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synced 2025-01-22 05:48:57 +01:00
- App areas resizable with styles & saving to preference - App sides fully hidden when no content
311 lines
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311 lines
11 KiB
import {css, html, LitElement, nothing} from "lit";
import {customElement} from "lit/decorators/custom-element.js";
import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js";
import {state} from "lit/decorators/state.js";
import {classMap} from "lit/directives/class-map.js";
import styles from "./EgwFrameworkApp.styles";
import {SlSplitPanel} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace";
import {HasSlotController} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Widget/slot";
* @summary Application component inside EgwFramework
* @dependency sl-split-panel
* @slot - Main application content. Other slots are normally hidden if they have no content
* @slot header - Top of app, contains logo, app icons.
* @slot footer - Very bottom of the main content.
* @slot left - Optional content to the left. Use for application navigation.
* @slot left-header - Top of left side
* @slot left-footer - bottom of left side
* @slot right - Optional content to the right. Use for application context details.
* @slot right-header - Top of right side
* @slot right-footer - bottom of right side
* @csspart name - Top left, holds the application name.
* @csspart header - Top main application header, optional application toolbar goes here.
* @csspart content-header - Top of center, optional.
* @csspart main - Main application content.
* @csspart left - Left optional content.
* @csspart right - Right optional content.
* @csspart footer - Very bottom of the main content.
* @cssproperty [--left-min=0] - Minimum width of the left content
* @cssproperty [--left-max=20%] - Maximum width of the left content
* @cssproperty [--right-min=0] - Minimum width of the right content
* @cssproperty [--right-max=50%] - Maximum width of the right content
export class EgwFrameworkApp extends LitElement
static get styles()
return [
:host .placeholder {
display: none;
:host(.placeholder) .placeholder {
display: block;
--placeholder-background-color: #e97234;
.placeholder {
width: 100%;
font-size: 200%;
text-align: center;
background-color: var(--placeholder-background-color);
.placeholder:after, .placeholder:before {
content: " ⌖ ";
:host(.placeholder) [class*="left"] .placeholder {
background-color: color-mix(in lch, var(--placeholder-background-color), rgba(.5, .5, 1, .1));
:host(.placeholder) [class*="right"] .placeholder {
background-color: color-mix(in lch, var(--placeholder-background-color), rgba(.5, 1, .5, .1));
:host(.placeholder) [class*="footer"] .placeholder {
background-color: color-mix(in lch, var(--placeholder-background-color), rgba(1, 1, 1, .05));
name = "Application name";
leftCollapsed = false;
rightCollapsed = false;
get leftSplitter() { return <SlSplitPanel>this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".egw_fw_app__outerSplit");}
get rightSplitter() { return <SlSplitPanel>this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".egw_fw_app__innerSplit");}
protected readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(<LitElement><unknown>this,
'left', 'left-header', 'left-footer',
'right', 'right-header', 'right-footer',
// Left is in pixels
private leftPanelInfo : PanelInfo = {
side: "left",
preference: "jdotssideboxwidth",
defaultWidth: 200,
hiddenWidth: 0,
preferenceWidth: 200
// Right is in percentage
private rightPanelInfo : PanelInfo = {
side: "right",
preference: "app_right_width",
defaultWidth: 50,
hiddenWidth: 100,
preferenceWidth: 50
private resizeTimeout : number;
this.egw.preference(this.leftPanelInfo.preference, this.name, true).then((width) =>
this.leftPanelInfo.preferenceWidth = parseInt(width ?? this.leftPanelInfo.defaultWidth);
this.egw.preference(this.rightPanelInfo.preference, this.name, true).then((width) =>
this.rightPanelInfo.preferenceWidth = parseInt(width ?? this.rightPanelInfo.defaultWidth);
public showLeft()
public hideLeft()
public showRight()
public hideRight()
protected showSide(side)
const attribute = `${side}Collapsed`;
this[attribute] = false;
this[`${side}Splitter`].position = this[`${side}PanelInfo`].preferenceWidth || this[`${side}PanelInfo`].defaultWidth;
