2000-12-18 20:09:56 +00:00

707 lines
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phpGroupWare Docs V0.05
Dan Kuykendall
Joseph Engo
Thanks to Joesph Engo for starting phpGroupWare (at the time called
webdistro) and the core of this HOWTO. Thanks to all the developers
and users who contribute to making phpGroupWare such a success.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
1. What is phpGroupWare
2. Why should you use it
3. A short History
4. Copyright
II. Installation
5. Requirements
Tested Systems
6. Obtaining phpGroupWare
Released Versions
Developer's version from CVS
7. Installation Steps
Installing from TarBall
Installing from CVS
Setup / Configure phpGroupWare
Testing the install
Installing additional applications
8. Trouble Shooting
I get "Unable to open mailbox" when using the email
It seems to hang when I try to read my mail
When I log in I see the directory listing instead of a web
I get garbage that looks like code when I go to the
phpGroupWare URL
III. Using phpGroupWare
9. Loging into phpgw
10. checking Email
11. Using Addressbook
12. Using Calender
13. Managing Files with file manager
14. Getting Headlines
15. Human Resources
16. Preferences
17. Using todo
18. Using Trouble ticket
IV. Administering phpGroupWare
19. User Accounts
Creating Accounts
Maintaining Accounts
20. Group Accounts
Creating Accounts
Maintaining Accounts
21. Applications
V. Developers Documentation
22. Developing Add-On Apps
add your topic seek
23. API documentation
function1(or what ever)
VII. About this document
I. Introduction
Do yo have questions on using phpGroupWare , like What? Why? What for?
What's in for me?
Then you should seriously read this doc :-).
Table of Contents
1. What is phpGroupWare
2. Why should you use it
3. A short History
4. Copyright
Chapter 1. What is phpGroupWare
phpGroupWare is a web based groupware application that includes
integrated features such as email, calendar, todo list, address book,
file manager, headline news, and a trouble ticket system. It should
run on all systems where PHP is installed and has access to a SQL
server (MySQL ,PostgreSQL or Oracle).
Chapter 2. Why should you use it
You should use it if you would like a powerful groupware system that
can be access from anywhere on the Internet.
For companies with a distributed user base, it's an ideal solution.
Oh, and did I mention that its FREE?
Chapter 3. A short History
phpGroupWare started by Jengo (Joseph Engo) as an application to
satisfy his girlfriends need for a webbased calendar/todo_list/email.
At the time it was called webdistro when Seek3r (Dan Kuykendall)
discovered this promising project. The two joined up together and
between Seek3r's API design and Jengo's programming skills they
renamed the project phpGroupWare and started building the application
around the phpgwAPI.
During this period Seek3r took over project management to free Jengo
up to do more development. This duo worked hard to build a sucessful
community around the project. Their efforts paid off, and the project
is what it is today due to the efforts of the developers who have
joined this community.
Chapter 4. Copyright
Copyright (c) Dan Kuykendall.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation A copy of
the license is available at GNU Free Documentation License Making
II. Installation
Installation/Upgrade and Configuration of phpGroupWare has been made a
s easy as possible.
Most of the work is point and click.
By carefully reading this document you can easly install phpGroupWare.
Since this is still a beta version we do expect some bugs.
Table of Contents
5. Requirements
6. Obtaining phpGroupWare
7. Installation Steps
8. Trouble Shooting
Chapter 5. Requirements
You will need PHP compiled and installed on your system. You will also
need MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle setup.
