
448 lines
13 KiB

* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
* class import_csv for infolog
class infolog_import_infologs_csv implements importexport_iface_import_plugin {
private static $plugin_options = array(
'fieldsep', // char
'charset', // string
'contact_owner', // int
'update_cats', // string {override|add} overides record
// with cat(s) from csv OR add the cat from
// csv file to exeisting cat(s) of record
'num_header_lines', // int number of header lines
'field_conversion', // array( $csv_col_num => conversion)
'field_mapping', // array( $csv_col_num => adb_filed)
'conditions', /* => array containing condition arrays:
'type' => exists, // exists
'string' => '#kundennummer',
'true' => array(
'action' => update,
'last' => true,
'false' => array(
'action' => insert,
'last' => true,
public static $special_fields = array(
'projectmanager' => 'Link to Projectmanager, use Project-ID, Title or @project_id(id_or_title)',
'addressbook' => 'Link to Addressbook, use nlast,nfirst[,org] or contact_id from addressbook',
'link_1' => '1. link: appname:appid the entry should be linked to, eg.: addressbook:123',
'link_2' => '2. link: appname:appid the entry should be linked to, eg.: addressbook:123',
'link_3' => '3. link: appname:appid the entry should be linked to, eg.: addressbook:123',
* actions wich could be done to data entries
protected static $actions = array( 'none', 'update', 'insert', 'delete', );
* conditions for actions
* @var array
protected static $conditions = array( 'exists' );
* @var definition
private $definition;
* @var business object
private $boinfolog;
* For figuring out if a record has changed
protected $tracking;
* @var bool
private $dry_run = false;
* @var int
private $user = null;
* List of import errors
protected $errors = array();
* List of actions, and how many times that action was taken
protected $results = array();
* imports entries according to given definition object.
* @param resource $_stream
* @param string $_charset
* @param definition $_definition
public function import( $_stream, importexport_definition $_definition ) {
$import_csv = new importexport_import_csv( $_stream, array(
'fieldsep' => $_definition->plugin_options['fieldsep'],
'charset' => $_definition->plugin_options['charset'],
$this->definition = $_definition;
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
// dry run?
$this->dry_run = isset( $_definition->plugin_options['dry_run'] ) ? $_definition->plugin_options['dry_run'] : false;
// fetch the infolog bo
$this->boinfolog = new infolog_bo();
// Get the tracker for changes
$this->tracking = new infolog_tracking($this->boinfolog);
// set FieldMapping.
$import_csv->mapping = $_definition->plugin_options['field_mapping'];
// set FieldConversion
$import_csv->conversion = $_definition->plugin_options['field_conversion'];
// Add extra conversions
$import_csv->conversion_class = $this;
//check if file has a header lines
if ( isset( $_definition->plugin_options['num_header_lines'] ) && $_definition->plugin_options['num_header_lines'] > 0) {
} elseif(isset($_definition->plugin_options['has_header_line']) && $_definition->plugin_options['has_header_line']) {
// First method is preferred
// set Owner
$_definition->plugin_options['record_owner'] = isset( $_definition->plugin_options['record_owner'] ) ?
$_definition->plugin_options['record_owner'] : $this->user;
// Start counting successes
$count = 0;
$this->results = array();
// Failures
$this->errors = array();
while ( $record = $import_csv->get_record() ) {
$success = false;
// don't import empty records
if( count( array_unique( $record ) ) < 2 ) continue;
// Set owner, unless it's supposed to come from CSV file
if($_definition->plugin_options['owner_from_csv']) {
if(!is_numeric($record['info_owner'])) {
$this->errors[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = lang(
'Invalid owner ID: %1. Might be a bad field translation. Used %2 instead.',
$record['info_owner'] = $_definition->plugin_options['record_owner'];
} else {
$record['info_owner'] = $_definition->plugin_options['record_owner'];
// Automatically handle text categories without explicit translation
$record['cat_id'] = importexport_helper_functions::cat_name2id($record['cat_id']);
// Special values
if ($record['addressbook'] && !is_numeric($record['addressbook']))
list($lastname,$firstname,$org_name) = explode(',',$record['addressbook']);
$record['addressbook'] = self::addr_id($lastname,$firstname,$org_name);
if ($record['projectmanager'] && !is_numeric($record['projectmanager']))
$record['projectmanager'] = self::project_id($record['projectmanager']);
if ( $_definition->plugin_options['conditions'] ) {
foreach ( $_definition->plugin_options['conditions'] as $condition ) {
switch ( $condition['type'] ) {
// exists
case 'exists' :
$results = $this->boinfolog->search(
//array( $condition['string'] => $record[$condition['string']],),
$_definition->plugin_options['update_cats'] == 'add' ? false : true,
'', '', '', false, 'AND', false,
array( $condition['string'] => $record[$condition['string']],)
if ( is_array( $results ) && count( array_keys( $results ) >= 1 ) ) {
// apply action to all records matching this exists condition
$action = $condition['true'];
foreach ( (array)$results as $contact ) {
$record['id'] = $contact['id'];
if ( $_definition->plugin_options['update_cats'] == 'add' ) {
if ( !is_array( $contact['cat_id'] ) ) $contact['cat_id'] = explode( ',', $contact['cat_id'] );