protected hideSide(side : "left" | "right")
const attribute = `${side}Collapsed`;
this[attribute] = true;
this[`${side}Splitter`].position = this[`${side}PanelInfo`].hiddenWidth;
get egw()
return window.egw ?? this.parentElement.egw ?? null;
* User adjusted side slider, update preference
* @param event
* @protected
protected async handleSlide(event)
if(typeof event.target?.panelInfo != "object")
// Left side is in pixels, round to 2 decimals
let newPosition = Math.round(event.target.panelInfo.side == "left" ? event.target.positionInPixels * 100 : event.target.position * 100) / 100;
let preferenceName = event.target.panelInfo.preference;
if(newPosition != event.target.panelInfo.preferenceWidth)
event.target.panelInfo.preferenceWidth = newPosition;
window.setTimeout(() =>
this.egw.set_preference(this.name, preferenceName, newPosition);
}, 500);
const hasLeftSlots = this.hasSlotController.test('left-header') || this.hasSlotController.test('left') || this.hasSlotController.test('left-footer');
const hasRightSlots = this.hasSlotController.test('right-header') || this.hasSlotController.test('right') || this.hasSlotController.test('right-footer');
const leftClassMap = classMap({
"egw_fw_app__aside": true,
"egw_fw_app__left": true,
"egw_fw_app__aside-collapsed": this.leftCollapsed,
const rightClassMap = classMap({
"egw_fw_app__aside": true,
"egw_fw_app__right": true,
"egw_fw_app__aside-collapsed": this.rightCollapsed,
const leftWidth = this.leftCollapsed || !hasLeftSlots ? this.leftPanelInfo.hiddenWidth :
const rightWidth = this.rightCollapsed || !hasRightSlots ? this.rightPanelInfo.hiddenWidth :
return html`
<div class="egw_fw_app__header">
<div class="egw_fw_app__name" part="name">
${hasLeftSlots ? html`
<sl-icon-button name="${this.leftCollapsed ? "chevron-double-right" : "chevron-double-left"}"
label="${this.egw?.lang("Hide area")}"
@click=${() =>
this.leftCollapsed = !this.leftCollapsed;
: nothing
<h2>${this.egw?.lang(this.name) ?? this.name}</h2>
<header class="egw_fw_app__header" part="header">
<slot name="main-header"><span class="placeholder"> ${this.name} main-header</span></slot>
<main class="egw_fw_app__main" part="main" aria-label="${this.name}" tabindex="0">
<sl-split-panel class=${classMap({"egw_fw_app__outerSplit": true, "no-content": !hasLeftSlots})}
primary="start" position-in-pixels="${leftWidth}"
snap="0px 20%" snap-threshold="50"
@sl-reposition=${(e) => this.handleSlide(e)}
<sl-icon slot="divider" name="grip-vertical" @dblclick=${() =>
this.leftCollapsed = !this.leftCollapsed;
<aside slot="start" part="left" class=${leftClassMap}>
<div class="egw_fw_app__aside_header header">
<slot name="left-header"><span class="placeholder">left-header</span></slot>
<div class="egw_fw_app__aside_content content">
<slot name="left"><span class="placeholder">left</span></slot>
<div class="egw_fw_app__aside_footer footer">
<slot name="left-footer"><span class="placeholder">left-footer</span></slot>
<sl-split-panel slot="end"
class=${classMap({"egw_fw_app__innerSplit": true, "no-content": !hasRightSlots})}
position=${rightWidth} snap="50% 80% 100%"
@sl-reposition=${(e) => this.handleSlide(e)}
<sl-icon slot="divider" name="grip-vertical" @dblclick=${() =>
this.rightCollapsed = !this.rightCollapsed;
<header slot="start" class="egw_fw_app__header header" part="content-header">
<slot name="header"><span class="placeholder">header</span></slot>
<main slot="start" class="egw_fw_app__main_content content" part="content">
<slot><span class="placeholder">main</span></slot>
<footer slot="start" class="egw_fw_app__footer footer" part="footer">
<slot name="footer"><span class="placeholder">main-footer</span></slot>
<aside slot="end" class=${rightClassMap} part="right">
<div class="egw_fw_app__aside_header header">
<slot name="right-header"><span class="placeholder">right-header</span></slot>
<div class="egw_fw_app__aside_content content">
<slot name="right"><span class="placeholder">right</span></slot>
<div class="egw_fw_app__aside_footer footer">
<slot name="right-footer"><span class="placeholder">right-footer</span></slot>
type PanelInfo = {
side : "left" | "right",
preference : "jdotssideboxwidth" | "app_right_width",
hiddenWidth : number,
defaultWidth : number,
preferenceWidth : number | string
} |