2000-11-29 00:25:39 +00:00

385 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

[0.9.7] - Fixed SQL error in tts
- Fixed table locking in admin -> edit account
- Added capability to schedule others and not yourself to calendar.
- Fixed d/l'ing of files through filemanager.
- Enhanced Free/Busy calendar view.
- Fix for repeating events not showing in calendar.
- Fix for Day View warning in calendar.
- Fix for TTS with Update by non-email user.
- Fixed admin/accesslog.php wasn't using phpgw_access_log
- Fix for Week View warning in calendar.
- Fix for Matrix View not working with Netscape 6.
- Added text only feature for navbar
- Converted navbar to work off templates
[0.9.6] - Fix user permissions where not being checked properly.
[0.9.5] - Fixed NNTP preferences.
- Fixed NNTP read_message - missed converting call for VFS.
- Fixed calendar view of events - change of convert_string_to_names_access().
- Fixed deletion of user accounts hanging on deleting of calendar events.
- Fix for email in BIG5 charset.
- Fix for adding new users.
- Fixed a bug that was casuing people to have problems logining in when using cookie support.
- Fixed calendar display of 12 hour formats.
- Fixed a few problems with admin -> editaccount not changing the directory name properly.
- Fixed the languages table was using the lang name in upper case while everything else
was using lowercase.
- Added admin section to be able to add legal notices or other messages on the main screen.
Thanks snerd for this idea.
- Added matrix view of individuals and calendar events.
- Fixed parent_page link on footer line.
[0.9.4] - Fixed calendar week view.
- Displays calendar items in day view without start times.
- You now have to specify which API classes need to be loaded.
- Preformance is much better.
- Fixed a calendar SQL error with stock setups using the demo user.
- Fixed a problem with the email folders only reporting back the number of messages
in the INBOX regardless of which folder it is in.
- Added calendar day view to home page.
- Fixed problem with deletion of accounts.
- Fixed a few problems with error reporting in the accounts section.
Thanks mdean <>
- Renamed the webcal_entry.cal_create_by field to webcal_entry.cal_owner.
- Split out auth class, so that you can auth from anywhere and still store your accounts in sql or ldap.
- Added mail auth class, that will authenticate users against their email accounts
- Added multiple domain support.
- Fixed a few problems with the categories class
- Fixed nextmatchs calling link() wrong causing the next pages to not be displayed.
- Removed javascript from the login template
- Fixed HTML error in the application status select box for admin -> new/edit application
- Fixed group public filters in addressbook and todo list
- Cleanup up templates in admin section and created a few new templates.
[0.9.3] - Fixed the new user account form not returning the users firstname or last name when an
error is reported.
- Fixed NNTP to handle new VFS api.
- Fixed a number of preferences bugs on the main screen.
- Fixed E-Mail sigs not being added.
- Moved E-Mail preferences into its own section.
- When changing NNTP servers, now deletes newsgroups and users_newsgroups.
- Applied Patch #102089 - scrollbars for addressbook when composing email. Thanks jaggdedge <>
- owner fields are now working off account_id instead of account_lid
- Fixed time format on calendar preferences.
- NNTP now uses preferences to store monitored newsgroups.
- Added better error checking in applications admin section.
- Applied Patch #102116 - qmail/vmail spaces in TO:,CC: fields sending email. Thanks jaggdedge <>
- Email Trash folder is now created if it doesn't exsist
- Added user preferences for sending messages to the trash or just deleteing them.
- Started working on LDAP support. Its some what functional right now, but please be carefull
it has not been fully tested or debugged.
- Fixed appsession() not decrypting data properly.
- mcrypt should be working correctly now.
- Fixed problem with email's addressbook not retrieving records.
- Applied patch for accounts->listusers(). Thanks Mathieu van Loon <>
- Fixed check for new version not working.
- Merged in patch for vcard support in addressbook. Thanks Qbert <>
- Merged in patch for better langague support based on iso-639 Thanks zaphod <>
- Fixed accesslog not showing the logout field properly.
- transy should now be somewhat usable.
- Added automatic email of changes to TTS tickets.
