Ralf Becker c65705aac4 - started implementing virtual exceptions for AS (currently commented out in line 176, as not yet tested)
- ChangeMessage now searched contacts for participants and always re-adds resources (everything but accounts, contacts and email)
- some more timezone specific fixes
>>> none of the above is tested, as my iPhone charges no more and battery is now flat :-(
2010-12-21 02:45:40 +00:00

1049 lines
37 KiB

* EGroupware: ActiveSync access: Calendar plugin
* @link
* @package calendar
* @subpackage activesync
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @author Klaus Leithoff <>
* @author Philip Herbert <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* Calendar activesync plugin
* Plugin to make EGroupware calendar data available via Active Sync
* Handling of (virtual) exceptions of recurring events:
* ----------------------------------------------------
* Virtual exceptions are exceptions caused by recurcences with just different participant status
* compared to regular series (master). Real exceptions usually have different dates and/or other data.
* EGroupware calendar data model does NOT store virtual exceptions as exceptions,
* as participant status is stored per recurrence date and not just per event!
* GetMessageList reports virtual exceptions with an id like cal_id:recur_date, which
* is understood bei StatMessage, GetMessage and ChangeMessage (implementation is currently missing!).
* Real exceptions have there own calendar id, under which they are reported by GetMessageList.
* @todo alarms / reminders (currently they are not reported to and not changed by the device)
* We probably want to report only alarms of the current user (which should ring on the device)
* and save alarms set on the device only for the current user, if not yet there (preserving all other alarms).
* How to deal with multiple alarms allowed in EGroupware: report earliest one to the device
* (and hope it resyncs before next one is due, thought we do NOT report that as change currently!).
class calendar_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write
* var BackendEGW
private $backend;
* Instance of calendar_bo
* @var calendar_boupdate
private $calendar;
* Constructor
* @param BackendEGW $backend
public function __construct(BackendEGW $backend)
$this->backend = $backend;
* This function is analogous to GetMessageList.
* @ToDo implement preference, include own private calendar
public function GetFolderList()
if (!isset($this->calendar)) $this->calendar = new calendar_boupdate();
foreach ($this->calendar->list_cals() as $label => $entry)
$folderlist[] = $f = array(
'id' => $this->backend->createID('calendar',$entry['grantor']),
'mod' => $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($entry['grantor'],'account_fullname'),
'parent'=> '0',
//error_log(__METHOD__."() returning ".array2string($folderlist));
return $folderlist;
* Get Information about a folder
* @param string $id
* @return SyncFolder|boolean false on error
public function GetFolder($id)
$this->backend->splitID($id, $type, $owner);
$folderObj = new SyncFolder();
$folderObj->serverid = $id;
$folderObj->parentid = '0';
$folderObj->displayname = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($owner,'account_fullname');
if ($owner == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$id') folderObj=".array2string($folderObj));
return $folderObj;
* Return folder stats. This means you must return an associative array with the
* following properties:
* "id" => The server ID that will be used to identify the folder. It must be unique, and not too long
* How long exactly is not known, but try keeping it under 20 chars or so. It must be a string.
* "parent" => The server ID of the parent of the folder. Same restrictions as 'id' apply.
* "mod" => This is the modification signature. It is any arbitrary string which is constant as long as
* the folder has not changed. In practice this means that 'mod' can be equal to the folder name
* as this is the only thing that ever changes in folders. (the type is normally constant)
* @return array with values for keys 'id', 'mod' and 'parent'
public function StatFolder($id)
$folder = $this->GetFolder($id);
$this->backend->splitID($id, $type, $owner);
$stat = array(
'id' => $id,
'mod' => $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($owner,'account_fullname'),
'parent' => '0',
return $stat;
* Should return a list (array) of messages, each entry being an associative array
* with the same entries as StatMessage(). This function should return stable information; ie
* if nothing has changed, the items in the array must be exactly the same. The order of
* the items within the array is not important though.
* The cutoffdate is a date in the past, representing the date since which items should be shown.
* This cutoffdate is determined by the user's setting of getting 'Last 3 days' of e-mail, etc. If
* you ignore the cutoffdate, the user will not be able to select their own cutoffdate, but all
* will work OK apart from that.
