Ralf Becker daceac54ad Added interface to extend eTemplates with new widgets.
The widget got automaticaly loaded from the app's inc dir (or etemplate's inc dir).
Two examples ilustrate how to use the interface:
 - date: reads dates via sbox.getDate
 - datefield: reads dates via 3 textfields
2002-05-13 21:30:46 +00:00

726 lines
26 KiB

* phpGroupWare - EditableTemplates - HTML User Interface *
* *
* Written by Ralf Becker <> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
include(PHPGW_API_INC . '/../../etemplate/inc/');
@class etemplate
@abstract creates dialogs / HTML-forms from eTemplate descriptions
@discussion etemplate or uietemplate extends boetemplate, all vars and public functions are inherited
@example $tmpl = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','');
@example $tmpl->exec('app.class.callback',$content_to_show);
@example This creates a form from the eTemplate '' and takes care that
@example the method / public function 'callback' in (bo)class 'class' of 'app' gets called
@example if the user submitts the form. Vor the complete param's see the description of exec.
@param $debug enables debug messages: 0=no, 1=calls to show and process_show, 2=content of process_show
@param 3=calls to show_cell OR template- or cell-type name
@param $html,$sbox instances of html and sbox2 class used to generate the html
class etemplate extends boetemplate
var $debug;//='etemplate.editor.edit'; // 1=calls to show and process_show, 2=content after process_show,
// 3=calls to show_cell and process_show_cell, or template-name or cell-type
var $html,$sbox; // instance of html / sbox2-class
@function etemplate
@abstract constructor of etemplate class, reads an eTemplate if $name is given
@param as
function etemplate($name='',$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='',$rows=2,$cols=2)
$this->public_functions += array(
'exec' => True,
'process_exec' => True,
'show' => True,
'process_show' => True,
$this->html = CreateObject('etemplate.html'); // should be in the api (older version in infolog)
$this->sbox = CreateObject('phpgwapi.sbox2'); // older version is in the api
if (!$this->read($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version))
return False;
return True;
@function exec
@abstract Generats a Dialog from an eTemplate - abstract the UI-layer
@discussion This is the only function an application should use, all other are INTERNAL and
@discussion do NOT abstract the UI-layer, because they return HTML.
@discussion Generates a webpage with a form from the template and puts process_exec in the
@discussion form as submit-url to call process_show for the template before it
@discussion ExecuteMethod's the given $methode of the caller.
@param $methode Methode (e.g. 'etemplate.editor.edit') to be called if form is submitted
@param $content Array with content to fill the input-fields of template, eg. the text-field
@param with name 'name' gets its content from $content['name']
@param $sel_options Array or arrays with the options for each select-field, keys are the
@param field-names, eg. array('name' => array(1 => 'one',2 => 'two')) set the
@param options for field 'name'. ($content['options-name'] is possible too !!!)
@param $readonlys Array with field-names as keys for fields with should be readonly
@param (eg. to implement ACL grants on field-level or to remove buttons not applicable)
@param $preserv Array with vars which should be transported to the $method-call (eg. an id) array('id' => $id) sets $HTTP_POST_VARS['id'] for the $method-call
@returns nothing
function exec($method,$content,$sel_options='',$readonlys='',$preserv='')
if (!$sel_options)
$sel_options = array();
if (!$readonlys)
$readonlys = array();
if (!$preserv)
$preserv = array();
echo parse_navbar();
$id = $this->save_appsession(array(
'name' => $this->name,
'template' => $this->template,
'lang' => $this->lang,
'group' => $this->group,
'readonlys' => $readonlys,
'content' => $content,
'sel_options' => $sel_options,
'preserv' => $preserv,
'method' => $method
echo $this->html->nextMatchStyles($this->style)."\n\n". // so they get included once
array('etemplate_exec_id' => $id),'/index.php?menuaction=etemplate.etemplate.process_exec');
@function process_exec
@abstract Makes the necessary adjustments to HTTP_POST_VARS before it calls the app's method
@discussion This function is only to submit forms to, create with exec.
