Hans-Jürgen Tappe 33a0f786bd - Add hint on how to revert changes / reset an eTemplate change as discussed on
the developer's list.
- Fix typos
- Add a reference from the reference.html to the now existing etemplate
2010-11-07 13:25:00 +00:00

590 lines
28 KiB

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<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title>eGroupWare: eTemplates - Templates and Dialog-Editor</title>
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<h1>eTemplate - Templates and Dialog-Editor for eGroupWare</h1>
<h3>by Ralf Becker <a href="#" onclick="document.location='mai'+'lto:RalfBecker'+unescape('%40')+'outdoor-training'+unescape('%2E')+'de'; return false;">RalfBecker
AT outdoor-training DOT de</a></h3>
<h3>Updated by Raphael Alla <a href="#" onclick="document.location='mai'+'lto:raphael'+unescape('%40')+'olineopensolutions'+unescape('%2E')+'com'; return false;">raphael AT olineopensolutions
DOT com</a></h3>
<p>A developers tutorial how to write an application with the new eTemplates.<br />
It is also an introduction how to write a eGW- and setup(3)-compatible app.</p>
<h1>Introduction - The concept of the eTemplates</h1>
<p>The eTemplates
<li>consist out of rows and cols with input-fields of several types</li>
<li>there is a dialog-editor (one part of the etemplate-app) to create the eTemplate</li>
<li>eTemplates can be (and are usually) nested, eg. a template-field can contain an other eTemplate</li>
<li>each field / cell of the template can have a label which is automatically run through lang() (the
content of the field can be run through lang() too)</li>
<li>the dialog editor can write all labels in a lang-file (merging it with the existing ones)</li>
<li>eTemplates have a name of the form app.function[.subtemplate] which is used to call them up</li>
<li>they can have further keys, on loading the class picks the most appropriate one for a user:
<li>group: the id of a group if the template is just for that group (that allows admin to show different
views to each group)</li>
<li>lang: the 2 or 5 letter language code (or empty for a non-language specific template)</li>
<li>template set: they belong too (if the template-set key is empty it is an default-template)</li>
<li>version: version number like: '1.3.001'</li>
<li>they are stored in an array and in serialized form in the db-table 'egw_etemplate' </li>
<li>the dialog editor can dump all templates of an app for distribution (so they can be in the CVS too)</li>
<li><p>they encapsulate different UI (User Interface) types from the app: at the moment only a HTML one is ready,
but a GTK one (using <a href="" target="_blank">php-gtk</a>, <b>running
as native app under Linux and win32</b>) and XUL is under development.<br>Here is a first screenshot of the DB-Tools as native
Linux Application:</li>
<img src="gtk.png" name="Graphic1" align="bottom" border="0" height="575" width="1049">
<h1>Tutorial / Example: a simple media database</h1>
<p>As an example we will run now through the necessary steps to
create a simple media database using eTemplates and other tools and
classes from the eTemplate app: db-tools and</p>
<p>Out media database should have the usual fields: name, author,
description, type: BOOK, CD, VIDEO and should be able to edit records
and search for them.</p>
<p>As a pre-acquistion you need to get / checkout the etemplate app,
install the app via setup/manage applications and enable your account
for using the app (Admin/User account: check eTemplates).</p>
<h2>1. Creating a new eGW app directory</h2>
<p>Each app need a name, eg. 'et_media'. We now need to create the
following directory structure above the eGroupWare dir:
<pre>et_media that has to be identical to our app-name
+ setup files necessary for the setup program, give the webserver write-permission to that dir
+ inc class-files
+ templates templates, still needed to store the images and get around a lot of complains from the API
+ default
+ images here goes our images / icons</pre><h2>
2. Creating et_media/setup/</h2>
<p>That files contains the necessary information for setup to install
the app.