* @param string $id folder id
* @param int $cutoffdate=null
* @return array
function GetMessageList($id, $cutoffdate=NULL)
if (!isset($this->calendar)) $this->calendar = new calendar_boupdate();
debugLog (__METHOD__."('$id',$cutoffdate)");
if (!$cutoffdate) $cutoffdate = $this->bo->now - 100*24*3600; // default three month back -30 breaks all sync recurrences
$filter = array(
'users' => $user,
'start' => $cutoffdate, // default one month back -30 breaks all sync recurrences
'enum_recuring' => false,
'daywise' => false,
'date_format' => 'server',
'filter' => 'default', // not rejected
// @todo return only etag relevant information (seems not to work ...)
//'cols' => array('egw_cal.cal_id', 'cal_start', 'recur_type', 'cal_modified', 'cal_uid', 'cal_etag'),
$messagelist = array();
foreach ($this->calendar->search($filter) as $event)
$messagelist[] = $this->StatMessage($id, $event);
// add virtual exceptions for recuring events too
// (we need to read event, as get_recurrence_exceptions need all infos!)
/* if ($event['recur_type'] != calendar_rrule::NONE)// && ($event = $this->calendar->read($event['id'],0,true,'server')))
egw_time::$server_timezone->getName(), $cutoffdate, 0, 'all') as $recur_date)
$messagelist[] = $this->StatMessage($id, $event['id'].':'.$recur_date);
return $messagelist;
* Conversation to AS status
* @var array
static $status2as = array(
'U' => 0, // unknown
'T' => 2, // tentative
'A' => 3, // accepted
'R' => 4, // decline
// 5 = not responded
* Conversation to AS "roles", not really the same thing
* @var array
static $role2as = array(
'REQ-PARTICIPANT' => 1, // required
'CHAIR' => 1, // required
'OPT-PARTICIPANT' => 2, // optional
// 3 = ressource
* Conversation to AS recurrence types
* @var array
static $recur_type2as = array(
calendar_rrule::DAILY => 0,
calendar_rrule::WEEKLY => 1,
calendar_rrule::MONTHLY_MDAY => 2, // monthly
calendar_rrule::MONTHLY_WDAY => 3, // monthly on nth day
calendar_rrule::YEARLY => 5,
// 6 = yearly on nth day (same as 5 on non-leapyears or before March on leapyears)
* Changes or adds a message on the server
* Timestamps from z-push are in servertime and need to get converted to user-time, as bocalendar_update::save()
* expects user-time!
* @param string $folderid
* @param int $id for change | empty for create new
* @param SyncAppointment $message object to SyncObject to create
* @return array $stat whatever would be returned from StatMessage
* This function is called when a message has been changed on the PDA. You should parse the new
* message here and save the changes to disk. The return value must be whatever would be returned
* from StatMessage() after the message has been saved. This means that both the 'flags' and the 'mod'
* properties of the StatMessage() item may change via ChangeMessage().
* Note that this function will never be called on E-mail items as you can't change e-mail items, you
* can only set them as 'read'.
public function ChangeMessage($folderid, $id, $message)
if (!isset($this->calendar)) $this->calendar = new calendar_boupdate();
$event = array();
$this->backend->splitID($folderid, $type, $account);
debugLog (__METHOD__."('$folderid', $id, ".array2string($message).") type='$type', account=$account");
list($id,$recur_date) = explode(':',$id);
if ($type != 'calendar' || $id && !($event = $this->calendar->read($id, $recur_date, false, 'server')))
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id,...) Folder wrong or event does not existing");
return false;
if ($recur_date) // virtual exception
// @todo check if virtual exception needs to be saved as real exception, or only stati need to be changed
debutLog(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id:$recur_date,".array2string($message).") handling of virtual exception not yet implemented!");
error_log(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id:$recur_date,".array2string($message).") handling of virtual exception not yet implemented!");
if (!$this->calendar->check_perms($id ? EGW_ACL_EDIT : EGW_ACL_ADD,$event ? $event : 0,$account))
// @todo: write in users calendar and make account only a participant
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id,...) no rights to add/edit event!");
error_log(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id,".array2string($message).") no rights to add/edit event!");
return false;
// timestamps (created & modified are updated automatically)
'start' => 'starttime',
'end' => 'endtime',
) as $key => $attr)
$event[$key] = egw_time::server2user($message->$attr);
if (!$id) $event['owner'] = $account; // we do NOT allow to change the owner of existing events
// copying strings
'title' => 'subject',
'uid' => 'uid',
'location' => 'location',
) as $key => $attr)
if (isset($message->$attr)) $event[$key] = $message->$attr;
$event['public'] = (int)($message->sensitivity < 1); // 0=normal, 1=personal, 2=private, 3=confidential
if (($event['whole_day'] = $message->alldayevent))
$event['end']--; // otherwise our whole-day event code in save makes it one more day!
