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synced 2025-03-07 03:21:46 +01:00
onclick for nextmatch rows was not getting re-parsed for each row, so it was trying with the original widget from the template instead of the one from the row. Also accepting widget as argument into compiled legacy code and using it over original context so we don't need to re-compile for each row.
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1525 lines
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import {et2_IDOMNode, et2_implements_registry} from "../et2_core_interfaces";
import {et2_arrayMgr} from "../et2_core_arrayMgr";
import {et2_attribute_registry, et2_registry, et2_widget} from "../et2_core_widget";
import type {etemplate2} from "../etemplate2";
import {et2_compileLegacyJS} from "../et2_core_legacyJSFunctions";
import {et2_cloneObject, et2_csvSplit} from "../et2_core_common";
// @ts-ignore
import type {IegwAppLocal} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
import {egw} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
import {ClassWithAttributes, ClassWithInterfaces} from "../et2_core_inheritance";
import {css, dedupeMixin, LitElement, PropertyValues, unsafeCSS} from "@lion/core";
import type {et2_container} from "../et2_core_baseWidget";
import type {et2_DOMWidget} from "../et2_core_DOMWidget";
* This mixin will allow any LitElement to become an Et2Widget
* Usage:
* @example
* export class Et2Loading extends Et2Widget(BXLoading) { ... }
* @example
* export class Et2Button extends Et2InputWidget(Et2Widget(BXButton)) { ... }
* @see Mixin explanation https://lit.dev/docs/composition/mixins/
function applyMixins(derivedCtor : any, baseCtors : any[])
baseCtors.forEach(baseCtor =>
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseCtor.prototype).forEach(name =>
if(name !== 'constructor')
derivedCtor.prototype[name] = baseCtor.prototype[name];
type Constructor<T = LitElement> = new (...args : any[]) => T;
const Et2WidgetMixin = <T extends Constructor>(superClass : T) =>
class Et2WidgetClass extends superClass implements et2_IDOMNode
protected _mgrs : et2_arrayMgr[] = [];
protected _parent : Et2WidgetClass | et2_widget | null = null;
private _inst : etemplate2 | null = null;
/** et2_widget compatability **/
// @ts-ignore Some legacy widgets check their parent to see whats allowed
public supportedWidgetClasses = [];
* If we put the widget somewhere other than as a child of its parent, we need to record that so
* we don't move it back to the parent.
* @type {Element}
* @protected
protected _parent_node : Element;
* Not actually required by et2_widget, but needed to keep track of non-webComponent children
private _legacy_children : et2_widget[] = [];
* Keep track of child widgets
* This can differ from this.children, as it only includes the widgets where this.children will be child DOM nodes,
* not guaranteed to be widgets
private _children : (et2_widget | Et2WidgetClass)[] = [];
* Internal Properties - default values, and actually creating them as fields
* Do not include public property defined in properties()
protected _widget_id : string = "";
protected _dom_id : string = "";
* TypeScript & LitElement ensure type correctness, so we can't have a string value like "$row_cont[disable_me]"
* as a boolean property so we store them here, and parse them when expanding. Strings do not have this problem,
* since $row_cont[disable_me] is still a valid string.
protected _deferred_properties : { [key : string] : string } = {};
/** WebComponent **/
static get styles()
return [
...(super.styles ? (Array.isArray(super.styles) ? super.styles : [super.styles]) : []),
:host([disabled]) {
display: none;
/* CSS to align internal inputs according to box alignment */
:host([align="center"]) .input-group__input {
justify-content: center;
:host([align="right"]) .input-group__input {
justify-content: flex-end;
static get properties()
return {
* Widget ID. Optional, and not always the same as the DOM ID if the widget is inside something
* else that also has an ID.
* Putting this in the properties() list causes the parent portion of the DOM ID to be duplicated
* due to how LitElement processes the change
//id: {type: String, reflect: false},
* CSS Class. This class is applied to the _outside_, on the web component itself.