@discussion All eTemplates / forms executed with exec are submited to this function
@discussion (via the global index.php and menuaction). It then calls process_show
@discussion for the eTemplate (to adjust the content of the HTTP_POST_VARS) and
@discussion ExecMethod's the given callback from the app with the content of the form as first argument.
function process_exec()
$session_data = $this->get_appsession($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['etemplate_exec_id']);
$content = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['exec'];
if (!is_array($content))
$content = array();
// set application name so that lang, etc. works
list($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp']) = explode('.',$session_data['method']);
//echo "<p>uietemplate.process_exec: ExecMethod('${exec['method']}')</p>\n";
@function isset_array($idx,$arr)
@abstract checks if idx, which may contain ONE subindex is set in array
function isset_array($idx,$arr)
if (ereg('^([^[]*)\\[(.*)\\]$',$idx,$regs))
return $regs[2] && isset($arr[$regs[1]][$regs[2]]);
return isset($arr[$idx]);
@function show
@abstract creates HTML from an eTemplate
@discussion This is done by calling show_cell for each cell in the form. show_cell itself
@discussion calls show recursivly for each included eTemplate.
@discussion You can use it in the UI-layer of an app, just make shure to call process_show !!!
@discussion This is intended as internal function and should NOT be called by new app's direct,
@discussion as it deals with HTML and is so UI-dependent, use exec instead.
@param $content array with content for the cells, keys are the names given in the cells/form elements
@param $sel_options array with options for the selectboxes, keys are the name of the selectbox
@param $readonlys array with names of cells/form-elements to be not allowed to change
@param This is to facilitate complex ACL's which denies access on field-level !!!
@param $cname basename of names for form-elements, means index in $HTTP_POST_VARS
@param eg. $cname='cont', element-name = 'name' returned content in $HTTP_POST_VARS['cont']['name']
@param $show_xxx row,col name/index for name expansion
@returns the generated HTML
function show($content,$sel_options='',$readonlys='',$cname='cont',
if (!$sel_options)
$sel_options = array();
if (!$readonlys)
$readonlys = array();
if ($this->debug >= 1 || $this->debug == $this->name && $this->name)
echo "<p>$this->name): $cname =\n"; _debug_array($content);
if (!is_array($content))
$content = array(); // happens if incl. template has no content
$content += array( // for var-expansion in names in show_cell
'.c' => $show_c,
'.col' => $this->num2chrs($show_c-1),
'.row' => $show_row
if (isset($this->data[0]))
list($nul,$width) = each($this->data);
$width = array();
for ($r = 0; $row = 1+$r /*list($row,$cols) = each($this->data)*/; ++$r)
$old_cols = $cols; $old_class = $class; $old_height = $height;
if (!(list($nul,$cols) = each($this->data))) // no further row
$cols = $old_cols; $class = $old_class; $height = $old_height;
list($nul,$cell) = each($cols); reset($cols);
if (!($this->autorepeat_idx($cols['A'],0,$r,$idx,$idx_cname) && $idx_cname) &&
!($this->autorepeat_idx($cols['B'],1,$r,$idx,$idx_cname) && $idx_cname) ||
break; // no auto-row-repeat
$height = $this->data[0]["h$row"];
$class = $this->data[0]["c$row"];
$row_data = array();
for ($c = 0; True /*list($col,$cell) = each($cols)*/; ++$c)
$old_cell = $cell;
if (!(list($nul,$cell) = each($cols))) // no further cols
$cell = $old_cell;
if (!$this->autorepeat_idx($cell,$c,$r,$idx,$idx_cname,True) ||
break; // no auto-col-repeat
$col = $this->num2chrs($c);
$row_data[$col] = $this->show_cell($cell,$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$cname,
if ($row_data[$col] == '' && $this->rows == 1)
unset($row_data[$col]); // omit empty/disabled cells if only one row
$colspan = $span == 'all' ? $this->cols-$c : 0+$span;
if ($colspan > 1)
$row_data[".$col"] .= " COLSPAN=$colspan";
for ($i = 1; $i < $colspan; ++$i,++$c)
each($cols); // skip next cell(s)
elseif ($width[$col]) // width only once for a non colspan cell
$row_data[".$col"] .= ' WIDTH='.$width[$col];
$width[$col] = 0;
$row_data[".$col"] .= $this->html->formatOptions($cell['align'],'ALIGN');
$row_data[".$col"] .= $this->html->formatOptions($cell['span'],',CLASS');
$rows[$row] = $row_data;
$rows[".$row"] .= $this->html->formatOptions($height,'HEIGHT');
list($cl) = explode(',',$class);
if ($cl == 'nmr')
$cl .= $nmr_alternate++ & 1; // alternate color
$rows[".$row"] .= $this->html->formatOptions($cl,'CLASS');
$rows[".$row"] .= $this->html->formatOptions($class,',VALIGN');
if (!$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['styles_included'][$this->name])
$style = $this->html->style($this->style);
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['styles_included'][$this->name] = True;
return "\n\n<!-- BEGIN $this->name -->\n$style\n".