$participants = array();
foreach((array)$message->attendees as $attendee)
if ($attendee->type == 3) continue; // we can not identify resources and re-add them anyway later
if (!($uid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($attendee->email,'account_email')))
$search = array(
'email' => $attendee->email,
'email_home' => $attendee->email,
//'n_fn' => $attendee->name, // not sure if we want matches without email
// search addressbook for participant
if ((list($data) = $this->addressbook->search($search,
array('id','egw_addressbook.account_id as account_id','n_fn'),
'egw_addressbook.account_id IS NOT NULL DESC, n_fn IS NOT NULL DESC',
$uid = $data['account_id'] ? (int)$data['account_id'] : 'c'.$data['id'];
else // store just the email
$uid = 'e'.$attendee->name.' <'.$attendee->email.'>';
if (!($status = array_search($attendee->status,self::$status2as))) $status = 'U';
if ($attendee->email == $message->organizeremail)
$role = 'CHAIR';
$chair_set = true;
elseif (!($role = array_search($attendee->type,self::$role2as)))
$quantitiy = 1;
// if old role gives same type, use old role, as we have a lot more roles then AS
if ($id && isset($event['participants'][$uid]))
calendar_so::split_status($status, $quantity, $old_role);
if ((int)self::$role2as[$old_role] == $attendee->type)
$role = $old_role;
$participants[$uid] = calendar_so::combine_status($status,$quantitiy,$role);
// if organizer is not already participant, add him as chair
if (($uid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($message->organizeremail,'account_email')) && !isset($participants[$uid]))
$participants[$uid] = calendar_so::combine_status($uid == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] ?
'A' : 'U',1,'CHAIR');
$chair_set = true;
// add calendar owner as participant, as otherwise event will NOT be in his calendar, in which it was posted
if (!$id && !isset($participants[$account]))
$participants[$account] = calendar_so::combine_status($account == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] ?
'A' : 'U',1,!$chair_set ? 'CHAIR' : 'REQ-PARTICIPANT');
// preserve all resource types not account, contact or email (eg. resources) for existing events
foreach((array)$event['participant_types'] as $type => $parts)
if (in_array($type,array('u','c','e'))) continue; // they are correctly representable in AS
foreach($parts as $id => $status)
$uid = calendar_so::combine_user($type, $id);
if (!isset($participants[$uid]))
$participants[$uid] = $status;
$event['participants'] = $participants;
if (isset($message->categories))
$event['categories'] = $this->calendar->find_or_add_categories($message->categories, $id);
// check if event is recurring and import recur information (incl. timezone)
if ($message->recurrence)
if ($message->timezone && !$id) // dont care for timezone, if no new and recurring event
$event['tzid'] = self::as2tz(self::_getTZFromSyncBlob(base64_decode($message->timezone)));
$event['recur_type'] = $message->recurrence->type == 6 ? calendar_rrule::YEARLY :
array_search($message->recurrence->type, self::$recur_type2as);
$event['recur_interval'] = $message->recurrence->interval;
switch ($event['recur_type'])
case calendar_rrule::MONTHLY_WDAY:
// $message->recurrence->weekofmonth is not explicitly stored in egw, just taken from start date
// fall throught
case calendar_rrule::WEEKLY:
$event['recur_data'] = $message->recurrence->dayofweek; // 1=Su, 2=Mo, 4=Tu, .., 64=Sa
case calendar_rrule::MONTHLY_MDAY:
// $message->recurrence->dayofmonth is not explicitly stored in egw, just taken from start date
case calendar_rrule::YEARLY:
// $message->recurrence->(dayofmonth|monthofyear) is not explicitly stored in egw, just taken from start date
if ($message->recurrence->until)
$event['recur_enddate'] = egw_time::server2user($message->recurrence->until);
$event['recur_exceptions'] = array();
if ($message->exceptions)
foreach($message->exceptions as $exception)
$event['recur_exceptions'][] = egw_time::server2user($exception->starttime); // exceptions seems to be full SyncAppointments, with only starttime required
if ($message->recurrence->occurrences > 0)
// calculate enddate from occurences count, as we only support enddate
$count = $message->recurrence->occurrences;
foreach(calendar_rrule::event2rrule($event, true) as $time) // true = timestamps are user time here, because of save!