* Due to how WebComponents work, this might not change anything inside the component.
class: {type: String, reflect: true},
* Defines whether this widget is visible.
* Not to be confused with an input widget's HTML attribute 'disabled'.",
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true
* Accesskey provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element.
* The attribute value must consist of a single printable character.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/accesskey
accesskey: {type: String, reflect: true},
* Widget ID of another node to insert this node into instead of the normal location
* This isn't a normal property...
parentId: {type: String},
* Tooltip which is shown for this element on hover
statustext: {
type: String,
reflect: true,
translate: true
* The label of the widget
* This is usually displayed in some way. It's also important for accessability.
* This is defined in the parent somewhere, and re-defining it causes labels to disappear
label: {
type: String,
translate: true
onclick: {
type: Function
/*** Style type attributes ***/
* Disable any translations for the widget
noLang: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: false
* Used by Et2Box to determine alignment.
* Allowed values are left, right
align: {
type: String,
reflect: true
* List of properties that get translated
* Done separately to not interfere with properties - if we re-define label property,
* labels go missing.
* @returns {{statustext : boolean, label : boolean}}
static get translate()
return {
label: true,
statustext: true
* Widget Mixin constructor
* Note the ...args parameter and super() call
* @param args
constructor(...args : any[])
this.disabled = false;
this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this);
this.addEventListener("click", this._handleClick);
this.egw().tooltipBind(this, this.egw().lang(this.statustext));
this.removeEventListener("click", this._handleClick);
* NOT the setter, since we cannot add to the DOM before connectedCallback()
* TODO: This is not best practice. Should just set property, DOM modification should be done in render
* https://lit-element.polymer-project.org/guide/templates#design-a-performant-template
* @param value
set_label(value : string)
let oldValue = this.label;
// Remove old
let oldLabels = this.getElementsByClassName("et2_label");
this.__label = value;
this._labelNode.textContent = this.__label;
let label = document.createElement("span");
label.textContent = this.__label;
// We should have a slot in the template for the label
label.slot = "label";
this.requestUpdate('label', oldValue);
* supports legacy set_statustext
* @deprecated use this.statustext
* @param value
set_statustext(value : string)
this.statustext = value;
set statustext(value : string)
let oldValue = this.__statustext;
this.__statustext = value;
this.requestUpdate("statustext", oldValue);
get statustext() : string
return this.__statustext;
* Wrapper on this.disabled because legacy had it.
* @param {boolean} value
set_disabled(value : boolean)
let oldValue = this.disabled;
this.disabled = value;
this.requestUpdate("disabled", oldValue);
* Get the actual DOM ID, which has been prefixed to make sure it's unique.
* @returns {string}
get dom_id()
return this.getAttribute("id");
* Set the ID of the widget
* This is the "widget" ID, which is used as an index into the managed arrays (content, etc) and when
* trying to find widgets by ID.
* This is not the DOM ID.
* @param {string} value
set id(value)
this._widget_id = value;
let dom_id = "";
// Create a namespace for this object with new ID
let path = this.getPath();
dom_id = path.join("_");
this.setAttribute("id", dom_id);
* Get the ID of the widget
* @returns {string}
get id()
return this._widget_id;
* A property has changed, and we want to make adjustments to other things
* based on that
* @param {import('@lion/core').PropertyValues } changedProperties
updated(changedProperties : PropertyValues)
// required changed, add / remove validator
this.egw().tooltipBind(this, this.statustext);
* Any attribute that refers to row content cannot be resolved immediately, but some like booleans cannot stay a
* string because it's a boolean attribute. We store them for later, and parse when they're fully in their row.