$setup_info['et_media']['name'] = 'et_media';
$setup_info['et_media']['title'] = 'eT-Media';
$setup_info['et_media']['version'] = '1.2';
$setup_info['et_media']['app_order'] = 100; // at the end
$setup_info['et_media']['tables'] = array('egw_et_media');
$setup_info['et_media']['enable'] = 1;
/* Dependencies for this app to work */
$setup_info['et_media']['depends'][] = array(
'appname' =&gt; 'phpgwapi',
'versions' =&gt; Array('1.2','1.3','1.4')
$setup_info['et_media']['depends'][] = array(
'appname' =&gt; 'etemplate',
'versions' =&gt; Array('1.2','1.3','1.4')
3. Setting up the db-table with the db_tools and setup</h2>
<p>To enable setup to create a db-table for us and to supply the
<b>so_sql</b>-class with the necessary information, we need to define
the type and size of the fields / columns in our db-table.</p>
<p><img src="dbtools.jpg" name="Graphic2" align="left" border="0" height="340" width="950"><br clear="left"><br>We
can use the db-Tools from the etemplate application to create the
file for us:
<li>start the etemplate app and click on the button up, right which says db-Tools</li>
<li>select Application: eT-Media</li>
<li>type 'egw_et_media' in the field in front of the [Add Table] button and click on the button</li>
<li>now use [Add Column] to create the necessary fields as shown on the screenshot</li>
<li>Click on [Write Table] (you need to give the webserver write-permission to the setup-dir of et_media
or you will get an error message, leave the write-permission as it is necessary later on too, click on write again)</li>
<li>log out and log into setup and start manage applications</li>
<li>eT-Media is shown as not installed and only install is offered, check it and submit</li>
<li><p>you can now log out from setup, the db-table is now created</li>
<li><p>In order to be able to use your eT-Media application, do not forget to give yourself access to it
(Admin/User account: check eT-Media)</li>
<h2>4. Creating an eTemplates for the edit-dialog</h2>
<p>Now we need a nice edit dialog and use the eTemplate editor to set
it up:
<li>start the etemplate app and type <b>'et_media.edit'</b> in the name field. Save the template in order
to create it</li>
<li>an empty template is displayed. An eTemplate can be thought off as a &quot;grid&quot;. The first cell may be
a bit tricky to find, but will be highlighted when moving the mouse
over it. On my computer this cell appears in pink as illustrated below:</li>
<li><img src="step0.jpg" name="Graphic3" align="left" border="0" height="509" width="922"><br clear="left">Double
click on the pink spot will bring the following dialog:</li>
<li><img src="step1.jpg" name="Graphic7" align="left" border="0" height="544" width="851"><br clear="left">The
top row allows you to add column and rows to the template. We will need 2 columns and 6 rows</li>
<li>Create the following label in the first top left cell:</li>
<img src="step2.jpg" name="Graphic8" align="left" border="0" height="533" width="853"><br clear="left"><br>
<ol start="6">
<li>In the top right cell, we will create a user entry and call it &quot;name&quot;: this is the same name as thee column in our
egw_et_media table. This is important as those fields will be populated automatically for us by eGroupWare:</li>
<li><img src="step3.jpg" name="Graphic9" align="left" border="0" height="560" width="852"><br clear="left">
<p>Complete the template as follows. The widget used for &quot;type&quot; is a
Selectbox, the one used for &quot;description&quot; is a textarea. Note
that the name of the input is &quot;descr&quot; and not description, as
this is the name of the column in the table. Finally on the last row
we have two widgets of type &quot;Submitbutton&quot; of names &quot;read&quot;
and &quot;save&quot; and of corresponding label.</p>
<p><img src="step4.jpg" name="Graphic4" align="left" border="0" height="380" width="922"><br clear="left"></p>
<p>Then before moving to the next stage save the template as an XML
file by clicking on &quot;Export XML&quot;. Once again the server must have
write permissions on the directory.</p>
<h2>5. Setting up the index page</h2>
<p>The index page is only used if someone clicks on the navbar icon
(or on the black cross as we haven't supplied one so far).<br>Create
the file <b>/et_media/index.php</b> with the following content:</p>
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array(
'currentapp' =&gt; 'et_media',
'noheader' =&gt; True,
'nonavbar' =&gt; True
$GLOBALS['egw']-&gt;redirect_link('/index.php', 'menuaction=et_media.ui_et_media.edit');
<h2>6. The code for our Application</h2>
<p>An eGroupWare application is organized around 3 application
the storage layer, managed by a &quot;Storage Object&quot; (so).
This object is responsible for handling all access to the storage
engine. We use the "stock" so_sql class for this, so we
need no extra so-object for the moment.
the business layer, managed by a &quot;Business Object&quot; (bo).
This object is responsible for all the business logic.
The business object can extend the storage object,
to avoid passing the so-methods as stubs to the ui layer.
the user interface layer, managed by a &quot;User Interface&quot;
(ui) object. This object is responsible for all interaction with the
user, including displaying and gathering data to and from the user.
The ui object can extend the bo-object.