if (--$count <= 0) break;
$event['recur_enddate'] = $rtime->format('ts');
// @todo: body or description
if (!($id = $this->calendar->save($event)))
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id,...) error saving event=".array2string($event)."!");
return false;
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id,...) SUCESS saving event=".array2string($event).", id=$id");
error_log(__METHOD__."('$folderid',$id,".array2string($message).") SUCESS saving event=".array2string($event).", id=$id");
return $this->StatMessage($folderid, $id);
* Creates or modifies a folder
* @param $id of the parent folder
* @param $oldid => if empty -> new folder created, else folder is to be renamed
* @param $displayname => new folder name (to be created, or to be renamed to)
* @param type => folder type, ignored in IMAP
* @return stat | boolean false on error
public function ChangeFolder($id, $oldid, $displayname, $type)
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$id', '$oldid', '$displayname', $type) NOT supported!");
return false;
* Deletes (really delete) a Folder
* @param $parentid of the folder to delete
* @param $id of the folder to delete
* @return
* @TODO check what is to be returned
public function DeleteFolder($parentid, $id)
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$parentid', '$id') NOT supported!");
return false;
* Moves a message from one folder to another
* @param $folderid of the current folder
* @param $id of the message
* @param $newfolderid
* @return $newid as a string | boolean false on error
* After this call, StatMessage() and GetMessageList() should show the items
* to have a new parent. This means that it will disappear from GetMessageList() will not return the item
* at all on the source folder, and the destination folder will show the new message
public function MoveMessage($folderid, $id, $newfolderid)
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$folderid', $id, '$newfolderid') NOT supported!");
return false;
* Delete (really delete) a message in a folder
* @param $folderid
* @param $id
* @return boolean true on success, false on error, diffbackend does NOT use the returnvalue
* @DESC After this call has succeeded, a call to
* GetMessageList() should no longer list the message. If it does, the message will be re-sent to the PDA
* as it will be seen as a 'new' item. This means that if you don't implement this function, you will
* be able to delete messages on the PDA, but as soon as you sync, you'll get the item back
public function DeleteMessage($folderid, $id)
if (!isset($this->caledar)) $this->calendar = new calendar_boupdate();
$ret = $this->calendar->delete($id);
debugLog(__METHOD__."('$folderid', $id) delete($id) returned ".array2string($ret));
return $ret;
* Get specified item from specified folder.
* Timezone wise we supply zpush with timestamps in servertime (!), which it "converts" in streamer::formatDate($ts)
* via gmstrftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", $ts) to UTC times.
* Timezones are only used to get correct recurring events!