If you are planning on using the email system, you will need to have
an IMAP server installed and IMAP support compiled into PHP, or a POP3
server installed. You can have it installed as an Apache module or CGI
mode for other web servers, the Apache module is preferred. We will
assume that you are running on a Linux or other Unix system for these
steps. Windows is supported, but there is no documentation for it
Tested Systems
Seek3r has tested:
* runs: Red Hat 6.2,
3.23.10-alpha,Courier-IMAP 0.33+ with qmail 1.03
Blinky has tested:
* runs: Red Hat 6.2,Apache/1.3.14 PHP/4.0.3pl1
mod_ssl/2.7.1 OpenSSL/0.9.6 PHP4.03.pl1, MySQL 3.23.10-alpha,qmail
* dev boxes are variants on: Red Hat 7.0,mysql-3.23.22-6 (from RH7
RPM), and Sendmail, Courier, or qmail+courier IMAP depending on
Jengo has tested:
* main test box: Red Hat 6.2,Apache 1.3.12,PHP 3.0.16,PostgreSQL
7.2,Sendmail (from RH6.2)
* laptop is rh 6.1, apache 1.3.?, MySQL and PostgreSQL 7.0 w/ PHP
3.0.16, its a P-90 w/ 40 mb ram and a 800 mb hd
* Test box: Win2k with IIS5.0, PHP4.0.2 and MySQL
There are installations on Windows NT and OS/2, and using MySQL or
Oracle as the database.
Chapter 6. Obtaining phpGroupWare
While we are still in the Beta phase of phpGroupWare, you may want to
track the CVS copy as closely as possible. The released versions are
more stable, but often contain bugs that have been fixed in the CVS
Released Versions
The downloads section on the site contains links to the most recent
releases, and several mirror sites for the releases.
Developer's version from CVS
If you have never used CVS, you may want to read through the
doucmentation found at . The CVS pages for the core
and apps projects can be found at phpGroupWare Core CVS , and
phpGroupWare Apps CVS. Follow the directions for Anonymous CVS access
and you should have the most recent development copy of phpGroupWare
in no time.
Chapter 7. Installation Steps
After you have met the system requirements, You can install it from
the TarBall or you can get it directly from CVS.
Installing from TarBall
The files should be installed in the webserver directory. So all you
need to do is unpack the tar ball and copy the whole directory to the
webserver directory
(eg. /home/httpd/html for default apache configuration in many linux
You may have to get required permissions to do this. Contact your
system administrator if you dont have the permission to write to your
webserver directory.
Installing from CVS
Grabbing a copy from CVS is not as hard as it may seem. You will need
to have a cvs client installed. Then try the following commands:
cvs login (just hit enter when prompted for a password)
cvs checkout phpgroupware
If you need to install into a different dirname, you can add ' -d
dirname' after 'checkout' and before 'phpgroupware'. The commands
would look like this:
cvs login (just hit enter when prompted for a password)
cvs checkout -d dirname phpgroupware
Setup / Configure phpGroupWare
The config file
Copy the file to and edit the
file, following the directions in the comments.
Create database in MySQL
An empty database will be needed for phpGroupWare. Here are the
instructions for doing so with MySQL. First create the database:
mysqladmin create phpgroupware -p
Then login to the mysql:
mysql -p
Finally grant the needed security rights:
grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by
Create database in PostreSQL
An empty database will be needed for phpGroupWare. Here are the
instructions for doing so with PostgreSQL. Create the database:
postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]
You will probably need to review PostgreSQL documentation for futher
The Setup Program
Then point your browser to phpgroupware/setup/ which will create (or
upgrade) the database tables. You wil be asked to login, using the
password set in Setup will attempt to determine what
version of the phpGroupWare database you have installed, and upgrade
to the most recent version.
Note: The developers are concentrating on getting the beta working,
and have not spent a great deal of time building upgrade scripts
from the alpha versions of phpGroupWare. You are advised to backup
your existing alpha database before running the setup script to
avoid problems!
If you get no error messages, continue on to
phpgroupware/setup/config.php to configure phpGroupWare to your
If you are using the email system you will need to create a temporary
directory where file uploads will be stored. For security reasons, you
should chown nobody.nobody and chmod 700 to that directory. Depending
on your system configuration. Default installs of Apache normally run
as the user nobody. You may need your system administrator to do this
for you if you do not have root access.
If you do not have access to root, create this file and run it.
if (mkdir("/path/to/temp/directory",0700)) {
echo "Directory created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error creating directory";
The phpGroupWare Daemon
If you have access to cron, you may want to setup the files in the
cron directory. - There are 2 reasons for this file.
