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Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Jan-Klaas Kollhof
This file is part of the JavaScript o lait library(jsolait).
jsolait is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Provides an XML-RPC imlementation.
It is similar to python's xmlrpclib module.
Module("xmlrpc","1.3.1", function(mod){
var xmlext = importModule("xml");
var urllib = importModule("urllib");
Thrown if a server did not respond with response status 200 (OK).
mod.InvalidServerResponse = Class("InvalidServerResponse", mod.Exception, function(publ, supr){
Initializes the Exception.
@param status The status returned by the server.
publ.init= function(status){
supr(this).init("The server did not respond with a status 200 (OK) but with: " + status);
this.status = status;
///The status returned by the server.
Thrown if an XML-RPC response is not well formed.
mod.MalformedXmlRpc = Class("MalformedXmlRpc", mod.Exception, function(publ, supr){
Initializes the Exception.
@param msg The error message of the user.
@param xml The xml document's source.
@param trace=null The error causing this Exception
publ.init= function(msg, xml, trace){
this.xml = xml;
///The xml source which was mal formed.
Thrown if the RPC response is a Fault.
mod.Fault = Class("Fault", mod.Exception, function(publ, supr){
Initializes the Exception.
@param faultCode The fault code returned by the rpc call.
@param faultString The fault string returned by the rpc call.
publ.init= function(faultCode, faultString){
supr(this).init("XML-RPC Fault: " + faultCode + "\n\n" + faultString);
this.faultCode = faultCode;
this.faultString = faultString;
///The fault code returned from the rpc call.
///The fault string returned from the rpc call.
Marshalls an object to XML-RPC.(Converts an object into XML-RPC conforming xml.)
It just calls the toXmlRpc function of the objcect.
So, to customize serialization of objects one just needs to specify/override the toXmlRpc method
which should return an xml string conforming with XML-RPC spec.
@param obj The object to marshall
@return An xml representation of the object.
mod.marshall = function(obj){
//vcb return obj.toXmlRpc()
Unmarshalls an XML document to a JavaScript object. (Converts xml to JavaScript object.)
It parses the xml source and creates a JavaScript object.
@param xml The xml document source to unmarshall.
@return The JavaScript object created from the XML.
mod.unmarshall = function(xml){
try {//try to parse xml ... this will throw an Exception if failed
var doc = xmlext.parseXML(xml);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("The server's response could not be parsed.", xml, e);
var rslt = mod.unmarshallDoc(doc);
return rslt;
Unmarshalls an XML document to a JavaScript object like unmarshall but expects a DOM document as parameter.
It parses the xml source and creates a JavaScript object.
@param doc The xml document(DOM compatible) to unmarshall.
@return The JavaScript object created from the XML.
mod.unmarshallDoc = function(doc, xml){
var node = doc.documentElement;
/* just in case parse xml didn't throw an Exception but returned nothing usefull. */
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("No documentElement found.", xml);
case "methodResponse":
return parseMethodResponse(node);
case "methodCall":
return parseMethodCall(node);
default://nothing usefull returned by parseXML.
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'methodCall' or 'methodResponse' element expected.\nFound: '" + node.tagName + "'", xml);
if(e instanceof mod.Fault){//just rethrow the fault.
throw e;
}else {
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("Unmarshalling of XML failed.", xml, e);
Parses a methodeResponse element.
@param node The methodResponse element.
@return The return value of the XML-RPC.
var parseMethodResponse=function(node){
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "fault": //a fault is thrown as an Exception
throw parseFault(child);
case "params":
var params = parseParams(child);
if(params.length == 1){//params should only have one param
return params[0];
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'params' element inside 'methodResponse' must have exactly ONE 'param' child element.\nFound: " + params.length);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'fault' or 'params' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
//no child elements found
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("No child elements found.");
if(e instanceof mod.Fault){
throw e;
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'methodResponse' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a methodCall element.
@param node The methodCall element.