- Fixed show currentusers on navbar preference
- Added new categories class
- Fixed date preferences in todo list
- Added date preferences to addressbook for birthdays
- Fixed group access to calendar items.
[0.9.2] - Fixed sorting bug in currentusers.php
- Cleaned up error reporting and form in newaccount.php
- Fixed viewaccounts.php not updated to the new accounts table.
- Fixed access_log not being updated durring logouts.
- Fixed email/folders.php not showing the number of messages in the INBOX.
- Fixed messages that where being passed around in the headlines admin section.
- Fixed setup script not working properly with certain version of MySQL.
- Fixed the participants list in the calendar.
- Fixed permission bug that was not checking users access to an app.
- Applied Patch #101453 - CJK character set display. Thanks Park ChungKyu <>
- Applied Patch #101321 - CZECH lang translation. Thanks Petr Moses <>
- Now ISO 639 compliant with language translation id.
- Applied Patch #101828 - Swedish lang translation. Thanks Kjell Claesson <>
- Fixed group management with new groups and navbar problems.
- Changed around the way the preferences work. The $phpgw_info array is also handled a little
differently for preferences. It now looks like:
$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"][appname][preference name]
- Fixed NNTP call to preferences.php if user does not have any groups selected.
- Fixed setting of default preferences of new users.
- Updated Spanish translations. Thanks gmartine <>
- Default preferences used if not set in DB.
- NNTP fixed to use the new account table layout.
- NNTP Header problem fixed.
- Applied Patch #101934 - Updated Swedish lang translation. Thanks Kjell Claesson <>
- Fixed a problem with setup/index.php return a number of errors on fresh PostgreSQL databases.
[0.9.1] - Fixed a few missing variables with templates.
- editing a product in the inventory program now forwards you back to the category
you where in.
- You can now use decimals in the inventory program.
- Added missing tables for tts and fixed problems with postgresql.
- Fixed changing of password not getting set in session table
- email now displays "Could not open mailbox" if mailbox could
not be opened (formerly displayed just "mailbox empty")
- Added ability to add/edit product status (inventory)
- Fixed displaying of repeated calendar events by owner
- Fixed displaying of calendar events to include group events
- Converted more of the inventory program to use templates
- Added a search field/add button when list products (inventory)
- Fixed editing of calendar entry with regards to start time
- Fixed sorting order in navbar when apps where assigned to a group.
- Fixed groups not being assinged an app properly.
- Fixed timeout for email receiving/sending.
- Changed the format for the accounts, sessions, and preferences tables.
- Started adding support for Oracle databases (Not working yet)
- Added new layout for admin and preferences sections.
- Fixed addressbook entries assigned to groups.
- Fixed accounts not using link() properly and kicking admin out of searchs.
- Removed and moved it into the database. Theres now a nice new
setup program.
- Updated docs a great deal.
- Group public items should now be working.
- Fixed a wrong data type error when calling sort() on 1 folder.
- Added week number in month view of calendar. (Patch by grasl)
- Moved charset setting from / DB to lang files.
- A bunch of other minor bug fixes.
[09072000] - Added print icon that allows you to print out a page without having
the navbar. Thanks Sam Wynn Jr <>
- on group creation the files directory tried to be created in
"filemanager/groups/" instead of in "files/groups/" - fixed.
Same for the user directory.
- Added error checking for creating/editing an account with no permissions.
- Fixed a db->unlock() issue in editaccount.php
- Fixed a few $phpgw_flags out of place.
- Fixed a problem with attachments not handled properly
- Fixed email/folder.php
- Fixed a problem with link targeting and the navbar.
- Fixed kp3 not being passed properly in chat.
- Changed the icon for NNTP.
- Changed the way session->create() makes the random number. This should fix
the problems on NT.
- Added HTTP Proxy support to phpgw_network.
- Pop3: when a header line started with cc:, from:, ..., but
no information followed the colon, a bunch of error messages were
displayed ("xxx not an object"). Fixed.
- Inventory program now supports changeable status fields.
- Added feature to show minium in stock products in different colors.
- Added error checking for changing a group name to a name that already exsists
- Removed session->hidden_var(), use link() from now on.