* Users always forget to logout. This way the session doesn't sit
around forever, creating a possible security risk.
* The email system requires plain text passwords which are stored in
the sessions table.
This file is not required, you can simply disable cron_apps in the
admin -> applications section to clean out the sessions table during
login and logout - This will delete file attachments for messages that
where not completed. If a users browser crashes, Internet connection
dies, etc, their files will sit there forever unless deleted. You
could add a few lines to logout.php that will look in the temp
directory for any stale uploads and delete them. But, once again, it
becomes a performance issue.
Testing the install
If your config is setup properly you can now login. Point your browser
to the installed location and login with the username demo and the
password is 1234 At this point it would be a good idea to create a new
user with administrative privileges and delete the old one.
Installing additional applications
Once you have the core phpGroupWare install up and running, you may
want to download and install additional applications.
You should consult any README or INSTALL files that come with the new
application first, as most require you to create additional tables in
the database, and add additional translation data to the lang table
(typically a file called lang.sql)
You install the new application within the phpGroupWare install tree
by copying the application directory into the phpGroupWare install
location, and enabling the application through the Administration
For example, this is the process to install the Headlines application
(see for more on this and other
* Download the .tar.gz file for the application, or check out the
source with cvs with
cvs login (just hit enter if prompted for a password)
cvs co headlines
* Move the headlines directory into your phpGroupWare install
* Log into phpGroupWare as an administrative user, and go to the
Administration page.
* In the first section, choose the Applications link.
* Click on add, and fill in the form.
Application name should be identical to the name of the directory
you moved into the phpGroupWare install, in this case use
Application Title is shown in the navigation bar and other places
to refer to the new application. Enter Headlines for this example.
Enabled can be used to disable an application for all users
temporially. You should normal check the box to enable the
* Back in the Administration page, you need to enable the
application for specific users or user groups by editing them, and
checking the new Headlines box that appears in the middle of the
account editing page.
* Once you have added the Headlines app to your account, you should
see a Headlines entry in the Administration and Preferences pages,
and there should be an icon for the Headlines application in the
navigation bar.
* Once you enable a few of the Headlines sites through the
Administration page link, you should see headlines grabbed from
the sites you selected when you click on the Headlines icon in the
navigation bar.
Chapter 8. Trouble Shooting
phpGroupWare is still Beta software, expect some bugs along the way.
If you run into a problem not discussed here, contact us through one
of the methods listed on the website.
The phpGroupWare developers can most often be seen hanging out in
#phpGroupWare on if you require real-time help.
Also check the FAQ in this directory for additional common questions,
it is available as FAQ.sgml, FAQ.txt and FAQ.html
I get "Unable to open mailbox" when using the email application
At the time of this writing (2000-09-27) you must use the same
username and password in phpGroupWare that you use to log into your
mail server. If you change your password and it still isn't working,
try logging out of phpGroupWare (the rightmost icon in the navigation
bar) and then log back in.
An preference page to edit the email settings is being developed, and
should appear shortly after the first beta release.
It seems to hang when I try to read my mail
This is often a problem if you are using POP3 instead of IMAP, and you
have more than a few hundred messages in your mailbox.
By default, php is set up to time-out a request that takes over 30
seconds to complete. phpGroupWare must do a lot of work the first time
your POP3 mailbox is opened, and every time you get new mail, which
may take more than the 30 second timeout.