* @param string $folderid
* @param string $id
* @param int $truncsize
* @param int $bodypreference
* @param bool $mimesupport
* @return SyncAppointment|boolean false on error
public function GetMessage($folderid, $id, $truncsize, $bodypreference=false, $mimesupport = 0)
if (!isset($this->calendar)) $this->calendar = new calendar_boupdate();
debugLog (__METHOD__."('$folderid', $id, truncsize=$truncsize, bodyprefence=$bodypreference, mimesupport=$mimesupport)");
$this->backend->splitID($folderid, $type, $account);
list($id,$recur_date) = explode(':',$id);
if ($type != 'calendar' || !($event = $this->calendar->read($id,$recur_date,false,'server',$account)))
error_log(__METHOD__."('$folderid', $id, ...) read($id,null,false,'server',$account) returned false");
return false;
$message = new SyncAppointment();
// set timezone
try {
$as_tz = self::tz2as($event['tzid']);
$message->timezone = base64_encode(self::_getSyncBlobFromTZ($as_tz));
catch(Exception $e) {
// ignore exception, simply set no timezone, as it is optional
// copying timestamps (they are already read in servertime, so non tz conversation)
'start' => 'starttime',
'end' => 'endtime',
'created' => 'dtstamp',
'modified' => 'dtstamp',
) as $key => $attr)
if (!empty($event[$key])) $message->$attr = $event[$key];
// copying strings
'title' => 'subject',
'uid' => 'uid',
'location' => 'location',
) as $key => $attr)
if (!empty($event[$key])) $message->$attr = $event[$key];
$message->organizername = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($event['owner'],'account_fullname');
$message->organizeremail = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($event['owner'],'account_email');
$message->sensitivity = $event['public'] ? 0 : 2; // 0=normal, 1=personal, 2=private, 3=confidential
$message->alldayevent = (int)calendar_bo::isWholeDay($event);
$message->attendees = array();
foreach($event['participants'] as $uid => $status)
calendar_so::split_status($status, $quantity, $role);
$attendee = new SyncAttendee();
$attendee->status = (int)self::$status2as[$status];
$attendee->type = (int)self::$role2as[$role];
if (is_numeric($uid))
$attendee->name = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid,'account_fullname');
$attendee->email = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid,'account_email');
list($info) = $this->calendar->resources[$uid[0]]['info'] ?
ExecMethod($this->resources[$uid[0]]['info'],substr($uid,1)) : array(false);
if (!$info) continue;
if (!$info['email'] && $info['responsible'])
$info['email'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($info['responsible'],'account_email');
$attendee->name = empty($info['cn']) ? $info['name'] : $info['cn'];
$attendee->email = $info['email'];
if ($uid[0] == 'r') $attendee->type = 3; // 3 = resource
$message->attendees[] = $attendee;
$message->categories = array();
foreach($event['catgory'] ? explode(',',$event['category']) : array() as $cat_id)
$message->categories[] = categories::id2name($cat_id);
// recurring information, only if not a single recurrence eg. virtual exception (!$recur_date)
if ($event['recur_type'] != calendar_rrule::NONE && !$recur_date)
$message->recurrence = $recurrence = new SyncRecurrence();
$rrule = calendar_rrule::event2rrule($event,false); // false = timestamps in $event are servertime
$recurrence->type = (int)self::$recur_type2as[$rrule->type];
$recurrence->interval = $rrule->interval;
switch ($rrule->type)
case calendar_rrule::MONTHLY_WDAY:
$recurrence->weekofmonth = $rrule->monthly_byday_num >= 1 ?
$rrule->monthly_byday_num : 5; // 1..5=last week of month, not -1
// fall throught
case calendar_rrule::WEEKLY:
$recurrence->dayofweek = $rrule->weekdays; // 1=Su, 2=Mo, 4=Tu, .., 64=Sa
case calendar_rrule::MONTHLY_MDAY:
$recurrence->dayofmonth = $rrule->monthly_bymonthday >= 1 ? // 1..31
$rrule->monthly_bymonthday : 31; // not -1 for last day of month!
case calendar_rrule::YEARLY:
$recurrence->dayofmonth = (int)$rrule->time->format('d'); // 1..31
$recurrence->monthofyear = (int)$rrule->time->format('m'); // 1..12
if ($rrule->enddate) $recurrence->until = $rrule->enddate->format('server');
if ($rrule->exceptions)
$message->exceptions = array();
foreach($rrule->exceptions as $exception_time)
$exception = new SyncAppointment(); // exceptions seems to be full SyncAppointments, with only starttime required
$exception->starttime = $exception_time->format('server');
$message->exceptions[] = $exception;
// add virtual exceptions here too (get_recurrence_exceptions should be able to return real-exceptions too!)
egw_time::$server_timezone->getName(), $cutoffdate, 0, 'all') as $virtual_exception_time)
$exception = new SyncAppointment(); // exceptions seems to be full SyncAppointments, with only starttime required
$exception->starttime = $virtual_exception_time;
$message->exceptions[] = $exception;
if (isset($protocolversion) && $protocolversion < 12.0) {
if(isset($protocolversion) && $protocolversion >= 12.0) {
$message->airsyncbasebody; // SYNC SyncAirSyncBaseBody
// @todo: body or description
return $message;
* StatMessage should return message stats, analogous to the folder stats (StatFolder). Entries are:
* 'id' => Server unique identifier for the message. Again, try to keep this short (under 20 chars)
* 'flags' => simply '0' for unread, '1' for read
* 'mod' => modification signature. As soon as this signature changes, the item is assumed to be completely
* changed, and will be sent to the PDA as a whole. Normally you can use something like the modification
* time for this field, which will change as soon as the contents have changed.