"<!-- END $this->name -->\n\n";
@function show_cell
@abstract generates HTML for 1 input-field / cell
@discussion calls show to generate included eTemplates. Again only an INTERMAL function.
@param $cell array with data of the cell: name, type, ...
@param for rest see show
@returns the generated HTML
function show_cell($cell,$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$cname,$show_c,$show_row,&$span)
if ($this->debug >= 3 || $this->debug == $cell['type'])
echo "<p>etemplate.show_cell($this->name,name='${cell['name']}',type='${cell['type']}',cname='$cname')</p>\n";
list($span) = explode(',',$cell['span']); // evtl. overriten later for type template
$name = $this->expand_name($cell['name'],$show_c,$show_row,$content['.c'],$content['.row'],$content);
$value = $content[$name];
$org_name = $name;
if ($cname == '') // building the form-field-name depending on prefix $cname and possibl. Array-subscript in name
$form_name = $name;
elseif (ereg('^([^[]*)\\[(.*)\\]$',$name,$regs)) // name contains array-index
$form_name = $cname.'['.$regs[1].']['.$regs[2].']';
$value = $content[$regs[1]][$regs[2]];
$org_name = $regs[2];
$form_name = $cname.'['.$name.']';
if ($readonly = $cell['readonly'] || $readonlys[$name] || $readonlys['__ALL__'])
$options .= ' READONLY';
if ($cell['disabled'] || $cell['type'] == 'button' && $readonly)
if ($this->rows == 1) {
return ''; // if only one row omit cell
$cell = $this->empty_cell(); // show nothing
$value = '';
$extra_label = True;
if (!$this->types[$cell['type']] &&
(isset($this->extension[$cell['type']]) || $this->loadExtension($cell['type'],$this)))
$extra_label = $this->extension[$cell['type']]->pre_process($cell,$value);
$content[$name] = $value; // set result for template
if ($cell['help'])
$options .= " onFocus=\"self.status='".addslashes(lang($cell['help']))."'; return true;\"";
$options .= " onBlur=\"self.status=''; return true;\"";
if ($cell['type'] == 'button') // for button additionally when mouse over button
$options .= " onMouseOver=\"self.status='".addslashes(lang($cell['help']))."'; return true;\"";
$options .= " onMouseOut=\"self.status=''; return true;\"";
if ($cell['onchange']) // values != '1' can only set by a program (not in the editor so far)
$options .= ' onChange="'.($cell['onchange']=='1'?'this.form.submit();':$cell['onchange']).'"';
switch ($cell['type'])
case 'label': // size: [[b]old][[i]talic]
$value = strlen($value) > 1 && !$cell['no_lang'] ? lang($value) : $value;
if ($value != '' && strstr($cell['size'],'b')) $value = $this->html->bold($value);
if ($value != '' && strstr($cell['size'],'i')) $value = $this->html->italic($value);
$html .= $value;
case 'raw':
$html .= $value;
case 'int': // size: [min][,[max][,len]]
case 'float':
list($min,$max,$cell['size']) = explode(',',$cell['size']);
if ($cell['size'] == '')
$cell['size'] = $cell['type'] == 'int' ? 5 : 8;
// fall-through
case 'text': // size: [length][,maxLength]
if ($readonly)
$html .= $this->html->bold($value);
$html .= $this->html->input($form_name,$value,'',
case 'textarea': // Multiline Text Input, size: [rows][,cols]
$html .= $this->html->textarea($form_name,$value,
case 'checkbox':
if ($value)
$options .= ' CHECKED';
$html .= $this->html->input($form_name,'1','CHECKBOX',$options);
case 'radio': // size: value if checked
if ($value == $cell['size'])
$options .= ' CHECKED';