NOTE: You need to make sure you use the POST method. GET will cause problems.
- Cookie sessionid support works a little better now.
- Started adding LDAP account authencation support.
- Converted session->loginid, session->firstname, session->lastname, session->con to store
this data in the phpgw_info array.
- Moved check_owner() from session class to common.
- Converted all working apps to use the new lang() function which uses a database instead of
the lang files. (Passing extra variables is not working perfect, yet)
[08212000] - removed db_lock() and db_unlock() I changed the phpgw_db_* to use them
- remove all remaining references to $dbase and $phpgw_db we are now using
$phpgw->db for database stuff
- Added unlock() in halt() for the database class. This should help prevent
database lockups if the program executes some invailed SQL.
- Moved around the directory layout. The include files and images are now
in the applications directory.
- You can now add permissions to a group, all users within that group
would be granted those permissions.
- NNTP now compatible with PHP3/PHP4.
- Fixed parse errors and footer problems with the calendars printer
friendly version.
- Fixed a problem with the groups directory not being deleted.
- Fixed a problem with not being able to add users to a group.
- Fixed bad links in calendar
- Added feature to be able to remove users from a group automaticly
- changetheme.php will now read the files in the directory. You no longer
need to edit it to add themes
- Fixed a problem with the default sorting order messing up the next matchs
while viewing a message
- Added feature to check for new releases of phpGW
- Added feature to filter out entrys only within a certain group.
This is for the todo list and addressbook.
- Added a search field and next matchs icons to accounts and groups form.
- Fixed the "code" messages not showing up after adding new entrys and what not.
- Started converting the admin section to work off templates
- Started converting the todo list to work off templates
- Added a few new themes
[08152000] - Fixed a problem with the calendar not showing the months in the users
langague preference.
- Added the new alpha human resources section
- Added the new alpha inventory program
- Added new global var $phpgw_flags
replaces $currentapp, $noheader, $nonavbar
- Small change in the API with the lang files.
- Added missing files for french
- pop_sort() accelerated by using temp file for storing header
information - speed factor > 2 for re-sorts!
- Added a temp quick fix for PostgreSQL not working in the calendar
I am using the old code, so there might be bugs. This is
just until we can find a better solution.
- Added a warning message if users are still apart of a group thats
about to be deleted.
- a bunch of error messages where shown when some header info was
split into multiple lines (on pop account), and address info
could not be built in this case. Fixed.
- Added Dutch and Korean langague support
- Added default app and default sorting order preference
- Fixed multipart handling on pop3
- Added config option for where the "Powered by" can go, top or bottom
- add/edit/delete accounts code has been cleaned up greatly.
- Better error control in the accounts section
- Fixed check_owner() in session class not reporting the owner properly
[08072000] - Fixed current users next matchs icons not showing up properly
- Added support to save sent-messages into Sent folder
- Fixed bug where users always see the mail server connection
error on a new installation
- Added cookie support so you can save your session id as a cookie
- Fixed permission bug in preferences with anonymous users
- Fixed permission bug in calendar
- Greatly improved ftp app
- Started adding the new manager permission
- Added link in the admin section to find out your phpinfo()
- A few bug fixes in the admin section
[08042000] - Fixed repeating events in calendar day view
- Started refering to modules as applications
- Fixed todo list not showing list properly
- Started adding new application layout
- Clean up documentation
- Added better german langague file support.
- Fixed addressbook not showing the group access properly
- Added nextmatchs to email
- Deleting a message will now forward you to the next message
instead of the inbox.
- Added spanish, Itailian and Norwegien lang files.
- EMail now supports POP-3
- Next matchs icons in email
- Many other fixes and features that we can't remeber :)
[07122000] - Added multi-langague support
- Added confirms before records are deleted.
- Fixed the footer not being called in the calendar
- Fixed the todo list not showing the list properly
- Added date format thanks vinz
- Renamed session.class to
- Added feature to allow stale uploads to be deleted on
systems that don't support cron
- Fixed calendar searchs
- Added preferences to have text under icons on navigation bar
[07062000] - Fixed javascript pop-up window upadting wrong fields.
thanks vinz
- Fixed security hole in logout.php
- Added support support for todo list showing who created
the record.