@return Array [methodName,params].
var parseMethodCall = function(node){
var methodName = null;
var params = new Array();//default is no parameters
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "methodName":
methodName = new String(child.firstChild.nodeValue);
case "params":
params = parseParams(child);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'methodName' or 'params' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'methodName' element expected.");
return new Array(methodName, params);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'methodCall' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a params element.
@param node The params element.
@return Array of params values.
var parseParams = function(node){
var params=new Array();
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "param":
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'param' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
//the specs say a 'params' element can contain any number of 'param' elements. That includes 0 ?!
return params;
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'params' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a param element.
@param node The param node.
@return The value of the param.
var parseParam = function(node){
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "value":
return parseValue(child);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'value' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
//no child elements found, that's an error
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'value' element expected.But none found.");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'param' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a value element.
@param node The value element.
@return The value.
var parseValue = function(node){
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "string":
var s=""
//Mozilla has many textnodes with a size of 4096 chars each instead of one large one.
//They all need to be concatenated.
for(var j=0;j<child.childNodes.length;j++){
s+=new String(child.childNodes.item(j).nodeValue);
return s;
case "int":
case "i4":
case "double":
//return (child.firstChild) ? new Number(child.firstChild.nodeValue) : 0;
var n = (child.firstChild) ? new Number(child.firstChild.nodeValue) : new Number(0);
var val = n.valueOf();
return val;
case "boolean":
return Boolean(isNaN(parseInt(child.firstChild.nodeValue)) ? (child.firstChild.nodeValue == "true") : parseInt(child.firstChild.nodeValue));
case "base64":
return parseBase64(child);
case "dateTime.iso8601":
return parseDateTime(child);
case "array":
return parseArray(child);
case "struct":
return parseStruct(child);
case "nil": //for python None todo: ??? is this valid XML-RPC
return null;
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'string','int','i4','double','boolean','base64','dateTime.iso8601','array' or 'struct' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
var s=""
//Mozilla has many textnodes with a size of 4096 chars each instead of one large one.
//They all need to be concatenated.
for(var j=0;j<node.childNodes.length;j++){
s+=new String(node.childNodes.item(j).nodeValue);
return s;
return "";
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'value' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a base64 element.
@param node The base64 element.
@return A string with the decoded base64.
var parseBase64=function(node){
var s = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
return s.decode("base64");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'base64' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a dateTime.iso8601 element.
@param node The dateTime.iso8601 element.
@return A JavaScript date.
var parseDateTime=function(node){
return new Date(Date.UTC(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2-1, RegExp.$3, RegExp.$4, RegExp.$5, RegExp.$6));
}else{ //todo error message
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("Could not convert the given date.");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'dateTime.iso8601' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses an array element.
@param node The array element.
@return An Array.
var parseArray=function(node){
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "data":
return parseData(child);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'data' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'data' element expected. But not found.");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'array' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a data element.
@param node The data element.
@return The value of a data element.
var parseData=function(node){
var rslt = new Array();
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "value":
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'value' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
return rslt;
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'data' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a struct element.
@param node The struct element.
@return A JavaScript object. Struct memembers are properties of the object.
var parseStruct=function(node){
var struct = new Object();
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "member":
var member = parseMember(child); //returns [name, value]
if(member[0] != ""){
struct[member[0]] = member[1];
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'data' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
return struct;
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'struct' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a member element.
@param node The member element.
@return Array containing [memberName, value].
var parseMember=function(node){
var name="";
var value=null;
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "value":
value = parseValue(child);
case "name":
name = new String(child.firstChild.nodeValue);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'value' or 'name' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
/*if(name == ""){
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("Name for member not found/convertable.");
return new Array(name, value);
return [name, value];
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'member' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Parses a fault element.
@param node The fault element.
@return A Fault Exception object.
var parseFault = function(node){
for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
var child = node.childNodes.item(i);
if (child.nodeType == 1){
switch (child.tagName){
case "value":
var flt = parseValue(child);
return new mod.Fault(flt.faultCode, flt.faultString);
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'value' element expected.\nFound: '" + child.tagName + "'");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'value' element expected. But not found.");
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("'fault' element could not be parsed.",null,e);
Class for creating XML-RPC methods.