get deferredProperties()
return this._deferred_properties;
set deferredProperties(value)
this._deferred_properties = value;
* Do some fancy stuff on the label, splitting it up if there's a %s in it
* Normally called from updated(), the "normal" setter stuff has already been run before
* this is called. We only override our special cases (%s) because the normal label has
* been set by the parent
* @param value
* @protected
protected _set_label(value : string)
// Remove any existing post label
let existing = (Array.from(this.children)).find(
(el : Element) => el.slot === "after" && el.tagName === "LABEL",
// Split the label at the "%s"
let parts = et2_csvSplit(value, 2, "%s");
if(parts.length > 1)
let after = document.createElement("label");
after.slot = "after";
after.textContent = parts[1];
this._labelNode.textContent = parts[0];
set class(value : string)
let oldValue = this.classList.value;
this.classList.value = value;
this.requestUpdate('class', oldValue);
get class()
return this.classList.value;
* Set the widget class
* @deprecated Use this.class or this.classList instead
* @param {string} new_class
set_class(new_class : string)
this.class = new_class;
* Event handlers
* Click handler calling custom handler set via onclick attribute to this.onclick
* @param _ev
* @returns
_handleClick(_ev : MouseEvent) : boolean
if(typeof this.onclick == 'function')
// Make sure function gets a reference to the widget, splice it in as 2. argument if not
let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if(args.indexOf(this) == -1)
args.splice(1, 0, this);
return this.onclick(...args);
return true;
/** et2_widget compatability **/
// Not really needed, use the disconnectedCallback() and let the browser handle it
isInTree() : boolean
// TODO: Probably should watch the state or something
return true;
* Get property-values as object
* @deprecated use widget methods
get options() : object
const options : { [key : string] : any } = {};
// @ts-ignore not sure how to tell TS this is a ReactiveElement and properties is a static getter
for(const name in this.constructor.properties)
options[name] = this[name];
// adding attributes too
this.getAttributeNames().forEach(name =>
options[name] = this.getAttribute(name);
// add some (not declared) known properties
if(typeof this.get_value === 'function')
options.value = this.get_value();
console.groupCollapsed("Deprecated widget.options use")
console.trace("Something called widget.options on ", this);
return options;
* Loads the widget tree from an XML node
* @param _node xml node
// Load the child nodes.
for(let i = 0; i < _node.childNodes.length; i++)
let node = _node.childNodes[i];
let widgetType = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if(widgetType == "#comment")
if(widgetType == "#text")
if(node.data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''))
this.innerText = node.data;
// Create the new element
* Create a et2_widget from an XML node.
* First the type and attributes are read from the node. Then the readonly & modifications
* arrays are checked for changes specific to the loaded data. Then the appropriate
* constructor is called. After the constructor returns, the widget has a chance to
* further initialize itself from the XML node when the widget's loadFromXML() method
* is called with the node.
* @param _node XML node to read
* @param _name XML node name
* @return et2_widget
createElementFromNode(_node, _name?)
let attributes = {};
// Parse the "readonly" and "type" flag for this element here, as they
// determine which constructor is used
let _nodeName = attributes["type"] = _node.getAttribute("type") ?
_node.getAttribute("type") : _node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
const readonly = attributes["readonly"] = this.getArrayMgr("readonlys") ?
_node.getAttribute("id"), _node.getAttribute("readonly"),
typeof this.readonly !== "undefined" ? this.readonly : false) : false;
// Check to see if modifications change type
let modifications = this.getArrayMgr("modifications");
if(modifications && _node.getAttribute("id"))
let entry : any = modifications.getEntry(_node.getAttribute("id"));
if(entry == null)
// Try again, but skip the fancy stuff
// TODO: Figure out why the getEntry() call doesn't always work
entry = modifications.data[_node.getAttribute("id")];
this.egw().debug("warn", "getEntry(" + _node.getAttribute("id") + ") failed, but the data is there.", modifications, entry);
// Try the root, in case a namespace got missed
entry = modifications.getRoot().getEntry(_node.getAttribute("id"));
if(entry && entry.type && typeof entry.type === 'string')
_nodeName = attributes["type"] = entry.type;
entry = null;
// if _nodeName / type-attribute contains something to expand (eg. type="@${row}[type]"),
// we need to expand it now as it defines the constructor and by that attributes parsed via parseXMLAttrs!
