2004-05-05 12:06:13 +00:00

1120 lines
31 KiB

* eGroupWare API - WebDAV *
* This file written by Jonathon Sim (for Zeald Ltd) <> *
* Provides methods for manipulating an RFC 2518 DAV repository *
* Copyright (C) 2002 Zeald Ltd *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
* This library is part of the eGroupWare API *
* *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, *
* or any later version. *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, *
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
/* $Id$ */
/*At the moment much of this is simply a wrapper around the NET_HTTP_Client class,
with some other methods for parsing the returned XML etc
Ideally this will eventually use groupware's inbuilt HTTP class
define ('DEBUG_DAV_CLIENT', 0);
define ('DEBUG_DAV_XML', 0);
define ('DEBUG_CACHE', 0);
# 'Private' classes - these are only used internally and should
# not be used by external code
PHP STILL doesnt have any sort of stable DOM parser. So lets make our
own XML parser, that parses XML into a tree of arrays (I know, it could do
something resembling DOM, but it doesnt!)
class xml_tree_parser
var $namespaces;
var $current_element;
var $num = 1;
var $tree = NULL;
This is the only end-user function in the class. Call parse with an XML string, and
you will get back the tree of 'element' arrays
function parse($xml_string)
$this->xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
$this->xml = $xml_string;
echo '<pre>'.htmlentities($xml_string).'</pre>';
echo 'parsed to:' ; $this->print_tree();
return $this->tree;
//a useful function for debug output - will print the tree after parsing
function print_tree($element=NULL, $prefix='|', $processed=array())
if ($processed[$element['id']])
echo '<b>***RECURSION!!***</b></br>';
$processed[$element['id']] = true;
if ($element == NULL)
$element = $this->tree;
echo $prefix.$element['namespace'].':'.$element['name'].' '.$element['start'].'->'.$element['end'].'<br>';
$prefix .= '-->';
if ($element['data'])
echo $prefix.$element['data'].'<br>';
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->print_tree($child, $prefix, &$processed);
//called by the xml parser at the start of an element, it creates that elements node in the tree
function start_element($parser,$name,$attr)
if (preg_match('/(.*):(.*)/', $name, $matches))
$ns = $this->namespaces[$matches[1]];
$element = $matches[2];
$element = $name;
if ($this->tree == NULL)
$this->tree = array(
'name' => $element,
'attributes' => $attr,
'data' => '',
'children' => array(),
'parent' => NULL,
'type' => 'xml_element',
'id' => $this->num
$this->current_element = &$this->tree;
$parent = &$this->current_element;
'name' => $element,
'attributes' => $attr,
'data' => '',
'children' => array(),
'parent' => &$parent,
'type' => 'xml_element',
'id' => $this->num
$this->current_element = &$parent['children'][$this->num];
$this->current_element['start'] = xml_get_current_byte_index($parser);
foreach ($attr as $name => $value)
if (ereg('^XMLNS:(.*)', $name, $matches) )
$this->namespaces[$matches[1]] = $value;
//at the end of an element, stores the start and end positions in the xml stream, and moves up the tree
function end_element($parser,$name)
$curr = xml_get_current_byte_index($parser);
$this->current_element['end'] =strpos($this->xml, '>', $curr);
$this->current_element = &$this->current_element['parent'];
//if there is a CDATA element, puts it into the parent elements node
function parse_data($parser,$data)
/*This class uses a bunch of recursive functions to process the DAV XML tree
digging out the relevent information and putting it into an array
class dav_processor
function dav_processor($xml_string)
$this->xml = $xml_string;
$this->dav_parser = new xml_tree_parser();
$this->tree = $this->dav_parser->parse($xml_string);
function process_tree(&$element, &$result_array)
//This lets us mark a node as 'done' and provides protection against infinite loops
if ($this->processed[$element['id']])
return $result_array;
$this->processed[$element['id']] = true;
if ( $element['namespace'] == 'DAV:')
if ($element['name'] == 'RESPONSE')
$result = array(
'size' => 0,
'getcontenttype' => 'application/octet-stream',
'is_dir' => 0
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_properties($child, $result);
$result_array[$result['full_name']] = $result;
// ->recursion
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_tree($child, $result_array);
return $result_array;
function process_properties($element, &$result_array)
if ($this->processed[$element['id']])
return $result_array;
$this->processed[$element['id']] = true;
if ( $element['namespace'] == 'DAV:')
switch ($element['name'])
case 'HREF':
$string = $element['data'];
if($idx && $idx==strlen($string)-1)
$result_array['full_name'] = $this->current_ref;
if (count($element['children'])) //There are active locks
$result_array['supported_locks'] = array();