* @param string $folderid
* @param int|array $id event id or array or cal_id:recur_date for virtual exception
* @return array
public function StatMessage($folderid, $id)
if (!isset($this->calendar)) $this->calendar = new calendar_boupdate();
if (!($etag = $this->calendar->get_etag($id,false))) // false: do NOT include exceptions into master etag
$stat = false;
// error_log why access is denied (should never happen for everything returned by calendar_bo::search)
$backup = $this->calendar->debug;
$this->calendar->debug = 2;
list($id) = explode(':',$id);
$this->calendar->check_perms(EGW_ACL_FREEBUSY, $id, 0, 'server');
$this->calendar->debug = $backup;
$stat = array(
'mod' => $etag,
'id' => is_array($id) ? $id['id'] : $id,
'flags' => 1,
debugLog (__METHOD__."('$folderid',".array2string(is_array($id) ? $id['id'] : $id).") returning ".array2string($stat));
return $stat;
* Return a changes array
* if changes occurr default diff engine computes the actual changes
* @param string $folderid
* @param string &$syncstate on call old syncstate, on return new syncstate
* @return array|boolean false if $folderid not found, array() if no changes or array(array("type" => "fakeChange"))
function AlterPingChanges($folderid, &$syncstate)
$this->backend->splitID($folderid, $type, $owner);
if ($type != 'calendar') return false;
if (!isset($this->calendar)) $this->calendar = new calendar_boupdate();
$ctag = $this->calendar->get_ctag($owner);
$changes = array(); // no change
$syncstate_was = $syncstate;
if ($ctag !== $syncstate)
$syncstate = $ctag;
$changes = array(array('type' => 'fakeChange'));
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$folderid','$syncstate_was') syncstate='$syncstate' returning ".array2string($changes));
return $changes;
* Return AS timezone data from given timezone and time
* AS spezifies the timezone by the date it changes to dst and back and the offsets.
* Unfortunately this data is not available from PHP's DateTime(Zone) class.
* Just given the exact time of the next transition, which is available via DateTimeZone::getTransistions(),
* will fail for recurring events longer then a year, as the transition date/time changes!
* We use now the RRule given in the iCal timezone defintion available via calendar_timezones::tz2id($tz,'component').
* Not every timezone uses DST, in which case only bias matters and dstbias=0
* (probably all other values should be 0, as MapiMapping::_getGMTTZ() in backend/ics.php does it).
* For southern hermisphere DST in southern winter (eg. January), Active Sync implementation of iPhone
* uses a negative dstbias (eg. -60) and an accordingly moved start- and end-time.
* For Pacific/Auckland TZ iPhone AS implementation uses -720=-12h instead of 720=+12h.
* Both are corrected now in our Active Sync timezone generation, as we can not find
* matching timezones for incomming timezone data. iPhone seems not to care on receiving about the above.