if(_nodeName.charAt(0) == '@' || _nodeName.indexOf('$') >= 0)
_nodeName = attributes["type"] = this.getArrayMgr('content').expandName(_nodeName);
let widget;
if(undefined == window.customElements.get(_nodeName))
// Get the constructor - if the widget is readonly, use the special "_ro"
// constructor if it is available
if (typeof et2_registry[_nodeName] === "undefined")
_nodeName = 'placeholder';
let constructor = et2_registry[_nodeName];
if(readonly === true && typeof et2_registry[_nodeName + "_ro"] != "undefined")
constructor = et2_registry[_nodeName + "_ro"];
// Parse the attributes from the given XML attributes object
this.parseXMLAttrs(_node.attributes, attributes, constructor.prototype);
// Do an sanity check for the attributes
ClassWithAttributes.generateAttributeSet(et2_attribute_registry[constructor.name], attributes);
// Creates the new widget, passes this widget as an instance and
// passes the widgetType. Then it goes on loading the XML for it.
widget = new constructor(this, attributes);
// Load the widget itself from XML
widget = loadWebComponent(_nodeName, _node, this);
// webcomponent going into old et2_widget
return widget;
* The parseXMLAttrs function takes an XML DOM attributes object
* and adds the given attributes to the _target associative array. This
* function also parses the legacyOptions.
* N.B. This is only used for legacy widgets. WebComponents use transformAttributes() and
* do their own handling of attributes.
* @param _attrsObj is the XML DOM attributes object
* @param {object} _target is the object to which the attributes should be written.
* @param {et2_widget} _proto prototype with attributes and legacyOptions attribute
parseXMLAttrs(_attrsObj, _target, _proto)
// Check whether the attributes object is really existing, if not abort
if(typeof _attrsObj == "undefined")
// Iterate over the given attributes and parse them
let mgr = this.getArrayMgr("content");
for(let i = 0; i < _attrsObj.length; i++)
let attrName = _attrsObj[i].name;
let attrValue = _attrsObj[i].value;
// Special handling for the legacy options
if(attrName == "options" && _proto.constructor.legacyOptions && _proto.constructor.legacyOptions.length > 0)
let legacy = _proto.constructor.legacyOptions || [];
// Check for modifications on legacy options here. Normal modifications
// are handled in widget constructor, but it's too late for legacy options then
if(_target.id && this.getArrayMgr("modifications").getEntry(_target.id))
let mod : any = this.getArrayMgr("modifications").getEntry(_target.id);
if(typeof mod.options != "undefined")
attrValue = _attrsObj[i].value = mod.options;
// expand legacyOptions with content
if(attrValue.charAt(0) == '@' || attrValue.indexOf('$') != -1)
attrValue = mgr.expandName(attrValue);
// Parse the legacy options (as a string, other types not allowed)
let splitted = et2_csvSplit(attrValue + "");
for(let j = 0; j < splitted.length && j < legacy.length; j++)
// Blank = not set, unless there's more legacy options provided after
if(splitted[j].trim().length === 0 && legacy.length >= splitted.length)
// Check to make sure we don't overwrite a current option with a legacy option
if(typeof _target[legacy[j]] === "undefined")
attrValue = splitted[j];
If more legacy options than expected, stuff them all in the last legacy option
Some legacy options take a comma separated list.
if(j == legacy.length - 1 && splitted.length > legacy.length)
attrValue = splitted.slice(j);
let attr = et2_attribute_registry[_proto.constructor.name][legacy[j]] || {};
// If the attribute is marked as boolean, parse the
// expression as bool expression.
if(attr.type == "boolean")
attrValue = mgr.parseBoolExpression(attrValue);
else if(typeof attrValue != "object")
attrValue = mgr.expandName(attrValue);
_target[legacy[j]] = attrValue;
else if(attrName == "readonly" && typeof _target[attrName] != "undefined")
// do NOT overwrite already evaluated readonly attribute
let attrs = et2_attribute_registry[_proto.constructor.name] || {};
if(mgr != null && typeof attrs[attrName] != "undefined")
let attr = attrs[attrName];
// If the attribute is marked as boolean, parse the
// expression as bool expression.