$html .= $this->html->input($form_name,$cell['size'],'RADIO',$options);
case 'button':
$html .= $this->html->submit_button($form_name,$cell['label'],'',
strlen($cell['label']) <= 1 || $cell['no_lang'],$options);
$extra_label = False;
case 'hrule':
$html .= $this->html->hr($cell['size']);
case 'template': // size: index in content-array (if not full content is past further on)
if ($this->autorepeat_idx($cell,$show_c,$show_row,$idx,$idx_cname) || $cell['size'] != '')
if ($span == '' && isset($content[$idx]['span']))
{ // this allows a colspan in autorepeated cells like the editor
$span = explode(',',$content[$idx]['span']); $span = $span[0];
if ($span == 'all')
$span = 1 + $content['cols'] - $show_c;
$readonlys = $readonlys[$idx];
$content = $content[$idx];
if ($idx_cname != '')
$cname .= $cname == '' ? $idx_cname : "[$idx_cname]";
//echo "<p>show_cell-autorepeat($name,$show_c,$show_row,cname='$cname',idx='$idx',idx_cname='$idx_cname',span='$span'): readonlys[$idx] ="; _debug_array($readonlys);
if ($readonly)
$readonlys['__ALL__'] = True;
$templ = is_object($cell['name']) ? $cell['name'] : new etemplate($cell['name']);
$html .= $templ->show($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$cname,$show_c,$show_row);
case 'select': // size:[linesOnMultiselect]
if (isset($sel_options[$name]))
$sel_options = $sel_options[$name];
elseif (isset($sel_options[$org_name]))
$sel_options = $sel_options[$org_name];
} elseif (isset($content["options-$name"]))
$sel_options = $content["options-$name"];
$html .= $this->sbox->getArrayItem($form_name.'[]',$value,$sel_options,$cell['no_lang'],
case 'select-percent':
$html .= $this->sbox->getPercentage($form_name,$value,$options);
case 'select-priority':
$html .= $this->sbox->getPriority($form_name,$value,$options);
case 'select-access':
$html .= $this->sbox->getAccessList($form_name,$value,$options);
case 'select-country':
$html .= $this->sbox->getCountry($form_name,$value,$options);
case 'select-state':
$html .= $this->sbox->list_states($form_name,$value); // no helptext - old Function!!!
case 'select-cat':
$html .= $this->sbox->getCategory($form_name.'[]',$value,$cell['size'] >= 0,
case 'select-account':
$type = substr(strstr($cell['size'],','),1);
if ($type == '')
$type = 'accounts'; // default is accounts
$html .= $this->sbox->getAccount($form_name.'[]',$value,2,$type,0+$cell['size'],$options);
case 'image':
$image = $this->html->image(substr($this->name,0,strpos($this->name,'.')),
$html .= $name == '' ? $image : $this->html->a_href($image,$name);
$extra_label = False;
if (!isset($this->extension[$cell['type']]))
$html .= '<i>unknown type</i>';
$html .= $this->extension[$cell['type']]->render($cell,$form_name,$value,$readonly);
if ($extra_label && (($label = $cell['label']) != '' || $html == ''))
if (strlen($label) > 1)
$label = lang($label);
$html_label = $html != '' && $label != '';
if (strstr($label,'%s'))
$html = str_replace('%s',$html,$label);
elseif (($html = $label . ' ' . $html) == ' ')
$html = '&nbsp;';
if ($html_label)
$html = $this->html->label($html);
return $html;
@function process_show
@abstract makes necessary adjustments on HTTP_POST_VARS after a eTemplate / form gots submitted
@discussion This is only an internal function, dont call it direct use only exec
@discussion process_show recursivly calls itself for the included eTemplates.