* @param string|DateTimeZone $tz timezone, timezone name (eg. "Europe/Berlin") or ical with VTIMEZONE
* @param int|string|DateTime $ts=null time for which active sync timezone data is requested, default current time
* @return array with values for keys:
* - "bias": timezone offset from UTC in minutes for NO DST
* - "dstendmonth", "dstendday", "dstendweek", "dstendhour", "dstendminute", "dstendsecond", "dstendmillis"
* - "stdbias": seems not to be used
* - "dststartmonth", "dststartday", "dststartweek", "dststarthour", "dststartminute", "dststartsecond", "dststartmillis"
* - "dstbias": offset in minutes for no DST --> DST, usually 60 or 0 for no DST
* @link
* @throws egw_exception_assertion_failed if no vtimezone data found for given timezone
static public function tz2as($tz,$ts=null)
--> bias: 60 min
--> dstbias: +0200 - +0100 = +0100 = 60 min
--> dststart: month: 3, day: SU(0???), week: -1|5, hour: 2, minute, second, millis: 0
--> dstend: month: 10, day: SU(0???), week: -1|5, hour: 3, minute, second, millis: 0
$data = array(
'bias' => 0,
'stdbias' => 0,
'dstbias' => 0,
'dststartyear' => 0, 'dststartmonth' => 0, 'dststartday' => 0, 'dststartweek' => 0,
'dststarthour' => 0, 'dststartminute' => 0, 'dststartsecond' => 0, 'dststartmillis' => 0,
'dstendyear' => 0, 'dstendmonth' => 0, 'dstendday' => 0, 'dstendweek' => 0,
'dstendhour' => 0, 'dstendminute' => 0, 'dstendsecond' => 0, 'dstendmillis' => 0,
$name = $component = is_a($tz,'DateTimeZone') ? $tz->getName() : $tz;
if (strpos($component, 'VTIMEZONE') === false) $component = calendar_timezones::tz2id($name,'component');
// parse ical timezone defintion
$ical = self::ical2array($ical=$component);
$standard = $ical['VTIMEZONE']['STANDARD'];
$daylight = $ical['VTIMEZONE']['DAYLIGHT'];
if (!isset($standard))
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed("NO standard component for '$name' in '$component'!");
// get bias and dstbias from standard component, which is present in all tz's
// (dstbias is relative to bias and almost always 60 or 0)
$data['bias'] = 60 * substr($standard['TZOFFSETTO'],0,-2) + substr($standard['TZOFFSETTO'],-2);
$data['dstbias'] = 60 * substr($standard['TZOFFSETFROM'],0,-2) + substr($standard['TZOFFSETFROM'],-2) - $data['bias'];
// at least Active Sync implementation on iPhone uses -720=-12h for Pacific/Auckland, not 720=+12h
if ($data['bias'] == 720)
$data['bias'] = -720;
// check if we have an additional DAYLIGHT component and both have a RRULE component --> tz uses daylight saving
if (isset($standard['RRULE']) && isset($daylight) && isset($daylight['RRULE']))
foreach(array('dststart' => $daylight,'dstend' => $standard) as $prefix => $comp)
if (preg_match('/FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=(.*);BYMONTH=(\d+)/',$comp['RRULE'],$matches))
$data[$prefix.'month'] = (int)$matches[2];
$data[$prefix.'week'] = (int)$matches[1];
if ($data[$prefix.'week'] < 0) $data[$prefix.'week'] = 5; // -1 for last week might be 5 for as as in recuring events definition
static $day2int = array('SU'=>0,'MO'=>1,'TU'=>2,'WE'=>3,'TH'=>4,'FR'=>5,'SA'=>6);
$data[$prefix.'day'] = (int)$day2int[substr($matches[1],-2)];
if (preg_match('/^\d{8}T(\d{6})$/',$comp['DTSTART'],$matches))
$data[$prefix.'hour'] = (int)substr($matches[1],0,2);
$data[$prefix.'minute'] = (int)substr($matches[1],2,2);
$data[$prefix.'second'] = (int)substr($matches[1],4,2);
// for southern hermisphere, were DST is in January, Active Sync (at least iPhone implementation)
// sends a negative dstbias and a accordingly moved start- and endtime
if ($data['dststartmonth'] > $data['dstendmonth'])
$data['dststarthour'] += $data['dstbias'] / 60;
$data['dststartminute'] += $data['dstbias'] % 60;
$data['dstendhour'] -= $data['dstbias'] / 60;
$data['dstendminute'] -= $data['dstbias'] % 60;
$data['dstbias'] = -$data['dstbias'];
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name') returning ".array2string($data));
return $data;
* Simple iCal parser:
* TZID:Europe/Berlin
* X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin
* DTSTART:19700329T020000
* DTSTART:19701025T030000
* Array
* (
* [VTIMEZONE] => Array
* (
* [TZID] => Europe/Berlin
* [X-LIC-LOCATION] => Europe/Berlin
* [DAYLIGHT] => Array
* (
* [TZOFFSETFROM] => +0100
* [TZOFFSETTO] => +0200
* [DTSTART] => 19700329T020000
* )
* [STANDARD] => Array
* (
* [TZOFFSETFROM] => +0200
* [TZOFFSETTO] => +0100
* [DTSTART] => 19701025T030000
* )
* )
* )
* @param string|array $ical lines of ical file
* @param string $component=null
* @return array with parsed ical components
static public function ical2array(&$ical,$component=null)
$arr = array();
if (!is_array($ical)) $ical = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/m", $ical);
while (($line = array_shift($ical)))
list($name,$value) = explode(':',$line,2);
if ($name == 'BEGIN')
$arr[$value] = self::ical2array($ical,$value);
elseif($name == 'END')
$arr[$name] = $value;
return $arr;
* Get timezone from AS timezone data
* Here we can only loop through all available timezones (starting with the users timezone) and
* try to find a timezone matching the change data and offsets specified in $data.