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_properties($child, $result_array['supported_locks']);
if (count($element['children'])) //There are active locks
$result_array['locks'] = array();
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_properties($child, $result_array['locks']);
if (count($element['children']))
$result_array[$element['id']] = array();
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_properties($child, $result_array[$element['id']] );
if (count($element['children']))
$result_array[$element['id']] = array();
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_properties($child, $result_array[$element['id']] );
case 'OWNER':
$result_array['owner'] = array();
foreach ($element['children'] as $child)
$this->process_verbatim($child, &$result_array['owner'][]);
$result_array['owner_xml'] = substr($this->xml, $element['start'], $element['end']-$element['start']+1);
return $result_array; //No need to process this branch further
if (count($element['children']))
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_properties($child, $tmp_result , $processed);
$result_array['lock_tokens'][$tmp_result['full_name']] = $tmp_result;
case 'LOCKTYPE':
$child = end($element['children']);
if ($child)
$this->processed[$child['id']] = true;
$result_array['locktype'] = $child['name'];
$child = end($element['children']);
if ($child)
$this->processed[$child['id']] = true;
$result_array['lockscope'] = $child['name'];
if (trim($element['data']))
$result_array[strtolower($element['name'])] = $element['data'];
if (trim($element['data']))
$result_array[strtolower($element['name'])] = $element['data'];
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
$this->process_properties($child, $result_array);
return $result_array;
function process_verbatim($element, &$result_array)
if ($this->processed[$element['id']])
return $result_array;
$this->processed[$element['id']] = true;
foreach ( $element as $key => $value)
//The parent link is death to naive programmers (eg me) :)
if (!( $key == 'children' || $key == 'parent') )
$result_array[$key] = $value;
$result_array['children'] = array();
foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child)
echo 'processing child:';
$this->process_verbatim($child, $result_array['children']);
return $result_array;
#This is the actual public interface of this class
class http_dav_client
var $attributes=array();
var $vfs_property_map = array();
var $cached_props = array();
function http_dav_client()
$this->http_client = CreateObject('phpgwapi.net_http_client');
//TODO: Get rid of this
//A quick, temporary debug output function
function debug($info) {
echo '<b> http_dav_client debug:<em> ';
if (is_array($info))
echo $info;
echo '</em></b><br>';
@function glue_url
@abstract glues a parsed url (ie parsed using PHP's parse_url) back
@param $url The parsed url (its an array)
function glue_url ($url){
if (!is_array($url))
return false;
// scheme
$uri = (!empty($url['scheme'])) ? $url['scheme'].'://' : '';
// user & pass
if (!empty($url['user']))
$uri .= $url['user'];
if (!empty($url['pass']))
$uri .=':'.$url['pass'];
$uri .='@';
// host
$uri .= $url['host'];
// port
$port = (!empty($url['port'])) ? ':'.$url['port'] : '';
$uri .= $port;
// path
$uri .= $url['path'];
// fragment or query
if (isset($url['fragment']))
$uri .= '#'.$url['fragment'];
} elseif (isset($url['query']))
$uri .= '?'.$url['query'];
return $uri;
@function encodeurl
@abstract encodes a url from its "display name" to something the dav server will accept
@param uri The unencoded uri
Deals with "url"s which may contain spaces and other unsavoury characters,
by using appropriate %20s
function encodeurl($uri)
$parsed_uri = parse_url($uri);
if (empty($parsed_uri['scheme']))
$path = $uri;
$path = $parsed_uri['path'];
$fixed_array = array();
foreach (explode('/', $path) as $name)
$fixed_array[] = rawurlencode($name);
$fixed_path = implode('/', $fixed_array);
if (!empty($parsed_uri['scheme']))
$parsed_uri['path'] = $fixed_path;
$newuri = $this->glue_url($parsed_uri);
$newuri = $fixed_path;
return $newuri;
@function decodeurl
@abstract decodes a url to its "display name"
@param uri The encoded uri
Deals with "url"s which may contain spaces and other unsavoury characters,
by using appropriate %20s
function decodeurl($uri)
$parsed_uri = parse_url($uri);
if (empty($parsed_uri['scheme']))
$path = $uri;
$path = $parsed_uri['path'];
$fixed_array = array();
foreach (explode('/', $path) as $name)
$fixed_array[] = rawurldecode($name);
$fixed_path = implode('/', $fixed_array);
if (!empty($parsed_uri['scheme']))
$parsed_uri['path'] = $fixed_path;
$newuri = $this->glue_url($parsed_uri);
$newuri = $fixed_path;
return $newuri;
@function set_attributes
@abstract Sets the "attribute map"
@param attributes Attributes to extract "as-is" from the DAV properties
@param dav_map A mapping of dav_property_name => attribute_name for attributes
with different names in DAV and the desired name space.