if(attr.type == "boolean")
attrValue = mgr.parseBoolExpression(attrValue);
attrValue = mgr.expandName(attrValue);
// Set the attribute
_target[attrName] = attrValue;
transformAttributes(this, this.getArrayMgr("content"), attrs);
// Add in additional modifications
if(this.id && this.getArrayMgr("modifications")?.getEntry(this.id))
transformAttributes(this, this.getArrayMgr("content"), this.getArrayMgr("modifications").getEntry(this.id));
iterateOver(_callback : Function, _context, _type)
if (typeof _type === "undefined" || _type === et2_widget || _type === Et2Widget ||
typeof _type === 'function' && this instanceof _type ||
et2_implements_registry[_type] && et2_implements_registry[_type](this))
_callback.call(_context, this);
// Ask children
for(let i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
this._children[i].iterateOver(_callback, _context, _type);
* Needed for legacy compatability.
* @param {Promise[]} promises List of promises from widgets that are not done. Pass an empty array, it will be filled if needed.
loadingFinished(promises : Promise<any>[])
if(typeof promises === "undefined")
promises = [];
// Note that WebComponents don't do anything here, their lifecycle is different
// This is just to support legacy widgets
let doLoadingFinished = () =>
* This is needed mostly as a bridge between non-WebComponent widgets and
* connectedCallback(). It's not really needed if the whole tree is WebComponent.
* WebComponents can be added as children immediately after creation, and they handle the
* rest themselves with their normal lifecycle (especially connectedCallback(), which is kind
* of the equivalent of doLoadingFinished()
// @ts-ignore this is not an et2_widget, so getDOMNode(this) is bad
if(!this._parent_node && this.getParent() instanceof et2_widget && (<et2_DOMWidget>this.getParent()).getDOMNode(this) != this.parentNode)
// @ts-ignore this is not an et2_widget, and Et2Widget is not a Node
// An empty text node causes problems with legacy widget children
// It throws off their insertion indexing, making them get added in the wrong place
if(this.childNodes[0]?.nodeType == this.TEXT_NODE && this.childNodes[0].textContent == "")
for(let i = 0; i < this.getChildren().length; i++)
let child = this.getChildren()[i];
if(this.id == _id)
return this;
if(this.getChildren().length == 0)
return null;
let check_children = children =>
for(let i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
let elem = children[i].getWidgetById(_id);
if(elem != null)
return elem;
if(this.id && _id.indexOf('[') > -1 && children.length)
let ids = (new et2_arrayMgr()).explodeKey(_id);
let widget : Et2WidgetClass = this;
for(let i = 0; i < ids.length && widget !== null; i++)
widget = widget.getWidgetById(ids[i]);
return widget;
return check_children(this.getChildren()) || null;
* Parent is different than what is specified in the template / hierarchy.
* Find it and re-parent there.
* @param {string} parent
set parentId(parent : string | Element)
if(typeof parent === "string")
parent = document.querySelector("#" + parent);
this._parent_node = parent;
setParent(new_parent : Et2WidgetClass | et2_widget)
this._parent = new_parent;
// Create a namespace for this object
// @ts-ignore
getParent() : Et2WidgetClass | et2_widget
return this._parent;
return null;
getParentDOMNode() : HTMLElement
return this._parent_node;
addChild(child : et2_widget | Et2WidgetClass)
if(this._children.indexOf(child) >= 0)
if(child instanceof et2_widget)
// Type of et2_widget._parent is et2_widget, not Et2Widget. This might cause problems, but they
// should be fixed by getting rid of the legacy widget with problems
// @ts-ignore
child._parent = this;
// During legacy widget creation, the child's DOM node won't be available yet.
let child_node = null;
//@ts-ignore Technically getDOMNode() is from et2_DOMWidget
child_node = typeof child.getDOMNode !== "undefined" ? child.getDOMNode(child) : null;
// Child did not give up its DOM node nicely but errored instead
if(child_node && child_node !== this)
* Get child widgets
* Use <obj>.children to get web component children
* @returns {et2_widget[]}
return this._children;
getType() : string
return this.nodeName;
getDOMNode() : HTMLElement
return <HTMLElement><unknown>this;
* Creates a copy of this widget.
