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* eGroupWare eTemplate2 - JS Nextmatch object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright Stylite 2012
* @version $Id$
* Default action for nextmatch rows, runs action specified _action.data.nm_action: see nextmatch_widget::egw_actions()
* @param _action action object with attributes caption, id, nm_action, ...
* @param _senders array of rows selected
function nm_action(_action, _senders, _target, _ids)
// ignore checkboxes, unless they have an explicit defined nm_action
if (_action.checkbox && (!_action.data || typeof _action.data.nm_action == 'undefined')) return;
if (typeof _action.data == 'undefined' || !_action.data) _action.data = {};
if (typeof _action.data.nm_action == 'undefined') _action.data.nm_action = 'submit';
// ----------------------
// TODO: Parse the _ids.inverted flag!
// ----------------------
// Translate the internal uids back to server uids
var idsArr = _ids.ids;
for (var i = 0; i < idsArr.length; i++)
idsArr[i] = idsArr[i].split("::").pop();
// Calculate the ids parameters
var ids = "";
for (var i = 0; i < idsArr.length; i++)
var id = idsArr[i];
ids += (id.indexOf(',') >= 0 ? '"'+id.replace(/"/g,'""')+'"' : id) +
((i < idsArr.length - 1) ? "," : "");
//console.log(_action); console.log(_senders);
var mgr = _action.getManager();
var select_all = mgr.getActionById("select_all");
var confirm_msg = (idsArr.length > 1 || select_all && select_all.checked) &&
typeof _action.data.confirm_multiple != 'undefined' ?
_action.data.confirm_multiple : _action.data.confirm;
// let user confirm the action first (if not select_all set and nm_action == 'submit' --> confirmed later)
if (!(select_all && select_all.checked && _action.data.nm_action == 'submit') &&
typeof _action.data.confirm != 'undefined')
if (!confirm(confirm_msg)) return;
// in case we only need to confirm multiple selected (only _action.data.confirm_multiple)
else if (typeof _action.data.confirm_multiple != 'undefined' && (idsArr.length > 1 || select_all && select_all.checked))
if (!confirm(_action.data.confirm_multiple)) return;
var url = '#';
if (typeof _action.data.url != 'undefined')
url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)id/,encodeURIComponent(ids));
var target = null;
if (typeof _action.data.target != 'undefined')
target = _action.data.target;
case 'alert':
alert(_action.caption + " (\'" + _action.id + "\') executed on rows: " + ids);
case 'location':
if (typeof _action.data.targetapp != 'undefined')
top.egw_appWindowOpen(_action.data.targetapp, url);
else if(target)
window.open(url, target);
window.location.href = url;
case 'popup':
case 'egw_open':
var params = _action.data.egw_open.split('-'); // type-appname-idNum (idNum is part of id split by :), eg. "edit-infolog"
var egw_open_id = idsArr[0].id;
if (typeof params[2] != 'undefined') egw_open_id = egw_open_id.split(':')[params[2]];
case 'open_popup':
// open div styled as popup contained in current form and named action.id+'_popup'
if (nm_popup_action == null)
nm_open_popup(_action, _ids.ids);
// fall through, if popup is open --> submit form
case 'submit':
// let user confirm select-all
if (select_all && select_all.checked)
if (!confirm((confirm_msg ? confirm_msg : _action.caption.replace(/^( | | )+/,''))+"\n\n"+select_all.hint)) return;
var checkboxes = mgr.getActionsByAttr("checkbox", true);
var checkboxes_elem = document.getElementById(mgr.etemplate_var_prefix+'[nm][checkboxes]');
if (checkboxes && checkboxes_elem)
for (var i in checkboxes)
checkboxes_elem.value += checkboxes[i].id + ":" + (checkboxes[i].checked ? "1" : "0") + ";";
var nextmatch = _action.data.nextmatch;
if(!nextmatch && _senders.length)
// Pull it from deep within, where it was stuffed in et2_dataview_controller_selection._attachActionObject()
nextmatch = _senders[0]._context._widget;
// Fake a getValue() function
nextmatch.getValue = function() {
var value = {
"selected": idsArr,
"checkboxes": checkboxes_elem ? checkboxes_elem.value : null
jQuery.extend(value, this.activeFilters);
value[nextmatch.options.settings.action_var]= _action.id;
//if(_target && _target.id) value[_target.id] = true;
return value;
if(_action.data.nm_action == 'open_popup')
// Force nextmatch to re-load affected rows
for(var i = 0; i < idsArr.length; i++)
nextmatch.egw().dataStoreUID(nextmatch.egw().appName +'::'+idsArr[i],false);
// Clear action in case there's another one
delete nextmatch.getValue;
// Full POST
egw().debug("error", "Missing nextmatch widget, could not submit", _action);
* Callback to check if none of _senders rows has disableClass set
* @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.disableClass to check
* @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects
* @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders
* @returns boolean true if none has disableClass, false otherwise
function nm_not_disableClass(_action, _senders, _target)
return !$j(_target.iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.disableClass);
* Callback to check if all of _senders rows have enableClass set
* @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.enableClass to check
* @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects
* @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders
* @returns boolean true if none has disableClass, false otherwise
function nm_enableClass(_action, _senders, _target)
return $j(_target.iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.enableClass);
* Enable an _action, if it matches a given regular expresstion in _action.data.enableId
* @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.enableId to check
* @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects
* @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders
* @returns boolean true if _target.id matches _action.data.enableId
function nm_enableId(_action, _senders, _target)
if (typeof _action.data.enableId == 'string')
_action.data.enableId = new RegExp(_action.data.enableId);
return _target.id.match(_action.data.enableId);
* Callback to check if a certain field (_action.data.fieldId) is (not) equal to given value (_action.data.fieldValue)
* If field is not found, we return false too!