This is mainly for use by VFS, where the VFS attributes (eg size) differ
from the corresponding DAV ones ("getcontentlength")
function set_attributes($attributes, $dav_map)
$this->vfs_property_map = $dav_map;
$this->attributes = $attributes;
@function set_credentials
@abstract Sets authentication credentials for HTTP AUTH
@param username The username to connect with
@param password The password to connect with
The only supported authentication type is "basic"
function set_credentials( $username, $password )
$this->http_client->setCredentials($username, $password );
@function connect
@abstract connects to the server
@param dav_host The host to connect to
@param dav_port The port to connect to
If the server requires authentication you will need to set credentials
with set_credentials first
function connect($dav_host,$dav_port)
$this->dav_host = $dav_host;
$this->dav_port = $dav_port;
// $this->http_client->addHeader('Connection','keep-alive');
// $this->http_client->addHeader('Keep-Alive','timeout=20, state="Accept,Accept-Language"');
$this->http_client->setProtocolVersion( '1.1' );
$this->http_client->addHeader( 'user-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; PHPGroupware dav_client/1; Linux)');
return $this->http_client->Connect($dav_host,$dav_port);
function set_debug($debug)
@function disconnect
@abstract disconnect from the server
When doing HTTP 1.1 we frequently close/reopen the connection
anyway, so this function needs to be called after any other DAV calls
(since if they find the connection closed, they just reopen it)
function disconnect()
@function get_properties
@abstract a high-level method of getting DAV properties
@param url The URL to get properties for
@param scope the 'depth' to recuse subdirectories (default 1)
@param sorted whether we should sort the rsulting array (default True)
@result array of file->property arra
This function performs all the necessary XML parsing etc to convert DAV properties (ie XML nodes)
into associative arrays of properties - including doing mappings
from DAV property names to any desired property name format (eg the VFS one)
This is controlled by the attribute arrays set in the set_attributes function.
function get_properties($url,$scope=1){
$request_id = $url.'//'.$scope.'//'.$sorted; //A unique id for this request (for caching)
if ($this->cached_props[$request_id])
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo'Cache hit : cache id:'.$request_id;
return $this->cached_props[$request_id];
else if (! $sorted && $this->cached_props[$url.'//'.$scope.'//1'])
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo ' Cache hit : cache id: '.$request_id;
return $this->cached_props[$url.'//'.$scope.'//1'];
echo ' <b>Cache miss </b>: cache id: '.$request_id;
/* echo " cache:<pre>";
echo '</pre>';*/
if($this->propfind($url,$scope) != 207)
if($this->propfind($url.'/',$scope) != 207)
return array();
$result_array = array();
$dav_processor = new dav_processor($xml_result);
$tmp_list = $dav_processor->process_tree($dav_processor->tree, $result_array);
foreach($tmp_list as $name=>$item) {
$fixed_name = $this->decodeurl($name);
$newitem = $item;
$newitem['is_dir']= ($item['getcontenttype'] =='httpd/unix-directory' ? 1 : 0);
$item['directory'] = $this->decodeurl($item['directory']);
//Since above we sawed off the protocol and host portions of the url, lets readd them.
if (strlen($item['directory'])) {
$path = $item['directory'];
$host = $this->dav_host;
$newitem['directory'] = $host.$path;
//Get any extra properties that may share the vfs name
foreach ($this->attributes as $num=>$vfs_name)
if ($item[$vfs_name])
$newitem[$vfs_name] = $item[$vfs_name];
//Map some DAV properties onto VFS ones.
