
if ($this->debug) { echo "old_value="; _debug_array($old_value); }
$value['start'] = $old_value['start']; // need to be set, to be reported back
$value['return'] = $old_value['return'];
if (is_array($value['bottom'])) // we have a second bottom-bar
$inputs = array('search','cat_id','filter','filter2','num_rows');
foreach($inputs as $name)
if (isset($value['bottom'][$name]) && $value[$name] == $old_value[$name])
if ($this->debug) echo "value[$name] overwritten by bottom-value[$name]='".$value['bottom'][$name]."', old_value[$name]='".$old_value[$name]."'<br>\n";
$value[$name] = $value['bottom'][$name];
$buttons = array('start_search','first','left','right','last','export');
foreach($buttons as $name)
if (isset($value['bottom'][$name]) && $value['bottom'][$name])
$value[$name] = $value['bottom'][$name];
if ($value['bottom']['savecols'])
$value['selectcols'] = $value['bottom']['selectcols'];
$value['default_prefs'] = $value['bottom']['default_prefs'];
if (isset($old_value['num_rows']) && !is_null($value['num_rows']) && $value['num_rows'] != $old_value['num_rows'])
if ($this->debug) echo "<p>nextmatch_widget::post_process() num_rows changed {$old_value['num_rows']} --> {$value['num_rows']} ==> looping</p>\n";
$loop = true; // num_rows changed
// num_rows: use old value in extension data, if $value['num_rows'] is not set because nm-header is not shown
$value['num_rows'] = isset($value['num_rows']) ? (int) $value['num_rows'] : (int) $extension_data['num_rows'];
$max = $value['num_rows'] ? $value['num_rows'] : (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'];
if(strpos($value['search'],'xjxquery')) {
// We deal with advancedsearch
$aXml = $value['search'];
$value['search'] = '';
$aXml = str_replace("<xjxquery><q>","&",$aXml);
$aXml = str_replace("</q></xjxquery>","",$aXml);
$value['advsearch_cont'] = explode('&',$aXml);
//$GLOBALS['egw']->boetemplate = &CreateObject('etemplate.boetemplate');
//$value['advsearch_cont'] = preg_replace("/exec\[ (.*)/",'$1',$value['advsearch_cont']);
//$value['advsearch_cont'] = preg_replace("\]",'',$value['advsearch_cont']);
if ($value['start_search'] || $value['search'] != $old_value['search'] ||
isset($value['cat_id']) && $value['cat_id'] != $old_value['cat_id'] ||
isset($value['filter']) && $value['filter'] != $old_value['filter'] ||
isset($value['filter2']) && $value['filter2'] != $old_value['filter2'])
if ($this->debug)
echo "<p>search='$old_value[search]'->'$value[search]', filter='$old_value[filter]'->'$value[filter]', filter2='$old_value[filter2]'->'$value[filter2]'<br>";
echo "new filter --> loop</p>";
echo "value ="; _debug_array($value);
echo "old_value ="; _debug_array($old_value);
$loop = True;
elseif ($value['first'] || $value['left'] && $old_value['start'] < $max)
$value['start'] = 0;
$loop = True;
elseif ($value['left'])
$value['start'] = $old_value['start'] - $max;
$loop = True;
elseif ($value['right'])
$value['start'] = $old_value['start'] + $max;
$loop = True;
elseif ($value['last'])
$value['start'] = (int) (($old_value['total']-1) / $max) * $max;
$loop = True;
elseif ($nm_global['order'])
$value['order'] = $nm_global['order'];
if ($old_value['order'] != $value['order'])
$value['sort'] = $nm_global['default_sort'];
$value['sort'] = $old_value['sort'] != 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
if ($this->debug) echo "<p>old_value=$old_value[order]/$old_value[sort] ==> $value[order]/$value[sort]</p>\n";
$loop = True;
elseif ($nm_global['filter'])
if (!is_array($value['col_filter'])) $value['col_filter'] = array();
$value['col_filter'] += $nm_global['filter'];
$loop = True;
elseif (isset($value['searchletter']))
list($value['searchletter']) = @each($value['searchletter']);
if ($value['searchletter'] === 'all') $value['searchletter'] = false;
$loop = True;
if ($value['savecols'])
$name = is_object($extension_data['template']) ? $extension_data['template']->name : $extension_data['template'];
list($app) = explode('.',$name);
if (isset($extension_data['columnselection_pref'])) $name = $extension_data['columnselection_pref'];
$pref = !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] && $value['default_prefs'] ? 'default' : 'user';
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->add($app,'nextmatch-'.$name,is_array($value['selectcols']) ?