* @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.fieldId to check agains _action.data.fieldValue
* @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects
* @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders
* @returns boolean true if field found and has specified value, false otherwise
function nm_compare_field(_action, _senders, _target)
var field = document.getElementById(_action.data.fieldId);
if (!field) return false;
var value = $j(field).val();
if (_action.data.fieldValue.substr(0,1) == '!')
return value != _action.data.fieldValue.substr(1);
return value == _action.data.fieldValue;
// TODO: This code is rather suboptimal! No global variables as this code will
// run in a global context
var nm_popup_action, nm_popup_ids = null;
* Open popup for a certain action requiring further input
* Popup needs to have eTemplate name of action id plus "_popup"
* @param _action
* @param _ids
function nm_open_popup(_action, _ids)
var popup = jQuery("#"+_action.id+"_popup").first() || jQuery("[id*='" + _action.id + "_popup']").first();
if (popup) {
nm_popup_action = _action;
if(_ids.length && typeof _ids[0] == 'object')
egw().debug("warn", 'Not proper format for IDs, should be array',_ids);
_action.data.nextmatch = _ids[0]._context._widget;
nm_popup_ids = [];
for(var i = 0; i < _ids.length; i++)
nm_popup_ids = _ids;
var dialog = jQuery('.action_popup-content',popup);
if(dialog.length == 0)
// Couldn't get the dialog, use the div less the first (header) & last (buttons) nodes
dialog = jQuery(document.createElement('div'))
if(popup.children().length == 1)
if(dialog.length == 1)
var dialog_parent = dialog.parent();
var d_buttons = [];
var action = _action;
jQuery('button',popup).each(function(index) {
var but = jQuery(this);
var button = nm_popup_action.data.nextmatch.getRoot().getWidgetById(but.attr("id"));
text: but.text(),
click: button.onclick ? function(e) {
nm_popup_action = action;
button.onclick.apply(button, e.currentTarget);
} : function(e) {
title: jQuery('.promptheader',popup).text(),
modal: true,
buttons: d_buttons,
close: function(event, ui) {
// Need to destroy the dialog, etemplate widget needs divs back where they were
// Put it back where it came from, or et2 will error when clear() is called
// Reset global variables
nm_popup_action = null;
nm_popup_senders = null;
* Submit a popup action
function nm_submit_popup(button)
button.form.submit_button.value = button.name; // set name of button (sub-action)
else if (nm_popup_action.data.nextmatch)
nm_popup_action.data.nextmatch.getRoot().getWidgetById(button.id).clicked = true;
// Mangle senders to get IDs where nm_action() wants them
// No idea why this is needed
var ids = {ids:[]};
for(var i in nm_popup_ids)
// call regular nm_action to transmit action and senders correct
nm_action(nm_popup_action,nm_popup_ids, button, ids);
nm_hide_popup(button, null);
* Hide popup
function nm_hide_popup(element, div_id)
var prefix = element.id.substring(0,element.id.indexOf('['));
var popup = div_id ? document.getElementById(div_id) : jQuery("#"+prefix+"_popup").get(0) || jQuery("[id*='" + prefix + "_popup']").get(0);
// Hide popup
if(popup) {
popup.style.display = 'none';
nm_popup_action = null;
nm_popup_senders = null;
return false;
* Activate/click first link in row
function nm_activate_link(_action, _senders)