Ralf Becker 907e24d227 Refractured session handling in eGW:
- DONT UPDATE ON A PROCUDTION SYSTEM (for the next few days)!
- eGW support from now on only php session handling
- custom session handlers (like the memcache one) can now be
  implemented as classes and dont need to change any other code
- the class get's autoloaded and the name need to be configured 
  eg. in the as $egw_info[server][session_handler]
- session restore is now enabled by default (it's way faster and
  works well with php5.1+)
- a db-bases session handler follows soon
2008-08-07 21:12:44 +00:00

151 lines
5.3 KiB

* eGroupWare API: File based php sessions
* @link
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage session
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright (c) 2003-8 by Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
* File based php sessions or all other build in handlers configures via session_module_name() or php.ini: session.save_handler
* Contains static methods to list or count 'files' sessions (does not work under Debian, were session.save_path is not searchable!)
class egw_session_files
* Initialise the session-handler (session_set_save_handler()), if necessary
static function init_session_handler()
// nothing to do for 'files' or other stock handlers
* Get list of normal / non-anonymous sessions (works only for session.handler = files!, but that's the default)
* The data from the session-files get cached in $_SESSION['egw_files_session_cache']
* @param int $start
* @param string $sort='session_dla' session_lid, session_id, session_started, session_logintime, session_action, or (default) session_dla
* @param string $order='ASC' ASC or DESC
* @return array with sessions (values for keys as in $sort) or array() if not supported by session-handler
function session_list($start,$sort='ASC',$order='session_dla',$all_no_sort = False)
if (session_module_name() != 'files')
return array();
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."($start,'$order','$sort',$all)</p>\n";
$session_cache =& $_SESSION['egw_files_session_cache'];
$values = array();
$maxmatchs = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'];
$dir = @opendir($path = ini_get('session.save_path'));
if (!$dir || !@file_exists($path.'/.')) // eg. openbasedir restrictions, or dir not listable
return $values;
if (!($max_session_size = ini_get('memory_limit'))) $max_session_size = '16M';
case 'M': $max_session_size *= 1024*1024; break;
case 'K': $max_session_size *= 1024; break;
$max_session_size /= 4; // use at max 1/4 of the memory_limit to read sessions, the others get ignored
while (($file = readdir($dir)))
if ($file{0} == '.' || filesize($path.'/'.$file) >= $max_session_size) continue;
if (substr($file,0,5) != 'sess_' || $session_cache[$file] === false)
if (isset($session_cache[$file]) && !$session_cache[$file]) // session is marked as not to list (not ours or anonymous)
if (isset($session_cache[$file])) // use copy from cache
$session = $session_cache[$file];
if (!$all_no_sort || // we need the up-to-date data --> unset and reread it
$session['session_dla'] <= (time() - $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout'])) // cached dla is timeout
if (!isset($session_cache[$file])) // not in cache, read and cache it
if (!is_readable($path. '/' . $file))
$session_cache[$file] = false; // dont try reading it again
continue; // happens if webserver runs multiple user-ids
$session = '';
if (($fd = fopen ($path . '/' . $file,'r')))
$session = ($size = filesize ($path . '/' . $file)) ? fread ($fd, $size) : 0;
fclose ($fd);
if (substr($session,0,1+strlen(EGW_SESSION_VAR)) != EGW_SESSION_VAR.'|')
$session_cache[$file] = false; // dont try reading it again
$session = unserialize(substr($session,1+strlen(EGW_SESSION_VAR)));
unset($session['app_sessions']); // not needed, saves memory
$session['php_session_file'] = $path . '/' . $file;
$session_cache[$file] = $session;
if($session['session_flags'] == 'A' || !$session['session_id'] ||
$session['session_install_id'] != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['install_id'])
$session_cache[$file] = false; // dont try reading it again
continue; // no anonymous sessions or other domains or installations
// check for and terminate sessions which are timed out ==> destroy them
// this should be not necessary if php is configured right, but I'm sick of the questions on the list
if ($session['session_dla'] <= (time() - $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout']))
//echo "session $session[session_id] is timed out !!!<br>\n";
@unlink($path . '/' . $file);
$session_cache[$file] = false;
// ignore (empty) login sessions created by IE and konqueror, when clicking on [login] (double submission of the form)
if ($session['session_action'] == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/login.php') continue;
//echo "file='$file'=<pre>"; print_r($session); echo "</pre>";
$values[$session['session_id']] = $session;
uasort($values,create_function('$a,$b','return '.(strcasecmp($sort,'ASC') ? '' : '-').'strcasecmp($a['.$order.'],$b['.$order.']);'));
return array_slice($values,(int)$start,$maxmatchs);
return $values;
* get number of normal / non-anonymous sessions
* @return integer
function session_count()
return count(self::session_list(0,'','',True));