foreach ($this->vfs_property_map as $dav_name=>$vfs_name)
if ($item[$dav_name])
$newitem[$vfs_name] = $item[$dav_name];
if ($newitem['is_dir'] == 1)
$newitem['name'] = $this->decodeurl($newitem['name']);
if ($newitem['is_dir']==1)
$this->cached_props[$name.'//0//1'] = array($fixed_name=>$newitem);
$this->cached_props[$name.'//1//1'] = array($fixed_name=>$newitem);
if ($sorted)
$this->cached_props[$request_id] = $result;
return $result;
function get($uri)
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
return $this->http_client->Get($uri);
@function get_body
@abstract return the response body
@result string body content
invoke it after a Get() call for instance, to retrieve the response
function get_body()
return $this->http_client->getBody();
@function get_headers
@abstract return the response headers
@result array headers received from server in the form headername => value
to be called after a Get() or Head() call
function get_headers()
return $this->http_client->getHeaders();
@function copy
@abstract PUT is the method to sending a file on the server.
@param uri the location of the file on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
@param data the content of the file. binary content accepted
@result string response status code 201 (Created) if ok
function put($uri, $data, $token='')
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
if (strlen($token))
$this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)');
$this->cached_props = array();
$result = $this->http_client->Put($uri, $data);
return $result;
@function copy
@abstract Copy a file -allready on the server- into a new location
@param srcUri the current file location on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
@param destUri the destination location on the server. this is *not* a full URL
@param overwrite boolean - true to overwrite an existing destination - overwrite by default
@result Returns the HTTP status code
returns response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok
function copy( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite=true, $scope=0, $token='')
$srcUri = $this->encodeurl($srcUri);
$destUri = $this->encodeurl($destUri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
if (strlen($token))
$this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)');
$this->cached_props = array();
$result = $this->http_client->Copy( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite, $scope);
return $result;
@function move
@abstract Moves a WEBDAV resource on the server
@param srcUri the current file location on the server. dont forget the heading "/"
@param destUri the destination location on the server. this is *not* a full URL
@param overwrite boolean - true to overwrite an existing destination (default is yes)
@result Returns the HTTP status code
returns response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok
function move( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite=true, $scope=0, $token='' )
$srcUri = $this->encodeurl($srcUri);
$destUri = $this->encodeurl($destUri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
if (strlen($token))
$this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)');
$this->cached_props = array();
$result = $this->http_client->Move( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite, $scope);
return $result;
@function delete
@abstract Deletes a WEBDAV resource
@param uri The URI we are deleting
@result Returns the HTTP status code
returns response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok
function delete( $uri, $scope=0, $token='')
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
if (strlen($token))
$this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)');
$this->cached_props = array();
$result = $this->http_client->Delete( $uri, $scope);
return $result;
@function mkcol
@abstract Creates a WEBDAV collection (AKA a directory)
@param uri The URI to create
@result Returns the HTTP status code
function mkcol( $uri, $token='' )
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
if (strlen($token))
$this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)');
$this->cached_props = array();
return $this->http_client->MkCol( $uri );
@function propfind
@abstract Queries WEBDAV properties
@param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing
@param scope Specifies how "deep" to search (0=just this file/dir 1=subfiles/dirs etc)
@result Returns the HTTP status code
to get the result XML call get_body()
function propfind( $uri, $scope=0 )
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
return $this->http_client->PropFind( $uri, $scope);
@function proppatch
@abstract Sets DAV properties
@param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing
@param attributes An array of attributes and values.