* @param {et2_widget} _parent parent to set for clone, default null
clone(_parent?) : Et2WidgetClass
// Default _parent to null
if(typeof _parent == "undefined")
_parent = null;
// Create the copy
let copy = <Et2WidgetClass>this.cloneNode();
copy.id = this._widget_id;
// Copy a reference to the content array manager
// Pass on instance too
let widget_class = window.customElements.get(this.localName);
let properties = widget_class ? widget_class.properties : [];
for(let key in properties)
copy[key] = this[key];
// Keep the deferred properties
copy._deferred_properties = this._deferred_properties;
// Create a clone of all child widgets of the given object
for(let i = 0; i < this.getChildren().length; i++)
return copy;
* Sets the array manager for the given part
* @param {string} _part which array mgr to set
* @param {object} _mgr
setArrayMgr(_part : string, _mgr : et2_arrayMgr)
this._mgrs[_part] = _mgr;
* Returns the array manager object for the given part
* @param {string} managed_array_type name of array mgr to return
getArrayMgr(managed_array_type : string) : et2_arrayMgr | null
if(this._mgrs && typeof this._mgrs[managed_array_type] != "undefined")
return this._mgrs[managed_array_type];
else if(this.getParent())
return this.getParent().getArrayMgr(managed_array_type);
return null;
* Sets all array manager objects - this function can be used to set the
* root array managers of the container object.
* @param {object} _mgrs
this._mgrs = <et2_arrayMgr[]>et2_cloneObject(_mgrs);
* Returns an associative array containing the top-most array managers.
* @param _mgrs is used internally and should not be supplied.
getArrayMgrs(_mgrs? : object)
if(typeof _mgrs == "undefined")
_mgrs = {};
// Add all managers of this object to the result, if they have not already
// been set in the result
for(let key in this._mgrs)
if(typeof _mgrs[key] == "undefined")
_mgrs[key] = this._mgrs[key];
// Recursively applies this function to the parent widget
return _mgrs;
* Checks whether a namespace exists for this element in the content array.
* If yes, an own perspective of the content array is created. If not, the
* parent content manager is used.
* Constructor attributes are passed in case a child needs to make decisions
// Get the content manager
let mgrs = this.getArrayMgrs();
for(let key in mgrs)
let mgr = mgrs[key];
// Get the original content manager if we have already created a
// perspective for this node
if(typeof this._mgrs[key] != "undefined" && mgr.perspectiveData.owner == this)
mgr = mgr.getParentMgr();
// Check whether the manager has a namespace for the id of this object
let entry = mgr.getEntry(this.id);
if(typeof entry === 'object' && entry !== null || this.id)
// The content manager has an own node for this object, so
// create an own perspective.
this._mgrs[key] = mgr.openPerspective(this, this.id);
// The current content manager does not have an own namespace for
// this element, so use the content manager of the parent.
