Ralf Becker 8f613c7bc6 fix apps managed by Composer (eg. projectmanager) are not updated
this was done on purpuse to let Composer take care of it, but it does not happen
(probably because we are just on a branch not a tag, hash / version)
2019-04-01 18:08:56 +02:00

417 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env php
* Install / update EGroupware - Command line interface
* Usage:
* - install-cli.php [-v|--verbose] [--use-prerelease] [<composer-args>] [(master|bugfix|release|<branch>|<tag>)]
* you can use composer install arguments like: --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev
* - install-cli.php --git(-apps) <arguments>
* runs git with given arguments (in main- and) all app-dirs, e.g. tag -a 17.1.20190214 -m 'tagging release'
* EGroupware main directory should be either git cloned:
* git clone [-b <branch>] [<target>]
* or created via composer create-project
* composer create-project --prefer-source --keep-vcs egroupware/egroupware[:(dev-master|17.1.x-dev|<tag>)] <target>
* Both will create a git clone, which can be further updated by calling this tool without argument.
* We currently use 3 "channels":
* - release: taged maintenance releases only eg. 17.1.20190214
* - bugfix: release-branch incl. latest bugfixes eg. 17.1 or 17.1.x-dev for composer
* - master: latest development for next release
* To change the channel, call install-cli.php <channel-to-update-to>.
* This tool requires the following binaries installed at the usually places or in your path:
* - php & git: apt/yum/zypper install php-cli git
* - composer: see for installation instructions
* The following binaries are needed to minify JavaScript and CSS
* - npm: apt/yum/zypper install npm
* - grunt: npm install -g grunt-cli
* @link
* @package api
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright (c) 2019 by Ralf Becker <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
chdir(__DIR__); // to enable relative pathes to work
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') // security precaution: forbit calling setup-cli as web-page
die('<h1>install-cli.php must NOT be called as web-page --> exiting !!!</h1>');
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
// parse arguments
$verbose = $use_prerelease = $run_git = false;
$composer_args = [];
$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
$cmd = array_shift($argv);
foreach($argv as $n => $arg)
if ($arg[0] === '-')
case '-v':
case '--verbose':
$verbose = true;
case '--use-prerelease':
$use_prerelease = true;
case '-h':
case '--help':
case '--git':
case '--git-apps':
$run_git = $arg;
break 2; // no further argument processing, as they are for git
default: // pass unknown arguments to composer install
$composer_args[] = $arg;
if (!$run_git && count($argv) > 1) usage("Too many arguments!");
function usage($err=null)
global $cmd;
if ($err)
echo "$err\n\n";
die("Usage:\t$cmd [-v|--verbose] [--use-prerelease] [<composer-args>] (master|bugfix|release|<branch>|<tag>)\n".
"\t\nyou can use composer install arguments like: --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev\n".
"\t$cmd --git(-apps) <arguments>\n".
"\truns git with given arguments (in main- and) all app-dirs, e.g. tag -a 17.1.20190214 -m 'tagging release'\n\n");
$bins = array(
'php' => PHP_BINARY,
'git' => '/usr/bin/git',
'composer' => ['/usr/bin/composer', '/usr/bin/composer.phar'],
// npm and grunt are no hard requirement and should be the last in the list!
'npm' => '/usr/bin/npm',
'grunt' => '/usr/bin/grunt',
// check if the necessary binaries are installed
foreach($bins as $name => $binaries)
foreach((array)$binaries as $bin)
if (file_exists($bin) && is_executable($bin))
$bins[$name] = $$name = $bin;
continue 2;
$output = $ret = null;
if (($bin = exec('which '.$name, $output, $ret)) && !$ret &&
(file_exists($bin)) && is_executable($bin))
$bins[$name] = $$name = $bin;
// check if we can just run it, because it's in the path
elseif (exec($name.' -v', $output, $ret) && !$ret)
$bins[$name] = $$name = $num;
$bins[$name] = $$name = false;
error_log("Could not find $name command!");
if (!in_array($name, ['npm','grunt']))
error_log("npm and grunt are required to minify JavaScript and CSS files to improve performance.");
if ($verbose) echo "Using following binaries: ".json_encode ($bins, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)."\n";
if (!extension_loaded('curl')) die("Required PHP extesion 'curl' missing! You need to install php-curl package.\n\n");
// check if we are on a git clone
$output = array();
if (!file_exists(__DIR__.'/.git') || !is_dir(__DIR__.'/.git'))
error_log("Could not identify git branch (you need to use git clone or composer create-project --prefer-source --keep-vcs egroupware/egroupware)!");
// should we only run a git command
if ($run_git)
exit (run_git($argv, $run_git === '--git'));
if (!exec($git.' branch --no-color', $output, $ret) || $ret)
foreach($output as $line)
foreach($output as $line)
if ($line[0] == '*')
$branch = substr($line, 2);
// are we on a tag
if (preg_match('/^\(HEAD .* ([0-9.]+)\)$/', $branch, $matches))
$branch = $matches[1];
$channel = 'development';
if (preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+(\.\d{8})?/', $branch, $machtes))
$channel = isset($matches[1]) ? 'release' : 'bugfix';
if ($verbose) echo "Currently using branch: $branch --> $channel channel\n";
if ($argv)
$target = array_shift($argv);