@param namespaces Extra namespace definitions that apply to the properties
@result Returns the HTTP status code
To make DAV properties useful it helps to use a well established XML dialect
such as the "Dublin Core"
function proppatch($uri, $attributes, $namespaces='', $token='')
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
if (strlen($token))
$this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)');
$this->cached_props = array();
//Begin evil nastiness
$davxml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:propertyupdate xmlns:D="DAV:"';
if ($namespaces)
$davxml .= ' ' . $namespaces;
$davxml .= ' >';
foreach ($attributes as $name => $value)
$davxml .= '
$davxml .= '
echo '<b>send</b><pre>'.htmlentities($davxml).'</pre>';
$this->http_client->requestBody = $davxml;
if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( 'PROPPATCH '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1' ) )
echo '<b>Recieve</b><pre>'.htmlentities($this->http_client->getBody()).'</pre>';
return $this->http_client->reply;
@function unlock
@abstract unlocks a locked resource on the DAV server
@param uri uri of the resource we are unlocking
@param a 'token' for the lock (to get the token, do a propfind)
@result true if successfull
Not all DAV servers support locking (its in the RFC, but many common
DAV servers only implement "DAV class 1" (no locking)
function unlock($uri, $token)
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
$this->cached_props = array();
$this->http_client->addHeader('Lock-Token', '<'.$token.'>');
$this->http_client->sendCommand( 'UNLOCK '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1');
if ( $this->http_client->reply == '204')
return true;
$headers = $this->http_client->getHeaders();
echo $this->http_client->getBody();
if ($headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/html')
echo $this->http_client->getBody();
return false;
@function lock
@abstract locks a resource on the DAV server
@param uri uri of the resource we are locking
@param owner the 'owner' information for the lock (purely informative)
@param depth the depth to which we lock collections
@result true if successfull
Not all DAV servers support locking (its in the RFC, but many common
DAV servers only implement "DAV class 1" (no locking)
function lock($uri, $owner, $depth=0, $timeout='infinity')
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo '<b>cache cleared</b>';
$this->cached_props = array();
$body = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>
<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
$this->http_client->requestBody = utf8_encode( $body );
$this->http_client->addHeader('Depth', $depth);
if (! (strtolower(trim($timeout)) == 'infinite'))
$timeout = 'Second-'.$timeout;
$this->http_client->addHeader('Timeout', $timeout);
if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( "LOCK $uri HTTP/1.1" ) )
if ( $this->http_client->reply == '200')
return true;
$headers = $this->http_client->getHeaders();
echo $this->http_client->getBody();
return false;
@function options
@abstract determines the optional HTTP features supported by a server
@param uri uri of the resource we are seeking options for (or * for the whole server)
@result Returns an array of option values
Interesting options include "ACCESS" (whether you can read a file) and
DAV (DAV features)
function options($uri)
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( 'OPTIONS '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1' ) == '200' )
$headers = $this->http_client->getHeaders();
return $headers;
return False;
@function dav_features
@abstract determines the features of a DAV server
@param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing
@result Returns an array of option values
Likely return codes include NULL (this isnt a dav server!), 1
(This is a dav server, supporting all standard DAV features except locking)
2, (additionally supports locking (should also return 1)) and
'version-control' (this server supports versioning extensions for this resource)
function dav_features($uri)
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
$options = $this->options($uri);
$dav_options = $options['DAV'];
if ($dav_options)
$features=explode(',', $dav_options);
$features = NULL;
return $features;
RFC 3253 DeltaV versioning extensions
These are 100% untested, and almost certainly dont work yet...
eventually they will be made to work with subversion...
@function report
@abstract Report is a kind of extended PROPFIND - it queries properties accros versions etc
@param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing
@param report the type of report desired eg DAV:version-tree, DAV:expand-property etc (see
@param namespace any extra XML namespaces needed for the specified properties
@result Returns an array of option values
From the relevent RFC:
"A REPORT request is an extensible mechanism for obtaining information about
a resource. Unlike a resource property, which has a single value, the value
of a report can depend on additional information specified in the REPORT
request body and in the REPORT request headers."
function report($uri, $report, $properties, $namespaces='')
$uri = $this->encodeurl($uri);
$davxml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:'.$report . 'xmlns:D="DAV:"';
if ($namespaces)
$davxml .= ' ' . $namespaces;
$davxml .= ' >
foreach($properties as $property)
$davxml .= '<'.$property.'/>\n';
$davxml .= '\t<D:/prop>\n<D:/'.$report.'>';
echo '<b>send</b><pre>'.htmlentities($davxml).'</pre>';
$this->http_client->requestBody = $davxml;
if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( 'REPORT '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1' ) )
echo '<b>Recieve</b><pre>'.htmlentities($this->http_client->getBody()).'</pre>';
return $this->http_client->reply;