<p>For this, we create 2 files in the &quot;inc&quot; directory, called and
In this simple application, the bo layer will be fairly minimal,
this said it is a good idea to create the application using the
right standards from the start.</p>
<p>Here is the file <b>/et_media/inc/</b>:
* eGroupWare editable Templates - Example media database (et_media)
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage et_media
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker &lt;;
include_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/etemplate/inc/');
* Business object for et_media
class bo_et_media extends so_sql
* Available media types
* @var array
var $types = array(
'' =&gt; 'Select one ...',
'cd' =&gt; 'Compact Disc',
'dvd' =&gt; 'DVD',
'book' =&gt; 'Book',
'video' =&gt; 'Video Tape'
* Constructor initializing so_sql
* @return so_et_media
function bo_et_media()
$this-&gt;so_sql('et_media','egw_et_media'); <span>// calling the constructor of the extended bo object</span>
$this-&gt;empty_on_write = "''";
<p>And finally the start of the
* eGroupWare editable Templates - Example media database (et_media)
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage et_media
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker &lt;;
include_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/et_media/inc/');
class ui_et_media extends bo_et_media
* Public functions callable via menuaction
* @var array
var $public_functions = array(
'edit' =&gt; True,
* Constructor
* @return ui_et_media
function ui_et_media()
$this-&gt;bo_et_media(); <span>// calling the constructor of the extended bo object</span>
$this-&gt;tmpl =&amp; CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','et_media.edit');
* Edit a media database entry
* @param array $content=null
* @param string $msg=''
function edit($content=null,$msg = '')
if (is_array($content)) <span>// not first call from index</span>
if ($content['id'] &gt; 0)
<span>//echo "&lt;p&gt;edit: content ="; _debug_array($content);</span>
<span>//echo "&lt;p&gt;edit: data ="; _debug_array($this-&gt;data);</span>
if (isset($content['save']))
$msg .= !$this-&gt;save() ? lang('Entry saved') : lang('Error: while saving !!!');
<span>// now we fill in the content array for the next call to etemplate.exec</span>
$content = $this-&gt;data + array(
'msg' =&gt; $msg
$sel_options = array(
'type' =&gt; $this-&gt;types
'id' =&gt; $this-&gt;data['id']
The edit function is called from our index.php file or as callback
for this form / dialog. In that case $content is an array with the
content the user put into the fields of the dialog.</p>
<p>Let first have a look what happened if we called the first time (or
what we do to show the dialog again with the changed data):</p>
<li>the $content array is set up with our internal data-array (which is empty on the first call) and the message</li>
<li>$sel_options has the options for our selectbox: the options are an array where the keys are the
values returned by the selectbox and the values are what the
selectbox shows to the user. As we can have more than one selectbox
in a dialog, the key in $sel_options need to be the same as the name
of the selectbox.</li>
<li>$readonlys: if a field name is set in $readonlys to True, its content is showed readonly
(for regular fields like type Text) or left out for buttons (we use this later to
show the delete-button only when an entry is loaded)</li>
<li>the array $preserv is preserved, which means its stored in the app's session-data and is delivered
back like the content of the fields to the callback-function. We use
it here to store the id of the entry. This is similar to use a
hidden input-field in a form, but it does not need to be serialized
by the app and is NOT transmitted to the user and back.</li>
<li><p>at last we call etemplate::exec to show the template with the
content from $content and set the function itself as callback for
the dialog / form.</li>
<p>Now let's have a look what happens if the user submits the form
and our callback is called:
<li>the callback (this function) is
not the submit-address of the form, the form get's always submitted
to the function <b>process_exec</b> of the etemplate class. This
function changes for some field-types the content (eg. a date-field
consists of 3 single fields, process_exec takes care that it is
delivered back as timestamp, as we set it in content before). It can
even submit the form back to the user if for a address-selection a
search for a pattern has to be performed and the matches are shown
to the user. In this case the callback is NOT called. The same is
true if an int field contains letters or is not within the minimum
or maximum set. <i>Not all of the is already working, it will
follow in the next days/weeks.</i><br>For the specialist
process_exec uses $_POST and ignores $_GET set as query in the url.</li>
<li>the so_sql function data_merge, copies all values from $content, which are columns in the db-table,
in our internal data array. Values which are not real data, like
buttons pressed are not copied (!).</li>
<li>if $content['save'] is set, the [Save] button has been pressed ('save' is the name NOT the label of
the save button), in that case we use so_sql's save function to save
the content of our internal data-array to the db.</li>
<li>the same check is used for the [Read]: we uses the content of all fields to search db for matching
entries. The user can use wildcards to perform a search on all
field. The wildcards are '*' and '?', so_sql translates them into sql-wildcards.</li>
<li>if the search return False we just set our message var.</li>
<li>if something is found we use so_sql's init-function to set the data of the first match. Later on
we will show a list if more than one entry is found.</li>
<li><p>after that the content array is filled again as described above.</li>
<p>Now we are able to store entries in the db and retrieve them by
searching the database for patterns in the different fields. You can
try your new application now. You can create new records and save
them. By just entering the name or author, the database will find the
corresponding match and populate the form for you.</p>
<p><br>We are only lacking some way to show if we get more than one
match on a search, that's what we are going to implement next:</p>
<h2>7. Adding a list-dialog for the search-function</h2>
<p>First we need to create an other eTemplate to show the list:
<b>''</b> as follows. This is made of a label of name
&quot;msg&quot; (to display messages), an HorizontalRule widget, and a
Template widget: we will use a &quot;sub template&quot; called to display the rows of the search function. I have
set the option of the template widget to &quot;entry&quot; as this is the
name we will use to access to the data in the sub-template.