- Added support for date due in todo list.
- Fixed bug in killsession.php thanks vinz
- Added support for day view in calendar
- Added support for hovering descriptions using the alt tag
- Added support for newsheadlines program
thanks Mark Peters <>
- The calendar sports a new layout.
- Started converting HTML to be HTML 4.0 complient
- Added new filemanager program
- New experimental look for the user section.
[06302000] - Moved around the inc directorys for better security.
- Fixed the file attachments and parse errors.
- Fixed file uploads for Windows thanks vinz
- Added to bring you back to the same folder you are in
(email) thanks smoser
- Fixed directorys not be deleted properly and should
now work under windows.
- Updated docs a little
- Include pre-alpha release of trouble ticket system
- A few other small bug fixes.
[06272000] - Updated most of the docs for the new name (phpGroupWare)
- Resolve a few issues with installing on PHP 4.
- editaccounts.php3 now updated the calendar tables properly
- Cleaned up and removed no longer used and repeated code
- Fixed broken link in calendar
- Renamed all .php3 so program works in PHP 4.
- Added next and previous links in calendar year view
- Printer friendly version of the calendar no longer show the
navigation bar on top
[06222000] - Fixed problem with timeformat only showing up if you have calendar
- Added support to select from a few pre-defined date formats
Anyone have suggestions on some more ?
- Fixed problem with create_tables.mysql for calendar global events
thanks Vincent Larchet <>
- Added support for multiable file uploads.
- Fixed table locking issues in editaccount.php3
- There is now a config option to point to a differant directory that webdistro is install on.
- A couple of other small bug fixes and code cleanup.
- Fixed a problem with email signatures not working
[06172000] - Added db_lock() and db_unlock. That should fix the table locking
- Fixed problem with filtering in todo list.
- Fixed admin viewaccount.php3 not showing permissions properly.
[06162000] - included new theme thanks Marl <>
- Made sure that the docs where included this time.
- Fixed javascript error in edit_entry.php thanks marvinhorst
- Fixed problem with edit_entry.php not including current users
- Renamed to to make things easier to
- Renamed all .php file to .php3
- Fixed small calendar days, Sa and Su where backwords.
- Removed cal_eventid from webcal_entry_repeats, wasn't needed and was causing problems.
- Fixed a few problems with create_tables.*
- Global public items should now work in the calendar
- Added feature to change users passwords (admin)
- Update some of the docs.
- Renamed and merged some files in the calendar.
- Added percent of users that logged out to accesslog
[06092000] - Fixed lastlogin information that wasn't updating.
- Added table locks in edit_entry_handler.php (calendar)
- Added feature to annoy users that haven't changed there
password for more then 30 days.
- Added javascript popup window for addressbook in email
Thanks Brian King <>
[06082000] - Added new groups class
- Combined permissions and preferences into
- Renamed to
- Fixed blank items showing up in the todo list.
- Cleaned up create_tables.* Took out all of the uneeded things.
- Included a new theme, it looks pretty bad on some computers.
But, we need to test things out a little with it.
[06052000] - Fixed a few permission bugs in the addressbook
- Started converting all programs to use the new session class
- Light code cleanup
- Fixed parse errors in a few places
- Added timezone support
- Updated
- Fixed a few possiable security problems with addressbook
[06032000] - Fixed problems editing accounts using postgresql
- Fixed problems creating account in create_tables.*
- Admin section updated. Sorting features. New layout for current
- login.php3 Fixed problem with it not updating users lastlogin
- Fixed problems with adding events to the calendar.
- Fixed problems with repeating events with a frequency of more
then 1. I think I have finally narrowed most of the problems
- Addressbook had the city and street mixed. Thanks Eric Degner
- Added feature to show who created the addressbook entry.
I will add support for this in the todolist later.
- Cleaned up some unneeded files in some of the directorys.
- Added next and previous link in message.php3 for email.
- Converted program to start using the new permissions and
preferences class.
- Fixed session table for mysql
[06022000] - Calendar bug fixes and code cleanup.
- Security fix for login.php3