* This conversation is not unique, as multiple timezones can match the given data or none!
* @param array $data
* @return string timezone name, eg. "Europe/Berlin" or 'UTC' if NO matching timezone found
public static function as2tz(array $data)
static $cache; // some caching withing the request
unset($data['name']); // not used, but can stall the match
$key = serialize($data);
for($n = 0; !isset($cache[$key]); ++$n)
if (!$n) // check users timezone first
$tz = egw_time::$user_timezone->getName();
elseif (!($tz = calendar_timezones::id2tz($n))) // no further timezones to check
$cache[$key] = 'UTC';
error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($data).') NO matching timezone found --> using UTC now!');
if (self::tz2as($tz) == $data)
$cache[$key] = $tz;
return $cache[$key];
* Unpack timezone info from Sync
* copied from backend/ics.php
static public function _getTZFromSyncBlob($data)
$tz = unpack( "lbias/a64name/vdstendyear/vdstendmonth/vdstendday/vdstendweek/vdstendhour/vdstendminute/vdstendsecond/vdstendmillis/" .
"lstdbias/a64name/vdststartyear/vdststartmonth/vdststartday/vdststartweek/vdststarthour/vdststartminute/vdststartsecond/vdststartmillis/" .
"ldstbias", $data);
return $tz;
* Pack timezone info for Sync
* copied from backend/ics.php
static public function _getSyncBlobFromTZ($tz)
$packed = pack("la64vvvvvvvv" . "la64vvvvvvvv" . "l",
$tz["bias"], "", 0, $tz["dstendmonth"], $tz["dstendday"], $tz["dstendweek"], $tz["dstendhour"], $tz["dstendminute"], $tz["dstendsecond"], $tz["dstendmillis"],
$tz["stdbias"], "", 0, $tz["dststartmonth"], $tz["dststartday"], $tz["dststartweek"], $tz["dststarthour"], $tz["dststartminute"], $tz["dststartsecond"], $tz["dststartmillis"],
return $packed;
* Testcode for active sync timezone stuff
* You need to comment implements activesync_plugin_write
if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == __FILE__) // some tests
$GLOBALS['egw_info'] = array(
'flags' => array(
'currentapp' => 'login'
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// get as timezone data for agive timezone
$tz = 'Pacific/Auckland';//'Europe/Zurich';//'America/New_York';//'Australia/Darwin';//'Europe/Berlin';
$ical = calendar_timezones::tz2id($tz,'component');
echo "<pre>".print_r($ical,true)."</pre>\n";
$ical_arr = calendar_activesync::ical2array($ical_tz=$ical);
echo "<pre>".print_r($ical_arr,true)."</pre>\n";
$as_tz = calendar_activesync::tz2as($tz);
echo "<pre>".print_r($as_tz,true)."</pre>\n";
// this is what iPhone sends as TZ for New Zealand (eg. Pacific/Auckland)
$as_tz = calendar_activesync::_getTZFromSyncBlob(base64_decode($sync_blob));
echo "<pre>".print_r($as_tz,true)."</pre>\n";
// find matching timezone from as data
// this returns the FIRST match, which is in case of Pacific/Auckland eg. Antarctica/McMurdo ;-)
echo array2string(calendar_activesync::as2tz($as_tz));