if ($target === 'release')
$target = get_latest_release($use_prerelease);
elseif ($target === 'bugfix')
$target = (string)(float)get_latest_release($use_prerelease);
$target = $branch;
// find latest release
if ($channel == 'release')
$target = get_latest_release($use_prerelease);
echo "Updating to: $target\n";
// Update EGroupware itself and further apps installed via git
$failed = array();
$succieded = 0;
foreach(scandir(__DIR__) as $dir)
if ($dir !== '..' && file_exists(__DIR__.'/'.$dir.'/.git'))
// these apps / dirs are managed by composer, no need to run manual updates
//!in_array($dir, ['vendor', 'activesync', 'collabora', 'projectmanager', 'tracker']))
$cmd = "cd $dir ; $git stash -q ; ";
// switch message about detached head off for release-channel/tags
if (preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d{8}/', $target))
$cmd .= "$git config advice.detachedHead false ; ";
if ($branch != $target)
$cmd .= "$git checkout $target && ";
// no need to pull for release-channel/tags
if (!preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d{8}/', $target))
$cmd .= "$git pull --rebase && ";
$cmd .= "(test -z \"$($git stash list)\" || $git stash pop)";
if ($dir !== '.' && !$verbose)
echo $dir.': ';
run_cmd($cmd, $dir === '.' ? 'egroupware' : $dir);
// update composer managed dependencies
$cmd = $composer.' install '.implode(' ', $composer_args);
run_cmd($cmd, 'composer');
// update npm dependencies and run grunt to minify javascript and css
if ($npm && $grunt)
run_cmd($npm.' install', 'npm');
run_cmd($grunt, 'grunt');
echo "\n$succieded tasks successful run".
($failed ? ', '.count($failed).' failed: '.implode(', ', $failed) : '')."\n\n";
* Run a command and collect number of succieded or failed command
* @param string $cmd comamnd to run
* @param string $name task name to report on failure
* @return int exit code of command
function run_cmd($cmd, $name)
global $verbose, $failed, $succieded;
if ($verbose) echo "$cmd\n";
$ret = null;
system($cmd, $ret);
if ($ret == 0)
$failed[] = $name;
return $ret;
* Run git command with given arguments all app-dirs and (optional) install-dir
* cd and git command is echoed to stderr
* @param array $argv
* @param booelan $main_too =true true: run in main-dir too, false: only app-dirs
* @return int exit-code of last git command, breaks on first non-zero exit-code
function run_git(array $argv, $main_too=true)
global $git;
$git_cmd = $git.' '.implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $argv));
$ret = 0;
foreach(scandir(__DIR__) as $dir)
if (!($dir === '..' || $dir === '.' && !$main_too ||
$cmd = ($dir !== '.' ? "cd $dir; " : '').$git_cmd;
error_log("\n>>> ".$cmd."\n");
system($cmd, $ret);
// break if command is not successful
if ($ret) return $ret;
return $ret;
* Get latest release
* @param boolean $prerelease =false include releases taged as prerelease
* @param boolean $return_name =true true: just return name, false: full release object
* @return array|string|null null if no release found
function get_latest_release($prerelease=false, $return_name=true)
foreach(github_api('/repos/egroupware/egroupware/releases', [], 'GET') as $release)
if ($prerelease || $release['prerelease'] === false)
return $return_name ? $release['tag_name'] : $release;
return null;
* Sending a Github API request
* @param string $_url url of just path where to send request to ( is added automatic)
* @param string|array $data payload, array get automatic added as get-parameter or json_encoded for POST
* @param string $method ='POST'
* @param string $upload =null path of file to upload, payload for request with $method='FILE'
* @param string $content_type =null
* @throws Exception
* @return array with response
function github_api($_url, $data, $method='POST', $upload=null, $content_type=null)
global /*$config,*/ $verbose;
$url = $_url[0] == '/' ? ''.$_url : $_url;
$c = curl_init();
//curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $config['github_user'].':'.$config['github_token']);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, basename(__FILE__));
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 240);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
case 'POST':
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
if (is_array($data)) $data = json_encode($data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
case 'GET':
if(count($data)) $url .= '?' . http_build_query($data);
case 'FILE':
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-type: $content_type"));
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, file_get_contents($upload));
if(count($data)) $url .= '?' . http_build_query($data);
throw new Exception(__FUNCTION__.": Unknown/unimplemented method=$method!");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
if (is_string($data)) $short_data = strlen($data) > 100 ? substr($data, 0, 100).' ...' : $data;
if ($verbose) echo "Sending $method request to $url ".(isset($short_data)&&$method!='GET'?$short_data:'')."\n";
if (($response = curl_exec($c)) === false)
// run failed request again to display response including headers
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false);
throw new Exception("$method request to $url failed ".(isset($short_data)&&$method!='GET'?$short_data:''));
if ($verbose) echo (strlen($response) > 200 ? substr($response, 0, 200).' ...' : $response)."\n";
return json_decode($response, true);