implode(',',$value['selectcols']) : $value['selectcols'],$pref);
$loop = True;
if ($value['export'])
// allows return selected as array
$value[$extension_data['action_var']] = $value['nm_action']; //unset($value['nm_action']);
$value['selected'] = $value['selected'] === '' ? array() : boetemplate::csv_split($value['selected']);
$checkboxes = $value['checkboxes'];
$value['checkboxes'] = array();
foreach(explode(';',$checkboxes) as $data)
list($name,$checked) = explode(':',$data);
if ($name) $value['checkboxes'][$name] = (boolean)$checked;
$value['select_all'] =& $value['checkboxes']['select_all'];
return True;
* Postprocess for the custom fields header to do filtering on custom fields that are links to other applications
* @param array &$cell
private function post_process_cf_header(&$value, $extension_data, $tmpl, $value_in, &$nm_global)
if (is_null($this->cfs))
list($app) = explode('.',$tmpl->name);
$this->cfs = config::get_customfields($app);
foreach($this->cfs as $name => $field) {
if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$field['type']]) {
if(is_array($value_in[self::CF_PREFIX.$name])) {
list($old_app, $old_id) = explode(':', $extension_data['old_value'][self::CF_PREFIX.$name]);
if($value_in[self::CF_PREFIX.$name]['id'] != '' && $value_in[self::CF_PREFIX.$name]['id'] != $old_id) {
$nm_global['filter'][self::CF_PREFIX.$name] = $value_in[self::CF_PREFIX.$name]['id'];
elseif ((string)$value_in[self::CF_PREFIX.$name] != (string)$extension_data['old_value'][self::CF_PREFIX.$name])
$nm_global['filter'][self::CF_PREFIX.$name] = $value_in[self::CF_PREFIX.$name]['id'];
$value = $value_in;
* Export the list as csv file download
* @param array $value array('get_rows' => $method), further values see nextmatch widget $query parameter
* @param string $separator=';'
* @return boolean false=error, eg. get_rows callback does not exits, true=nothing to export, otherwise we do NOT return!
static public function csv_export(&$value,$separator=';')
if (!bo_merge::is_export_limit_excepted())
$export_limit = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['export_limit'];
//if (isset($value['export_limit'])) $export_limit = $value['export_limit'];
$charset = $charset_out = translation::charset();
if (isset($value['csv_charset']))
$charset_out = $value['csv_charset'];
elseif ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['csv_charset'])
$charset_out = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['csv_charset'];
$backup_start = $value['start'];
$backup_num_rows = $value['num_rows'];
$value['start'] = 0;
$value['num_rows'] = 500;
$value['csv_export'] = true; // so get_rows method _can_ produce different content or not store state in the session
if (!($total = self::call_get_rows($value,$rows)))
break; // nothing to export
if ($export_limit && (!is_numeric($export_limit) || $export_limit < $total))
etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang('You are not allowed to export more then %1 entries!',$export_limit));
return false;
if (!isset($value['no_csv_support'])) $value['no_csv_support'] = !is_array($value['csv_fields']);
//echo "<p>start=$value[start], num_rows=$value[num_rows]: total=$total, count(\$rows)=".count($rows)."</p>\n";
if (!$value['start']) // send the neccessary headers
// skip empty data row(s) used to adjust to number of header-lines
foreach($rows as $row0)
if (is_array($row0) && count($row0) > 1) break;
$fp = self::csv_open($row0,$value['csv_fields'],$app,$charset_out,$charset,$separator);
foreach($rows as $key => $row)
if (!is_numeric($key) || !$row) continue; // not a real rows
$value['start'] += $value['num_rows'];
@set_time_limit(10); // 10 more seconds
while($total > $value['start']);
$value['start'] = $backup_start;
$value['num_rows'] = $backup_num_rows;
if ($value['no_csv_support']) // we need to call the get_rows method in case start&num_rows are stored in the session
if ($fp)
return true;
* Opens the csv output (download) and writes the header line
* @param array $row0 first row to guess the available fields