Calling the created method will result in an XML-RPC call to the service.
The return value of this call will be the return value of the RPC call.
RPC-Faults will be raised as Exceptions.
Asynchronous operation:
If the last parameter passed to the method is an XMLRPCAsyncCallback object,
then the remote method will be called asynchronously.
The results and errors are passed to the callback.
mod.XMLRPCMethod =Class("XMLRPCMethod", function(publ){
var postData = function(url, user, pass, data, callback){
if(callback == null){
var rslt = urllib.postURL(url, user, pass, data, [["Content-Type", "text/xml"]]);
return rslt;
urllib.postURL(url, user, pass, data, [["Content-Type", "text/xml"]], callback);
var handleResponse=function(resp){
var status=null;
try{//see if the server responded with a response code 200 OK.
status = resp.status;
if(status == 200){
var respDoc=null;
respDoc = resp.responseXML;
var respTxt = "";
if(respDoc == null){
if(respTxt == null || respTxt == ""){
throw new mod.MalformedXmlRpc("The server responded with an empty document.", "");
return mod.unmarshall(respTxt);
}else{ //use the respDoc directly so the xml does not have to be parsed.
return mod.unmarshallDoc(respDoc, respTxt);
throw new mod.InvalidServerResponse(status);
var getXML = function(methodName, args){
var data='<?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>' + methodName + '</methodName>';
if (args.length>0){
data += "<params>";
for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){
data += '<param><value>' + mod.marshall(args[i]) + '</value></param>';
data += '</params>';
data += '</methodCall>';
return data;
Initializes the XML-RPC method.
@param url The URL of the service providing the method.
@param methodName The name of the method to invoke.
@param user=null The user name to use for HTTP authentication.
@param pass=null The password to use for HTTP authentication.
publ.init = function(url, methodName, user, pass){
//this is pretty much a hack.
//we create a function which mimics this class and return it instead of really instanciating an object.
var fn=function(){
//sync or async call
if(typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] != "function"){
var data=getXML(fn.methodName,arguments);
var resp = postData(fn.url, fn.user, fn.password, data);
return handleResponse(resp);
var args=new Array();
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){
var cb = args.pop();
var data=getXML(fn.methodName, args);
postData(fn.url, fn.user, fn.password, data, function(resp){
var rslt = null;
var exc =null;
rslt = handleResponse(resp);
exc = e;
try{//call the callback for the async call.
args = null;
resp = null;
//make sure the function has the same property as an object created from this class.
fn.methodName = methodName;
fn.url = url;
fn.user = user;
fn.toMulticall = this.toMulticall;
fn.toString = this.toString;
fn.constructor = this.constructor;
return fn;
Returns the method representation for system.multicall.
@param All params will be passed to the remote method.
@return An object containing a member methodName and a member params(As required by system.multicall).
publ.toMulticall = function(){
var multiCallable = new Object();
multiCallable.methodName = this.methodName;
var params = [];
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){
params[i] = arguments[i];
multiCallable.params = params;
return multiCallable;
Sets username and password for HTTP Authentication.
@param user The user name.
@param pass The password.
publ.setAuthentication = function(user, pass){
this.user = user;
this.password = pass;
///The name of the remote method.
///The url of the remote service containing the method.
///The user name used for HTTP authorization.
///The password used for HTTP authorization.
Creates proxy objects which resemble the remote service.
Method calls of this proxy will result in calls to the service.
mod.ServiceProxy=Class("ServiceProxy", function(publ){
Initializes a new ServerProxy.
The arguments are interpreted as shown in the examples:
ServerProxy("url", ["methodName1",...])
ServerProxy("url", ["methodName1",...], "user", "pass")
ServerProxy("url", "user", "pass")
@param url The url of the service.
@param methodNames=[] Array of names of methods that can be called on the server.
If no methods are given then introspection is used to get the methodnames from the server.