<p style=""><img src="step5.jpg" name="Graphic5" align="left" border="0" height="561" width="843"><br clear="left"><br><br>
<p style="">The '' template is
created as a 3x2 table. On the header row, two labels &quot;Name&quot; and
&quot;Author&quot; and one empty cell.</p>
<p>ond row, two labels of name ${row}[name] and ${row}[author]. In the last cell a
submitButton of label &quot;Edit&quot; and of name &quot;edit[$row_cont[id]]&quot;
<p><img src="step6.jpg" name="Graphic6" align="left" border="0" height="515" width="847"><br clear="left"><br><br>
<p>The class of the header row is &quot;th&quot; and the class of the
content row is &quot;row&quot;. eTemplate will automatically vary the
colors of the &quot;row&quot; class to provide a nice visual effect.</p>
<p>Here is a view of the template once the two
templates have been created:</p>
<p><img src="step7.jpg" name="Graphic10" align="left" border="0" height="419" width="950"><br clear="left"><br><br>
<p>We need some code / a function in the class to call the template
and fill the content:</p>
* Showing entries from the media database
* @param array $found
function show($found=null)
if (!is_array($found) || !count($found))
array_unshift($found,false); <span>// change the array to start with index 1</span>
$content = array(
'msg' =&gt; lang('%1 matches on search criteria',count($found)-1),
'entry' =&gt; $found,
This function is called by edit with the matches of a search:</p>
<li>We build an array with all the matches, the index in that array is the row-number starting with 1(!)
($entry = array('empty') + $found; would do the same).<br />
The names in the data-row (last row) of '' are like
'${row}[name]'. Variable expansion is performed on each name and
expands that for the first row to '1[name]' which addresses the name
in the first match.</li>
<li>$content contains again 'msg' which we set to the number of entries found and the above array with
the data of all rows under the key 'entry', as we put that in
Options for the field loading the sub-template ''.
It not necessary to put something in Options-field / use a sub-array
for a sub-template, but it can be very helpful to organize a complex
content-array. (As an exercise you can remove 'entry' from the
Options-field and change the function accordingly).</li>
<li>we now explicitly read the template '' (the constructor reed 'et_media.edit') and
execute it again with the edit function as callback (because of
that, show does NOT need to be listed in public_functions)</li>
<li>as '' contains only one data-row, but field names with variables to expand, that row is auto-repeated for as
many data we put into the content array (or the sub-array if we used the Options-field).</li>
<p>To call the show function, we need to make some changes to the
edit-function too:</p>
elseif (isset($content['read']))
unset($content['id']); <span>// not set by user, so don't use for search</span>
$found = $this-&gt;search($content,False,'name,author'); <span>// searches by using the no-empty fields</span>
if (!$found)
$msg .= lang('Nothing matched search criteria !!!');
elseif (count($found) == 1)
$this-&gt;init($found[0]); <span>// only one match --&gt; show it in the editor</span>
$this-&gt;show($found); <span>// multiple matches --&gt; use the show function/template</span>
elseif (isset($content['entry']['edit'])) <span>// the callback from for the show function/template</span>
{ <span>// the id is set via the button name of '$row_cont[id]'</span>
list($id) = each($content['entry']['edit']); <span>// note its not only ['edit'] !!!</span>
if ($id &gt; 0)
$this-&gt;read(array('id' =&gt; $id));
<li>the first part should be self-explaining, we call show with $found if it contain more than
one entry.</li>
<li>The show function uses edit as callback, the [Edit] buttons
in each row has 'edit[$row_cont[id]]' as name. If an [Edit] button
is pressed $content['entry']['edit'] is set to the id of the entry
of that row. We use that id to read the whole entry.</li>
<p>This is what the new &quot;show&quot; template looks like:</p>
<p><img src="step8.jpg" name="Graphic11" align="left" border="0" height="349" width="950"><br clear="left"><br><br>
<p>While making these changes we can add a [Cancel] and [Delete]
button too:</p>
elseif (isset($content['cancel']))
$content = array(); <span>// clear the contents</span>
elseif (isset($content['delete']))
$content = array(); <span>// clear the content</span>