delete (this._mgrs[key]);
* Set the instance manager
* Normally this is not needed as it's set on the top-level container, and we just return that reference
setInstanceManager(manager : etemplate2)
this._inst = manager;
* Returns the instance manager
* @return {etemplate2}
if(this._inst != null)
return this._inst;
else if(this.getParent())
return this.getParent().getInstanceManager ? this.getParent().getInstanceManager() : null;
return null;
* Returns the base widget
* Usually this is the same as getInstanceManager().widgetContainer
getRoot() : et2_container
if(this.getParent() != null)
return this.getParent().getRoot();
return <et2_container><unknown>this;
* Returns the path into the data array. By default, array manager takes care of
* this, but some extensions need to override this
let path = this.getArrayMgr("content")?.getPath() ?? [];
// Prevent namespaced widgets with value from going an extra layer deep
if(this.id && this._createNamespace() && path[path.length - 1] == this.id)
return path;
_createNamespace() : boolean
return false;
egw() : IegwAppLocal
if(this.getParent() != null && typeof this.getParent().egw === "function")
return (<et2_widget>this.getParent()).egw();
// Get the window this object belongs to
let wnd = null;
// @ts-ignore Technically this doesn't have implements(), but it's mixed in
let node = (<et2_IDOMNode><unknown>this).getDOMNode();
if(node && node.ownerDocument)
wnd = node.ownerDocument.parentNode || node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
// If we're the root object, return the phpgwapi API instance
return typeof egw === "function" ? egw('phpgwapi', wnd) : null;
// Add some more stuff in
applyMixins(Et2WidgetClass, [ClassWithInterfaces]);
return Et2WidgetClass as unknown as Constructor<Et2WidgetClass> & T;
export const Et2Widget = dedupeMixin(Et2WidgetMixin);
* Load a Web Component
* @param _nodeName
* @param _template_node
* @param parent Parent widget
// @ts-ignore Et2Widget is I guess not the right type
export function loadWebComponent(_nodeName : string, _template_node : Element|{[index: string]: any}, parent : Et2Widget|et2_widget|undefined) : HTMLElement
let attrs = {};
let load_children = true;
// support attributes object instead of an Element
if(typeof _template_node.getAttribute === 'undefined')
attrs = _template_node;
load_children = false;
_template_node.getAttributeNames().forEach(attribute =>
attrs[attribute] = _template_node.getAttribute(attribute);
// Try to find the class for the given node
let widget_class = window.customElements.get(_nodeName);
// Given node has no registered class. Try some of our special things (remove type, fallback to actual node)
let tries = [_nodeName.split('-')[0]];
if (_template_node.nodeName) tries = tries.concat(_template_node.nodeName.toLowerCase());
for(let i = 0; i < tries.length && !window.customElements.get(_nodeName); i++)
_nodeName = tries[i];
widget_class = window.customElements.get(_nodeName);
throw Error("Unknown or unregistered WebComponent '" + _nodeName + "', could not find class. Also checked for " + tries.join(','));
const readonly = parent?.getArrayMgr("readonlys") ?
attrs["id"], attrs["readonly"],
typeof parent?.readonly !== "undefined" ? parent.readonly : false) : false;
if(readonly === true && typeof window.customElements.get(_nodeName + "_ro") != "undefined")
_nodeName += "_ro";
// @ts-ignore
let widget = <Et2Widget>document.createElement(_nodeName);
if (parent && typeof widget.setParent === 'function') widget.setParent(parent);
// Set read-only. Doesn't really matter if it's a ro widget, but otherwise it needs set
widget.readonly = readonly;
// Children need to be loaded
return widget;
* Take attributes from a node in a .xet file and apply those to a WebComponent widget
* Any attributes provided that match a property (or attribute) on the widget will be adjusted according to
* the passed arrayManager, coerced into the proper type, and set.
* It is here that we find values or set attributes that should come from content.
* @param widget
* @param {et2_arrayMgr} mgr
* @param attributes
function transformAttributes(widget, mgr : et2_arrayMgr, attributes)
const widget_class = window.customElements.get(widget.localName);
// Special case attributes
// Attributes in content? "attributes" is read-only in webComponent
let mgr_attributes = mgr.getEntry(attributes.attributes);
delete attributes.attributes;
Object.assign(attributes, ...mgr_attributes);
widget.style.setProperty("width", attributes.width);
widget.style.setProperty("flex", "0 0 auto");
delete attributes.width;
// Apply any set attributes - widget will do its own coercion
for(let attribute in attributes)
let attrValue = attributes[attribute];
// If there is no attribute set, ignore it. Widget sets its own default.