* @param array $fields name=>label or name=>array('lable'=>label,'type'=>type) pairs
* @param string $app app-name
* @param string $charset_out=null output charset
* @param string $charset data charset
* @param string $separator=';'
* @return FILE
private static function csv_open($row0,&$fields,$app,$charset_out=null,$charset=null,$separator=';')
if (!is_array($fields) || !count($fields))
$fields = self::autodetect_fields($row0,$app);
//echo "<pre>";
if (($fp = fopen('php://output','w')))
$labels = array();
foreach($fields as $field => $label)
if (is_array($label)) $label = $label['label'];
$labels[$field] = $label ? $label : $field;
return $fp;
* CSV encode a single row, including some basic type conversation
* @param array $data
* @param array $fields
* @param boolean $use_type=true
* @param array $extra_sel_options=null
* @param string $charset_out=null output charset
* @param string $charset data charset
* @param string $separator=';'
* @return string
private static function csv_encode($data,$fields,$use_type=true,$extra_sel_options=null,$charset_out=null,$charset=null,$separator=';')
$sel_options =& boetemplate::$request->sel_options;
$out = array();
foreach($fields as $field => $label)
$value = (array)$data[$field];
if ($use_type && is_array($label) && in_array($label['type'],array('select-account','select-cat','date-time','date','select','int','float')))
foreach($value as $key => $val)
case 'select-account':
if ($val) $value[$key] = common::grab_owner_name($val);
case 'select-cat':
if ($val)
$cats = array();
foreach(is_array($val) ? $val : explode(',',$val) as $cat_id)
$cats[] = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->id2name($cat_id);
$value[$key] = implode('; ',$cats);
case 'date-time':
case 'date':
if ($val)
try {
$value[$key] = egw_time::to($val,$label['type'] == 'date' ? true : '');
catch (Exception $e) {
// ignore conversation errors, leave value unchanged (might be a wrongly as date(time) detected field
case 'select':
if (isset($sel_options[$field]))
if ($val) $value[$key] = lang($sel_options[$field][$val]);
elseif(is_array($extra_sel_options) && isset($extra_sel_options[$field]))
if ($val) $value[$key] = lang($extra_sel_options[$field][$val]);
case 'int': // size: [min],[max],[len],[precission/sprint format]
case 'float':
list(,,,$pre) = explode(',',$label['size']);
if (($label['type'] == 'float' || !is_numeric($pre)) && $val && $pre)
$val = str_replace(array(' ',','),array('','.'),$val);
$value[$key] = is_numeric($pre) ? round($value,$pre) : sprintf($pre,$value);
$value = implode(', ',$value);
if (strpos($value,$separator) !== false || strpos($value,"\n") !== false || strpos($value,"\r") !== false)
$value = '"'.str_replace(array('\\', '"',),array('\\\\','""'),$value).'"';
$value = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value); // to avoid early linebreak by Excel
$out[] = $value;
$out = implode($separator,$out);
if ($charset_out && $charset != $charset_out)
$out = translation::convert($out,$charset,$charset_out);
return $out;
* Try to autodetect the fields from the first data-row and the app-name
* @param array $row0 first data-row
* @param string $app
private static function autodetect_fields($row0,$app)
$fields = array_combine(array_keys($row0),array_keys($row0));
foreach($fields as $name => $label)
// try to guess field-type from the fieldname
if (preg_match('/(modified|created|start|end)/',$name) && strpos($name,'by')===false &&
(!$row0[$name] || is_numeric($row0[$name]))) // only use for real timestamps
$fields[$name] = array('label' => $label,'type' => 'date-time');
elseif (preg_match('/(cat_id|category|cat)/',$name))
$fields[$name] = array('label' => $label,'type' => 'select-cat');
elseif (preg_match('/(owner|creator|modifier|assigned|by|coordinator|responsible)/',$name))
$fields[$name] = array('label' => $label,'type' => 'select-account');
if ($app)
$customfields = config::get_customfields($app);
if (is_array($customfields))
foreach($customfields as $name => $data)
$fields['#'.$name] = array(
'label' => $data['label'],
'type' => $data['type'],
return $fields;