You can either clean up your mailbox with another mail program, or add
the line
to the top of the inc/phpgwapi/ file, just
before the line class msg extends msg_common
If you choose to edit the file, be patient when loading a large POP3
mailbox - the author tested against a mailbox with 2500 messages in
it, but it took 15 minutes to load the page. We highly suggest you use
IMAP if you expect to have more than a few hundred messages in your
When I log in I see the directory listing instead of a web page
You are using Apache, this often means you need to add .php to the
DirectoryIndex line in your httpd.conf file. For example:
DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html index.htm index.cgi
I get garbage that looks like code when I go to the phpGroupWare URL
This is often because you have php3 installed, which does not map .php
to the PHP engine. For PHP3:
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 .php
For PHP4:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3 .php
III. Using phpGroupWare
Using phpGroupWare is a cake walk , thats what people say :-). Reading
this doc would definitely give a head start. If you ever come cross
any problem please report to
Table of Contents
9. Loging into phpgw
10. checking Email
11. Using Addressbook
12. Using Calender
13. Managing Files with file manager
14. Getting Headlines
15. Human Resources
16. Preferences
17. Using todo
18. Using Trouble ticket
Chapter 9. Loging into phpgw
After your setup you can point your browser to index.php in the
installation directory. If the set up was right you can login with
user name demo and the password is 1234> Now it is recommended to
create a new user with administrative privileges and delete the old
Chapter 10. checking Email
Chapter 11. Using Addressbook
Chapter 12. Using Calender
Chapter 13. Managing Files with file manager
Chapter 14. Getting Headlines
Chapter 15. Human Resources
Chapter 16. Preferences
Chapter 17. Using todo
Chapter 18. Using Trouble ticket
IV. Administering phpGroupWare
To administer phpGroupWare you need not be a PHP hacker. All you need
to do is again just point and click. And hey just a bit of typing too.
:). You need to login to phpGroupWare and click the Administration
Table of Contents
19. User Accounts
20. Group Accounts
21. Applications
Chapter 19. User Accounts
In phpGroupWare it is very easy to maintain User Accounts. You can
easily add , remove or set previleges to the user accordingly.
Creating Accounts
To create a user account goto User Accounts section of Administration
and the click the Add button. Now a form would be displayed. FIXME :
should i explain the process :-). After submiting the form you would
be sent back to the accounts page and you can now see the new user you
have just created. Isn't it easy !!!
Maintaining Accounts
Maintaining user accounts is also very easy. Just go to the User
Accounts section . Now you can see the list of the current users and
there logins. You can now either view their ops or can even edit them.
FIXMEAGIN: need i say anything more :->.
Chapter 20. Group Accounts
Enter the User Group section. You would see the current user groups.
Creating Accounts
Click the Add button. Now fill the form by selecting the existing
users and the persmissions you want to include in the new group.And
you r done.
Maintaining Accounts
One has always a option to view and edit the groups when ever needed
Chapter 21. Applications
There r many applications been developed for phpGroupWare and there
would be more in the future. So insatallation of these application and
as well as the future applications has been made easy the developers.
So what you have to do is to just go to the Application section.
V. Developers Documentation
This documentation is for developers who want to hack into the core of
the phpGroupWare. Please follow this documentation carefully before u
take a jump into the code :)
Table of Contents
22. Developing Add-On Apps
23. API documentation
Chapter 22. Developing Add-On Apps
text for developin add on apps (seek its your area)
text for requirements
add your topic seek
text for the appropriate topic
Chapter 23. API documentation
text for the API documentation chapter
function1(or what ever)
the function you want to include seek.
VII. About this document
The newest version of this document can be found on our website as SGML source, HTML, or TEXT.
Comments on this HOWTO should be directed to the phpGroupWare
developers mailing list
To subscribe, go to
This document was started by Joseph Engo and reworked by Dan
Version History
Old Version
* Created by Jengo, wasn't in SGML HOWTO format.
v1.0 (July 6, 2000)
* Built proper SGML version.
* Included the FAQ.
* Other minor additions.
v1.1 (September 27-29, 2000) - blinky
* Added Testing Install section
* Added Trouble-shooting section
* Added description of application installation
* Changes for the new setup program
v0.01 (October 15 , 2000) - gnrfan , Converted the HOWTO to DocBook
v.0.05 (November 5, 2000) - gnrfan , Completely revamped according to
Seek's idea and intregrated the Developers HOWTO.
v 0.xx (Somewhere in the near future) - gnrfan, Trail map comming up
on how to hack and learn about coding phpGroupWare(core) and its apps
too :-).