@param user=null The user name to use for HTTP authentication.
@param pass=null The password to use for HTTP authentication.
publ.init = function(url, methodNames, user, pass){
if(methodNames instanceof Array){
if(methodNames.length > 0){
var tryIntrospection=false;
var tryIntrospection=true;
var tryIntrospection=true;
this._url = url;
this._user = user;
this._password = pass;
try{//it's ok if it fails.
Adds new XMLRPCMethods to the proxy server which can then be invoked.
@param methodNames Array of names of methods that can be called on the server.
publ._addMethodNames = function(methodNames){
for(var i=0;i<methodNames.length;i++){
var obj = this;
//setup obj.childobj...method
var names = methodNames[i].split(".");
for(var n=0;n<names.length-1;n++){
var name = names[n];
obj = obj[name];
obj[name] = new Object();
obj = obj[name];
var name = names[names.length-1];
var mth = new mod.XMLRPCMethod(this._url, methodNames[i], this._user, this._password);
obj[name] = mth;
Sets username and password for HTTP Authentication for all methods of this service.
@param user The user name.
@param pass The password.
publ._setAuthentication = function(user, pass){
this._user = user;
this._password = pass;
for(var i=0;i<this._methods.length;i++){
this._methods[i].setAuthentication(user, pass);
Initiate XML-RPC introspection to retrieve methodnames from the server
and add them to the server proxy.
publ._introspect = function(){
this._addMethodNames(["system.listMethods","system.methodHelp", "system.methodSignature"]);
var m = this.system.listMethods();
///The url of the service to resemble.
///The user used for HTTP authentication.
///The password used for HTTP authentication.
///All methods.
publ._methods=new Array();
///@deprecated Use ServiceProxy instead.
mod.ServerProxy= mod.ServiceProxy;
Returns the XML-RPC representation of an object.
A struct is used. Each property of an object is a member of that struct.
@return A string containing the object's representation in XML.
/* Object.prototype.toXmlRpc = function(){
var s = "<struct>";
for(var attr in this){
if(typeof this[attr] != "function"){
s += "<member><name>" + attr + "</name><value>" + this[attr].toXmlRpc() + "</value></member>";
s += "</struct>";
return s
XML-RPC representation of a string.
All '&' and '<' are replaced with the '&amp;' and '&lt'.
@return A string containing the String's representation in XML.
/* String.prototype.toXmlRpc = function(){
return "<string>" + this.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "</string>";
XML-RPC representation of a number.
@return A string containing the Number's representation in XML.
/* Number.prototype.toXmlRpc = function(){
if(this == parseInt(this)){
return "<int>" + this + "</int>";
}else if(this == parseFloat(this)){
return "<double>" + this + "</double>";
return false.toXmlRpc();
XML-RPC representation of a boolean.
@return A string containing the Boolean's representation in XML.
/* Boolean.prototype.toXmlRpc = function(){
if(this == true) {
return "<boolean>1</boolean>";
return "<boolean>0</boolean>";
XML-RPC representation of a date(iso 8601).
@return A string containing the Date's representation in XML.
/* Date.prototype.toXmlRpc = function(){
var padd=function(s, p){
return s.substring(s.length - p.length)
var y = padd(this.getUTCFullYear(), "0000");
var m = padd(this.getUTCMonth() + 1, "00");
var d = padd(this.getUTCDate(), "00");
var h = padd(this.getUTCHours(), "00");
var min = padd(this.getUTCMinutes(), "00");
var s = padd(this.getUTCSeconds(), "00");
var isodate = y + m + d + "T" + h + ":" + min + ":" + s
return "<dateTime.iso8601>" + isodate + "</dateTime.iso8601>";
XML-RPC representation of an array.
Each entry in the array is a value in the XML-RPC.
@return A string containing the Array's representation in XML.
/* Array.prototype.toXmlRpc = function(){
var retstr = "<array><data>";
for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++){
retstr += "<value>" + this[i].toXmlRpc() + "</value>";
return retstr + "</data></array>";