if ( !is_array( $record['cat_id'] ) ) $record['cat_id'] = explode( ',', $record['cat_id'] );
$record['cat_id'] = implode( ',', array_unique( array_merge( $record['cat_id'], $contact['cat_id'] ) ) );
$success = $this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() );
} else {
$action = $condition['false'];
$success = ($this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() ));
// not supported action
default :
die('condition / action not supported!!!');
if ($action['last']) break;
} else {
// unconditional insert
$success = $this->action( 'insert', $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() );
if($success) $count++;
return $count;
* perform the required action
* @param int $_action one of $this->actions
* @param array $_data contact data for the action
* @return bool success or not
private function action ( $_action, $_data, $record_num = 0 ) {
$result = true;
switch ($_action) {
case 'none' :
return true;
case 'update' :
// Only update if there are changes
$old = $this->boinfolog->read($_data['id']);
if(!$this->definition->plugin_options['change_owner']) {
// Don't change addressbook of an existing contact
// Merge to deal with fields not in import record
$_data = array_merge($old, $_data);
$changed = $this->tracking->changed_fields($_data, $old);
if(count($changed) == 0 && !$this->definition->plugin_options['update_timestamp']) {
// Fall through
case 'insert' :
if ( $this->dry_run ) {
} else {
$result = $this->boinfolog->write( $_data, true, true);
if(!$result) {
$this->errors[$record_num] = lang('Permissions error - %1 could not %2',
} else {
throw new egw_exception('Unsupported action');
// Process some additional fields
if(!is_numeric($result)) {
return $result;
$info_link_id = false;
foreach(self::$special_fields as $field => $desc) {
if(!$_data[$field]) continue;
if(strpos('link', $field) === 0) {
list($app, $id) = explode(':', $_data[$field]);
} else {
$app = $field;
$id = $_data[$field];
if ($app && $app_id) {
//echo "<p>linking infolog:$id with $app:$app_id</p>\n";
$link_id = egw_link::link('infolog',$id,$app,$app_id);
if ($link_id && !$info_link_id)
$to_write = array(
'info_id' => $id,
'info_link_id' => $link_id,
$info_link_id = true;
return $result;
* returns translated name of plugin
* @return string name
public static function get_name() {
return lang('Infolog CSV import');
* returns translated (user) description of plugin
* @return string descriprion
public static function get_description() {
return lang("Imports entries into the infolog from a CSV File. CSV means 'Comma Seperated Values'. However in the options Tab you can also choose other seperators.");
* retruns file suffix(s) plugin can handle (e.g. csv)
* @return string suffix (comma seperated)
public static function get_filesuffix() {
return 'csv';
* return etemplate components for options.
* @abstract We can't deal with etemplate objects here, as an uietemplate
* objects itself are scipt orientated and not "dialog objects"
* @return array (
* name => string,
* content => array,
* sel_options => array,
* preserv => array,
* )
public function get_options_etpl() {
// lets do it!
* returns etemplate name for slectors of this plugin
* @return string etemplate name
public function get_selectors_etpl() {
// lets do it!
* Returns errors that were encountered during importing
* Maximum of one error message per record, but you can append if you need to
* @return Array (
* record_# => error message
* )
public function get_errors() {
return $this->errors;
* Returns a list of actions taken, and the number of records for that action.
* Actions are things like 'insert', 'update', 'delete', and may be different for each plugin.
* @return Array (
* action => record count
* )
public function get_results() {
return $this->results;
// end of iface_export_plugin
// Extra conversion functions - must be static
public static function addr_id( $n_family,$n_given=null,$org_name=null ) {
// find in Addressbook, at least n_family AND (n_given OR org_name) have to match
static $contacts;
if (is_null($n_given) && is_null($org_name))
// Maybe all in one
list($n_family, $n_given, $org_name) = explode(',', $n_family);
$n_family = trim($n_family);
if(!is_null($n_given)) $n_given = trim($n_given);
if (!is_object($contacts))
$contacts =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts');
if (!is_null($org_name)) // org_name given?
$org_name = trim($org_name);
$addrs = $contacts->read( 0,0,array('id'),'',"n_family=$n_family,n_given=$n_given,org_name=$org_name" );
if (!count($addrs))
$addrs = $contacts->read( 0,0,array('id'),'',"n_family=$n_family,org_name=$org_name",'','n_family,org_name');
if (!is_null($n_given) && (is_null($org_name) || !count($addrs))) // first name given and no result so far
$addrs = $contacts->search(array('n_family' => $n_family, 'n_given' => $n_given));
if (is_null($n_given) && is_null($org_name)) // just one name given, check against fn (= full name)
$addrs = $contacts->read( 0,0,array('id'),'',"n_fn=$n_family",'','n_fn' );
if (count($addrs))
return $addrs[0]['id'];
return False;
public static function project_id($num_or_title)
static $boprojects;
if (!$num_or_title) return false;
if (!is_object($boprojects))
$boprojects =& CreateObject('projectmanager.boprojectmanager');
if (($projects = $boprojects->search(array('pm_number' => $num_or_title))) ||
($projects = $boprojects->search(array('pm_title' => $num_or_title))))
return $projects[0]['pm_id'];
return false;