@param $vars HTTP_POST_VARS on first call, later (deeper recursions) subscripts of it
@param $readonly array with cell- / var-names which should NOT return content (this is to workaround browsers who not understand READONLY correct)
@param $cname basename of our returnt content (same as in call to show)
@returns the adjusted content (in the simplest case that would be $vars[$cname])
function process_show(&$content,$readonlys='')
if (!$readonlys)
$readonlys = array();
if (!isset($content) || !is_array($content))
if ($this->debug >= 1 || $this->debug == $this->name && $this->name)
echo "<p>process_show($this->name) start: content ="; _debug_array($content);
if (isset($this->data[0]))
each($this->data); // skip width
for ($r = 0; True /*list($row,$cols) = each($this->data)*/; ++$r)
$old_cols = $cols;
if (!(list($nul,$cols) = each($this->data))) // no further row
$cols = $old_cols;
list($nul,$cell) = each($cols); reset($cols);
if ((!$this->autorepeat_idx($cols['A'],0,$r,$idx,$idx_cname) ||
$idx_cname == '' || !$this->isset_array($idx,$content)) &&
(!$this->autorepeat_idx($cols['B'],1,$r,$idx,$idx_cname) ||
$idx_cname == '' || !$this->isset_array($idx,$content)))
break; // no auto-row-repeat
$row = 1+$r;
for ($c = 0; True /*list($col,$cell) = each($cols)*/; ++$c)
$old_cell = $cell;
if (!(list($nul,$cell) = each($cols))) // no further cols
$cell = $old_cell;
if (!$this->autorepeat_idx($cell,$c,$r,$idx,$idx_cname,True) ||
$idx_cname == '' || !$this->isset_array($idx,$content))
break; // no auto-col-repeat
$this->autorepeat_idx($cell,$c,$r,$idx,$idx_cname,True); // get idx_cname
$col = $this->num2chrs($c);
$name = $this->expand_name($cell['name'],$c,$r);
$readonly = $cell['readonly'] || $readonlys[$name] || $readonlys['__ALL__'] ||
$cell['type'] == 'label' || $cell['type'] == 'image' || $cell['type'] == 'raw' ||
$cell['type'] == 'hrule';
if ($idx_cname == '' && $cell['type'] == 'template') // only templates
if ($readonly && !isset($readonlys['__ALL__'])) // can't unset whole content!!!
$readonlys['__ALL__'] = True;
unset($readonlys['__ALL__']); // unset it after or everything gets set readonly
elseif (ereg('^([^[]*)\\[(.*)\\]$',$idx_cname,$regs)) // name contains array-index
/* Attention: the unsets here and in the next else are vor two reasons:
* 1) some browsers does NOT understand the READONLY-tag and sent content back
* this has to be unset, as we only report no-readonly fields
* 2) php has a fault / feature :-) that it set unset array-elements passed as
* variable / changeable (&$var) to a function, this messes up a lot, as we
* depend on the fact variables are set or not for the autorepeat. To work
* around that, process_show_cell reports back if a variable is set or not
* via the returnvalue and we unset it or even the parent if is was not set.
$parent_isset = isset($content[$regs[1]]);
if ($readonly || !$this->process_show_cell($cell,$name,$c,$r,
if (!$parent_isset)
if ($readonly || !$this->process_show_cell($cell,$name,$c,$r,
if ($this->debug >= 2 || $this->debug == $this->name && $this->name)
echo "<p>process_show($this->name) end: content ="; _debug_array($content);
@function process_show_cell($cell,$name,$c,$r,$readonlys,&$value)
@abstract makes necessary adjustments on $value eTemplate / form gots submitted
@discussion This is only an internal function, dont call it direct use only exec
@discussion process_show recursivly calls itself for the included eTemplates.
@param $cell processed cell
@param $name expanded name of cell
@param $c,$r col,row index
@param $readonlys readonlys-array to pass on for templates
@param &$value value to change
@returns if $value is set
function process_show_cell($cell,$name,$c,$r,$readonlys,&$value)
if (is_array($cell['type']))
$cell['type'] = $cell['type'][0];
if ($this->debug >= 3 || $this->debug == $this->name || $this->debug == $cell['type'])
echo "<p>process_show_cell(c=$c, r=$r, name='$name',type='${cell['type']}') start: isset(value)=".(0+isset($value)).", value=";
if (is_array($value))
echo "'$value'</p>\n";
switch ($cell['type'])
case 'int':
case 'float':
list($min,$max) = explode(',',$cell['size']);
* TO DO: number- and range-check, if not enshured by java-script
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
if (isset($value))
$value = stripslashes($value);
case 'checkbox':
if (!isset($value)) // checkbox was not checked
$value = 0; // need to be reported too
case 'template':
$templ = new etemplate($name);
case 'select':
case 'select-cat':
case 'select-account':
if (is_array($value))
$value = count($value) <= 1 ? $value[0] : implode(',',$value);
default: // do nothing, $value is correct as is
if ((isset($this->extension[$cell['type']]) || $this->loadExtension($cell['type'],$this)) &&
//echo "value for post_process: "; _debug_array($value);
//echo "<p>value after post_process: '$value'";
if ($this->debug >= 3 || $this->debug == $this->name || $this->debug == $cell['type'])
echo "<p>process_show_cell(name='$name',type='${cell['type']}) end: isset(value)=".(0+isset($value)).", value=";
if (is_array($value))
echo "'$value'</p>\n";
return isset($value);