if(typeof attrValue === "undefined")
// preprocessor and transformer can't know if application widget is a web-component or a legacy one
// translate attribute names to camelCase (only do it for used underscore, to not require a regexp)
if (attribute !== 'select_options' && attribute.indexOf('_') !== -1)
let parts = attribute.split('_');
if (attribute === 'parent_node') parts[1] = 'Id';
attribute = parts.shift() + parts.map(part => part[0].toUpperCase() + part.substring(1)).join("");
const property = widget_class.getPropertyOptions(attribute);
switch(typeof property === "object" ? property.type : property)
case Boolean:
if(typeof attrValue == "boolean")
// Already boolean, nothing needed
// If the attribute is marked as boolean, parse the
// expression as bool expression.
attrValue = mgr ? mgr.parseBoolExpression(attrValue) : attrValue;
if(typeof attrValue === "string")
// Parse decided we still needed a string ($row most likely) so we'll defer it until later
// Repeating rows & nextmatch will parse it again when doing the row
widget.deferredProperties[attribute] = attrValue;
// Leave the current value at whatever the default is
case Function:
if(typeof attrValue == "string" && mgr.getPerspectiveData().row == null &&
(attrValue.indexOf("$row") > -1 || attrValue.indexOf("$row_cont") > -1)
// Need row context, defer it until later
// Repeating rows & nextmatch will parse it again when doing the row
widget.deferredProperties[attribute] = attrValue;
console.log("Had to defer %s parsing for %o\nCan it be rewritten to avoid $row & $row_cont?", attribute, widget);
// We parse it into a function here so we can pass in the widget as context.
// Leaving it to the LitElement conversion loses the widget as context
if(typeof attrValue !== "function")
attrValue = et2_compileLegacyJS(attrValue, widget, widget);
case Object:
case Array:
// Leave it alone...
attrValue = mgr ? mgr.expandName("" + attrValue) : attrValue;
if(attrValue && typeof attrValue == "string" && widget_class.translate[attribute])
// allow attribute to contain multiple translated sub-strings eg: {Firstname}.{Lastname}
if(attrValue.indexOf('{') !== -1)
attrValue = attrValue.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, (str, p1) =>
return widget.egw().lang(p1);
attrValue = widget.egw().lang(attrValue);
// Bind handlers directly, since we can do that now. Event handlers still need to be defined
// in properties() as {type: Function}, but this will take care of the binding. This is
// separate from internal events.
// (handlers can only be bound _after_ the widget is added to the DOM
if(attribute.startsWith("on") && typeof attrValue == "function")
//widget.updateComplete.then(() => addEventListener(attribute, attrValue));
// Set as attribute or property, as appropriate. Don't set missing attributes.
if(widget.getAttributeNames().indexOf(attribute) >= 0 || property.reflect && attrValue)
// Set as attribute (reflected in DOM)
widget.setAttribute(attribute, attrValue === true ? "" : attrValue);
else if(attribute === 'options')
console.trace('Ignored setting depricated "options" attribute for widget #' + widget.id, widget);
// Set as property
widget[attribute] = attrValue;
if(widget_class.getPropertyOptions("value") && widget.set_value)
if(mgr != null)
let val = mgr.getEntry(widget.id, false, true);
if(val !== null)
* Take the name of one of our images, find the full URL (including theme), and wrap it up so you can use it in a
* widget's css block.
* @example
* import {cssImage} from Et2Widget;
* ...
* static get styles()
* {
* return [
* ...super.styles,
* css`
* :host {
* background-image: ${cssImage("save")};
* }
* `];
* }
* @param image_name Name of the image
* @param app_name Optional, image is from an app instead of api
* @returns {CSSResult}
export function cssImage(image_name : string, app_name? : string)
let url = egw?.image(image_name, app_name);
return css`url(${unsafeCSS(url)})`;
return css``;
} |