$no_button = array( <span>// no delete button if id == 0 --&gt; entry not saved</span>
'delete' =&gt; !$this-&gt;content['id'];
<li>on cancel we just clear the internal data-array with so_sql's init function.</li>
<li>on delete we have to call so_sql's delete before (it deletes the db-row corresponding
with our internal data-array)</li>
<li><p>the last block checks if the id field is set (it can only be
set by a read or save) and disables the [Delete] button if not
($this-&gt;db_key_cols[$this-&gt;autoinc_id] == 'id').</li>
<p>Of course we have to add this buttons to the template
'et_media.edit'. I trust you can add 2 submit buttons with the names
'cancel' and 'delete', a Label and a nice help messages by now without
looking at a screenshot ;-).</p>
<p>The eTemplate is saved in the eGroupware database. If changes done to the
eTemplate should be reverted, a eTemplate setup file is
required, see section <a href="#etFile">Dumping the eTemplate to a File for Distribution</a>.
Note that reverting only works if
a valid version has previously been dumped to a distribution file or if a new
revision identifier of the template has been used to save the changes.</p>
<h2>8. Creating the English lang-file</h2>
<p>To get rid of the stars '*' behind each Label and to be able to
translate the app in other languages we need to create a
lang-file<br>There are 2 possibilities to create it automatically:</p>
<li>Use the [Write Langfile] button in the eTemplate editor (put the app-name 'et_media' in the name-field
first)<br />That will NOT write the messages in the classes!!!</li>
<li>We can use the TranslationTools to scans our sources for lang('...') calls ([search new phrases] button).</li>
<li>Other phrases like the media types can be added manually via [Add] button in the Translation Tools.</li>
<a name="etFile" /><h2>9. Dumping the eTemplate to a File for Distribution</h2>
<p>To be able to put the eTemplates in CVS and to ship them with your
app, you need to dump them in a file first.
<p>This is done in the eTemplate editor by putting the app-name or an
template-name in the Name field and clicking on the button
[Dump4Setup]. This creates the file
<b>et_media/setup/</b>. The eTemplate-class loads
this file whenever it finds a new version automatically.</p>
<p>To recover a changed eTemplate to the state saved in the distribution file, the following
steps need to be performed:</p>
<li>Remove the modified template (or the modified version of the template)
in the eTemplate application</li>
<li>Touch the setup/ file in the application directory
(update it's timestamp).</li>
<p>In case the modification was done in a sub-template, e.g. the
definition of the rows in a list view, the correct (sub-) template name and
version needs to be chosen for deletion. It is visible in the edit window of the
elements modified.</p>
<h2>10. Further information</h2>
<p><b>Please note:</b> <i>All files of the et_media example can be found in the et_media sub-directory of
etemplate's doc directory. Symlinking or coping to the eGroupWare install directory, allows to
immediately install it via setup.</i></p>
<li>the <a href="reference.html">reference-documentation</a> of the eTemplates</li>
<li>for all functions and parameters of the <b>etemplate</b>-class(es) look in the
<a href="" target="_blank">phpDocumentor docu of etemplate</a>
created from comments (yes there are comments) in the sources:
<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
for the exec function</p></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
for the variable replacement in names and about the autorepeat rows and columns</p></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
for writeLangFile and all functions to read, store and dump an eTemplate</p></li>
<li>for all functions and parameters of the <b>so_sql</b>-class look in the comments of the file
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li><p>for setup, the necessary files of an app or the format of look at the excellent <a href="../../setup/doc/setup3.html">docu
of setup3</a> in the doc-dir of the setup app. </li>
<h2><i>That's it</i> - please write to our <a href="#"
onclick="document.location='mai'+'lto:egroupware-developer'+unescape('%40')+'lists'+unescape('%2E')+''; return false;">developers
list</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">developer forum</a>,
if you have further questions or comments about the tutorial or eTemplate.</h2>